59:49 You can play Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth in Jadzi. It doesn't actually have any color identity of its own because it doesn't tap for black. When it's on the battlefield, it turns itself into a swamp, which then lets it tap for black.
I wonder if they'd make it a Swamp (as in, in the type line) if they were making the card today. That would add black to its color identity, making it only playable in black decks.
Heads up: Archaomancer and similar cards do not bring back instants or sorceries if they are on the backs of MDFCs, since in the graveyard they are whatever type that's on the front. So, you can use Exetus to bring back a creature then cast the sorcery on the back!
23:40 I don't think that Clockspinning type effects work with Uvilda. Uvilda will exile a card with the home counters on it, but that doesn't say that you're suspending the card, and all the Clockspinning type effects say to remove a counter from a suspended card.
At 58:25 Jimmy says that you can put the MDFC lands into play with Journey to the Oracle, however this isn't correct, as any effect that "Puts into play" or "returns to the battlefield" only sees the front side of the card. Not to be confused with "You may play" abilities like Azusa or Crucible, which do see both sides of the card, as it isn't apart of another ability or spell resolution. I hope this helps and clears up confusion on this card!
58:30 Jimmy, MDFCs cannot be put onto the battlefield with Journey to the Oracle. If an effect let you PLAY any number of lands, then yes, you could play them one by one but, as per the release notes: "If an effect puts a double-faced card onto the battlefield, it enters with its front face up. If that front face can't be put onto the battlefield, it doesn't enter the battlefield. For example, if an effect exiles Sejiri Glacier and returns it to the battlefield, it remains in exile because an instant can't be put onto the battlefield. " But yeah, if you want to play them to up the overall land count, they're still (too) good.
The thing about Search for Blex is that it puts the cards into your graveyard, and lets you pick and choose which you wanna keep in your hand, and they aren't revealed so your opponents don't get any extra info. It would of course be better as an instant, but I think this is being highly undervalued here.
49:40 DJ: "You don't care about the backside?!? I LOOOVE the backside" I feel like a bad person for chuckling here. Love you DJ! You entertain us all so well even when you don't realise it. P.S. Yes that demon is cool. Sometimes you've just got to have fun and try something wacky, even if it's not going to get much done in commander.
Sprouting Vines is a land search to hand for 1G. It has storm. There's also Rites of Spring. 1G discard any number, search for that many lands and put them in hand.
One important thing to note with Plargg (the red Dean), is that Plargg and Anje are the ONLY creatures with the specific wording that they have, which allows you to get some extra value. In their text "Discard" is part of the cost, not the activated ability. Cards like illusionist bracers that copy abilities will let you draw 2 without discarding a 2nd card. This is how competitive Anje decks draw through their entire library in a turn. Not AS powerful with Plargg but still value
The problem I've seen with the deans is that both sides synergize with each other, but because Commander is a singleton format, you can't take advantage of said synergies.
Mila is easily my favorite. Boros is a much cheaper color for super friends, I love how she replaces whatever might get destroyed, she's an interesting design in general, and she's a foxxo. Also, I would love watching you guys playing other board games.
Okay so I’m pretty sure this isn’t a good idea for a deck but hear me out - Plarrg and Augusta tapper tribal xD So you attack with all your weenies, untap everyone, tap down blockers, or threaten to tap people if they want to attack you. Works great with Mother of Runes too - tap her to get an attacker through, untap and have her back on defense.
Extus works great with adventures: they activate magecraft when they are cast as an adventure, and later in the game you can recover them from the graveyard and use them again as an adventure.
I've been sutured or stapled on 20 different parts of my body - including one rib-spreader - but nothing is as painful as Josh's Australian accent. 😁 Love the channel!
YES. YES. YES!!! I'm currently designing a board game as we speak that will be on Kickstarter next year! :) It is called Punch! Kick! Block! and is a head-to-head tactical combat card game where players play as two angry mascots who are trying to see who would last longer in a fight!
So I know this is totally off topic and maybe Josh and Jimmy have heard this before, but I would love to see a Game Knights or Extra Turns where they bring on Craig and DJ and all the players play Infect in their deck. I think that could be a crazy game! On a related note, Super excited for C21!!! Love the content guys!
Jadzi honestly feels pretty much like Thrasios, honestly: you ramp into it, cast it as early as possible thanks to the green side and then use her ability to cascade into cheating a lot of huge spells. It's even in the colors of easy topdeck manipulation, and her own ability lets you cast the spell, so if you cast a big sorcery or instant you trigger her magecraft again.
lmao yeah, they really need to do a bit of research in the cards and sets with every new videos. I'm always amused by how they miss on almost any lore related topic, considering how much they seem to love fantasy stories, and now also set mechanics. Although, also on the Vorthosy thing Jimmy said at the end, the inclusion of Universes Beyond (which personally I don't like at all) they could add a couple MDFCs, like Bilbo/Smeagol stuff like that.
@@ssmmeeaarrggllee God yeah the lore kills me because like. You can glance at the cards like once paying attention to more than the rules text and get a better idea than they sometimes seem to have of what the hell is going on.
@@ssmmeeaarrggllee some people just play the cards and could care less about the story or lore. As long as the cards are good I could care less about how it fits into the 'story'
I'm really into the Quandrix MDFC because you can use the birb to set up insane Misthollow Griffin + Food Chain plays for infinite mana. Problem with doing that outside of BUG was that exiling your own stuff was way trickier - but with cantrips like Brainstorm you could easily set up Misthollow on top to exile with either side of your commander, set up infinite mana with that birb, then you could exile your whole deck and just yoink Thassa's Oracle from exile. Seems bonkers and it's really exciting to me.
Wow! That Raven on the background, looks alive! Augusta and the Throne of the god Pharaoh + Masako Yeah! Bling episode with alters! there are great people who do awesome one's!
Blex isn’t all that special until you realize that it’s sacrifice fodder + token booster or a card draw/graveyard dumper sorcery than can be brought back to hand as though it were a creature. That’s a ton of utility for setting up a board filled with the relevant tokens, especially since most of the creature types care about sacrificing stuff or filling up the graveyard.
a cool trick that i think works is, with a copy effect like Glasspool Mimic, is that when the copy is on the stack you decide the thing it's gonna become before it enters the battlefield so you flicker the commander and you have both sides on the battlefield. Maybe I'm wrong but I will be nice if that's the case.
you dont need to do it on the stack, just copy the card while its on its backside, then flicker the original so it comes in on its frontside and then you have both on the field
MDFCs only have the characteristics of the chosen side when on the stack or the battlefield. So you can only copy the side you cast. At the same time, they only have the characteristics of the front side everywhere else, so if you flicker one, the front side always comes back (because that's the side that was in exile). Meaning that to do this, you have to cast the back side first, copy it, and flicker it while holding priority so you get the front side on the real card and the back side on the copy. If you do it the other way around, you'll have a front side copy and a front side real card and you'll have to sacrifice one of them as a state-based action.
I'm not sure if anyone else mentioned this, but giving Embrose, Dean of Shadow deathtouch with something like Gorgon Flail and also equipping him with Thornbite staff could let you just kill every creature with Embrose, Dean of Shadow as it says he deals the damage. This was just a thought I had and it basically turns Embrose into a 1-sided board wipe, at least I think so.
Mika and Luka is the best fits a (imo) reanimater/Etb style cause u have red to rummage to fill gy and find white reanimater cards to use. Save lukka till you can’t reanimate directly or need to refill your gy, ur rewarded for pitching something to reanimate and u can flicker your creature at your upkeep off of luka, if luka is removed then u play Mika for 5 mana to have insurance on your big creatures u reanimated instead of 8 on an engine
they didn't mention that with jadzi if you play an instant or sorcery from the top of your deck you get to trigger jadzi again and play the next top card of your deck, but it does work that way, right?
I think the Mardu MDFCommander will be the most insane deck. Awaken the Blood Avatar can combo easy with 'Sifter of Skulls' or 'Pawn of Ulamog', its not infinite but can allow you to go nuts and cast it multiple times in a turn (know it says only "nontoken creatures" but still provides a lot of fodder). This card helps higher power strategies with 'Tergrid, God of Fright' to just make you lose friends, or land destruction/stax with 'Burning Sands', 'Zo-Zu, the Punisher' (and other effects like it) + 'Pitliess Plunderer' (to help with all the lands you sac) to make you lose even more friends. 'Dictate of Erebos'/'Butcher of Malakir' effects will obviously be in the deck along with 'Mayhem Devil', 'Blood Artist', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Vindictive Vampire' and 'Falkentath Noble '. Value cards like 'Elenda, the Dusk Rose' will be busted, 'Kadur Doomscourge' from Kaldheim or 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge' to help with the attacking strategy if you want to go that route or 'Athreos, God of Passage' to go the most insane route with the 'Shadowborn Apostle' strategy. If you want 'Extus, Oriqe Overlord//Awaken the Blood Avatar' in the 99, try to add green for powerful synergies like 'Tymna the Weaver'//'Tana, the Bloodsower' or 'Ravos, Soultender//'Tana, the Bloodsower'. They're extremely powerful especially if 'Korvold, Fae-Cursed King' is there to draw insane amounts of cards, or even just 'Catacomb Sifter' to filter through your deck. This sorcery can go in so many different aristocrat strategies and I feel this commander will make a major impact in the meta for sure. It's my favorite MDFCommander for sure due to the levels of chaos and mean strategies to think about and plus I don't have many friends so losing friends doesn't really matter lol.
@@thelasttrueblade6684 It technically doesn’t have a colour identity. It “just” turns all lands into swamps, just like Maze of Ith “just” prevents combat damage from a single creature.
@@nlamaa 2 colorless mana is required to cast kozilek The rules of the Commander format say that, if our commander isn’t black, all of our Swamps haven’t got the ability “TAP: add {B} to your mana pool”, but instead they have “TAP: add {1} to your mana pool”.
50:37 Jimmy, I love ya, but I think you are WAY misunderstanding this card. This is an Ashnod's Altar that only contributes to a single specific spell. It's a nearly free Sacrifice outlet sitting in your command zone that only gets better the more times you cast it, and the tokens aren't legendary! With 6 Rakdos and 12 tokens to sacrifice, you get to swing for 12 damage to each opponent, 9 of which is non-combat damage. Going OTK might be next to impossible, but I know my Mardu Sacrifice/Aristocrats deck will love having this new commander.
For Jadzi, I think that while Journey to the Oracle can be strong, ramping straight to the battlefield is still fine and I don't think building around Journey is super necessary. Conventional ramp into Jadzi works too, and is more effective with Jadzi on the board (funnelling lands into your hand with Jadzi already on board is less good).
I'm really excited to put Blex in my Beledros Witherbloom deck. We're making a bunch of pests and running Blight Mound already, so another lord for your tokens isn't terrible, and the damage will add up for sure. The card draw is nice too, and the fact that we're losing life is totally whatever since you'll be gaining so much life in the deck already. Plus we've got an aristocrat subtheme, so the fact it's a body we can sac for value that also gains us a nice chunk of life is sweet too. All around good card in the 99.
When DJ said the end step was about a board game, I was hoping he was going to say Witherbloom (aka Gloomhaven). I'd love to a Gloomhaven Board Game Knights, with their amazing editing team.
I had wondered if MDFC legends with two seperate colours would count for multicoloured commanders, this confirmed that you can, so now I can build Horn, so thanks for that :)
Color identity of a card counts all mana symbols, color indicators and basic land types in the card. If the card has multiple playable components (such as double-faced cards or split cards), all of those are counted.
my personal rule 0 i want to try out: you can play the deans as your commander(s), BUT instead of mdfc, you play it as 2 differnt cards with "Partners With X", to help explore there synergies without having to copy/bounce
Zendikar Kaldhiem and Strixhaven were a “block” that focused on mdfcs; rosewater said mdfcs probably will return but not always such a strong focus as there is now
Don’t forget about copying Awaken the Blood Avatar with cards like Increasing Vengeance and Populating the Avatar tokens! I’ve built this deck and it goes wild sometimes, making 5-10 Avatars in a turn
I see great potential in Blex, Vexing Pest! Sure his front side isn't exactly game-breaking but the death trigger to gain life can have its uses (Sanguine Bond combo, anyone?) Not to mention getting to dig 5 cards deep for 4 mana from the command zone can be really useful in the early game, and you can use something like Tortured Existence to continuously recover Blex from your graveyard just to Search again, provided you have the mana of course I'm still not 100% sure what direction I want to take this little swamp grub, but I'm just gonna slap a deck together from what I have in my collection and do lots of experimenting!
Imagine having Torbran and that one Jaya thats like him on the field and attack with the blood avatar. Someone else can do the math but thats a Lotta damage. Plus there are other damage doubling or more effects you could play. Honestly big red damage has become my favourite archetype starting when Torbran was printed. Now I just want to build a grixis or mardu big red damage commander deck... just need the right commander...
Yes to bling ep please. Just bought all but 4/5 Mythical Archive. Love them. (Couldn’t afford the top ones ;-) Also yes to board games! I can imagine any MTG player not also loving at least one or two other games. @DJ try railroad ink too
The deans are loaded with text, I don't know if they're good or bad, but they're just too much. Mila is looking sweet tho Edit: Give me that alters episode!
The whole set is 'too much'. Too much text, too much cards that have really weird effects, even the illustrations are over the top: Simic and Izzet are so extremely full of neon colours it's almost appaling to me and there's just so much going on... I would hate to have this be my first MtG set, was trying to get a friend into Magic and now I gotta wait because this is essentially a Yu-Gi-Oh set.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't a ritual that makes three red a sac outlet and dual caster mage go infinite. You cast a ritual let extus's ability resolve then holding priority cast dual caster mage copy the ritual hold priority sac the dual caster to whatever u have then return it with extus's trigger the copy resolves making three mana hold priority cast dual caster and repeat. In a deck like this you will probably have a sac outlet and a blood artist type effect out.
I think Awaken the Blood Avatar is a bit of a sleeper hit. You can negate Commander tax, and just attacking will do 3 commander damage to everyone at the table.
Extus is an infinite combo with Chain of Smog, a creature card in grave, and either Syr Konrad the Grim, Tormod the Desecrator, or Desecrated Tomb in play. Not that hard to set up. And the cards are OK by themselves with Extus too.
"If you ever want to make a +1/+1 counter deck, at this point in time you just pick your favorite colors.." me: sitting here with a 4-color Partner Commanders +1/+1 counters deck with Reyhan and Ishai (an Atraxa-less deck)
I'm under the impression that Kianne and Imbraham are commanders for a lower-mid to mid power deck with Wilderness Reclamation and Seedborn Muse and many, many mana sink cards.
Watch your channel although only play Brawl (basically 1v1 commander). Brawl you can pop off more, make big plays which is awesome cause only 1 person to worry about stopping you, but Commander is alot slower and less pressure on specifically you so you can play more cards and play game longer. Both game modes got good things about them.
I almost like Extus/Awaken the Blood Avatar but for this to be good the token would have to be huge at least a 6/6 preferably a 6/12 that deals 6 to each opponent when it attacks or something like that
I feel the same and I wonder why the token is not legendary, I mean the card is called awaken THE blood avatar and it seems to be an important role in the lore of strixhaven
For the Mardu awaken the blood avatar deck, there are tons of instant and Sorcery spells that just make tokens which benefits both sides. Just throw in some dragon fodder effect and some spirit stuff, carrion is good if you have any big creatures. Plus red damage doublers and torbar thane of redfell to make those avatars even scarier. Lots of potential I think in a long game.
I would err on the side of using graveyard recursion and removal to trigger him. Getting them sweet 2 for 1 value. Tokens fizzle when hitting the grave, so there is no recursion for them.... but I'll probably just make an angels and demons deck with it for memes
@@AnExercisInThought fair, but I was more trying to get value out of the sorcery side and the direct damage from the avatar tokens, ideally buying and anointed procession and fiery emancipation if I get a big budget for it.
You can play Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth in Jadzi. It doesn't actually have any color identity of its own because it doesn't tap for black. When it's on the battlefield, it turns itself into a swamp, which then lets it tap for black.
I wonder if they'd make it a Swamp (as in, in the type line) if they were making the card today. That would add black to its color identity, making it only playable in black decks.
@@therealax6 I’d doubt it. That would open it up to Swamp searches (I.e. fetchlands, Liliana of the Realms, etc).
@@JamesSamson487 Very true. I guess they could make it tap for black if they wanted to restrict the color identity.
@@therealax6 they can also put the black color dot before the super type like Wuthengar (other side of Elbrus, the binding blade)
@@DoylePrime True, you _could_ have a land with a color indicator (that's what those dots are called), although it would be weird.
"I'm glad that they finally put Josh Lee Kwai on a card, you know" (49:41)
OMG you guys are killing me today 😂
Heads up: Archaomancer and similar cards do not bring back instants or sorceries if they are on the backs of MDFCs, since in the graveyard they are whatever type that's on the front. So, you can use Exetus to bring back a creature then cast the sorcery on the back!
He is a beast with adventure cards too.
29:40 ah yes the 5 colleges Bloomhaven, Lorehaven, Prishaven, Quandrihaven, Silverhaven
Ah yes my favorite college “bloomhaven”
I thought I heard wrong 😜
DJs smile when Jimmy said that though! Priceless!
I am Dean. I am excited about all the Legendary double sided Deans with a Dean on both sides. Whoo
Dean, here, too.
Also a dean
The power of Dean is upon us
Dean tribal incoming
Any sams around?
More flavor with Embrose, his son is Killian, who is a 2/2, so he survives his "lessons".
In the witherbloom part of the video:
Jimmy: this is great in infect
* Craig smashed the door *
Craig: someone said infect??!!
23:40 I don't think that Clockspinning type effects work with Uvilda. Uvilda will exile a card with the home counters on it, but that doesn't say that you're suspending the card, and all the Clockspinning type effects say to remove a counter from a suspended card.
At 58:25 Jimmy says that you can put the MDFC lands into play with Journey to the Oracle, however this isn't correct, as any effect that "Puts into play" or "returns to the battlefield" only sees the front side of the card. Not to be confused with "You may play" abilities like Azusa or Crucible, which do see both sides of the card, as it isn't apart of another ability or spell resolution. I hope this helps and clears up confusion on this card!
Can you guys put timestamps in these types of videos? That would be super helpful.
58:30 Jimmy, MDFCs cannot be put onto the battlefield with Journey to the Oracle. If an effect let you PLAY any number of lands, then yes, you could play them one by one but, as per the release notes:
"If an effect puts a double-faced card onto the battlefield, it enters with its front face up. If that front face can't be put onto the battlefield, it doesn't enter the battlefield. For example, if an effect exiles Sejiri Glacier and returns it to the battlefield, it remains in exile because an instant can't be put onto the battlefield. "
But yeah, if you want to play them to up the overall land count, they're still (too) good.
The thing about Search for Blex is that it puts the cards into your graveyard, and lets you pick and choose which you wanna keep in your hand, and they aren't revealed so your opponents don't get any extra info. It would of course be better as an instant, but I think this is being highly undervalued here.
DJ: "You don't care about the backside?!? I LOOOVE the backside"
I feel like a bad person for chuckling here. Love you DJ! You entertain us all so well even when you don't realise it.
P.S. Yes that demon is cool. Sometimes you've just got to have fun and try something wacky, even if it's not going to get much done in commander.
Sprouting Vines is a land search to hand for 1G. It has storm.
There's also Rites of Spring. 1G discard any number, search for that many lands and put them in hand.
i love dragon's approach on plarg. gives you access to the boros dragon that plays MORE dragon's approaches off the top of your deck!
good thing jimmy reminded me to say: man, i love DJ
29:34 You just hear the unsure into confident voice of "bloom(?) haven (yes totally nailed it)" right there
One important thing to note with Plargg (the red Dean), is that Plargg and Anje are the ONLY creatures with the specific wording that they have, which allows you to get some extra value. In their text "Discard" is part of the cost, not the activated ability. Cards like illusionist bracers that copy abilities will let you draw 2 without discarding a 2nd card. This is how competitive Anje decks draw through their entire library in a turn. Not AS powerful with Plargg but still value
The problem I've seen with the deans is that both sides synergize with each other, but because Commander is a singleton format, you can't take advantage of said synergies.
Whenever I see Blex, I can only imagine a sound somewhere between a goat bleating and a crocodile bellowing. I love this precious test subject
Mila is easily my favorite. Boros is a much cheaper color for super friends, I love how she replaces whatever might get destroyed, she's an interesting design in general, and she's a foxxo. Also, I would love watching you guys playing other board games.
Okay so I’m pretty sure this isn’t a good idea for a deck but hear me out - Plarrg and Augusta tapper tribal xD
So you attack with all your weenies, untap everyone, tap down blockers, or threaten to tap people if they want to attack you. Works great with Mother of Runes too - tap her to get an attacker through, untap and have her back on defense.
Awaken the blood avatar is a nice combo with anointed procession
Extus works great with adventures: they activate magecraft when they are cast as an adventure, and later in the game you can recover them from the graveyard and use them again as an adventure.
Awaken the blood avatar is the best for one reason. You can reactivate this effect so many times in one turn. All I need to say is Shadowborn apostle
Tribal support is through the roof, according to Jimmy.
Me, a Boros Soldier deck player: I've got Keeper of the Accord?
I've been sutured or stapled on 20 different parts of my body - including one rib-spreader - but nothing is as painful as Josh's Australian accent. 😁 Love the channel!
Do you play mono-red? Because that was quite a burn.
7:12 in reference to Archaeomancer returning an instant/sorcery that is the back side of a MDFC from your graveyard. I believe that's incorrect.
Great shout on “my city” DJ, it was really good fun
YES. YES. YES!!! I'm currently designing a board game as we speak that will be on Kickstarter next year! :) It is called Punch! Kick! Block! and is a head-to-head tactical combat card game where players play as two angry mascots who are trying to see who would last longer in a fight!
I'd love to see you guys play traditional board games. My favorite is Terra Mystica, for all my value engine deck lovers out there
So I know this is totally off topic and maybe Josh and Jimmy have heard this before, but I would love to see a Game Knights or Extra Turns where they bring on Craig and DJ and all the players play Infect in their deck. I think that could be a crazy game!
On a related note, Super excited for C21!!! Love the content guys!
Jadzi honestly feels pretty much like Thrasios, honestly: you ramp into it, cast it as early as possible thanks to the green side and then use her ability to cascade into cheating a lot of huge spells. It's even in the colors of easy topdeck manipulation, and her own ability lets you cast the spell, so if you cast a big sorcery or instant you trigger her magecraft again.
59:50 You can play urborg in any color deck it has no mana symbols
"Seems like a thing they're gonna be using more often-" Who's gonna tell them that MDFCs are taking a break after Strixhaven?
lmao yeah, they really need to do a bit of research in the cards and sets with every new videos. I'm always amused by how they miss on almost any lore related topic, considering how much they seem to love fantasy stories, and now also set mechanics.
Although, also on the Vorthosy thing Jimmy said at the end, the inclusion of Universes Beyond (which personally I don't like at all) they could add a couple MDFCs, like Bilbo/Smeagol stuff like that.
I am glad they are stopping with mdfcs for a while
@@ssmmeeaarrggllee God yeah the lore kills me because like. You can glance at the cards like once paying attention to more than the rules text and get a better idea than they sometimes seem to have of what the hell is going on.
@@TrueTgirl exactly lol.. it's like , flavor text: "Halana and I have a bond that'll never be broken" >> "-oh so like are they roommates?"
@@ssmmeeaarrggllee some people just play the cards and could care less about the story or lore. As long as the cards are good I could care less about how it fits into the 'story'
Actually starts at 9:00
I'm really into the Quandrix MDFC because you can use the birb to set up insane Misthollow Griffin + Food Chain plays for infinite mana. Problem with doing that outside of BUG was that exiling your own stuff was way trickier - but with cantrips like Brainstorm you could easily set up Misthollow on top to exile with either side of your commander, set up infinite mana with that birb, then you could exile your whole deck and just yoink Thassa's Oracle from exile. Seems bonkers and it's really exciting to me.
Wow! That Raven on the background, looks alive!
Augusta and the Throne of the god Pharaoh + Masako
Yeah! Bling episode with alters! there are great people who do awesome one's!
Blex isn’t all that special until you realize that it’s sacrifice fodder + token booster or a card draw/graveyard dumper sorcery than can be brought back to hand as though it were a creature. That’s a ton of utility for setting up a board filled with the relevant tokens, especially since most of the creature types care about sacrificing stuff or filling up the graveyard.
2:28 to skip the intro
a cool trick that i think works is, with a copy effect like Glasspool Mimic, is that when the copy is on the stack you decide the thing it's gonna become before it enters the battlefield so you flicker the commander and you have both sides on the battlefield.
Maybe I'm wrong but I will be nice if that's the case.
you dont need to do it on the stack, just copy the card while its on its backside, then flicker the original so it comes in on its frontside and then you have both on the field
@@xenochronos1587 i think it has to be done on the stack for the legend rule... unless you use the new Sakashima or Mirror Gallery
@@antony_ag OMG I'm so dumb I realy forgot the legend rule xD
MDFCs only have the characteristics of the chosen side when on the stack or the battlefield. So you can only copy the side you cast. At the same time, they only have the characteristics of the front side everywhere else, so if you flicker one, the front side always comes back (because that's the side that was in exile).
Meaning that to do this, you have to cast the back side first, copy it, and flicker it while holding priority so you get the front side on the real card and the back side on the copy. If you do it the other way around, you'll have a front side copy and a front side real card and you'll have to sacrifice one of them as a state-based action.
I’m so happy dj is on the command zone
I'm not sure if anyone else mentioned this, but giving Embrose, Dean of Shadow deathtouch with something like Gorgon Flail and also equipping him with Thornbite staff could let you just kill every creature with Embrose, Dean of Shadow as it says he deals the damage. This was just a thought I had and it basically turns Embrose into a 1-sided board wipe, at least I think so.
Lukka can get your karmic guide, and you can sacrifice it to the echo trigger instead of becoming exiled.
"Who is ruining everything? It's Tibalt all along!"
Well on Plargg one bonus if you were building it you can use scroll rack put a "hit card" underneath stuff you don't need to sort though your deck
Mika and Luka is the best fits a (imo) reanimater/Etb style cause u have red to rummage to fill gy and find white reanimater cards to use. Save lukka till you can’t reanimate directly or need to refill your gy, ur rewarded for pitching something to reanimate and u can flicker your creature at your upkeep off of luka, if luka is removed then u play Mika for 5 mana to have insurance on your big creatures u reanimated instead of 8 on an engine
they didn't mention that with jadzi if you play an instant or sorcery from the top of your deck you get to trigger jadzi again and play the next top card of your deck, but it does work that way, right?
I think the Mardu MDFCommander will be the most insane deck. Awaken the Blood Avatar can combo easy with 'Sifter of Skulls' or 'Pawn of Ulamog', its not infinite but can allow you to go nuts and cast it multiple times in a turn (know it says only "nontoken creatures" but still provides a lot of fodder). This card helps higher power strategies with 'Tergrid, God of Fright' to just make you lose friends, or land destruction/stax with 'Burning Sands', 'Zo-Zu, the Punisher' (and other effects like it) + 'Pitliess Plunderer' (to help with all the lands you sac) to make you lose even more friends. 'Dictate of Erebos'/'Butcher of Malakir' effects will obviously be in the deck along with 'Mayhem Devil', 'Blood Artist', 'Judith, the Scourge Diva', 'Zulaport Cutthroat', 'Vindictive Vampire' and 'Falkentath Noble '. Value cards like 'Elenda, the Dusk Rose' will be busted, 'Kadur Doomscourge' from Kaldheim or 'Anax, Hardened in the Forge' to help with the attacking strategy if you want to go that route or 'Athreos, God of Passage' to go the most insane route with the 'Shadowborn Apostle' strategy.
If you want 'Extus, Oriqe Overlord//Awaken the Blood Avatar' in the 99, try to add green for powerful synergies like 'Tymna the Weaver'//'Tana, the Bloodsower' or 'Ravos, Soultender//'Tana, the Bloodsower'. They're extremely powerful especially if 'Korvold, Fae-Cursed King' is there to draw insane amounts of cards, or even just 'Catacomb Sifter' to filter through your deck. This sorcery can go in so many different aristocrat strategies and I feel this commander will make a major impact in the meta for sure. It's my favorite MDFCommander for sure due to the levels of chaos and mean strategies to think about and plus I don't have many friends so losing friends doesn't really matter lol.
Last time I was this early there was only one type of booster
Ah, the good ol days.
20:40: We've done it, we've finally broken Kiki-Jiki with the help of Augusta, Dean of order. Next one is Walking Balista.
Who's going to tell Jimmy that Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth is legal in all commander decks, even Jadzi
@@thelasttrueblade6684 It technically doesn’t have a colour identity. It “just” turns all lands into swamps, just like Maze of Ith “just” prevents combat damage from a single creature.
@@thelasttrueblade6684 Yes. My main commander is Azusa, i run Urborg to help cast cards like kozilek great distortion....
@@darthmikda How does Urborg help you cast Kozilek?
@@nlamaa 2 colorless mana is required to cast kozilek
The rules of the Commander format say that, if our commander isn’t black, all of our Swamps haven’t got the ability “TAP: add {B} to your mana pool”, but instead they have “TAP: add {1} to your mana pool”.
50:37 Jimmy, I love ya, but I think you are WAY misunderstanding this card. This is an Ashnod's Altar that only contributes to a single specific spell. It's a nearly free Sacrifice outlet sitting in your command zone that only gets better the more times you cast it, and the tokens aren't legendary! With 6 Rakdos and 12 tokens to sacrifice, you get to swing for 12 damage to each opponent, 9 of which is non-combat damage. Going OTK might be next to impossible, but I know my Mardu Sacrifice/Aristocrats deck will love having this new commander.
For Jadzi, I think that while Journey to the Oracle can be strong, ramping straight to the battlefield is still fine and I don't think building around Journey is super necessary.
Conventional ramp into Jadzi works too, and is more effective with Jadzi on the board (funnelling lands into your hand with Jadzi already on board is less good).
I'm really excited to put Blex in my Beledros Witherbloom deck. We're making a bunch of pests and running Blight Mound already, so another lord for your tokens isn't terrible, and the damage will add up for sure. The card draw is nice too, and the fact that we're losing life is totally whatever since you'll be gaining so much life in the deck already. Plus we've got an aristocrat subtheme, so the fact it's a body we can sac for value that also gains us a nice chunk of life is sweet too. All around good card in the 99.
When DJ said the end step was about a board game, I was hoping he was going to say Witherbloom (aka Gloomhaven).
I'd love to a Gloomhaven Board Game Knights, with their amazing editing team.
I had wondered if MDFC legends with two seperate colours would count for multicoloured commanders, this confirmed that you can, so now I can build Horn, so thanks for that :)
Color identity of a card counts all mana symbols, color indicators and basic land types in the card. If the card has multiple playable components (such as double-faced cards or split cards), all of those are counted.
my personal rule 0 i want to try out: you can play the deans as your commander(s), BUT instead of mdfc, you play it as 2 differnt cards with "Partners With X", to help explore there synergies without having to copy/bounce
You can add Urborg in the Jadzi deck...
Zendikar Kaldhiem and Strixhaven were a “block” that focused on mdfcs; rosewater said mdfcs probably will return but not always such a strong focus as there is now
Lisette with Scute Swarm + Migratory Greathorn would be interesting 😁
(59:48) You can play Urborg in nonblack decks just fyi.
I don't want wizards to make standard sets predominantly with EDH in mind, I like the fact the MDFCs work with both sides in play.
ABSOLUTELY Would love a Board Games night series :)
Board Game Knights! I would love to see something similar to Extra Turns where you play board games.
Don’t forget about copying Awaken the Blood Avatar with cards like Increasing Vengeance and Populating the Avatar tokens! I’ve built this deck and it goes wild sometimes, making 5-10 Avatars in a turn
Non-transparent or translucent sleeves. definitely want opaque!!
I like the idea of using clone effects with the MDFCs because it will force you to get rid of the original that you can cast the other side of.
I see great potential in Blex, Vexing Pest!
Sure his front side isn't exactly game-breaking but the death trigger to gain life can have its uses (Sanguine Bond combo, anyone?)
Not to mention getting to dig 5 cards deep for 4 mana from the command zone can be really useful in the early game, and you can use something like Tortured Existence to continuously recover Blex from your graveyard just to Search again, provided you have the mana of course
I'm still not 100% sure what direction I want to take this little swamp grub, but I'm just gonna slap a deck together from what I have in my collection and do lots of experimenting!
Yes would 100% love to see a video about alters. 🙂
Thanks for all your hard work guys. Really appreciate all the content while I'm super hyped to play with the new cards.
I'm a huge boardgame fan! Like three bookshelves-worth and still collecting kind of fan.
You can always put the skullcamp on a two two then put a 1 1 on it and shoot it and draw 3 cards with embrose
Yes, huge Board Game fan and would love to see it you guys do a game night.
Excited for Kilian, going to be cool to have a black/white Voltron that also going to make target removal super cheap
Oh yay! If you're talking board games, check out Twilight Emperium 4e. That's one of my favorites haha
1:01:00 I mean koma is one of the strongest commanders i have ever played against, they simply play it with no support and it takes over the game
I like a lot of stuff in this set I’m most excited for the mystic archive cards and the cards in the pre cons. Finally some white love for commander.
All the sets in this years rotation have MDFC's. With blocks gone, Wizard's is trying to use MDFC's as a theme to connects them together.
Imagine having Torbran and that one Jaya thats like him on the field and attack with the blood avatar. Someone else can do the math but thats a Lotta damage. Plus there are other damage doubling or more effects you could play.
Honestly big red damage has become my favourite archetype starting when Torbran was printed. Now I just want to build a grixis or mardu big red damage commander deck... just need the right commander...
Fiery emancipation lol
Yes to bling ep please. Just bought all but 4/5 Mythical Archive. Love them. (Couldn’t afford the top ones ;-)
Also yes to board games! I can imagine any MTG player not also loving at least one or two other games. @DJ try railroad ink too
Valentin can be good in a Rayami deck because of the redundant effect and it has two keywords that matter to that Commander!
The deans are loaded with text, I don't know if they're good or bad, but they're just too much. Mila is looking sweet tho
Edit: Give me that alters episode!
The whole set is 'too much'. Too much text, too much cards that have really weird effects, even the illustrations are over the top: Simic and Izzet are so extremely full of neon colours it's almost appaling to me and there's just so much going on... I would hate to have this be my first MtG set, was trying to get a friend into Magic and now I gotta wait because this is essentially a Yu-Gi-Oh set.
lol, the mystical archives with amazing art.... Shows Faithless Looting.
Love board games. My favourite is Root: Woodland Might and Right.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't a ritual that makes three red a sac outlet and dual caster mage go infinite. You cast a ritual let extus's ability resolve then holding priority cast dual caster mage copy the ritual hold priority sac the dual caster to whatever u have then return it with extus's trigger the copy resolves making three mana hold priority cast dual caster and repeat. In a deck like this you will probably have a sac outlet and a blood artist type effect out.
Yes. That would work just like you say.
I think Awaken the Blood Avatar is a bit of a sleeper hit. You can negate Commander tax, and just attacking will do 3 commander damage to everyone at the table.
Urborg can go in any deck! 59:48
assuming you mean Urborg Tomb of Yawgmoth, and not the actual land named "Urborg"
I put my mdfcs in inners and put a checklist card in my actual deck.
Extus is an infinite combo with Chain of Smog, a creature card in grave, and either Syr Konrad the Grim, Tormod the Desecrator, or Desecrated Tomb in play. Not that hard to set up. And the cards are OK by themselves with Extus too.
"If you ever want to make a +1/+1 counter deck, at this point in time you just pick your favorite colors.."
me: sitting here with a 4-color Partner Commanders +1/+1 counters deck with Reyhan and Ishai (an Atraxa-less deck)
I used to play captain sisay and would often assemble Gaddock Teeg and Brisela
You can play Urborg in Jadzi.
Winding Way is such an underrated card! Love the feature
I think the deans at least should have been "Partner With" instead of MDFC, but I understand that makes printing draft boosters difficult.
I'm under the impression that Kianne and Imbraham are commanders for a lower-mid to mid power deck with Wilderness Reclamation and Seedborn Muse and many, many mana sink cards.
Watch your channel although only play Brawl (basically 1v1 commander). Brawl you can pop off more, make big plays which is awesome cause only 1 person to worry about stopping you, but Commander is alot slower and less pressure on specifically you so you can play more cards and play game longer. Both game modes got good things about them.
I almost like Extus/Awaken the Blood Avatar but for this to be good the token would have to be huge at least a 6/6 preferably a 6/12 that deals 6 to each opponent when it attacks or something like that
I feel the same and I wonder why the token is not legendary, I mean the card is called awaken THE blood avatar and it seems to be an important role in the lore of strixhaven
For the Mardu awaken the blood avatar deck, there are tons of instant and Sorcery spells that just make tokens which benefits both sides. Just throw in some dragon fodder effect and some spirit stuff, carrion is good if you have any big creatures. Plus red damage doublers and torbar thane of redfell to make those avatars even scarier. Lots of potential I think in a long game.
I would err on the side of using graveyard recursion and removal to trigger him. Getting them sweet 2 for 1 value. Tokens fizzle when hitting the grave, so there is no recursion for them.... but I'll probably just make an angels and demons deck with it for memes
@@AnExercisInThought fair, but I was more trying to get value out of the sorcery side and the direct damage from the avatar tokens, ideally buying and anointed procession and fiery emancipation if I get a big budget for it.