"Psychedelics Don't Work on Stupid People"

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @bingflosby
    @bingflosby 4 місяці тому +40

    Doing psychedelics with other people totally made me understand that we aren’t having the same experience

    • @simpledude5974
      @simpledude5974 4 місяці тому +3

      I never trip with anyone. Fuck that

    • @bingflosby
      @bingflosby 4 місяці тому

      @@simpledude5974 I only did it because it was there plug and they dosed before I dropped them off but besides that I’ve only ever tripped alone with my dog

    • @santigabriel333
      @santigabriel333 3 місяці тому +2

      Maybe its the same experience but just different psyches trying to harmonize with eachother with different blockages they remove or not remove during the trip

    • @bingflosby
      @bingflosby 3 місяці тому +1

      @@santigabriel333 no
      Our brains aren’t the same
      I’m autistic so my brain isn’t having the same experience as a person who is wired properly

  • @lagunkaz
    @lagunkaz 4 місяці тому +19

    I'm autistic and the experience I've always had from psychedelics is very different from my friends. When I take high doses of psychedelics, I am still very functional and just get a bit quiet as I enjoy the visuals and the emotions, but still feel grounded to my environment. My friends on the other hand always seem much more impacted and become unable to perform basic tasks while they get engrossed in the experience. Just my perspective and only reflects my experiences, so may mean nothing.

    • @rysea9855
      @rysea9855 4 місяці тому +1

      I barely didn't meet the criteria for an autism diagnosis but I do have adhd, and I experience kinda the same thing. Friend of mine took 1 dose of 2cb and got an attention span of 3 seconds, not even able to coherently speak anymore. Meanwhile I took 2 doses and was calmly trying to guide them through it. Of course I was kinda panicking too and felt quite guilty about it, but I was able to keep my composure to the point that other friends said I looked completely sober if it wasn't for my dilated pupils.

    • @Frankdisscutionpdx
      @Frankdisscutionpdx 4 місяці тому

      That is actually fascinating. I would steer clear of giving them to autistic people, but if you take them yourself that is perfect. This is very interesting to me. I know my parents have had fun with the drugs, but when I talk about it they don't understand. My mom is dying from cancer and I want her to see the beauty of life and even death, but I don't think she will have the experience I would like her to have. 😥 I know when she passes she will understand me much more. ❤️

    • @lagunkaz
      @lagunkaz 4 місяці тому +1

      @@Frankdisscutionpdx This was in the early days of the dark web (original silk road) and I was always the one sourcing :) It was quite a time to be alive...

    • @pursuitofspirit
      @pursuitofspirit  4 місяці тому

      That's really interesting. Thanks for sharing!

    • @bingflosby
      @bingflosby 4 місяці тому

      I have the same experience but have never been diagnosed with autism im turning 45 years old they didn’t really know about it when I was younger and I’m high functioning autistic i personally believe and have the same experiences with psychedelic i have experienced things i can’t explain but they are incredible and life changing experiences but very aware and able to go do things like go to the store but if I take to much i can’t really communicate properly and laugh alot

  • @quidrickt4r447
    @quidrickt4r447 4 місяці тому +8

    My first psilocybin experience was nothing less than a paradigm shift to my microcosmic existence. It revealed a greater, more vivid reality which I felt was always present but veiled by many layers of routine and terminology. I remember saying to myself, amazed and incredulous, "this is always here, I just don't see it." Having grown up in a secular materialist society where the general idea was that everything that could be known was known, this was a massive, culture-shattering experience, miles beyond words in magnitude! Nothing could've prepared me for it, and I would never view reality the same once it was over. "Reality outran apprehension" a quote Terence appreciated, seems to sum up my first mushroom journey, as well as every following one. Each and every trip is "stranger than the strangest among us can suppose", yet perfectly relevant to so many aspects of the everyday and onward. Please excuse my rant, I rarely go on like this; for some reason I felt inclined to share this here and contribute my five cents to the subject matter. Thanks for lifting it, and being a part of the force that makes psychedelic research thrive!

    • @pursuitofspirit
      @pursuitofspirit  4 місяці тому +1

      You just put into words my experience with psilocybin. How mysterious - how profound!

    • @iamjoy888
      @iamjoy888 4 місяці тому +2

      Your experience reminds me of my first one, especially the remembering that it's always there, this reality is just like a curtain that hides it. 👁️👁️👁️ So good to read about similar experiences, this reality is like a quicksand, absorbs to a mind level really fast. When I read about similar experiences, it reminds me of my own.

  • @Ryan.McKenzie
    @Ryan.McKenzie 4 місяці тому +8

    I think it's intention instead of genetics. But grown from experience and experience gained by imagination.

  • @goncalodias1799
    @goncalodias1799 4 місяці тому +2

    my first time with psycadelis was very much like yours! i was just doing it for fun, however i wasnt with friends i was doing it completly alone. Since it was my first time i did some research before i took it bc i didnt want to have any sort of bad trip. It was only when i started searching that i tought to my self that i should just enjoy this expirience and everything would go just fine. Things actually went very good and man i was trully baffled, i literally conected with my self and understood my self in another level as if i didnt know who I was.
    I forgot to mention but the mushrooms i took where grown in my room so i knew that i wasnt taking psilocibin with extra stuff.
    This expirience really changed me for the better and im sure that after that i wasnt the same but not in a bad way

  • @jacques3177
    @jacques3177 4 місяці тому +4

    I definitely agree that going into the psychedelic experience with an open mind/heart is far better than going in with an explicit, strong expectation of a deep experience. The best experiences for me have come from zero expectation and just a willingness to surrender. I think it has something to do with the ego. I feel like the desire for a profound experience is stifling because that comes from the ego. Versus just wanting to realize your true nature.
    Also I definitely see where you're coming from with the genetics hypothesis- there is something different about the way all of us exist in the world. We are not interchangeable. The way I see it is that not every person is meant to 'transcend'. Transcending might feel like the highest calling for some of us but it's not universal. Some of us are meant to exist primarily as ego and not to go beyond that. That's okay. Psychedelics can help one develop a healthier ego, even if somebody leaves the experience with just that, that is a fantastic result.

  • @daisychain4096
    @daisychain4096 4 місяці тому +8

    I can only get there when im purposely trying to be quite and not talk to anyone, and force myself to focus inward

    • @daisychain4096
      @daisychain4096 4 місяці тому +1

      I almost feel that if u were tripping and for some reason couldn't speak u would almost be forced to fix things in your mind. Maybe that's just me idk

    • @pursuitofspirit
      @pursuitofspirit  4 місяці тому +1

      @@daisychain4096 That's what I do as well. I think you're hitting on the intention aspect of this which is definitely important and plays a role in how the trip will go.

    • @daisychain4096
      @daisychain4096 4 місяці тому +1

      U don't do both ? As in goofy beginning with a friend and then walk off by yourself during retrospective part?

    • @pursuitofspirit
      @pursuitofspirit  4 місяці тому +4

      @@daisychain4096 I don’t really trip with other people anymore. I used to when I first started but now It feels like a distraction more than anything. I think this is because my trips always end up going so deep within now.
      Nothing against tripping with others, just not my preference.

    • @AZTR0N0MICAL04
      @AZTR0N0MICAL04 4 місяці тому +1

      @@pursuitofspirit i find the something similar with myself i play games for a few hours then when i lay down thats when i start getting the deep thoughts and spirtual experiences

  • @hypergraphic
    @hypergraphic 4 місяці тому +2

    It is an interesting point. I'm someone to whom spirituality came naturally. I was raised in the Church, but no one ever taught me how to hear the voice of God, but it is just something that came to me easily, I didn't have to work for it. I later went through a whole process of losing touch it with all when I lost my faith, but I couldn't deny that I had experienced something deep and profound that no person ever taught me how to do. Wether it's genetics or something else, there have always been mystics, prophets, yogis to whom this path came naturally and I think it's the same for many people who have these kinds of experiences.

    • @pursuitofspirit
      @pursuitofspirit  4 місяці тому

      I agree! It just seems there are some people whose minds are naturally psychedelic / spiritual leaning. Really interesting to think about.

    @AZTR0N0MICAL04 4 місяці тому +3

    i think genetics and intention is it because i like chilling playing counterstrike while im tripping and socializing but if i chill out relax in delve into my mind its a completely different experience

    • @pursuitofspirit
      @pursuitofspirit  4 місяці тому +1

      Yeah I agree. Intention / Set & Setting are all very important when it comes to the experience.

  • @santigabriel333
    @santigabriel333 3 місяці тому +1

    Maybe it has a role but i would also add that it could be the mental state or soul receptivity/maturity level of the person taking it.
    If you are ready to unfold yourself it will take you.
    And if you arent ready but you make yourself ready by intention.
    That also plays a role

    • @pursuitofspirit
      @pursuitofspirit  3 місяці тому

      Yes I completely agree! Really the whole thing is probably a lot more complex than even I made it out to be in this video

  • @lightloveandawake3114
    @lightloveandawake3114 2 місяці тому

    I’ve wondered about people that often take all kinds of drugs including magic mushrooms or marijuna. They don’t seem phased by it. They don’t seem to become spiritual. They are just interested in having a cool experience. I wouldn’t call them ‘stupid,’ rather I would call them ‘unaware’. They are the opposite of curious.

  • @Ryan.McKenzie
    @Ryan.McKenzie 4 місяці тому +2

    Like I had to learn to trust the good part of my imagination and not trust the negative side of my imagination. That's been my experience with psychedelics and life. I had to kill the bad thoughts and feed the good ones. And to keep the good ones alive I have to act on them. I can't just leave it dormant. The negative intentions can lay dormant and even be calloused over time. But definitely guard and nurture the good intentions or positive imagination. Staying open and guarded per say.

    @ASTRALDASH444 4 місяці тому +5

    im really resonating with this video, even when we all take the same amount I always get hit harder

    • @Richestmanintheworld395
      @Richestmanintheworld395 4 місяці тому +1

      It’s not just about how hard it hits you, it’s more about the result in state of mind and thoughts.

    • @AZTR0N0MICAL04
      @AZTR0N0MICAL04 4 місяці тому

      @@Richestmanintheworld395 i feel like it can be both but when you take a lot its harder to handle

  • @blakelegrice8219
    @blakelegrice8219 4 місяці тому +1

    I was close to 18 when i took my 1st tab, at that time it wasn't so much of a profound experience but more so fun and just very trippy, there was a small hint of ego death but i never laughed so hard before lol. I'm 31 now and would love to take another trip, however this time i know it wont be like old times, I'm way more developed on the conscious scale and i think i am overdue for some kind of deep and profound experience, maybe i will find something in the future

    • @pursuitofspirit
      @pursuitofspirit  4 місяці тому

      If you feel the call, then it definitely has something to show you!

  • @CodyMaverick-tp8tz
    @CodyMaverick-tp8tz 4 місяці тому +3

    I definitely agree there's an element of genetics that influences how much one can realize a psychedelic experience. Depending on our brain's chemical makeup psychedelics affect us in different ways and I don't deny some of us might be temporarily limited in their ability to deeply realize the experience. Natural sensitivity/tolerance to the substance and to our own emotions/sensations also plays a role.
    I'm not saying you are implying this, but I tend to disagree with the idea that our brains are hard-wired and that our chemical makeup is just something we are born with and that is not subject to change. Human brains are extremely plastic and adaptive, and we truly don't know the potential of each individual brain. Life experiences alter how our brain functions, and so do psychedelics, exercise, relationships, among other things. It's really incredible how much potential our brain's have, and I can see someone that was previously labeled "immune to psychedelics" becoming capable of realizing such experiences.
    I also wonder if some of these people that don't go as deeply are too afraid to surrender to the experience or to question reality and the nature of consciousness. It takes courage to begin to question reality, to see what really is, to let go of old beliefs and patterns and conditioning. Maybe some of us aren't ready to see behind the curtain, and it is possible to block out a lot of what a psychedelic experience is. From a psychological perspective, I think psychedelics do a great job at amplifying what is already within us, and when there is a lot of negative emotion it is easy to dissociate from our emotions. The more we are disconnected from ourselves, the harder it is to connect with our true nature and realize the infinite beauty within.
    In my experience my ability to realize psychedelic experiences has grown over time. I've noticed the amount of a psychedelic I need to take to have ineffably beautiful experiences has lowered as I've grown as a person and the depth of these experiences just keeps increasing.
    When I first took acid for the first time I had an experience similar to yours where I felt blown away by the power and deep mystical aspect of a psychedelic experience and couldn't connect with my friends that were tripping with me on that level. It's hard to say whether these friends of mine were genetically affected by the psychedelic in some other way and that's why they didn't find it as profound, or if they were subconsciously blocking the experience, or simply not ready for their nervous system to reveal that aspect of themselves to them.
    Regardless of whatever chemical imprint was left in our brain as a result of all the experiences we've been through, if we see psychedelics as tools to strip ourselves to the core of what we are, then the experience can expand to an infinite degree for everybody.
    Anyways great stuff Vic. This video got me thinking, it's very interesting!

  • @DubbznWubbz99
    @DubbznWubbz99 4 місяці тому +1

    Good video! I agree its genetics but also personality traits can play into it ime as they are connected, have met a few people who had diagnosed personality disorders and they had an aversion to it after trying it once or just didn't want to try at all. Weird connection I've noted but when I'm around psychedelic users/people who've used them theyve been more accepting, more open, more pleasant to be around etc. Other than that i like the editing and you earned a sub with this one! Hoping to see more content related to psychedelics.

    • @pursuitofspirit
      @pursuitofspirit  4 місяці тому

      I've noticed that too. Psychedelic users are the best.
      Thank you!

  • @robertjohnston1920
    @robertjohnston1920 4 місяці тому +2

    I think some of the other comments make good points, I only partly agree. I think there is a lot of ego in these particular ideas.

  • @extrullorgd4444
    @extrullorgd4444 4 місяці тому +2

    I think it all depends on the dose.

  • @levlevin182
    @levlevin182 4 місяці тому +1


  • @averylowe5744
    @averylowe5744 4 місяці тому +2

    Bro is doing the thing Rick and Morty fans did lol

    • @AZTR0N0MICAL04
      @AZTR0N0MICAL04 4 місяці тому

      hahaha pretty accurate. I dont think stupid people cant have experiences but you def have to want them to happen welcome it with open arms

    • @pursuitofspirit
      @pursuitofspirit  4 місяці тому

      You're not intelligent enough to be a rick and morty fan

    • @averylowe5744
      @averylowe5744 4 місяці тому

      @@pursuitofspirit brother saying someone can’t have a true experience on shrooms bc if their intelligence is so dumb this video has to be rage bait. Obviously a person with a mental disorder isn’t going to get the same thing out of it, but just a “dullard” typa guy is going to have a similar experience as you even with your vast knowledge, also if you have to continually do psychedelics to “free your mind” or have a “grand realization” take a step back and think what that says about yourself. Weak minded some might say? Not me. But some? Yes.

  • @gilosanas
    @gilosanas 4 місяці тому +1

    oh so thts the problem, thanks

  • @Eargulp
    @Eargulp 4 місяці тому +1

    This is such nonsense also - every experience is different and you can’t compare yours to anyone else’s. Doing so as you are in this video comes across incredibly unintelligent especially socially. Maybe you’re just young and think you’re special idk what it is. But I don’t appreciate the negativity how you talk about how others experience their psychedelics as if you have any frame of reference to judge them on.
    People calling themselves intelligent is a huge red flag for intelligence anyway..

    • @pursuitofspirit
      @pursuitofspirit  4 місяці тому

      I'm just being honest man. I've been in the psychedelic scene for almost 8 years now and have always noticed this difference between people who have incredibly profound spiritual experiences on psychedelics and those who don't. It's worth exploring.

  • @note_finger
    @note_finger 4 місяці тому

    maybe Terence was just being blunt and straight forward as he can be when he says psychedelics dont work on stupid people, maybe he wasnt trying to convey anything hahaha good try on what you THINK he might've said i guess lol

  • @nova_4168
    @nova_4168 4 місяці тому

    first time ive seen a youtube psychedelic guy get this concept.
    if you think stupid ppl cant understand psychedelics you need to get out of your ego.

  • @jasminegoin5006
    @jasminegoin5006 4 місяці тому

    LeBron James, you mean Michael Jordan right?

  • @hawgslam4
    @hawgslam4 4 місяці тому

    bro wants to be called intelligent so bad

  • @nehadsilva2009
    @nehadsilva2009 4 місяці тому

    You don't look good but you don't look ugly also
    Ugly looking 1.2 are rejected. You are not ugly like 1.2. and 3 .5.....🥰🕉️🥰

    • @pursuitofspirit
      @pursuitofspirit  4 місяці тому +12

      How I look is the least important part of this video!

    • @AZTR0N0MICAL04
      @AZTR0N0MICAL04 4 місяці тому +2

      @@pursuitofspirit whered this comment come from on a vid like this🤣