Just a quick clarification on the damage of Thorn Volley! It's 10 damage to the body and 20 damage to the head, since it shoots twice not once. Hope you all enjoyed the video!
i mean, symettra beaming in the bastion or setting up tps that alternate between shooting spots on high ground was already solid on bastion before then, you would focus only for it to switch sides
@@SakuyalzayoiTheMaidyes, but this guy can CREATE a high-ground anywhere OR reposition him any-time, anywhere, and grant him invulnerability during the process. Plus you can have a Sym and a Mei too for a real game of “how much can we move an immobile hero.”
You used to be able to do something similar with mei wall. With mei wall you were still getting pulled in but you could strafe a bit to try to avoid taking damage
I always felt like for the animation for Zaryas the graviton actually held people up in the air hovering even if it was shot at the floor. If that's so then I don't think it should pick them up as they are hovering and the pressure plate hasn't been activated, if they are actually standing on the ground in graviton surge though then I guess it makes sense physically.
@LazyVidyaGuy I guess if you have a game where you have an Orisa as a tank on your team and they have a Lifeweaver as support on the enemy team then it would be ideal to have a Sombra on your team as one of the DPS characters, at least that way she can EMP or if an Orisa gets lifted she could hack the Petal Platform and bring Orisa back down to finish the ult on the ground
Here's one for you and KarQ to try at some point: What happens when you attempt to use 'Life Grip' on a Roadhog who himself has hooked someone? Does Lifeweaver carry them both with him to his current position? Better yet, what happens when two Lifeweavers (e.g.: in Mystery Heroes) try to 'Life Grip' each other at the same time? _(No homo, by the way... okay, maybe a little.)_
@@Das_Ungeheuer I imagine that one goes in timestamp order, and whoever connects their grapple first *_loses_* the exchange. i.e.: If the interaction goes Hog hook > Life Grip, Lifeweaver gets the pull; if it goes Life Grip > Hog hook, then Hog overrides and wins. Still, good point. Clarification on that would be nice.
The sig interaction is actually fairly interesting because am pretty sure its the only ability that "cleanses" sigma ult even suzu if used to early will not cleanse its effects
And fortify is the only "cleanse" against zarya grav too since reaper cant leave it and moira cant fade it anymore. But now you can be pulled out of it and lifted out. You can be lifted out of it with mei wall too but sometimes the area of grav is big enough where the wall isnt tall enough to get you out
@@erickim1739 pretty sure moira is able to fade out again not sure if it was a bug and it was fixed already but yeah she was able to fade out again unlike reaper
@@MarcNSmith yeah but that’s not nearly as effective as one would hope lol. It rarely happens. And if the zarya is good they’ll wait until TP is on CD or if the sym is already dead. And lower ranks won’t even think fast enough to deploy TP quickly enough
This comment scares me. I thought we were all on the same page that this would be annoying af so maybe people would avoid doing it. But then you write this and now I just know I'm going to have a lifeweaver in all my games trolling me thinking they are super funny but in reality they are just annoying.
@@Potato98765 i could understand in a custom game just for fun and messing around, but it’s definitely aggravatingto think people would do that in quick play, arcade, and ESPECIALLY comp. hoping they’ll find a way to fix it
Personally I think they should make it bring them to the nearest platform to Lifeweaver, so even if they jump off the map the teammate still ends up on solid ground
It would have been interesting to see if you can safe someone from Sigma ult if you're both stuck in it. Or if the pulled one is still stuck in the ultimate. And can you pull a Cassidy in high noon or will it get interrupted?
@@actionmarco8556 no. Sigma is an instant activation with lingering effect on who got hit. you cant pull anyone into the ult after people have been lifted. it's not like Zarya Grav. You'd just pull the Teammate to you, they would not be affected by the Flux
if Weaver and a teammate are hit by Sigma Ult, i would say Weaver would be able to pull the teammate, cancelling the ult for the teammate. Weaver would still be stuck in the Flux.
Something to point out with rein interactions. I'm pretty sure on voiceline reaction you could throw down the platform, you might still get stunned but at least you and your teammates could be lifted away from rein. Sort of like how suzu has a delayed proc so if you throw it as you get shattered it still activates and cleanses the shatter. Same with the ult it looks like it can be used on reaction like a mei wall
As a Pharah main with quite a lot of time I’m so scared of this character. I imagine boosting up into the air and immediately getting pulled back down 😂
It has been a long time coming for Pharah. I like Pharah, too, whether as a teammate or playing her. But she has been powerful for too long. Only her ult opens her up to be targeted with precision. Even a good Soldier 76 struggles to take her down. I like using Bap if I'm a support. He's good at sniping her with the burst fire. With Lifeweaver, it's going to get a lot worse for Pharah, though. His basic attack ability is like Genji's + Sojourn straight shot and it's high damage. A deadlier version of Mercy's pistol. Pharah doesn't stand a chance, but this wasn't the balance I was looking for. Blizzard is breaking this game with a troll character.
@@jador9641 Okay i wouldnt go that far but yes she is difficult to use when played against a hitscan. But even with a Hitscan she can be good She got played in the OWL sometimes
"how cool does it look when lucio beats off platform" I APPROVE this guy is gonna be annoyingly fun to play with and against can't wait for him to come out and for the crazy plays you're about to grace us with!!!! keep up the hard work emon!!!!!
I really feel like that teammate grapple is going to be used for hard trolling, one way i can see that being charitable is if the ability is altered to something like a leash: where the teammate you have lassoed decides when to come back to you like a teleporter or reverse guardian angel. That or you can only grapple low-Hp teammates to you. Otherwise im going to be terrified that this healer is going to sabotage the team :’) Edit: wording
I feel like it could be bad, but it's not too much worse that a tiktok Moira or a straight DPS zen. Your going to get some bad people, but most of the time you should get semi competent players who just want to enjoy the game. Plus if you had to make a decision to go or not, so many saving plays by a good Weaver will be ruined because the teammate didn't accept in time
@@9895_ both dps moira and zen are viable playstyles, before lifeweaver the hardest throw you could do was go afk and make it a 4v5 maybe some slight trolling with mei but with him you can actively troll and ruin your teammates experience, it WILL be that bad believe me
Yeah, it's actually a super cool ability for high level players who can use it properly. I could imagine ML7 making some crazy plays with it but I must admit that I'm not looking forward to having it used on me in my low silver games LMAO.
Can't wait to play this new support! He looks like a fun one! Based off initial impressions off the video alone (since I can't play him yet obviously), he looks like an off support hero with utility and damage as the main focus (of course, he should obviously be healing too but I think we get it).
I think in specific situations, Life weavers pull could be a great combo for yanking sombra out of danger after she just ulted in the middle of the enemy team. 👀🤔 or even coordinating with a teammate to use the pull as a fake out of sorts to make them think you're gonna push in but "oops not really"
This. A lot of people seem to think this is an ability to prevent teammates from overextending, (which it isn't, that would be bad game design. If your teammate wasn't cooperating before pull then they certainly won't after) but really it’s for allowing teammates to make risky plays because they have a get out of jail free card. Just having a confirm button would fix all of the ability's issues.
@@heyyou9903 Typically when you EMP you translocator into the team, which removes her escape option. Without good coordination from your own team she just sorta melts as soon as she pops it in a lot of cases.
Ohhh their synergy is UNMATCHED. Ball overcommits, snatch em back after they’ve done their job. Other possible interactions between LifeBall/BallWeaver 🌚 (have not seen these tested yet): Ball safely ults up high and “dropping” the bombs by recalling the flower. Lifting Ball and having them Piledrive. Giving Ball a platform to swing from. Lifting Ball over parts of the map to flank IR grabbing him into the enemy’s back line. Planting the Tree of Life and allowing Ball to swing around it (?) And I’m sure there are more I haven’t thought about but overall, but Life Weaver is going to have so many fun interactions.
The pull ability seems like it will be used similar to Symetra's teleporter. Orisa ults, Lifeweaver sneaks behind enemy lines and pulls Orisa to him, stuff like that
It definitely has its risks, but if pulled off well it could transform a lot of stationary ults into amazing plays. You could use it to flank and then pull in an already activated ult for a surprise damage hit, especially those ones that charge up in damage the longer they hold it like Orisa as she could start charging it up further away and then last second lifeweaver pull them in and slam it down at full power. It could also make for good plays like pulling a Reaper Death Blossom along the map just destroying everything in the pathway. If the enemy team is also spread out in a line too and Pharah ults then you could possible pull the Pharah horizontally along that line and let the rockets destroy everyone along it
I feel like Lifeweaver actually has heavy potential to be a carry support because say your Rein is dumb and charges in and is about to die you can just pull him back!
I'm curious about EMP interactions with the Tree and the Flower, as EMP sometimes acts differently from a vanilla hack. And the junkrat trap with the flower especially, both friendly and enemy trap interactions. I suspect it will be similar to sym turrets, but there's a lot going on there.
The main thing idk on is his passive being able to be picked up by enemies. Too easy for someone to just focus then basically undo all the damage you dealt defending yourself
There's going to be a lot of diving for the health pack. Considering Lifeweaver is a support character, hopefully he'll be behind the frontline enough so that your teammates can pick it up before the enemies. On the other hand, assassin heroes like Reaper, Sombra, Tracer will be even deadlier if they strike Lifeweaver, grab health pack, and keep going endlessly. Yeah, Blizzard broke this game. This is the ultimate troll character with no new unique abilities. All of his abilities are mirrored ones. Lazy, imho.
I’m scared of all the life weavers that will start jumping off cliffs to drag you or cancel your abilities with it. I feel like this character is just the manifestation of years of rage from support mains.
Someone needs to recommend bringing back the PTB. It'd be awesome if we could try the hero a few days early (And might increase their battle pass sales)
I can honestly say if I had access to the PTB for OW2 characters, it wouldn't change my tone about not giving Blizzard money but it would definitely give the community a chance to voice their concerns
@@jmscdy after release and beginning of new season there would be an event where everyone can try this character and even farm a skin for him, ofc decide if it's worth to buy battle pass to get him faster than others
@@supremeguardian1395 zarya does with bubble, lifeweaver does not. im assuming its because its more like suzu (but still not exactly like suzu) than an actual shield
Pulling teammates in from spawn is massive, I can't say I'm particularly excited for this hero but the potential for his pull is crazy, both the potential to help and to harm. Kinda like Mei's wall.
With Dva, I can see people putting their Dva on the petal in the middle of a team fight, using the ult as it's rising, then having Lifeweaver cancel the petal so there's no blocking it. Good way to get air and trick enemies with a Dva bomb rather than the normal boosting in to the sky method. At least for the first few weeks!
One thing I would like to point out: how many people can be on the petal at one time? Let's hypothetically say the entire team can be on it, I would imagine some pretty fun combinations being capable here
Something I'm kind of curious on, but if you use Tree of Life on Payload and the Payload moves, does it carry the tree with it? I'm assuming it does, but just curious.
Emongg! You forgot to show everyone that rein can jump off the ledge while shattering and you can pull rein and when he gets to you he can still shatter. I tested it last night and that is by far the coolest interaction so far. Imagine rein jumping on the flower, getting raised, tries to jump shatter, gets pulled behind the enemy so he can shatter them
Didn't test the most important interaction with wrecking ball sadly. It occurs to me that you might be able to grapple to the petal platform and tree and that would be HUGE on certain locations (like junkertown first point's wide open section
It would have to be fast though, something that you can see and quickly respond to in panic, maybe your ult button? Although that might mess with some people too.
@@trulers8713 nah just make it the forward input, so if you move forward while being pulled it will cancel the pull Of course there will have to be some slight lag to it so that you don't accidentally cancel it immediately
9:20 HOLD UP... Imagine, if you will, a Mccree/Cassidy, Sigma ult, Mei wall and Lifeweaver Petal all on the same team? New comp: THE HIGHEST NOON edit: nvm it can't go on the mei wall. 😢 BUT THE WALL CAN GO ON TOP OF THE PETAL!! THE DREAM LIVES AGAIN!
It depends on how panicked the zen is with trans But for me I'd wait till I was low to pop trans so imo by the time I trans the Winston probably will have another jump soon where as that grab is a 20 second cooldown ability not worth 1~2.5 seconds of Winston's no jumping unless he's low
If the height of the tree is possible explanation of it healing despite shields (so not through them but above them), a test with Sym ult would confirm it.
Was curious to see how the yoink interacts with Tracer's recall and blink. I'm sure the timing is very tight but I wonder what happens when you yoink them as they recall.
for sombra it would be nice to see how emp interacts w tree of life. does it remove the tree completely like it does with bap window or just remove the healing? or maybe smthn else?
I heard the EMP deletes to tree… which I honestly hate because she already counters every ult AFTER they’re already active while smashing the enemy team
Two interactions I was missing: 1. If a friendly Hanzo is at the start of his ult animation and you pull him towards you (the full 30m perhaps), where will the dragon go? 2. What happens if you pull a friendly player that's being charged by an enemy Reinhardt? Or, what happens if you pull a friendly charging Reinhardt? Either way, thanks for making these kind of videos for upcoming heroes. I really enjoyed this series with the previous few heroes, so keep 'em coming. :)
I wish you also checked if you could grab an ally Bob and also Dva bomb while she was out of mech (Not ulting while getting pulled) If so then there can be some pretty insane Bob placements with a Lifeweaver placing him on top of the lighthouse on The Well, on top of a fence etc.
Would have been interested to see some tests with Rein's charge, like if he charges over petal will it rise fast enough to send him over your team? Will he damage it? Will life grip cancel a friendly Rein's charge or will he keep moving after the pull?
I wanna know if you can pull your teamate orisa’s ult like a better terra tp. (No idea if someone already commented this or if it was covered in the video i haven’t watched the whole thing)
some things I want to test out when he releases that haven't been tested yet... 1. can pedal can somehow block shatter the way bap's immortality field can if timed right 2. can symmetra's ult block tree LOS since its the only shield big enough to block the entire tree from the other side of the shield 3. can you raise an enemy dva's ult and be protected by standing under the pedal 4.can you interrupt an enemy lifeweavers pull ( if you can it'll be fun to interrupt someone mid pull on ilios well and make their teammate fall down the hole
Even better: Orisa starts ult, petal up together with Sym. Sym has now perfect oversight over the battlefield, places teleport right on the backline, Orisas ult is fully loaded, teleport down, insta kill backline. gg wp. xD
@@123456pilsner This is genius and it's literally terrifying lol. Guess you gonna need to hide somewhere where even looking from top can't LOS you like behind a tall wall.
Honestly we shouldn’t switch to heals it should be like kirikos mechanics since the game is fast paced and it will be hard for the healer to heal and help the team in fights
Thanks for the preview! I'm curious what happens in this scenario: -Weev and a teammate are standing across from each other, on opposite sides of a small gap (Ilios well maybe). -Weev grips teammate, but during the pull he dashes to where the teammate was. I'm looking to see if the teammate is dumped mid-motion, or if the initial trajectory continues.
Honestly I hope Blizzard adds some sort of a "prompt before life grip" setting or an ability to break out of the orb by pressing the interact button, otherwise things could get really really annoying even on pure accidents.
I really feel like they were like which characters’ abilities can we mix together to make this super op support 😂 Also he’s the literal orisa counter 😅
@@erenyeager4223 I mean I can see that, but like any of these characters, if you get good enough with them, they can be super good. And who knows, we could see some really good pairings with this hero! Only time will tell!
who is he a mix of?? his pull and platform are completely unique??? and all his methods of healing are completely new - unlike kiriko. edit: my bad this sounded super passive aggressive! reminder to have a good day and treat yourself well 💖
@@lawfulgoodnun1646 I play a ton of mercy but rarely use my pistol so using the D-Pad doesn’t bother me, but for him I imagine I’ll be swapping a lot more
The difference between Lifeweaver today and on launch is insane. He was pretty much a theough character before. Now I'm glad to have a Lifeweaver as long as they're good. Super great character now.
I am currently working on climbing in DPS but I am the kinda guy who also really enjoys support or tank, this new character looks like it’s gonna become a new favorite support for me. Currently I main Lucio and Ana, been crushing with those two since they dropped. I mix in an occasional Kiriko, but this guy is making it into my rotation. I have yet to try much of Ramm, I primarily play Monkey, Sigma, and zarya and on DPS I been rotating Cassidy, Hanzo, Widow, Pharah, and Soujorn (used to main Genji but he gets zero value rn)
I'm curious to see the interactions with Orisa ult where you pull her in right as she is about to hit full damage, thinking about it rn I could see it maybe being used in OWL as a strat to make sure theres no time for people to escape the ult but it may also very well be a gimmick
I feel like the life grip ability shouldn't be allowed to grab you during movement abilities like rein charge, doom punch, or reaper TP. Like imagine getting a really good pin or punch just to have it get negated by the pull. When the movement ability is over though, they shoud be able to be grabbed then.
Listen, I'm a tank main. I have a very aggressive playstyle, which I know not a lot of people like their tank to play like. If I EVER have a Lifeweaver on my side who pulls me back from an agressive play on purpose, I will report and avoid you and I WILL leave.
I think a good idea for weaver's E, and im not sure how they would code this but, maybe if you have a supp select weaver it gives you a prompt to give access for weaver to use his E on you during the match. just to prevent trolling. Or maybe give the teammate that weaver pulls an interact option. to decline the pull or let him pull you. Idk, just an idea.
imagine having your tank telegraphing their ult and diving but last second you pull them back and are able to get abilities and ults out of the other team before your actual push
Although there is a high briefing potential, it is nice to see a support that can save their team and themselves with big plays without just high damage or unkillable healing
Surprised you didn't test more on Riegn here. -Does life grip save you from a Riegn pin? -Does Life Grip reposition a charging Reign? -Does Pedal launch a charging Reign over you?
Some thoughts for a follow-up video: Can you pull a gold orisa? If you pull hog while he's hooking an enemy, does the enemy come all the way to you? If you pull somebody out of a flux with two people in it, do both people get slammed? Can ball grapple onto the flower? Does lifegrip prevent dynamite damage during the invulnerability period? Can you place Sym turrets on the bottom of the petal? If petal breaks with Sym tp on top, does the tp break or fall? Can you pull a suzu'd ally? Can you pull an ulting Zen?
Tree of life is pulsating on the ground, kinda like orisas ult. Meaning a shield isn’t gonna stop you from feeling effects that are applied to the floor (orisas spears still hit you as long as your in the circle) I don’t think height of tree has anything to do w it lol
It's a very good synergy having Lifeweaver with the Biolight with flowers and Reaper with the ultimate Death Blossom and being able to pull him during it so it's a traversal damage dealer, or if the enemy team evades Death Blossom you could just pull it to where they move to and continue dealing damage there.
Just a quick clarification on the damage of Thorn Volley! It's 10 damage to the body and 20 damage to the head, since it shoots twice not once. Hope you all enjoyed the video!
Since pull can protect someone while traveling does that mean it can save you from Cassidys ult as well? (If timed right of course)
ah yes yes yes hmmm hmmmmmmmm yes yes yes yes yes yes aooohh yes I understand yes
@@psychochewy8982 it can, yes
Emongg... did you purposefully neglect to see what happens if you pull a friendly Orisa that is ulting? Sym like potential here man think about it
Can you heal the Tree of Life or the flower ?
The griefing potential of this hero is unparalleled
They need to add invisible barrier all over the map now, or make it pull you to nearest ground instead
@@engagex1 no they don’t
It doesn’t work like that they will come exactly to your location or behind I can’t explain just watch bro youwack
@@engagex1 yeah making it pull to the nearest ledge should be able to fix this problem.
@@engagex1 maybe nearest ground, but what if someone is above you and you can pull them down, they won’t be able to be pulled down
imagine if this guy existed when bastion still had his old turret form
no. no i will not 😅
i mean, symettra beaming in the bastion or setting up tps that alternate between shooting spots on high ground was already solid on bastion before then, you would focus only for it to switch sides
@@SakuyalzayoiTheMaidyes, but this guy can CREATE a high-ground anywhere OR reposition him any-time, anywhere, and grant him invulnerability during the process. Plus you can have a Sym and a Mei too for a real game of “how much can we move an immobile hero.”
Dude just fucking yanks bastion across the battlefield and boosts him up for ultimate slaughter
Seeing Weaver being able to platform out of Zarya's grav is just FUCKING INSANE. Like that's a team savior ability if Zarya gets a good ult
You used to be able to do something similar with mei wall. With mei wall you were still getting pulled in but you could strafe a bit to try to avoid taking damage
I always felt like for the animation for Zaryas the graviton actually held people up in the air hovering even if it was shot at the floor. If that's so then I don't think it should pick them up as they are hovering and the pressure plate hasn't been activated, if they are actually standing on the ground in graviton surge though then I guess it makes sense physically.
@LazyVidyaGuy I guess if you have a game where you have an Orisa as a tank on your team and they have a Lifeweaver as support on the enemy team then it would be ideal to have a Sombra on your team as one of the DPS characters, at least that way she can EMP or if an Orisa gets lifted she could hack the Petal Platform and bring Orisa back down to finish the ult on the ground
the amount of communication this heros gonna need is going to be insane
which means this characters an insta throw in low elo
I'm expecting to hear a lot of "NOO I PULLED THE WRONG PERSON" when he releases
haha prolly
There might be a confirmation button like ana nano has a setting for
Yea they'll probably have a confirmation setting like Ana or Echo
Thankfully it’s a 20 sec cool down lol
Just get good
Here's one for you and KarQ to try at some point:
What happens when you attempt to use 'Life Grip' on a Roadhog who himself has hooked someone? Does Lifeweaver carry them both with him to his current position?
Better yet, what happens when two Lifeweavers (e.g.: in Mystery Heroes) try to 'Life Grip' each other at the same time? _(No homo, by the way... okay, maybe a little.)_
Also what happens if you Life Grip someone who's being hooked by enemy Hog? Did it begins some kind of "no, it's mine...!" contest?
@@Das_Ungeheuer I imagine that one goes in timestamp order, and whoever connects their grapple first *_loses_* the exchange.
i.e.: If the interaction goes Hog hook > Life Grip, Lifeweaver gets the pull; if it goes Life Grip > Hog hook, then Hog overrides and wins.
Still, good point. Clarification on that would be nice.
Hog: I'll kill him
Wifebeater: But I love him!
@@ZeroGForce life grip makes the target invincible so you wouldn't be able to hook until its over.
@@pandagrill9391 'Invincible' doesn't necessarily mean CC-immune, though. (Zen can still be hooked into holes while in Transcendence.)
Can't unsee Albedo's skill in that petal platform. It's so damn similar.
albedo flower but not tiny and finnicky
Ikr??? I kept waiting for it to expire after rising
LITERALLY my exact thought!!
Omg I thought of Albedo too 😭
This character is either gonna do crazy plays or huge trolls hahaha love it
yeah it pretty awesome
The sig interaction is actually fairly interesting because am pretty sure its the only ability that "cleanses" sigma ult even suzu if used to early will not cleanse its effects
And fortify is the only "cleanse" against zarya grav too since reaper cant leave it and moira cant fade it anymore. But now you can be pulled out of it and lifted out. You can be lifted out of it with mei wall too but sometimes the area of grav is big enough where the wall isnt tall enough to get you out
@@erickim1739 pretty sure moira is able to fade out again not sure if it was a bug and it was fixed already but yeah she was able to fade out again unlike reaper
@@Zennyballs from what I remember she can’t face out anymore. It greys out her ability when she’s stuck in grav unless they changed it recently.
@@MarcNSmith yeah but that’s not nearly as effective as one would hope lol. It rarely happens. And if the zarya is good they’ll wait until TP is on CD or if the sym is already dead. And lower ranks won’t even think fast enough to deploy TP quickly enough
@andre.____.9169 moria can fade during grav but it will not let her escape it. She was able to escape it in overwatch 1 same with reaper
I’ve always hoped for a support with an ability to help teammates get to high grounds and otherwise unreachable spots, awesome to see this in game!!
pull your team into the ilios hole
This hero might be broken
sym before she got swapped
@Shoreline Fishing No regen though sadge
I can't wait for Life grip montages where people pull their teammates out of the map with them. It is gonna be funny af😂😂
Nah that shits gonna be aggravating
This comment scares me. I thought we were all on the same page that this would be annoying af so maybe people would avoid doing it. But then you write this and now I just know I'm going to have a lifeweaver in all my games trolling me thinking they are super funny but in reality they are just annoying.
@@Potato98765 i could understand in a custom game just for fun and messing around, but it’s definitely aggravatingto think people would do that in quick play, arcade, and ESPECIALLY comp. hoping they’ll find a way to fix it
Personally I think they should make it bring them to the nearest platform to Lifeweaver, so even if they jump off the map the teammate still ends up on solid ground
True that
This means diving a life weaver can be very rewarding
2016 Reaper
yea but he also has his dash to get away from dive
@@deadku6150 its a very short dash tho
@@tezlim6275 he can also pull a ally to help him
you also only heal 75 as an enemy, still good tho
It would have been interesting to see if you can safe someone from Sigma ult if you're both stuck in it. Or if the pulled one is still stuck in the ultimate. And can you pull a Cassidy in high noon or will it get interrupted?
and can you pull other teammates into the sigma ult when you are stuck in it?
@@actionmarco8556 You're a genius, like hooking a Dva bomb into your team.
@@TheRyugan I believe, the genius is you.
@@actionmarco8556 no. Sigma is an instant activation with lingering effect on who got hit. you cant pull anyone into the ult after people have been lifted. it's not like Zarya Grav. You'd just pull the Teammate to you, they would not be affected by the Flux
if Weaver and a teammate are hit by Sigma Ult, i would say Weaver would be able to pull the teammate, cancelling the ult for the teammate. Weaver would still be stuck in the Flux.
Something to point out with rein interactions. I'm pretty sure on voiceline reaction you could throw down the platform, you might still get stunned but at least you and your teammates could be lifted away from rein. Sort of like how suzu has a delayed proc so if you throw it as you get shattered it still activates and cleanses the shatter. Same with the ult it looks like it can be used on reaction like a mei wall
As a Pharah main with quite a lot of time I’m so scared of this character. I imagine boosting up into the air and immediately getting pulled back down 😂
It has been a long time coming for Pharah. I like Pharah, too, whether as a teammate or playing her. But she has been powerful for too long. Only her ult opens her up to be targeted with precision. Even a good Soldier 76 struggles to take her down. I like using Bap if I'm a support. He's good at sniping her with the burst fire. With Lifeweaver, it's going to get a lot worse for Pharah, though. His basic attack ability is like Genji's + Sojourn straight shot and it's high damage. A deadlier version of Mercy's pistol. Pharah doesn't stand a chance, but this wasn't the balance I was looking for. Blizzard is breaking this game with a troll character.
@@allisknu11 Pharah is balanced?
@@allisknu11 why are you in every comment
@@Mika-xw1xp Yes, she's unusable when enemy team has hitscan.
@@jador9641 Okay i wouldnt go that far but yes she is difficult to use when played against a hitscan. But even with a Hitscan she can be good She got played in the OWL sometimes
"how cool does it look when lucio beats off platform" I APPROVE this guy is gonna be annoyingly fun to play with and against can't wait for him to come out and for the crazy plays you're about to grace us with!!!! keep up the hard work emon!!!!!
Kid named platform
I really feel like that teammate grapple is going to be used for hard trolling, one way i can see that being charitable is if the ability is altered to something like a leash: where the teammate you have lassoed decides when to come back to you like a teleporter or reverse guardian angel. That or you can only grapple low-Hp teammates to you. Otherwise im going to be terrified that this healer is going to sabotage the team :’)
Edit: wording
I feel like it could be bad, but it's not too much worse that a tiktok Moira or a straight DPS zen. Your going to get some bad people, but most of the time you should get semi competent players who just want to enjoy the game. Plus if you had to make a decision to go or not, so many saving plays by a good Weaver will be ruined because the teammate didn't accept in time
@@9895_ both dps moira and zen are viable playstyles, before lifeweaver the hardest throw you could do was go afk and make it a 4v5 maybe some slight trolling with mei but with him you can actively troll and ruin your teammates experience, it WILL be that bad believe me
@@serthiag7373 the hardest throw is literally using dps mercy
@@seriousnesstv7902 you arent actively harming the team u could even mayne get a kill
Yeah, it's actually a super cool ability for high level players who can use it properly. I could imagine ML7 making some crazy plays with it but I must admit that I'm not looking forward to having it used on me in my low silver games LMAO.
This has to be 1 of THE MOST down to earth honest and THOROUGH test ive seen! Great job
Can't wait to play this new support! He looks like a fun one! Based off initial impressions off the video alone (since I can't play him yet obviously), he looks like an off support hero with utility and damage as the main focus (of course, he should obviously be healing too but I think we get it).
Main support
@@courtellis8226 Fellow main here. Sup homie.
@@happilyisolated as in, hes not a flex support. Lol
Orisa: *exists*
Lifeweaver: "And I took that personally"
Watching all the ways she removes orisa's ult (Which is already kinds garbage) was saddening to me. Atleast he can pull you too there team aswell.
The petal interaction with grav presumably works with a teammate’s grav too, yeah? Seems like you could jerry-rig a Sig-9 that way.
or most likely they could grief you and just ruin your grav
@@masochistichodgepodge160 When Sigma forces the enemy team off of the objective (C9) using his ultimate
@@masochistichodgepodge160 I'm guessing it means sigma's ultimate (gravaton flux) during overtime to remove contesters to end the round/game
I think in specific situations, Life weavers pull could be a great combo for yanking sombra out of danger after she just ulted in the middle of the enemy team. 👀🤔
or even coordinating with a teammate to use the pull as a fake out of sorts to make them think you're gonna push in but "oops not really"
This. A lot of people seem to think this is an ability to prevent teammates from overextending, (which it isn't, that would be bad game design. If your teammate wasn't cooperating before pull then they certainly won't after) but really it’s for allowing teammates to make risky plays because they have a get out of jail free card. Just having a confirm button would fix all of the ability's issues.
Also saving a teammate from Lucio's boop
Sombra doesn't need it she has a teleport already
but that doesn't mean you couldn't
@@heyyou9903 Typically when you EMP you translocator into the team, which removes her escape option. Without good coordination from your own team she just sorta melts as soon as she pops it in a lot of cases.
@@Ok4mii I don't understand why you would she can be invisible forever
I’m just imagining how fun the synergy between lifeweaver and ball might be, with ball maybe being able to grapple and slam with lifeweaver’s platform
Ohhh their synergy is UNMATCHED. Ball overcommits, snatch em back after they’ve done their job. Other possible interactions between LifeBall/BallWeaver 🌚 (have not seen these tested yet):
Ball safely ults up high and “dropping” the bombs by recalling the flower. Lifting Ball and having them Piledrive. Giving Ball a platform to swing from. Lifting Ball over parts of the map to flank IR grabbing him into the enemy’s back line. Planting the Tree of Life and allowing Ball to swing around it (?)
And I’m sure there are more I haven’t thought about but overall, but Life Weaver is going to have so many fun interactions.
The pull ability seems like it will be used similar to Symetra's teleporter. Orisa ults, Lifeweaver sneaks behind enemy lines and pulls Orisa to him, stuff like that
It definitely has its risks, but if pulled off well it could transform a lot of stationary ults into amazing plays. You could use it to flank and then pull in an already activated ult for a surprise damage hit, especially those ones that charge up in damage the longer they hold it like Orisa as she could start charging it up further away and then last second lifeweaver pull them in and slam it down at full power. It could also make for good plays like pulling a Reaper Death Blossom along the map just destroying everything in the pathway. If the enemy team is also spread out in a line too and Pharah ults then you could possible pull the Pharah horizontally along that line and let the rockets destroy everyone along it
I feel like Lifeweaver actually has heavy potential to be a carry support because say your Rein is dumb and charges in and is about to die you can just pull him back!
Actually lol, this will just turn rien into a dive character
What if your rein is good and he gets pulled out of a good charge
By a dumb lifeweaver lol
@@daintyonion that'll be up to the support to decide if it's a good charge or not
@@endlesslytired or, y'know, comms.
I'm curious about EMP interactions with the Tree and the Flower, as EMP sometimes acts differently from a vanilla hack. And the junkrat trap with the flower especially, both friendly and enemy trap interactions. I suspect it will be similar to sym turrets, but there's a lot going on there.
EMP does destroy the tree, at least according to Stylosa
If you can pull people off the Grav I assume you will pull them out of the trap as well, breaking it in the process.
The main thing idk on is his passive being able to be picked up by enemies. Too easy for someone to just focus then basically undo all the damage you dealt defending yourself
Agreed but u could force ur dps to peel for with the grab
There's going to be a lot of diving for the health pack. Considering Lifeweaver is a support character, hopefully he'll be behind the frontline enough so that your teammates can pick it up before the enemies. On the other hand, assassin heroes like Reaper, Sombra, Tracer will be even deadlier if they strike Lifeweaver, grab health pack, and keep going endlessly. Yeah, Blizzard broke this game. This is the ultimate troll character with no new unique abilities. All of his abilities are mirrored ones. Lazy, imho.
I think the heal should be somewhere at like 100 or something so any character that fights him does not instantly have full health again
Because 250 hp even exceeds his health which i think should not be that way
@@cloudyman04 for enemies it's only 75, pretty much for allies it's a mega health pack and for enemies it's a mini, still risky though
I’m scared of all the life weavers that will start jumping off cliffs to drag you or cancel your abilities with it.
I feel like this character is just the manifestation of years of rage from support mains.
You can't
@@JesseMcKrieg you can lol
Angry support mains have a chance for retribution.
@@JesseMcKriegdid u not watch the video
This is what the community deserves for destroying Mercy and her Mains
I love when you do this for new characters. This was very informational, as always; keep up the great quality videos!
Someone needs to recommend bringing back the PTB. It'd be awesome if we could try the hero a few days early (And might increase their battle pass sales)
Is it only streamers that have access to this stuff early?
@@jmscdy Seems like selected testers, reporters, critics or content creators.
It's not publicly available as far as I'm aware.
@@jmscdytheres allegedly a creator discord where I’m assuming they get their stuff prior to release.
I can honestly say if I had access to the PTB for OW2 characters, it wouldn't change my tone about not giving Blizzard money but it would definitely give the community a chance to voice their concerns
@@jmscdy after release and beginning of new season there would be an event where everyone can try this character and even farm a skin for him, ofc decide if it's worth to buy battle pass to get him faster than others
I could see that pull ability used to pull allies off the map and just in general troll ya own teammates.
I wanna know if the shield effect on his E ability protects from Dva bomb and if you can use someone’s shielded body as a LOS against dva bomb
it protects the ally, it wont break los for you
@@hihigocat it has a shield tho. Does zarya break LOS with her bubble?
@@supremeguardian1395 zarya does with bubble, lifeweaver does not. im assuming its because its more like suzu (but still not exactly like suzu) than an actual shield
@@hihigocat dumb that they made it look like a shield tho
@@Relevart9169 its a shield because it blocks bullets but not LOS
It’s cool to support your team with something other than damage boosts or healing, making platforms and making cover (and pulling them off the map)
Pulling teammates in from spawn is massive, I can't say I'm particularly excited for this hero but the potential for his pull is crazy, both the potential to help and to harm. Kinda like Mei's wall.
Can you life grip a sturdied orisa. Because if you can you could make some great plays by pulling her ult into the backline
i believe you can but not 100%
These are great, I would have liked to see if you can pull a teammate getting pulled by Hog, how does the tug-of-war look lol
Since it puts a shield on your teammate I’m assuming it breaks the contact with hogs hook
What if Lifeweaver is inside an enemy Winston bubble and tree of life is outside? Seems like a good way to be 100% of going thru shields or not.
I put my hamster in a sock and slammed it against the furniture
@@TippyHippy is the furniture okay?
@@TippyHippy is sock okay?
@@TippyHippy hamster DOWN
@@TippyHippy are you okay
With Dva, I can see people putting their Dva on the petal in the middle of a team fight, using the ult as it's rising, then having Lifeweaver cancel the petal so there's no blocking it. Good way to get air and trick enemies with a Dva bomb rather than the normal boosting in to the sky method. At least for the first few weeks!
One thing I would like to point out: how many people can be on the petal at one time? Let's hypothetically say the entire team can be on it, I would imagine some pretty fun combinations being capable here
Something I'm kind of curious on, but if you use Tree of Life on Payload and the Payload moves, does it carry the tree with it? I'm assuming it does, but just curious.
Curious if you can pull teammates out of enemy hook or rein pin. A lot of saving potential if you can
seek therapy pls
Can you pull an allied orissa while they are ulting or even when they have fortify active?
Could reposition her ult easier than a sym tp if so
PFFT, all you somehow have to do is be in the enemies backline, have risa ult and drag the little boy nuclear bomb across the map
Sombra makes him usless, who would have thought.
Emongg! You forgot to show everyone that rein can jump off the ledge while shattering and you can pull rein and when he gets to you he can still shatter. I tested it last night and that is by far the coolest interaction so far. Imagine rein jumping on the flower, getting raised, tries to jump shatter, gets pulled behind the enemy so he can shatter them
Didn't test the most important interaction with wrecking ball sadly. It occurs to me that you might be able to grapple to the petal platform and tree and that would be HUGE on certain locations (like junkertown first point's wide open section
it probably works since widow can grapple to those too! :D
If you put down a petal platform and Reinhardt charges over it would it lift him up? Also I wonder if you could life grip a slept teammate.
he wouldnt get stuck on it so hed barely go up, it didnt raise very fast and had a slight delay
I would guess same as Sojourn, you will charge through it and it will lift up, but Rein would fall off it fairly quickly to gain any real height
life grip should definitely be able to pull a slept teammate.
I think they may have to add a confirmation for getting pulled otherwise there are going to be a lot of trolls
It would have to be fast though, something that you can see and quickly respond to in panic, maybe your ult button? Although that might mess with some people too.
@@trulers8713 "i need healing" button maybe?)
@@trulers8713 nah just make it the forward input, so if you move forward while being pulled it will cancel the pull
Of course there will have to be some slight lag to it so that you don't accidentally cancel it immediately
@@keyzzz9798 good idea, that or the interact button because that's hardly used anyways.
QUICKTIME EVENT! "Press Square!"
The possibility to pull an ulting pharah or reaper into the enemy team from a flank position is amazing.
Can’t wait to see this happen
9:20 HOLD UP... Imagine, if you will, a Mccree/Cassidy, Sigma ult, Mei wall and Lifeweaver Petal all on the same team? New comp: THE HIGHEST NOON
edit: nvm it can't go on the mei wall. 😢
i think if winton jumps into the enemy backline only to be pulled out, you can use that to bait ults like trancendence or beat
It depends on how panicked the zen is with trans
But for me I'd wait till I was low to pop trans so imo by the time I trans the Winston probably will have another jump soon where as that grab is a 20 second cooldown ability not worth 1~2.5 seconds of Winston's no jumping unless he's low
I wanna see the Lifeweaver/Symmetra team rollouts!
weaver+mei+sym=no obstacle too great
Super excited for this one :D they have some gorgeous animations
The gift thing heals 250 for allies and 75 for enemies
If the height of the tree is possible explanation of it healing despite shields (so not through them but above them), a test with Sym ult would confirm it.
I think trolls and throwers have found a new main. I also want to say that double tree of life was a thing of beauty.
make a forest in no limits
Was curious to see how the yoink interacts with Tracer's recall and blink. I'm sure the timing is very tight but I wonder what happens when you yoink them as they recall.
for sombra it would be nice to see how emp interacts w tree of life. does it remove the tree completely like it does with bap window or just remove the healing? or maybe smthn else?
emp deletes tree i think
I heard the EMP deletes to tree… which I honestly hate because she already counters every ult AFTER they’re already active while smashing the enemy team
I love the idea of pulling a tank who is pushing in too deep, also his platform is going to be hype for giving fliers more air to start with.
Two interactions I was missing:
1. If a friendly Hanzo is at the start of his ult animation and you pull him towards you (the full 30m perhaps), where will the dragon go?
2. What happens if you pull a friendly player that's being charged by an enemy Reinhardt? Or, what happens if you pull a friendly charging Reinhardt?
Either way, thanks for making these kind of videos for upcoming heroes. I really enjoyed this series with the previous few heroes, so keep 'em coming. :)
I wish you also checked if you could grab an ally Bob and also Dva bomb while she was out of mech (Not ulting while getting pulled)
If so then there can be some pretty insane Bob placements with a Lifeweaver placing him on top of the lighthouse on The Well, on top of a fence etc.
i know i can’t believe he didn’t test dva bomb
Would have been interested to see some tests with Rein's charge, like if he charges over petal will it rise fast enough to send him over your team? Will he damage it? Will life grip cancel a friendly Rein's charge or will he keep moving after the pull?
I wanna know if you can pull your teamate orisa’s ult like a better terra tp. (No idea if someone already commented this or if it was covered in the video i haven’t watched the whole thing)
some things I want to test out when he releases that haven't been tested yet...
1. can pedal can somehow block shatter the way bap's immortality field can if timed right
2. can symmetra's ult block tree LOS since its the only shield big enough to block the entire tree from the other side of the shield
3. can you raise an enemy dva's ult and be protected by standing under the pedal
4.can you interrupt an enemy lifeweavers pull ( if you can it'll be fun to interrupt someone mid pull on ilios well and make their teammate fall down the hole
That fact I can dive in with diva towards a squishy with full confidence I will be brought back is wild
there is the friendly case where you lift your orisa starting to ult, then drop her for unexpected ult
Does Lifeweaver's ult impale enemies? That would be funny. lol
Probably also pull high noon as well. Or hide behind the enemy and pull Rein before shatter. Lots of ult combo possibilities.
Except they are no longer in the actually pull range so they just walk away
Even better: Orisa starts ult, petal up together with Sym. Sym has now perfect oversight over the battlefield, places teleport right on the backline, Orisas ult is fully loaded, teleport down, insta kill backline. gg wp. xD
@@123456pilsner This is genius and it's literally terrifying lol. Guess you gonna need to hide somewhere where even looking from top can't LOS you like behind a tall wall.
in emongg we trust
Honestly we shouldn’t switch to heals it should be like kirikos mechanics since the game is fast paced and it will be hard for the healer to heal and help the team in fights
yes! He heals too little for it to be two different weapons
It should just turn into healing if you hold lmb and for the damage projectiles make them burst like baps
feels like it is on a switch because he has too many abilities, RMB is used by petal to be alt fire sadly
@DracoP&D some one suggested making the dash like hanzos and using that extra input for the petal or something so we don't have to switch
@@The_Glazer good one
One thing you miss is Sombra can EMP the tree
Thanks for the preview! I'm curious what happens in this scenario:
-Weev and a teammate are standing across from each other, on opposite sides of a small gap (Ilios well maybe).
-Weev grips teammate, but during the pull he dashes to where the teammate was.
I'm looking to see if the teammate is dumped mid-motion, or if the initial trajectory continues.
I'm curious to know if Lifeweaver can pull someone out of Rein's charge.
yeah this kind of an important one that wasn't covered, i guess we'll find out ourselves soon
very likely yes
Honestly I hope Blizzard adds some sort of a "prompt before life grip" setting or an ability to break out of the orb by pressing the interact button, otherwise things could get really really annoying even on pure accidents.
Fun fact: his passive heals allies for 250 and enemies for only 75
U can block bas ult with the pedal if the pedal is up
Ok so Lifeweaver Kiriko can nullify every single tank ability? Awesome, good to know.
I really feel like they were like which characters’ abilities can we mix together to make this super op support 😂
Also he’s the literal orisa counter 😅
Orisa's ult was already bad :(
not really, he seems to do poor healing and not great damage and his ult is kinda garbage
@@erenyeager4223 I mean I can see that, but like any of these characters, if you get good enough with them, they can be super good. And who knows, we could see some really good pairings with this hero! Only time will tell!
who is he a mix of?? his pull and platform are completely unique??? and all his methods of healing are completely new - unlike kiriko.
edit: my bad this sounded super passive aggressive! reminder to have a good day and treat yourself well 💖
@@erenyeager4223 his healing is okay but his dps is amazing and his ult is really good especially on maps with points.
What about pulling Orisa’s ULT toward you?
this would be so powerful to dash into enemies and pull ult onto them
Since shes fortified, wouldnt she just stay in place?
I hate how you have to switch weapons to heal and damage , its so hard to do in the heat of the moment on console
I imagine I’ll be testing a lot of keybinds for this
Mercy mains been doing this. Use left stick bro
@@lawfulgoodnun1646 I play a ton of mercy but rarely use my pistol so using the D-Pad doesn’t bother me, but for him I imagine I’ll be swapping a lot more
@@dia6loblancojr620 just put weapon switch on left stick and interact on dpad
I hope his healing is increased ideally with charge time. but I'm interested in seeing the plays that are possible with his kit.
hahahaha! i can yoink my rein from the middle of the point when he charges WAAAY too far, NO SIR! SHEILD TEAM.
The difference between Lifeweaver today and on launch is insane. He was pretty much a theough character before. Now I'm glad to have a Lifeweaver as long as they're good. Super great character now.
I am currently working on climbing in DPS but I am the kinda guy who also really enjoys support or tank, this new character looks like it’s gonna become a new favorite support for me. Currently I main Lucio and Ana, been crushing with those two since they dropped. I mix in an occasional Kiriko, but this guy is making it into my rotation. I have yet to try much of Ramm, I primarily play Monkey, Sigma, and zarya and on DPS I been rotating Cassidy, Hanzo, Widow, Pharah, and Soujorn (used to main Genji but he gets zero value rn)
I'm curious to see the interactions with Orisa ult where you pull her in right as she is about to hit full damage, thinking about it rn I could see it maybe being used in OWL as a strat to make sure theres no time for people to escape the ult but it may also very well be a gimmick
I feel like the life grip ability shouldn't be allowed to grab you during movement abilities like rein charge, doom punch, or reaper TP. Like imagine getting a really good pin or punch just to have it get negated by the pull. When the movement ability is over though, they shoud be able to be grabbed then.
What if junker queen use her alt and walked on Lifeweaver’s paddle will she go up?
Same with rein charge and doom punch
Listen, I'm a tank main. I have a very aggressive playstyle, which I know not a lot of people like their tank to play like.
If I EVER have a Lifeweaver on my side who pulls me back from an agressive play on purpose, I will report and avoid you and I WILL leave.
One of his voice-lines should absolutely be “we do a little trolling”
I think a good idea for weaver's E, and im not sure how they would code this but, maybe if you have a supp select weaver it gives you a prompt to give access for weaver to use his E on you during the match. just to prevent trolling. Or maybe give the teammate that weaver pulls an interact option. to decline the pull or let him pull you. Idk, just an idea.
imagine having your tank telegraphing their ult and diving but last second you pull them back and are able to get abilities and ults out of the other team before your actual push
Although there is a high briefing potential, it is nice to see a support that can save their team and themselves with big plays without just high damage or unkillable healing
So glad they added another doom counter. yay so fun
This guy can give free highground to enemies and pull his teammates off the map. Just the hero i wanted
Surprised you didn't test more on Riegn here.
-Does life grip save you from a Riegn pin?
-Does Life Grip reposition a charging Reign?
-Does Pedal launch a charging Reign over you?
Some thoughts for a follow-up video:
Can you pull a gold orisa?
If you pull hog while he's hooking an enemy, does the enemy come all the way to you?
If you pull somebody out of a flux with two people in it, do both people get slammed?
Can ball grapple onto the flower?
Does lifegrip prevent dynamite damage during the invulnerability period?
Can you place Sym turrets on the bottom of the petal?
If petal breaks with Sym tp on top, does the tp break or fall?
Can you pull a suzu'd ally?
Can you pull an ulting Zen?
Tree of life is pulsating on the ground, kinda like orisas ult. Meaning a shield isn’t gonna stop you from feeling effects that are applied to the floor (orisas spears still hit you as long as your in the circle)
I don’t think height of tree has anything to do w it lol
It could be working like bap lamp, you need bigger shields to test it.
It's a very good synergy having Lifeweaver with the Biolight with flowers and Reaper with the ultimate Death Blossom and being able to pull him during it so it's a traversal damage dealer, or if the enemy team evades Death Blossom you could just pull it to where they move to and continue dealing damage there.
Loved this ! Very helpful and good to know . Can’t wait to see how this new healer works out
Now i have way more questions, does tree of life block jq ult? Can you pull your orisa towards you without canceling her ult?
Yes and yes. It acts like a wall, so it can block junker queen during her ult. It can also pull Orisa during her ult
This Overwatch X HunterXHunter collab is so cool. Hope to see more when new heroes are released.
Imagine the Pharah ults you can get from getting repositioned mid-ult by a Lifeweaver. That sounds fun as hell.