in all seriousness, I always saw the crimson chin as sorta a parody of the tick, a sorta parody of a parody. I mean yeah he can fly an all that and the tick cant, but he's as legally close as you can get to the tick without it being a rip off XD
Not to mention the situation of the follow-up author throwing everything Liefeld did out of the window and create infinitely better versions of those characters.
@@MaJuV Cant all together disagree with you..But I REALLY enjoyed his Take on Cable..He was a military bad ass,who straighten out the New Mutants way back when..
@@cheddarcheese7928 Cable seemed a bit over powered in the sense that he was a character you can't take lightly. Cable a dangerous super hero other heroes had to watch out for.
In the Unpopular Batman Opinions video you said that Frank Miller wrote The Killing Joke. I know now that this was not a mistake, since in this video you put up a picture of DKR while talking about Alan Moore. Comic Drake takes place in an alternate universe where Frank Miller and Alan Moore wrote each other’s most famous Batman stories.
@@cptsteele91 Yeah, I completely agree with that, but you could also argue that Virtue is a parody (even Drake himself seems to think so) and he was included in the video so it wouldn't be unreasonable to include Homelander.
Timely comics Vision was a green bald-headed alien and appeared before the Martian Manhunter with a similar origin about a scientist causing him to come to earth.
Clark Kent's disguise isn't just the glasses. His demeanor, general attitude, clothing and environment make him appear very different than his counterpart. Back when Kevin Costner was the most famous actor out there, I was working in an office where my boss was a perfect doppleganger of the actor. Even his voice was a perfect match. However NOBODY ever even entertained the notion that he was the same person, just an uncanny look-alike. And the reason was simple. Why would the most famous person in the world work at some office?
In all fairness, the sentry is more or less inspired by superman rather than a direct rip off. He isnt as bad as hyperion and while they share many similarities, they share even more diffreneces like the sentries struggle with the void.
Superman started the most powerful hero so any hero who is more powerful than even other heros they are considered superman rip offs despite the differences or the similarties to other characters.
@Rory false. Ogon Bat from Japan (1931) was more powerful. He had magic, and unbreakable staff. could shoot magic rays out of said staff. had super strength, speed ect. AND he could fly. He basically could do anything Superman could before Superman was a thing and early superman wasn't much different from Hugo Danner and John carter who btw was man who went to another planet and got super powers including to ability to jump tall buildings in a single bound. lol
If you want another notch in your Gladiator/Superman belt, Superman was ripped off/heavily influenced by a book called Gladiator. It’s about a brilliant scientist who injected his son with a serum that gave him bulletproof skin, super strength, and the ability to leap tall buildings.
The Plutonian from Irredeemable. Amazing limited series that basically explores what would happen if a Superman-esque character with almost no weaknesses went insane and started to murder everyone. So good!
He’s basically what happens when someone not mentally prepared to be Superman was Superman. It ends poorly for everyone involved. Although calling Plutonian ‘Superman gone wrong’ somewhat undersells how dangerous he really is…
What I love about Icon is that Young Justice poked fun at how similar he is by saying Superman wanted him in the league because he may be another Kryptonian
Legend Has It A ripoff is when something is advertised to be far better than it actually is and is usually greatly overpriced or has some sort of clause or fine print that makes it so that the thing is only good under ridiculous or unfair circumstances or conditions. A knockoff is when someone (usually a company) closely replicates, copies, or mimics something (usually another company's product) often at a lower quality and/or for a lower price in order to make a prophet using that other person's (or company's) work. So for example, an imitation designer handbag would be a knockoff whereas a motel that charged $50 a night for a room with no hot water would be a ripoff.
@@inkmaster5480 That's not the only definition of a rip off. A second definition is a conceptual imitation of a thing stolen or borrowed from another source. Such as Pop music being a rip off of hip hop music. Or Elvis rock n roll being a ripoff of popular black music of the time. The primary distinction between a knockoff and a ripoff in this instancr is that knockoffs advertise as the original product while a ripoff advertises as its own product even though it is directly taken from elsewhere.
I disagree with Omni Man being Superman, he's physically him but I'd say Invincible is designed to be the one who stands in for Clark. I remember hearing the story described as "What if Superman was a teen and his dad was training him"
He really isn't. Plutonian is an evil Superman sure. But Injustice Supes decided to be a dictator, Plutonian just made a mistake, then kept making them until he knew there was nothing left to do but be an utter monster. He was running away from taking responsibility to the bitter end.
There was also Wonder Man of whom went without a wimper in 1941 and according to the intro in Comix:A History of Comic Books in America.Marvel would do their version of Wonderman many years later on.
Do Batman so you can talk about Midnighter more! Or just do a video about Midnighter, he's the best but still isn't that well-known despite his DCU solo series and the mini with Apollo.
Mon el is himself based on superman anyway, being a superman character who Clark assumed was his brother. Plus mon's place on the legion was originally that of Clark's. As superboy, he inspired the legion and sometimes lead them. So really Gladiator still counts as a superman homage rather then Mon El
@@SonofSethoitae, that was done deliberately to make him a sort of reverse-Superboy, just as his costume is basically a reverse-colored version (red where Superboy/man’s is blue and vice-versa, with some other differences such as the chest emblem and cape of course). Daxam (Mon-El’s home planet) is a giant planet with heavy gravity orbiting a red sun, just like Krypton was. Some sources imply that Daxam was settled by Kryptonians or vice-versa, but that some genetic drift happened over time that reversed their vulnerabilities (also Daxam didn’t explode so there is no glowing radioactive “Daxamite” to weaken them [instead, “Daxamite” is the term for a native of Daxam, because “Daxamian” doesn’t sound right). The reason the lead thing makes it a reverse of Kryptonians’ vulnerability is that lead shields Kryptonains from Kryptonite radiation, so the thing that protects Clark/Kal-El from Kryptonite is the very thing that poisons Daxamites. In the original Mon-El story (which was supposed to be a one-shot appearance), Superboy comes to suspect that the amnesiac Mon-El (so named by Clark because he found the spaceship on a Monday, and Mon-El had a star map to Earth drawn by Jor-El, so the “-El” surname was added to the first syllable of “Monday”) isn’t really Kryptonian after all and thus isn’t his long-lost brother. One night, Clark sneaks into their bedroom while Mon-El is sleeping, and holds a lead box containing a lump of Kryptonite, with a hole in one side and that hole facing Mon-El and away from Clark. Clark shines the Kryptonite on the sleeping Mon-El, who goes right on sleeping and isn’t bothered by it any more than he would be by the light from a green night-light. “A-ha,” thinks Clark! The next day Clark as Superboy fakes being caught in a Kryptonite meteor shower, and Mon-El also falls to the ground in agony. Clark then reveals what he had done and that he knew that Mon-El was faking because the meteors weren’t really Kryptonite, but were merely lumps of lead that Clark had painted with fluorescent green paint and then hurled into the sky, timed to fall then. But Mon-El isn’t faking. He really is in agony, and is in fact dying, _not_ from Kryptonite (duh!) but from the proximity of the _lead!_ His memory is restored as a result, and he reveals his true identity of Lar Gand from Daxam, who had traveled to Krypton (to see their ancestral homeworld?) just before it was about to explode, and met Jor-El who gave him the star map to Earth which was what led Clark to think that Mon-El was his brother in the first place. Unlike Kryptonians and Kryptonite, removing the lead from their presence does _not_ reverse severe lead poisoning in a Daxamite. To save his life, Superboy beams Lar into the Phantom Zone, and promises to find a cure and release him. Despite his Kryptonian super-brain, that never happens. That was supposed to be the end of Mon-El’s story. As I said, he was just supposed to be a one-shot. But the writer of the original story made a plot error, and that plot error turned out to open up wonderful possibilities. Did you catch the error? Re-read the above so far carefully before reading on. Did you catch it? Things should not have happened as they did in the story. Fast-forward a millennium, and the Legion of Super-Heroes learn of Mon-El, still trapped in the Phantom Zone. Braniac-5 with his 12ᵗʰ-level intelligence hears about their first meeting, or perhaps they see it on a time viewer, and he notices the plot error I referred to before: Superboy determined that Mon-El was no Kryptonian because Mon-El wasn’t weakened when Superboy went into the room and shone the Kryptonite on him while he was asleep. *Yet Mon-El **_should_** have been weakend!* That would’ve put the kibosh on Superboy’s suspicions, and made him believe he had a long-lost brother for a lot longer! But no, Mon-El went right on sleeping _when he should not have_ and that’s what proved to Superboy that Mon-El was no Kryptonian! But wait, you say: why should Mon-El have been weakend by the Kryptonite? It’s _harmless_ to Daxamites! That was the _point_ of Superboy exposing him to it! True, but then, why wasn’t _Superboy_ weakened? He was _holding_ the Kryptonite, remember? He should’ve been writhing on the floor in agony! It was in his _hand!_ So why wasn’t _he_ weakened? Because he had it in a lead box with a hole in one side facing away from him and towards Mon-El, shielding him from the Kryptonite radiation, remember? A _what_ kind of box? *Lead!?* Which brings us back to the original question: *why wasn’t **_Mon-El_** weakened* - _not_ by the Kryptonite, but by the *_lead_*_ box_ it was in? The _Legion_ writer, through Braniac-5, saw this now-obvious plot error and realized that it provided the perfect way to bring Mon-El back, this time in the 30ᵗʰ Century in the LSH where he wouldn’t be redundant with Superman. It was obvious why Mon-El wasn’t weakened by the _lead_ - just as lead shields Kryptonians from Kryptonite, _the _*_reverse_*_ is _*_also_*_ true:_ being exposed to Kryptonite radiation, far from being merely _harmless_ to a Daxamite, actually _counteracts_ the damage lead poisoning does! Lead protects Kryptonians from Kryptonite, and Kryptonite protects Daxamites from lead! Nice symmetry there, further reinforcing the symmetry of their respective costumes! Braniac-5 invents an anti-lead serum _based on Kryptonite_ because of this, and it can counteract the poisoning for 48 hours at a time, allowing Mon-El to be released without dying, and he joins the Legion. So many stories were made possible by this plot error, including the awesome Great Darkness Saga (what would it have been without the army of Daxamites as a dire threat?).
While Icon is obviously a "Superman clone" (he was created by Dwayne MacDuffie who wrote for DC and marvel) in many ways, I would have mentioned the one difference that stands out in his solo's more about his sidekick Rocket. The overall story features her more than Icon. The title may have been his, but he was not really the main character. (it's a great series though)
What’s the name of that one comic, where the Superman-guy turned evil? The story was about his former teammates trying to stop him. Edit: Another comment mentioned it: It’s called “Irredeemable”
TFW you watched this for the first time in 2019 not knowing anything about Invincible but you're back in May 2021 after having a blast with the Amazon adaptation
Samaritan is easily one of the most tragic. A guy always flying from one disaster to another with barely any time for a social life. It literally took the entire superhero community of Astro City plus retired heroes and reformed/retired villains filling in for him just to let him go on one date night.
Captain Marvel costume was copied after electrician outfit worn by Flash Gordon except left off the helmet and googles and gloves and added a cape and armbands. He is in many ways more similar to Popeye than Superman as not always powerful but instead of eating spinach says Shazam.
Admittedly O checked out Invincible after your video on why ot was so great and I must say it's amazing the series has amazing story arc, art, character development and is funny and dark In a way that feels natural and not forced. It has an awesome and satisfying ending that other series should take note of. Overall it's one of my favorite comic book runs and it's 3rd on the comic books for beginners
I remember in that Avengers Assemble cartoon Hyperion and the Squadron Supreme were villains who tried to be dictors of those home planet. They destroyed it when the people resisted. Thought that was a pretty interesting take
The Plutonian from Irredeemable! Homelander (more of a parody) Miracle/Marvelman. Sungod from The Great Society is a perfect one he’s literally Superman, from Hickmans Avengers run!
Drake, since you mentioned magic in the video, I thought I'd bring up the fact that people need to stop referring to magic as a weakness of Superman's as though it's a weakness specific to Superman. Magic is a weakness to perhaps nearly all DC characters, even other magical characters. Superman's only true specific weakness is kryptonite, and maybe red solar radiation which really is just a slow sapping of his powers, not resulting in death, which he could easily escape if not confined in some way. Anything else considered a weakness of Superman's is due to bad writing, and an inexplicable and dishonest portrayal of a certain Gotham City psychotic.
Is there a backup story in one of those Batman or Batman/Superman books that were part of the New 52, where they explicitly state that Superman is being damaged one a Genetic Level by being near a Ghost? Or was that retcon'd immediately?
I don't recall any such story at all. I do remember a story where a vampire, or it may have been Count Dracula, attempted to bite Superman on the neck. His teeth pierced Superman's skin but the solar energy in his cells burned Dracula to dust.
Weak and vulnerable are completely different though, if someone of the same strength as you punched you, does that make you vulnerable to their punch? Yes, but did that punch make you weaker? No, not necessarily.
I'd love to see you do a video about Funky Flashman, basically Jack Kirby's stand-in for Stan Lee. It's pretty interesting to see how Kirby made fun of Stan during his New Gods series. Not to mention the Nixon allegories
Love the fact that he punched Clark that hard to sell the fight thing, and then they both just chilled on an asteroid chatting and discussing the real plot going on.
Icon never beat Superman. It was a setup between him and Superman. Superman has a habit of holding back especially against other heroes. I love Icon i think he's Awesome but he can't beat Superman. He hurt his hand when he punch him enough said.
Well, the best part about that example is (spoilers) When the Plutonian dies, his essence is scattered across reality and fragments of him end up in different places and different forms - one of them ending up in our own universe and inspiring a certain Jerry Siegel with the idea of a super-strong, laser-shooting, flying brick. So, in Irredeemable canon, every character in this video _including Supes himself_ is inspired by the Plutonian. And I love that.
Got a favorite issue? Mine’s probably the one with Daxia just for the fact that Alan Moore basically recycled the 1st issue of his run and still made it work. Also, time loops. If you know, you know.
That lawsuit would be the beginning of a long series of events that ended with Todd McFarlane getting his ass kicked in legal battles against Neil Gailman
I'd really love for a 10-year-old Franklin Richards to turn his Gladiator, Sentry and Hyperion action figures into life-sized superheroes as part of the MCU.
Superman RIP OFFS: All Might, Saitama, Blast, Goku, Jiren, The Great Saiyaman, Mr. Incredible, Brightburn, Homelander, Marvelman, Metro Man, Omni-Man, Plutonian, Samaritan.
Most superheroes and villains have been ripped of Superman and then WB/DC disrespect him by nerfing him so that he can be ' relatable' and making a punching bag of him so that they can push whatever characters they wish to push. Shuster and Siegel are turning in their graves.
Am I the only one who noticed that when virtues parents tell him that great power comes with responsibility, they use the exact same phrasing that may uses in no way home.
Dávid Pap IDK Cause Blue marvel doesn't have the same powers set, source of power, or origin. The only thing I can see that is similar is their level of strength and durability as well as their ability to fly, and breathe on earth and in space.
Surprised you didn't mention that in the Marvel Zombies storyline, Sentry was actually supposed to be a universally displaced Superman (he even has Supe's crest torn off on his chest and has his hairstyle!)
I typed this comment also Daredevil (Marvel) The Owl (Popular Comics) The Fixer (DC) Shadow Hawk (Image) Night Thrasher (Marvel) Night Man (Malibu comics) Bibleman (lol) Darkwing Duck (Disney)
I got some!: Confessor (Astro City): A vigilante priest with a mysterious secret… The various Dragonflies (The Wrong Earth): There’s 4 of them so far, but they include an Adam West homage, a DKR parody, a sci-fi hero, and a Micheal Keaton homage Black Noir (The Boys): Focussing on the show, he’s a mysterious, quirky, yet tragic figure Darkwing Duck: How was I not going to acknowledge the terror that flaps in the night?!
Umm, the hulk came out in 1962 and solemn grundy came out in 1944. You guys seem to forget, being ripoffs is marvels game, not DCs remember how unoriginal Doom Patrol is compaired to Xmen? Oh wait.....
Might Guy Also, a lot of comic historians agree Doom Patrol was actually copied from X Men, it just came out earlier. It at least they were both conceived of in a mutual discuss session. Also, DP is clearly inspired by F4.
Avash Ihteyaz while they do share some similarities they're not really hulk rip offs to me Solomon Grundy isn't I hulk to me simply because his origin is completely different depending on the origin he Man name Cyrus Gold he got gunned down by his partners and they drag him into a swamp and left him there depending on the source him even got affected by radioactive chemicals or imagine regardless transformed into Solomon Grundy compare that to the origin of the Hulk what's that it's hard to do you want to know why because there is none Bruce Banner was a scientist Cyrus Gold was a criminal mob boss Cyrus Gold got brought back as a uncontrollable monster while Bruce Banner got affected by a bomb of gamma radiation and transformed into the Hulk one is Magic and the other is gamma radiation two differences their origins are different their energy are different Next powers Solomon Grundy has the usual super strength super speed practically unlimited stamina the power you expect from a giant juggernaut the Hulk on the other hand has relatively the same powers but unlike Solomon Grundy who has the limit Hulk has Unlimited strength because the anger he gets the stronger he gets both also have healing factors but I actually think Solomon Grundy is better because he can heal entire limbs while the Hulk can heal any damage on his body I never saw him heal an entire limb but that's besides the point so difference in power one has a limit while the other is Limitless and that's pretty much it different powers different Origins different energy not to mention Solomon Grundy's a zombie so I know the difference meaning the other is undead in the other was alive to begin with pretty much the only reason why they keep calling him DC's Hulk it's because they look the same I mean Solomon Grundy is pretty much just a different color but that's it I mean just because they look the same doesn't mean they are the same I mean that's the equivalent of putting a Batman costume on Naruto and calling him Naruto's version of Batman just because they have the same costume see what I mean but anyway that's my two cents I just don't think Solomon Grundy is DC's Hulk they have too many differences I think Solomon Grundy is his own character let me know what you think to be honest with you I don't even think damage is DC's hulk but I'll provide some context on that later if you respond to this comment
None of my favorites made it to the list: Mighty Magnor and Captain Everything... But yeah, I wasn't expecting Drake to include parodies, there are too many!
Kinda guilty of not watching ur videos as there uploaded but this topic definantly caught my eye and I enjoyed the format. I'd totally love to see more of these. Cheers man.
Samurai Forever91 sourman is a parody. Goku is entirely different only similarity being survivor of a dead race sent to earth. Saitamas only similarity is being OP and he's more of a parody of characters like goku not superman
EpitomeOfJustice it was practically the same tho the entire race was dead except. Vegeta nappa and raditz. Superman had zods crew and Kara. So it's very similar
You’re telling me that even though Virtue is LITERALLY a shape shifting Alien, he thought just wearing glasses would be an adequate disguise?
That man is a dork
He’s a very good-hearted but naive character.
To be fair, he didn’t know he was a shapeshifter initially. He originally thought his powers were a gift from God.
He forgot the most powerful one.................. THE CRIMSON CHIN
Aw yes his chin is quite big
Wow look a comedian
in all seriousness, I always saw the crimson chin as sorta a parody of the tick, a sorta parody of a parody. I mean yeah he can fly an all that and the tick cant, but he's as legally close as you can get to the tick without it being a rip off XD
The phrases "created by Rob Liefeld" and "a douchebag version of..." were born to be together.
Not to mention the situation of the follow-up author throwing everything Liefeld did out of the window and create infinitely better versions of those characters.
@@MaJuV Cant all together disagree with you..But I REALLY enjoyed his Take on Cable..He was a military bad ass,who straighten out the New Mutants way back when..
@@cheddarcheese7928 Cable seemed a bit over powered in the sense that he was a character you can't take lightly.
Cable a dangerous super hero other heroes had to watch out for.
I mean, Rob Liefeld is a douchebag version of most comic writers
don't mixe that up to be " a douchebag version of Rob liefeld" because none can be more douchy then dr. pouches.
In the Unpopular Batman Opinions video you said that Frank Miller wrote The Killing Joke. I know now that this was not a mistake, since in this video you put up a picture of DKR while talking about Alan Moore.
Comic Drake takes place in an alternate universe where Frank Miller and Alan Moore wrote each other’s most famous Batman stories.
Haha! Glad someone caught it. :P
If that's the case, I wonder how Alan Moore handled The Dark Knight Strikes Again? :P
Should we call this the Batdella Effect?
much. much better i can say that much
Homelander from “The BOYS” should definitely have been included in the vid
But Homelander isn't really a rip-off as much as he is a direct parody of Superman
@@cptsteele91 Yeah, I completely agree with that, but you could also argue that Virtue is a parody (even Drake himself seems to think so) and he was included in the video so it wouldn't be unreasonable to include Homelander.
This is an old video
@@black_rhino241 This is a new reply
@@noahmareschal389 No, this is Patrick
Metroman from Mega Mind is also one considering his origin story and story in general.
He also is one part of one of the funniest hero-villain banter scenes I’ve ever seen. “You can’t trap justice, it’s an ideal.”
Superman is the somewhat basic template for a superhero, so it's kind of hard not to "copy".
And it became a trope
I feel like with a character like Shazam, the creator of that character created another superhero trope.
It seems that way because of how iconic he is.
"I'm Shazam"
*Transfrom back into kid*
Captain Marvel then
Must be LOVING that they animated Invincible.
Sometimes I feel like Martian Manhunter was an early in-universe rip-off
Who Do you believe Could Win in a Fight Martian Manhunter Or Conquest
Timely comics Vision was a green bald-headed alien and appeared before the Martian Manhunter with a similar origin about a scientist causing him to come to earth.
I feel like this list should include The Homelander from Garth Ennis' brilliant The Boys comics.
I don't know if Homelander would count, considering that heroes in The Boys are more parodies than knockoffs.
Homelander should absolutely be on this list.
@@entransta Homelander is practically both
I know I'm 2 years late but I couldn't agree more
I wouldn’t call the boys comics brilliant, the tv show is great though
Clark Kent's disguise isn't just the glasses. His demeanor, general attitude, clothing and environment make him appear very different than his counterpart. Back when Kevin Costner was the most famous actor out there, I was working in an office where my boss was a perfect doppleganger of the actor. Even his voice was a perfect match. However NOBODY ever even entertained the notion that he was the same person, just an uncanny look-alike. And the reason was simple. Why would the most famous person in the world work at some office?
And he hypnotises them
"No capes!"
Dolan Trimp “my god you’re getting fat”
One punch man
Dolan Trimp So True
Could you make this ripoff thing a series?!🙏🏻 do a captain America one! Include guardian from DC in there
potato pug
OR Static Shock?
is there more?
captain america is a rip off of the shield and hourman sorry kiddo
i'd watch that
In all fairness, the sentry is more or less inspired by superman rather than a direct rip off. He isnt as bad as hyperion and while they share many similarities, they share even more diffreneces like the sentries struggle with the void.
Might Guy Agreed
Superman started the most powerful hero so any hero who is more powerful than even other heros they are considered superman rip offs despite the differences or the similarties to other characters.
Sentry is closer to Captain Marvel tbh
@Rory false. Ogon Bat from Japan (1931) was more powerful. He had magic, and unbreakable staff. could shoot magic rays out of said staff. had super strength, speed ect. AND he could fly. He basically could do anything Superman could before Superman was a thing and early superman wasn't much different from Hugo Danner and John carter who btw was man who went to another planet and got super powers including to ability to jump tall buildings in a single bound. lol
@@KajiRider1997 Yes! Thank you! I've thought the same for years. Glad to know I'm not the only one.
If you want another notch in your Gladiator/Superman belt, Superman was ripped off/heavily influenced by a book called Gladiator. It’s about a brilliant scientist who injected his son with a serum that gave him bulletproof skin, super strength, and the ability to leap tall buildings.
I really like All Might from My Hero Academia.
Idk if that’s really a “knockoff” or even a parody. Definitely an influence but a different take on him.
So yeah maybe a knockoff.
Well for me all might is a combination of hulk and caption amarica
I mean not really, apart from being strong they have nothing else in common.
@@FoxHound-ut1hu the definetly is thou, he is supposed to be the Superman of it's verse with being the strongest hero and everything
That guy's inspried from Goku not Superman
This video was soooo good. I love that we can talk honestly about these characters being knock-offs while simultaneously really enjoying them!
The Plutonian from Irredeemable. Amazing limited series that basically explores what would happen if a Superman-esque character with almost no weaknesses went insane and started to murder everyone. So good!
He’s basically what happens when someone not mentally prepared to be Superman was Superman. It ends poorly for everyone involved. Although calling Plutonian ‘Superman gone wrong’ somewhat undersells how dangerous he really is…
What I love about Icon is that Young Justice poked fun at how similar he is by saying Superman wanted him in the league because he may be another Kryptonian
Am I the only one who knows that there's a difference between a ripoff and a knockoff?
Jer Gross
Yes. Please elaborate. Teach us. (+)
Legend Has It A ripoff is when something is advertised to be far better than it actually is and is usually greatly overpriced or has some sort of clause or fine print that makes it so that the thing is only good under ridiculous or unfair circumstances or conditions. A knockoff is when someone (usually a company) closely replicates, copies, or mimics something (usually another company's product) often at a lower quality and/or for a lower price in order to make a prophet using that other person's (or company's) work. So for example, an imitation designer handbag would be a knockoff whereas a motel that charged $50 a night for a room with no hot water would be a ripoff.
@@inkmaster5480 well done. Also most if not all of these hero's are homages to supes, not knockoffs
O Alonzo A Indeed.
@@inkmaster5480 That's not the only definition of a rip off. A second definition is a conceptual imitation of a thing stolen or borrowed from another source. Such as Pop music being a rip off of hip hop music. Or Elvis rock n roll being a ripoff of popular black music of the time. The primary distinction between a knockoff and a ripoff in this instancr is that knockoffs advertise as the original product while a ripoff advertises as its own product even though it is directly taken from elsewhere.
I disagree with Omni Man being Superman, he's physically him but I'd say Invincible is designed to be the one who stands in for Clark. I remember hearing the story described as "What if Superman was a teen and his dad was training him"
The Plutonian from Irredeemable
The plutonian is basically the injustice superman.
Either way Mark Waid did a great job with him.
He really isn't. Plutonian is an evil Superman sure. But Injustice Supes decided to be a dictator, Plutonian just made a mistake, then kept making them until he knew there was nothing left to do but be an utter monster. He was running away from taking responsibility to the bitter end.
Ashu Prak
No. Injustice Superman is a watered down version of the Plutonian. (+)
Irredeemable is the greatest Superman story never told
Jus’ sayin
Hyperion is my main man
There was also Wonder Man of whom went without a wimper in 1941 and according to the intro in Comix:A History of Comic Books in America.Marvel would do their version of Wonderman many years later on.
Do Batman so you can talk about Midnighter more! Or just do a video about Midnighter, he's the best but still isn't that well-known despite his DCU solo series and the mini with Apollo.
and team up with grifter.
Knighthawk also
How about captain sunshine from the venture bros.
Matthew Gaddie exactly hes what I think of when someone brings up superman. Hes got a bit of batman in him with his love for little boys
Parody or knockoff?
"Let's start off with the original."
Wonder Man?
"Captain Marvel"
That's an odd way to say "Wonder Man".
Mon el is himself based on superman anyway, being a superman character who Clark assumed was his brother. Plus mon's place on the legion was originally that of Clark's. As superboy, he inspired the legion and sometimes lead them. So really Gladiator still counts as a superman homage rather then Mon El
Mon-el is also weak to lead. So he's a Superman that's weak to bullets...
@@SonofSethoitae, that was done deliberately to make him a sort of reverse-Superboy, just as his costume is basically a reverse-colored version (red where Superboy/man’s is blue and vice-versa, with some other differences such as the chest emblem and cape of course). Daxam (Mon-El’s home planet) is a giant planet with heavy gravity orbiting a red sun, just like Krypton was. Some sources imply that Daxam was settled by Kryptonians or vice-versa, but that some genetic drift happened over time that reversed their vulnerabilities (also Daxam didn’t explode so there is no glowing radioactive “Daxamite” to weaken them [instead, “Daxamite” is the term for a native of Daxam, because “Daxamian” doesn’t sound right).
The reason the lead thing makes it a reverse of Kryptonians’ vulnerability is that lead shields Kryptonains from Kryptonite radiation, so the thing that protects Clark/Kal-El from Kryptonite is the very thing that poisons Daxamites.
In the original Mon-El story (which was supposed to be a one-shot appearance), Superboy comes to suspect that the amnesiac Mon-El (so named by Clark because he found the spaceship on a Monday, and Mon-El had a star map to Earth drawn by Jor-El, so the “-El” surname was added to the first syllable of “Monday”) isn’t really Kryptonian after all and thus isn’t his long-lost brother. One night, Clark sneaks into their bedroom while Mon-El is sleeping, and holds a lead box containing a lump of Kryptonite, with a hole in one side and that hole facing Mon-El and away from Clark. Clark shines the Kryptonite on the sleeping Mon-El, who goes right on sleeping and isn’t bothered by it any more than he would be by the light from a green night-light. “A-ha,” thinks Clark!
The next day Clark as Superboy fakes being caught in a Kryptonite meteor shower, and Mon-El also falls to the ground in agony. Clark then reveals what he had done and that he knew that Mon-El was faking because the meteors weren’t really Kryptonite, but were merely lumps of lead that Clark had painted with fluorescent green paint and then hurled into the sky, timed to fall then.
But Mon-El isn’t faking. He really is in agony, and is in fact dying, _not_ from Kryptonite (duh!) but from the proximity of the _lead!_ His memory is restored as a result, and he reveals his true identity of Lar Gand from Daxam, who had traveled to Krypton (to see their ancestral homeworld?) just before it was about to explode, and met Jor-El who gave him the star map to Earth which was what led Clark to think that Mon-El was his brother in the first place. Unlike Kryptonians and Kryptonite, removing the lead from their presence does _not_ reverse severe lead poisoning in a Daxamite. To save his life, Superboy beams Lar into the Phantom Zone, and promises to find a cure and release him.
Despite his Kryptonian super-brain, that never happens. That was supposed to be the end of Mon-El’s story. As I said, he was just supposed to be a one-shot. But the writer of the original story made a plot error, and that plot error turned out to open up wonderful possibilities. Did you catch the error? Re-read the above so far carefully before reading on. Did you catch it? Things should not have happened as they did in the story.
Fast-forward a millennium, and the Legion of Super-Heroes learn of Mon-El, still trapped in the Phantom Zone. Braniac-5 with his 12ᵗʰ-level intelligence hears about their first meeting, or perhaps they see it on a time viewer, and he notices the plot error I referred to before: Superboy determined that Mon-El was no Kryptonian because Mon-El wasn’t weakened when Superboy went into the room and shone the Kryptonite on him while he was asleep. *Yet Mon-El **_should_** have been weakend!* That would’ve put the kibosh on Superboy’s suspicions, and made him believe he had a long-lost brother for a lot longer! But no, Mon-El went right on sleeping _when he should not have_ and that’s what proved to Superboy that Mon-El was no Kryptonian!
But wait, you say: why should Mon-El have been weakend by the Kryptonite? It’s _harmless_ to Daxamites! That was the _point_ of Superboy exposing him to it! True, but then, why wasn’t _Superboy_ weakened? He was _holding_ the Kryptonite, remember? He should’ve been writhing on the floor in agony! It was in his _hand!_ So why wasn’t _he_ weakened? Because he had it in a lead box with a hole in one side facing away from him and towards Mon-El, shielding him from the Kryptonite radiation, remember? A _what_ kind of box? *Lead!?* Which brings us back to the original question: *why wasn’t **_Mon-El_** weakened* - _not_ by the Kryptonite, but by the *_lead_*_ box_ it was in?
The _Legion_ writer, through Braniac-5, saw this now-obvious plot error and realized that it provided the perfect way to bring Mon-El back, this time in the 30ᵗʰ Century in the LSH where he wouldn’t be redundant with Superman. It was obvious why Mon-El wasn’t weakened by the _lead_ - just as lead shields Kryptonians from Kryptonite, _the _*_reverse_*_ is _*_also_*_ true:_ being exposed to Kryptonite radiation, far from being merely _harmless_ to a Daxamite, actually _counteracts_ the damage lead poisoning does! Lead protects Kryptonians from Kryptonite, and Kryptonite protects Daxamites from lead! Nice symmetry there, further reinforcing the symmetry of their respective costumes! Braniac-5 invents an anti-lead serum _based on Kryptonite_ because of this, and it can counteract the poisoning for 48 hours at a time, allowing Mon-El to be released without dying, and he joins the Legion. So many stories were made possible by this plot error, including the awesome Great Darkness Saga (what would it have been without the army of Daxamites as a dire threat?).
While Icon is obviously a "Superman clone" (he was created by Dwayne MacDuffie who wrote for DC and marvel) in many ways, I would have mentioned the one difference that stands out in his solo's more about his sidekick Rocket. The overall story features her more than Icon. The title may have been his, but he was not really the main character. (it's a great series though)
What’s the name of that one comic, where the Superman-guy turned evil? The story was about his former teammates trying to stop him.
Edit: Another comment mentioned it: It’s called “Irredeemable”
It’s really trippy after the invincible TV show popped off going back to Old videos with invincible being a small niche comic series
Id love for this to be a regular series. A Batman or Captain America one would be great
Until he got the power of flight Superman was a straight ripoff of John Carter of Mars.
My personal favorite superman rip-off is Perfectman from the now cancelled Hulu show, The Awesomes
TFW you watched this for the first time in 2019 not knowing anything about Invincible but you're back in May 2021 after having a blast with the Amazon adaptation
For those that ship Batman and Superman, there's also Maximortal and The Mink from Bratpack/Maximortal. But that's a whole can of worms.
Ohhhhh noooooo
I love Blue Marvel & the Sentry.
same the sentry is my favorite marvel hero
Might Guy Have you seen the previews to the sentry solo series? They are good
Might Guy did you hear sentrys back!
Blue Marvel is my second favourite superhero.
Blue Marvel and Silver Surfer are my two favorite characters
Diggin’ the new set!
I think my favorite 'knockoff' Superman is Samaritan from Astro City. That said, my favorite one that you mentioned is Captain Marvel.
Samaritan is easily one of the most tragic. A guy always flying from one disaster to another with barely any time for a social life. It literally took the entire superhero community of Astro City plus retired heroes and reformed/retired villains filling in for him just to let him go on one date night.
Captain Marvel costume was copied after electrician outfit worn by Flash Gordon except left off the helmet and googles and gloves and added a cape and armbands. He is in many ways more similar to Popeye than Superman as not always powerful but instead of eating spinach says Shazam.
Samaritan from Astro City is an interesting one, IMO
He’s also a sad one. I mean, he literally doesn’t have a social life and rarely gets to enjoy flying for the sake of it.
Admittedly O checked out Invincible after your video on why ot was so great and I must say it's amazing the series has amazing story arc, art, character development and is funny and dark In a way that feels natural and not forced. It has an awesome and satisfying ending that other series should take note of. Overall it's one of my favorite comic book runs and it's 3rd on the comic books for beginners
I remember in that Avengers Assemble cartoon Hyperion and the Squadron Supreme were villains who tried to be dictors of those home planet. They destroyed it when the people resisted. Thought that was a pretty interesting take
The Plutonian from Irredeemable! Homelander (more of a parody) Miracle/Marvelman. Sungod from The Great Society is a perfect one he’s literally Superman, from Hickmans Avengers run!
Drake, since you mentioned magic in the video, I thought I'd bring up the fact that people need to stop referring to magic as a weakness of Superman's as though it's a weakness specific to Superman. Magic is a weakness to perhaps nearly all DC characters, even other magical characters. Superman's only true specific weakness is kryptonite, and maybe red solar radiation which really is just a slow sapping of his powers, not resulting in death, which he could easily escape if not confined in some way. Anything else considered a weakness of Superman's is due to bad writing, and an inexplicable and dishonest portrayal of a certain Gotham City psychotic.
Superman isn't weak to magic, but is is explicitly vulnerable to magic.
Yes, vulnerable, weak, it still stands that so are nearly every other DC character.
Is there a backup story in one of those Batman or Batman/Superman books that were part of the New 52, where they explicitly state that Superman is being damaged one a Genetic Level by being near a Ghost? Or was that retcon'd immediately?
I don't recall any such story at all. I do remember a story where a vampire, or it may have been Count Dracula, attempted to bite Superman on the neck. His teeth pierced Superman's skin but the solar energy in his cells burned Dracula to dust.
Weak and vulnerable are completely different though, if someone of the same strength as you punched you, does that make you vulnerable to their punch? Yes, but did that punch make you weaker? No, not necessarily.
I love how in young justice they call out how Icon May be a Kryptonian
NGL he might be
Like in the DCEU you could prolly argue he's a Kryptonian from their expansionist age or something
What a wonderful analysis. And you kept it spoiler-free. Excellent work.
Shazam: I think he was popular with kids because he IS a kid who turns into a superhero, isn't that basically every kid's fantasy?
I’m more on the Kallark = Superboy side than the Kallark = Mon-El side.
David Tigas
Definitely Superboy (+)
I've got Superman, Shazam, Apollo and Mr Majestic tattooed on my right leg.
I'd love to see you do a video about Funky Flashman, basically Jack Kirby's stand-in for Stan Lee. It's pretty interesting to see how Kirby made fun of Stan during his New Gods series.
Not to mention the Nixon allegories
Kyle Baird Kirby's Funky saw his house blow up and yet walk away whistling, thinking "Oh, well, onward and upward"( or words to that effect).
Icon actually was pretty dope. Superman told him he hit him the hardest he’s ever been hit.
Love the fact that he punched Clark that hard to sell the fight thing, and then they both just chilled on an asteroid chatting and discussing the real plot going on.
@@benc.delacruz1813 dont know why we cant get this movie made lol. Henry Cavill & Micheal B Jordan
No love for The Homelander eh?
How about now
Top 10 spider-man ripoffs
Rory Lumley: The Spectacular Sticky Guy
Spider bot is a robot that got bit by a Spider in Dexters laboratory
Black Spider, hell in most appearances he is voiced by Josh Keaton, the voice of Spider-man in Spectacular Spider-man
Now if only we can get that a new Shazam title that everyone wants, but DC isn't giving.
He's getting a 12 part mini written by Geoff Johns
TheGoatLegend 264 Hopefully he does better than the last time he wrote SHAZAM
Megabuster254 *Shamaz
Theres a movie now.
you could had made some honorable mentions like Max Immortal from Rick Veitch
ICON is no "rip off" he kicked Superman's ass more than once and Superman said icon hits harder than Darkseid. ICON is stronger than Superman
Very debatable on that
@@silverphoenix1507 Nope
I'm pretty sure that's not how it works.
Icon never beat Superman. It was a setup between him and Superman. Superman has a habit of holding back especially against other heroes. I love Icon i think he's Awesome but he can't beat Superman. He hurt his hand when he punch him enough said.
"the lawsuit would need it's own episode" turns to Caped-Joel - where's my Super Suit?
No rip off is as good as the original Superman, no matter how similar they are to him
super man couldn't fly when he first appeared
Another great Superman pastiche is The Plutonian from Irredeemable by Mark Waid.
Well, the best part about that example is
When the Plutonian dies, his essence is scattered across reality and fragments of him end up in different places and different forms - one of them ending up in our own universe and inspiring a certain Jerry Siegel with the idea of a super-strong, laser-shooting, flying brick. So, in Irredeemable canon, every character in this video _including Supes himself_ is inspired by the Plutonian. And I love that.
I know Dr. Manhattan was supposed to be Captain Atom but his placement in the context of the world is very Superman
Would love a video about Supreme. I read Alan Moore's run of the series and it was amazing.
Got a favorite issue? Mine’s probably the one with Daxia just for the fact that Alan Moore basically recycled the 1st issue of his run and still made it work. Also, time loops. If you know, you know.
That lawsuit would be the beginning of a long series of events that ended with Todd McFarlane getting his ass kicked in legal battles against Neil Gailman
Apollo and Hyperion are definitely my Favorites.
Eeeerm.... HOMELANDER?? you missed an opportunity there
What about Sunman, the repurposed-yet-still-unreleased-main-character-of-an-also-unreleased-superman-game?
I'd really love for a 10-year-old Franklin Richards to turn his Gladiator, Sentry and Hyperion action figures into life-sized superheroes as part of the MCU.
Look! It's Super Drake!
Superman RIP OFFS: All Might, Saitama, Blast, Goku, Jiren, The Great Saiyaman, Mr. Incredible, Brightburn, Homelander, Marvelman, Metro Man, Omni-Man, Plutonian, Samaritan.
It was only a matter of time before someone would mention All Might! Though I feel a little ashamed for forgetting Saitama
Can you make a video about Doom patrol? The young animal vision
I did not know about Virtue. Omg Marvel has so many versions of Superman
Superman is the greatest gero of all time.
That is why he's an inspiration for other superheroes
Now I feel it is worth making a character whose nickname is, "The Flying Brick."
Does anyone remember Quasar?😄
Yeah, wasn't he the successor to the kree hero Captain Marvel? Hung out with Adam Warlock and the Silver Surfer and was cosmicly overpowered?
Do detailed videos on everyone of these guys! Also, the lawsuit! (Pretty much everything you didn't elaborate on)
All Might, Saitama, Goku, Jiren, The Great Saiyaman, Mr. Incredible, Brightburn, Homelander, Marvelman, Metro Man, Omni-Man, Plutonian, Samaritan.
Most superheroes and villains have been ripped of Superman and then WB/DC disrespect him by nerfing him so that he can be ' relatable' and making a punching bag of him so that they can push whatever characters they wish to push. Shuster and Siegel are turning in their graves.
What about Blue Marvel?
Am I the only one who noticed that when virtues parents tell him that great power comes with responsibility, they use the exact same phrasing that may uses in no way home.
I'd also add Blue Marvel to the list too.
Dávid Pap IDK Cause Blue marvel doesn't have the same powers set, source of power, or origin. The only thing I can see that is similar is their level of strength and durability as well as their ability to fly, and breathe on earth and in space.
I agree. I like Blue Marvel (his creator as well) and I think he's awsome but, even with a few differences, he's a black Superman!
Surprised you didn't mention that in the Marvel Zombies storyline, Sentry was actually supposed to be a universally displaced Superman (he even has Supe's crest torn off on his chest and has his hairstyle!)
Do Batman knockoffs!
I typed this comment also
Daredevil (Marvel)
The Owl (Popular Comics)
The Fixer (DC)
Shadow Hawk (Image)
Night Thrasher (Marvel)
Night Man (Malibu comics)
Bibleman (lol)
Darkwing Duck (Disney)
@@thekingofracoons moon-knight nah I’d you new him you wouldn’t be sayin that
I got some!:
Confessor (Astro City): A vigilante priest with a mysterious secret…
The various Dragonflies (The Wrong Earth): There’s 4 of them so far, but they include an Adam West homage, a DKR parody, a sci-fi hero, and a Micheal Keaton homage
Black Noir (The Boys): Focussing on the show, he’s a mysterious, quirky, yet tragic figure
Darkwing Duck: How was I not going to acknowledge the terror that flaps in the night?!
There's a Superman homage with Superior that Mark Millar wrote that's good. Answers the question of what would you do if you could be Superman.
12gameschamp21 Howard chaykin did a great homage/ retelling of the inspiration to supreman in wildstorms Legend
That sounds interesting, I'll give that a look thanks
Top 10 Hulk rip offs because apparently DC has a lot of them even though I disagree with some of arguments but nevertheless it be cool to see
Maraji Johnson Damage, Grundy and the General comes to mind.
Umm, the hulk came out in 1962 and solemn grundy came out in 1944. You guys seem to forget, being ripoffs is marvels game, not DCs
remember how unoriginal Doom Patrol is compaired to Xmen? Oh wait.....
Might Guy Remember Aquaman? Hell, both Superman and Batman are directly copied from pulp fiction the Gladiator and the Shadow.
Might Guy Also, a lot of comic historians agree Doom Patrol was actually copied from X Men, it just came out earlier. It at least they were both conceived of in a mutual discuss session. Also, DP is clearly inspired by F4.
Avash Ihteyaz while they do share some similarities they're not really hulk rip offs to me Solomon Grundy isn't I hulk to me simply because his origin is completely different depending on the origin he Man name Cyrus Gold he got gunned down by his partners and they drag him into a swamp and left him there depending on the source him even got affected by radioactive chemicals or imagine regardless transformed into Solomon Grundy compare that to the origin of the Hulk what's that it's hard to do you want to know why because there is none Bruce Banner was a scientist Cyrus Gold was a criminal mob boss Cyrus Gold got brought back as a uncontrollable monster while Bruce Banner got affected by a bomb of gamma radiation and transformed into the Hulk one is Magic and the other is gamma radiation two differences their origins are different their energy are different Next powers Solomon Grundy has the usual super strength super speed practically unlimited stamina the power you expect from a giant juggernaut the Hulk on the other hand has relatively the same powers but unlike Solomon Grundy who has the limit Hulk has Unlimited strength because the anger he gets the stronger he gets both also have healing factors but I actually think Solomon Grundy is better because he can heal entire limbs while the Hulk can heal any damage on his body I never saw him heal an entire limb but that's besides the point so difference in power one has a limit while the other is Limitless and that's pretty much it different powers different Origins different energy not to mention Solomon Grundy's a zombie so I know the difference meaning the other is undead in the other was alive to begin with pretty much the only reason why they keep calling him DC's Hulk it's because they look the same I mean Solomon Grundy is pretty much just a different color but that's it I mean just because they look the same doesn't mean they are the same I mean that's the equivalent of putting a Batman costume on Naruto and calling him Naruto's version of Batman just because they have the same costume see what I mean but anyway that's my two cents I just don't think Solomon Grundy is DC's Hulk they have too many differences I think Solomon Grundy is his own character let me know what you think to be honest with you I don't even think damage is DC's hulk but I'll provide some context on that later if you respond to this comment
All might was actually more based on hellboy.
Mega Man really how
Genuinely interested
Francey UK If you look at comic Hellboy, you can see the clear inspiration in design, as well as some personality similarities.
Mega Man nvm this is clearly a troll nice had me going for a second there
Who is here after watching invincible
*All Might walks into the room*
Oh my god, I love the invincible comic books!
4:50 I know I’m late but who tf is that guy with a gold swastika?!
What about Prime?
Prime is more of a Captain Marvel
None of my favorites made it to the list: Mighty Magnor and Captain Everything... But yeah, I wasn't expecting Drake to include parodies, there are too many!
Kinda guilty of not watching ur videos as there uploaded but this topic definantly caught my eye and I enjoyed the format. I'd totally love to see more of these. Cheers man.
Sounds like you have some catching up to do. ;P
Well it's Well Known That Superman is a Major Ripoff of That John Carter from a Princess from Mars Crew!😉
And Ogon Bat and the Gladiator.
I first thought that was nuclear man on the thumbnail and that made me think, Has Nuclear Man ever appeared outside of “Superman the quest for peace”?
You missed one of the best superman omage, Blue Marvel.
Omni-Man just sipping his tea laughing
When you think about it all superheroes are Superman rip offs
How? So even arm fall off boy (yes, that is a real comic character) is a superman ripoff
Funny because Supes himself is a ripoffs. Hell, he isn't even the first superhero nor the granddaddy of superhero.
Takatora Toudou he is btw why are salty and hating????
Yeah because the Phantom doesn't exist before Supes. Oh wait.
Takatora Toudou Phantom is a vigilante not a superhero, know your superhero history
Surprised there’s no Homelander
What about manga ripoffs of Superman you have saitama, you have Goku and picollo, sourman from arale, skyhigh from tiger and bunny.
Pretty sure Sourman is just a parody of Supes, and the only things Skyhigh has in common is the cape and being a boyscout, he uses wind.
Samurai Forever91 sourman is a parody. Goku is entirely different only similarity being survivor of a dead race sent to earth. Saitamas only similarity is being OP and he's more of a parody of characters like goku not superman
these are all horrible examples. You would do better finding manga rip offs of Son Wukong like, hilariously, goku
VorteX Clan only thing with Goku is that when he was sent to earth the race wasn't dead so sort of similar but not quite!
EpitomeOfJustice it was practically the same tho the entire race was dead except. Vegeta nappa and raditz. Superman had zods crew and Kara. So it's very similar