Read both sides of the coin (Hooky's take and Bernard's). Love Bernard, but his was a bit boring. Hooky doesn't hold back, but #something about his strikes me as heavy-handed and full of anger, which, I believe, has tainted some of his recollections as embellished and/or flatly untrue. Anyway, love the band.
Ok i'm done with this it's sending me to sleep, I love the book tho and all the gaps Barney fills in and how entertaining it is from start to finish, he explains the "prozac diarys" debacle and interestingly still sings the praises of prozac! By the sounds of him here he's still taking them! Anyway f it! I got my signed copy and love the man.
are you eating? there's a smacking sound near the mic, it's annoying. (around the 8 min mark) next time record audio from a second source, if you want to be professional.
Thanx for recording and posting!
Thank you for putting this up mate
I like Peter and Bernard a lot. Sad that they hate each other.
Aha, that is me at 51:34 asking which artists he'd like to work with. Note that Iggy Pop does show up on the new album!
Good question, one that I would have asked.
Excellent question, and lovely voice to boot!
Good Night with Barney Albrecht
Read both sides of the coin (Hooky's take and Bernard's). Love Bernard, but his was a bit boring. Hooky doesn't hold back, but #something about his strikes me as heavy-handed and full of anger, which, I believe, has tainted some of his recollections as embellished and/or flatly untrue. Anyway, love the band.
ahhahaha he comes out, wine glass in hand as usual.
what did he say around 5:50 that got everyone laughing? i replayed that part a few times but couldn't make it out
He says I Sounded like Jimmy Saville there
Ok i'm done with this it's sending me to sleep, I love the book tho and all the gaps Barney fills in and how entertaining it is from start to finish, he explains the "prozac diarys" debacle and interestingly still sings the praises of prozac! By the sounds of him here he's still taking them! Anyway f it! I got my signed copy and love the man.
There are comments just cannot see them
are you eating? there's a smacking sound near the mic, it's annoying. (around the 8 min mark)
next time record audio from a second source, if you want to be professional.
it goes for the whole video.
it's a shame a good video like this is ruined.
alwaystheway - You told him, mate lol Thanks for filming and uploading, good quality and BS was interesting as usual :-)
That noise is right annoying.
get a microphone AMATEUR