View from Iran: US Withdrawal From Afghanistan Reflects A Weakened Empire, w/ Mohammad Marandi

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024


  • @johnegan7622
    @johnegan7622 3 роки тому +128

    11mins in, I like the way this lady conducts the interview. No needless interruptions of her quest. Has a quest who is knowledgeable on the subject matter and lets him speak. Very refreshing approach.

    • @nayanmalig
      @nayanmalig 3 роки тому +2

      Indian reporters are terrible in terms of respect ....just showing off their English knowledge and geopolitics expertise at the expense of the guest ...having too many guests like Indian public transport ... And cutting them off frequently ... More of an orgy than a session of reason

  • @nuraweyteh3164
    @nuraweyteh3164 3 роки тому +68

    Mind you the 2 Trillion spent by the US in Afghanistan was not for the benefit of the Afghanis but 99% of that was spent on the US military industrial complex

    • @krossfield9139
      @krossfield9139 3 роки тому +5

      2 trillion dollars, guess how many students in U.S will be educated under a low cost? How many people in U.S. will get proper medical care? How many infrastructures will be constructed?
      But those, are no way to be taken place. Because what I described are the benifits to that 99%. The profits U.S. took from Afghanistan/Iraq/Syria/Ethiopia/Lybia...... are for the 1%. They give a shxt to the normal people, even in their own country. How they would to care about the others?

    • @stephencunningham6557
      @stephencunningham6557 3 роки тому +5

      Be great if the US military could invade every American City and provide homes, healthcare, food and education.

    • @gregolsen1489
      @gregolsen1489 3 роки тому

      @@stephencunningham6557 yeah but they didn't "provide homes, healthcare ,food and education" in Afghanistan. The entire 2 trillion dollars went directly inside of MIC's pocket and American contractors and business man were who benefited. They also benefited from opium production in Afghanistan.This invasion was also about global opium poppy production and American businesses profited over 2 trillion dollars from it. Now with new discovery of creating syntactic heroin in their own Pharmaceutical labs, corporation don’t need Afghanistan as much. Since United States military occupation of Afghanistan in 2001, followed by NATO occupation in 2003, opium production has increased exponentially. Areas under Taliban control had zero production in 2001 (Global Research, October 17, 2018). in 2001 there were only 8,000 hectares of poppy fields in the entire Afghanistan (non control by Talibans) and by 2017 it expanded to 328,000 hectares. in 2001 Afghanistan was accounted for 3% of the world's opium supply and by 2020 this number jump to 93%.

  • @yaoypl
    @yaoypl 3 роки тому +119

    “To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, to be a friend is fatal.” Henry Kissinger

    • @danielarcadia7243
      @danielarcadia7243 3 роки тому +2

      Congrats Joe ..more guts than Obomba , More Guts than Trump have done the country proud...I am not a Dem , but could be keep this up ...again Congrats you have made the history books with honour and distinction...God speed

    • @emo4126
      @emo4126 3 роки тому +2

      wtf does that quote have to do with Taliban takeover 2021 ? and from Kissinger, a calm, intellectual, many chains of command removed from his masterminded mass murders . Kissinger is a quintessential psychopath. What's disturbing is psychopathy is much closer to "normal" personality . Psychopaths function , a psychotic, schizophrenic, manic depressive anyone "mentally ill" don't function . And contrary to conventional beliefs and the fear mongering from big pharma & mental health industries $$$$$$$$$$$, crazy fuckers gesticulating wildly on street corners, giving nonsense speeches, thinking they are the king of spain etcetera are in fact much less likely to commit violence per capita than so called normal persons . yes, i realize i have digressed and so what . what i have rambled is important to a lesser or greater degree, regarding normality and those in power over the vast majority of us in the US and around the world .

    • @mystictraveler8642
      @mystictraveler8642 3 роки тому +7

      @@danielarcadia7243 What are you smoking? left nothing for the history books. They will be known for the evil done to their countries in all the history books. Not just Afghanistan. America has done nothing but chaos and destruction.

    • @danielarcadia7243
      @danielarcadia7243 3 роки тому +1

      @@mystictraveler8642in-fact , its about Joe
      and his courage ...America has a few Crazies in Pentagon ( see ex General on Fox ) and they now look like morons ...Joe could have been like TRUMP and we still be there ...3 events that made history books ...(1) Joe's courage to fight Media and Pentagon Nuts ( 2) America's nightmare has ended (3 ) creation of Eurasia

    • @hfur7758
      @hfur7758 3 роки тому

      @@emo4126 pl

  • @massimilianourbani7250
    @massimilianourbani7250 3 роки тому +86

    Always love Dr. Marandi's wisdom and insights, I learn so much every time he's on the show!

  • @Flipson456
    @Flipson456 3 роки тому +39

    I enjoy listening to this guy. He knows the region and culture of the people.

  • @Tony-nn3gl
    @Tony-nn3gl 3 роки тому +64

    I always enjoy listening to Mohammad Marandi, an excellent speaker and highly knowledgeable.

  • @stephenmorrell6669
    @stephenmorrell6669 3 роки тому +66

    I always learn something new from Dr Marandi. He's a true gem. Thanks Rania.

  • @kitdesilva
    @kitdesilva 3 роки тому +50

    USSR left a socialist govt in afghanistan which lasted for 3 YEARS. USA left a capitalist govt which didn't even last 3 DAYS.
    The socialist govt the USSR left behind was under constant attack from mujahedin backed by USA & that's why it fell after 3 years.

    • @jerrynelson5289
      @jerrynelson5289 3 роки тому +9

      Capitalist warmongers have no value. The only thing they value is money. USSR left Afganistan with honor.

    • @jerrynelson5289
      @jerrynelson5289 3 роки тому +3

      Has nothing to do with Islam or political system.

    • @kitdesilva
      @kitdesilva 3 роки тому

      @@jerrynelson5289 Any ideas then?

    • @albertchung6100
      @albertchung6100 3 роки тому +1

      @@kitdesilva It's a case of national sovereignty.

    • @robinswamidasan
      @robinswamidasan 3 роки тому +4

      @@kitdesilva Also, the Socialist Govt of Afg fell in 1992, only after the dissolution of the USSR (1991), which deprived them of financial & materiel support (which the muj still had from the US, S. Arabia ...).

  • @johnellis5768
    @johnellis5768 3 роки тому +46

    Marandi --- "If the U.S. solders had any humanity, the plane would have stopped
    and the terrified Afghans hanging on to the landing gear would have been saved."
    Such is my Empire USA, where everyone strives to enrich themselves upon
    the misery of those with less education, less wealth or less whiteness of skin.

    • @gerardoramoncesarreynaldo9469
      @gerardoramoncesarreynaldo9469 3 роки тому

      Obviously, he doesn't know what it takes for a pilot to stop a 100-ton plane on the verge of leaving the ground, and the obvious danger around the airport. And his bias is out there. But he's got large swathes of truth as well.

    • @manazon6945
      @manazon6945 3 роки тому

      American Liberals, Why are muslims running from their own RELIGIOUS laws? And they won't reform it even now. You are bringing this same ideology in your country. Learn from EU. This will backfire, as harsh as it sounds. Let the west remain Christian and west. And send those talib@n sympathizers living in usa to Afghanistan

    • @platosbeard4449
      @platosbeard4449 3 роки тому +2

      @@gerardoramoncesarreynaldo9469 the pilot could have chosen not to start the ramp up to takeoff in the first place, what are you on about? It was a brutal decision that is indicative of the entire Afghanistan misadventure; brutish, savage and psychopathic. All terms that perfectly describe what the US really is.

    • @ksharif1
      @ksharif1 3 роки тому

      @UCuz8JkxM257w8ykKfANef4w: Did you even bother listening to this podcast? Amerikkka and the West created the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

  • @michaelrahal3802
    @michaelrahal3802 3 роки тому +20

    Mo Marandi hits the nail on the head every time. Rania is also amazing 🙏🏻👍🏻

  • @yzhang9265
    @yzhang9265 3 роки тому +39

    Apart from death and destruction, US and its allies had brought Afghanistan nothing in 20 years. How many Afghan has become refugees within their own country? Even the US people don't benefit from the 20 year war. Only a few companies from US and Afghan government officer and their families got rich!!

    • @realtalk6195
      @realtalk6195 3 роки тому +4

      Over 4 mill Afghan refugees outside their country: 2 mill in Pakistan, 2 mill in Iran. Same with Syria with 7 mill refugees: 4 mill in Turkey, 1 mill in Lebanon, 1 mill between Jordan and Iraq, and only 100k in Europe.
      Meanwhile, the West pretends like they're harboring all these refugees when it's literally nothing, neither does the Gulf Arab monarchies, the very people who start these wars. The Gulf regimes will permanently settle Indians and Filipinos in the millions, but they and Malaysia don't want Muslim peoples who need the help and deports helpless Rohingya.

    • @adam-k
      @adam-k 3 роки тому

      @@realtalk6195 There are about 26 million refugees in Europe.

    • @realtalk6195
      @realtalk6195 3 роки тому +1

      @@adam-k From WHAT country? Not from Syria and Afghanistan. Maybe you're talking about the migrant population as a whole, including non-refugees.

    • @adam-k
      @adam-k 3 роки тому

      @@realtalk6195 In Europe there is about a million Syrian refugees. However refugees arrive from all over the world. Kind of split evenly (~20%) between Middle East, Asia, Africa, Latin America.

  • @oliversmith4044
    @oliversmith4044 3 роки тому +29

    This is by far the best thing i've seen on the Afghan situation

  • @oldsagejoe
    @oldsagejoe 3 роки тому +34

    Entering Afghanistan in the first place was a disgrace'

  • @mesmer1218
    @mesmer1218 3 роки тому +69

    I’m a newbie to this channel but am really enjoying the content. I’m so grateful to observe this conversation. I’m 56 and have lived through a lot of US bullshit revisionist history and lies. It pains me what this country is doing around the world. Thank you Dr. Marandi!

    • @johnfleming7879
      @johnfleming7879 3 роки тому +2

      we were never intended to have a large standing military, nor a secret police(FBI,CIA, "Homeland Security" etc,

    • @mesmer1218
      @mesmer1218 3 роки тому +1

      @@johnfleming7879 Yeah, I’ve been reading a lot lately about Woodrow Wilson and J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI’s anti-leftist origins. Mind blowing stuff!

    • @KomradeKlonopin
      @KomradeKlonopin 3 роки тому +1

      @@mesmer1218 As a young American, it is great hearing stuff like that from people that aren't in their 20s. Sometimes it feels like everyone over 40 is content with empire and the bloody status quo that has left the global south in rubble.

    • @mesmer1218
      @mesmer1218 3 роки тому

      @@KomradeKlonopin Thank you! And I’m inspired by youth like yourself. I have a lot of hope for your generation because it’s filled with many bright minds that want good for all of humanity.

  • @jonnewell4628
    @jonnewell4628 3 роки тому +33

    Both your voices are indispensable to the English speaking world, thank you! Would love to see you have a conversation with Pepe Escobar sometime as well

    • @sadddee
      @sadddee 3 роки тому +1

      Poor Pepe, he has been almost unsearchable online due to all filter logarithms for a long time ...
      I still read his articles, however

    • @jonnewell4628
      @jonnewell4628 3 роки тому

      @@sadddee Information Clearing House usually publishes a lot of his work. If you can't find them, go to Asia Times

  • @saranoori5308
    @saranoori5308 3 роки тому +11

    I loved Dr Marandy ,s analyst, thanks 🙏👏❤️🇮🇷🌈

  • @vaquerosupreme3189
    @vaquerosupreme3189 3 роки тому +41

    I always appreciate Prof Marandi's insight into this part of the world. Well done, Rania and Prof Marandi. Looking forward to more in depth, non-BS analysis.

  • @DJMcG-kb4rv
    @DJMcG-kb4rv 3 роки тому +19

    Thanks, folks. I've been waiting for a report on this from you, as there are few I trust as much as yours.

  • @ZainabeMahdi
    @ZainabeMahdi 3 роки тому +9

    This is so refreshing and eye-opening. Thank you Seyyed Marandi and Rania!

  • @tumasana8669
    @tumasana8669 3 роки тому +13

    this discussion is so rich, thanks

  • @Rossion64
    @Rossion64 3 роки тому +9

    Excellent! Great to hear from Dr Marandi. He's always insightful. Iran is handling things with characteristic dignity and intelligence.

  • @parisaolkeh4303
    @parisaolkeh4303 3 роки тому +12

    Big love for Iran and the neighbours 💟💟🙏🙏

  • @nats50
    @nats50 3 роки тому +8

    Very informative discussion. I've never heard of Mohammad Marandi until now. He knows the ins and outs.

  • @pukahuroad3967
    @pukahuroad3967 3 роки тому +40

    Informative and honest assessment.
    Prof. Mohammad Marandi is an excellent speaker.
    Thankyou Rania for the opportunity to learn.

    • @tj5180
      @tj5180 3 роки тому +1

      Same guy who's getting targeted by western Intel for exposing the truth

  • @rhena229
    @rhena229 3 роки тому +22

    Iran has the right to develop whatever U.S. has.

    • @soheil527
      @soheil527 3 роки тому

      Except it has shit scientists

    • @antiimperialism2739
      @antiimperialism2739 3 роки тому

      Ya, when the US says you have WMD you'd better have to ensure your safety.

  • @binihanta9836
    @binihanta9836 3 роки тому +9

    Rania. Thank you for great interviews. Keep it up.

  • @soureh
    @soureh 3 роки тому +7

    So enlightening and much needed conversation. Thank you Rania and Prof Marandi ❤️

  • @aliticx
    @aliticx 3 роки тому +5

    The one who shared this with me.. thank you. Quality stuff.

  • @THOREAU79
    @THOREAU79 3 роки тому +11

    Thanks Rania for another highly informative interview.

  • @wendysheets8730
    @wendysheets8730 3 роки тому +17

    Omg...I love what he just said about the corruption and drug trade. I'm glued to this...

  • @kismicracjak1727
    @kismicracjak1727 3 роки тому +7


  • @darrydad8288
    @darrydad8288 3 роки тому +17

    feel so glad hearing this conversation about the stability and peace on afghanistan, another media should facing the truth of the Taliban now and support afghani people interest in the best way.

  • @Claxiux
    @Claxiux 3 роки тому +13

    This was great info !

  • @saifdeen9872
    @saifdeen9872 3 роки тому +4

    Very very informative interview in this situation of confusion, Prof. Marrandi is the man for this discussion and he is truthful most importantly, of course not forgetting the Host Rania for making this wonderful interview, you are beautiful in terms of speaking the truth as well as on the outside. May God bless you both !

  • @revelationreflection
    @revelationreflection 3 роки тому +4

    Great interview. A good conversation with knowledgeable guest as well as interviewer. And letting the guest talk and not interrupt is a sign of a quality interviewer, thanks for that, i'ts very important and appreciated.

  • @wenkeadam362
    @wenkeadam362 3 роки тому +6

    Just discovered you today. Brilliant. Thanks. Subscribed.

  • @vkozamastra
    @vkozamastra 3 роки тому +21

    Iran is always on the right side of the history!

  • @duscolosmonica3837
    @duscolosmonica3837 3 роки тому +3

    Merci to prof. Marandi!

  • @abduljaliladamu8610
    @abduljaliladamu8610 3 роки тому +10

    Sharp and straight to the point

  • @sylvesterfong9275
    @sylvesterfong9275 3 роки тому +5

    👍👍👍 Good intellectual discussion.
    Appreciate the well articulated discussion and knowledge of Muhammad Marandi.
    Pray Afghanistan will develop its infrastructures and prosper with the help of friends like China, Russia and Iran.
    Thanks Rania for an interesting and informative interview.
    Blessings from Malaysia.

  • @tadeosmelaku8998
    @tadeosmelaku8998 3 роки тому +24

    We don't want Ethiopia to be Afghanistan! America please don't do wrong anymore if you can help leave Ethiopia

    • @tj5180
      @tj5180 3 роки тому +2

      I support our erithea brothers and sisters also from Ethiopia

    • @eridon111
      @eridon111 3 роки тому

      You dont need america, Ethiopian is doing it to itself

    • @tadeosmelaku8998
      @tadeosmelaku8998 3 роки тому +1

      @@eridon111 I disagree based on the info I gathered. The rebels are aided by the US.US cut the funding b/c Ethiopian government is not negotiating with the rebels who massacred innocent civilians and Ethiopian army in the middle of the night. The fake news the west is spreading is not helping either. I agree with the people fighting each other but it's all ignited by the rebels.

    • @tj5180
      @tj5180 3 роки тому

      @@tadeosmelaku8998 don't know a lot about the conflict. But I've heard it was a proxy war against Ethiopia and Eritrea. I saw many IG posts about the genocide happening when in fact it was the TPLF backed by the US and their allies doing it and killing civilians, carrying out violent offensives and also did u hear that WHO director tedros was a member of the tplf

    • @TKanal3
      @TKanal3 3 роки тому

      Biden is going to change focus to Somalia now.....

  • @Tony-nn3gl
    @Tony-nn3gl 3 роки тому +11

    Hope to see more of Mohammed on your channel.

  • @demopalestino1285
    @demopalestino1285 3 роки тому +11

    fantastic interview. really eye openin from marandi perspective. long live the resistance ✊

  • @watching7650
    @watching7650 3 роки тому +12

    Rania's questions and comments are a masterclass to any interviewer anywhere.

  • @gofar5185
    @gofar5185 3 роки тому +6

    thank you breakthrough news journalist and speaker... very very excellent...

  • @rudymor
    @rudymor 3 роки тому +29

    This was a big victory for Iran and China! Chinese are already gearing up for huge investment! I hope
    Afghanistan finally sees the development they’ve been wanting 💕

    • @tj5180
      @tj5180 3 роки тому +3

      Major loss for the US and India in geopolitical war.

    • @dannyjackson9522
      @dannyjackson9522 3 роки тому

      Not the end Israel Jesus wipes the army of the antichrist..

    • @zprodigalson
      @zprodigalson 3 роки тому

      Let’s just hope the Americans won’t sabotage the BRI

    • @nayanmalig
      @nayanmalig 3 роки тому

      Americans cannot even run sway without making a pot roast out of it ... BRIC is safe .... Anti China sourpusses can wear a tinfoil hat and cry in a corner ... Lol

  • @syedzulfiqarali4278
    @syedzulfiqarali4278 3 роки тому +1

    Always he is excellent and well articulated and highly educated professor from Tehran. It is always full of knowledge, logic and wisdom. GOD BLESS PROF SYED M MORANDI AND EXCELLANT INTERVIEWING SKILLED RANIA!!!!!

  • @nassermashadi
    @nassermashadi 3 роки тому +7

    Rania brilliant interview. Thanks to mujahid Prof Marandi.

  • @1feloniouspunk
    @1feloniouspunk 3 роки тому +7

    This is fantastic, Rania. How refreshing and revolutionary an interview. Questions news buffs have cared about, even getting into some of the background and personality of this Iran-expert. Who covers stories like this? I'd have to say that in my mind to this moment I have never seen a better political interview.

  • @Kpop-lh7um
    @Kpop-lh7um 3 роки тому +2

    You two together. So excellent

  • @mikesiddiqtownes1518
    @mikesiddiqtownes1518 3 роки тому +3

    beautiful interview and analysis. Thank you so much for the question and the concern for those commemorating Ashura events..jazakullah kulli khayr

  • @joylean1225
    @joylean1225 3 роки тому +3

    Love this very informative exchange. Thx Rania and Professor Marandi

  • @a.n.tunderground1282
    @a.n.tunderground1282 3 роки тому +3

    'Fought and died for McDonalds and Disney in Afghanistan,and barely got out with the shirt on my back!'

  • @Borishal
    @Borishal 3 роки тому +2

    What an eye opener! Great objective view on Afghanistan.

  • @joekelly2595
    @joekelly2595 3 роки тому +4

    Cutting edge. Thank you.

  • @unclefrancis5134
    @unclefrancis5134 3 роки тому +7

    Thanks BreakThrough News, super interesting interview. IMO Rania Khalek is an awesome journalist.

  • @pacoshuman7642
    @pacoshuman7642 3 роки тому +3

    Great show and awesome discussion....thank you both!!!

  • @brucetrappleton6984
    @brucetrappleton6984 3 роки тому +2

    Wow!! Amazing interview!! For a Western like myself, this is a completely new perspective on this issue. Imagine if mainstream media would do this for us, that is, bringing in new perspectives in order to expand our knowledge and understanding. How different everything would be.

  • @michaelscott1060
    @michaelscott1060 3 роки тому +10

    Madeline Albright summed up the level of evilness they are capable of. 500,000 innocent women and children. How utterly disgusting.

    • @gregolsen1489
      @gregolsen1489 3 роки тому

      she should be prosecuted for atrocity against humanity.

  • @j.2047
    @j.2047 3 роки тому +12

    Such a great conversation! Great job as usual, love your show

  • @oleeb
    @oleeb 3 роки тому +2

    What a relief it is to see and hear an adult conversation about the issues in Afghanistan and the Iranian perspective!!!!!!!!
    Since the fall of the Shah in 1979 there has been little or no news allowed in the US that is in any way reasonable or rational. The Iranian government is treated as though it were a menacing enemy and rarely is there any reasonable consideration of the Iranian view, let alone the Iranian government view, of current developments in Iran, the middle east or anywhere. So thank you for being a responsible outlet that allows us to hear and see for ourselves an Iranian view that isn't pure negative propaganda.
    I do disagree with the Prof. in that the US is not weaker at all. It's simply reallocating assets. It is just as strong and just as menacing and just as capable of doing almost anything anywhere in the world. the US government did precisely what they intended to do: make a lot of money and maintain strategic control of Afghan territory for no good reason. They never intended to "win". They never intended to improve Afghanistan. It would be a very big mistake for any nation to misjudge the ongoing and sustainable power of the US in the coming decades. The imperialism of the US remains unchallenged, at least directly. As an American, I would love for our government to recognize that ongoing imperialism is not in our national interest, not to mention, the interests of other nations. But I doubt that will come to pass anytime soon.

  • @bleigh2600
    @bleigh2600 3 роки тому +12

    Marandi's intelligence is worth 1000 ASPIs.

  • @kmmiller8704
    @kmmiller8704 3 роки тому +9

    Thanks for telling the Real situation in Afghanistan , very insightful .
    Yes let other countries see what being a puppet to the USA really means .

  • @pelaubenson796
    @pelaubenson796 3 роки тому +1

    professor mr.Mohammad Marandi thanks for your always great analysis!

  • @manueldavidson1398
    @manueldavidson1398 Рік тому

    I always learn something new from Dr. Marandi. He has great wisdom, intelligence, and integrity. The U.S. is at the top of the charts as far as incompetence and corruption are concerned. Thank you Rania for having this brother on your show.

  • @unveiledeyes6558
    @unveiledeyes6558 3 роки тому +1

    This is an amazing interview ! Thanks !

  • @cristianovisabel
    @cristianovisabel 3 роки тому +1

    Excellent interview. Completely out of the MSM ideas. I've learned a lot. Thanks and congrats to both.

  • @mimisolomon5398
    @mimisolomon5398 3 роки тому +4

    Love this lady! Subscribed 👍🏾

  • @andrelemire9915
    @andrelemire9915 3 роки тому +2

    Great Entrevue... MAGNIFIQUE!!!!

  • @alanzhu4807
    @alanzhu4807 3 роки тому +8

    As someone from ASEAN, and with the imperialists incessantly bleating about SCS, I do hoped fellow folks in ASEAN Region will be intaking these with all the intelligence and critical thinking they have mustered.
    US in an extremely "reliable" ally with a near impeccable record, where they will ditch you in no time if you no longer fits their interest. So anyone who wants to be an US vassal state in ASEAN in the attempt to encircle and encumber China, do take a hard look at Afghanistan.

  • @geneee3168
    @geneee3168 3 роки тому +3

    Great insight. Thank you.

  • @k.heidari5260
    @k.heidari5260 3 роки тому +3

    Marandi is a delight. I like him.

  • @misterlizard
    @misterlizard 3 роки тому +7

    always good to hear Mohammad Marandi

  • @cerebus201
    @cerebus201 3 роки тому +3

    Great work on this and so many other efforts, Rania and BT news!

  • @KS-zq7zy
    @KS-zq7zy 3 роки тому +6

    Both republic and democrat mismanaged Afghanistan in the same way. Then question is who is governing the USA when both political parties in the USA act the same in all aspects?!

    • @Nozarks1
      @Nozarks1 3 роки тому +1

      American foreign policy is always the same irrespective of who is President. CIA runs the show.

  • @Federico.el.Noruego
    @Federico.el.Noruego 3 роки тому +4

    Excelente interview

  • @ShahinZebarjad
    @ShahinZebarjad 3 роки тому +2

    Great and very informative interview, many thanks to Rania and also special thanks to Professor Marandi.

  • @karimabedi530
    @karimabedi530 3 роки тому +9

    "Persian Gulf " not Golf

  • @johnchan6649
    @johnchan6649 3 роки тому +4

    The professor is right . The Central Asian countries are different and stronger today than 20 years ago.

  • @TinyTaskal
    @TinyTaskal Рік тому

    Love this guy and his personality. He is so well informed and with a sense of humour with some spunk.

  • @Casabeconcarne
    @Casabeconcarne 3 роки тому +13

    Excelent. Really good vídeo.

  • @farhadfarhadian1111
    @farhadfarhadian1111 3 роки тому +2

    good job dr marandi as always been thanks

  • @theswordofkings7549
    @theswordofkings7549 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks Rania.👍😉

  • @lee91168
    @lee91168 3 роки тому +1

    Interesting insights from Dr Mohammad Maranti, enlightened!

  • @Kaavotibinada
    @Kaavotibinada 3 роки тому +3

    Rania is such an amazing host 😍

    @CAMIDRCS 3 роки тому +10

    It is a retreat! So much for NATO's invincibility.

    • @farhadkhatir9744
      @farhadkhatir9744 3 роки тому

      NATO name has currently being changed to Western stooges ice cream clubhouse.

  • @joyduncan9434
    @joyduncan9434 3 роки тому +3

    Was it Ron Paul who said something like the grave error in imperialist states is to overextend its militarism? The US is on its way to doing this. Great discussion between Rania and Dr. Marandi.

  • @stevemcnelley4982
    @stevemcnelley4982 3 роки тому +3

    "I'm very lazy". Shit, dude's forgotten more than I'll ever know. This was fantastic. Thank you Ms Khalek. This was beautiful.

  • @youarenotassmartasyouthink5587
    @youarenotassmartasyouthink5587 3 роки тому +2

    Marandi is awesome

  • @rasagroup441
    @rasagroup441 3 роки тому +5

    A brilliant host and gust. I am sure Prof Marandi will shine much more if he uses a more professional lighting system and speaker :)

  • @the1onlynoob
    @the1onlynoob 3 роки тому +13

    A roll of multiple tanks stopped for a single man in China.
    American planes took off by running over a crowd of people because they couldn't retreat fast enough.

    • @inkbold8511
      @inkbold8511 3 роки тому +1

      😂 yeah the hypocrisy doesn't even bother to post the remainder of the video, which the tank man walked away unharmed and those tank moved on to form a barrier against the protesters who were burning the city, but of course this ain't good to show to rest of the world that those tank were send out because buses in the city got flip over and burned while tanks are too heavy for flipping.

    • @the1onlynoob
      @the1onlynoob 3 роки тому +1

      The tank man’s friends recovered him and led him off.
      American allies fell from the plane after they became exhausted.

  • @tatianefernandes800
    @tatianefernandes800 3 роки тому +2

    It is so sad we had a group of people called Anglo Saxon took over the land from the peace loving Indian people. The Anglo Saxons not only took away EVERYTHING from them, even the name of their race, and gave them a name as Indians.

  • @GMATveteran
    @GMATveteran 3 роки тому +6

    1:03:00 - Let's be honest here, these fleeing 5th columnists in Afghanistan got what they deserved. The rest of the world's pro-US 5th column in various countries need to see what happens when they become pawns of US imperialism, & how worthless they truly are in the eyes of the US regime.

  • @marclabossiere8934
    @marclabossiere8934 3 роки тому +3

    I'm very surprised how many people who don't know what US government are doing abroad we need to per attantion cause of the repercussions on us and how they're seeing us round the world we need to speak the truth among us

  • @eriangelino7800
    @eriangelino7800 3 роки тому +3

    I became the fun of BT for the fresh and independent perspective it brings to the media ecosystem.

  • @steveschiesser7160
    @steveschiesser7160 3 роки тому +1

    Keep up the great work Rania.

  • @paulsrochenski8740
    @paulsrochenski8740 3 роки тому +2

    I even prayed for you Muhammad at different occasions

  • @musakazhim6657
    @musakazhim6657 3 роки тому +1

    Very nice discussion from a well-informed guest and well-mannered host. Had been great time listening. Keep up the good work ✌️

  • @kchiew9839
    @kchiew9839 3 роки тому +6

    The Taliban, after seeing how the former soviet countries developed with its wealths, they wanted the same. I would say the first thing China should do is to help Afghanistan in developing its agriculture capabilities so that the Afghan people can have food to eat and sustaining the people welfare. Excess produce can be traded with its immediate neighbours.

  • @kmtgoddess7793
    @kmtgoddess7793 3 роки тому +4

    I dont think u can call urself a superpower if ur 30 trillion in debt