Episode 50 Giveaway! Stack Partnership, Is Innovation Stalling, and Johns Bros in Slump | EP 50

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @DinkSmashMedia
    @DinkSmashMedia 3 місяці тому +14

    Do not respond to the Bot telling everyone they won 😂 the giveaway has not been decided

    • @Jalyals
      @Jalyals 3 місяці тому +1

      LOL I was so hype for a minute

    • @chadlecates2742
      @chadlecates2742 3 місяці тому

      But I gave it my SS# and my mom's bank acct # because I really wanted the limited edition hat!

    • @timkadom1722
      @timkadom1722 3 місяці тому

      @@DinkSmashMedia yeah I was legit stoked lol :)

    • @jackbarrett1841
      @jackbarrett1841 3 місяці тому

      @@DinkSmashMedia awwww shucks

    • @MattyRut2922
      @MattyRut2922 3 місяці тому +1

      Damn, even the fake bot wouldn’t pick me.

  • @LeMagnifique87
    @LeMagnifique87 4 місяці тому +3

    I love telling Dad Jokes
    They always make him laugh

  • @marklup8182
    @marklup8182 4 місяці тому +1

    This is one of my all time faves:
    Why should you never take sides in an argument at the dinner table? It's actually the best time to take the sides because no one is paying attention, make sure to bring extra containers

  • @bodyhelixpickleball
    @bodyhelixpickleball 4 місяці тому +2

    Thanks for the shoutout at 48:45! We appreciate all that you do to help grow the sport and your continual work to educate your audience. Kudos!

  • @aroddini
    @aroddini 3 місяці тому +1

    This was one of my favorite episodes of Two Big Guys and a Little Table

    • @DinkSmashMedia
      @DinkSmashMedia 3 місяці тому +1

      Not the size that matters. Its what you do with it 😂

  • @DanielleCooper-tv8dd
    @DanielleCooper-tv8dd 4 місяці тому +1

    Thanks for the great content guys! Congrats on episode 50! Keep it coming!! 🔥👏
    Which days are the strongest? Saturday and Sunday. The rest are weekdays.

  • @terogan
    @terogan 3 місяці тому

    I love watching Daescu and Tardio. It’s the Old Man and the Si.

  • @Pickleballetc
    @Pickleballetc 4 місяці тому +1

    I think this means I now have the undisputed "best beard in pickleball podcasts". Nice!
    Great pod as always guys.

    • @DinkSmashMedia
      @DinkSmashMedia 4 місяці тому

      It will be back! Soon as I’m back from Japan 😂

  • @mattmershon3542
    @mattmershon3542 4 місяці тому

    I’m a 67 year old 4.0 ( ish! ) player. I started playing 8 years ago and as a devout gear junkie I’m guessing I’ve easily owned 40 plus paddles. I think I’ve spent between $150-$250 on most every paddle I’ve purchased.
    Today, my wife ( who’s a better player than me ) and I played with a paddle that you can purchase on Amazon for $12.50 ; 4 for $49.95. Seriously! I had to look it up. Made by a company I’ve never heard of; A11N. We were both amazed at how good we played with them!
    We were helping to teach family members how to play and we gave them our expensive paddles and took their inexpensive paddles and we were pretty amazed at how good these super cheap paddles played. I have tried some inexpensive paddles that were pretty terrible but these were pretty darn good. Just a little food for thought!

  • @Cheezledzul
    @Cheezledzul 3 місяці тому

    Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso, Pickleball Effect. All good at drawing me in.

  • @Jalyals
    @Jalyals 4 місяці тому +3

    Have you been to the local fan store recently?
    Place is really cool.
    It’s also really popular, has a lot of fans.
    Their selection is massive too, had me going around and around and around

  • @JovanniG678
    @JovanniG678 4 місяці тому +2

    How was a bullet point not about Kyle’s beard being gone!! Hahaha

  • @timwelch107
    @timwelch107 3 місяці тому

    Thanks for the great episode, I have seen almost if not all of the episodes even the tearjerker episode, I love how down to earth both of you are. Definitely top 2 or 3 PB podcast out there. Don't have Instagram but here is a Dad joke - Why did the Pickleball Paddle break up with the tennis racquet? There were to many strings attached. :)
    Look forward to the next 50 episodes
    Oh Yeah ! Paddle question. Can either of you tell me how the J2K 14mm compares to the Joola 14mm Scorpius.
    Thanks again

  • @mcaballero1993
    @mcaballero1993 4 місяці тому +1

    Kyle 's sing song response to new serve rules: 🎶I like big serves and I cannot lie 🎶

  • @romanhernz3839
    @romanhernz3839 4 місяці тому

    I love the Monarch All Court 16mm I also love the Huff Diadem for recreational use tone down !!!! Soft game wish they made at the 7.5 with instead of the 7.22mm

  • @Rye48
    @Rye48 4 місяці тому

    What did the bass say when he hit the concrete wall…………… DAMN LOL 😂😂😂lol

  • @wendib3723
    @wendib3723 4 місяці тому +1

    What do you call a hippies wife? Mississippi.
    Baby Face Kyle, the difference between men's and women's volleyball is the net height. Lines are all the same. 😂
    Great podcast, gentlemen!

  • @joem6010
    @joem6010 4 місяці тому

    Braydon, I've been testing your new ultra tac overgrip tape recently. It has become my new favorite overgrip. The only con is the difficulty in peeling off the thin protective plastic. But I love the feel and it is holding up pretty well.

    • @pickleballeffect
      @pickleballeffect  3 місяці тому

      That’s great to hear and thanks for the feedback!

  • @jubi-kb
    @jubi-kb 4 місяці тому +3

    Why did the pickleball break up with the tennis ball?
    Because it couldn’t handle the strings attached.

  • @larryshively8194
    @larryshively8194 4 місяці тому +1

    Hi guys you still need the sign for wall !!

  • @BrownKoat4ever
    @BrownKoat4ever 3 місяці тому

    The drop serve is better than the line on the court.

  • @HDBnB1
    @HDBnB1 4 місяці тому

    Do you have a recommendation for a paddle thats good for people with tennis elbow?

  • @ReiclarkCatu-k1u
    @ReiclarkCatu-k1u 3 місяці тому +1

    There are two types of pickleball dads..
    Braydon, the type who lets his kids win without them knowing.
    Kyle, the type who will nasty Nelson, body bag, and pickle his kids to victory.

    • @DinkSmashMedia
      @DinkSmashMedia 3 місяці тому

      You aren’t wrong 😂 is it that obvious

  • @viha6702
    @viha6702 4 місяці тому +1

    What did the Dura Fast 40 say to the Joola Gen3 paddle?
    "You're a smash hit! But after all those great shots, I need a little rest-let’s call it a 'break'!"

  • @MattyRut2922
    @MattyRut2922 4 місяці тому

    When it comes to pickleball this podcast is a really big DILL. Dad jokes are how eye roll!

  • @theluisgonzalezjr
    @theluisgonzalezjr 4 місяці тому

    Love the pod, buy all my gear based off your channel/website!
    Why did the dad start a band with his kids? Because they already mastered the art of tuning him out.

  • @TyronYamaguchi
    @TyronYamaguchi 3 місяці тому

    Surprised you’re going with the 5” handled Franklin. I thought you preferred longer handles.

    • @pickleballeffect
      @pickleballeffect  3 місяці тому

      It has a high neck taper and feels a lot longer.

  • @acsendow
    @acsendow 4 місяці тому

    Wow, Stack is hooking it up! Most PBEffect codes are 10-15% but this one is 20% off!

  • @cmaden
    @cmaden 4 місяці тому

    Dad: I just sold some of my old pickleballs, but I guess the guy didn’t like ‘em.
    Me: Why?
    Dad: He keeps returning them!
    Thanks for the 50th episode of the podcast guys, it was a lob of fun!

  • @MrJCBishop
    @MrJCBishop 4 місяці тому

    As always great pod -
    Why did the pickleball paddle break up with the tennis racket?
    It couldn't handle the strings attached!

    • @MrJCBishop
      @MrJCBishop 3 місяці тому

      @CHECK-NOTIFI-CATION-b7w is this real?

  • @stephen2365
    @stephen2365 4 місяці тому +1

    Almost didnt recognize kyle without the beard

  • @obospieler
    @obospieler 4 місяці тому

    How about a Limerick too?
    There once was a player named Braydon,
    Whose pickleball skills were amazin'.
    With a swift, crafty spin,
    He'd always pull in a win,
    Leaving opponents simply dazin'.

  • @phiphan
    @phiphan 4 місяці тому +4

    Did you know Bruce Lee had a vegetarian brother?
    His name was BroCoLee

  • @teajay29798
    @teajay29798 4 місяці тому

    What do you call a line of men waiting for hair cuts?
    A Barberqueue😂

  • @65atBestPB
    @65atBestPB 4 місяці тому +1

    Kyle with Hush paddle … “Hush little baby, don’t you cry”

  • @pickleballnic
    @pickleballnic 4 місяці тому

    How is the control on the Hush? How was the stability? Did you weight it? Any other feedback or comparisons? Thx!

  • @cberns4
    @cberns4 4 місяці тому

    Why was the broom late to work?
    It over swept

  • @BrettMaurer-n6c
    @BrettMaurer-n6c 4 місяці тому +2

    Did you hear about the two rowboats that got into an argument? It was an oar-deal.

  • @DanMai-e6i
    @DanMai-e6i 4 місяці тому +1

    kyle needs to keep the beard!!

  • @rogerfernandez4839
    @rogerfernandez4839 4 місяці тому +2

    50th episode? Giveaway? Limited-time exclusive discount code? Babyfaced Kyle's Corner (his face appears to have lost some grit)! Paddle company/UPA-A drama? A Franklin paddle???? This episode is STACKed!!!

  • @evanc1974
    @evanc1974 4 місяці тому

    Braydon, are you using the Franklin Tempo model or the Dynasty? Looks like the Tempo but a bit hard to tell. Thank you

  • @ghenaric
    @ghenaric 4 місяці тому +1

    Did you hear Kyle made a paddle fitting quiz?
    I tried it and now I’m wondering if I should bring my paddle or a kettleball to the court..

  • @kaisersozen
    @kaisersozen 3 місяці тому

    It's Friday morning and in an absolute panic for dad jokes I came up with a horrible one:
    What do you call a pickleball drill?
    A dill

  • @ccogswell5746
    @ccogswell5746 4 місяці тому

    The OM Aero Pickleball Racquet - has a racquet Frame and is Double thermoformed - have you heard about them?

  • @jeffsisk5449
    @jeffsisk5449 4 місяці тому +3

    I was wondering why the ball kept getting bigger and bigger, and then it hit me.

  • @DianSusiana98
    @DianSusiana98 4 місяці тому

    Have a question: how to clean the Diadem Hush surface?

  • @gibs4962
    @gibs4962 3 місяці тому +1

    Do we have a doctor here? Yes, I am a doctor. What's your specialty? I am a doctor in mathematics. My friend is dying. Minus one.

  • @prestonshort1637
    @prestonshort1637 4 місяці тому

    Love the Channel - How do you get Pikachu on the bus?
    You Pokemon!

  • @EricMorse-dv6ob
    @EricMorse-dv6ob 4 місяці тому

    What do players who love pickleball and coffee have in common? They both love a good morning dink.

  • @PickleballHQ
    @PickleballHQ 4 місяці тому

    Very surprised that the ProStar is not listed on your upcoming paddles with foam.

  • @aarongugino
    @aarongugino 4 місяці тому +2

    Hey new dad here! Been working on these…😂
    Why did the pickleball player stay up all night?
    They were trying to work on their *dink*ing problem! 😅

  • @austinbautista1097
    @austinbautista1097 3 місяці тому

    Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut?
    I guess he needed some space

  • @Carpe.Dinkem
    @Carpe.Dinkem 4 місяці тому +2

    I’ve never seen the man on the right before and you can’t convince me otherwise.

  • @aakashraghubansh
    @aakashraghubansh 3 місяці тому

    Does the Pickleball Effect Stack when you wear their apparel?

  • @mjconns
    @mjconns 4 місяці тому +1

    Kyle might've looked like an angry grizzly bear before in that clip, but shaved Kyle looks like a happy, chill panda bear in a Japanese zoo.

  • @HowieB-isMe3885
    @HowieB-isMe3885 4 місяці тому

    Looks like we’re gonna have a paddle Cold War between manufacturers, trying to one up each other and sneaking paddles into play past the UPA.

  • @timkadom1722
    @timkadom1722 4 місяці тому +2

    Braydon and Kyle reviewing pickleball paddles is like watching two chefs argue over the perfect recipe-except the ingredients are all made of carbon fiber.

  • @OFFBRAND-lk6jz
    @OFFBRAND-lk6jz 4 місяці тому

    I tell my kids Don't think just dink😂😂😂

  • @vonEgyptPickleballLeague
    @vonEgyptPickleballLeague 4 місяці тому

    Great pod!
    What did the pickleball player say when they won the match? “That was ‘dill’-icious!”

  • @HeavyAndLow
    @HeavyAndLow 4 місяці тому +1

    The John's brothers need to switch up partners. Would be good for both of them. Ben is still #1.

  • @loristonfennell141
    @loristonfennell141 4 місяці тому +4

    Hey Braydon and Kyle, why ask for dad-jokes? Trying to start a new Dad-a-base? 😅

    • @ghenaric
      @ghenaric 4 місяці тому

      this one is good

  • @JJGresco
    @JJGresco 3 місяці тому

    What kind of bagels fly? Plain bagels

  • @800over
    @800over 3 місяці тому

    You guys know about that Scandinavian rock band that teaches math by swearing? ABBACUSS!

  • @joeypupillo5210
    @joeypupillo5210 4 місяці тому

    Crush is getting crushed by those paddle fees

  • @samuelkim8675
    @samuelkim8675 4 місяці тому +1

    What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet?

  • @terogan
    @terogan 4 місяці тому +2

    Kyle’s watch telling him it’s time to stand has me triggered. 😂 How long have you guys been sitting there?

  • @swiftraider759
    @swiftraider759 4 місяці тому

    Name the tallest building in the World.....
    It's a Library Building because it has so many Stories.... 😂

  • @HowieB-isMe3885
    @HowieB-isMe3885 4 місяці тому

    I More power? helmets and protective vests are coming ( for protection, man). $$$$$

  • @jpsanchez50
    @jpsanchez50 4 місяці тому

    Why can't you hear a pterodactyl in the bathroom?
    Because the P is silent 😅
    Congrats on the 50th episode fellas, keep up the good work!

  • @PickleballHangout
    @PickleballHangout 4 місяці тому

    Any extra points for most nerdy DM conversations?😂

  • @Nix27.
    @Nix27. 4 місяці тому

    The best, and only answer to the whole de-weaponizing the serve and how fast and hard people are hitting the ball is to just regulate hot paddles, far stricter than whats happening right now. The gen 3 joolas, gen 3 gearbox, and even the paddleteks that are gen 1.5 are too hot and should not be approved for any sanctioned tournament.

  • @obospieler
    @obospieler 4 місяці тому +1

    Why did Kyle bring a notebook to his pickleball game?
    He wanted to take notes on how to bounce back!

  • @BrandonKrambeck
    @BrandonKrambeck 4 місяці тому

    Whats blue and not very heavy?
    Light Blue

  • @jamesforrestal8206
    @jamesforrestal8206 4 місяці тому

    I don't see any rhombus ripple on the USAp approved list

  • @kamanhalim
    @kamanhalim 3 місяці тому

    Oh man i was on my flight to the US and missed the 24 hours 20% discount

  • @boezou
    @boezou 4 місяці тому

    Tennis players started calling pickleball with the Hush paddle quiet tennis… because it’s like tennis without the racket.

  • @georgebrewster7861
    @georgebrewster7861 4 місяці тому

    What's blue and doesn't weigh much ?
    Light blue. 😜. 🏓

  • @Kingbasspickleball1
    @Kingbasspickleball1 4 місяці тому

    Albert Einstein was a genius, but his brother Frank was a monster

  • @komplex7564
    @komplex7564 4 місяці тому +1

    it takes 8 wipes to know you only needed 7.

  • @Mike18372
    @Mike18372 4 місяці тому

    Why did the pickleball paddle break up with the tennis racket? It couldn't handle the strings attached!

  • @HowieB-isMe3885
    @HowieB-isMe3885 4 місяці тому

    Why do we have to use approved paddles? Solves the fee issues. No Fee for my favorite small companies.

  • @Ed_e_BeTo
    @Ed_e_BeTo 4 місяці тому

    What did Yoda say when he saw himself in 4k for the first time?

  • @tedjeanmahoney8547
    @tedjeanmahoney8547 3 місяці тому

    Great Giveaway. I don't do any Social Media, I'm an "School Dad" Been playing PB for only a year. What a great game

  • @pickleball247
    @pickleball247 4 місяці тому

    Can't wait for the winner … hope it is me … Why do Cows wear bells? Because their Horns don't work. lol

  • @Foxx_Choco
    @Foxx_Choco 4 місяці тому

    Dad joke: I’m not a big dill, but I take my Pickleball seriously.

  • @ryanf8102
    @ryanf8102 3 місяці тому

    What’s brown and sticky? A stick.

  • @groot3371
    @groot3371 3 місяці тому

    I enjoyed to podcast.

  • @thesouthpaw6430
    @thesouthpaw6430 4 місяці тому

    I think we should address the aliens that are trying to abduct you guys in the new studio. The back and top lighting is crazy haha. Not a dad joke but wanted to give some constructive feedback with it.

  • @markcaven4090
    @markcaven4090 4 місяці тому

    What did Kyle say to his kids when he won his match. - it’s a big Dill!

  • @N8zAdventures
    @N8zAdventures 4 місяці тому +1

    Why are waiters naturally good at pickleball? They’re used to hanging around outside the kitchen 🍽️

  • @LukasLwM
    @LukasLwM 4 місяці тому

    How do pickleball players stay in touch? They always keep a good "net"-work! 😂

    • @LukasLwM
      @LukasLwM 3 місяці тому

      @CHECK-NOTIFI-CATION-x6c scam!!

  • @Ciroc-
    @Ciroc- 4 місяці тому

    How does a penguin build its house?
    Igloos it together!
    Why don’t skeletons fight each other?
    They don’t have the guts.

  • @stuckintraffic
    @stuckintraffic 4 місяці тому

    What do you call a knight that loves steak? Sir Loin

  • @49pickles
    @49pickles 4 місяці тому

    Thanks for the pod. This joke is for people with crooked teeth: Brace yourself! I can always get a paddle that I give away to get people to play pickleball.

  • @jnfriesen1
    @jnfriesen1 4 місяці тому

    Why did the pickleball player bring string to the game?
    Because they wanted to tie the score!

  • @obospieler
    @obospieler 4 місяці тому

    Why did Braydon start a pickleball band?
    Because he wanted to serve up some smashing hits!

  • @jmonte522
    @jmonte522 4 місяці тому

    Who’s the new guy dressed like a Proton paddle for Halloween?

  • @iKillSunshine
    @iKillSunshine 4 місяці тому

    Love all the content, thank you guys for the give away!
    Why do ducks have feathers on their butt?
    To hide their butt quack

  • @devereuxrob
    @devereuxrob 4 місяці тому

    Why should you never play Pickleball in the jungle?…
    Because there are too many cheetahs 😂

  • @maryraymundo8564
    @maryraymundo8564 4 місяці тому

    My boyfriend loves pickleball! Hoping to surprise him if I win this giveaway.
    I don't normally tell dad jokes. But when I do, he usually laughs!