1980: I was a high school freshman attending the Dallas Government & Law Magnet in Downtown Dallas, TX. I would ride the city bus from my home high school each day after morning classes. Well, this older man asked me for a dollar so he could buy a cup of coffee. I told him I’d buy him a cup at the nearby McDonalds. He quickly refused and said I could just give him the money. I said no and walked to my magnet school and discussed it with a couple good friends. I told them it seemed like he did not want money for coffee. Well, that same week I saw him again and he wanted hamburger money now! I told him, I’d buy him lunch. Again, he said no and just wanted my money. He was a little agitated that I insisted he come with me and let me buy his lunch…NOPE! Well, after school one day I saw him leaving “his” corner and I was curious. Unbeknownst to him, I followed him a couple blocks over and watched him climb into a nice big Cadillac Fleetwood and drive away. Since that day, I refuse to hand money to anybody asking me on the streets. I have successfully paid for meals, gas and groceries for others since then for others in need. Someone in need will accept the kindness of others and most do so humbled and appreciative. Scammers are everywhere these days. Enjoyed your video. 🏍🇺🇸🎒
I brought up a few times commenting on social media that some are just too clean to be needy, and alot of people got pissed off at me for speaking the truth
In Toronto Canada, an older lady with a cane was panhandling & making a TON of money. One day, someone followed her when she was done. She walked back to her very expensive Mercedes Benz car, and drive home to a beautiful, large home. Scammers.
I had a guy come up to me in downtown San Diego asking for gas money. Asked him where his car was. He told me it was around the corner where I couldn't see it . I told him to take me to his car and turnon the key. If his tank was empty I would fill it for him. He walked away.
The first thing we noticed is that kid was too big for a stroller and he was playing with a cell phone. Well, there is no such thing as a cheap cell phone especially one that takes photos and that one seemed to have the lenses on the back. When you asked the guy where he was from, his English almost disappeared. If he came from Denver, as he said at first, why on earth did he go to Iron Mtn Michigan for a job? Denver has more jobs available. It's not exactly easy to get to Iron Mtn., so why do so many panhandlers get there? Is there some kind of a panhandler networks that tells them about it? Then there's the gas can. She just tossed it into the back of the van on top of whatever was back there. We gave to agree with you. It probably has never had gas in it. We have occasionally given someone sitting on a curb in really hot weather a bottle of water or gatorade or a piece of fruit. Stuff we always have in the car when we travel. But no money, especially if they have a sign.
I have worked with the homeless and yes, they are everywhere on every corner. They all have an angle. "out of gas" "need a room for the night", "haven't eaten", "lost a job". And yes, Illinois requires a front plate. One year in Chicago, they tailed a guy after he spent a whole summer begging on the Stevenson (I-55) where traffic backs up. His take they found? $2200 a day, and he did it for 3 months before the press caught him driving home to his really nice house in the suburbs. They finally put up a fence and put him out of the begging business. There are *tons* of food pantries, social services and other means by which to get help, mostly through churches. So what you do is show them the services that are available to meet their needs and take them there (or show them the way). If they refuse or decline, *then* call them out.
At least you're not in LA. It's so bad you can't even walk a half block without someone with their hand out. I was sitting having breakfast at the McDonald's on Hollywood Blvd, and I saw a tweeker bothering 2 ladies minding they're own business. They stand outside the different eateries and demand customers buy them a meal.
Jason the guy answered your question: The guy said he was from Lativa (Eastern European Country). He also said it was near or next to Moldova, another E European nation. Not far from Rumania, as I thought they might be Gypsy. And, they may very well be. And, no, I don't believe their gas can was ever filled. I bothers me a good bit that they drive a nicer car than you do. But, unlike you, they or the man likely doesn't have a wife to support him, as I don't either. But, I put enough away to carry me, prior to retirement, and have been indeed fortunate in my choice of investments, thus far. I hope so, anyway. But, I avoid giving to panhandlers nor stalk them either. I stuff the heck out of each and every pot that the Salvation Army puts out in front of supermarkets here between Thanksgiving and Xmas, I donate to each and every pot that I encounter, if 6 pots then I put bills in each & every pot, and I'm out shopping & stuffing bills every day during mid-Nov 'til New Years, thats how I manage my charitable donations. And, I give to individuals when approached on foot individually by someone based upon whom I quickly assess as being in real need, in my opinion which may be wrong on occasion. Right or Wrong that's how I do giving.
Ask them what kind of work they do When they tell you then tell them it's your lucky day i have a business that does what your looking for You're Hired😅
I'm 43 years old and I've been driving since I was 15 years old and yes I keep jumper cables in my car, a few tools and a jump pack but one thing in all my years driving I've never carried was a gas can. The only time there's a gas can in my car or truck is when I'm going to buy gas in order to bring it home to do yard work for my mower and weed eater, that's it. Everyone in my family, my friends and everyone else I know doesn't carry a gas can with them either. The only people I've seen carrying a gas can like this, especially in a mini van, car, or camper are scammers; they buy them knowing it makes them look more pitiful. and it makes GULLIBLE people actually believe their sob story about being out of gas. Common sense tells you to look into your own vehicles, or your friends/family vehicles and see how many of them carry a gas can; and I bet you'll be hard pressed to find any of them just carrying an empty can around. I notice these gypsy thieve scammers never carry the small gas cans, no it's always the 4+ gallon large ones! He's claiming to be from Latvia and maybe that's so but he's Roma aka Romaian and Gypsy and they're like cockroaches, whatever moron decided to let them into the country has made a grave mistake. In the Czech Republic and all over Europe these gypsy guys hang out around places where you exchange your money and they offer worthless Romanian money from back when it was under the control of the USSR to unsuspecting tourists and scam them out of their US Dollars or Euros. As a people these people are over 90% scammers/thieves and worthless yet they breed like cockroaches and much like cockroaches will probably survive a nuclear war! Another doozy he's claiming he got scammed to show up up there to work a job he found on Facebook Marketplace, yet there's jobs all over the US and I'm sure there's jobs in Denver Colorado where he's claiming he's from. Notice how quickly he didn't give you an answer and went to the "I'm not homeless" schitck when you told him there's plenty of jobs around. You can tell by the size of that man and how he carries himself he's never had an actual job in his entire life. I bet him and the woman aren't married, well they're probably married in their culture and ways but claiming not to be so she gets welfare benefits off of us taxpayers. If Michigan is like down here in rural southwest Virginia the only people who have the expensive food and get steaks and other goodies are the ones on food stamps, and you can bet this family at least the woman and child get food stamps. Why oh why has our country let in the gypsies?! We had enough born and raised lazy deadbeat American's that want to mooch off hard workers, so we didn't need to import them. I'm telling you with our currently wide open border we're about 10 years old from turning into the freaking 3rd world due to these idiot morons feeding the bears and giving these people money, saying nobody's illegal, and supporting open borders that if we are cursed with another 4 years of a Biden/Harris occupying the White House we aren't going to have a country left. Our dollar is becoming more worthless by the day with other countries giving it up and the end of the petrol dollar in sight, we're on our way. Maybe once these bleeding heart dummies are having to compete and fight with these people for food and water, and it becomes a them vs us, or your family's survival vs their families survival these idiots will finally get what the rest of us have been saying. Lock down our borders, deport any foreigners caught pan handling back to their country of origin and let's work on making things better for our fellow American's and taking care of our Veterans FIRST AND FOREMOST! Because I'm really sick of this crap There's even been these same gypsy families in rural southwest Virginia at isolated, hours away from any interstate Jonesville Virginia Walmarts in the summer, always man, woman and children, and always in a nicer looking newer van than my car and truck that I've worked hard for. I'm to the point of hoping we get an apocalypse type event so we can let nature rid us of some of this vermin. Because those people donating to these scammers trust me, when it comes down to either their own child eats or one of these gyspy children eats; they'll pick their own so we might need that to get thru to most of them. Don't Feed The Bears People, help out the elderly or veterans in your own neighborhoods!
U sound like a trump supporter! So much hate in your words. Trust and believe your lil pennies aren’t aiding much of nothing so stop find Jesus because you’ll die a miserable death if you keep this up.. I don’t condone open borders or these Gypsies, gyping us but you. You are the American scum we need to get rid of along with the gyps
Busting my ass working 2 jobs and doing overtime just to make ends meet while being taxed to death.these guys get paid to come here,pull in hundreds a day tax free,and contribute zero.remember when illigals used to just stand outside home depot looking for day work?or sell tamales?
I was out for my morning walking today and this 25-35 something, male rides his pedal bike up to me and gave me the sad sob story that the police called him that his car was overparked in a nearby lot and he needed money for gas so he could move his car, and he had been riding for the last two hours. (He did name a town about two hours away via bike.) I look at him and his bike, no gas can. So I ask him how he was going to get gas without a gas can? Oh, well he's going to a friend's house just down the road to borrow a gas can. So I ask him why his friend didn't give him the money for the gas? His response was a long string of words I can't type here, and he left at high speed. The very funny thing is I've gotten parking tickets and the police never, ever gave me a call. Scammers, there ought to be a law!
One exception I made to giving a man a few bucks was a guy outside my insurance building (wife had gone inside). He had an elaborate story, and I sent him on his way, but I noticed he was wearing an analog watch but the crystal and hands were missing. I called him back over and gave him a few bucks. I think he was somewhat shy of a full load, the elevator doesn't go to the top floor, the lights are on but no one's home type of thing.
They always have a baby or dog to add gaining sympathy from the people. His story is lame. One guy told me he needed gas money to go see his mother in Kentucky. I had just returned from there. I said what expressway are you taking? He couldn't tell me any route. I told him you have 5 minutes to leave or I'm calling the police.
What nerve the beggar has to confront you. What the hell give him the 3 or 4 hundred dollars he wants. He's a healthy full grown man you owe him whatever he wants.
it ain't just Michigan. we got the panhandlers here in KY next to Kroger, and they stand right in front of two "now hiring" signs. they don't travel, but make claims that they can pull in 500$ plus, tax free. that's the point. meanwhile truly homeless people are losing because people once finding out they got scammed assume every "homeless" person is a scammer first. even more insulting are the so called Vietnam Vets. they're usually in their 30s and never could have served in Vietnam. another are the "hungry" ones. with a full beer belly they're obviously eating well for being "hungry"
if there so short of money how can they afford a $ 500 tablet for that kid to play with? dont hand me this shit they have plenty of money, run em out of town
I see what you're saying, and agree with you to a great extent....but I'd rather some UN-needy people get away with 'faking it' than chase away one person who is actually needy.
23:34 oh believe me I will share this. It is so hard to believe that people do this for a living. I will share this all over. I wonder if there is some panhandlers that do this and live and million-dollar?
My Gramma Valda had HUNDREDS of adages, one of her faves was: "There's no fool like an old fool, especially an old man with young pussy in his face!" Bless you, Gramma; we miss you every day!!
I put gas in a guy's car by walmart. Turns out he was a bum. Lazy. He said his sister told him to get a job to help pay rent , utilities. He told her no so she kicked him out. He said he doesnt like to work because he doesnt like to be told what to do. He said he was going to tey to get from Oklahoma to mexico to see his mother in a nursing home. Then hed figure out in mexico what he needed to do. I never helped anyone again. Im on disability. This was in winter
He is full of lies. Damn illegal. I use to give money to homeless. I dont know after i was educated by a previous homeless guy. They choose to be homeless and 99.9999 % of homeless choose this lifestyle. They only live to feed addictions. They have no disire to work, they want to be fed by society and they only have to beg for an hour or less each day to make a few hundred to feed their addiction for the day. They make more money in just over an hour begging at a gas station than most make at a 9 to 5 all day. They don't respect money and blow it on addiction. I helped a woman get gas a Walmart and filled her 5 gallon gas container. Offered to fill her van across the st.at the gas station and she declined. I looked over at her daughter in the passenger seat with a brand new I Phone playing games on the mobile device. I can't even afford a 300 android... I was hurt for doing a good deed to help another. All she wanted was cash and I saw here day after day in that Walmart parking lot and was ashamed that my blood sweat and tears were taken advantage of. I bought fast food for another person that asked for money to eat. After I gave the food and got I. MY truck, he threw it away to scam the next victim. No more after that. I may give a fast food gift card but no more.....
I thought I heard Moldova,, which is next to Ukraine,, and I heard Latvia,, which is next to Estonia, across the Baltic from Finland and Sweden..Colorado, Illinois,, sounds fishy to me
That kid should be playing with his lil friends instead of a wal mart parking lot, these people are no different then sweat shop laborers, child abuse
1980: I was a high school freshman attending the Dallas Government & Law Magnet in Downtown Dallas, TX. I would ride the city bus from my home high school each day after morning classes. Well, this older man asked me for a dollar so he could buy a cup of coffee. I told him I’d buy him a cup at the nearby McDonalds. He quickly refused and said I could just give him the money. I said no and walked to my magnet school and discussed it with a couple good friends. I told them it seemed like he did not want money for coffee. Well, that same week I saw him again and he wanted hamburger money now! I told him, I’d buy him lunch. Again, he said no and just wanted my money. He was a little agitated that I insisted he come with me and let me buy his lunch…NOPE! Well, after school one day I saw him leaving “his” corner and I was curious. Unbeknownst to him, I followed him a couple blocks over and watched him climb into a nice big Cadillac Fleetwood and drive away. Since that day, I refuse to hand money to anybody asking me on the streets. I have successfully paid for meals, gas and groceries for others since then for others in need. Someone in need will accept the kindness of others and most do so humbled and appreciative. Scammers are everywhere these days. Enjoyed your video. 🏍🇺🇸🎒
That's not a kid, it's a dwarf.
This is whats wrong with the children of the world .
They watch their parents lie,steal, cheat people fpr a living,and get away with it .
Child seems rather old to be in stroller.
Sell the baby’s phone , wait , that’s not baby ……
They had enough money to buy a brand new gas can. Those pretty pricey anymore.
I have no pity for people that refuse to work.
I brought up a few times commenting on social media that some are just too clean to be needy, and alot of people got pissed off at me for speaking the truth
@@craig1974 Sounds like they are probably scammers to.
In Toronto Canada, an older lady with a cane was panhandling & making a TON of money. One day, someone followed her when she was done. She walked back to her very expensive Mercedes Benz car, and drive home to a beautiful, large home. Scammers.
The man said scammer and Jason never mentioned anything about scamming. 🤔 it means he’s a scammer
Jason, it's amazing how these scammers just pack up and leave when you start recording. Maybe I should start doing that where I live.
I had a guy come up to me in downtown San Diego asking for gas money. Asked him where his car was. He told me it was around the corner where I couldn't see it . I told him to take me to his car and turnon the key. If his tank was empty I would fill it for him. He walked away.
Some idiots are just to lazy to work I absolutely hate panhandling I don't support panhandlers whatsoever. I never give any panhandlers any money.
I never contribute to panhandlers. Go to work!
That ain't no baby in that stroller. I'd bet 7-10 years old, holding up a tablet in a stroller.
I don't trust these people who are out asking for gas. Thank you for sharing such valuable information with us subscribers.
That kid is way to big to be in that stroller. 🤣
I noticed that too!
Illinois definitely requires a front plate
As of earlier this year, Illinois does not require a front license plate. But we have to pay $151 for that tiny sticker for the rear one.
The first thing we noticed is that kid was too big for a stroller and he was playing with a cell phone. Well, there is no such thing as a cheap cell phone especially one that takes photos and that one seemed to have the lenses on the back. When you asked the guy where he was from, his English almost disappeared. If he came from Denver, as he said at first, why on earth did he go to Iron Mtn Michigan for a job? Denver has more jobs available. It's not exactly easy to get to Iron Mtn., so why do so many panhandlers get there? Is there some kind of a panhandler networks that tells them about it? Then there's the gas can. She just tossed it into the back of the van on top of whatever was back there. We gave to agree with you. It probably has never had gas in it. We have occasionally given someone sitting on a curb in really hot weather a bottle of water or gatorade or a piece of fruit. Stuff we always have in the car when we travel. But no money, especially if they have a sign.
I want to make a sign and stand near them.
The child was way to old and large to be in that stroller 🤣
I have worked with the homeless and yes, they are everywhere on every corner. They all have an angle. "out of gas" "need a room for the night", "haven't eaten", "lost a job". And yes, Illinois requires a front plate. One year in Chicago, they tailed a guy after he spent a whole summer begging on the Stevenson (I-55) where traffic backs up. His take they found? $2200 a day, and he did it for 3 months before the press caught him driving home to his really nice house in the suburbs. They finally put up a fence and put him out of the begging business. There are *tons* of food pantries, social services and other means by which to get help, mostly through churches. So what you do is show them the services that are available to meet their needs and take them there (or show them the way). If they refuse or decline, *then* call them out.
At least you're not in LA. It's so bad you can't even walk a half block without someone with their hand out. I was sitting having breakfast at the McDonald's on Hollywood Blvd, and I saw a tweeker bothering 2 ladies minding they're own business. They stand outside the different eateries and demand customers buy them a meal.
I don't believe them, they are all scamers, taking people's money, that's not cool
Continue to do your job and expose these scammers.
As someone from boulder and still living there, I’m glad this man chose to migrate to another street corner out of state😂
No good deed goes unpunished
Don't help people who take advantage of you
Jason the guy answered your question: The guy said he was from Lativa (Eastern European Country). He also said it was near or next to Moldova, another E European nation. Not far from Rumania, as I thought they might be Gypsy. And, they may very well be. And, no, I don't believe their gas can was ever filled. I bothers me a good bit that they drive a nicer car than you do. But, unlike you, they or the man likely doesn't have a wife to support him, as I don't either. But, I put enough away to carry me, prior to retirement, and have been indeed fortunate in my choice of investments, thus far. I hope so, anyway.
But, I avoid giving to panhandlers nor stalk them either. I stuff the heck out of each and every pot that the Salvation Army puts out in front of supermarkets here between Thanksgiving and Xmas, I donate to each and every pot that I encounter, if 6 pots then I put bills in each & every pot, and I'm out shopping & stuffing bills every day during mid-Nov 'til New Years, thats how I manage my charitable donations. And, I give to individuals when approached on foot individually by someone based upon whom I quickly assess as being in real need, in my opinion which may be wrong on occasion. Right or Wrong that's how I do giving.
Ask them what kind of work they do
When they tell you then tell them it's your lucky day i have a business that does what your looking for
You're Hired😅
That baby too big for that buggy
The scam is so old, it's outgrown the baby stroller! 😅🤣😂
I know right? I'm not the only one that noticed!
That's a big baby! LMAO
I'm 43 years old and I've been driving since I was 15 years old and yes I keep jumper cables in my car, a few tools and a jump pack but one thing in all my years driving I've never carried was a gas can. The only time there's a gas can in my car or truck is when I'm going to buy gas in order to bring it home to do yard work for my mower and weed eater, that's it. Everyone in my family, my friends and everyone else I know doesn't carry a gas can with them either. The only people I've seen carrying a gas can like this, especially in a mini van, car, or camper are scammers; they buy them knowing it makes them look more pitiful. and it makes GULLIBLE people actually believe their sob story about being out of gas. Common sense tells you to look into your own vehicles, or your friends/family vehicles and see how many of them carry a gas can; and I bet you'll be hard pressed to find any of them just carrying an empty can around. I notice these gypsy thieve scammers never carry the small gas cans, no it's always the 4+ gallon large ones!
He's claiming to be from Latvia and maybe that's so but he's Roma aka Romaian and Gypsy and they're like cockroaches, whatever moron decided to let them into the country has made a grave mistake. In the Czech Republic and all over Europe these gypsy guys hang out around places where you exchange your money and they offer worthless Romanian money from back when it was under the control of the USSR to unsuspecting tourists and scam them out of their US Dollars or Euros. As a people these people are over 90% scammers/thieves and worthless yet they breed like cockroaches and much like cockroaches will probably survive a nuclear war!
Another doozy he's claiming he got scammed to show up up there to work a job he found on Facebook Marketplace, yet there's jobs all over the US and I'm sure there's jobs in Denver Colorado where he's claiming he's from. Notice how quickly he didn't give you an answer and went to the "I'm not homeless" schitck when you told him there's plenty of jobs around. You can tell by the size of that man and how he carries himself he's never had an actual job in his entire life. I bet him and the woman aren't married, well they're probably married in their culture and ways but claiming not to be so she gets welfare benefits off of us taxpayers. If Michigan is like down here in rural southwest Virginia the only people who have the expensive food and get steaks and other goodies are the ones on food stamps, and you can bet this family at least the woman and child get food stamps.
Why oh why has our country let in the gypsies?! We had enough born and raised lazy deadbeat American's that want to mooch off hard workers, so we didn't need to import them. I'm telling you with our currently wide open border we're about 10 years old from turning into the freaking 3rd world due to these idiot morons feeding the bears and giving these people money, saying nobody's illegal, and supporting open borders that if we are cursed with another 4 years of a Biden/Harris occupying the White House we aren't going to have a country left. Our dollar is becoming more worthless by the day with other countries giving it up and the end of the petrol dollar in sight, we're on our way. Maybe once these bleeding heart dummies are having to compete and fight with these people for food and water, and it becomes a them vs us, or your family's survival vs their families survival these idiots will finally get what the rest of us have been saying. Lock down our borders, deport any foreigners caught pan handling back to their country of origin and let's work on making things better for our fellow American's and taking care of our Veterans FIRST AND FOREMOST! Because I'm really sick of this crap
There's even been these same gypsy families in rural southwest Virginia at isolated, hours away from any interstate Jonesville Virginia Walmarts in the summer, always man, woman and children, and always in a nicer looking newer van than my car and truck that I've worked hard for. I'm to the point of hoping we get an apocalypse type event so we can let nature rid us of some of this vermin. Because those people donating to these scammers trust me, when it comes down to either their own child eats or one of these gyspy children eats; they'll pick their own so we might need that to get thru to most of them. Don't Feed The Bears People, help out the elderly or veterans in your own neighborhoods!
So much said in so few words!! 😁🙏👍
U sound like a trump supporter! So much hate in your words. Trust and believe your lil pennies aren’t aiding much of nothing so stop find Jesus because you’ll die a miserable death if you keep this up.. I don’t condone open borders or these Gypsies, gyping us but you. You are the American scum we need to get rid of along with the gyps
Tax free income.
Busting my ass working 2 jobs and doing overtime just to make ends meet while being taxed to death.these guys get paid to come here,pull in hundreds a day tax free,and contribute zero.remember when illigals used to just stand outside home depot looking for day work?or sell tamales?
I was out for my morning walking today and this 25-35 something, male rides his pedal bike up to me and gave me the sad sob story that the police called him that his car was overparked in a nearby lot and he needed money for gas so he could move his car, and he had been riding for the last two hours. (He did name a town about two hours away via bike.) I look at him and his bike, no gas can. So I ask him how he was going to get gas without a gas can? Oh, well he's going to a friend's house just down the road to borrow a gas can. So I ask him why his friend didn't give him the money for the gas? His response was a long string of words I can't type here, and he left at high speed.
The very funny thing is I've gotten parking tickets and the police never, ever gave me a call. Scammers, there ought to be a law!
One exception I made to giving a man a few bucks was a guy outside my insurance building (wife had gone inside). He had an elaborate story, and I sent him on his way, but I noticed he was wearing an analog watch but the crystal and hands were missing. I called him back over and gave him a few bucks. I think he was somewhat shy of a full load, the elevator doesn't go to the top floor, the lights are on but no one's home type of thing.
They always have a baby or dog to add gaining sympathy from the people. His story is lame. One guy told me he needed gas money to go see his mother in Kentucky. I had just returned from there. I said what expressway are you taking? He couldn't tell me any route. I told him you have 5 minutes to leave or I'm calling the police.
This looks like that same couple who was driving the benz in san diego
That couple was here in Bakersfield smh
the woman looks like she could be a decent exotic dancer........
Young strong ppl not working 😡
What nerve the beggar has to confront you. What the hell give him the 3 or 4 hundred dollars he wants. He's a healthy full grown man you owe him whatever he wants.
He's only afraid his cover will be blown.
Gas can beand new ! Stroller brand new! Kid too large for stroller. Both of them are too damn clean you were bullshitted
I never give him money ever
"Dont feed the rats"
The kid has a tablet or a large cell phone😮
Hey buddy, here's you some gas......😖FARRRT🤣
First he says he is from Latvia and then he says he is from Moldova.
2 very different countries
I like your channel Jason, I subbed. These scammers are infuriating! Thank you for what you do.
Much appreciated
I’m in Madison Wi and we have a bunch of guys like this with all kinds of signs
The 'Gas Can' is their scammer prop !!
it ain't just Michigan. we got the panhandlers here in KY next to Kroger, and they stand right in front of two "now hiring" signs. they don't travel, but make claims that they can pull in 500$ plus, tax free. that's the point. meanwhile truly homeless people are losing because people once finding out they got scammed assume every "homeless" person is a scammer first.
even more insulting are the so called Vietnam Vets. they're usually in their 30s and never could have served in Vietnam.
another are the "hungry" ones. with a full beer belly they're obviously eating well for being "hungry"
My man is wearing a brand new callaway hat. Bless his sweet little scamming heart
Give em hell Jason 👍✌️
Bunch of damn scammers!!! I hate them
if there so short of money how can they afford a $ 500 tablet for that kid to play with? dont hand me this shit they have plenty of money, run em out of town
I saw that too. Looked like an Apple Phone, usually expensive.
he is nothing but a scammer
Keep up the great work Jason!
I see what you're saying, and agree with you to a great extent....but I'd rather some UN-needy people get away with 'faking it' than chase away one person who is actually needy.
Jason, good morning I appreciate what you're doing. It's sad they have to lie to get money it's better to tell the truth .have a blessed day.
In the past I was asked for gas
money 3 times by Mexicans .
All wanted $5 . No , no and no .
I checked on Google, Illinois currently does require a front plate, but as of May 12th, 2022, there is legislation pending that would eliminate it.
Reduced to beggary while owning a nice van and not being homeless? They should be told to beggar off. 😁
That kid is way to old for a stroller 😂
@2ingrams it's a scam. The younger the child appears the more money they make.
@@gauge6513 Oh i get it but only a tard would not see thru it 😆
23:34 oh believe me I will share this. It is so hard to believe that people do this for a living. I will share this all over. I wonder if there is some panhandlers that do this and live and million-dollar?
Don't you just love how they try to look as pitiful as possible. He sounds like the guy from MIDNIGHT EXPRESS, "Cigarette, Cigarette"
Yes IlIinois does require a Front License Plate!
Wouldn't surprise me if they get gas by siphoning it out of other peoples cars.
And i would just bet if law enforcement ran that plate number it would not match the vehicle.
My Gramma Valda had HUNDREDS of adages, one of her faves was:
"There's no fool like an old fool, especially an old man with young pussy in his face!"
Bless you, Gramma; we miss you every day!!
He can work if he wanted to but he rather be a low life person taking from honest hard working people.
Googled Illinois requires front/back license plates
100 percent true!
They get monthly checks rent or lease their vehicles this is how they live quite well
They should get a damn job 🤬
Jason next time ask them for a greencard
Look at them, they haven't eaten for weeks! Could you help them with shelter? No room at the inn?
I put gas in a guy's car by walmart. Turns out he was a bum. Lazy. He said his sister told him to get a job to help pay rent , utilities. He told her no so she kicked him out. He said he doesnt like to work because he doesnt like to be told what to do. He said he was going to tey to get from Oklahoma to mexico to see his mother in a nursing home. Then hed figure out in mexico what he needed to do. I never helped anyone again. Im on disability. This was in winter
The can afford a cell phone, so the 'baby' can play while they 'work'.
Yes we do need front license plate
My question is why do they need a gas can out of gas put it the tank ?
Oh yeah!, that cook did give them some money, i saw him fork over some bills!
he is a sucker
Panhandlers really frustrate me with their guilt trip methods. there should be laws against this practice. 'O\./O`
Kid in the stroller is a teenager! 😅
They have been using that kid to make money for 18 years now!! 😆
Yeah, we noticed that too. ?? Wonder what boat they floated in here on.. ????
I had beanies and weenies for supper so I have enough gas for them as well as myself! Braaaap, that will fill that gas can!
I’m from New York City seen all the bums on the subway panhandling makes me sick!
Guy asked me for $2 for a beer . I said no and asked him
for $100 . Lol
They do this at Walmart because of the large amount of people there.
I don't give anything.
Thank you Jason❤❤❤❤
I bet wifey could make tons of moola waiting tables. She seems stable enough and has a wonderful appearance.
I'd give her $50 bucks!
He is full of lies. Damn illegal. I use to give money to homeless. I dont know after i was educated by a previous homeless guy. They choose to be homeless and 99.9999 % of homeless choose this lifestyle. They only live to feed addictions. They have no disire to work, they want to be fed by society and they only have to beg for an hour or less each day to make a few hundred to feed their addiction for the day. They make more money in just over an hour begging at a gas station than most make at a 9 to 5 all day. They don't respect money and blow it on addiction.
I helped a woman get gas a Walmart and filled her 5 gallon gas container. Offered to fill her van across the st.at the gas station and she declined. I looked over at her daughter in the passenger seat with a brand new I Phone playing games on the mobile device. I can't even afford a 300 android... I was hurt for doing a good deed to help another. All she wanted was cash and I saw here day after day in that Walmart parking lot and was ashamed that my blood sweat and tears were taken advantage of. I bought fast food for another person that asked for money to eat. After I gave the food and got I. MY truck, he threw it away to scam the next victim. No more after that. I may give a fast food gift card but no more.....
The cheapest gas I've seen is Taco Bell
lol that musical fruit.
As Forrest Gump said, "stupid is as stupid does." Pop just peed away some of his hard earned, note I write, hard earned cash.
I thought I heard Moldova,, which is next to Ukraine,, and I heard Latvia,, which is next to Estonia, across the Baltic from Finland and Sweden..Colorado, Illinois,, sounds fishy to me
I can see that those panhandlers will be in jail they are lyers and scamming people out of their money
Watch the Scam Baiter videos on UA-cam, these Indian, Nigerian, and elsewhere, scammers are taking people for tens of thousands.
If it wasn't for panhandlers you wouldn't have y tube channel who's scamming who?
You can thank your president for this
Poor kids
You're awesome!
That kids like 5 with a game boy. Stroller is just for the scam