Ya but you also have to be white or not black because as the black people pointed out to us being black means they are incapable of being racist. So I don’t like u all non black people.
Racism is a belief system. It is having the sense of inferiority or superiority by way of race and thinking race its the primary determinate of characteristics. Discrimination is only racist if it is an extension of that
@@yoyoyiggityyo17 I think we know what racism means. But you're right, it's good to point out that when we use the word discrimination to define racism, we tend to forget that there exists "good discrimination" My favorite definition is: prejudice based on race. Prejudice reasonably removes the good discrimination out of discrimination.
Having dated several Vietnamese girls back before I got married to my Thai wife, I've noticed Vietnamese people were crazy racist against all other types of Asian people with Chinese sometime am occasional exception because China has such a huge effect on Vietnam, but that goes again for pretty much all Asian people.
I had a black manager at my first job (worked at The Buckle) and he told all of us multiple times that certain customers of certain colors, wearing certain kinds of outfits, etc. were to be kept a close eye on. He knew the demo of the city we were in and who would be the most likely to be problems.
@@LeBronyaJames You can't just call the police on someone for their skin color or their outfits if they haven't done anything 💀💀It's just people to look out for in case they do do something
This crap is hurting my heart that people actually think about white people like this and refuse to admit they’re being racist. I can’t believe things have gotten this bad.
sadly even black people tried to make peace and that's what the 60 s were about. But white people since they had more power during that time kept killing them off and prevent them from making a change. White people also created racism, and never fixed the problem. Not only to black people but white folks were often in denial of other races racism experiences, some even think that racism doesn't exist. Now it's backfiring at them, should they come here complaining. This is how other races used to feel.
You hit it spot on there towards the end. Yes, hating someone/a group because of their skin color is awful, but simply noticing trends is not. Facts are not racist.
@@covenantslayergaming6362 Yea I agree, the human brain is fascinating. Its complex but it notices patterns easily and allows one to predict what happens next.
All this cancel culture, self guilt, finger pointing based on the color of people’s skin gives me a headache. "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."- Martin Luther King Jr.
Amen. That includes not judging white people for being white. Our society is exchanging one form of racism for another which is only going to keep it going. I’m white and I don’t feel like a victim or think I’m losing the country or any of that nonsense but at the same time I can clearly see non whites being able to say and do things that I would be canceled for. I don’t want to do those things but when u let anyone be or act or talk like a racist it can only become worse.
He said HIS children, not the white ones. This video shows how racism is alive and well in the USA, and that ultimate freedom leads to chaos and even more racism.
Ayo, as much as he was chill, if he met today's black American community he probably wouldn't have died for that shit. Just saying. Black Americans are sorry af man. Smh even after Obama, they just got worse.
@@anthonyzullo It’s not necessarily black Americans pushing the racist narratives. The majority of it is white suburban college chicks with any rainbow spectrum hair color. The SJW’s are the problem. If we had more role models like MLK Jr., we wouldn’t be in this mess. Instead we have grifters crapping on his legacy.
you’re taking a direct quote from Martin Luther King Jr. out of context. The quote said “little children” not “HIS CHILDREN”. The whole point of his speech and this line within this speech is that he wished to see people of ALL races to be harmonious and to love one another. And to be judged by the content of your character. Ultimate freedom doesn’t lead to chaos and more racism, restriction on freedom leads to hardship. The opposite of freedom is slavery. Is slavery not chaotic and racist?
"I'm a 1 due to accidental racism." "Give me an example of accidental racism." "I'm Filipino and sometimes I will mistaken some people for different Asian races." THAT'S NOT RACISM. Guessing a wrong ethnicity isn't racism. That's just simply a wrong guess. I swear a lot of people talk or hear about racism so much that they don't even know what racism is or what it means to be racist towards someone. 🤦♂
Someone asked my brother if his name was gomez once when he is half Pakistani and half White. He was not offended and we all cracked up about it when he got home. It is not racist to misguess someones race.
Im asian and we were taught stereotypes and racists things while growing up. Honestly, it helped me more by avoiding those who fits those racial stereotypes and be with amazing individuals. You can use it for a good purpose. People just dont know how
Agree with this. I have often grown up in ghetto/rural towns in America and every black person I’ve been friends with knows the difference between hardworking, non victim, black people and the black people that fit the “black sterotypes”. Most black people aren’t like that, thank goodness. Most good people realize that hardworking people are usually thinking about more important things than race. Even the black friends I had knew to stay away from those that perpetuated the bad stereotypes.
THANK YOU! Finally someone said it! Stereotypes can help at times, there's a reason why they are called Stereotypes, aka an overly exaggerated version of the truth or what is real.
Actually it's the opposite. You can't love others if you don't love yourself. With everything that's being pushed as important nowadays, it makes sense too.
You have to discuss something in order to understand it so we can stop it. People saying just stop talking about it hoping it would go away doesn't work. Ask any teen girl that ignores that's she's pregnant until she has the baby🙄🙄🙄
The way that our culture has downgraded what racism is, actually infuriates me. As a South African, and learning about the actual racism from our past, and the hurt and pain it caused, by us calling every little thing and person racist, we have diluted the word until it hardly means anything anymore. It is now just a political term to be thrown around, and when actual cases of gross discrimination pop up, they are just lumped in (and therefore made less) with the rest of the ridiculous name calling and virtual signaling that goes on. Being white does not make you automatically racist. Being black does not automatically exclude you from being racist. Racism has nothing to do with simply “being”. It is based on your actions towards others. Our society needs a reality check.
As a white American I could not agree more. I must be a racist cos I hate fake victims who literally are stealing attention away from actual victims for nothing more then clicks. Then you have innocent people being cancelled and called racist for the stupidest things while real racist are quietly doing all the bad things that they can to hurt people. It’s the same thing with rape. You have college girls saying they were raped or assaulted because of jokes or because that guy they willingly slept with didn’t text her the next day. As a South African I would love to hear your take on that. I hate hearing that statistic that 1 out of every 5 college women are assaulted which makes it just as dangerous as the worst parts of Africa. You have got to be kidding me.
@@arandomguardsmen tbh that’s pretty standard EFF practice, most of us South Africans are used to it, so it’s interesting seeing the rest of the world be shocked by it. The EFF is basically a small party with a lot of loud voices that likes to be shocking, and most of the time people dismiss it, but the problem comes when people take them seriously/listen to them… but I think honestly as a South African we collectively have much bigger problems to face than the EFF and their chants, so no one’s really taken them that seriously.
@@arandomguardsmen not that I’m saying what they were chanting wasn’t abhorrent/shocking, it’s just that we aren’t really phased by them much anymore… like I said, big voice, but most of their threats fall through (they tried to plan a nation wide shut down back in March and protesters got bored a couple hours in and went home)
25 years ago, two teenage kids came into the fast food restaurant I was managing and they were acting really sketchy. I told myself, "calm down. You're just being racist". 30 seconds later one was pointing a gun on me while the other was jumping across the counter.
Ya people act like you are racist if you see someone who looks sketchy and respond accordingly. If your white and the two people are white then you are smart if you are white and the two are black you are called racist. You can call them sketchy because of their behavior not because of their race. I’m not walking down a dark alley with 4 or 5 people in a bad neighborhood no matter what race they are. Lol
I really hope you didn’t take one example from your life and now use it to justify being racist in other situations … cause idk why you would type this
Dude, I did private security for many years, and the number of times someone called me racist for kicking out someone who had already been banned FOR THEFT (or assault, in a few cases) was mind-boggling.... Like, because I am white and they were black, it MUST be racism? It can't even be considered that they are just a terrible person? When I have to describe people, I use unchangeable (or hard to change) physical attributes. Skin colour, whether you like it or not, is something that is very difficult to disguise. Same with height, or weight. Same if they have scars, or a limp/other physical disfigurements. If someone causes trouble then takes off, I'm not going to be like "well, they have a darker complexion, but like, I wouldn't call them ". I would legit be "Middle Eastern (or african, or nigerian, or european/caucasian), approximately 6ft tall, and MISSING HIS RIGHT ARM, because he threw his prosthetic at me".
@@cucumber790 true u can’t hold a entire race accountable for the actions of one person but in the same way many black people think all white people are privileged weather they experienced it or not.
You have to make words more broad so you can keep it going. Racism, rape, the word woman, I mean it’s just unbelievable how we are destroying education and broadening words so much that anything can mean anything now a days.
I disagree I think there are just major forms of racism and micro aggressions - Both are racism, it’s just a spectrum of how offensive or ignorant a person is
@@cucumber790 I would disagree with that. I think either u are or u are not a racist. I honestly don’t believe u can b just a little racist. What’s that look like? I would never hired a black person but I don’t want to kill them. That’s racist not a little. If u believe in degrees of racism then anything and anyone can be a racist. Because u can make anything seem racist.
This episode was the best in a long time ! It's really nice to hear you talk softly and it's good ratio of video/reaction (also the lighter makeup is super good!)
I would refuse to give myself a number. I'm just straight up not a racist. I don't believe that you can judge what kind of person someone is by the color of their skin. I care about the way people act.
Exactly my point I made on another comment. How can u be a little racist? Either you are or your not. I’m a 4 I discriminate against black people but I don’t hate them or want to kill them. Seriously? It’s either no and 0 or yes and every number 1 through 10.
I was/am raised SUPER sheltered, white Catholic family and all! XD This didn't stop my mind from thinking women of any race could give birth to children of any race. One day in my freshman year, I gave a presentation about a book where a black girl and a white girl were friends back in segregated America. I used the words used in the book to describe the black girl. Colored and black were the words. A girl came up to me, and she is 'African American' and yelled at me how racist 'colored and black' are and how rude it is that I didn't make sure they weren't racist. Said I should have said African American. Yet another classmate said that he is so not related to Africans that I should call him black. And then most of my many black classmates literally don't care a bit.
True story. I once saw an online argument a long time ago, and one guy said he "hated all people equally". He was being made to defend that though under the accusation of racism "no you don't, you hate black people more!". It was the stupidest thing ever to see a guy trying to explain how his hate was equally distributed, non-partisan, and without regard to race, religion, or national origin. And it was equally stupid to see that the people accusing him weren't going to be satisfied until that was so.
I would openly say I am not racist simply for the fact that I hate no one. The only person I could ever hate is a murderer or a child abuser and I hate them for their actions, not their appearance.
There are racists in every races, and it's stupid. We shouldn't see each others as enemies. It's hard to love people because there is so much division, but it's possible with God. We are one human race. Good video, Brett.
Totally agree. I made the same point. This country was founded on all of us from different backgrounds and cultures coming together to build a new country. Even black slaves who were being mistreated fought for our country’s freedom. Now all our government is doing is tearing us apart. The educated people are losing because the ignorant people are failing for all the BS. We need to educate them and look out for one another.
All true Asians are by born racists. But we really don't care as much as the westerners and generally don't consider 'racism' to be offending. We laugh it off more often than not, and that's what makes people from the west perplexed. Honestly, it's not a big deal and it never was. Even our parents be racist towards us lol. 🤣
@@davidgarcia5593 funny how lations and asians are also admirer of different cultures among them! a true testament of why 'racism' and 'micro aggression' are stupid concepts to begin with! and yet we see the west fail miserably at acknowledging this...
@@davidgarcia5593I dunno, man. My ex fiancé used to employ a lot of Latino workers. He did hotel facade restoration. So we'd all stay on site for 3-12 weeks at a time, having the hotel's continental breakfast together most every morning. Those dudes were from different countries. And the Dominicans got very offended when someone mistook them for Mexican. And the Mexicans got very offended when someone mistook then for Cubans. Etc etc. I clearly remember this guy Domingo yelling at the desk clerk, "I NOT A MEXICAN!!!" Dude was pissed.
If this were true, then we wouldn't have the "White Latino", "Non-Latino White" categories. Argentinians call Brazilians "monkeys"... I guess that's not racist, right?
I never judge people on race at all! What a person is, is so much more important to me. There are good and bad in everything. Some of these people are just trying to say what they THINK they should say! And don't even know what racism is! And I find that really disturbing.
And what about judging a race based on the majority? Or at least acting on the knowledge of what the majority are doing? I don't think all black people are the same, but that doesn't mean I'll risk wandering around the ghetto.
@@remyllebeau77but that’s different, if you see a black person then they are just a person but if you go into an area where crime runs rampant then of course anyone who approaches you is going to be pretty suspicious, what I’m trying to say is that it’s not really the color of skin but the level of crime tendencies in the area combined with the appearance of the person (like a well dressed person versus someone dressed like a gang member) but I completely see your meaning I just think it’s less to do with race and more to do with appearance and area
Absolutely agree. Half these people don’t know the meaning of racism and most of the rest are too afraid to say what they really think. White people too afraid to say 0, black people saying 0 while openly being racist. It’s all just so stupid but that’s what our government wants now. Used to be a country bringing everyone together and now it’s just about tearing us all a part
@@remyllebeau77I hate to tell you but if it's not your neighborhood, and it is a ghetto, it's not going to matter if it's a black or white ghetto, if it's not where you live, you'd likely get messed with, no matter what, especially now, since crime is so much worse
@@zoebella314 Not exactly. Criminality is not correlated with how poor a population is. Crime creates poverty, not necessarily the other way around. There are poor communities in Appalachia I would not be afraid to be around.
I’m white and I used to be a 0 racist but the government is working hard to make me more racist. By allowing women to openly discriminate and talk so badly against men is making me start to hate women. The way all non white people get to openly be racist against me is starting to make me hate people from other races. I’m a white man who has half my family are black, all 3 of my wives have been non white women and I have a half black child. I used to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and judged them on their character but more and more I catch myself giving the benefit of the doubt less.
Well you should look inward, if you know that you were raised right, and you aren't those things, then you shouldn't let what other people might say, or perceive you to be, just actively go out and try to spread love, wherever you can, and if it's hard with someone, then just walk away from them, and just let it slide, forget about even interacting with them at all
That's what they trying to do, make you hateful and bitter and resentful, it's hard but you know what's right and what's wrong, got to stay true to your values and yourself
I have had similar experiences. I definitely didn’t start out having biases against black people. The more I see stupid sorry excuses for human beings rioting and destroying their neighborhoods and blaming it all on racism the harder it is to block out the biases. It becomes incredibly hard to separate my views of those criminals from the next random black person I see. I had some neighbors before that called me and my mom racist over some political discussion misunderstanding before all this mess came to a head in 2020 and it has been very hard to not look at them with distain since then because they just completely flipped their lids and wouldn’t listen to reason. It’s tragic that such a loud chunk of the black community is proud of degeneracy and crying racism because it makes the rest look bad and degrades relations more and more. The far left only adds to this turmoil. Alright, I think I’m done rambling.
I was raised in a fundamentalist Christian cult. I was insulated from the outside world for the most part. This group taught absolute equality among everyone, there was ideally zero prejudice among brothers in Christ. I was taught this by my parents so well that I believed when I was young that my dad's black best friend was my actual blood uncle. I also didn't know that racism was a thing in human society until around 13 years of age. Once I learned about it, it still made no sense to me. Then I left the cult at 22 years of age and had to live in the real world. People of different races taught me to be prejudiced. Life experience has given me a reason to be mistrustful of people that don't look like me and it mostly has to do with the fact that they have been indoctrinated to hate me, not the other way around.
Could not have said it any better. My point exactly. The government is teaching us to be racist, sexist and every other form or discrimination. It’s up to us to resist the devil and his demons.
@@Mstorrance I was raised as a Christian where women were not allowed to have any leadership or teaching positions. They were also not permitted to pray aloud in the presence of a man, and if they did pray aloud with other women they were required to cover their head with a scarf. I was raised to view the end of the world as imminent and to reject everything on the earth as a tool or plan of Satan to distract you from the glory of God. I was raised to believe that church leadership held absolute control over your life because they speak directly with Jesus. They get to decide your education, who you marry, how much work you do outside of the church for money, and what the correct interpretation of scripture is. Yep, just a plain old Christian, no cult here.
To the black man who said it wasn't his job to educate other people, I would ask why it isn't. If it's not your job to educate, maybe it's not your job to criticize.
Id just like to say that stereo types are mostly true🤣 my dad is Brazilian and all he cares about is samba and football lmao. My mum is Spanish and makes paella every week. Stereotypes are there because they are generally true. Obviously not EVERY person from that country/race is the same. It’s not racist. I lost it at the girl thinking she’s racist for telling her Egyptian friend she had a cat god when it’s literally what we were told as kids lol
Yeah, lol... my father is also Brazilian and he goes nuts when he watches futebol, he's talkative and sociable, and loves the sun and steaks. My mother is Filipino and loves to sing, eats rice with EVERYTHING, and is a nurse.
@@AzraelAGthe cat god is from waaaaayyyyy back on history. Its like saying you like apples because your great great great great grandfather did. Nowadays, egypt is a muslim country
No, there are people that are fully open. Not very many but they can be found. Like I’ve met a guy online that wants to be a part of the kkk, we don’t talk to that guy anymore.
A woman who proudly identified herself as a black supremacist just got fired in Texas last week for being very public on X/Twitter about her racism. She was hella proud.
First things first: I laughed hard at the Yu-Gi-Oh Egyptian God cards reference 😂 Second: I’m not racist. However, my mom instilled some stereotypes and prejudice about different races and cultures. I have realized those things and try to break these bad habits and mentality.
I believe certain aspects of a particular culture drives many racial stereotypes. Just because I'm black doesn't mean I like gangster rap, hate the police, grew up in a broken home, good at basketball, etc. What some people call racism is actually bias against a particular culture.
I’m white and proud of it but I did grow up in mostly black neighborhoods with half my family being black including my half brother. So even though I’m a white man I have a lot of black tendencies for example talking with my hands, certain things I say, certain expressions and so on. I have stereotypes that fit me perfectly(I can’t dance) lol and some that are totally opposite.
I mean, i had a black bear in my yard this morning and my wife genuinely was scared it was going to go for the chickens to which i immediately replied "thats racist".....i mean, even my black roommate understood the joke and laughed histerically.
As a straight white man….. I’ll admit to a solid 8. Road rage gets me saying some heinous sh*t. Also stupidity knows no race. And it ain’t illegal to hate stupid people.
My grandparents used to manage a restaurant. One day, two black women with bright red hair came in during lunch rush and asked to be interviewed by my grandpa for a job. He told them it was a busy time, but if they filled out a form, he’d get back to them. They were insistent that he see them now, and he repeated that he’d get back to them if they left their information. One of the ladies started yelling back that my grandpa was just prejudiced against black people. His response was, “I’m not prejudiced against black people, I’m prejudiced against redheads!” I still can’t believe he said that. 😂 Anyone who actually knew him knew that he was a pillar of the community who would give you the shirt off his back. He happily employed teens to help teach work ethic, gave meals for free to those in need, volunteered with local organizations (his wife frequently volunteered at the woman’s shelter, too), etc. When he passed, people had to stand at the back of his funeral because the pews were full. Biases have always existed and will continue to exist no matter where you are in the world and what age. What matters is the way you treat people despite the fact those biases exist. When that woman became angry with him, she used racism as an excuse for her entitlement. I can’t help but notice the trend is ongoing.
I judge no one on the color of their skin, sexual orientation, religion, or political party but I will absolutely judge you on your driving skills and your musical openness. These are 2 very important factors for me to know if we can be friends or not 😄
Honestly, imo, im not gonna judge you by race or ethnicity but how you hold yourself, your personality, and your merits. THAT BEING SAID, I love dark humor and offensive jokes. Especially if they’re about something I can relate to (my race/ethnicity, my weight, my sexuality, etc.) because I also think it’s healthy to not take everything seriously and just have a good laugh at yourself. That’s why I couldn’t get mentally bullied either and made a lot of friends within school because I would laugh along when people chose to “bully” or roast me in the halls because sometimes people be saying the funniest shit. What’s also funny about stereotypes as well is that they can be funny because they hold some truth to them
@@sanniepstein4835 nothing wrong with it being anecdotal. Things that are anecdotal or personal experiences still have some value to them and are still good to learn life lessons and grow from when it comes to an individual standpoint. It’s different if you made your personal experience with that one person a baseless generalization made from hatred or spite and treated any person of the same category as him (ex. His ethnicity/race, his occupation, his gender, etc.) in a negative manner
As a Moroccan with Belgian citizenship, because born and raised in Belgium. I did experienced racism, but I did make a difference between people who racially wronged me because of ignorance or people who wronged me because of hate. Later on I did more research about this topic. I learned we all are racists in one way or another. We all have our prejudicies, judgments, preferences. But you only need to be aware you don't unnecessarly hurt anyone and never discriminate anyone because of their background.
I personally don't see myself as racist. Every time someone does something bad I don't see it as a whatever race thing but more like a human thing. I believe every human is capable of evil whatever their race is. But I'm curious though, what are the ways you're talking about? In which way could I be racist?
@@dielemamfoumbi7128 I don't say I am a racist, its morally rejected. But sometimes our actions doesn't get in line with our convinctions. For example, if I am out at night and I see a group of black people/gypsie people/eastern europeans/etc... all together in street, I am perhaps more cautious about my wallet than if they were a group of Swedish girls for example. Its something I subconsciously do and I hate to admit that.
@@zaidtiane4235Why would you be out at night like that? If there’s a big enough person or group, no matter who they are, they can threaten your safety. Danger doesn’t discriminate, you should be cautious of all people since all people, even you, can be violent and do bad things. You probably live in a bad area
Because they are brainwashed by our government through the education system. Our schools from 1st grade are teaching ideologies and sexual orientation. They are literally teaching you that you are a victim and you are oppressed if you are not white and if your white your bad. They are teaching boys of all races your bad so become girls so you can be good. Is it really a surprise we have problems with racism and sexism? Unbelievable
I'm probably racist. But the definition of racsim has been overly broaden so much that I no longer consider racism is necessarily a bad thing. So I'm proud to be a racist.
As someone who grew up Catholic, the church is super diverse lol. Most of the people I went to school with were Hispanic and Asian, and the priest at my church is African. Most of south America and Mexico are catholic. But I guess it makes u racist (apparently the FBI feels that way these days too)
I remember learning about ancient Egypt in school and hearing about how much Egyptians loved cats. They made statues of them everywhere. It’s not far-fetched to assume they had a cat God that they worshipped.
That goddess is called Bastet. She was represented in Egyptian art as a female body with a cat head. And many other representations of her were just cat figures. So I don't know why her Egyptian friend got angry.
As a white girl from the south, I was rarely around Hispanic, Asian, and very few black people. When I joined the Army, I learned to work together with all these 'races' (I believe there is only one race...the human race). Join the military, people, and you'll learn not only to live and work with others (it could save your life and the lives of your fellow soldiers, sailors, airmen) but will most likely live all over the world and be exposed to many cultures. I'm not racist, but will become 'prejudiced' if someone gives me a reason....for example, a friend of mine is a severe diabetic (she's white) and she'll down loads of desserts then give herself a shot of insulin. That angers me!!!!
Racism , according the the Webster's dictionary: "a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race" I think the people in this video need to have an understanding of what they are talking about before they can rank it. This is the case in much political discussion nowadays, unfortunately. We cannot even have a discourse on topics because every body has different definitions for what words mean.
Stereotypes are there for a reason but you can't criticize someone else if you dont know them especially just because of their race. The definition of racism literally has changed so much that it means nothing now, it's just saying you don't like someone now. Just because you're curious doesn't mean you're racist. I never used to care about or know people's race but now we are being divided.
I would argue that it's culture vs race. I wouldn't want to live next to hillbillies or gang members and it has nothing to do with race but I would probably pre-judge both of those groups. I suspect most racism is actually this vs racism.
There's like a history between countries especially in East Asia where Japan's superiority had defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese war, as well as their victory over China in another (Sino-Japanese war). Each win motivated Japan to expand their power so they imperialized/colonized other countries like Korea, Taiwan, Manchuria as well as other islands in the Pacific. With other historical events in the region (Vietnam War, Korean War, etc.), it's caused some beef between different Asian ethnicities that currently remain today.
And unfortunately that will be coming back as globalization ends. After world war 2 America made the world more peaceful but America can’t do that any more so the empires of the past will rage again in the future.
This is interesting, because I will crack a racist joke around/towards friends every now and again and it's all fun and games amongst ourselves, they will make jokes about me being white and me about them being Vietnamese or Kenyan. But I would still put myself at 1 or 2 just because I feel to be racist you have to have some form of hatred towards another race. And I have absolutely no ill will/dislike/hatred towards anyone because of their race.
If that’s true then your number should be 0 not 1 or 2. To me it’s a simple yes or no question. Do u hate, judge, or discriminate against anyone because of their race. Your answer should be yes and 10 or no and 0. U can take anything said or done in a racist way but that doesn’t make you a racist. I truly believe u have to a some level of actual hate to be racist.
I would say that I am probably like a 4 by today's standards. I am now 49 years old and I have travelled a lot and even lived in 6 different countries. I know that travels broadens the mind. However, in the countries that I lived in, I also noticed that many of the stereotypes about the people in those countries were pretty much true. Of course all people are different so there were many exceptions, but I mean in a general sense, I could see why those stereotypes came about. :)
This episode was great Brett. you had me dying laughing and just pausing the video. You are too good. i wanted to go on there and say 7 or 8 just for the shits and giggles.
honestly I just like messing around with my friends about their race. I make fun of myself as well, so yes I am racist I love racism 😍People should relax more, have fun, and joke around. Life is more than just your race.
Ya life is too damn short not to laugh and try to be happy. I truly don’t understand why people work so hard to be miserable. I stop doing almost anything that makes me miserable. I can’t wait to stop paying for my daughter’s college education and living expenses because she graduates lol
I'm probably an 8/10. I'm also "fat phobic" and judge hard the minimal actions I perceive from others from the 2 minutes I see them 🤣🤣🤣 let's be real. But I'm only racist when I don't like someone. There's many people within many races that I have a lot of respect for. I'm mainly racist towards the ones that have horrendous behavior and don't carry themselves well
Brett is an absolute and undeniable treasure of humanity itself - a fresh breath of authenticity and joy in a world of superficiality and depression. Thank you for brightening my day once again.
omgg I love how Brett reacted to that one girl that started explaining how black people can't be racist🤣🤣 that's like the type of girl that says being white is racist
If the definition is: hate a specific group solely based on their ethnicity. My answer is no. My reasoning is, I will treat you with respect no matter who you are if I don’t know you I’m going to be skeptical simple.
Calling an entire race racist just because of their race is racist.
Brett inspires me.. My parents said if i get 50K followers They'd buy me a professional camera for recording..begging u guys , literally
That hurt my brain
@@namantherockstar please stop you annoying bot
That's like saying this comment is racist, because it contains the word race too often
They've redefined racism so much that it has lost its original meaning. Racism today just means "I don't like you."
Ya but you also have to be white or not black because as the black people pointed out to us being black means they are incapable of being racist. So I don’t like u all non black people.
"Unless I'm black, then it's OK to assault Asian women on the NYC subway".
No, that's too simple. It's more like:
"How much do you have in common with 1980's white culture?"
Racism is a belief system. It is having the sense of inferiority or superiority by way of race and thinking race its the primary determinate of characteristics. Discrimination is only racist if it is an extension of that
@@yoyoyiggityyo17 I think we know what racism means. But you're right, it's good to point out that when we use the word discrimination to define racism, we tend to forget that there exists "good discrimination"
My favorite definition is:
prejudice based on race.
Prejudice reasonably removes the good discrimination out of discrimination.
as a Vietnamese person, yes, my mom and I are very judgmental. also, imo I think asian stereotypes are hilarious.
I’m white and the white stereotypes are so funny
@@Niski7113 I think most people think stereotypes are funny.
viets unite
@@gandalainsley6467honestly Canadian Stereotypes are crazy
Having dated several Vietnamese girls back before I got married to my Thai wife, I've noticed Vietnamese people were crazy racist against all other types of Asian people with Chinese sometime am occasional exception because China has such a huge effect on Vietnam, but that goes again for pretty much all Asian people.
I had a black manager at my first job (worked at The Buckle) and he told all of us multiple times that certain customers of certain colors, wearing certain kinds of outfits, etc. were to be kept a close eye on. He knew the demo of the city we were in and who would be the most likely to be problems.
Why didn’t he not just call the police on them? That would get rid of them permanently
@@LeBronyaJames You can't just call the police on someone for their skin color or their outfits if they haven't done anything 💀💀It's just people to look out for in case they do do something
This crap is hurting my heart that people actually think about white people like this and refuse to admit they’re being racist. I can’t believe things have gotten this bad.
I think some white people are racist some Asians are racist some black people are racist and some Latinos are racist
sadly even black people tried to make peace and that's what the 60 s were about. But white people since they had more power during that time kept killing them off and prevent them from making a change. White people also created racism, and never fixed the problem. Not only to black people but white folks were often in denial of other races racism experiences, some even think that racism doesn't exist. Now it's backfiring at them, should they come here complaining. This is how other races used to feel.
You hit it spot on there towards the end. Yes, hating someone/a group because of their skin color is awful, but simply noticing trends is not. Facts are not racist.
The human brain is wired to notice patterns. It's how we've survived through the generations.
@@covenantslayergaming6362 Yea I agree, the human brain is fascinating. Its complex but it notices patterns easily and allows one to predict what happens next.
Check your privilege; literally EVERYTHING is racist. EVERYTHING.
If you have to justify being racist that says a lot
All this cancel culture, self guilt, finger pointing based on the color of people’s skin gives me a headache.
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."- Martin Luther King Jr.
Amen. That includes not judging white people for being white. Our society is exchanging one form of racism for another which is only going to keep it going. I’m white and I don’t feel like a victim or think I’m losing the country or any of that nonsense but at the same time I can clearly see non whites being able to say and do things that I would be canceled for. I don’t want to do those things but when u let anyone be or act or talk like a racist it can only become worse.
He said HIS children, not the white ones.
This video shows how racism is alive and well in the USA, and that ultimate freedom leads to chaos and even more racism.
Ayo, as much as he was chill, if he met today's black American community he probably wouldn't have died for that shit. Just saying. Black Americans are sorry af man. Smh even after Obama, they just got worse.
@@anthonyzullo It’s not necessarily black Americans pushing the racist narratives. The majority of it is white suburban college chicks with any rainbow spectrum hair color. The SJW’s are the problem. If we had more role models like MLK Jr., we wouldn’t be in this mess. Instead we have grifters crapping on his legacy.
you’re taking a direct quote from Martin Luther King Jr. out of context. The quote said “little children” not “HIS CHILDREN”. The whole point of his speech and this line within this speech is that he wished to see people of ALL races to be harmonious and to love one another. And to be judged by the content of your character. Ultimate freedom doesn’t lead to chaos and more racism, restriction on freedom leads to hardship. The opposite of freedom is slavery. Is slavery not chaotic and racist?
These people think that they’re racist if they don’t go out of their way to go above and beyond for other groups. 😂
That’s how I feel sometimes😭😭😭 I’ve been brainwashed
Also cause they don’t give BLM money.
Brett inspires me.. My parents said if i get 50K followers They'd buy me a professional camera for recording..begging u guys , literally
@@namantherockstarpls stop these bot comments. You started at like 30k, it’s annoying.
"I'm a 1 due to accidental racism." "Give me an example of accidental racism." "I'm Filipino and sometimes I will mistaken some people for different Asian races."
THAT'S NOT RACISM. Guessing a wrong ethnicity isn't racism. That's just simply a wrong guess. I swear a lot of people talk or hear about racism so much that they don't even know what racism is or what it means to be racist towards someone. 🤦♂
Someone asked my brother if his name was gomez once when he is half Pakistani and half White. He was not offended and we all cracked up about it when he got home.
It is not racist to misguess someones race.
I live in a Filipino household and if they saw this they wod think their overdramatic because its simply not racist💀
Im asian and we were taught stereotypes and racists things while growing up. Honestly, it helped me more by avoiding those who fits those racial stereotypes and be with amazing individuals. You can use it for a good purpose. People just dont know how
Agree with this. I have often grown up in ghetto/rural towns in America and every black person I’ve been friends with knows the difference between hardworking, non victim, black people and the black people that fit the “black sterotypes”. Most black people aren’t like that, thank goodness. Most good people realize that hardworking people are usually thinking about more important things than race.
Even the black friends I had knew to stay away from those that perpetuated the bad stereotypes.
Same lol
THANK YOU! Finally someone said it! Stereotypes can help at times, there's a reason why they are called Stereotypes, aka an overly exaggerated version of the truth or what is real.
This ladies and gentlemen, is how you keep racism alive.I guess many don't love themselves because they don't love others.
Actually it's the opposite. You can't love others if you don't love yourself. With everything that's being pushed as important nowadays, it makes sense too.
YAY! Let’s keep fanning the fires of racism! 😀 In sight and in mind! 😉 Or should we keep it out of sight and out of mind? 🤔
You have to discuss something in order to understand it so we can stop it. People saying just stop talking about it hoping it would go away doesn't work. Ask any teen girl that ignores that's she's pregnant until she has the baby🙄🙄🙄
@@sayjay26 so you want us all to continuously conceive racism! Yay! Racist babies for all!! 😀
@@sayjay26 oh and this video doesn’t abort racism, it conceives it! 😀
The way that our culture has downgraded what racism is, actually infuriates me. As a South African, and learning about the actual racism from our past, and the hurt and pain it caused, by us calling every little thing and person racist, we have diluted the word until it hardly means anything anymore. It is now just a political term to be thrown around, and when actual cases of gross discrimination pop up, they are just lumped in (and therefore made less) with the rest of the ridiculous name calling and virtual signaling that goes on. Being white does not make you automatically racist. Being black does not automatically exclude you from being racist. Racism has nothing to do with simply “being”. It is based on your actions towards others. Our society needs a reality check.
Great answer!
As a white American I could not agree more. I must be a racist cos I hate fake victims who literally are stealing attention away from actual victims for nothing more then clicks. Then you have innocent people being cancelled and called racist for the stupidest things while real racist are quietly doing all the bad things that they can to hurt people. It’s the same thing with rape. You have college girls saying they were raped or assaulted because of jokes or because that guy they willingly slept with didn’t text her the next day. As a South African I would love to hear your take on that. I hate hearing that statistic that 1 out of every 5 college women are assaulted which makes it just as dangerous as the worst parts of Africa. You have got to be kidding me.
What’s ur take on the boer chant that happened two weeks ago I want the South African perspective
@@arandomguardsmen tbh that’s pretty standard EFF practice, most of us South Africans are used to it, so it’s interesting seeing the rest of the world be shocked by it.
The EFF is basically a small party with a lot of loud voices that likes to be shocking, and most of the time people dismiss it, but the problem comes when people take them seriously/listen to them… but I think honestly as a South African we collectively have much bigger problems to face than the EFF and their chants, so no one’s really taken them that seriously.
@@arandomguardsmen not that I’m saying what they were chanting wasn’t abhorrent/shocking, it’s just that we aren’t really phased by them much anymore… like I said, big voice, but most of their threats fall through (they tried to plan a nation wide shut down back in March and protesters got bored a couple hours in and went home)
25 years ago, two teenage kids came into the fast food restaurant I was managing and they were acting really sketchy. I told myself, "calm down. You're just being racist". 30 seconds later one was pointing a gun on me while the other was jumping across the counter.
Ya people act like you are racist if you see someone who looks sketchy and respond accordingly. If your white and the two people are white then you are smart if you are white and the two are black you are called racist. You can call them sketchy because of their behavior not because of their race. I’m not walking down a dark alley with 4 or 5 people in a bad neighborhood no matter what race they are. Lol
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 sorry about that, but the way you say it, its funny
I really hope you didn’t take one example from your life and now use it to justify being racist in other situations … cause idk why you would type this
Dude, I did private security for many years, and the number of times someone called me racist for kicking out someone who had already been banned FOR THEFT (or assault, in a few cases) was mind-boggling.... Like, because I am white and they were black, it MUST be racism? It can't even be considered that they are just a terrible person?
When I have to describe people, I use unchangeable (or hard to change) physical attributes. Skin colour, whether you like it or not, is something that is very difficult to disguise. Same with height, or weight. Same if they have scars, or a limp/other physical disfigurements. If someone causes trouble then takes off, I'm not going to be like "well, they have a darker complexion, but like, I wouldn't call them ". I would legit be "Middle Eastern (or african, or nigerian, or european/caucasian), approximately 6ft tall, and MISSING HIS RIGHT ARM, because he threw his prosthetic at me".
@@cucumber790 true u can’t hold a entire race accountable for the actions of one person but in the same way many black people think all white people are privileged weather they experienced it or not.
"How racist are you?"
"Well actually, black people don't have the power to--"
"Alright, that's a 10"
"I hate everyone equally" makes me think of what my dad (and I) like to say: I hate people, I like individuals
i love brett. she’s so down to earth. she just calms me down 🤷♀️
Agreed, no matter what the subject is she just makes it better
Me too I just started watching here two weeks ago
@@nathanspinner6457 then you have a lot of great content to catch up on
Brett inspires me.. My parents said if i get 50K followers They'd buy me a professional camera for recording..begging u guys , literally
The definition of racism has become so broad that It’s lost a lot of its gravity, which is so sad.
You have to make words more broad so you can keep it going. Racism, rape, the word woman, I mean it’s just unbelievable how we are destroying education and broadening words so much that anything can mean anything now a days.
The word racist was invented in the 1900s, to be used against altruistic people.babies are racist
I disagree I think there are just major forms of racism and micro aggressions - Both are racism, it’s just a spectrum of how offensive or ignorant a person is
@@cucumber790 I would disagree with that. I think either u are or u are not a racist. I honestly don’t believe u can b just a little racist. What’s that look like? I would never hired a black person but I don’t want to kill them. That’s racist not a little. If u believe in degrees of racism then anything and anyone can be a racist. Because u can make anything seem racist.
@@cucumber790 I love how you say there are many types but also provide no examples.
100% agree with the "I hate everyone equally". I will admit to that all day every day.
This interview video is bonkers. Brett is so quick-witted and mature. It would be nice to have a conversation with her about stuff.
This episode was the best in a long time ! It's really nice to hear you talk softly and it's good ratio of video/reaction (also the lighter makeup is super good!)
I vibe with the woman who said "I hate everyone equally"
"I'm not racist, i just hate everyone equally"
I would refuse to give myself a number. I'm just straight up not a racist. I don't believe that you can judge what kind of person someone is by the color of their skin. I care about the way people act.
Exactly my point I made on another comment. How can u be a little racist? Either you are or your not. I’m a 4 I discriminate against black people but I don’t hate them or want to kill them. Seriously? It’s either no and 0 or yes and every number 1 through 10.
I was/am raised SUPER sheltered, white Catholic family and all! XD
This didn't stop my mind from thinking women of any race could give birth to children of any race.
One day in my freshman year, I gave a presentation about a book where a black girl and a white girl were friends back in segregated America. I used the words used in the book to describe the black girl. Colored and black were the words.
A girl came up to me, and she is 'African American' and yelled at me how racist 'colored and black' are and how rude it is that I didn't make sure they weren't racist. Said I should have said African American.
Yet another classmate said that he is so not related to Africans that I should call him black.
And then most of my many black classmates literally don't care a bit.
True story. I once saw an online argument a long time ago, and one guy said he "hated all people equally". He was being made to defend that though under the accusation of racism "no you don't, you hate black people more!". It was the stupidest thing ever to see a guy trying to explain how his hate was equally distributed, non-partisan, and without regard to race, religion, or national origin. And it was equally stupid to see that the people accusing him weren't going to be satisfied until that was so.
I would openly say I am not racist simply for the fact that I hate no one. The only person I could ever hate is a murderer or a child abuser and I hate them for their actions, not their appearance.
Same Here
Good answer.
There are racists in every races, and it's stupid. We shouldn't see each others as enemies. It's hard to love people because there is so much division, but it's possible with God. We are one human race. Good video, Brett.
Totally agree. I made the same point. This country was founded on all of us from different backgrounds and cultures coming together to build a new country. Even black slaves who were being mistreated fought for our country’s freedom. Now all our government is doing is tearing us apart. The educated people are losing because the ignorant people are failing for all the BS. We need to educate them and look out for one another.
All true Asians are by born racists. But we really don't care as much as the westerners and generally don't consider 'racism' to be offending. We laugh it off more often than not, and that's what makes people from the west perplexed.
Honestly, it's not a big deal and it never was. Even our parents be racist towards us lol. 🤣
@@davidgarcia5593 funny how lations and asians are also admirer of different cultures among them! a true testament of why 'racism' and 'micro aggression' are stupid concepts to begin with! and yet we see the west fail miserably at acknowledging this...
@@davidgarcia5593I dunno, man. My ex fiancé used to employ a lot of Latino workers. He did hotel facade restoration. So we'd all stay on site for 3-12 weeks at a time, having the hotel's continental breakfast together most every morning. Those dudes were from different countries. And the Dominicans got very offended when someone mistook them for Mexican. And the Mexicans got very offended when someone mistook then for Cubans. Etc etc. I clearly remember this guy Domingo yelling at the desk clerk, "I NOT A MEXICAN!!!" Dude was pissed.
If this were true, then we wouldn't have the "White Latino", "Non-Latino White" categories.
Argentinians call Brazilians "monkeys"... I guess that's not racist, right?
@@davidgarcia5593 Oh so if you discriminate against a whole race of people its bad, but discriminating against a whole nation of people makes it ok?
Before the term raciwt wasnt invented around ww2, it used to just be racialist. Meaning you just notice data and differences
10 out of 10 for the editors for putting the Egyptian God cards in this
I swear! Brett needs to give a masterclass on ad segues! Any university's communication department would be blessed to hold that class!
I never judge people on race at all! What a person is, is so much more important to me. There are good and bad in everything.
Some of these people are just trying to say what they THINK they should say! And don't even know what racism is! And I find that really disturbing.
And what about judging a race based on the majority? Or at least acting on the knowledge of what the majority are doing? I don't think all black people are the same, but that doesn't mean I'll risk wandering around the ghetto.
@@remyllebeau77but that’s different, if you see a black person then they are just a person but if you go into an area where crime runs rampant then of course anyone who approaches you is going to be pretty suspicious, what I’m trying to say is that it’s not really the color of skin but the level of crime tendencies in the area combined with the appearance of the person (like a well dressed person versus someone dressed like a gang member) but I completely see your meaning I just think it’s less to do with race and more to do with appearance and area
Absolutely agree. Half these people don’t know the meaning of racism and most of the rest are too afraid to say what they really think. White people too afraid to say 0, black people saying 0 while openly being racist. It’s all just so stupid but that’s what our government wants now. Used to be a country bringing everyone together and now it’s just about tearing us all a part
@@remyllebeau77I hate to tell you but if it's not your neighborhood, and it is a ghetto, it's not going to matter if it's a black or white ghetto, if it's not where you live, you'd likely get messed with, no matter what, especially now, since crime is so much worse
@@zoebella314 Not exactly. Criminality is not correlated with how poor a population is. Crime creates poverty, not necessarily the other way around. There are poor communities in Appalachia I would not be afraid to be around.
I’m white and I used to be a 0 racist but the government is working hard to make me more racist. By allowing women to openly discriminate and talk so badly against men is making me start to hate women. The way all non white people get to openly be racist against me is starting to make me hate people from other races. I’m a white man who has half my family are black, all 3 of my wives have been non white women and I have a half black child. I used to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and judged them on their character but more and more I catch myself giving the benefit of the doubt less.
Well you should look inward, if you know that you were raised right, and you aren't those things, then you shouldn't let what other people might say, or perceive you to be, just actively go out and try to spread love, wherever you can, and if it's hard with someone, then just walk away from them, and just let it slide, forget about even interacting with them at all
That's what they trying to do, make you hateful and bitter and resentful, it's hard but you know what's right and what's wrong, got to stay true to your values and yourself
I have had similar experiences. I definitely didn’t start out having biases against black people. The more I see stupid sorry excuses for human beings rioting and destroying their neighborhoods and blaming it all on racism the harder it is to block out the biases. It becomes incredibly hard to separate my views of those criminals from the next random black person I see. I had some neighbors before that called me and my mom racist over some political discussion misunderstanding before all this mess came to a head in 2020 and it has been very hard to not look at them with distain since then because they just completely flipped their lids and wouldn’t listen to reason. It’s tragic that such a loud chunk of the black community is proud of degeneracy and crying racism because it makes the rest look bad and degrades relations more and more. The far left only adds to this turmoil.
Alright, I think I’m done rambling.
You had 3 wives?
O I so agree. And the news is always talking race.
I was raised in a fundamentalist Christian cult. I was insulated from the outside world for the most part. This group taught absolute equality among everyone, there was ideally zero prejudice among brothers in Christ. I was taught this by my parents so well that I believed when I was young that my dad's black best friend was my actual blood uncle. I also didn't know that racism was a thing in human society until around 13 years of age. Once I learned about it, it still made no sense to me. Then I left the cult at 22 years of age and had to live in the real world. People of different races taught me to be prejudiced. Life experience has given me a reason to be mistrustful of people that don't look like me and it mostly has to do with the fact that they have been indoctrinated to hate me, not the other way around.
Could not have said it any better. My point exactly. The government is teaching us to be racist, sexist and every other form or discrimination. It’s up to us to resist the devil and his demons.
@@yuppiecake9097 Why do you have poor reading comprehension?
christianity is not a cult...just say you were raised christian...no need to add cult.
@yuppiecake9097 there are absolutely people who use Christianity as the basis of their cults.
@@Mstorrance I was raised as a Christian where women were not allowed to have any leadership or teaching positions. They were also not permitted to pray aloud in the presence of a man, and if they did pray aloud with other women they were required to cover their head with a scarf. I was raised to view the end of the world as imminent and to reject everything on the earth as a tool or plan of Satan to distract you from the glory of God. I was raised to believe that church leadership held absolute control over your life because they speak directly with Jesus. They get to decide your education, who you marry, how much work you do outside of the church for money, and what the correct interpretation of scripture is. Yep, just a plain old Christian, no cult here.
To the black man who said it wasn't his job to educate other people, I would ask why it isn't. If it's not your job to educate, maybe it's not your job to criticize.
As a black person, I can confirm that I love fried chicken and waffles with a side of koolaid 💅
Id just like to say that stereo types are mostly true🤣 my dad is Brazilian and all he cares about is samba and football lmao. My mum is Spanish and makes paella every week. Stereotypes are there because they are generally true. Obviously not EVERY person from that country/race is the same. It’s not racist. I lost it at the girl thinking she’s racist for telling her Egyptian friend she had a cat god when it’s literally what we were told as kids lol
It's also literally the truth. Bastet, in many stories, takes the form of a cat.
I am a Dutchman myself and the reason i've never been anywhere near weed (or any other drug) is because i don't want to be a Dutch stereotype.
Yeah, lol... my father is also Brazilian and he goes nuts when he watches futebol, he's talkative and sociable, and loves the sun and steaks. My mother is Filipino and loves to sing, eats rice with EVERYTHING, and is a nurse.
omg yeah, here in greece people actually do love ouzo and eating at tavernas
@@AzraelAGthe cat god is from waaaaayyyyy back on history. Its like saying you like apples because your great great great great grandfather did. Nowadays, egypt is a muslim country
LOL I'm Catholic and white, I heard that lady say "I was raised by Catholic white parents." I was just like, "Oh good Lord, here we go again."
I'm not Catholic and not white, and I thought the same... -_-
I don't think anyone will openly admit to the fact that they are racist even if they are one.
No, there are people that are fully open. Not very many but they can be found. Like I’ve met a guy online that wants to be a part of the kkk, we don’t talk to that guy anymore.
Agreed but I think the black people saying they are incapable of being racist was more of an admission then they think.
A woman who proudly identified herself as a black supremacist just got fired in Texas last week for being very public on X/Twitter about her racism. She was hella proud.
I am.
@@matiekae0414 well, that’s good news.
First things first: I laughed hard at the Yu-Gi-Oh Egyptian God cards reference 😂
Second: I’m not racist. However, my mom instilled some stereotypes and prejudice about different races and cultures. I have realized those things and try to break these bad habits and mentality.
11:51 the yu-gi-oh cards got me rollin
Brent is just a cool and influential person. Her content is just eye opening 💛💛
I believe certain aspects of a particular culture drives many racial stereotypes. Just because I'm black doesn't mean I like gangster rap, hate the police, grew up in a broken home, good at basketball, etc. What some people call racism is actually bias against a particular culture.
I’m white and proud of it but I did grow up in mostly black neighborhoods with half my family being black including my half brother. So even though I’m a white man I have a lot of black tendencies for example talking with my hands, certain things I say, certain expressions and so on. I have stereotypes that fit me perfectly(I can’t dance) lol and some that are totally opposite.
You’re so correct. Woke culture does it again, confuse culture with race, making everybody divided in confusion
I mean, i had a black bear in my yard this morning and my wife genuinely was scared it was going to go for the chickens to which i immediately replied "thats racist".....i mean, even my black roommate understood the joke and laughed histerically.
That’s pretty funny you racist. Lol
As a straight white man….. I’ll admit to a solid 8. Road rage gets me saying some heinous sh*t. Also stupidity knows no race. And it ain’t illegal to hate stupid people.
My grandparents used to manage a restaurant. One day, two black women with bright red hair came in during lunch rush and asked to be interviewed by my grandpa for a job. He told them it was a busy time, but if they filled out a form, he’d get back to them. They were insistent that he see them now, and he repeated that he’d get back to them if they left their information. One of the ladies started yelling back that my grandpa was just prejudiced against black people. His response was, “I’m not prejudiced against black people, I’m prejudiced against redheads!” I still can’t believe he said that. 😂 Anyone who actually knew him knew that he was a pillar of the community who would give you the shirt off his back. He happily employed teens to help teach work ethic, gave meals for free to those in need, volunteered with local organizations (his wife frequently volunteered at the woman’s shelter, too), etc. When he passed, people had to stand at the back of his funeral because the pews were full.
Biases have always existed and will continue to exist no matter where you are in the world and what age. What matters is the way you treat people despite the fact those biases exist. When that woman became angry with him, she used racism as an excuse for her entitlement. I can’t help but notice the trend is ongoing.
As soon as they started my thought was "on who's standard of 1-10". In my own opinion, absolute zero. Woke liberal opinion, I'm a raging 100🤷♂️
I judge no one on the color of their skin, sexual orientation, religion, or political party but I will absolutely judge you on your driving skills and your musical openness. These are 2 very important factors for me to know if we can be friends or not 😄
Honestly, imo, im not gonna judge you by race or ethnicity but how you hold yourself, your personality, and your merits. THAT BEING SAID, I love dark humor and offensive jokes. Especially if they’re about something I can relate to (my race/ethnicity, my weight, my sexuality, etc.) because I also think it’s healthy to not take everything seriously and just have a good laugh at yourself. That’s why I couldn’t get mentally bullied either and made a lot of friends within school because I would laugh along when people chose to “bully” or roast me in the halls because sometimes people be saying the funniest shit. What’s also funny about stereotypes as well is that they can be funny because they hold some truth to them
Judged by idiocy.. there's a lot of it about! Why are we taking this bullshit as real??
@@chrisdavies3223 true, if you’re just plain dumb, I’m judging 😂
The person I knew who made the most racist jokes treated individuals with the least regard for their pedigrees. Anecdotal, I know.
@@sanniepstein4835 nothing wrong with it being anecdotal. Things that are anecdotal or personal experiences still have some value to them and are still good to learn life lessons and grow from when it comes to an individual standpoint. It’s different if you made your personal experience with that one person a baseless generalization made from hatred or spite and treated any person of the same category as him (ex. His ethnicity/race, his occupation, his gender, etc.) in a negative manner
As a Moroccan with Belgian citizenship, because born and raised in Belgium. I did experienced racism, but I did make a difference between people who racially wronged me because of ignorance or people who wronged me because of hate. Later on I did more research about this topic. I learned we all are racists in one way or another. We all have our prejudicies, judgments, preferences. But you only need to be aware you don't unnecessarly hurt anyone and never discriminate anyone because of their background.
I personally don't see myself as racist. Every time someone does something bad I don't see it as a whatever race thing but more like a human thing. I believe every human is capable of evil whatever their race is. But I'm curious though, what are the ways you're talking about? In which way could I be racist?
@@dielemamfoumbi7128 I don't say I am a racist, its morally rejected. But sometimes our actions doesn't get in line with our convinctions. For example, if I am out at night and I see a group of black people/gypsie people/eastern europeans/etc... all together in street, I am perhaps more cautious about my wallet than if they were a group of Swedish girls for example. Its something I subconsciously do and I hate to admit that.
@@zaidtiane4235 why do you think that is? Why these races or regions they came from is internaly bothering you?
@@zaidtiane4235Why would you be out at night like that? If there’s a big enough person or group, no matter who they are, they can threaten your safety.
Danger doesn’t discriminate, you should be cautious of all people since all people, even you, can be violent and do bad things.
You probably live in a bad area
That Yugio insert was well appreciated!
I'm asian and there is DEFINITELY competitiveness among us. Most stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason 😂
The "accidental racism" part killed me 🤞🏾🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭 why tf do people think like this, though? 🤦🏾♀️
Brainwashing at school, uni and thru the media. That's why.
Because they are brainwashed by our government through the education system. Our schools from 1st grade are teaching ideologies and sexual orientation. They are literally teaching you that you are a victim and you are oppressed if you are not white and if your white your bad. They are teaching boys of all races your bad so become girls so you can be good. Is it really a surprise we have problems with racism and sexism? Unbelievable
11:50 putting the egyption gods from yugioh was so funny
kudos to the editing team, you never fail with the memes
I'm probably racist.
But the definition of racsim has been overly broaden so much that I no longer consider racism is necessarily a bad thing. So I'm proud to be a racist.
As someone who grew up Catholic, the church is super diverse lol. Most of the people I went to school with were Hispanic and Asian, and the priest at my church is African. Most of south America and Mexico are catholic. But I guess it makes u racist (apparently the FBI feels that way these days too)
Brett mocking that girl saying she can’t be racist is so funny!😭 “meh meh meh meh meh 😒 “
I make racist jokes, but not as much as before. I don’t use slurs anymore, I started maturing. Now, I just make romantic but dark jokes
@@fo40 really pal? Did you have to say that? All lives matter, not just black. Those 3 letters are racist.
@@fo40I agree with their founding principles and ideals but the riots and embezzlement scandal has kind of tainted the name of BLM
@@FlaviusBelisarius07I completely agree
@@fo40 all lives matter and are equal 💪
I am, i rather be racist than live with dangerous people around me and my family.
"Actually, black people dont have..."
So you're a 10? Got ya
If everyone's a racist then no one is actually a racist - Thoughts
Love your channel ❤
Okay, i cant be the only one who died at 5:15 😂😂
You're not 😂
Brett's "na na na na na na na na" sound effects and facial expressions said everything for me. Comic relief. Thank you Brett 😂👌!!!
Id love to have taken part in this, and stirred shit up
I remember learning about ancient Egypt in school and hearing about how much Egyptians loved cats. They made statues of them everywhere. It’s not far-fetched to assume they had a cat God that they worshipped.
That goddess is called Bastet. She was represented in Egyptian art as a female body with a cat head. And many other representations of her were just cat figures. So I don't know why her Egyptian friend got angry.
As a white girl from the south, I was rarely around Hispanic, Asian, and very few black people. When I joined the Army, I learned to work together with all these 'races' (I believe there is only one race...the human race). Join the military, people, and you'll learn not only to live and work with others (it could save your life and the lives of your fellow soldiers, sailors, airmen) but will most likely live all over the world and be exposed to many cultures. I'm not racist, but will become 'prejudiced' if someone gives me a reason....for example, a friend of mine is a severe diabetic (she's white) and she'll down loads of desserts then give herself a shot of insulin. That angers me!!!!
Racism , according the the Webster's dictionary: "a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race"
I think the people in this video need to have an understanding of what they are talking about before they can rank it. This is the case in much political discussion nowadays, unfortunately. We cannot even have a discourse on topics because every body has different definitions for what words mean.
Good answer.
And if you believe something different then you are silenced from even being a part of the conversation.
As a Latino, hearing Latinx hurt inside
I love the Yu-Gi-Oh reference at 11:52. Whoever edited that has my respect.
Stereotypes are there for a reason but you can't criticize someone else if you dont know them especially just because of their race. The definition of racism literally has changed so much that it means nothing now, it's just saying you don't like someone now. Just because you're curious doesn't mean you're racist. I never used to care about or know people's race but now we are being divided.
Brett must be out of town cause she’s doing a lot of reaction vids
I would argue that it's culture vs race. I wouldn't want to live next to hillbillies or gang members and it has nothing to do with race but I would probably pre-judge both of those groups. I suspect most racism is actually this vs racism.
What's wrong with hillbillies?
I love the Egyptian god cards in the background😂thank you whoever edits Brett’s videos
SLIFER, OBELISK AND RA 🤣 AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love the editor, amazing work as always!
If the Boondocks was still running this would be a perfect idea for an episode.
There's like a history between countries especially in East Asia where Japan's superiority had defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese war, as well as their victory over China in another (Sino-Japanese war). Each win motivated Japan to expand their power so they imperialized/colonized other countries like Korea, Taiwan, Manchuria as well as other islands in the Pacific. With other historical events in the region (Vietnam War, Korean War, etc.), it's caused some beef between different Asian ethnicities that currently remain today.
And unfortunately that will be coming back as globalization ends. After world war 2 America made the world more peaceful but America can’t do that any more so the empires of the past will rage again in the future.
Same with Russia and Eastern Europe
This is interesting, because I will crack a racist joke around/towards friends every now and again and it's all fun and games amongst ourselves, they will make jokes about me being white and me about them being Vietnamese or Kenyan. But I would still put myself at 1 or 2 just because I feel to be racist you have to have some form of hatred towards another race. And I have absolutely no ill will/dislike/hatred towards anyone because of their race.
If that’s true then your number should be 0 not 1 or 2. To me it’s a simple yes or no question. Do u hate, judge, or discriminate against anyone because of their race. Your answer should be yes and 10 or no and 0. U can take anything said or done in a racist way but that doesn’t make you a racist. I truly believe u have to a some level of actual hate to be racist.
I’m not racist. I hate everyone equally.
‘racism/homophobia/transphobia’ has all been thrown around so much that they’ve all lost their meaning.
I would say that I am probably like a 4 by today's standards. I am now 49 years old and I have travelled a lot and even lived in 6 different countries. I know that travels broadens the mind. However, in the countries that I lived in, I also noticed that many of the stereotypes about the people in those countries were pretty much true. Of course all people are different so there were many exceptions, but I mean in a general sense, I could see why those stereotypes came about. :)
LOL! Mad props to whoever put the Egyptian God Cards in there. Brett's editors are clearly weebs of culture. 😂
Love your videos!!
Can I say the edit with the Yu-Gi-Oh Egyptian God cards was absolutely FIRE
God I love that
I’m not racist I just judge based on how one carries themselves
This episode was great Brett. you had me dying laughing and just pausing the video. You are too good. i wanted to go on there and say 7 or 8 just for the shits and giggles.
“10. i’m hella racist!”
I’ll say rn I’m a 7. Working retail has taught me every race has a general stereotype that is VERY prominently irritating
honestly I just like messing around with my friends about their race. I make fun of myself as well, so yes I am racist I love racism 😍People should relax more, have fun, and joke around. Life is more than just your race.
Ya life is too damn short not to laugh and try to be happy. I truly don’t understand why people work so hard to be miserable. I stop doing almost anything that makes me miserable. I can’t wait to stop paying for my daughter’s college education and living expenses because she graduates lol
I don't judge people by ethnicity, every race has Aholes.
A person saying "It's impossible for me to racist because of the color of my skin" instantly make that person a 10/10 racist.
I'm probably an 8/10. I'm also "fat phobic" and judge hard the minimal actions I perceive from others from the 2 minutes I see them 🤣🤣🤣 let's be real. But I'm only racist when I don't like someone. There's many people within many races that I have a lot of respect for. I'm mainly racist towards the ones that have horrendous behavior and don't carry themselves well
Love your content! lmfao
Brett is an absolute and undeniable treasure of humanity itself - a fresh breath of authenticity and joy in a world of superficiality and depression. Thank you for brightening my day once again.
I totally disagree, she liked the Barbie movie lol.
they could not put me on these
Your editors actually went Yu-Gi-Oh on the Egyptian gods part. 👏 The nostalgia
Indeed I am. Why do you ask
Petition for Brett to try different hairstyles from the last 100 years
omgg I love how Brett reacted to that one girl that started explaining how black people can't be racist🤣🤣 that's like the type of girl that says being white is racist
If the definition is: hate a specific group solely based on their ethnicity. My answer is no. My reasoning is, I will treat you with respect no matter who you are if I don’t know you I’m going to be skeptical simple.
The little black kid screaming, "That's racist!" took me all the way out! 🤣🤣🤣 Brett you so wrong for that! 🤣🤣🤣