I'm currently thinking about investing on a double handed rod, and I had a real problem with the different styles of lines. This video clarified it all. Thank you!
Very well done and a very necessary video for all newbies such as myself. You managed exactly what you set out to do, you clarified the differences between Scandi style and Skagit both in terms of equipment and technique. Thank you!
Thanks for demystifying the two . I do have a question though, with the rage scandi can you use a 10’ poly leader slow sink rate ? Thanks for the video.
+NeuRider Yes, there is no difference in running line choice. We chose either 20 lb. or 30 lb. based on light vs. heavy head and fly line type vs. mono based on our preference. I normally use Airflo Ridge running line.
Awesome, thank you. I'm typically fishing the Great Lake small 'rivers' for steelhead (more like creeks) that are only 40ish feet wide and about 5-6 feet deep in the deepest holes. Would you recommend using a skagit/sink tip setup, or is it possible to use a scandi/polyleader? I find that I am constantly getting stuck on the bottom with RIO switch chucker --> iMOW light (5ft. intermediate/5ft. T8) --> a few feet of tippet --> unweighted hoh bo spey. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
+NeuRider If you're hitting bottom with a 50/50 iMOW T8 then most definitely PolyLeaders would be adequate. The only proviso is to ensure that your flies sink decently well as a Polyleader won't drag a slow sinking fly down as quickly as T8. Though judging by your comments, this probably won't be an issue. When extra depth is needed, use a weighted fly and a longer tippet section. At such short distances, I don't like head systems as the loop is often back in the guides while fishing and casting. Consider a short, finesse, full line like an Airflo Switch Float. That line is specifically built for turning polyleaders. When fishing at short ranges, I don't want my line hitting the water like a brick. The Switch Float is subtle enough not to crash into the water.
I'll have to check that out. Is the airflo switch float significantly more subtle than the rio switch chucker? I am having difficultly with finesse presentations with the chucker and a polyleader. However, I'm not sure if my issue is the line or my crappy casting (or both). Would you fish the airflo switch float line with a sink-tip/sustained anchor casting or with a polyleader/touch-and-go casting? Thanks for all the help.
+NeuRider The Airflo Switch Float has a much longer front taper than the Switch Chucker so it's much more of a finesse line. I use mine on an 8 wt. single hander to cast for river carp and we certainly can't get clumsy with those fish as they spook very easily. You can use either casting style, it really doesn't matter that much. The line also works very well wth overhead casting - I'm overhead casting it on my 8 wt, yet I'll Spey cast it either way on my 5 wt. switch.
Hey Peter. You’ve been busy over the years!! Wondering, have you ever tried a Laser Legal. A Galloup streamer. Trout Tornado does a better version, I think. Thanks, Lew
Hey there, I am looking to purchase a LL Bean 12' 6 Streamlight 7/8 wt. two handed rod that I will probably use Skagit line with. (510-540 grain) What weight running line would you recommend? Thanks for you time, Steve
+TheTrainWreckKid Normally with Skagit heads in that weight range we would use 30lb. core running line. For mono running line, I'd use 50lb. We could use line with a lower strength, but we risk breaking it on a snag or in the case of mono, have a hard time gripping it.
+hooked4lifeca I was oblivious to the fact that people actually used mono line for running line so looked it up a bit on google and saw a lot of positive reviews and it helps that it is cheap too! Will try that out first, thanks!
TheTrainWreckKid Like everything else, mono has its benefits and drawbacks. Be careful of kinks. It's no fun in the cold as well. Most mono needs a good stretch before using otherwise it can be a slinky.
can the scandi line cast the 10ft extra super fast (6 in/sec) poly leader? i tried it with that leader and it didnt work and i had to switch heads. also what would be the limit as far as poly leaders or tips on scandi lines? i use it on a 7wt switch rod.
hooked4lifeca also is there a place to buy the airflo skagit compact intermediate in southern ontario or does it have to be ordered in? i havent been able to find it yet.
They make noise going through the guides, but otherwise do not cause problems. When fighting a fish, they tend to flatten and move through the guides quite well.
I have a question which anyone whop knows the answer could respond. Is the skagit head are strictly use with sinking tips or it can also be use with floating ? Thanks for you help...
It can be used with a floating tip, but the maintenance of the anchor can become a problem. If I want to go with a floating line setup, I don't use Skagit. I find that it forces the concept beyond it's comfortable parameters.
Thank you very much, that's what I thought as no one talk about floating tips. I do have a switch and spey rods both with spey and switch line from Rio and they seem to be similar as scandinavian head added in one peace to a running line. The tip of the line is longer and tapered pretty thin down to the loop. So I do understand that it might be the best for dry flys presentation with a swith or spey rods. What type of tippet would you recommend ? Thank for your time and precious advices
There is an alternative with a Skagit setup and floating tip -- downsize the rig so that the total weight is equivalent to a Scandi head and then cast it accordingly. Of course, we're way better off using a Scandi head for this, but if a Skagit is all we have, then it will work. If we're an experienced Spey caster, then we can make touch & go casts work with our heavy Skagit + floater tip by dialling back on the speed and power of our cast. It'll work, but again, the Scandi would be a better choice.
Ok I understand but last question if I may...What is your opinion about those basic spey and/or switch one peace lines ? Many compare them as an half way between a simple WF and a scandi ? That's what I use now but it don't give me this feeling of power. I must push my switch rod ( St-Croix Imperial) pretty much to throw a wet salmon fly 70' +. Even worst with a dry fly. I can easely reach over 90' + with an over-head cast but conditions are not always ideal for that. Thanks for your precious advices....was my last question.
The Airflo Switch float is one of m favourite small switch rod lines as it does a number of jobs well. I don't have any problems cast it for distance, even when using a little 10' 6" 5 wt.
I live in Atlanta, GA. Been fly fishing for over 20 years for redfish in the Gulf and mountain trout. I have never used a shooting head! Only wf and sinking lines.. Your video is VERY informative. I'm interested in using a shooting head to fish the chattahoochee river for stripers. All of my fishing will be done wading and at times close to the shore. I want to maximize distance. Based on your video it seems like the Skagit with a sink tip would be the way to go. I'm assuming I can benefit from this with a single handed 8 weight 9' fly rod. Is that correct? Are there any videos on using shooting heads with a single handed 9' fly rod? Any suggestions? Due you recommend a dt line for my running line for my application? Will probably use this set up as well for saltwater surf fishing.
It all depends on where we're fishing for stripers. If we're river fishing where there's a predictable current and we're swinging the fly, then a Skagit setup will be fine. Check out Airflo's Scout line for one that will work on single handed rods. However, if we're fishing beaches and bays with only tidal motion or rips for current, I most definitely do not recommend a head system. I routinely have bass hit the fly close in, then I have to work line back out again. If I were to use a head system, I'd have the loop connection clattering in and out of the guides. Check out the Airflo 40+ Sniper (short head) or Striper (long head) lines for this type of fishing.
@@getore100 They're fine for river situations on a 9' rod where we're swinging the fly. The Airflo Scout is a short Skagit head designed for switch and single handed rods. I don't like to use head systems of any type when I'm stripping the fly in, when fishing slower moving water.
@@hooked4lifeca thank you. Just more question, promise...I was going to purchase a DT line and use it as my running line. My rod is an 8 weight. Do you recommend getting the smallest DT running line such as a 3 wt line because it will be skinnier or purchase an 8 Wt DT?
It's running line, that is made the same as regular fly line. It has a core and a coating just like a fly line, but it is level and thin for good line shooting. It's sold as running line. There are other types of running line on the market including mono and braid.
Boris Dell Grain weight is the weight of the shooting heads. In Europe it would be measured in grams. We have to make sure that the weight of the head is right for our rod, otherwise it will cast poorly.
Explains it well still very complicated still there r so many different lines sometimes I think there should of been a class at school learning about fly lines
Man. You completely lost me on this one. I've never heard of either? Maybe I'm getting advice from the wrong people? This has never been mentioned. I did just change one of my 6wt. into a sink tip. Which I understand that's to get the fly down deeper. I'm not sure what these are? Maybe extended leaders?
These two videos are about the lines we use for two-handed Spey casting for steelhead and salmon. If you're just using a single hander for trout or bass, then most of these two videos only tangentially applies.
Is this line also used in roll casting? ( two handed rod ) I've seen others do it, but I've never tryed. Right now, I'm trying to master a centerpin.lol
The best explanation on the subject I've seen so far!
Thank you
totally agree ! even 10 years after this video was aired - it still remains the best one explaining things in the most understandable way 🥰
Clearest explanation I have seen or read. Very nicely done.
I'm currently thinking about investing on a double handed rod, and I had a real problem with the different styles of lines. This video clarified it all. Thank you!
I had been getting very confused but your posting has helped a lot. Thank you.
Extremely informative. Thank you for sharing your experience 👍
Very informative and to the point thanks
Very well done and a very necessary video for all newbies such as myself. You managed exactly what you set out to do, you clarified the differences between Scandi style and Skagit both in terms of equipment and technique. Thank you!
Very good clear straight forward explanation.
Very good and complete information about these great flylines, TOP ! Thank you.
Thank-you for posting this! It is very helpful.
Very nice Chanel my friend
Thank you very much.
Excellent explanation.
Tight lines.
Peter, nicely done.
Great informational videos--thank you!
Excellent explanation. This really helped. Thanks!
Very helpful. Thank you!
Thank you for sharing this great info.
Good stuff. Memory aid could be Skagit=Skag”tip”
Still extremly helpful for beginners such as me
1:43 "...I've done it - believe me, it's quite do-able - it's quite easily done..."
So what you're saying is, "YOU CAN DO IT!!"
Thanks for demystifying the two . I do have a question though, with the rage scandi can you use a 10’ poly leader slow sink rate ? Thanks for the video.
Most definitely. I use PolyLeaders on mine all of the time, usually down to a fast sink, but I can use higher densities.
@@hooked4lifeca thanks
Great video. Can the same running line be used for both scandi and skagit heads?
+NeuRider Yes, there is no difference in running line choice. We chose either 20 lb. or 30 lb. based on light vs. heavy head and fly line type vs. mono based on our preference. I normally use Airflo Ridge running line.
Awesome, thank you. I'm typically fishing the Great Lake small 'rivers' for steelhead (more like creeks) that are only 40ish feet wide and about 5-6 feet deep in the deepest holes. Would you recommend using a skagit/sink tip setup, or is it possible to use a scandi/polyleader? I find that I am constantly getting stuck on the bottom with RIO switch chucker --> iMOW light (5ft. intermediate/5ft. T8) --> a few feet of tippet --> unweighted hoh bo spey. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
+NeuRider If you're hitting bottom with a 50/50 iMOW T8 then most definitely PolyLeaders would be adequate. The only proviso is to ensure that your flies sink decently well as a Polyleader won't drag a slow sinking fly down as quickly as T8. Though judging by your comments, this probably won't be an issue. When extra depth is needed, use a weighted fly and a longer tippet section.
At such short distances, I don't like head systems as the loop is often back in the guides while fishing and casting. Consider a short, finesse, full line like an Airflo Switch Float. That line is specifically built for turning polyleaders. When fishing at short ranges, I don't want my line hitting the water like a brick. The Switch Float is subtle enough not to crash into the water.
I'll have to check that out. Is the airflo switch float significantly more subtle than the rio switch chucker? I am having difficultly with finesse presentations with the chucker and a polyleader. However, I'm not sure if my issue is the line or my crappy casting (or both).
Would you fish the airflo switch float line with a sink-tip/sustained anchor casting or with a polyleader/touch-and-go casting? Thanks for all the help.
+NeuRider The Airflo Switch Float has a much longer front taper than the Switch Chucker so it's much more of a finesse line. I use mine on an 8 wt. single hander to cast for river carp and we certainly can't get clumsy with those fish as they spook very easily.
You can use either casting style, it really doesn't matter that much. The line also works very well wth overhead casting - I'm overhead casting it on my 8 wt, yet I'll Spey cast it either way on my 5 wt. switch.
Hey Peter. You’ve been busy over the years!! Wondering, have you ever tried a Laser Legal. A Galloup streamer. Trout Tornado does a better version, I think. Thanks, Lew
Haven't used any of Galloup's flies yet. One of these days I'll have to give one a try.
Hey there, I am looking to purchase a LL Bean 12' 6 Streamlight 7/8 wt. two handed rod that I will probably use Skagit line with. (510-540 grain) What weight running line would you recommend? Thanks for you time, Steve
Sorry what Lb running line? lol
+TheTrainWreckKid Normally with Skagit heads in that weight range we would use 30lb. core running line. For mono running line, I'd use 50lb. We could use line with a lower strength, but we risk breaking it on a snag or in the case of mono, have a hard time gripping it.
+hooked4lifeca I was oblivious to the fact that people actually used mono line for running line so looked it up a bit on google and saw a lot of positive reviews and it helps that it is cheap too! Will try that out first, thanks!
TheTrainWreckKid Like everything else, mono has its benefits and drawbacks. Be careful of kinks. It's no fun in the cold as well. Most mono needs a good stretch before using otherwise it can be a slinky.
hooked4lifeca cccccffewwwwwqqqqHGG
I presume, that this is all so usefull for light switch rods to ? (6/7 lines).
Can you put a Skagit sink tip on the Rage line or poly leader?
A light Skagit tip will work on a heavy Rage head, but that's about it. The lighter heads are best used with PolyLeaders only.
can the scandi line cast the 10ft extra super fast (6 in/sec) poly leader? i tried it with that leader and it didnt work and i had to switch heads. also what would be the limit as far as poly leaders or tips on scandi lines? i use it on a 7wt switch rod.
jbochene Yes, but it does require a casting adjustment to avoid too much line stick in the anchor.
hooked4lifeca also is there a place to buy the airflo skagit compact intermediate in southern ontario or does it have to be ordered in? i havent been able to find it yet.
jbochene You'll probably have to have one ordered as it wouldn't be carried by most shops as it's not a high demand item.
How well does the black loop and the large running line loop go through the guides, It's my largest worry buying a switch rod and airflo running line.
They make noise going through the guides, but otherwise do not cause problems. When fighting a fish, they tend to flatten and move through the guides quite well.
I have a question which anyone whop knows the answer could respond. Is the skagit head are strictly use with sinking tips or it can also be use with floating ? Thanks for you help...
It can be used with a floating tip, but the maintenance of the anchor can become a problem. If I want to go with a floating line setup, I don't use Skagit. I find that it forces the concept beyond it's comfortable parameters.
Thank you very much, that's what I thought as no one talk about floating tips. I do have a switch and spey rods both with spey and switch line from Rio and they seem to be similar as scandinavian head added in one peace to a running line. The tip of the line is longer and tapered pretty thin down to the loop. So I do understand that it might be the best for dry flys presentation with a swith or spey rods. What type of tippet would you recommend ?
Thank for your time and precious advices
There is an alternative with a Skagit setup and floating tip -- downsize the rig so that the total weight is equivalent to a Scandi head and then cast it accordingly. Of course, we're way better off using a Scandi head for this, but if a Skagit is all we have, then it will work.
If we're an experienced Spey caster, then we can make touch & go casts work with our heavy Skagit + floater tip by dialling back on the speed and power of our cast. It'll work, but again, the Scandi would be a better choice.
Ok I understand but last question if I may...What is your opinion about those basic spey and/or switch one peace lines ? Many compare them as an half way between a simple WF and a scandi ? That's what I use now but it don't give me this feeling of power. I must push my switch rod ( St-Croix Imperial) pretty much to throw a wet salmon fly 70' +. Even worst with a dry fly. I can easely reach over 90' + with an over-head cast but conditions are not always ideal for that.
Thanks for your precious advices....was my last question.
The Airflo Switch float is one of m favourite small switch rod lines as it does a number of jobs well. I don't have any problems cast it for distance, even when using a little 10' 6" 5 wt.
I live in Atlanta, GA. Been fly fishing for over 20 years for redfish in the Gulf and mountain trout. I have never used a shooting head! Only wf and sinking lines.. Your video is VERY informative. I'm interested in using a shooting head to fish the chattahoochee river for stripers. All of my fishing will be done wading and at times close to the shore. I want to maximize distance. Based on your video it seems like the Skagit with a sink tip would be the way to go. I'm assuming I can benefit from this with a single handed 8 weight 9' fly rod. Is that correct? Are there any videos on using shooting heads with a single handed 9' fly rod? Any suggestions? Due you recommend a dt line for my running line for my application? Will probably use this set up as well for saltwater surf fishing.
It all depends on where we're fishing for stripers. If we're river fishing where there's a predictable current and we're swinging the fly, then a Skagit setup will be fine. Check out Airflo's Scout line for one that will work on single handed rods.
However, if we're fishing beaches and bays with only tidal motion or rips for current, I most definitely do not recommend a head system. I routinely have bass hit the fly close in, then I have to work line back out again. If I were to use a head system, I'd have the loop connection clattering in and out of the guides. Check out the Airflo 40+ Sniper (short head) or Striper (long head) lines for this type of fishing.
@@hooked4lifeca thanks so much. So you don't recommend skagit for single handed 9' rods?
Never mind...I see that the airflo scout is a skagit. Thanks
@@getore100 They're fine for river situations on a 9' rod where we're swinging the fly. The Airflo Scout is a short Skagit head designed for switch and single handed rods. I don't like to use head systems of any type when I'm stripping the fly in, when fishing slower moving water.
@@hooked4lifeca thank you. Just more question, promise...I was going to purchase a DT line and use it as my running line. My rod is an 8 weight. Do you recommend getting the smallest DT running line such as a 3 wt line because it will be skinnier or purchase an 8 Wt DT?
Before you put you the shooting head theres the line before is that regular fly line?
It's running line, that is made the same as regular fly line. It has a core and a coating just like a fly line, but it is level and thin for good line shooting. It's sold as running line. There are other types of running line on the market including mono and braid.
hooked4lifeca Whats the grain for?What does it do and does it matter what grain you choose?Im new to double handed fishing so yea.
Boris Dell Grain weight is the weight of the shooting heads. In Europe it would be measured in grams. We have to make sure that the weight of the head is right for our rod, otherwise it will cast poorly.
what size (grain) shooting head for wt5
For a two handed 5 wt. rod, 300 to 360 grains (19.4 to 23.3 grams). A single handed 5 wt. rod would be 200 to 250 (13 to 16.2 grams).
@@hooked4lifeca thank for your suggestions.
What running line is that?
Its an older running line - Airflo Tactical Salmon with a 30 lb. core.
Explains it well still very complicated still there r so many different lines sometimes I think there should of been a class at school learning about fly lines
Yup, the trick is to hone in on one style of line and stick with it.
Thank you from the other side of the lake.
4:10 - 4:26 that's what she said.....
I'm sorry I had too lol
damn complicated...
Man. You completely lost me on this one. I've never heard of either? Maybe I'm getting advice from the wrong people? This has never been mentioned. I did just change one of my 6wt. into a sink tip. Which I understand that's to get the fly down deeper. I'm not sure what these are? Maybe extended leaders?
These two videos are about the lines we use for two-handed Spey casting for steelhead and salmon. If you're just using a single hander for trout or bass, then most of these two videos only tangentially applies.
Is this line also used in roll casting? ( two handed rod ) I've seen others do it, but I've never tryed. Right now, I'm trying to master a centerpin.lol