Wow... Not sure why I have never seen this video before! ... But I'm the guy who filmed the whole debacle in Squamish! I'm the guy sitting on the tail gate in the white shirt. I was telling the story about that day to a friend tonight and he couldn't wrap his head around the laws (he thought what we were doing was illegal) then I saw this video in the suggested videos, and thought it would be better that you explain it.... Needless to say I was pretty amazed it was my video you were referring to! Thanks for your time and effort my friend!
The follower is designed for the .50 Beowulf and the .458 SOCOM, but the rest of the magazine is identical. However, many people have used the mag with 5.56 and it works quite well. Obviously, it may cause malfunctions, but if there are any, I haven't read much about them. By all accounts, they work pretty well.
just as important as the excellent information in this tutorial video are the lessons learned from watching the action at 0:05 :) .... *wearing knee pads is NOT optional people!!!!* [neither are elbows for prone in my opinion] thanks for the video my friend and all your efforts to enlighten people
Not quite so Black and White, as in one of your earlier comments, I bought the Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22 with 3 25 round mags (.22 cal.) within a year I received a very stern letter from RCMP saying the mags are now PROHIBITED. I had to return them to point of sale to have them pinned to 10 rounds because those same mags fitted in Smith&Wesson M&P 15-22P (pistol) explain that one. Also had my Armi Yager Ap80 declared PROHIBITED and was forced to destroy it with no compensation.
im on the gulf islands i love this chanel. thanx for taking your time and sharing your info and skills. i have alot of respect for you and what you are doing keep it up.
I have PCV-50 mags and have never had any issues using .223 ammo. They are really nice magazines, hold 15rds and are made in Canada, cant get any better then that. Just buy one and give it a try and support a great Canadian company.
You're right. I've done classes for the RCMP and officers always say that they should have this in depot. It's a leadership issue. Something went terribly wrong a while back. If you have effective leadership then you would have far less bad staff.
Love the It was my XCR taken. It was the CO not the RCMP officer who lied and told the Cop to size my baby. The RCMP wasn't aware of the bulletin at the time.
I glad you got your rifle back. The mountie could have stepped up at any point. Just as much to blame. I'd love to chat with you about it if you have a few minutes. Email me at if you want.
Hi, just followed ur link to business #72, there is no mention of the LAR pistol mags in it but there was regarding the .45 mags u mentioned. Love all the stuff u are doing.
Looks like this loop hole has now been covered in the Bulletin #72 that was updated in May of 2015. Please comment on this. I am referring to point #3.
Could I get some feedback on how this applies to a CX4 Storm. I am getting mixed opinions. Came with 2 mags pinned at 5, but I see there are 10 round mags available. Any thoughts?
You might want to update this video since the RCMP link posted under it contradicts what the video says. "Magazines designed or manufactured for use in both semiautomatic rifles and semiautomatic handguns are subject to the limit of five cartridges."
Yes. It does state that. Getting kind of ridiculous unfortunately up here in the Great White North eh. It's basically like saying "we trust you. Kind of. But not enough that we want you to make decisions. We better make them for you" because with the Alberta gun grab, the CZ 858 and more recently the 10/22 magazine limitations they have certainly shown us just how responsible they are with making decisions.
that has no bearing on the LAR-15, the magazines are STAMPED LAR-15, and are manufactured for the PISTOL, and NOT Pistol/Rifle BOTH. the law is unchanged.
All I want to know is it legal to run a 10 round australian enfield mag in a norinco m305/m14 based on the discussion only way to know is to call the rcmp even though they are sold on Canadian websites listed as for the m14/m305. Canada needs to make there firearms laws less confusing....
Hey just wondering went and looked at the recent rules and was wondering if the lar 15 mags are out of the loop hole. was reading and couldn't find anything on what this video is about. Just wondering it says it was updated as of 2015. I own a xcr just bought it recently and would like to buy more mags but don't want to be illegal...?
To my knowledge, difficult if not impossible in Canada. BUT, in every instance, people need to take the issue as far as possible to discourage such behavior.
Civil Advantage you had an sks there what is the law on the mag capacity for that, because they are manufatcured with a 10 rnd magazine, do they have to be limited to 5 rnds or can you use the full capacity
+Civil Advantage Yea I was also wondering about the SKS laws surrounding the 10rnd detachable mags? do they still have to be pinned like the 20rnd and 30rnd and so on? or can you use a 10rnd detachable mag unpinned in the sks?
Civil Advantage That's what I thought. But thank you for clearing that up 100% for me. I'm new to the wonderful world of shooting. And the "Five Round Frustration" is real!! lol
Rod, i would recommend also adding in the explanation of how those laws dont always work in the firearms owners favour. Case in point, the M&P 15-22 25 round rifle mags(should be legal, as no limit on rimfire rifles) that are banned or pinned to 10 because they are advertised as being designed to fit a pistol version(and all pistols are 10 rounds only). Same thing for the Ruger BX25 mags, which should be fine, but were advertised as being designed to fit the Charger Pistol, thus prohibited.
can we still use 10 round pistol mags in our rifles, from what I've been told the RCMP has taken the specific example out of Bulletin for Businesses #72 Thanks
From Press Check Ventures FAQ Q: What ammunition will work in the PCV-50? A: The PCV-50 is designed to hold and feed five rounds of .50 Beowulf or .458 SOCOM only. No other cartridges will load or feed properly from this magazine. Hmmmm I'm confused
I tried the link for the Beowulf 50 mag and nothing is showing up on the website. They don't have any rifle mags showing up. I know this video was posted 4 yrs ago, so maybe things have changed.
So Rob under this "loop hole" can I buy a tube extension for a Rem 870 pump and screw it to a Rem 1100 semi auto allowing it to holed more shot shells would I still be legal hear in Canada???
Civil Advantage thank you Rob, love the videos...its funny being from B.C I never heard about this incident up in Squuamish, but it doesn't surprise me unless it bad or tragic firearms news it never makes the news!!!!....thanks again for the clarification Rob!!!
luise cobian You guys can use firearms for self defence, we can't even use self defence. The Criminal Code says "within reasonable force" but for the court and RCMP nothing's reasonable.
SuperFatbastard69 don't you guys have a lower crime rate compared to what would I care if for the extreamly rare time I would actually need for defense I would go to jail.
Ok so today i asked a police officer at my school and he told me that 10 round mags are allowed on semi-auto rifles but you can only use them at ranges. He told me it was 10 rounds whatever the semi-auto rifle or the caliber was. Is that true or does he need to check the law again?
Hey Rod. Great vid. If I had a non restricted ACR with the LAR or Beowulf mags, I think I'd laminate a copy of that document and take it with me every time I went out shooting. Do you know if the mags on the Norinco NP58 (the 40 cal) will work on the NP22?
Good day, I'm a fellow Canadian with a few questions. First of all I have an sks love shooting it. I've seen videos of ppl with ar mags in there sks, I'd like to do the same and put a 50. Baowulf magazine in it. Opinions?
Is the info in this video still valid /relevant since the 10/22 high cap magazine boondoggle? If Rugar printed "rifle magazine" on the magazines would they be legal in Charger pistols? [Edit] especially post "[INSPECTION REPORT CASE NUNIBER GFC-200(b7-1-CARTRIDGE N'MAGAZINE - 50 BEOWULF CALIBRE ALEXANDER ARNIS]", how does your advice change?
i was recently n the US for a competition and i took my 870 and versamax, i have a 10 round 870 only tube extension that i tried on the versamax and it fit perfectly without any modification. special bulletin 72 section 4 states a magazine from 1 firearm may be used on another firearm, it does not say rifle, handgun or shotgun just firearm. I called the rcmp and they refused to comment at this time lol.
Awesome, thank you for doing this video, totally appreciate it. Good to have somebody with knowledge of Canadian Firearm Laws.. Thanks for doing these type of videos and keep up the good work. :)
Does this not apply to the mossberg 715t 25 rd mag? Mossberg decided to come out with a pistol with the same mag and now all my friends mags are prohibited. ..
+Evil11 11 no.. rim fires are excluded, you can have a ruger 10/22 with 100 round drum mag and be legal... there is no restriction for round count in a rim fire...
Could someone explain how the hi point pistol mags are pinned to 5 rounds and the cx4 can use 10 round pistol mags? Wouldnt issue #2 apply to the cx4 as well since it uses mags designed for the rifle as well as a pistol?
I've been looking at getting the mossberg MVP, its a bolt action .308 rifle that uses detachable magazines. Now as a bolt action rifle there is no restriction on capacity but its a bolt action rifle that's restricted to 5 rounds because it can use both M1A/M14 as well as LR-308/SR-25 style mags ? Is there any magazines that are legal to use in this rifle with a capacity more then 5 ?
Make no mistake, it was wrong and ridiculous. And I agree with you on all your points. I just can't paint all officers with the same brush just as I can't be painted with some irresponsible person who might have a PAL. I know some great people that work for the RCMP. These guys understand what policing really is and put in an effort even when they have leadership and fellow officers who are undermining the force daily. I'm the last person to excuse incompetence. I'm just saying it ain't easy.
NO ... the LAR-15 and the .50 Beowulf mags (which hold 13-14 rounds of .223) are legal in an AR-15 because they're legal in Canada in the first place, & any mag that works in any firearm is legal, if the mag is legal in Canada. Legal means, 10 rounds of the designed cartridge for pistol, 5 rounds of the designed cartridge for long guns. ... if more fit in it of a different cartridge, that's legal If the Mag isn't stamped and permanently marked from the manufacturer and sold as a 10 round pistol mag, or 5 round long-gun mag, then it's prohibited and will land you in jail. you can't use generic 10-20 p-mags.
Sooooo what if i bought one of these .50 Beowolf mags or a LAR 15 mag MODIFIED it to hold 7.62 and so that it would fit into an SKS, does machining the clip to fit another gun void the loop hole in the law ?
Civil Advantage I wonder if you had an M model SKS (the one factory modified by Norinco to accept standard AK-47 magazines) if you could import Draco AK pistol mags for it? That would give you 30 round 7.62 x 39 magazines.
simonferrer definitely not, because all AK variants are prohibited, so that that pistol would be prohib, and even if it wasn't prohib, the mag would have to be pinned at 10 rounds...but the pistol in question is prohibited in Canada, so no.
CrAnSwIcK So what's needed then is for someone to produce a pistol based off the SKS operating system with clearly stamped SKS 'pistol' magazines, so you could at least have 10 rounds in your SKS. I've seen other people thinking along the same lines; there's an adapter out there to allow the SKS to accept 10 round mags from LAR pistols in 7.62 x 39 mm.
simonferrer theoretically yes, if a pistol version of the sks was produced (specifically newly manufactured, not just a chopped down sks), and assuming the RCMP would classify it as a restricted pistol, then I suppose, but for it to directly attach to an SKS it would have to be a duckbill mag, which everyone hates anyway. if it was fixed mag just the sks, then the RCMP would say no, like they just did with the vz58 pistol. if it needs to be adapted in anyway (i.e. detachable), then the AR mag adapter/XCR pistol mag would be a better option anyway...what would be sweet is, if our contradictory gun laws didn't exist. I would rather smash all ten rounds on the clip into the original mag. It's annoying when you load 5 and the 6th one pops off the clip, and falls on the ground. also RCMP take years to classify newly submitted they are solutions available now...only the cost money...on top of the gun...which sucks cause most people buy them cause they can't afford a non-restricted black gun in a deer legal caliber for less than than $2,000 (sks: deer legal, and cheap + cheap to shoot $170 1320rnds 7.62x39 for $165) edit: more rant :)
I think RCMP Bulletin 72 has been modified in the dead of the night. Section 4 no longer uses LAR- 15 mag as an acceptable example . Section 5 no longer uses .50 Beowulf mag as an acceptable example. And now with 10 plus round mags for Ruger 10/22 called into question.....
Is it legal to have a bolt action rifle that takes 30 round ar mags that are designed for that rifle, because I know that there is no limit on bolt action rifle mags as long as the mag is designed for that rifle, clear the air please
Is this still in effect ? Are we legally allowed to use these Lar pistol mags in our Ar's today ? On another note what about a Mossberg MVP .308 bolt action? It will also take Lar Xcr -M pistol mags . Legal at 10 rds or no ? This is getting rediculous, you need to bring your lawyer with you when you go out shooting !
Great job on all the vids; it's refreshing to have a Canadian perspective on firearms subject matter (Ontarion). I would love to see a review on the Benelli MR1! Thanks.
This is working against us Canadians as well. With Mossberg's new 715P, 22LR, pistol coming for sale in Canada 25 round magazines will no longer be available with the Mossberg 715T, 22LR, semi-auto rifle because each of these firearms use the same type of magazine. All future 715T semi-auto rifles will come with a 10 round magazine only. Not the 25 round they initially and previously came with.
Another great video. Thanks for putting it out there. Just an observation, I find the volume a little low, especially when watching on a phone. Other than that, you're doing great!
Beautiful 30 rnd pmag pinned at 5. Shitty pistol mag is 10. Problem is, that little pin is only stopping those that DONT have bad intentions. How hard is it to understand...
So I just tested that thing with 9mm in the .40 S&W magazine. I was able to fit 17 in a 15 rd GLOCK magazine. Not sure if it'll work, I don't own a GLOCK anymore.
If you can explain every bit of the FA someone needs to know in 16hrs, how is it they can't find the time to do that in 6 months? Heck, the CFSC/CRFSC could be pretty easily condensed into a single day if it was an issue.
it and the .50 Beowulf mags are still legal in an AR-15 (or anything they work in)... any mag that works in any firearm is legal, if the mag is legal in Canada. Legal means, 10 rounds of the designed cartridge for pistol, 5 rounds of the designed cartridge for long guns. ... if more fit in it of a different cartridge, that's legal
I am skeptical that this still stands, I know that I will only use rifle mags in rifles and handgun mags in handguns. Got rid of my 25 round 10/22 mags too (they don't work well anyway)!
Here in the states I gripe over full auto laws ... But crap, mag capacity laws? What got into your politicians heads to make them think there's no such thing as a drill press ?
You could snap the rivet off with your hands if you took the mag apart. Our laws have no logic, they know very well tha this law stops 0 crime, it's all about virtue signaling and winning votes.
Especially since many gun owners and store owners dont know about the BX25 and may have prohibited items without knowing it, as that law is far from intuitive.
I think this also serves as a demonstration as to how ridiculous some of the regulations are to start with. That being said there are some reasons why they often stay that way and it is not because someone has it out for any particular group. Simple fact is is it is relatively easy to pass a law stupid or not. But it is actually quite difficult to repeal laws even when everyone including the politicians have realized they are stupid. That is why most of the time stupid or outdated laws are never actually repealed but eventually there is a collective decision made to simply stop enforcing them.
It would be nice if the RCMP didn't exist anymore and was replaced by provincial police forces. Or at the very least the control over firearms taken away from them.
As I said, the officer was dead wrong. On top of that he lied. But when someone attempts to make an effort to be accountable I would give them a chance. I would accept the apology but still lodge a formal complaint. Fair is fair.
ok, that's all well and good. But how can they defend the 5 round limit when they allow circumvention of that limit... they should just increase the limit to 11 rounds.
a better mag is the 5 round Beowulf .50 mag it fits in an XCR and holds 16 5.56 rounds. It will be great when a pistol package of the .50 Beowulf then we will have the full 10 .50 rounds = more than 30 rounds of 5.56 total and makes the magazine laws irreverent.
This goes to show that police training should take more than 6 MONTHS and that a civilian organization composed of people that are ACTUALLY "EXPERTS" to be the primary "over-sight" committee when it comes to firearms.
Before relying on a bulletin you should consult with a lawyer. Typically bulletins in most areas of the law are not binding and are at best persuasive. The law is not contained in bulletins; the law is contained in the relevant act.
Wow... Not sure why I have never seen this video before! ... But I'm the guy who filmed the whole debacle in Squamish! I'm the guy sitting on the tail gate in the white shirt.
I was telling the story about that day to a friend tonight and he couldn't wrap his head around the laws (he thought what we were doing was illegal) then I saw this video in the suggested videos, and thought it would be better that you explain it.... Needless to say I was pretty amazed it was my video you were referring to!
Thanks for your time and effort my friend!
There is nothing more frustrating than dealing with a person in authority that doesn’t know their own rules. Great video, very informative👍
The follower is designed for the .50 Beowulf and the .458 SOCOM, but the rest of the magazine is identical. However, many people have used the mag with 5.56 and it works quite well. Obviously, it may cause malfunctions, but if there are any, I haven't read much about them. By all accounts, they work pretty well.
just as important as the excellent information in this tutorial video are the lessons learned from watching the action at 0:05 :) .... *wearing knee pads is NOT optional people!!!!* [neither are elbows for prone in my opinion] thanks for the video my friend and all your efforts to enlighten people
Thanks Rod. To anyone who has LAR mags or Beowulf Mags, keep a cop of the Bulletin for Businesses #72 in your range back or on you.
Not quite so Black and White, as in one of your earlier comments, I bought the Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22 with 3 25 round mags (.22 cal.) within a year I received a very stern letter from RCMP saying the mags are now PROHIBITED. I had to return them to point of sale to have them pinned to 10 rounds because those same mags fitted in Smith&Wesson M&P 15-22P (pistol) explain that one. Also had my Armi Yager Ap80 declared PROHIBITED and was forced to destroy it with no compensation.
I like the way u presented that. Knowledgeable but not cocky. Good man. 👍🏼
im on the gulf islands i love this chanel. thanx for taking your time and sharing your info and skills. i have alot of respect for you and what you are doing keep it up.
Hi Rod. Is this still accurate in 2019? I appreciate your calm demeanour in your videos and joined CCFR a couple months ago
Yes. LAR15 magazines are still legal for sale/use. Good luck finding any in stock.
I have PCV-50 mags and have never had any issues using .223 ammo. They are really nice magazines, hold 15rds and are made in Canada, cant get any better then that. Just buy one and give it a try and support a great Canadian company.
You're right. I've done classes for the RCMP and officers always say that they should have this in depot. It's a leadership issue. Something went terribly wrong a while back. If you have effective leadership then you would have far less bad staff.
Special Bulletin 72 has been updated last May 11, 2015. Needs further clarification.
Love the It was my XCR taken. It was the CO not the RCMP officer who lied and told the Cop to size my baby. The RCMP wasn't aware of the bulletin at the time.
I glad you got your rifle back. The mountie could have stepped up at any point. Just as much to blame. I'd love to chat with you about it if you have a few minutes. Email me at if you want.
I emailed you on here, i hope anyways
Hi, just followed ur link to business #72, there is no mention of the LAR pistol mags in it but there was regarding the .45 mags u mentioned. Love all the stuff u are doing.
Looks like this loop hole has now been covered in the Bulletin #72 that was updated in May of 2015. Please comment on this. I am referring to point #3.
Could I get some feedback on how this applies to a CX4 Storm. I am getting mixed opinions. Came with 2 mags pinned at 5, but I see there are 10 round mags available. Any thoughts?
get a beretta magazine, it will fit in it, and then just put 10 in, its legal.
What about butler creek 25 round 10/22 mags? Those are apparently prohibited because they fit in a pistol
I want a 10 round internal magazine for an sks
You might want to update this video since the RCMP link posted under it contradicts what the video says.
"Magazines designed or manufactured for use in both semiautomatic rifles and semiautomatic handguns are subject to the limit of five cartridges."
Yes. It does state that. Getting kind of ridiculous unfortunately up here in the Great White North eh. It's basically like saying "we trust you. Kind of. But not enough that we want you to make decisions. We better make them for you" because with the Alberta gun grab, the CZ 858 and more recently the 10/22 magazine limitations they have certainly shown us just how responsible they are with making decisions.
that has no bearing on the LAR-15, the magazines are STAMPED LAR-15, and are manufactured for the PISTOL, and NOT Pistol/Rifle BOTH.
the law is unchanged.
All I want to know is it legal to run a 10 round australian enfield mag in a norinco m305/m14 based on the discussion only way to know is to call the rcmp even though they are sold on Canadian websites listed as for the m14/m305. Canada needs to make there firearms laws less confusing....
Hey just wondering went and looked at the recent rules and was wondering if the lar 15 mags are out of the loop hole. was reading and couldn't find anything on what this video is about. Just wondering it says it was updated as of 2015. I own a xcr just bought it recently and would like to buy more mags but don't want to be illegal...?
To my knowledge, difficult if not impossible in Canada. BUT, in every instance, people need to take the issue as far as possible to discourage such behavior.
Civil Advantage you had an sks there what is the law on the mag capacity for that,
because they are manufatcured with a 10 rnd magazine, do they have to be
limited to 5 rnds or can you use the full capacity
+Civil Advantage Yea I was also wondering about the SKS laws surrounding the 10rnd detachable mags? do they still have to be pinned like the 20rnd and 30rnd and so on? or can you use a 10rnd detachable mag unpinned in the sks?
ZGutta DBC 5 rounds only.
Civil Advantage That's what I thought. But thank you for clearing that up 100% for me. I'm new to the wonderful world of shooting. And the "Five Round Frustration" is real!! lol
yes every few years to every 5 years
Rod, i would recommend also adding in the explanation of how those laws dont always work in the firearms owners favour. Case in point, the M&P 15-22 25 round rifle mags(should be legal, as no limit on rimfire rifles) that are banned or pinned to 10 because they are advertised as being designed to fit a pistol version(and all pistols are 10 rounds only).
Same thing for the Ruger BX25 mags, which should be fine, but were advertised as being designed to fit the Charger Pistol, thus prohibited.
can we still use 10 round pistol mags in our rifles, from what I've been told the RCMP has taken the specific example out of Bulletin for Businesses #72
Are these "loopholes" still current. Specifically the glock mags holding 13 9mm and the beowolf holding 15 .223?
thank you so much rod! your videos are so informative, i learn something everyday!
From Press Check Ventures FAQ
Q: What ammunition will work in the PCV-50?
A: The PCV-50 is designed to hold and feed five rounds of .50 Beowulf or .458 SOCOM only. No other cartridges will load or feed properly from this magazine.
Hmmmm I'm confused
I tried the link for the Beowulf 50 mag and nothing is showing up on the website. They don't have any rifle mags showing up. I know this video was posted 4 yrs ago, so maybe things have changed.
So Rob under this "loop hole" can I buy a tube extension for a Rem 870 pump and screw it to a Rem 1100 semi auto allowing it to holed more shot shells would I still be legal hear in Canada???
Victor, only up to 5 rounds. The 10 round thing is for pistol mags.
Civil Advantage thank you Rob, love the videos...its funny being from B.C I never heard about this incident up in Squuamish, but it doesn't surprise me unless it bad or tragic firearms news it never makes the news!!!!....thanks again for the clarification Rob!!!
Wow you Canadians have it better,us here in California.
luise cobian You guys can use firearms for self defence, we can't even use self defence. The Criminal Code says "within reasonable force" but for the court and RCMP nothing's reasonable.
SuperFatbastard69 don't you guys have a lower crime rate compared to what would I care if for the extreamly rare time I would actually need for defense I would go to jail.
Welllll I wouldn’t go that far. It’s very close but the restrictions in Canada are terrible
@@drvelocci still better than California.
Ok so today i asked a police officer at my school and he told me that 10 round mags are allowed on semi-auto rifles but you can only use them at ranges. He told me it was 10 rounds whatever the semi-auto rifle or the caliber was. Is that true or does he need to check the law again?
Keep it up Rod! Great stuff. Very educational
Hey Rod. Great vid. If I had a non restricted ACR with the LAR or Beowulf mags, I think I'd laminate a copy of that document and take it with me every time I went out shooting. Do you know if the mags on the Norinco NP58 (the 40 cal) will work on the NP22?
Good day, I'm a fellow Canadian with a few questions. First of all I have an sks love shooting it. I've seen videos of ppl with ar mags in there sks, I'd like to do the same and put a 50. Baowulf magazine in it. Opinions?
I just received my new Type 97NSR and was wondering if you are going to do a review of it?
So if I put an ak mag in my SKS can I have more than 5 round's?
I'm told 223 will work but the mag was designed for .50. I have 2 on order, I'll let you know.
Is the info in this video still valid /relevant since the 10/22 high cap magazine boondoggle? If Rugar printed "rifle magazine" on the magazines would they be legal in Charger pistols?
[Edit] especially post "[INSPECTION REPORT CASE NUNIBER GFC-200(b7-1-CARTRIDGE N'MAGAZINE - 50 BEOWULF CALIBRE ALEXANDER ARNIS]", how does your advice change?
Right on thanks for the info. I actually seen that video you spoke of and got a little worried
Where did you order the mags from!? I've been looking everywhere... ps great vids!
What is considered safe storage
Another helpful and informative/relevant video.Are you going to do a review of the T97 soon?
i was recently n the US for a competition and i took my 870 and versamax, i have a 10 round 870 only tube extension that i tried on the versamax and it fit perfectly without any modification. special bulletin 72 section 4 states a magazine from 1 firearm may be used on another firearm, it does not say rifle, handgun or shotgun just firearm. I called the rcmp and they refused to comment at this time lol.
+Leadjunkie that's legal
good luck explaining that to low level rcmp officers following their sergeant's orders.
you don't have to explain... let them take it then show them the law and make a public mockery of them..
+Walker L but you get charged and then have to pay to get charges burnt. pain in the ass.
a smartphone with google can prove this within minutes if need be... I keep NRA bookmarked in my browser...tonnes of good useful info
Awesome, thank you for doing this video, totally appreciate it. Good to have somebody with knowledge of Canadian Firearm Laws.. Thanks for doing these type of videos and keep up the good work. :)
Does this not apply to the mossberg 715t 25 rd mag? Mossberg decided to come out with a pistol with the same mag and now all my friends mags are prohibited. ..
+Evil11 11 no.. rim fires are excluded, you can have a ruger 10/22 with 100 round drum mag and be legal... there is no restriction for round count in a rim fire...
he got an apology? that's very surprising
I know.
Yes, I got an apology a half-assed one but still got one.
What about the VZ58 10 round pistol mag's? But thanks for sharing. mine is 05 pree ban. So far.
***** you can buy vz58 10 round mags online
Could someone explain how the hi point pistol mags are pinned to 5 rounds and the cx4 can use 10 round pistol mags? Wouldnt issue #2 apply to the cx4 as well since it uses mags designed for the rifle as well as a pistol?
The link is broken... does anyone have the new link?
Nm, found it...
I've been looking at getting the mossberg MVP, its a bolt action .308 rifle that uses detachable magazines. Now as a bolt action rifle there is no restriction on capacity but its a bolt action rifle that's restricted to 5 rounds because it can use both M1A/M14 as well as LR-308/SR-25 style mags ? Is there any magazines that are legal to use in this rifle with a capacity more then 5 ?
Max Power I think Mossberg makes a proprietary 10 round mag for this rifle, at least when you buy this rifle in the States it comes with one.
Make no mistake, it was wrong and ridiculous. And I agree with you on all your points. I just can't paint all officers with the same brush just as I can't be painted with some irresponsible person who might have a PAL. I know some great people that work for the RCMP. These guys understand what policing really is and put in an effort even when they have leadership and fellow officers who are undermining the force daily. I'm the last person to excuse incompetence. I'm just saying it ain't easy.
Great, clear explanation. Also an excellent highlight of how absurd firearms laws here in Canada.
Thanks for the link to the mags just ordered some
I have a question regarding 10-20 rounds magazines in my rem 700 in .223 bolt rifle.... Is it legal for me to use the 10 or 20 round pmags??
NO ... the LAR-15 and the .50 Beowulf mags (which hold 13-14 rounds of .223) are legal in an AR-15 because they're legal in Canada in the first place, & any mag that works in any firearm is legal, if the mag is legal in Canada.
Legal means, 10 rounds of the designed cartridge for pistol, 5 rounds of the designed cartridge for long guns.
... if more fit in it of a different cartridge, that's legal
If the Mag isn't stamped and permanently marked from the manufacturer and sold as a 10 round pistol mag, or 5 round long-gun mag, then it's prohibited and will land you in jail.
you can't use generic 10-20 p-mags.
Sooooo what if i bought one of these .50 Beowolf mags or a LAR 15 mag MODIFIED it to hold 7.62 and so that it would fit into an SKS, does machining the clip to fit another gun void the loop hole in the law ?
In my opinion only: You can't modify it or it is not longer "holding the number of rounds for the caliber it was designed to hold".
Civil Advantage I wonder if you had an M model SKS (the one factory modified by Norinco to accept standard AK-47 magazines) if you could import Draco AK pistol mags for it? That would give you 30 round 7.62 x 39 magazines.
simonferrer definitely not, because all AK variants are prohibited, so that that pistol would be prohib, and even if it wasn't prohib, the mag would have to be pinned at 10 rounds...but the pistol in question is prohibited in Canada, so no.
CrAnSwIcK So what's needed then is for someone to produce a pistol based off the SKS operating system with clearly stamped SKS 'pistol' magazines, so you could at least have 10 rounds in your SKS. I've seen other people thinking along the same lines; there's an adapter out there to allow the SKS to accept 10 round mags from LAR pistols in 7.62 x 39 mm.
simonferrer theoretically yes, if a pistol version of the sks was produced (specifically newly manufactured, not just a chopped down sks), and assuming the RCMP would classify it as a restricted pistol, then I suppose, but for it to directly attach to an SKS it would have to be a duckbill mag, which everyone hates anyway. if it was fixed mag just the sks, then the RCMP would say no, like they just did with the vz58 pistol. if it needs to be adapted in anyway (i.e. detachable), then the AR mag adapter/XCR pistol mag would be a better option anyway...what would be sweet is, if our contradictory gun laws didn't exist. I would rather smash all ten rounds on the clip into the original mag. It's annoying when you load 5 and the 6th one pops off the clip, and falls on the ground. also RCMP take years to classify newly submitted they are solutions available now...only the cost money...on top of the gun...which sucks cause most people buy them cause they can't afford a non-restricted black gun in a deer legal caliber for less than than $2,000 (sks: deer legal, and cheap + cheap to shoot $170 1320rnds 7.62x39 for $165)
edit: more rant :)
keep a copy of the exemption with you so you can show an diffuse on the spot!.
Great videos Rob, keep em coming. Now what about mag wedges?
Couplers? If that's what you mean, no problem.
not couplers, they sell wedges for glock mags and lar mags to connect them end to end
Yes, they are fine. They don't change the capacity of the magazines.
Rod, do you know if bump stocks are legal in canada
SuperPhilip i was told that they are not anything that is made to speed up the rate of fire is illigal
What about a xcr with the pistol magazine in it?
just got xcr-m. can i use magpul pmag 30 rounders or sr25 mags?
awesome video Rod.
I think RCMP Bulletin 72 has been modified in the dead of the night. Section 4 no longer uses LAR- 15 mag as an acceptable example . Section 5 no longer uses .50 Beowulf mag as an acceptable example. And now with 10 plus round mags for Ruger 10/22 called into question.....
Is it legal to have a bolt action rifle that takes 30 round ar mags that are designed for that rifle, because I know that there is no limit on bolt action rifle mags as long as the mag is designed for that rifle, clear the air please
Is this still in effect ?
Are we legally allowed to use these Lar pistol mags in our Ar's today ?
On another note what about a Mossberg MVP .308 bolt action?
It will also take Lar Xcr -M pistol mags .
Legal at 10 rds or no ?
This is getting rediculous, you need to bring your lawyer with you when you go out shooting !
Yes this is still in effect, LAR Pistol magazines can be used in your AR15 style rifles. Your XCR-M magazines are also fine in the MVP 308.
YES, along with .50 Beowulf mags which hold 13-14 rounds of .223/5.56 and fit in any AR-15
Great job on all the vids; it's refreshing to have a Canadian perspective on firearms subject matter (Ontarion). I would love to see a review on the Benelli MR1! Thanks.
I don't know anyone who has an MR1...sadly.
I don't know anyone who has a MR1 sadly...
Joaly nocontroly Thanks Man! And thanks for watching.
officers of law must be very smart to gain knowleges of all that laws.....respect
This is working against us Canadians as well. With Mossberg's new 715P, 22LR, pistol coming for sale in Canada 25 round magazines will no longer be available with the Mossberg 715T, 22LR, semi-auto rifle because each of these firearms use the same type of magazine. All future 715T semi-auto rifles will come with a 10 round magazine only. Not the 25 round they initially and previously came with.
Another great video. Thanks for putting it out there. Just an observation, I find the volume a little low, especially when watching on a phone. Other than that, you're doing great!
Does anybody know if Norinco Type 81 will be legal in Canada?
Great video Rod...keep it up
Oh the old ar pistol mags lol
Didn't Beowulfs with more than 5 .223 rounds get prohibited?
Beautiful 30 rnd pmag pinned at 5. Shitty pistol mag is 10. Problem is, that little pin is only stopping those that DONT have bad intentions. How hard is it to understand...
So I just tested that thing with 9mm in the .40 S&W magazine. I was able to fit 17 in a 15 rd GLOCK magazine. Not sure if it'll work, I don't own a GLOCK anymore.
Quick update, took a 15 round .40 S&W P226 magazine and fit 21 9mm luger rounds in it. Suck it, Colorado laws, got a legal 21 round mag.
If you can explain every bit of the FA someone needs to know in 16hrs, how is it they can't find the time to do that in 6 months? Heck, the CFSC/CRFSC could be pretty easily condensed into a single day if it was an issue.
just thought I should update anybody trying to find bulletin #72, the page has changed and it is now item #4
Still #72 for me:
Where are you looking?
Is this still apply today? Heard LAR mag are not allowed anymore. Thanks if you could clarify it.
it and the .50 Beowulf mags are still legal in an AR-15 (or anything they work in)... any mag that works in any firearm is legal, if the mag is legal in Canada.
Legal means, 10 rounds of the designed cartridge for pistol, 5 rounds of the designed cartridge for long guns.
... if more fit in it of a different cartridge, that's legal
Would it be smart to carry a copy of the Firearms Act to prevent improper confiscation and the hassle from RCMP officers who don't know the gun laws?
Sorry. Commented before the video completely finished.
There's a link to the bulletin in the description. That's what you'd need....
I am skeptical that this still stands, I know that I will only use rifle mags in rifles and handgun mags in handguns. Got rid of my 25 round 10/22 mags too (they don't work well anyway)!
This probably doesn't apply now with C-21 and the 2020 OIC.
Here in the states I gripe over full auto laws ... But crap, mag capacity laws? What got into your politicians heads to make them think there's no such thing as a drill press ?
You could snap the rivet off with your hands if you took the mag apart. Our laws have no logic, they know very well tha this law stops 0 crime, it's all about virtue signaling and winning votes.
Great job as always Rod. FYI. The Liberals have vowed to close these "loopholes" if they get into power.
Especially since many gun owners and store owners dont know about the BX25 and may have prohibited items without knowing it, as that law is far from intuitive.
I think this also serves as a demonstration as to how ridiculous some of the regulations are to start with. That being said there are some reasons why they often stay that way and it is not because someone has it out for any particular group. Simple fact is is it is relatively easy to pass a law stupid or not. But it is actually quite difficult to repeal laws even when everyone including the politicians have realized they are stupid. That is why most of the time stupid or outdated laws are never actually repealed but eventually there is a collective decision made to simply stop enforcing them.
Is Canada a police country already? When did RCMP become law maker?
@@Vorniforous Yes they run it by the law which should never be written by them.
It would be nice if the RCMP didn't exist anymore and was replaced by provincial police forces. Or at the very least the control over firearms taken away from them.
Nevermind :) its a tough read, but point 4 Reads as you described....
P.S - Love your vids man, keep it up!
As I said, the officer was dead wrong. On top of that he lied. But when someone attempts to make an effort to be accountable I would give them a chance. I would accept the apology but still lodge a formal complaint. Fair is fair.
Can a sks have 10 rounds
Your link to .50 Beowulf mags is dead and now redirects to a pornographic site.
HI,the mosseberg715T ,flat top,25 mag,wath is legal wath not .
no limit in rimfire semiauto long rifle
Frenzy LaBom merci pour l'info ...
Indeed, the leadership of the RCMP is in a sad state of affairs. We need some people who take civil liberties seriously in there.
Except for the Ruger 10-22!?! but if you get caught with a mag with the rivet drill out... i could be 4 years prison.... : (
ok, that's all well and good. But how can they defend the 5 round limit when they allow circumvention of that limit... they should just increase the limit to 11 rounds.
does this apply to california gun laws? :o
+Anthonymw13 this is Canadian law.
a better mag is the 5 round Beowulf .50 mag it fits in an XCR and holds 16 5.56 rounds. It will be great when a pistol package of the .50 Beowulf then we will have the full 10 .50 rounds = more than 30 rounds of 5.56 total and makes the magazine laws irreverent.
This goes to show that police training should take more than 6 MONTHS and that a civilian organization composed of people that are ACTUALLY "EXPERTS" to be the primary "over-sight" committee when it comes to firearms.
it does take longer, Rookie RCMP are paired with veteran constables which is a mentor/apprenticeship/experience job training.
Going after legal gun owners. Meanwhile criminals everywhere get away scot-free
Before relying on a bulletin you should consult with a lawyer. Typically bulletins in most areas of the law are not binding and are at best persuasive. The law is not contained in bulletins; the law is contained in the relevant act.
And now all rifles that hold more than 5 rounds will be that loophole just disappeared.