Sola Scriptura explained | Sam Shamoun

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • Sam Shamoun explains Sola Scriptura! #shamounian #christianity #islam #judaism


  • @thehoanifamily971
    @thehoanifamily971 5 місяців тому +55

    Come on guys weres the thumbs up sam is doing the lords work its the least we can do come on

    • @chriskatz2355
      @chriskatz2355 Місяць тому

      Most are probably just asking questions doesnt mean they accept or support

    • @TheCatholicRemedy
      @TheCatholicRemedy Місяць тому +2

      this isnt his channel

    • @chriskatz2355
      @chriskatz2355 Місяць тому +1

      @@TheCatholicRemedy and? The word is spread when he gets banned

    • @YeshuaAkbar-u3f
      @YeshuaAkbar-u3f Місяць тому +1

      Is he banned? Or I saw he got 2 warning after fake muslim got him reported. Hope YT didn't banned him

    • @chriskatz2355
      @chriskatz2355 Місяць тому

      @@YeshuaAkbar-u3f he goes through it a lot

  • @timboslice980
    @timboslice980 18 днів тому +10

    Sola scriptura is just an excuse to make the bible say what you want

  • @Eaho2021
    @Eaho2021 Місяць тому +7

    This comment is not a summary of the video, it is a note of the passages that appear in the video, to refresh my memory and that of others who have watched the video and have not taken the necessary notes:
    Starting point 2 tim 3:14-17
    2 tim 1:13-14; 2: 1-2
    1 tim 3:14-15 (min 23:56 main argument),
    read the entire passage 1 tim 3 if necessary
    Acts 20:17,27-32
    God bless us and reunite us very soon

  • @JTamilio
    @JTamilio Місяць тому +4

    Thanks for this! I’ve been digging into this the last couple months and came to similar conclusions, but appreciate the depth!

  • @AmbiguousMotion
    @AmbiguousMotion Місяць тому +4

    Thank You kind sir ❤ I actually never had a doubt and knew sola scriptura is nonsense but it is so great to hear it outright.

  • @kimballchoo
    @kimballchoo 2 місяці тому +4

    Thank you for doing God’s work, Sam.❤

  • @melleetheka
    @melleetheka 5 годин тому

    No Protestant can tell me exactly what traditions are being spoken of in 2 Thessalonians that writer said we should hold fast to.
    People seem to think the Bible covers every little detail about the church and how it was organized but they’re wrong.
    I’m leaning more toward orthodoxy or Catholic myself lately….

  • @savvasmarinos2255
    @savvasmarinos2255 8 днів тому

    When Apostle Paul says ALL scripture is beneficial, does not mean ONLY the scripture is beneficial... Also at that time he was referring to the old testament!

  • @haakon6924
    @haakon6924 8 днів тому +1

    Well the first apostolic councils would’ve had solar scriptura because the first councils was to enact sacraments and traditions that was to be looked with the Bible before exalting it as a commandment
    Church council: enact sacraments proven from Bible with explaining certain Bible verses
    But holding onto sacraments as a major rather than the Bible you lose the motivation for the Bible (not everyone) since church history is cherished more
    Be very wary on what you focus on for your faith

  • @melleetheka
    @melleetheka 5 годин тому

    You’d think they would have written down literally everything they heard so there could be no dispute.

  • @islesnd
    @islesnd Місяць тому +6

    A sincere question. Considering that in Acts, the act of apostolic succession is shown and in Matthew it says the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church. What is the argument for following Bible interpretation and or doctrine by those who are not in apostolic succession? I just don’t see the justification in it and that’s why I remain Catholic. I’m just curious what’s the argument to the contrary so I can understand Protestants.

    • @superburrito9797
      @superburrito9797 15 днів тому +1

      Yeah. Thats how i view it. Im looking into Catholicism, and the idea of an infallible authority or interpreter makes more sense than just Solo Scriptura. The 30,000+ denominations doesnt help the Protestant case.

  • @que_teimporta0216
    @que_teimporta0216 Місяць тому +7

    Voice of Reason packed up Dr James White already

  • @leszekkrupinski2538
    @leszekkrupinski2538 Місяць тому +3

    my whole Protestantism went to hell

  • @luvpamelanewton
    @luvpamelanewton Місяць тому +3

    He can make the rocks cry out.

  • @PrISUm9
    @PrISUm9 5 днів тому

    HI Sam. I love your work. You do great things! I've seen how you convert Muslims to Christianity. May God help you keep doing good. However, please stay on topic as this divides people. Please, please, work on your delivery. Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Sola Scriptura. I'm LCMS. Even my Catholic friends know there was a dark time in history when the Pope was selling indulgences. It is by grace we are saved through faith, not by works. We are only human, and Luther pointed this out at a very important time in history when the church leaders totally went off the rails and needed to be reformed, but the pope did not want to listen. The hierarchical system itself provided by God is great, as it provides a structural framework for intelligent thought and trained clergy. That is a fair point. This is the work of the holy spirit. However, even the Mormon church also has bishops from what I understand, so this almost rant is off topic. The 95 Thesis was well deserved outcry at that moment in time. We are all human, including the pope. This mention of the dark times is nothing more than the cycle of sin talked about over and over in the old testament. It can even happen within the church, hence our contestant need to look upward instead of inward. I pray that you do not focus on divisions. Focus on spreading the good news and the Trinity. Please even consider taking this down. Thanks be to God. I pray for your family's safety as you are on the front lines. Keep it up!!

  • @dreamtobeapolyglot8444
    @dreamtobeapolyglot8444 2 місяці тому +3

    Thank you for this!

  • @luvpamelanewton
    @luvpamelanewton Місяць тому +5

    Bishops are married with one wife. Why do Catholic fathers remain unmarried?

    • @ebrah9891
      @ebrah9891 Місяць тому +3

      They dont marry because they are imatating Christ who didnt marry either like Christ is married to the Church likewise those appointed, now there is exceptions but thats few and far between plus in heaven we are neither married or given to marrage but are like angels. Mt 22:30

    • @teodox8
      @teodox8 Місяць тому +4

      If they truly imitate Christ THAT closely…do they also die on a cross at 33yrs of age? Where’s the common sense?

    • @lollol-di6ps
      @lollol-di6ps Місяць тому +1

      Haha dude are you serious ​@teodox8

    • @tomcha75
      @tomcha75 Місяць тому +1

      This question comes from understanding verses in isolation out of context.
      1 Corinthians 7:1: "Now concerning the matters about which you wrote: 'It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.'"
      1 Corinthians 7:7-8: "I wish that all were as I myself am. But each has his own gift from God, one of one kind and one of another. To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single as I am."
      1 Corinthians 7:32-34: "I want you to be free from anxieties. The unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to please the Lord. But the married man is anxious about worldly things, how to please his wife, and his interests are divided."

    • @que_teimporta0216
      @que_teimporta0216 Місяць тому

      @@luvpamelanewton Discipline

  • @ernestannapetrone7106
    @ernestannapetrone7106 4 місяці тому +8

    So if I understand, the Church that Paul talks of in which the Early Church Fathers, the Apostolic Fathers who through Apostolic succession firmly established the Church. The Protestant may think the Holy Spirit raised Calvin, Luther Knox etc to correct the wrong of the Catholic Church and thus breakaway instead of contesting for the Faith. My rebuttal to that premise is from my understanding did most of the Reformers reject the Early Church Fathers? Thus rejecting the authority of the Apostolic Fathers as well, in which St. Paul places through the Holy Spirit apostolic succession?

    • @majorcajun5524
      @majorcajun5524 3 місяці тому +2

      Good question. In my limited research it also seems that Luther affirmed the Eucharist.

    • @duanewoodson9804
      @duanewoodson9804 Місяць тому

      @@majorcajun5524so what? Martin Luther excommunicated hisself from the Catholic Priesthood therefore has no authority? GOD did tell Luther to separate from THE CHURCH that was established thru the Chief Apostle Peter? The Twelve nor anyone of the seventy two disciples cast any lot on Martin Luther! You have no way around this. There was no Lutherans present at Pentecost!

  • @melleetheka
    @melleetheka 5 годин тому

    Have you had this conversation with David or Alex?

  • @giovannawinter17
    @giovannawinter17 4 дні тому

    Hello Sam may you please explain to me what God says in the book of Revelation about the seven church..each and indivually. Thank you. Jesus is King.

  • @blogityblah
    @blogityblah 20 днів тому +1

    The problem is scripture is the standard used by Christ himself and the apostles.Not traditions preserved by reliable men and a look at the history of the Catholic church one can easily see some of these men did not always obey the spirit. There is an article in the independent about "the 7 wicked popes and the things they did". Are these included in the reliable men? Then how did they end p leading the church? And what about the church protecting child abusers? Is this the result of following the spirit? Again of coarse not and I am not trying to single out Catholics for what Protestants have also done. The fact is some not all of both have disobeyed the spirit ad corrupt individuals have ended up in leadership, which is why we pt or faith in Jesus. He is the incorruptible head of the church. bot men as mach as God works with imperfect men.
    And what about the contradictory statements made by popes some saying unless you are a Roman Catholic and obey the Pope you are outside of salvation, only to apparently have that reversed in the mid 1900s. So where does that leave the prior popes edicts claiming those who didn't obey them were not saved? Then we get one pope claiming Luther was right? Wait what? Wasn't he branded a heretic? And then others rush to clarify the pope didn't mean what he said, what a confusing mess of contradictions. So are we to believe this confusion is a result of the Holy Spirit guiding them? Of course not.These people as mach as they can be generally good or well intentioned can still make mistakes. Even John in Revelation who we think should have known better made the mistake and fell down to worship at the feet of an angel, who corrected him and told him not to do that and declared he was just a fellow servant revelations 22:8
    So we see Christians following God can still make errors which is why God used the scripture to correct us.
    Paul seed that same standard for correction. Not the instructions of good men trusted to good men as much as they can be beneficial.
    Galatians 1:8 "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed'. It is scripture that is the standard not oral traditions which we have no way of knowing their accuracy.
    I'm not even suggesting Sola Scripture. Of course God speaks to us through teachers, evangelists and leaders as well as guides us through our own conscience, I am suggesting however scripture was the standard to which we must compare all teachings and instruction we receive.
    Jesus said to the religious leaders of his day "you do err not knowing the scriptures' not traditions. Mathew 22:29
    He also told them they made the word of God of no effect with their traditions Mark 7:13. Do we not run the same risk when we exalt traditions over God's holy word?

    • @diego1590
      @diego1590 7 днів тому

      For real? Is that why Jesus celebrated Hannukah? And since Hannukah only appears in Maccabees its not scripture, so you are trapper in between accepting that you don't have the right canon of scripture (which defeats sola scriptura) or that Jesus himself did celebrate Hannukah which is only tradition of men according to you (which defeats sola scriptura).

    • @blogityblah
      @blogityblah 7 днів тому

      @@diego1590 If you had read my post in it's entirety you would have read that I am not suggesting sola scriptura as God obviously speaks to us in multiple methods, including our conscience, preachers, teachers, those he placed in the church, and brothers and sisters, however it is the scripture that Jesus and the apostles used as the authority, not tradition.
      Jesus said you do err not knowing the scriptures or the power of God Mathew 22:29. He did not say you do err not knowing traditions.
      The scripture teaches all scripture is given by inspiration of God 2 Timothy 3:16 It does not make the same claim about all traditions. Jesus also warned the religious leaders of his day that they made the word of God of no effect with their traditions. Mark 7:13
      We an argue all day about which books should have been included in the cannon. Protestants have numerous reasons. Some of those reasons can be found by researching this title. "Why Were the Books of the Old Testament Apocrypha Rejected as Holy Scripture by the Protestants?"

  • @luvpamelanewton
    @luvpamelanewton Місяць тому +5

    Does the Catholic church teach to be born again and the salvation passages I only first heard outside the Catholic church?
    I was kept in a constant state of feeling I was going to hell and never knew I could be saved while in the church. They never showed the passages and since they read them to you for you to hear them, you would never learn them unless you sought it. I did give them a chance to answer my question and asked and no one had an answer.

    • @JoeLandrigan
      @JoeLandrigan Місяць тому +6

      Of course the Catholic Churrch teaches born again. It refers to it as 'Born again of water and Spirit.' (John 3:5) All scripture comes through the Catholic Church. You should feel at least as confident of your salvation inside Catholicism as outside. Protestants aren't *actually* 100% confident in their salvation: any time you see someone that falls away from Christianity, the Protestant can say "they weren't really saved." If someone has the appearances of salvation, but "wasn't really saved," then how can you know *you* are really saved?
      That said, don't live in a state of fear that your salvation will be lost. If you aren't confident of your state, get to confession! Jesus speaks through the priest to absolve your sins! You will be absolved of your sin! That is the greatest assurance of salvation you can have. Keep your trust in Jesus and the ways He has given to stay close to Him. Trust Him! Trust His Church! That's why He left it here for us!

    • @EinfachParanoid
      @EinfachParanoid 29 днів тому +1

      @@JoeLandrigan The New Testament was written by Jews and Greeks who did not consider themselves to a „catholic church“. The grace of God is a gift from the Lord. Only those who carry the Holy Spirit within them attain eternal life. By the fruits of the Holy Spirit and faith in Jesus Christ, you can recognize that you have been filled by Him.

    • @EinfachParanoid
      @EinfachParanoid 29 днів тому

      @@JoeLandrigan A person does not need a mediator for a relationship with God and certainly not for forgiveness. Only God alone can forgive sins. This requires faith in the Lord, repentance and conversion. But a man cannot do it on his own. For this, man needs the Lord's help. Another person can help you to arrive at this truth, but cannot bring about anything.

    • @Trivium1989
      @Trivium1989 17 днів тому

      Hey. Former Catholic here. Although anecdotal, I can say the Catholic Church I grew up in didn’t. They were selective in their readings of the Gospels and NT as a whole, only reading the soft sayings of Christ, but never giving all of what He said, including the hard sayings (i.e., Hell, Judgement Day, repentance, etc.). When I opened the Bible and read the NT, I was confronted by the enormity of what it meant to sin against a Holy God, one who was just, good and righteous. When I read in Revelation that liars had their place in the lake of fire, and that the immoral will not inherit the kingdom, I was confronted by realities that showed sin to be exceedingly sinful. I then, by the grace of the Living God, saw my need of Christ as the only means of salvation, through his death, burial and resurrection, which was foretold by the document the CC also never preached from: the Old Testament. It was the evangelical circles with a high view of the Old & New Testament that set forth the message of the gospel and what it meant to be a follower of Christ that, to this day, I’m yet to hear from a Catholic environment. Humbly ask God to show you the truth and read the Bible for yourself. His Word will set you free.

    • @Sentinal6405
      @Sentinal6405 16 днів тому +1

      ​@@EinfachParanoid The Canonical Books of the new testament was selected and enumerated in 380 AD at the Council of Rome under the Authority of POPE DAMASUS

  • @jacobshepard654
    @jacobshepard654 7 днів тому

    wanna know how i found out about the church fathers? the protestant baptist owned Ancient Faith Study Bible by Holman lol

  • @TimothyAdams-ln2jr
    @TimothyAdams-ln2jr 25 днів тому

    The modern protestant idea of "sola scriptura" is false. What it does mean is that when the church violates God's Word with its actions, the church is not somehow exempt from sin.

    • @atgred
      @atgred 20 днів тому

      The Church is Christ’s bride which is pure. It is those in the church who sin. Don’t mix up both things. A magisterium is filled with sinners but the truth they protect is kept pure by the assistance of the Holy Spirit. And that is a promise made by Christ. Or is he lying?

  • @gregoryderosa8045
    @gregoryderosa8045 4 місяці тому +2

    Consider Paul wrote the scripture .. he said heard from ME=paul=scripture. twisting scripture to fit a narrative is clever but not necessary. Thx 🙏 love Sam tho.

    • @dalobstah
      @dalobstah 3 місяці тому +7

      Not all Paul said and did is scripture, so Paul != scripture. No need to twist scripture.

    • @gregoryderosa8045
      @gregoryderosa8045 2 місяці тому

      @@dalobstah name one thing

    • @gregoryderosa8045
      @gregoryderosa8045 2 місяці тому

      @@dalobstah show me one writing Paul wrote that isn't scripture ... EXACTLY

    • @dalobstah
      @dalobstah 2 місяці тому

      ​@@gregoryderosa8045 2 Timothy 1:13, "Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus." You are assuming all that Paul spoke and wrote is contained in the letters written by Paul in the New Testament. You have no grounds for this assumption. You have no grounds to assume Paul always taught only what we have in the New Testament today and that we have everything he ever penned in his life.
      2 Thessalonians 2:15, "So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter." Here again if you want Paul to equal Scripture you have to assume all that Paul spoke to them is contained in his letters which have been canonized.
      You are not exegeting Scripture, you are eisegeting it.
      Paul wrote, "...that you have heard from me..." and you are inserting your own words, "...that you have heard from me, and all that you have heard from me is contained in my letters which will be canonized in the New Testament, ..."
      Please don't twist scripture.

    • @MasterKeyMagic
      @MasterKeyMagic Місяць тому +1

      @@gregoryderosa8045His writings are in the Bible because the Catholic Church recognized those writings are perfectly inline with the full deposit of faith preserved through Apostolic succession and tradition

  • @richernandez419
    @richernandez419 Місяць тому

    Ever since I believed that Jesus Christ has established long before since Peter is declared Rock the Church He had established will not perish. Thank you Lord

  • @EinfachParanoid
    @EinfachParanoid Місяць тому +1

    What is Sam's position on the "infallibility" of the Pope or the sacraments of the Holy Mass, which resembles the repeated crucifixion of Jesus and is therefore unbiblical?

    • @Popo-br8xq
      @Popo-br8xq Місяць тому

      He claims to be a part of the Assyrian Church of the East. So you can try to find what they believe in.

    • @WanderingThief
      @WanderingThief Місяць тому +1

      You clearly know nothing about the Eucharist. Does an altar imply sacrifice? "We have an altar which those of the synagogue have no right to partake." - Hebrews

    • @EinfachParanoid
      @EinfachParanoid 29 днів тому

      @@WanderingThief So, how do you obtain forgiveness as a Catholic?

    • @WanderingThief
      @WanderingThief 29 днів тому

      @@EinfachParanoid I’m an Orthodox Inquirer, not Catholic. The Eucharist is a sacrifice in the sense that it commemorates Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. It is also a sacrifice of thanksgiving, and for the remission of sins. Would you care to address the point from Hebrews 13? Paul says that the Jews cannot “eat” from the altar. Would you care to tell me what is on the altar that can be eaten?

    • @WanderingThief
      @WanderingThief 29 днів тому

      @@EinfachParanoid Orthodox, not Catholic. Participation in the sacraments Christ and the apostles instituted, confession before Christ, repentance which Christ constantly tells us to practice, prayer which He exhorts us to do, etc.

  • @EinfachParanoid
    @EinfachParanoid Місяць тому +1

    How dare to call any criticism a manifestation of a demon. This is a current Catholic move.

    • @517hectorhernandez
      @517hectorhernandez Місяць тому

      Was he right or wrong? If so, why?

    • @EinfachParanoid
      @EinfachParanoid Місяць тому

      No, it is not the right response to criticism. Unfortunately, it is also not an isolated case.

    • @517hectorhernandez
      @517hectorhernandez Місяць тому

      @@EinfachParanoid what is the right response? Teach us

    • @EinfachParanoid
      @EinfachParanoid Місяць тому +1

      @@517hectorhernandez The Bibel will teaches you: „Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.“
      ‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭14‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    • @517hectorhernandez
      @517hectorhernandez Місяць тому +2

      @@EinfachParanoid So you want him to say all that while he is teaching? Lol
      I can't wait to see your channel and how you deal with people while under fire.

  • @Youtuberkit7
    @Youtuberkit7 Місяць тому

    Amen brother

  • @Jerry-sw8cz
    @Jerry-sw8cz 11 днів тому

    and from the beggining you used the wrong bible...

  • @StraitGateApologetics
    @StraitGateApologetics Місяць тому +3

    WHEREVER a body of believers is gathered... that is where the Chuch is.
    Don't seek out many man made doctrines and ordinances that were formed FROM SCRIPTURE.. but rather first Seek out the truth of the scripture that THEY WERE FORMED FROM. Then you shall validate them.
    Then you find the truth and wisdom. Not the snowball of doctrine that came from them. Don't let ANY MAN imprison your faith. All that is needed for salvation is Christ alone. For the mystery is that Christ is in You.

    • @duanewoodson9804
      @duanewoodson9804 Місяць тому

      Incorrect. You have no Eucharist Protestant! Wow modern day arrogance. Do you really think modern person who was never present to see and hear JESUS nor the Twelve nor any of the Prophets now have more knowledge than any born before your sperm and egg if creation. Please share with us which Angel visited you and placed the firey coal from heaven upon your lips. Isiah was recorded in history to have that event. Your name does not show up written anywhere!

  • @JonahGhost
    @JonahGhost 24 дні тому

    2 Timothy 3 was a time before the New Testament was complied. So obviously the words of the Apostles needed to be heard and received in such a way.

  • @johnnyg3
    @johnnyg3 Місяць тому +1


  • @jacobshepard654
    @jacobshepard654 7 днів тому

    30:59, yup

  • @Christoforos1948
    @Christoforos1948 18 днів тому

    BET-David = House of David

  • @Eyelash85
    @Eyelash85 Місяць тому +1

    I am a protestant, and this indeed do not convince me.

    • @duanewoodson9804
      @duanewoodson9804 Місяць тому

      So what . You were never present Pentecost and thus no Paraclete is above your head and you cannot speak as one with GOD like the Twelve whom JESUS handpicked. No demon is afraid of you and you cannot heal anyone! So modern day sperm and egg if creation who are you non chosen?

    • @YeshuaAkbar-u3f
      @YeshuaAkbar-u3f Місяць тому

      Do you know why? Because maybe you are a mo!on or something close to a mo!on. You really think that the Church sleept for 1500 years and got everything wrong until your savior Martin Luther came and showed us all the real truth? Do you really think Jesus Christ would let something like that happend? Do you really think Jesus would let all people who lived from year 33AD-1500AD live in that lie? Come on wake up and use your brain man.

    • @onecrispynugget9959
      @onecrispynugget9959 Місяць тому

      @@duanewoodson9804peak yapping

  • @ronb8714
    @ronb8714 Місяць тому +2

    The Bible teaches that the congregation is the church the church isn't a building made of sticks and stones

    • @atgred
      @atgred 20 днів тому

      Oh but God did command a tent be built for Him and then a temple. So He is not against having a building where He can dwell. As in the Tabernacle in is Orthodox or Catholic Church.

    • @ronb8714
      @ronb8714 20 днів тому

      @atgred Never said nothing against it. All I said was the church is the people that make up the congregation? It's not a building. Just like Jesus never taught religion or Christianity he taught having a Relationship with God through himself

    • @harleymann2086
      @harleymann2086 15 днів тому

      @@ronb8714 Hi Ron. You had mentioned, "Just like Jesus never taught religion or Christianity he taught having a Relationship with God through himself". Respectfully, and for your consideration, Jesus not only founded an institutional Church, but gave the authority to the Church to do the following: "If they [brother or sister] still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector" (Matthew 18:17). The Church that Christ founded has the authority to excommunicate. Notice, please, that *it is not for the individual to correct Christ's ONE Church.* It is the Church that says, "We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood." (1 Jn. 4:6).
      I hope that you are enjoying your summer and may God bless your reflection

    • @ronb8714
      @ronb8714 15 днів тому

      @harleymann2086 Show me one verse where Christ said the church was made of sticks and stones or wooden stones or mortar and stones or made of anything. There's no such chapter. There's no such verse, the chapters. Aninverses that you pointed out aren't talking of a building. They're talking about the body, the people the congregation. The followers of Christ.

    • @ronb8714
      @ronb8714 15 днів тому

      @harleymann2086 Say you forget one verse. Jesus said tear down the church and he would build it back in 3 days. What church was tore down and built back in 3 days. There was only one that was his body. His body was the church. Meaning our bodies are the church and the foundation of the church is our faith in Christ.

  • @luvpamelanewton
    @luvpamelanewton Місяць тому

    Jesus Christ can go to those who don't know His Name.

  • @EinfachParanoid
    @EinfachParanoid Місяць тому

    At the time of Timothy, the Scriptures were also not complete. So this argument is also inadequate. But from today's perspective, do we need more than the Bible, more than Sola Scriptura? The traditions of all denominations are partly unbiblical, and unfortunately also some writings of many "infallible" popes. We can only rely on the Bible.

  • @rolandolugo5135
    @rolandolugo5135 Місяць тому

    Church is the body of Christ

  • @annabanana2623
    @annabanana2623 3 місяці тому +12

    Sola scripture and sola fide is utter gaebage.

    • @christisking970
      @christisking970 3 місяці тому

      the disciples didn't write their accounts till years after Christ ascension because they thought Christ would return in their lifetime, and even then, there was no canon for 100s of years after they died. so, tradition always came first.

    • @onecrispynugget9959
      @onecrispynugget9959 Місяць тому

      That just means you don’t understand it

    • @christisking970
      @christisking970 Місяць тому

      @@onecrispynugget9959 the problem is that everyone reads the text and puts their own interpretation. So you end up 20 million different beliefs. You guys cant agree on things like baptism, salvation.

    • @onecrispynugget9959
      @onecrispynugget9959 Місяць тому

      @@christisking970 it is unfortunate that people misinterpret scripture. What is awesome about scripture, though, is that there are so many layers to just about every single verse, and scripture is used to correct and reprove our human foolishness. We have to read it for what it is, and take it into correct context. The Bible is very clear and direct but also sometimes difficult to understand. This is why we must study it through the Lord and with correct hermeneutics.

  • @stevenmoodley4699
    @stevenmoodley4699 Місяць тому


  • @user-kv9bc5wg3z
    @user-kv9bc5wg3z 25 днів тому

    I have family who are Catholics but you shouldn’t pray or have saint statues or call anyone father but your father in heaven I can go on . people just need to
    Stop being proud of being Catholic and start dying to themselves for Jesus . I’m tired of this 50/50 on God . Listen to the Bible

    • @atgred
      @atgred 20 днів тому +3

      Listen TO THE CHURCH. Know that is Biblical (Mt. 18:17). The Church founded by Christ ON THE AUTHORITY OF THE APOSTLES (Mt. 16:18, 18:18). Will you pray for me? But better not because then I am “worshipping” you! Is your dad your father? Better not call him that because you may “offend” God, as Christ called Abraham father!! No images, no statutes? Better not have money in your pocket because it has images!! Oh but Ex. 20:3 says it images of OTHER GODS! You see how ridiculous you sound?

  • @modernarnismfamethod5790
    @modernarnismfamethod5790 9 днів тому

    Sam, you are knowledgeable but come off as very very ARROGANT AND CONDESCENDING!!! It is Jesus who saves us, not ritual and tradition!! Did the thief on the cross be next to Christ need these things, NO! Our Lord said, "Today you will be with me in paradise.". It's all about Jesus. I pray you focus on that and not these Catholic vs Protestant issues. I am happy you have a new found conviction on Catholicism, but there is no need for you to belittle and berate others in the body of Christ with your superior attitude. It's not Christ-like!! Also, just as the Jews in Jesus' day perverted the scriptures handed down to them, so has the Catholic Church perverted what was initially taught to them.

    • @ApologeticsCut-ec2bp
      @ApologeticsCut-ec2bp  9 днів тому +1

      Please read your own comment & see your arrogance & ignorance! The Bible that you claim to have now handed down to you through great sacrifice from this Church but you have the audacity to accuse them of perversion!

    • @modernarnismfamethod5790
      @modernarnismfamethod5790 9 днів тому

      @@ApologeticsCut-ec2bp Sam, first, again with your attitude. REALLY! Just because I have a different viewpoint? Why do you get so upset? Second you miss my point. Forgive me for saying perverted, I meant no disrespect.The Jews in Jesus day were following traditions and interpretations handed down to them and how did Jesus react to them. He had the hardest criticism. They got things wrong and missed the mark. Those were passed down with great sacrifice as well. All I am saying is that I don't trust a lot of what has been passed down. We know the church did many evil things in it's history. The church is still run by fallen people. The church lost its Jewish roots a long time ago and early in its history became mostly gentile. There was an antisemitism expressed by early church fathers. They became "arrogant" if you will, with their superiority over them since they were scattered and crucified Christ. I am saying again that I am happy that you have a new found love for the church traditions, as the Jews have for theirs, but just allow with grace others who come at things with a different perspective. These issues are not what saves us, so I don't know why people even spend time on it. Let's worship and love and honor Yeshua Hamashiach, our Lord and God. Let's focus on Him and His sacrifice as our passover lamb, as a family in love with our God. No need for sibling rivalries. That's all I am saying. Man will fail us, Jesus never will. Keep lifting Him up and reaching the lost sheep of the original fold, and the other fold of the gentiles, who by God's grace have been grafted into the Jewish tree. God has not forgotten the Jewish people, they are His historic time table.

    • @TheOddOne-1
      @TheOddOne-1 9 днів тому

      Are you on a cross dying for your own actions, it was an extreme situation, you are not in an extreme situation such as the theifs, you can act you can get baptized, you can learn, you can take communion. Dont use extreme situations for yourself because you arent in one.

  • @ronb8714
    @ronb8714 Місяць тому +2

    Plus Jesus never taught religion or Christianity he taught having a Relationship with God through himself. True Christianity was originally a following not a religion

    • @diego1590
      @diego1590 28 днів тому

      Thats absolutely retarded, Jesus established his ministry in life and that ministry followed through the apostles, those apostles who had received authority from Jesus themselves gave that authority to other men who even scripture considers apostles like Timothy, Titus and others.

  • @EinfachParanoid
    @EinfachParanoid Місяць тому +4

    I thought Sam was neutral for a long time. But we know the tree by its fruits. Anger, rage and hatred are not fruits of the Holy Spirit. The seemingly blind loyalty to the Catholic Church makes him seem blind to the truth.

    • @Madman-2023
      @Madman-2023 Місяць тому +3

      I like the way he calls out people who play ignorant 😂 i was stupid too once a long time ago 😅 now i am a Catholic and the only anger i have is towards anyone who is against the one true Church

    • @valentinmun8766
      @valentinmun8766 Місяць тому

      @@Madman-2023your “true church” were selling salvation documents, to fill up popes pockets 😂😂😂 idiots

    • @onecrispynugget9959
      @onecrispynugget9959 Місяць тому +1

      @@Madman-2023faith plus works is not a fruit of the one true church

    • @Madman-2023
      @Madman-2023 Місяць тому +4

      @onecrispynugget9959 Faith without works is Dead. Anyone who doesn't partake of the new covenant has no life with in them. Demons also believe but do not do the will of God. They came out of us but they were never really apart of us because if they were they would have never left. All of that sounds alot like protestants

    • @onecrispynugget9959
      @onecrispynugget9959 Місяць тому

      @@Madman-2023 you don’t understand sola fide

  • @onecrispynugget9959
    @onecrispynugget9959 Місяць тому

    Sola scriptura is true

  • @AleksK37
    @AleksK37 Місяць тому +3

    This teaching violates the logic and greatly distorts the Scriptures. Too much to discuss.

    • @MasterKeyMagic
      @MasterKeyMagic Місяць тому +15

      Yes, sola scriptura does that.

    • @duanewoodson9804
      @duanewoodson9804 Місяць тому

      Pentecost proves no Protestants was present not was ever chosen. However , which church was spared during the fires in Maui? You are too young to think you could ever compete against Ignatius of Antioch or Thomas Aquinas or Padre Pio!

    • @onecrispynugget9959
      @onecrispynugget9959 Місяць тому

      @@MasterKeyMagiccan you give me a real life example of traditional infallibility?

    • @MasterKeyMagic
      @MasterKeyMagic Місяць тому

      @@onecrispynugget9959 whats "traditional infallibility"?

    • @JosephCarratura-cv8kh
      @JosephCarratura-cv8kh Місяць тому +1

      @@onecrispynugget9959Sure, let’s use the current Pope as an example. He does borderline heretical things but has never been able to change anything deemed to be dogmatic. That’s the Holy Spirit intervening in Catholic tradition and belief.

  • @Dances_with_fools
    @Dances_with_fools Місяць тому

    Sam...follow Jesus and ignore the different brands...if it ain't labelled in the bible it ain't gonna stand up when're opening the door needlessly

  • @gracegarsia
    @gracegarsia 15 днів тому

    False teacher 😡

  • @rolandolugo5135
    @rolandolugo5135 Місяць тому

    Funny how you say you have the Spirit yet you talk in the flesh, also funny how you use the term the Spirit this and that , it you’ve jumped through 5 denominations and you would use scripture to try to prove you point all the time…. Just shows how easy man can contradict the Bible and make say what they want ,….

    • @duanewoodson9804
      @duanewoodson9804 Місяць тому +2

      Pentecost established the CHURCH and there was no Protestants ever selected nor chosen at that time. There was no Protestants present at the ascension. None of the twelve casted lots on any Protestants!