RUSSIAN TRIES TO UNDERSTAND SLAVIC GIRLS! Ukrainian, Polish, Belarusian and Czech languages

  • Опубліковано 24 січ 2025


  • @alexliusik6896
    @alexliusik6896  15 днів тому

    Thanks for your support on Patreon:
    I'll upload additional content there soon

  • @bobeczek01
    @bobeczek01 20 днів тому +10

    From Polish perpective abour the name of the country: it is not conected to Russia but to Ruthenia. In the olden times we have Red Ruthenia and White Ruthenia Czerwona Ruś, Biała Ruś , so Białoruś and Ukraina,but Ukraina literally means "end land" . So we also ofically hace ruskie pierogi but the are ofthen translated wrongly as russian pierogi but in fact they are ruthrnian pierogi. And some linguist say that there is a rusyn language as in Ruthenia regional language.

  • @sylwiatime
    @sylwiatime 3 місяці тому +29

    No, in Polish koń has nothing in common with oral sex. If anything it'd have to do with male masturbation.

    • @FrozenMermaid666
      @FrozenMermaid666 17 днів тому

      Pfff, such ayond ęfð ideas / words shouldn’t even bę in any languages and there shouldn’t bę any męntion of such beyond śįňfęl ideas in ops or videos etc, besides, such things have nada to do with ppl and are untrue and impossible beyond gx idea created by the ągęncy that has the power that decides everything to hrs me with it - also, the purity name Syl / Sylwia / Sylvia only reflects me and the name Tim only reflects my pure protectors aka the alphas and such names and terms cannot be misused in yt names or names or ops etc and must be changed, as do the s-word and the o-word, which do not belong in ppl’s ops or videos etc, and such terms have nada to do with ppl and with the gsst ąręas of dudes and are incorrect, the o-word isn’t ręąl and is a direct ist. to my very existence!

    • @FrozenMermaid666
      @FrozenMermaid666 17 днів тому

      The correct term is ADORING and it only exists for me THE pure being and the God(dess) aka the only being who can be worshipped / loved and who is meant to be worshipped / loved, and ppl can never dręam about things that do not have anything to do with ppl and that aren’t meant for ppl and must never typę / męntion such unsuitable ideas - I don’t know where do ppl even hear about such incorrect and unsuitable idea, anyway, and why do they feel the need to include it in yt ops / videos etc, including ones that aren’t even about anything remotely similar to such incorrect ideas, it’s like they get pąid to śpræð such ayond śįnfęl idea!

    • @FrozenMermaid666
      @FrozenMermaid666 17 днів тому

      In addition, there must be a distance between all ppl at all times and no śįññįn’ and no śįňfęl unsuitable thoughts in ppl’s minds, ppl were never meant to be with or around others and should be sęlf-conscious and aware - ręlationships / luv / romance only exist for us pure beings (me THE only Goddess / Princess / Queen / Lady / Star etc and the only lovable being / adorable being etc and the pure protectors aka the alphas) who were blessed with a pure body that doesn’t gx one out, as we are the opposite of hum’ns, and love / adoring only exists for me The God(dess) and is only possible with me the pure being, and it only has to do with me, while the pure protectors aka the alphas are the only lovers / bfs / friends etc and the only men / guys / lads / boys / swains and they are the only beings who can feel love only for me the only lovable being, and, I also am and the only girl(s) / maiden(s) / gf(s) / wf(s) / bride(s) etc and the only being reflecting all purity / nature / flower / forest / fruit etc names and terms and all other big terms or names and all love / astral / light related terms and names and symbols and emojis and items etc and special names and compłimęnts etc, which are the exact opposite of others that aren’t me!

    • @FrozenMermaid666
      @FrozenMermaid666 17 днів тому

      That also includes the purity name Syl / Sylwia / Sylvia that only reflects me and the special name Tim that only reflects my pure protectors aka the alphas and such names and terms cannot be misused in yt names or names or ops etc and must be changed, as do the s-worð and the o-worð, which do not belong in ppl’s ops or videos etc, and such terms and names etc have nada to do with hum’n and are the exact opposite of hum’ns, and compłimęnts and big terms and all other purity terms and names etc are also the exact opposite of hum’ns and only reflect me the opposite of hum’ns!

    • @FrozenMermaid666
      @FrozenMermaid666 17 днів тому

      Besides, each incorrect term or idea isn’t true and wouldn’t even be possible yųk, and was created by the ones that have the pøwęr that decide everything to hrś me with it for a tęst and also to annoy the pure protectors as well, who also cannot stand to hęar about such abmntn!

  • @dave5008
    @dave5008 3 місяці тому +8

    I like your humor, bro! Keep it up! Love from 🇵🇭

    • @alexliusik6896
      @alexliusik6896  3 місяці тому +1

      Thanks, man 😊

    • @bergkatze3186
      @bergkatze3186 3 місяці тому

      Hello my fellow "kabayan"

    • @FrozenMermaid666
      @FrozenMermaid666 17 днів тому

      Humor does not mean the including of ayond śįnfęl term that start with o and that start with s, encouraging incorrect contents where beyond śįňfęl terms are included (which only annoy the serious viewer who wants to hear about language-related ideas, not about the ayond gx idea that is one of the most śįňfęl idęas) by saying ‘keep it up’ or by misusing the words love and like etc is equally śįnfęl - love only exists for me the only lovable being, and ppl cannot misuse love related terms, and also special names like Dave etc and man and guy etc that only reflect the pure protectors aka the alphas, and kat / compłiments and numbers and and words like girl / girls etc and all love related terms and emojis and items etc only reflect me and are only meant for me the only lovable being / the pure being aka The Goddess / The Princess / The Queen / The Lady / The Star / The Leader etc and can only be used by my pure protectors aka the alphas, while ręlationships / luv / romance etc only exist for us and are only meant for us pure beings (me and the pure protectors) who were blessed with purity, and, there must be a distance between all ppl at all time and no śįňįn’ and no unsuitable śįňfęl thoughts in the minds of hum’ns, and, by the way, pronouns also cannot be with capital letter when referring to oneself or others and can only be with capital letter when referring to me!

  • @Q36BN
    @Q36BN 14 днів тому

    14:15 Big ears, long nose....... It's an elephant!😅
    Bro narrowly escaped death :D

  • @fueguitita
    @fueguitita 3 місяці тому +5

    "I forgot any language blyad' in the world" 😂

  • @AniaMHA
    @AniaMHA 3 місяці тому +8

    I'm Polish!

  • @lowensferrrt3418
    @lowensferrrt3418 16 днів тому

    Прывітанне! Nice stuff bruv. Hello from Hungary

  • @rekin1654
    @rekin1654 3 місяці тому +2

    When the Czech girl said 7 she said sed(u)m where u was for like 0,1 second and the s was normal s like in english
    In polish it's siedem where "si" is pronounced like russian щ, but shorter or belarussian softened s

  • @dElChapuliun
    @dElChapuliun 18 днів тому

    I'm from romania brat. I genuinely enjoy your videos

  • @marcinadamski2892
    @marcinadamski2892 3 місяці тому +4

    Great content 👍 I must admit that I love Slavic languages, I have always been fascinated by the fact that we can communicate with each other. You just have to watch out for the so-called "false friends" - words that sound the same, but mean something completely different, and there are a lot of them (e.g. in Polish "dywan" is "carpet", not sofa... 😏), but is quite easy. Well, theoretically... Slavic languages are divided into three groups: eastern (Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Ruthenians), western (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks) and southern (all of former Yugoslavia plus Bulgarians). Members of these specific groups understand each other best, but less so with representatives of other groups. In my opinion, West Slavic and East Slavic languages ​​are closer to each other, while South Slavic languages ​​have more differences to us... OK, I understand everything in Czech 🇨🇿 I have been many times in the Czech Republic, and learned Czech a little bit. In second place is Russian 🇷🇺 which has always been my favorite language and I have tried to learn it in the past. At school I had English and German, but I hated German so much that I never did anything during lessons, but sometimes I learned Cyrillic alphabet under the desk 🤣 (actually, I was inspired to learn Russian by the Polish series "Четыре танкиста и собака" 🤣). I understand almost everything in Russian, if someone speaks slowly, but I have a problem with speaking. If you know one of the Slavic languages (apart your own) it is easier to understand all the others... I can recommend you two channels called Ecoliguist and Slavic Languages Hub (created by Polish guy). You can find there many similar experiments with our Slavic languages, but at a much higher and more interesting level than those pretty, but (i'm sorry) no so smart girls.
    In Polish "куннилингус"/"кунни" is "minteta" or "minetka" so it doesn't evoke these kinds of associations. By the way "walić konia" or "bić konia" (beating a horse) does means the sam as "душить гуся". Однако для этого существует очень много разных эвфемизмов... eсть даже фраза "bić Niemca po hełmie" ("бить немца по каске") 🤣 never mind... So what could she possibly mean with this horse? Well, generally, in Polish a horse is "koń" (кoнь), but in the dialect of the inhabitants of the Polish part of Tatra Mountains it is "kuń" (кuнь). This pronunciation was also characteristic for many other rural regions. It can be said that today it is associated with a simple, poorly educated person from the countryside in Poland. There's nothing funny about it for me, but some people might find it funny. It happens that Poles intentionally distort this word to say "kuń" just for fun.
    Take care, brother! 👋

    • @alexliusik6896
      @alexliusik6896  3 місяці тому +1

      Thanks for your comment, that was great)

    • @Maria_Nizhny_Novgorod
      @Maria_Nizhny_Novgorod 3 місяці тому

      😂 Минетки это перчатки без пальцев. Буду знать, что не надо использовать это слово с поляками.

    • @ironfist768
      @ironfist768 2 місяці тому

      Bardzo dzienkujem for you interesting comment, i had very pleasant interactions with the Polish people. Dobrymi lioudzmy)

  • @robertkukuczka9469
    @robertkukuczka9469 13 днів тому

    Koń in formal Polish sounds notmal but if you say Kuń it means you are a peasant from a hidden village.

  • @davnav5456
    @davnav5456 13 днів тому

    My Polacy rozumiemy większość języków słowiańskich dlatego że mamy z nimi wszystkimi styczność od bardzo dawna.
    Widzę naszą młodziutką Polkę i zastanawiam się dlaczego tak wiele jej umykało.
    Jestem z poprzedniego pokolenia i wiem ,że magia w naszym języku polega na tym, że jest wiele różnych wyrazów na to samo określenie.
    Mamy też wiele słów które nie są już takie modne ale bardzo pokrewne z wyrazami sąsiadów.
    Jak Czeszka mówi ,że "raduje" się z jazdy konnej to przecież proste.
    w wielu miejscach mówi się jeszcze w Polsce ,że "radujemy się" a nie "cieszymy się".
    Kiedyś zamiast słowa kochać używało się słowa "miłować". Na wschodzie mówi się "Lublju" a u nas "Lubi się" ma inne "słabsze" znaczenie ale nadal oznacza pozytywną emocją wobec innej osoby.
    U nas emocje słownie można opisywać warstwowo a wyrazy do tego są zapożyczone od wszystkich sąsiadów.
    Polski język jest "Babilonem" słowiańskich słów i jeżeli ktoś ma ubogie słownictwo w Polsce-- może mieć problemy ze zrozumieniem sąsiadów.
    Dla mnie odkryciem było, że Serbowie mają bardzo podobny język do Polskiego ale inaczej intonują słowa i dlatego ciężko ich zrozumieć gdy mówią pełnymi zdaniami.
    Wielu zapomina ,że kiedyś za Odrą mieszkali też Słowianie -- Weleci, Rugiowie, Obodryci ..Razem z Polakami, Morawianami , Słowakami i Białorusinami i Zachodnimi Ukraińcami reprezentowali ten sam tygiel językowy. Chorwaci i Serbowie też brzmią bardzo znajomo. Zresztą legendy mówią o tym ,że Chorwaci przybyli na swoje ziemie z okolic Krakowa.

  • @mysteriousdoge1298
    @mysteriousdoge1298 6 днів тому

    Kuń really just sounds funny for Polish ears like someone is just being silly saying koń but we don't have a similar word for any sexual acts in Polish.

  • @hanslitv
    @hanslitv 3 місяці тому +3

    BelaRUS not because of Russia but because of Kievan Rus/Ruthenia, so ByelaRusь (Беларусь = Бела Русь/Белая Русь) means "White Ruthenia", not "White Russia".
    So it's Belarus like "Byela-rusya", not like "Byela-rossiya".
    You're welcome!

  • @janhracho8688
    @janhracho8688 15 днів тому

    I'm from Czech Republic :D

  • @Aabidkhan-ht5xj
    @Aabidkhan-ht5xj 3 місяці тому

    thank you for the video... always find you content entertaining

  • @NotExactlyDesert
    @NotExactlyDesert 3 місяці тому +2

    I also understand 27 (Polish here)

  • @ironfist768
    @ironfist768 2 місяці тому

    Привет из Греции брат, горжусь для мои славянскими корень! From my not so high level of Russian knowledge, i understood what the Czech girl said (the first phrase), but i had to listen twice.

  • @ironfist768
    @ironfist768 2 місяці тому

    Belarus - The white Rus peoples. So, it's not to much of a mistake i believe to call "Belarossiya", since Rossiya is also the land of the Rus by definition. Bratskiyi narod )

  • @morningfog9
    @morningfog9 3 місяці тому +7

    Dude, aren't you belarusian? I just don't get it, you don't have respect for your culture?

    • @nickalayevicg
      @nickalayevicg 3 місяці тому

      He consider himself russian.

    • @NP-CB
      @NP-CB Місяць тому +1

      Belarusian has almost been destroyed and replaced with Russian

    • @PerunYouth
      @PerunYouth 21 день тому +1

      @@morningfog9 belarusian culture is polish and Russian

    • @jonarthritiskwanhc
      @jonarthritiskwanhc 19 днів тому

      @@PerunYouth With Lithuanian influences

    • @PerunYouth
      @PerunYouth 19 днів тому

      @ lithunians Were a minority even in the commonwealth the official languages was polish and latin

  • @raffytaffy2936
    @raffytaffy2936 25 днів тому

    Nothing against these girls but how educated are these girls vs cute.

  • @bojanbojic9230
    @bojanbojic9230 22 дні тому

    Добра забава 🙋

  • @ВячеславЛюсик
    @ВячеславЛюсик 3 місяці тому


  • @thealphazoid
    @thealphazoid 3 місяці тому +9

    ruSScists are not slavic.
    rf is a confederation of Mordovian, Turkic, and Mongolian countries.
    All the slavic republics ate located to the West from Golden Horde a.k.a rf

    • @БургасШишкович
      @БургасШишкович 3 місяці тому +2

      Dude it doesn't matter. Russians are Slavic speakers though long long time ago some of them spoke non-Slavic languages. After all, some Slavic tribes inhabited Northwestern and Central modern Russia and forced the local aborigines to move East to Siberia.

    • @thealphazoid
      @thealphazoid 3 місяці тому +2

      @@БургасШишкович and you couldn’t even name those “slavic” tribes that supposedly lived in ruSSia :))))
      none of Slavic tribes lived in central ruSSia, that is Siberia :)

    • @poohoff
      @poohoff 3 місяці тому +2

      Русский -- главный славянский язык, и вы будете на нем гуглить всю свою жизнь 🤣

    • @thealphazoid
      @thealphazoid 3 місяці тому +2

      @@poohoff this is why this language of Mordovian-turkic-mongolian confederation pf RF doesn’t even have its own alphabet, but uses Bulgarian one?

    • @poohoff
      @poohoff 3 місяці тому +1

      @@thealphazoid своего алфавита нет ни у кого, все алфавиты скомпонованы из предыдущих, вот как вы взяли русский алфавит, добавили пару букв, и теперь у вас свой есть 🤣

  • @mortenrl1946
    @mortenrl1946 3 місяці тому

    Fun fact: The name thing stuck around in some other languages. The word for Belarus in Danish is "Hviderusland" which just means "White Russia" - But a few years ago, the foreign ministry decided to change that name in all official communications to "Belarus." Honestly we should just call all countries and cities whatever they're named in the local language, having every language calling them something different is ridiculous. 😅 Pronouncing it bad is better than saying something completely different.

    • @alh6255
      @alh6255 3 місяці тому +1

      Belarus means "White Rhutenia" - "Bela Rus" - it is completely different from " White Russia". Russians have simply lied about the history of this part of the world since the 19th century. Russia is by the way much younger as a country and name, than Belarus. In Slavic languages ​​these differences are clearly visible, because the term "Rus" (Rhutenia) means something completely different in them, than the term "Russia". It's good that you finally call this country correctly.

    • @БургасШишкович
      @БургасШишкович 3 місяці тому

      @@alh6255 The location of Grand Duchy of Moscow also was known as "White Russia" in Eastern Orthodox practices or "White Ruthenia" in Roman Catholic practices since 15 century. Of course , the archaic Russia/Ruthenia were referred to Kyiv region. Times changes.

    • @thealphazoid
      @thealphazoid 3 місяці тому

      @@БургасШишкович and that catholic priest had no name? LOL.
      Orcs always lie :())

    • @thealphazoid
      @thealphazoid 3 місяці тому

      @@БургасШишкович Moskwa is known as Moscue. The biggest in Northern Asia muslim holiday Qurban Bayram is celebrated there.
      Also the mayor of Mosque city is Mongolian Sobyanin, just like 600 years ago when it was founded

    • @mortenrl1946
      @mortenrl1946 3 місяці тому

      @@alh6255 I never knew much about the history. But I always assumed it had something to do with the "White movement" of the Russian civil war (which of course is completely wrong). So yes, it's probably good that it was fixed!