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ખુબ જ પોષ્ટીક પાલક દાળનું શાક બનાવ્યું છે
Radhikaben, Thank You
Ekdam majedar ane tasty dal palak😋😋👌👌
Very helthy and yummy tadaka
Very tasty recipe👌👌👌
Healthy &hygienic recipe. Pushpa
Very nice and healthy recipe, thanks,👍👍👍
thanks 🙏
Very yummy 👌👌👌
Thanks a lot😃
Very nice good recep thanks 🙏
thank u very much 🙏🙏
Very nice recipe and thanks
thank u very much 🙏
Appreciated recipe 👍
Nice recipe
Which brand pressure cooker? what's the capacity?
i use prestige pressure cooker capacity 3 litre thanks for watching 🙏🙏
Which brand knife? from where did you get it?
rena (germany) brand thanks for watching🙏🙏
Looking very tempting! But you cooked spinach too much !, which looses nutrients! Otherwise very nice and healthy recipe! Thanks for sharing your recipe
thanks ilaben for watching and suggesting next time we will try to give our best 🙏🙏🙏
ક્ચેગખકગ ગઈ ખક્બગખૌ સંસદ ખખડે ગગઘઙઙગઙઘઙઙઙગગગઙગઙખગઙગઙખઙઙઙ ગંગા ગઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙગગગઘઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙઙગઙઙઙઘઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙગ ગંગા ગગખઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙગગગઙઘઙગ ગંગા ગગઙઙઙઙગગઙઙગઙગગગગગગઙઙગગ ગંગા ગગઙગગગગઙઙગખગગગઙગગગઙખગઙઙઙઙગગગઙઙગગગગઙગઙઙઙગઙગઙઙઙઘઙગઙઘઙઙઙગગગગઘગઙખગઙગગગઙખઙઙગગઙઙઙગઙ ગંગા ગઘગગઙ ગંગા ગગગગઙઙઙઙઙગગગગઙગઙગ ગંગા ગગગગ ઘર ગગગગઙઙઙઙઙગગગગઙગઙગ ગંગા ગગગઙઙઙઙગગગગઙઙગગઙઘઙઙઙગઙગઙગઙઙગઙગઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઘઙઙ ગગગગ ગગગઙઙઙઙગગગગઙઙગગઙઘઙઙઙગઙગઙગઙઙગઙગઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઘઙઙગઙગઙઙગઙઙઙઙગઙગઙઙઙગગગઙઙઙગગઙઙગગગગગઙઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙગઙગગઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙગઙગગગગગગગગગઙઙઙગગગગગગઙગગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગગઙઙોઙઙગગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙોઙોઙગોઓઐઙગઘઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઘઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙૈઙઙગઙઙગઙઙઙોઙૈઙગઙૈઘઙઙોઙ ગઘગગઙ ઙગૌગૌગૌઔઔઔગૌખૌખૌઔઔગૌખૌઔઔઔઔગૌગૌઔગૌખૌખૌઔઔઔઔખૌઔઔખખૌઔગૌઔઔઔખૌઔઔઔઔખૌઔઔઔગૌઔઔઔગૌઔઔઔખૌઔગૌઔઔગૌઔઔખૌઔખૌઔગૌઔઔ
ખુબ જ પોષ્ટીક પાલક દાળનું શાક બનાવ્યું છે
Radhikaben, Thank You
Ekdam majedar ane tasty dal palak😋😋👌👌
Very helthy and yummy tadaka
Very tasty recipe👌👌👌
Healthy &hygienic recipe. Pushpa
Very nice and healthy recipe, thanks,👍👍👍
thanks 🙏
Very yummy 👌👌👌
Thanks a lot😃
Very nice good recep thanks 🙏
thank u very much 🙏🙏
Very nice recipe and thanks
thank u very much 🙏
Appreciated recipe 👍
thanks 🙏
Nice recipe
thanks 🙏
Which brand pressure cooker? what's the capacity?
i use prestige pressure cooker capacity 3 litre thanks for watching 🙏🙏
Which brand knife? from where did you get it?
rena (germany) brand thanks for watching🙏🙏
Looking very tempting! But you cooked spinach too much !, which looses nutrients! Otherwise very nice and healthy recipe! Thanks for sharing your recipe
thanks ilaben for watching and suggesting next time we will try to give our best 🙏🙏🙏
ક્ચેગખકગ ગઈ ખક્બગખૌ સંસદ ખખડે ગગઘઙઙગઙઘઙઙઙગગગઙગઙખગઙગઙખઙઙઙ ગંગા ગઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙગગગઘઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙઙગઙઙઙઘઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙગ ગંગા ગગખઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙગગગઙઘઙગ ગંગા ગગઙઙઙઙગગઙઙગઙગગગગગગઙઙગગ ગંગા ગગઙગગગગઙઙગખગગગઙગગગઙખગઙઙઙઙગગગઙઙગગગગઙગઙઙઙગઙગઙઙઙઘઙગઙઘઙઙઙગગગગઘગઙખગઙગગગઙખઙઙગગઙઙઙગઙ ગંગા ગઘગગઙ ગંગા ગગગગઙઙઙઙઙગગગગઙગઙગ ગંગા ગગગગ ઘર ગગગગઙઙઙઙઙગગગગઙગઙગ ગંગા ગગગઙઙઙઙગગગગઙઙગગઙઘઙઙઙગઙગઙગઙઙગઙગઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઘઙઙ ગગગગ ગગગઙઙઙઙગગગગઙઙગગઙઘઙઙઙગઙગઙગઙઙગઙગઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઘઙઙગઙગઙઙગઙઙઙઙગઙગઙઙઙગગગઙઙઙગગઙઙગગગગગઙઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙગઙગગઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙઙઙઙઙગઙઙગઙગગગગગગગગગઙઙઙગગગગગગઙગગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙગગઙઙોઙઙગગઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙોઙોઙગોઓઐઙગઘઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઘઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙઙૈઙઙગઙઙગઙઙઙોઙૈઙગઙૈઘઙઙોઙ ગઘગગઙ ઙગૌગૌગૌઔઔઔગૌખૌખૌઔઔગૌખૌઔઔઔઔગૌગૌઔગૌખૌખૌઔઔઔઔખૌઔઔખખૌઔગૌઔઔઔખૌઔઔઔઔખૌઔઔઔગૌઔઔઔગૌઔઔઔખૌઔગૌઔઔગૌઔઔખૌઔખૌઔગૌઔઔ