When I watched this video of mufti it warmed my heart. You don’t usually see this. If you read about the prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon you’d see these are characteristics of the prophet. MashaAllah Alhamdulillah.
How does knitting make him less manly? Is he meant to shout at his kids and beat them to prove that he's a 'real man' Prophet Muhammad helped with all the chores,are people gonna say that he wasn't a 'real man'?
It's so petty of that guy to criticise mufti menk for knitting. My husband knits with our daughter to give her company and spend quality time together, and I think that's beautiful.
@@Mas2rah so everything about a good childhood must be taken away? Teaching a skill while you are with your kids, quality time... whats wrong with that? Big issue out of nothing I say.
Honestly that Gabriel dude just seems super homophobic. It’s an irrational phobia he has. He’s attributing femininity to a male heterosexual Imam… like.. wth?
Men of the past knew how to make fish nets and items for horses and much more. Indeed knowing how to make clothes and influence kids positively is a valuable aspect of character.
These Salafis have criticised Mufti Menk for reciting the Qur’an in the way he does during his talks!!!! They are brainwashed literalists with a holier than thou attitude and regard the vast majority of muslims as deviants.
i dont think Al Romani is just talking about knitting specifically, but the general picture of what Menk is promoting. He promotes a hippy-style message, and that's really fine and positive, but dont do this in name of islam. There are plenty of urgent things regarding the ummah that Menk can talk about, instead of only talking about 'happy hippy' subjects wich also attracts tons of non-muslims while he ignores Syria, he ignores Palestine, he ignores the LGBT attacks, he ignores French racist/anti-muslim laws etc etc. I can further name few strange things that Menk has done and some statements he made wich triggered my personal negative reaction, but i leave this things with myself for now.
Exactly. Imagine showing up at their door and telling them they're less manly for having these skills. What a waste of time this was. They shouldn't mix these 19th century European ideas of masculinity with Islam. Cringe
I don’t get this whole thing really. Why does knitting make one less of a man? Knitting is just a life skill. If a woman learns how to fix her car or carpentry does that make her less of a woman? I don’t get this. I agree men and women are biologically different. That doesn’t mean someone can’t learn wide range of life skills so long it doesn’t contradict Quran and Sunnah. If anything, the more skillful you are, the more you can be beneficial for the Ummah. Wallahi this dunya is getting weirder and weirder.
@@Life-bt9yo I disagree with the post. It is true that it's helal for men or boys to knitt but there is a deeper issue and a priority. Let me explain; We live in a society now, where girls are made to be men, and men are made to be girls. And then women complain why their husbands no longer take responsibility in their relationships. Toxic feminism, has destroyed the fabric of society, when they didn't just want equal rights to pay or education, they wanted equal rights to be a Man. They removed gender roles, so now that both men and women, boys and girls, can share the same bathroom. And they even went to the extent where they encourage men to dress up as girls if they like, and He can even now present himself to be a she, it's all according to how He feels at the end of the day. Muslim men these days, hardly do activities with their sons like camping, hunting, horse riding, shooting arrows. Which was a standard back many years ago. Instead their kids are playing doll house or are on their phones watching all sorts trash on the internet, turned into phone zombie addicts, who can't socialise out side of their dark closets. And when their kids turn into Homosexuals, or sons don't grow up as Men to defend oppress Muslims all over the World, they then complain why No muslims go out to defend muslims being killed by Zionists for example. Here's a point to considers. I would really wonder if Mufti Menk was teaching his Girls cooking, and vacuming the house, and washing the clothes and ironing. I'm sure the Muslim sisters would have been furiated. How dare he teach his girls those things. I'm sure the Feminists would have said, yes it's not haram for girls to do that either but the typical Muslim man only expects women to be like that, therefore due to the current climate the Sheik shouldn't be teaching that, and there should be more important things like, women training themselves to be independent incase they have a marriage fall out. So why now the #DoubleStandards? And finally, I am certain that if any of the companions were living today they would NOT be advocating for knitting whilst their is blood being shed day and night to our fellow muslims. I am certain has his child been locked away in some prison and being tortured by the enemies he wouldnt be knitting on social media rather he would spend his day and night advocating to educate the muslims about real life issues. Most of Menks vidoes are about play....im yet to see him conduct meetings with the tawaget of the arab nations to try to help our fellow muslims. I can only imagine the less fortunate watching his video and breaking down... if this is the content of one of the most famous "shiekhs" in the west...what hope is their for the rest of the "callers to islam" Ok, So now that you understand the context of the current climate we live in I hope you can now see why, this offends Muslims that a Sheik encourage to show knitting to kids. Sure if this was 100 years ago or 500 years ago or 1400 years ago no one would really complain, it's the fact that a Godless current society built on secular liberalism that is trying to remove a man's role and a women's role in society is why their is a big kick over it. So it's about "setting" prioritises straight people . It's not about saying its not permissible for Boys not to be knitting!
Look at the energy of Muft Menk when he was in his 30s and tell me that's not a man. Attacking the wise elders is worse than showing a child and others unique skills of knitting.
What's wrong with brother Mufti Menk knitting? Nothing. He is a gentleman who respects and always helps people. " Every Man is a Male but not Every Male is a Man "
Are you good enough for The Almighty to let you into heaven? How many lies have you told, and what do you call someone who lies? Have you ever stolen something, and what do you call someone who steals? Have you ever taken God’s name in vain (very serious; in Old Testament times, the Jews wouldn’t even say the name of God for fear of blasphemy) - even ‘OMG’? One more: Jesus said whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery in his heart; have you ever looked with lust? Well I’m not judging you - but if you’ve done these things then you’re a liar, thief, blasphemer and adulterer-at-heart; that’s how seriously God takes sin. He is Holy (perfectly good/righteous and separate from sin) which means that H e is perfect in justice - and if He were to judge you by the moral law (we’ve already looked at 4 commandments) would you be innocent or guilty? Heaven or Hell? The answer is hell - the wrath of God upon you for your sin. Is that concerning? But fortunately, God’s will is not that you perish. He wants all men everywhere to be saved. So do you know what He did for us guilty sinners? In self-giving mercy, He sent His Son Jesus Christ. He lived the perfect life that we should have lived - tempted at all points and yet He NEVER sinned. Through His life, being in very nature God, He revealed God to men; but we in our hatred condemned Him to death. On that cross as Jesus suffered, He took on the sin of the world and was judged in our place; receiving God’s wrath. You and I broke God’s law, but Jesus paid the fine. God can justly forgive us. On that cross He died, then He was buried, but 3 days later He was raised from the dead - conquering death and Hell and ushering in The Kingdom of God. He then ascended to the right hand of God the Father (where He came from) now Lord of the living and the dead. God has fixed a date when He will judge the world in righteousness. What you need to do is repent (In humility, acknowledge your sin before God and turn to a relationship with Him) and trust ALONE in Jesus Christ and His work on the cross; and God will grant you the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then be baptised. When you place your trust in Jesus - the Lord and Saviour - these things will happen: 1) God will forgive the sins that you have committed; they were paid for by Jesus at the cross. 2) The perfect life that Jesus lived will be credited to you. He will find you holy and blameless on judgement day (and now), as Christ’s righteousness covers you. 3) You receive a place in Christ’s kingdom as an adopted child of God. God becomes your Father. Eternal life isn’t just about living forever, but a personal relationship with God Himself. That life can start now; The Father will reveal Himself to you if you seek Him. 4) God doesn’t just save you from the penalty of your sin (Hell). He can save you from the power of sin itself. Whoever practices sin is a slave of sin; but when you repent and believe the gospel [WHICH HAS BEEN DESCRIBED] the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you and sanctify you (working in you to further abandon sin and turn to the will of God). When the end of the age comes, and eternity begins, this work will be brought to completion as you are finally freed from the presence of sin. Jesus offers to take away your sin and to give you His righteousness; you must receive it by faith. Choose this day if you will align with the world, or with Jesus and His kingdom - only His is eternal. ROMANS 10:9 - If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
@Al Barbarī brother and sister please be careful of what you say. Don’t say something without evidence. So where exactly did it say Allah created us sinful?
What’s wrong with a father teaching his children a skill? Unfortunately today, we are “too busy” for our children and resort to turning on the TV or giving them an ipad rather than teaching them a skill, spending time with them, learning more about our children. Then we complain that our children keep secrets or do things under cover. Of course they would because we never gave them an opportunity to speak! Good on Mufti Menk!
@One Humanity Thank you for the video very nice brother or sister. We should always strive to say the best about people not the worst. Though for the man discussed in the video when he discussed the issues some of his patients had, that was forbidden. Discussing another persons sexual issues and in a way making them look bad is totally wrong in Islam as those matters are private and as the man was in a position of trust he should not have broken that trust. Thank you again and here’s some advice for you hope this helps😊
@@dhuss14 Brother, I can’t force you to follow what I say nor am I here to persuade you. In the time of the Prophet PBUH men were the ones who made garments, through sowing and weaving. Knitting is a form of weaving. The Quran makes no mention of weaving or sowing being for girls nor does the Hadith. The Quran and Hadith make mention of not wearing makeup and many other things, but skills like knitting, there are none, except that these types of skills and learning a skill is in the eyes of Allah a good thing. The brother Gabriel, is not using Islam alone he is adding his cultural beliefs into the religion. As a result of this he is giving his own view of what Islam is not an abject I’ve view of Islam. Gabriel can believe whatever he wants to but at the end of the day it is wrong as he adds culture; the belief that men have to superior to women, not even an Islamic concept where men are equal to women. Yes they have some responsibilities over women but they are not superior to them. If you look in Quran and Hadith beating a women is Haram and an Islamic bearing is equal to the force you would feel if I hit you with a feather; not a beating basically. This highlights that men do not have superiority over women. Rather women can make their own choices and Allah Al Hakam (the Judge) decides what the punishment for not following their responsibilities are. The same for men. You are discussing hormonal issues with me, this is something proven by science and the Quran supports. However if your talking about science there are many things that disprove what Gabriel is saying. For one knitting doesn’t lower your testosterone to the level of a girl. Men have a normal background level of testosterone that is produced making them a man. When you exercise you produce testosterone as it is used as a hormone to increase muscle mass, this doesn’t necessarily make you more of a man at all. For one there are people who are gay, women and so on that are stronger than most men does that mean they are more of a man. You would say no this disproving your point. The only time hormone issues become a problem are when you produce too much or too less which may be due to a thyroid problem. In this case you may see breast mass of a man increasing gynecomastia which a lot of men who knit don’t have because they don’t have hormone problems. If you take steroid hormones to have bigger muscles because it is more manly as you put it, that is probably more haram in Islam than knitting as your taking drugs for the wrong reason. I don’t take protein shakes but the same problem could occur with those, they contain steroids and could be derived from haram animal sources. As I said knitting is not girly if you go to any Asian country you will see men make clothes as happens in the past because men have done for a very long time and they are probably more manly than you. In conclusion my view is from an objective standard Gabriel view is not right from an Islamic and scientific perspective. 😊
The prophet Muhammad (saw) said that if you recite Ayatul Kursi after every farth Salah then there will be nothing between you entering Jannah except death . (Authentic) According to Al-Albani
Are you good enough for The Almighty to let you into heaven? How many lies have you told, and what do you call someone who lies? Have you ever stolen something, and what do you call someone who steals? Have you ever taken God’s name in vain (very serious; in Old Testament times, the Jews wouldn’t even say the name of God for fear of blasphemy) - even ‘OMG’? One more: Jesus said whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery in his heart; have you ever looked with lust? Well I’m not judging you - but if you’ve done these things then you’re a liar, thief, blasphemer and adulterer-at-heart; that’s how seriously God takes sin. He is Holy (perfectly good/righteous and separate from sin) which means that H e is perfect in justice - and if He were to judge you by the moral law (we’ve already looked at 4 commandments) would you be innocent or guilty? Heaven or Hell? The answer is hell - the wrath of God upon you for your sin. Is that concerning? But fortunately, God’s will is not that you perish. He wants all men everywhere to be saved. So do you know what He did for us guilty sinners? In self-giving mercy, He sent His Son Jesus Christ. He lived the perfect life that we should have lived - tempted at all points and yet He NEVER sinned. Through His life, being in very nature God, He revealed God to men; but we in our hatred condemned Him to death. On that cross as Jesus suffered, He took on the sin of the world and was judged in our place; receiving God’s wrath. You and I broke God’s law, but Jesus paid the fine. God can justly forgive us. On that cross He died, then He was buried, but 3 days later He was raised from the dead - conquering death and Hell and ushering in The Kingdom of God. He then ascended to the right hand of God the Father (where He came from) now Lord of the living and the dead. God has fixed a date when He will judge the world in righteousness. What you need to do is repent (In humility, acknowledge your sin before God and turn to a relationship with Him) and trust ALONE in Jesus Christ and His work on the cross; and God will grant you the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then be baptised. When you place your trust in Jesus - the Lord and Saviour - these things will happen: 1) God will forgive the sins that you have committed; they were paid for by Jesus at the cross. 2) The perfect life that Jesus lived will be credited to you. He will find you holy and blameless on judgement day (and now), as Christ’s righteousness covers you. 3) You receive a place in Christ’s kingdom as an adopted child of God. God becomes your Father. Eternal life isn’t just about living forever, but a personal relationship with God Himself. That life can start now; The Father will reveal Himself to you if you seek Him. 4) God doesn’t just save you from the penalty of your sin (Hell). He can save you from the power of sin itself. Whoever practices sin is a slave of sin; but when you repent and believe the gospel [WHICH HAS BEEN DESCRIBED] the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you and sanctify you (working in you to further abandon sin and turn to the will of God). When the end of the age comes, and eternity begins, this work will be brought to completion as you are finally freed from the presence of sin. Jesus offers to take away your sin and to give you His righteousness; you must receive it by faith. Choose this day if you will align with the world, or with Jesus and His kingdom - only His is eternal.
Lol mike is here again. G'day,mike. I remember my talk with you,you werent agreeing with me and i wasnt agreeing with you. Was a good talk,wasnt it? Can you stop spamming your stuff? Hindus and pagans need christianity,not us. We definitely know which religion is the ultimate truth,my guy. For you its 6,for us its 9. If both parties argue all life,it wont be of any use,will it? Live your life happily,and we shall meet in jannah maybe. I guess.
@@TheMuslimPerspective You literally just spammed the same comment that you sent in another thread, yet you ask me to stop spamming. What absolute hypocrisy. And btw, the curve in the backbone actually goes backwards, not forwards. Repent
@@michaal105 It doesnt go backward bruh,it goes backword then comes forward. Ever saw a butt? Ever saw its shape? Why are you lying to yourself? And since YOU are the one spamming the same thing,my answer should be same,dont you think?
I am a woman and I am drive trucks for living, any problems? I am proud of Mufti Menk, He can cook too. May Allah reward him for spreading the TRUTH Ameen Ya Rabb.
Sami SA.M lmaoooooo 100% cap. Stop lying bro, you're literally talking out of your shorts. Cooking is an impressive skill and gun usage is NOT impressive at all. Byeeeeeee sir Cap a lot
@Sami SA.M just stop please you're being cringey. "you women" loooool. Wallah brother just learn how to be classy because this is embrassing behavior that you're displaying. Asalamu Alaikum have a great day/night
@@undonetheory265 So because he was knitting you think he is trying to be a woman? Ok so that shirt you bought from H&M, you sure it was made by a woman?
This is what happen when certain chores are turned into gender stereotypes. Many men are tailors, it’s not a female thing or a male thing to knit, cook, clean, do diy etc
My tailor is a Muslim brother from Saudi Arabia. Him and his wife run a wonderful shop and have been so kind in helping me look my best at the Masjid and at work. Him and his wife are teaching their children how to knit and be a tailor Inshallah. Do not let others judge you because of your skills. Use those skills to honor Allah.
My father told me to learn sewing clothes, and other important skills, incase we became poor so we still have skills to make money. I always remember that advice.
I mean...I'm from Morocco and I can tell you that men tailor in the middle of the street for a living. They make carpets, dressed etc etc...wallah if you don't have anything good to say it's better you keep your mouth shut...may Allah guide and guide us to truthful.
I disagree with the post. It is true that it's helal for men or boys to knitt but there is a deeper issue and a priority. Let me explain; We live in a society now, where girls are made to be men, and men are made to be girls. And then women complain why their husbands no longer take responsibility in their relationships. Toxic feminism, has destroyed the fabric of society, when they didn't just want equal rights to pay or education, they wanted equal rights to be a Man. They removed gender roles, so now that both men and women, boys and girls, can share the same bathroom. And they even went to the extent where they encourage men to dress up as girls if they like, and He can even now present himself to be a she, it's all according to how He feels at the end of the day. Muslim men these days, hardly do activities with their sons like camping, hunting, horse riding, shooting arrows. Which was a standard back many years ago. Instead their kids are playing doll house or are on their phones watching all sorts trash on the internet, turned into phone zombie addicts, who can't socialise out side of their dark closets. And when their kids turn into Homosexuals, or sons don't grow up as Men to defend oppress Muslims all over the World, they then complain why No muslims go out to defend muslims being killed by Zionists for example. Here's a point to considers. I would really wonder if Mufti Menk was teaching his Girls cooking, and vacuming the house, and washing the clothes and ironing. I'm sure the Muslim sisters would have been furiated. How dare he teach his girls those things. I'm sure the Feminists would have said, yes it's not haram for girls to do that either but the typical Muslim man only expects women to be like that, therefore due to the current climate the Sheik shouldn't be teaching that, and there should be more important things like, women training themselves to be independent incase they have a marriage fall out. So why now the #DoubleStandards? And finally, I am certain that if any of the companions were living today they would NOT be advocating for knitting whilst their is blood being shed day and night to our fellow muslims. I am certain has his child been locked away in some prison and being tortured by the enemies he wouldnt be knitting on social media rather he would spend his day and night advocating to educate the muslims about real life issues. Most of Menks vidoes are about play....im yet to see him conduct meetings with the tawaget of the arab nations to try to help our fellow muslims. I can only imagine the less fortunate watching his video and breaking down... if this is the content of one of the most famous "shiekhs" in the west...what hope is their for the rest of the "callers to islam" Ok, So now that you understand the context of the current climate we live in I hope you can now see why, this offends Muslims that a Sheik encourage to show knitting to kids. Sure if this was 100 years ago or 500 years ago or 1400 years ago no one would really complain, it's the fact that a Godless current society built on secular liberalism that is trying to remove a man's role and a women's role in society is why their is a big kick over it. So it's about "setting" prioritises straight people . It's not about saying its not permissible for Boys not to be knitting!
May Allah Grant you al Firdaus, and reward you multiples for every good deed you do! I have a Hadith channel and I need a little support so that I can spread the Hadiths and make more children and teens knowledgeable about their deen, please help me Thank you!! :) ....................................
Are you good enough for The Almighty to let you into heaven? How many lies have you told, and what do you call someone who lies? Have you ever stolen something, and what do you call someone who steals? Have you ever taken God’s name in vain (very serious; in Old Testament times, the Jews wouldn’t even say the name of God for fear of blasphemy) - even ‘OMG’? One more: Jesus said whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery in his heart; have you ever looked with lust? Well I’m not judging you - but if you’ve done these things then you’re a liar, thief, blasphemer and adulterer-at-heart; that’s how seriously God takes sin. He is Holy (perfectly good/righteous and separate from sin) which means that H e is perfect in justice - and if He were to judge you by the moral law (we’ve already looked at 4 commandments) would you be innocent or guilty? Heaven or Hell? The answer is hell - the wrath of God upon you for your sin. Is that concerning? But fortunately, God’s will is not that you perish. He wants all men everywhere to be saved. So do you know what He did for us guilty sinners? In self-giving mercy, He sent His Son Jesus Christ. He lived the perfect life that we should have lived - tempted at all points and yet He NEVER sinned. Through His life, being in very nature God, He revealed God to men; but we in our hatred condemned Him to death. On that cross as Jesus suffered, He took on the sin of the world and was judged in our place; receiving God’s wrath. You and I broke God’s law, but Jesus paid the fine. God can justly forgive us. On that cross He died, then He was buried, but 3 days later He was raised from the dead - conquering death and Hell and ushering in The Kingdom of God. He then ascended to the right hand of God the Father (where He came from) now Lord of the living and the dead. God has fixed a date when He will judge the world in righteousness. What you need to do is repent (In humility, acknowledge your sin before God and turn to a relationship with Him) and trust ALONE in Jesus Christ and His work on the cross; and God will grant you the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then be baptised. When you place your trust in Jesus - the Lord and Saviour - these things will happen: 1) God will forgive the sins that you have committed; they were paid for by Jesus at the cross. 2) The perfect life that Jesus lived will be credited to you. He will find you holy and blameless on judgement day (and now), as Christ’s righteousness covers you. 3) You receive a place in Christ’s kingdom as an adopted child of God. God becomes your Father. Eternal life isn’t just about living forever, but a personal relationship with God Himself. That life can start now; The Father will reveal Himself to you if you seek Him. 4) God doesn’t just save you from the penalty of your sin (Hell). He can save you from the power of sin itself. Whoever practices sin is a slave of sin; but when you repent and believe the gospel [WHICH HAS BEEN DESCRIBED] the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you and sanctify you (working in you to further abandon sin and turn to the will of God). When the end of the age comes, and eternity begins, this work will be brought to completion as you are finally freed from the presence of sin. Jesus offers to take away your sin and to give you His righteousness; you must receive it by faith. Choose this day if you will align with the world, or with Jesus and His kingdom - only His is eternal. ROMANS 10:9 - If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
Lol mike is here again. G'day,mike. I remember my talk with you,you werent agreeing with me and i wasnt agreeing with you. Was a good talk,wasnt it? Can you stop spamming your stuff? Hindus and pagans need christianity,not us. We definitely know which religion is the ultimate truth,my guy. For you its 6,for us its 9. If both parties argue all life,it wont be of any use,will it? Live your life happily,and we shall meet in jannah maybe. I guess.
mashaAllah. enjoy the fun bradda.. we muslim ppl can be funny crazee.. we can quarrel over small matters. i know ppl think we crzy but its fun... at end we all pray together.. ramadhan eat together.. thn we fight again.
Good..Soon or later you will find the truth. May Allah guide you to the right part Ameen. Jesus: The Prophet In Judaism, Jesus (peace be upon him) is denied as the Messiah. This is in stark contrast to Christianity where he is worshipped as a deity, or the son of God. Islam takes the middle ground and acknowledges Jesus as an honourable Prophet and Messenger of God, as well as the Messiah, but Muslims do not worship him - as worship is for God alone who created Jesus and everything that exists. “(Jesus) said, ‘Indeed, I am the slave of Allah (God). He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet.'”Quran 19:30 Miraculous Birth According to the Quran, the Angel Gabriel was sent to Mary, the noble virgin, in the form of a man, informing her of a child who was to be born miraculously without a father. “He (Angel Gabriel) said, ‘I am only a messenger of your Lord to announce to you the gift of a righteous son.’ She said, ‘How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste?’ He said, ‘Thus (it will be). Your Lord says, “It is easy for Me, and We will make him a sign to the people and a mercy from Us. And it is a matter already decreed.” “Quran 19:19-21 Some claim that his miraculous birth is evidence of Jesus’ divinity. However, Jesus was not the first to come into existence without a father, as Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) before him had neither a father nor mother. God says: “The likeness of Jesus before God is as that of Adam; He created him (Adam) from dust, then said to him: ‘Be’, and he was. This is the truth from your Lord, so be not of the disputers.”Quran 3:59-60 If Jesus is worshipped due to having no father, then surely Adam is more deserving of worship since he was created without either parent. Miracles of Jesus Jesus was miraculously conceived with no father and also performed great miracles by the will and permission of God. He spoke as a baby in the cradle to defend his mother against the people who accused her of fornication. The Quran also states that Jesus gave life to the dead, cured the leper and the blind - all by the will of God. The fact that Jesus (peace be upon him) performed miracles does not mean that he was anything more than a humble servant of God. In fact, many Messengers performed miracles, including Noah, Moses and Muhammad (may peace be upon them all) and these miracles only took place by the permission of God, so as to demonstrate the authenticity of the Messenger. Message of Jesus The Prophets of the Old Testament such as Abraham, Noah and Jonah never preached that God is part of a Trinity, and did not believe in Jesus as their saviour. Their message was simple: there is one God and He alone deserves your worship. It is not logical for God to send Prophets for thousands of years with the same essential message, only to suddenly change it, claim that He is now a part of a trinity, and to stipulate the belief in the divinity of Jesus to be saved. The truth is, Jesus preached the same message as all the Prophets in the Old Testament. There is a passage in the Bible that really emphasises this core message. A man came to Jesus and asked, “Which is the first commandment of all?” Jesus answered, “The first of all the commandments is, ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.’ “(Mark 12:28-29) So, the greatest commandment, the most important belief according to Jesus, is that God is one. If Jesus was God he would have said, ‘I am God, worship me.’ Instead, he merely repeated a verse from the Old Testament confirming that God is One. This aligns with the mission of Jesus, as taught in Islam, where Jesus was sent to the Children of Israel to confirm the message of the past Prophets - to believe in the One True God. “And when Jesus brought clear proofs, he said, ‘… Indeed, God - He is my Lord and your Lord. So worship Him alone. This is the only Straight Path.’ “Quran 43:63-64 As an honourable obedient Messenger of God, Jesus submitted willingly to God’s commands. As such, he was a “Muslim” - which refers to anyone that submits to the will and commandments of God.
Jesus in Islam Jesus was as an honourable Prophet sent by God to call to the worship of God alone. This is evident in the Bible and confirmed by the Quran. The Islamic belief about Jesus explains who the real Jesus was, whilst maintaining the pure belief about God and His complete Greatness, Uniqueness and Perfection. We invite you to look further and investigate Islam. It is not just another religion. It is the same message preached by Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad - may peace be upon all of them. Islam means ‘submission to God’ and is a natural and complete way of life that encourages one to give due attention to their relationship with God and His creation. Islam teaches that God is the All-Just and All-Merciful and does not need to sacrifice himself to forgive sins nor is anyone “born into sin”. God judges everyone based on their own deeds and everyone is accountable for their own actions. Islam teaches us to love and respect all the Prophets of God, but loving and respecting them does not mean worshipping them because worship is due only to God. Acknowledging Jesus as a Prophet of God and becoming a Muslim does not mean changing or losing your Christian identity. It is about going back to the original and pure teachings of Jesus.
I lift weights, i do heavy works in my job. But i also do knitting( not always) but last time when my wife was pregnant my first child, i knit sock for him. The end product wasn't that good but still wearable.. and it made me proud and feel much more manly about it
I can only give you one like but imagine i gave hundreds, your wife is blessed mashaallah and i pray that you both be together forever and in jannah as well
I am a woman and when I see a man with diverse skills, I realize it is better than any GUCCI Ad. Not all women think alike. Especially those of quality.
then again why does that toxic guy care about whether or not a woman finds something sekc. if someone does something doesn't mean they want the opposite genders approval. seems like he just wants approval from women which isn't a good way to live.
My father learned how to knit when he studied in Canada and when he had his first daughter he not only made caps and sweaters for my sister he learned to stitch and bought those baby patterns to make fancy clothes for her . My mom used to get so fascinating that how a highly educated PhD man who otherwise is manly and does other stuff like carpentry as a hobby could knit ant stitch for his daughter .. my dad later on taught all his three daughters baking , cooking , making beds, table settings , en n how to make napkin roses. He would make our hair in the morning too ! It didn’t make him feminine .. it just made him more of a man who looked after his children , helped his wife and was 100% sure of his manhood
Attacking a man who is knitting while gang banger rap music is influencing the youth intensly is why many should think before they speak. Have respect for the wise. If you can't do that you're a beast not a man.
Are you good enough for The Almighty to let you into heaven? How many lies have you told, and what do you call someone who lies? Have you ever stolen something, and what do you call someone who steals? Have you ever taken God’s name in vain (very serious; in Old Testament times, the Jews wouldn’t even say the name of God for fear of blasphemy) - even ‘OMG’? One more: Jesus said whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery in his heart; have you ever looked with lust? Well I’m not judging you - but if you’ve done these things then you’re a liar, thief, blasphemer and adulterer-at-heart; that’s how seriously God takes sin. He is Holy (perfectly good/righteous and separate from sin) which means that H e is perfect in justice - and if He were to judge you by the moral law (we’ve already looked at 4 commandments) would you be innocent or guilty? Heaven or Hell? The answer is hell - the wrath of God upon you for your sin. Is that concerning? But fortunately, God’s will is not that you perish. He wants all men everywhere to be saved. So do you know what He did for us guilty sinners? In self-giving mercy, He sent His Son Jesus Christ. He lived the perfect life that we should have lived - tempted at all points and yet He NEVER sinned. Through His life, being in very nature God, He revealed God to men; but we in our hatred condemned Him to death. On that cross as Jesus suffered, He took on the sin of the world and was judged in our place; receiving God’s wrath. You and I broke God’s law, but Jesus paid the fine. God can justly forgive us. On that cross He died, then He was buried, but 3 days later He was raised from the dead - conquering death and Hell and ushering in The Kingdom of God. He then ascended to the right hand of God the Father (where He came from) now Lord of the living and the dead. God has fixed a date when He will judge the world in righteousness. What you need to do is repent (In humility, acknowledge your sin before God and turn to a relationship with Him) and trust ALONE in Jesus Christ and His work on the cross; and God will grant you the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then be baptised. When you place your trust in Jesus - the Lord and Saviour - these things will happen: 1) God will forgive the sins that you have committed; they were paid for by Jesus at the cross. 2) The perfect life that Jesus lived will be credited to you. He will find you holy and blameless on judgement day (and now), as Christ’s righteousness covers you. 3) You receive a place in Christ’s kingdom as an adopted child of God. God becomes your Father. Eternal life isn’t just about living forever, but a personal relationship with God Himself. That life can start now; The Father will reveal Himself to you if you seek Him. 4) God doesn’t just save you from the penalty of your sin (Hell). He can save you from the power of sin itself. Whoever practices sin is a slave of sin; but when you repent and believe the gospel [WHICH HAS BEEN DESCRIBED] the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you and sanctify you (working in you to further abandon sin and turn to the will of God). When the end of the age comes, and eternity begins, this work will be brought to completion as you are finally freed from the presence of sin. Jesus offers to take away your sin and to give you His righteousness; you must receive it by faith. Choose this day if you will align with the world, or with Jesus and His kingdom - only His is eternal. ROMANS 10:9 - If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
Im a christian who listens to mufti menk for years he is one of my mentors and im extremely dissapointed about what this guy said about Muftis knitting video. Knitting is great for both boys and girls helps the kids increase their focus learn to be calm and patience, rather than spending their time unconstructively. This guy criticizing is very wrong he can educate himself alittle bit more. A boy who knits doesn't mean he cant learn to box,riding horses,hunting etc different activities grow different parts of a boys character some activities grow physical strength,some mental strength,some focus,some to learn to be calm, to learn to have patience and self control like knitting. Thanks brother for speaking about toxic masculinity. Love this channel
@@dhuss14 Akhi, I acknowledged that brother Gabriel has done a lot for the ummah and I'm really grateful for that but try to understand why we are against him in this situation. He called out Mufti Menk for being "feminine" just because he was knitting. No amount of excuses could've justify what he said. Of course Mufti Menk himself had done some wrongs in the past. But we shouldn't necessarily call him out for something as petty as knitting. Especially when we are doing it publicly as it could stain one's reputation.
I disagree with the post. It is true that it's helal for men or boys to knitt but there is a deeper issue and a priority. Let me explain; We live in a society now, where girls are made to be men, and men are made to be girls. And then women complain why their husbands no longer take responsibility in their relationships. Toxic feminism, has destroyed the fabric of society, when they didn't just want equal rights to pay or education, they wanted equal rights to be a Man. They removed gender roles, so now that both men and women, boys and girls, can share the same bathroom. And they even went to the extent where they encourage men to dress up as girls if they like, and He can even now present himself to be a she, it's all according to how He feels at the end of the day. Muslim men these days, hardly do activities with their sons like camping, hunting, horse riding, shooting arrows. Which was a standard back many years ago. Instead their kids are playing doll house or are on their phones watching all sorts trash on the internet, turned into phone zombie addicts, who can't socialise out side of their dark closets. And when their kids turn into Homosexuals, or sons don't grow up as Men to defend oppress Muslims all over the World, they then complain why No muslims go out to defend muslims being killed by Zionists for example. Here's a point to considers. I would really wonder if Mufti Menk was teaching his Girls cooking, and vacuming the house, and washing the clothes and ironing. I'm sure the Muslim sisters would have been furiated. How dare he teach his girls those things. I'm sure the Feminists would have said, yes it's not haram for girls to do that either but the typical Muslim man only expects women to be like that, therefore due to the current climate the Sheik shouldn't be teaching that, and there should be more important things like, women training themselves to be independent incase they have a marriage fall out. So why now the #DoubleStandards? And finally, I am certain that if any of the companions were living today they would NOT be advocating for knitting whilst their is blood being shed day and night to our fellow muslims. I am certain has his child been locked away in some prison and being tortured by the enemies he wouldnt be knitting on social media rather he would spend his day and night advocating to educate the muslims about real life issues. Most of Menks vidoes are about play....im yet to see him conduct meetings with the tawaget of the arab nations to try to help our fellow muslims. I can only imagine the less fortunate watching his video and breaking down... if this is the content of one of the most famous "shiekhs" in the west...what hope is their for the rest of the "callers to islam" Ok, So now that you understand the context of the current climate we live in I hope you can now see why, this offends Muslims that a Sheik encourage to show knitting to kids. Sure if this was 100 years ago or 500 years ago or 1400 years ago no one would really complain, it's the fact that a Godless current society built on secular liberalism that is trying to remove a man's role and a women's role in society is why their is a big kick over it. So it's about "setting" prioritises straight people . It's not about saying its not permissible for Boys not to be knitting!
@@muhammedPies this is so well said, Barak Allahu feek!! Yes I agree, but even a Sheikh does mistakes and we shouldn’t doubt his intention. Rather we should give him a sincere naseeha instead of eating his flesh. (I don’t mean you did that)
The original video is about being productive, teaching a skill to his children and spending time with his family. Why does this had to become a debate in masculinity or feminism?
A lot of conservatives seen to have a weird agenda where the must accuse everything and everyone of being a crazy feminist or a crazy liberal. It's a shame.
Mufti menk has such grandpa vibes every one wants and such a trusting face, you can never find a single shred of arrogance on his face May allah grant him jannah! I remember watching that video with a huge smile on my face(◡ ω ◡)
May Allah defend your honour the way you have defended the honour of your brother. You are one of the reasons I started practicing. Wallahi I truly love you for the sake of Allah and I hope to meet you, Mufti Menk and Brother Hijab one day InshaAllah.
Whats wrong with a man spending time with his family, subhanAllah? As long as he is not doing haram things then it is fine. These people are just trying to hate on mufti menk for no reason astaghfirullah. May Allah guide us and protect us from these people and enter us into His gardens of Jannah in'sha'Allah.
@Bob Bob then you definitely don’t have knowledge and speaking out of ignorance, do you know when knitting became associated with “femininity”? That’s like saying the colour pink is “inherently” feminine when it wasn’t for *a very long time* until the mid 20th century. Another example is “high heel” shoes to make men a little taller back in the 18th and early 19th century which was associated with “manly” European royalties and aristocracy 🤦🏾♂️. Wigs from the medieval to 19th century was considered “manly” and “prestigious” with European royalty and aristocracy. I can go on and on but what you just said was cringe and definitely out of ignorance. I’m concerned where you are getting your information from?
@Bob Bob bru what are you talking about please stop using Islamic jurisprudence it makes you look stupid 🤦🏾♂️😂. You literally compared “knitting” to “henna” that’s what you did. And when I showed many things that something is not “inherently” feminine you run to “ahlasunnah principles” for some reason. This is why people like you need to be quiet because you make our deen look foolish to non Muslims, and you will be questioned on *that day* for helping that foolishness. That’s just my opinion 🤷🏾♂️
@Bob Bob because “henna” is literally beautifying oneself which has been associated with femininity before pre Islam and post Islam for over thousand years but knitting is literally creating clothes and other stuff 🤦🏾♂️. Please let’s not embarrass ourselves
May Allah Grant you Jannah Al Firdous and Multiply every good deed you. I have a Tafsir Al Quran Channel and I need A little Support. Channel URL: ua-cam.com/channels/d3UeYKSbus87HuG5OrwxbQ.html Thankyou for the Support, inshallah it will count as good deeds, inshallah!!!!.
Talk about being an alpha and proceed doing a woman thing such as gossip like he aint got no life . Bet in real battle hes the one who would run away . Fake !!!
Mufti Menk and Ali dawah were both individuals why I started my Salah - they showed me the Reality and Allah blessed me with practising my deen Alhamdulillah
If what you said is true. Then you should know the guidance is not from them. They were only a reason for you becoming better. It could have been anyone else. It's God who guided you not them!
@@jxcess3891 Wasting your time with pathetic behavior and lying on the greatest man that ever lived, SO pathetic lol, as if they even had eyeliner and orange dye back then, and even brought a made up hadith ROFL, enjoy Hell after you die. "Surely those who offend Allah and His Messenger are condemned by Allah in this world and the Hereafter. And He has prepared for them a humiliating punishment." 33:57
@@josephstar1883 It goes without saying that God is the One Who ultimately guides to the truth. However certain personalities allow certain types of people to become more receptive to the message of Islam. In this case brother Ali and Mufti Menk had an appeal for this person that perhaps another Muslim may not have had. Therefore Allah swt lead this person to these Muslims.
@@josephstar1883 but they get credit too and they get reward for it. In hadiith the prophet pbuh said man la yashkurin naas la yashkurillah. That the one who's not thankful to people isn't thankful to Allah! So give credit where it's due and make dua for people that help you along the way
The gentleness and kindness of Mufti Menk is amazing. May Allah be pleased with him. Knitting is a skill by men and women, just look in other cultures. People should not judge so quick.
@toki hiko actually the video is about a Muslim preacher who is being a good father for his daughters by teaching them a skill that might be helpful for his daughters when they grow up
@toki hiko the purpose is very simple man! He is just showing an example of being a good father to his kids. Mufti has a lot of daughters mashallah and he is showing a good example of how to have a quality time with them. He goes shooting and horse riding with his son/s and knit with his daughters. That my brother, is a good example of a father. Besides, do you expect him to take his daughters to shooting amd horse riding in order to spend time with them ? No, he chose an activity that might intrigue them especially his daughters . And because he is a preacher who tries to guide people to the right way in Islam he shared this moment. There are men who doesn't know how to spend quality time with their daughters and this video serves as an example. Just leave the man alone. If you know mufti very you wouldn't say this. The man literally does anything to please Allah SWT. Even when pet his cats he praises Allah. Also, what does knitting have to with intimacy? Did the people who have sexual problems mention knitting? This is related to another problem which is porn not knitting!!!! Besides, did romami ask his wife? Did she say anything about this? Man, if he really is sad why didn't he contact him in private? Don't tell that as a preacher we need to make this a public matter. No!! We as Muslims!!! If we saw a brother / sister does anything bad we talk to him in private first!!! Man just leave mufti alone!!!
I can’t imagine shaming a man for knowing how to mend or make clothing or blankets. In my opinion it’s a good skill to have because it’s make you more self sufficient/ self reliant.
The brother is so fixed in his opinion & the fact that he shared his views with everyone tells us to pray for him & people who think like him. May Allah soften their hearts so that they live peacefully & do not attack others with little to no reasoning as their support. Ameen.
He’s not hating on him Ali has a wrong perception to the context with which Gabriel speaks watch this video to fully understand ua-cam.com/video/KgmN4dQpP8Q/v-deo.html
May Allah Grant you Jannah Al Firdous and Multiply every good deed you. I have a Tafsir Al Quran Channel and I need A little Support. Channel URL: ua-cam.com/channels/d3UeYKSbus87HuG5OrwxbQ.html Thankyou for the Support, inshallah it will count as good deeds, inshallah!!!!!!.
This Man is not only talking with a small amount of knowledge he is acting like a kid too hes just overdoing it. P.s. before someone criticise me for what I am saying first ask me what i mean before judging...
@@josephstar1883 I'm really sorry to tell u that both "Gabriel al Romani" and Ali dawah is wrong , Gabriel is not a random person he is in dawah when ali dawah was not even a muslim, i know that Gabriel isn't right here but making a video about Gabriel is wrong too. Don't name call people if u dont know anything about them.
@@aminabesic9693 look I'm just telling facts I'm staying neutral/objective and think what you want about I don't careers just leave me alone, is that to hard? I mean seriously no one asked you to give me a advise and especially if it's that wrong😧😤
As salam u alaikum guys help me raise funds to compete a Masjid!! Here is link www.givebrite.com/completeqalam/6ixfoot7 Also please don’t backbite the other brother 😊
There’s nothing wrong him teaching his kids to knit. People should get a life instead of looking at people’s interest/ habits and compare it to your ‘male’ ideal things to do. He cooked? A that wrong? He groomed his cats, is that wrong ? Disappointing to see Muslims doing this by judging a person .
He's teaching that in islam a man should spend quality time with his kids. And a quality time isn't necessarily watching a movie, cartoons or an Islamic lecture, but it can also be, learning a useful skill, whether a household skill or a outside skill.
I disagree with the post. It is true that it's helal for men or boys to knitt but there is a deeper issue and a priority. Let me explain; We live in a society now, where girls are made to be men, and men are made to be girls. And then women complain why their husbands no longer take responsibility in their relationships. Toxic feminism, has destroyed the fabric of society, when they didn't just want equal rights to pay or education, they wanted equal rights to be a Man. They removed gender roles, so now that both men and women, boys and girls, can share the same bathroom. And they even went to the extent where they encourage men to dress up as girls if they like, and He can even now present himself to be a she, it's all according to how He feels at the end of the day. Muslim men these days, hardly do activities with their sons like camping, hunting, horse riding, shooting arrows. Which was a standard back many years ago. Instead their kids are playing doll house or are on their phones watching all sorts trash on the internet, turned into phone zombie addicts, who can't socialise out side of their dark closets. And when their kids turn into Homosexuals, or sons don't grow up as Men to defend oppress Muslims all over the World, they then complain why No muslims go out to defend muslims being killed by Zionists for example. Here's a point to considers. I would really wonder if Mufti Menk was teaching his Girls cooking, and vacuming the house, and washing the clothes and ironing. I'm sure the Muslim sisters would have been furiated. How dare he teach his girls those things. I'm sure the Feminists would have said, yes it's not haram for girls to do that either but the typical Muslim man only expects women to be like that, therefore due to the current climate the Sheik shouldn't be teaching that, and there should be more important things like, women training themselves to be independent incase they have a marriage fall out. So why now the #DoubleStandards? And finally, I am certain that if any of the companions were living today they would NOT be advocating for knitting whilst their is blood being shed day and night to our fellow muslims. I am certain has his child been locked away in some prison and being tortured by the enemies he wouldnt be knitting on social media rather he would spend his day and night advocating to educate the muslims about real life issues. Most of Menks vidoes are about play....im yet to see him conduct meetings with the tawaget of the arab nations to try to help our fellow muslims. I can only imagine the less fortunate watching his video and breaking down... if this is the content of one of the most famous "shiekhs" in the west...what hope is their for the rest of the "callers to islam" Ok, So now that you understand the context of the current climate we live in I hope you can now see why, this offends Muslims that a Sheik encourage to show knitting to kids. Sure if this was 100 years ago or 500 years ago or 1400 years ago no one would really complain, it's the fact that a Godless current society built on secular liberalism that is trying to remove a man's role and a women's role in society is why their is a big kick over it. So it's about "setting" prioritises straight people . It's not about saying its not permissible for Boys not to be knitting!
@@jx14aby Allah didn't make them perfect. Perfection only belongs to God. Cutting foreskin is, barbaric and inhumane but killing babies by abortion is fine? 🤣
Brother Romani needs to chill out how does knitting show one as not a man, knitting can also be used to relieve stress etc... he should know never to slander a brother in public Astagfirullah
@Glorious Quran there is nothing in Islam that would make knitting "improper" for a man. There is just nothing wrong with it. People will argue that it's feminine, to which I say no, no it's not.
@Glorious Quran what are u talking about dude. Abu Bakr radiyallahu anhu used to to clean the house and bake bread for a blind woman and the orphan kids she was raising. Be proud that you can take care of others no matter what. Whether you knit, clean or bake. It’s what’s putting a smile on others and makes Allah happy.
@Glorious Quran nobody said that either. But don’t pretend like knitting makes you feminine or whatever. So now what, all men who clean for a living are too feminine? Try and be reasonable man...
I am teaching my young son to wash dishes , cooking, making tea, vacuuming , making your beds and in the future sewing too ...there is no gender i feel when it comes to this cuz these skills are life skills...you don't have to be a female to know how to do these things...!
I think those skills are so important. So many kids are growing into adults and don't know how to cook or even wash their own laundry, it's sad. More kids need to learn the skills you mentioned :)
@Sami SA.M bro They won't get It Mufti mink is A Great Guy but when it comes to a husband n wife he should not talk by his philosophy That damage the Sisters brain. Gabriel trying to say something else N they won't get it Cuz they wana be muslim but at the same time they want to be western Too
@Sami SA.M yea I agreed with that sometimes he pleases his Followers and he doesn't realise it Allah knows the best May Allah Forgive us if our opinions are wrong about him
Farah Panda My Saudi w Khalleggee friends did themselves all of the house chores while studying abroad 👨🏽🎓 🎓 mainly in US 🇺🇲 and UK 🇬🇧, because they're all alone without their mums and maids to take care of them, so, they gotta to handle it out all alone and they're not Gays, at all!! By opposite, they're even more capable and Manly than western European local men... 😉 I don't see the problem... 🤔
If this is what his profession is...boy I’m scared of what you’ve been telling people. This is how men end up arrogant and harsh. This is truly ridiculous. Whenever I see a man helping out especially with women in his life or with children I think of him as an even better man. There are men who make clothing and garments all sorts of things, I don’t understand your view at all. That doesn’t mean that, this man can’t stand up for himself or defend his family. I help out my dad with “manly” stuff all the time and at the same time I’m able to fulfill my “womanly duties”.
The man complaining about mufti menk is just a lost individual brainwashed by social construct. I hope he and his people learns from watching this video.
Yeah true, and add to that he and his likes are probably the main cause of lgbtq people. I as woman suffered from these kinds of ideologies and the result was me hating my baing as a female, but since I can't do anything about that I hated men, but all that I'm not gonna turn gay or any of that sort, but that's only me. Others may not be like me and turn gay.
im not muslim but even i know that in the quran it says the prophet muhamad (pbuh) after battle would stitch or knit his clothing. i never saw it as feminine, i saw it as practical. a man should not limit his skills. even in the US military soldiers are taught to stitch in case of clothing damage or to close wounds
I stopped listening to Gabriel Romaani once he started talking about being an alpha male and giving courses on how to do that and other similar things. Only insecure men try to be the alpha and dominate while the confident men, like our beloved Prophet, embrace their softer side and have no problem in displaying emotion at all. 🖤
@@RB-nh1om it’s just so dumb. My dad is the most masculine man I know. He worked construction his whole life; was a boxer, and a carpenter. Yet he taught me how to cook and clean the house. He’s not into knitting, ngl, but he would never attack a man’s masculinity for doing so.
It seems like Mufti Menk is very much secure in his manhood mashallah, so much that he's not scared to do a task that is perceived to be traditionally carried out by women. I find it odd if some men turn there nose up to trying something simply because it may impose on there masculinity. It does not ! And its actually a huge talent to knit. Id be impressed if i saw my husband doing any sort sewing or knitting. Its not easy, its talent & these skills are slowly fading. So its good to keep the skills alive.
I got two ads and i watched them full,cuz i know that watching a full ad gives more money to the content creator. Even tho i cannot donate,sending duas and prayers from here,my brave brother Ali. May Allah give you the highest place in jannah.
I don't think the revenue they get from the ads are affected buy the exposer-time. One just needs to have the ad come on their screen. Whether one skips or continues doesn't matter.💙
@@pursueexcellence7737 It does,actually. Google it. The more seconds you watch,the more money. If you click on the ad,some more money. Simple money math😊
Really disappointed with this brother, he is a good revert brother didnt expect this from him. I wonder if he would speak the same way to Mufti Menk face to face.
@@dhuss14 Brother Gabriel may have some valid reservations about Mufti Menk on other views such watering down Islam's stance on homosexuality and I'm sure he is gives valuable counselling to brothers with porn addiction, but sorry, this is not the same and just not a valid criticism and will lose himself credibility over. This is counter productive as if hes making silly allegations about knitting being the cause of men not being able to please their wives, then people wont take his legitimate criticisms seriusly.
@@mrahman2897 It's a valid criticism, he's advocating or promoting knitting to men at a time when men have given up fighting for their deen. He's feeding them more of what men have turned into. There are multiple hadiths describing our situations that we will be humiliated if we stop doing jihad. And look at us.. the Ummah is disunited and the muslim countries are replacing Islamic civil laws with French and British bs
@Inverted Heel Hook It's not about insecurities but more of a general situation of the ummah. Truly men have become less masculine and Brother gabriel was not attacking mufti menk but you guys took this as an attack
It feels like this is the type of guy who thinks that if people are not like him they are just down right wrong. What he dont understand is that the sahaba were all individuals who have different personalities they aren't all the same. May Allah soften our hearts and keeps us from transgressing. I love you all my brothers and sisters.
That guy doesn't get that when a husband helps in the house cares for the children the wife loves and respects him more falls inlove with him, wants him more because with his actions he is showing soo much love and care.
@Dark Horse brother a man being the breadwinner protecting and providing is his duty so he better be doing that already but his duty doesn't end with that. Him doing the sunnah of playing with his children helping in the house even cooking. Makes his wife respect and love him even more. This is majority of women. I am not talking culture im talking of a womans heart. And this is the majority yes there will be some who may not like it but majority do across the board be it white, black, brown etc.
@Dark Horse you can say that for other women. Im not them. A marriage is a partnership both must respect eachother and yes a woman should be obedient to her spouse as her husband should listen to her, confide in her take her advice and discuss with her as the prophet pbuh did with his wives. As long as the husband is fulfilling his duties and doesn't make you do things that go against your faith, your rights and duties you should listen to him. To say a wife should "go with whatever decision he makes" is wrong again its a partnership there should be a discussion he listens to her she listens to him and they come to a decision together. Again the base of a marriage is respect and trust. There is no his way or the high way. That isn't a marriage then thats dictatorship. Which is not islamic. He is her protector, he has her responsibility, he must respect her and trust her as she him. Its about walking together. Just because some decision may not be haram it could go against her rights in islam...it could be culture based that again goes against her rights. So again both need to be on the same page. Take each others counsel and talk. Come to agreements decisions together and where needs to be Both compromise and meet in the middle. Thats how a marriage works and lasts.
@@Sadidesifamily sorry to burst your bubble but the man is supposed to be the hakim of the house interms of final decision making yes the wife can advice him and persuade him but it ain't like both of them are leaders of the house only one can be the leader in the family and that is men and a woman is supposed to follow his commands within the hududs of sharia that's made evident in the Quran and through the sunnah of the prophet
Mufti menk went to college dressed up the way he dresses up now. Talk about a Muslim being a stranger. Mufti Menk is a proud stranger. An original man, ma SHA Allah.
May Allah Grant you Jannah Al Firdous and Multiply every good deed you. I have a Tafsir Al Quran Channel and I need A little Support. Channel URL: ua-cam.com/channels/d3UeYKSbus87HuG5OrwxbQ.html Thankyou for the Support, inshallah it will count as good deeds, inshallah!!!!!!.
One thing I recently realised and love about mufti menk is- He does things in yt things normally muftis don’t do.He is so normal in yt and people may complain that he is not acholarly.But it’s great Mufti menk has so knowledge and still maintains to be normal.You can’t tell he is a mufti in his videos.But when he starts giving khutba,you understand how educatrd he is.Masha’Allah.May Allah keep his intentions pure.❤️
May Allah guide the brother who is speaking out of anger and make peace between him and Mufti Menk. And may Allah also forgive our short comings, sins and mistakes and put love and kindness in our hearts for one another. ameen
When my great grandfather was in the army, they were taught to crochet and knit and sew so that they could mend their clothes while on the battle field or in trenches. My great grandmother was a seamstress, but my great grandfather taught all five of his children how to knit, sew and crochet because it was taught in the army as a vital and sometimes even life-saving skill. Your clothing protects you from exposure, so do blankets. There is no shame in a man who can do this--even our Prophet saws mended his own clothing himself. It's a basic & essential thing to know. My great grandparents were Irish btw
He may have been tackling important issues before this might continue to do the same. But clearly he overstepped his bounds this time. You like him, you defend him. I care for Mufti Menk and do not like it when anyone tries to disrespect him.
@@DanteDVlad “you like him, you defend him”. Are you saying you’ll defend him even if he said anything wrong about Islam? Not just Mufti Meink, but other scholars and people as well.
I would appreciate it if you refrained from projecting your thoughts onto me. I meant what I wrote. Feel free to expand or contract the implications according to your understanding and preconceptions.
@@ayaznasiry3977 they say things like: "Don't refute anyone" "don't say that someone is misguided or not" "Everyone should stay united whether they are shias, sufis, or even Christians or Jews" "It doesn't matter who you are taking knowledge from" "Take the good and leave the bad" (how is a layman supposed to know what is bad or good for him?) Muhammad ibn Bundâr as-Sabbâk al-Jarjânî said: I said to Ahmad ibn Hanbal: It is hard upon me that I say "this person is weak, and this person is a liar" Ahmad said: if you stay silent and I stay silent, then when will the ignorant know the right from the wrong? [Sharh ilal at-Tirmidhî] These kind of people support anyone even if he's not on the right path and at the same, they say bad things about those who are actually trying to tell people the difference between truth and falsehood. If you still didn't understand who the ikhwan-ul-muslimeen are, then this playlist might give you an idea of them: ua-cam.com/play/PL9mnCNkB49b_TRd_Y3IUThipHScrat_m3.html
come on, I am a girl and love knitting, crocheting, making stuff for myself and I would be proud if my future husband sit and knit together with me, that will show how respective he is toward me!
Funny thing is, the fashion industry is mostly run by men. Most of the brands we wear are created by men. If this brother wants to attack someone, why doesn't he go for the male fashion designers? Nothing but toxic masculinity.
May Allah Grant you al Firdaus, and reward you multiples for every good deed you do! I have a Hadith channel and I need a little support so that I can spread the Hadiths and make more children and teens knowledgeable about their deen, please help me Thank you!! :) .....................................
I learned knitting from my grandfather, he taught me many beautiful including little dresses for baby girls , I have told everyone that my grandfather taught me knitting and I am proud of him❤️
May Allah protect us from hasadd and jealousy people seem to be jealous whenever they see a great scholar and great family man like sheikh menk May Allah give long life and health so you can serve the umah in so many ways
Knowledge is power! One thing this brother needs to know is that character begins at home Mufti Menk is setting an example for all of us especially brothers with many daughters like Mufti Menk. My dad is almost 80 years old but he still cares for his grandkids and cooks May Allah reward him and the like of Mufti Menk 🤲
@@dhuss14 no one is condemning what he has been doing or assisting with, all we are saying here is that Mufti Menk is not wrong for knitting 🧶, he is a husband and a father to many girls. Stop beating on yourself so hard If my husband does this for our kids, he will definitely get massages everyday 🤩 chill dear
Wait.....did the prophet (s) used to mend his own clothes? How is knitting a woman thing? Men and women have been making fabrics/garments/clothing in many different ways thoughout history.
@@Ibnshafi3 are you seriously telling me that the mufti has never done productive work? I'm sure he's done more productive work than brother Gabriel ... But you cannot always expect a human being to be productive in every single thing you do. The mufti was spending quality time with his kids and teaching them a skill ... He decided to share it on his social media. Tell me exactly what was wrong with that? What was so wrong with that that brother Gabriel was so triggered? Do we forget that the prophet helped with household tasks to make life easier for his wives. Do we now say that the prophet (pbuh) was being feminine? Astaghfirullah. I think people need to stop critiquing every single thing someone else does. If we spent that much time worrying about fixing ourselves, life would be so much better. I'm sure brother Gabriel has a lot of work to do on his character just like we all do, insread of making that video, if he did some dhikr ... He would've benefitted from it alot more than making that video critiquing something that wasn't even a bad thing
@@syedanidariaz1899 Masha Allah ,finally someone who my thinking can relate to after reading so many comments and the one which I felt is the most correct
I'm from the UK and most of the tailors here are men.. the restaurant chefs are men and street cleaners are men.. does all skills/occupations belong to women? Who said men can't knit? Cook? Clean?.. these muslims make me sad.. Best hadith for all you haters.. Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him say what is good or remain silent.
Imma just put it here, if my husband knitted me a scarf or something, I would definitely be pleased and would never think that he lacked masculinity somehow. That's supposed to be called "caring". Knitting is an activity, you get clothes or other items from it, how in the world would that affect someone's libido? Am I missing something here? Idk, you tell me.
I disagree with the post. It is true that it's helal for men or boys to knitt but there is a deeper issue and a priority. Let me explain; We live in a society now, where girls are made to be men, and men are made to be girls. And then women complain why their husbands no longer take responsibility in their relationships. Toxic feminism, has destroyed the fabric of society, when they didn't just want equal rights to pay or education, they wanted equal rights to be a Man. They removed gender roles, so now that both men and women, boys and girls, can share the same bathroom. And they even went to the extent where they encourage men to dress up as girls if they like, and He can even now present himself to be a she, it's all according to how He feels at the end of the day. Muslim men these days, hardly do activities with their sons like camping, hunting, horse riding, shooting arrows. Which was a standard back many years ago. Instead their kids are playing doll house or are on their phones watching all sorts trash on the internet, turned into phone zombie addicts, who can't socialise out side of their dark closets. And when their kids turn into Homosexuals, or sons don't grow up as Men to defend oppress Muslims all over the World, they then complain why No muslims go out to defend muslims being killed by Zionists for example. Here's a point to considers. I would really wonder if Mufti Menk was teaching his Girls cooking, and vacuming the house, and washing the clothes and ironing. I'm sure the Muslim sisters would have been furiated. How dare he teach his girls those things. I'm sure the Feminists would have said, yes it's not haram for girls to do that either but the typical Muslim man only expects women to be like that, therefore due to the current climate the Sheik shouldn't be teaching that, and there should be more important things like, women training themselves to be independent incase they have a marriage fall out. So why now the #DoubleStandards? And finally, I am certain that if any of the companions were living today they would NOT be advocating for knitting whilst their is blood being shed day and night to our fellow muslims. I am certain has his child been locked away in some prison and being tortured by the enemies he wouldnt be knitting on social media rather he would spend his day and night advocating to educate the muslims about real life issues. Most of Menks vidoes are about play....im yet to see him conduct meetings with the tawaget of the arab nations to try to help our fellow muslims. I can only imagine the less fortunate watching his video and breaking down... if this is the content of one of the most famous "shiekhs" in the west...what hope is their for the rest of the "callers to islam" Ok, So now that you understand the context of the current climate we live in I hope you can now see why, this offends Muslims that a Sheik encourage to show knitting to kids. Sure if this was 100 years ago or 500 years ago or 1400 years ago no one would really complain, it's the fact that a Godless current society built on secular liberalism that is trying to remove a man's role and a women's role in society is why their is a big kick over it. So it's about "setting" prioritises straight people . It's not about saying its not permissible for Boys not to be knitting!
@@muhammedPies I totally agree that we indeed live in the pretty much messed up society, where people are getting heavily encouraged to do literally everything that's forbidden, that's obvious. And also humanity has never had more hypocrisy than in "modern" times. However, do you expect every Muslim to be perfect now, or every Muslim to lead a war against the half of the world (it's roughly 2 billions Muslims in the world, so actually more than the half)? No, that's NOT how you get things right. We already know how that turns out - ISIS also complains that "why we're sitting in our houses and don't fight "non-believers", the world is so messed up, we have to kill them all in the name of God, blah-blah". Astaghfirullah. Mufti Menk is a scholar, he teaches and interprets the rules of Islam. But by no means can someone take him as an EXAMPLE, simply because he's a human, just like all of us. Humans are flawed by default, it's our nature, and we will always violate law in one way or another, and not only once, but thousands times, million times, Allah knows better. God Almighty already gave us a person as an example, the best of all humanity - the last Messenger, Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. Allah declared him as the best of all people, and we must follow his actions and sayings, that's why Hadiths exist. And even with all that, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was a simple human, and he asked for forgiveness and mercy hundreds of times each day. So Mufti Menk knitting is NOT something everyone should be frustrated about, it's not like he knits every single day, it was just ONE video, where he was teaching his children how to knit. What, he was supposed to go hunting with his children in the middle of pandemic? Idk where you all live, but my country is still in quarantine. So let's also not forget that surroundings matter, we cannot do stuff we used to before. I can also complain that "Uyghur Muslims are suffering from violation of basic human rights, so why are you all silent about that? All of you! Do something! You don't ban Chinese products, but you do ban French products, you hypocrites". But no man is an island, there's safety in numbers. If we do something to change things, we need to do this together. And at the same time we cannot expect everyone to behave and act perfectly according to law every single time, it's simply impossible. We learn from mistakes in the first place. So this man in the video who complained about Mufti Menk's activity should've contacted him privately at the very least. There's no shame in pointing on mistakes, if you genuinely think someone did something wrong, but we must treat everyone with respect and do no harm. Thank Allah, the numbers of Muslims are increasing, and Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. So let's keep it that way, so that one day we can actually save all the oppressed and the needy. And for that we should be compassionate and understanding. And never forget that we all make mistakes every single day, but not a single person is beyond redemption.
@@jxcess3891 I think, I spot a hypocrite here and someone completely uneducated. At the very least, because in Islam it's forbidden to curse no matter what. God Almighty can curse anything and anyone, but it's not up to us to curse and judge, Allah is the only judge. Not to mention that your words are completely absurdity, I'm sorry, but also your words backfired on you, next time do your research, or be quiet, please, if you don't know anything.
@@jxcess3891 you are really trying to persuade me, who studied all monotheistic religions with scholars from each religion? Are you a scholar? Definitely not, because you don't even know that people can say stuff not literally, but also *figuratively*. Again, if you didn't get it the first time, I recommend you to get your brains checked. I repeat, it is not allowed to swear or curse anyone in Islam. By that I mean LITERALLY. And yes, we can see people still doing that, because, well, they VIOLATE the law. That's it, it's that simple. That doesn't mean that Islam allows it, it's just people who don't follow the rules. Second, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, meant it FIGURATIVELY, as to point out that it's haram, it's *forbidden* to get a tattoo and all (not only for women, btw, but for men as well, this hadith was addressed just for women, but there are also a bunch of general hadiths that forbid that activities). Everyone can say everything on the internet, that doesn't make you any smarter. Don't waste your life on posting something completely absurd, because you look dumb. It's crystal clear that you don't even wanna know facts, you're just here to spread hatred, no matter what arguments people give to you. But don't even try this on me, you won't win this. People who really wanna know the truth are gonna do their research by studying primary sources only and by speaking with *qualified* people only, and NOT with some ignorant commentator on social media. Just move along, nobody is interested in your blatant lies.
I disagree with the post. It is true that it's helal for men or boys to knitt but there is a deeper issue and a priority. Let me explain; We live in a society now, where girls are made to be men, and men are made to be girls. And then women complain why their husbands no longer take responsibility in their relationships. Toxic feminism, has destroyed the fabric of society, when they didn't just want equal rights to pay or education, they wanted equal rights to be a Man. They removed gender roles, so now that both men and women, boys and girls, can share the same bathroom. And they even went to the extent where they encourage men to dress up as girls if they like, and He can even now present himself to be a she, it's all according to how He feels at the end of the day. Muslim men these days, hardly do activities with their sons like camping, hunting, horse riding, shooting arrows. Which was a standard back many years ago. Instead their kids are playing doll house or are on their phones watching all sorts trash on the internet, turned into phone zombie addicts, who can't socialise out side of their dark closets. And when their kids turn into Homosexuals, or sons don't grow up as Men to defend oppress Muslims all over the World, they then complain why No muslims go out to defend muslims being killed by Zionists for example. Here's a point to considers. I would really wonder if Mufti Menk was teaching his Girls cooking, and vacuming the house, and washing the clothes and ironing. I'm sure the Muslim sisters would have been furiated. How dare he teach his girls those things. I'm sure the Feminists would have said, yes it's not haram for girls to do that either but the typical Muslim man only expects women to be like that, therefore due to the current climate the Sheik shouldn't be teaching that, and there should be more important things like, women training themselves to be independent incase they have a marriage fall out. So why now the #DoubleStandards? And finally, I am certain that if any of the companions were living today they would NOT be advocating for knitting whilst their is blood being shed day and night to our fellow muslims. I am certain has his child been locked away in some prison and being tortured by the enemies he wouldnt be knitting on social media rather he would spend his day and night advocating to educate the muslims about real life issues. Most of Menks vidoes are about play....im yet to see him conduct meetings with the tawaget of the arab nations to try to help our fellow muslims. I can only imagine the less fortunate watching his video and breaking down... if this is the content of one of the most famous "shiekhs" in the west...what hope is their for the rest of the "callers to islam" Ok, So now that you understand the context of the current climate we live in I hope you can now see why, this offends Muslims that a Sheik encourage to show knitting to kids. Sure if this was 100 years ago or 500 years ago or 1400 years ago no one would really complain, it's the fact that a Godless current society built on secular liberalism that is trying to remove a man's role and a women's role in society is why their is a big kick over it. So it's about "setting" prioritises straight people . It's not about saying its not permissible for Boys not to be knitting!
@@muhammedPies Wow you really have me a new perspective on this. Sadly even Muslims in places like Pakistan for example are adopting the bad aspects of Western civilization and think that moral degradation is somehow “progress”. When you lecture them about basic masculine roles and feminine roles they go “how dare you”. Like what happened to being a Dad? What happened to be a loving nurturing mother who maintains a home? “By the declining day, Indeed mankind is in a state of loss”-Surah Asr
Same here. Sounds like that young man needs therapy and some self esteem. Someone else doing something they enjoy should never trigger any emotionally stable adult, especially one of faith,
Na'ilah Bint Will He needs theraphy? That young man (his name is Gabriel al-Romani btw) is an Islamic school principal, counsellor and education consultant. If you disagree with his opinions then at least understand where the guy is coming from, do you have any idea how many cases of homosexuality involving muslims in muslim countries he has dealt with in the past? He knows what he's talking about.
I’m pretty sure homosexuality is a sign of the day of judgment so why are u old people trying to prevent the inevitable even if homosexuality was illegal through out the entire world the LGBTQ community will continue growing and getting stronger simple as
People these days complains about everything and are not very thankful for what they have. Not so long ago people had less but they were very thankful for what they had and not complaining about what they didn't have.
OMG.. May Allah guide this guy and give him relief from his problems he truly looks troubled.. Otherwise i don't think any human on the earth will hate such a kind soul like mufti Menk.
MashaAllah Mufti Menk I appreciate very much and he did not do anything wrong I believe and jazakAllah to you brother for bringing some light to that. May Allah(swt) bless you
Expose the NOSE Some indoor cats get really cold in winter, causing them to have high fever, therefore, must be wearing something to avoid sickness just like humans. Who’s not seeing the bigger picture now?
There no harm in teaching a craft to his children knitting is fun and has no gender role with this. Women can do men jobs and vice versa this is the world we live in. In Africa villages women are building homes with their own hands !
I disagree with the post. It is true that it's helal for men or boys to knitt but there is a deeper issue and a priority. Let me explain; We live in a society now, where girls are made to be men, and men are made to be girls. And then women complain why their husbands no longer take responsibility in their relationships. Toxic feminism, has destroyed the fabric of society, when they didn't just want equal rights to pay or education, they wanted equal rights to be a Man. They removed gender roles, so now that both men and women, boys and girls, can share the same bathroom. And they even went to the extent where they encourage men to dress up as girls if they like, and He can even now present himself to be a she, it's all according to how He feels at the end of the day. Muslim men these days, hardly do activities with their sons like camping, hunting, horse riding, shooting arrows. Which was a standard back many years ago. Instead their kids are playing doll house or are on their phones watching all sorts trash on the internet, turned into phone zombie addicts, who can't socialise out side of their dark closets. And when their kids turn into Homosexuals, or sons don't grow up as Men to defend oppress Muslims all over the World, they then complain why No muslims go out to defend muslims being killed by Zionists for example. Here's a point to considers. I would really wonder if Mufti Menk was teaching his Girls cooking, and vacuming the house, and washing the clothes and ironing. I'm sure the Muslim sisters would have been furiated. How dare he teach his girls those things. I'm sure the Feminists would have said, yes it's not haram for girls to do that either but the typical Muslim man only expects women to be like that, therefore due to the current climate the Sheik shouldn't be teaching that, and there should be more important things like, women training themselves to be independent incase they have a marriage fall out. So why now the #DoubleStandards? And finally, I am certain that if any of the companions were living today they would NOT be advocating for knitting whilst their is blood being shed day and night to our fellow muslims. I am certain has his child been locked away in some prison and being tortured by the enemies he wouldnt be knitting on social media rather he would spend his day and night advocating to educate the muslims about real life issues. Most of Menks vidoes are about play....im yet to see him conduct meetings with the tawaget of the arab nations to try to help our fellow muslims. I can only imagine the less fortunate watching his video and breaking down... if this is the content of one of the most famous "shiekhs" in the west...what hope is their for the rest of the "callers to islam" Ok, So now that you understand the context of the current climate we live in I hope you can now see why, this offends Muslims that a Sheik encourage to show knitting to kids. Sure if this was 100 years ago or 500 years ago or 1400 years ago no one would really complain, it's the fact that a Godless current society built on secular liberalism that is trying to remove a man's role and a women's role in society is why their is a big kick over it. So it's about "setting" prioritises straight people . It's not about saying its not permissible for Boys not to be knitting!
May Allah Grant you al Firdaus, and reward you multiples for every good deed you do! I have a Hadith channel and I need a little support so that I can spread the Hadiths and make more children and teens knowledgeable about their deen, please help me Thank you!! :) .....................................
Brother Gabriel needs to ask himself why it bothers him so much? A man is teaching his children a skill he was taught, and in turn spending time with his children. He also goes target practice and other “masculine” activities with his children. 🤯 it’s a internal matter that brother Gabriel needs to ask himself.
Most Women need emotional support. It's not finacial.Men just work all day and night and the wife is still not happy. Maybe men need to behave like a man and keep their families happy.instead of complain to their friends and family my wife has done this and that...u abandon them and expect them to fall for u when u come back from work.
Prophet used to knit , do household chores. Galromani has a problem with men who do household chores too. Okay then prophet is feminine he did everything.
*is the prophet ﷺ feminine then? I think that’s what u mean to ask for the last sentence. As a rhetorical question. The answer is no of course. He was the best man and he taught us what was manly and what wasn’t. Peace and blessings be upon him
A man spending time with his children teaching them a variety of skills, yes I would say that's a pretty attractive quality in a man, Masha'Allah
When I watched this video of mufti it warmed my heart. You don’t usually see this. If you read about the prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon you’d see these are characteristics of the prophet. MashaAllah Alhamdulillah.
ua-cam.com/video/Phr2eSDcyD4/v-deo.html&ab_channel=DB%7BKNG%7D s
@@dhuss14 how does knitting make you less of a man?
your man can do makeup and teach his kids on dressing like a clown etc but you don't speak for everyone
How does knitting make him less manly?
Is he meant to shout at his kids and beat them to prove that he's a 'real man'
Prophet Muhammad helped with all the chores,are people gonna say that he wasn't a 'real man'?
Best reply tbh
Well said. Very true.
@@bobogerwain3611 Watch this: ua-cam.com/video/ZH8L3XiVrXw/v-deo.html
@@bobogerwain3611 and that 9-year-old kid was more mature than a 20-year old woman that time by the grace of Allah
Well I disagree with some of his statements but I would agree when he it’s nothing Beneficial regards to Islam .
It's so petty of that guy to criticise mufti menk for knitting. My husband knits with our daughter to give her company and spend quality time together, and I think that's beautiful.
May Allah bless your family and protect it sister.
@@Mas2rah so everything about a good childhood must be taken away? Teaching a skill while you are with your kids, quality time... whats wrong with that?
Big issue out of nothing I say.
Honestly that Gabriel dude just seems super homophobic.
It’s an irrational phobia he has.
He’s attributing femininity to a male heterosexual Imam… like.. wth?
@@youtubeuser3182 hahahahahaha insecurities
@@AmmaraSHAH773377 😂 😂 I totally agree. He seems insecure for sure
Men of the past knew how to make fish nets and items for horses and much more. Indeed knowing how to make clothes and influence kids positively is a valuable aspect of character.
You're on point!
These Salafis have criticised Mufti Menk for reciting the Qur’an in the way he does during his talks!!!!
They are brainwashed literalists with a holier than thou attitude and regard the vast majority of muslims as deviants.
And protecting your children from all kinds of harm, including circumcision. No need to circumcise little boys. Allah made them perfect.
@Shuaib Mohammed Please watch this Response by Saajid Lipham
i dont think Al Romani is just talking about knitting specifically, but the general picture of what Menk is promoting. He promotes a hippy-style message, and that's really fine and positive, but dont do this in name of islam. There are plenty of urgent things regarding the ummah that Menk can talk about, instead of only talking about 'happy hippy' subjects wich also attracts tons of non-muslims while he ignores Syria, he ignores Palestine, he ignores the LGBT attacks, he ignores French racist/anti-muslim laws etc etc. I can further name few strange things that Menk has done and some statements he made wich triggered my personal negative reaction, but i leave this things with myself for now.
Men, women and children knit carpets together in central Asian countries.
Exactly. Imagine showing up at their door and telling them they're less manly for having these skills. What a waste of time this was. They shouldn't mix these 19th century European ideas of masculinity with Islam. Cringe
@@dhuss14 hit the mark
I don’t get this whole thing really. Why does knitting make one less of a man? Knitting is just a life skill. If a woman learns how to fix her car or carpentry does that make her less of a woman? I don’t get this. I agree men and women are biologically different. That doesn’t mean someone can’t learn wide range of life skills so long it doesn’t contradict Quran and Sunnah. If anything, the more skillful you are, the more you can be beneficial for the Ummah. Wallahi this dunya is getting weirder and weirder.
I disagree with the post. It is true that it's helal for men or boys to knitt but there is a deeper issue and a priority. Let me explain;
We live in a society now, where girls are made to be men, and men are made to be girls.
And then women complain why their husbands no longer take responsibility in their relationships.
Toxic feminism, has destroyed the fabric of society, when they didn't just want equal rights to pay or education, they wanted equal rights to be a Man. They removed gender roles, so now that both men and women, boys and girls, can share the same bathroom. And they even went to the extent where they encourage men to dress up as girls if they like, and He can even now present himself to be a she, it's all according to how He feels at the end of the day.
Muslim men these days, hardly do activities with their sons like camping, hunting, horse riding, shooting arrows. Which was a standard back many years ago.
Instead their kids are playing doll house or are on their phones watching all sorts trash on the internet, turned into phone zombie addicts, who can't socialise out side of their dark closets. And when their kids turn into Homosexuals, or sons don't grow up as Men to defend oppress Muslims all over the World, they then complain why No muslims go out to defend muslims being killed by Zionists for example.
Here's a point to considers.
I would really wonder if Mufti Menk was teaching his Girls cooking, and vacuming the house, and washing the clothes and ironing.
I'm sure the Muslim sisters would have been furiated. How dare he teach his girls those things.
I'm sure the Feminists would have said, yes it's not haram for girls to do that either but the typical Muslim man only expects women to be like that, therefore due to the current climate the Sheik shouldn't be teaching that, and there should be more important things like, women training themselves to be independent incase they have a marriage fall out.
So why now the #DoubleStandards?
And finally,
I am certain that if any of the companions were living today they would NOT be advocating for knitting whilst their is blood being shed day and night to our fellow muslims.
I am certain has his child been locked away in some prison and being tortured by the enemies he wouldnt be knitting on social media rather he would spend his day and night advocating to educate the muslims about real life issues.
Most of Menks vidoes are about play....im yet to see him conduct meetings with the tawaget of the arab nations to try to help our fellow muslims.
I can only imagine the less fortunate watching his video and breaking down... if this is the content of one of the most famous "shiekhs" in the west...what hope is their for the rest of the "callers to islam"
Ok, So now that you understand the context of the current climate we live in I hope you can now see why, this offends Muslims that a Sheik encourage to show knitting to kids. Sure if this was 100 years ago or 500 years ago or 1400 years ago no one would really complain, it's the fact that a Godless current society built on secular liberalism that is trying to remove a man's role and a women's role in society is why their is a big kick over it.
So it's about "setting" prioritises straight people . It's not about saying its not permissible for Boys not to be knitting!
@@lalala94872 exactly 💯
These people are very narrow minded subhana Allah
To answer his question... YES! I want my husband to be humble and kind to me and my children like Mufti Menk!!!
Not so soft
@@risktaker9119 How is that soft?
U r getting 5 out of 0
Look at the energy of Muft Menk when he was in his 30s and tell me that's not a man.
Attacking the wise elders is worse than showing a child and others unique skills of knitting.
I swear to you he’s older than in his 30’s
Just checked he’s 45😳
Oh Milahan, I am glad to see this.
Saying attacking wise elders is worse implies that knitting is bad in the first place, it's not.
@Sabir ?How so
ua-cam.com/video/Phr2eSDcyD4/v-deo.html&ab_channel=DB%7BKNG%7D s
What's wrong with brother Mufti Menk knitting? Nothing. He is a gentleman who respects and always helps people.
" Every Man is a Male but not Every Male is a Man "
Yeah back in the past men always knit weather it would be them handling clothing or making nets to catch fish
Are you good enough for The Almighty to let you into heaven?
How many lies have you told, and what do you call someone who lies? Have you ever stolen something, and what do you call someone who steals? Have you ever taken God’s name in vain (very serious; in Old Testament times, the Jews wouldn’t even say the name of God for fear of blasphemy) - even ‘OMG’? One more: Jesus said whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery in his heart; have you ever looked with lust?
Well I’m not judging you - but if you’ve done these things then you’re a liar, thief, blasphemer and adulterer-at-heart; that’s how seriously God takes sin. He is Holy (perfectly good/righteous and separate from sin) which means that H e is perfect in justice - and if He were to judge you by the moral law (we’ve already looked at 4 commandments) would you be innocent or guilty? Heaven or Hell? The answer is hell - the wrath of God upon you for your sin. Is that concerning?
But fortunately, God’s will is not that you perish. He wants all men everywhere to be saved. So do you know what He did for us guilty sinners? In self-giving mercy, He sent His Son Jesus Christ. He lived the perfect life that we should have lived - tempted at all points and yet He NEVER sinned. Through His life, being in very nature God, He revealed God to men; but we in our hatred condemned Him to death. On that cross as Jesus suffered, He took on the sin of the world and was judged in our place; receiving God’s wrath. You and I broke God’s law, but Jesus paid the fine. God can justly forgive us.
On that cross He died, then He was buried, but 3 days later He was raised from the dead - conquering death and Hell and ushering in The Kingdom of God. He then ascended to the right hand of God the Father (where He came from) now Lord of the living and the dead. God has fixed a date when He will judge the world in righteousness. What you need to do is repent (In humility, acknowledge your sin before God and turn to a relationship with Him) and trust ALONE in Jesus Christ and His work on the cross; and God will grant you the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then be baptised.
When you place your trust in Jesus - the Lord and Saviour - these things will happen:
1) God will forgive the sins that you have committed; they were paid for by Jesus at the cross.
2) The perfect life that Jesus lived will be credited to you. He will find you holy and blameless on judgement day (and now), as Christ’s righteousness covers you.
3) You receive a place in Christ’s kingdom as an adopted child of God. God becomes your Father. Eternal life isn’t just about living forever, but a personal relationship with God Himself. That life can start now; The Father will reveal Himself to you if you seek Him.
4) God doesn’t just save you from the penalty of your sin (Hell). He can save you from the power of sin itself. Whoever practices sin is a slave of sin; but when you repent and believe the gospel [WHICH HAS BEEN DESCRIBED] the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you and sanctify you (working in you to further abandon sin and turn to the will of God). When the end of the age comes, and eternity begins, this work will be brought to completion as you are finally freed from the presence of sin.
Jesus offers to take away your sin and to give you His righteousness; you must receive it by faith. Choose this day if you will align with the world, or with Jesus and His kingdom - only His is eternal.
ROMANS 10:9 - If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
@@michaal105 jesus did not die on the cross
Some grown males act like boys therefore ain't men
@Al Barbarī brother and sister please be careful of what you say. Don’t say something without evidence. So where exactly did it say Allah created us sinful?
What’s wrong with a father teaching his children a skill? Unfortunately today, we are “too busy” for our children and resort to turning on the TV or giving them an ipad rather than teaching them a skill, spending time with them, learning more about our children. Then we complain that our children keep secrets or do things under cover. Of course they would because we never gave them an opportunity to speak! Good on Mufti Menk!
Yas, let's teach em knitting
Yes he's got family time on his book which I would assume is very important.
Knitting isn't feminine at all, it's a skill, a useful one at that.
Yep I knit and it’s really useful, made myself a scarf, blanket and more really enjoyable and can be sold for a good price.
Facts I like knitting I'm a man
@One Humanity Thank you for the video very nice brother or sister. We should always strive to say the best about people not the worst. Though for the man discussed in the video when he discussed the issues some of his patients had, that was forbidden. Discussing another persons sexual issues and in a way making them look bad is totally wrong in Islam as those matters are private and as the man was in a position of trust he should not have broken that trust. Thank you again and here’s some advice for you hope this helps😊
@@dhuss14 Brother, I can’t force you to follow what I say nor am I here to persuade you. In the time of the Prophet PBUH men were the ones who made garments, through sowing and weaving. Knitting is a form of weaving. The Quran makes no mention of weaving or sowing being for girls nor does the Hadith. The Quran and Hadith make mention of not wearing makeup and many other things, but skills like knitting, there are none, except that these types of skills and learning a skill is in the eyes of Allah a good thing. The brother Gabriel, is not using Islam alone he is adding his cultural beliefs into the religion. As a result of this he is giving his own view of what Islam is not an abject I’ve view of Islam. Gabriel can believe whatever he wants to but at the end of the day it is wrong as he adds culture; the belief that men have to superior to women, not even an Islamic concept where men are equal to women. Yes they have some responsibilities over women but they are not superior to them. If you look in Quran and Hadith beating a women is Haram and an Islamic bearing is equal to the force you would feel if I hit you with a feather; not a beating basically. This highlights that men do not have superiority over women. Rather women can make their own choices and Allah Al Hakam (the Judge) decides what the punishment for not following their responsibilities are. The same for men. You are discussing hormonal issues with me, this is something proven by science and the Quran supports. However if your talking about science there are many things that disprove what Gabriel is saying. For one knitting doesn’t lower your testosterone to the level of a girl. Men have a normal background level of testosterone that is produced making them a man. When you exercise you produce testosterone as it is used as a hormone to increase muscle mass, this doesn’t necessarily make you more of a man at all. For one there are people who are gay, women and so on that are stronger than most men does that mean they are more of a man. You would say no this disproving your point. The only time hormone issues become a problem are when you produce too much or too less which may be due to a thyroid problem. In this case you may see breast mass of a man increasing gynecomastia which a lot of men who knit don’t have because they don’t have hormone problems. If you take steroid hormones to have bigger muscles because it is more manly as you put it, that is probably more haram in Islam than knitting as your taking drugs for the wrong reason. I don’t take protein shakes but the same problem could occur with those, they contain steroids and could be derived from haram animal sources. As I said knitting is not girly if you go to any Asian country you will see men make clothes as happens in the past because men have done for a very long time and they are probably more manly than you. In conclusion my view is from an objective standard Gabriel view is not right from an Islamic and scientific perspective. 😊
The prophet Muhammad (saw) said that if you recite Ayatul Kursi after every farth Salah then there will be nothing between you entering Jannah except death . (Authentic) According to Al-Albani
Are you good enough for The Almighty to let you into heaven?
How many lies have you told, and what do you call someone who lies? Have you ever stolen something, and what do you call someone who steals? Have you ever taken God’s name in vain (very serious; in Old Testament times, the Jews wouldn’t even say the name of God for fear of blasphemy) - even ‘OMG’? One more: Jesus said whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery in his heart; have you ever looked with lust?
Well I’m not judging you - but if you’ve done these things then you’re a liar, thief, blasphemer and adulterer-at-heart; that’s how seriously God takes sin. He is Holy (perfectly good/righteous and separate from sin) which means that H e is perfect in justice - and if He were to judge you by the moral law (we’ve already looked at 4 commandments) would you be innocent or guilty? Heaven or Hell? The answer is hell - the wrath of God upon you for your sin. Is that concerning?
But fortunately, God’s will is not that you perish. He wants all men everywhere to be saved. So do you know what He did for us guilty sinners? In self-giving mercy, He sent His Son Jesus Christ. He lived the perfect life that we should have lived - tempted at all points and yet He NEVER sinned. Through His life, being in very nature God, He revealed God to men; but we in our hatred condemned Him to death. On that cross as Jesus suffered, He took on the sin of the world and was judged in our place; receiving God’s wrath. You and I broke God’s law, but Jesus paid the fine. God can justly forgive us.
On that cross He died, then He was buried, but 3 days later He was raised from the dead - conquering death and Hell and ushering in The Kingdom of God. He then ascended to the right hand of God the Father (where He came from) now Lord of the living and the dead. God has fixed a date when He will judge the world in righteousness. What you need to do is repent (In humility, acknowledge your sin before God and turn to a relationship with Him) and trust ALONE in Jesus Christ and His work on the cross; and God will grant you the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then be baptised.
When you place your trust in Jesus - the Lord and Saviour - these things will happen:
1) God will forgive the sins that you have committed; they were paid for by Jesus at the cross.
2) The perfect life that Jesus lived will be credited to you. He will find you holy and blameless on judgement day (and now), as Christ’s righteousness covers you.
3) You receive a place in Christ’s kingdom as an adopted child of God. God becomes your Father. Eternal life isn’t just about living forever, but a personal relationship with God Himself. That life can start now; The Father will reveal Himself to you if you seek Him.
4) God doesn’t just save you from the penalty of your sin (Hell). He can save you from the power of sin itself. Whoever practices sin is a slave of sin; but when you repent and believe the gospel [WHICH HAS BEEN DESCRIBED] the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you and sanctify you (working in you to further abandon sin and turn to the will of God). When the end of the age comes, and eternity begins, this work will be brought to completion as you are finally freed from the presence of sin.
Jesus offers to take away your sin and to give you His righteousness; you must receive it by faith. Choose this day if you will align with the world, or with Jesus and His kingdom - only His is eternal.
Lol mike is here again. G'day,mike. I remember my talk with you,you werent agreeing with me and i wasnt agreeing with you. Was a good talk,wasnt it?
Can you stop spamming your stuff? Hindus and pagans need christianity,not us. We definitely know which religion is the ultimate truth,my guy.
For you its 6,for us its 9. If both parties argue all life,it wont be of any use,will it?
Live your life happily,and we shall meet in jannah maybe. I guess.
@@TheMuslimPerspective You literally just spammed the same comment that you sent in another thread, yet you ask me to stop spamming. What absolute hypocrisy.
And btw, the curve in the backbone actually goes backwards, not forwards. Repent
@@michaal105 😂😂😂😂 Get a life u pagan
@@michaal105 It doesnt go backward bruh,it goes backword then comes forward. Ever saw a butt? Ever saw its shape? Why are you lying to yourself?
And since YOU are the one spamming the same thing,my answer should be same,dont you think?
I am a woman and I am drive trucks for living, any problems? I am proud of Mufti Menk, He can cook too. May Allah reward him for spreading the TRUTH Ameen Ya Rabb.
@Sami SA.M I’d prefer a man who could cook over a man who uses guns x
@Sami SA.M you are seriously sick. can you prove that driving trucks are for males only?
Sami SA.M lmaoooooo 100% cap. Stop lying bro, you're literally talking out of your shorts. Cooking is an impressive skill and gun usage is NOT impressive at all. Byeeeeeee sir Cap a lot
@Sami SA.M just stop please you're being cringey. "you women" loooool. Wallah brother just learn how to be classy because this is embrassing behavior that you're displaying. Asalamu Alaikum have a great day/night
Literally your name is ' Irfan'. Don't lie....
Mufti MenK is such a gentle sweetheart🥺 idk how people can hate on him
Because he isn't teaching men to be gentle, he is teaching men to be women.
@@undonetheory265 LMAO please leave.🤣
So because he was knitting you think he is trying to be a woman? Ok so that shirt you bought from H&M, you sure it was made by a woman?
@@undonetheory265 knitting is a woman thing. Where do you find that?
@@undonetheory265 he’s knitting. Shut up please
This is what happen when certain chores are turned into gender stereotypes. Many men are tailors, it’s not a female thing or a male thing to knit, cook, clean, do diy etc
there’s a difference between being a tailor and knitting as a hobby. I’m not saying it’s wrong for a man to knit, but the two are different.
@@abdula16 the fact is if a man wants to knit he can and will knit. People need to stop acting as though it’s a female thing
@Hans von Zettour how is he a jahil...what's wrong with you ?
My tailor is a Muslim brother from Saudi Arabia. Him and his wife run a wonderful shop and have been so kind in helping me look my best at the Masjid and at work. Him and his wife are teaching their children how to knit and be a tailor Inshallah. Do not let others judge you because of your skills. Use those skills to honor Allah.
My father told me to learn sewing clothes, and other important skills, incase we became poor so we still have skills to make money. I always remember that advice.
I mean...I'm from Morocco and I can tell you that men tailor in the middle of the street for a living. They make carpets, dressed etc etc...wallah if you don't have anything good to say it's better you keep your mouth shut...may Allah guide and guide us to truthful.
Same in Harar ethiopia males are sewing in tbe streets i believe its sunnah Allah knows best
I disagree with the post. It is true that it's helal for men or boys to knitt but there is a deeper issue and a priority. Let me explain;
We live in a society now, where girls are made to be men, and men are made to be girls.
And then women complain why their husbands no longer take responsibility in their relationships.
Toxic feminism, has destroyed the fabric of society, when they didn't just want equal rights to pay or education, they wanted equal rights to be a Man. They removed gender roles, so now that both men and women, boys and girls, can share the same bathroom. And they even went to the extent where they encourage men to dress up as girls if they like, and He can even now present himself to be a she, it's all according to how He feels at the end of the day.
Muslim men these days, hardly do activities with their sons like camping, hunting, horse riding, shooting arrows. Which was a standard back many years ago.
Instead their kids are playing doll house or are on their phones watching all sorts trash on the internet, turned into phone zombie addicts, who can't socialise out side of their dark closets. And when their kids turn into Homosexuals, or sons don't grow up as Men to defend oppress Muslims all over the World, they then complain why No muslims go out to defend muslims being killed by Zionists for example.
Here's a point to considers.
I would really wonder if Mufti Menk was teaching his Girls cooking, and vacuming the house, and washing the clothes and ironing.
I'm sure the Muslim sisters would have been furiated. How dare he teach his girls those things.
I'm sure the Feminists would have said, yes it's not haram for girls to do that either but the typical Muslim man only expects women to be like that, therefore due to the current climate the Sheik shouldn't be teaching that, and there should be more important things like, women training themselves to be independent incase they have a marriage fall out.
So why now the #DoubleStandards?
And finally,
I am certain that if any of the companions were living today they would NOT be advocating for knitting whilst their is blood being shed day and night to our fellow muslims.
I am certain has his child been locked away in some prison and being tortured by the enemies he wouldnt be knitting on social media rather he would spend his day and night advocating to educate the muslims about real life issues.
Most of Menks vidoes are about play....im yet to see him conduct meetings with the tawaget of the arab nations to try to help our fellow muslims.
I can only imagine the less fortunate watching his video and breaking down... if this is the content of one of the most famous "shiekhs" in the west...what hope is their for the rest of the "callers to islam"
Ok, So now that you understand the context of the current climate we live in I hope you can now see why, this offends Muslims that a Sheik encourage to show knitting to kids. Sure if this was 100 years ago or 500 years ago or 1400 years ago no one would really complain, it's the fact that a Godless current society built on secular liberalism that is trying to remove a man's role and a women's role in society is why their is a big kick over it.
So it's about "setting" prioritises straight people . It's not about saying its not permissible for Boys not to be knitting!
He said stitching is ok but not knitting
He’s not attacking knitting or tailoring watch this for the full context ua-cam.com/video/KgmN4dQpP8Q/v-deo.html
May Allah Grant you al Firdaus, and reward you multiples for every good deed you do!
I have a Hadith channel and I need a little support so that I can spread the Hadiths and make more children and teens knowledgeable about their deen, please help me Thank you!! :)
Why can’t people just leave him alone honestly
Are you good enough for The Almighty to let you into heaven?
How many lies have you told, and what do you call someone who lies? Have you ever stolen something, and what do you call someone who steals? Have you ever taken God’s name in vain (very serious; in Old Testament times, the Jews wouldn’t even say the name of God for fear of blasphemy) - even ‘OMG’? One more: Jesus said whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery in his heart; have you ever looked with lust?
Well I’m not judging you - but if you’ve done these things then you’re a liar, thief, blasphemer and adulterer-at-heart; that’s how seriously God takes sin. He is Holy (perfectly good/righteous and separate from sin) which means that H e is perfect in justice - and if He were to judge you by the moral law (we’ve already looked at 4 commandments) would you be innocent or guilty? Heaven or Hell? The answer is hell - the wrath of God upon you for your sin. Is that concerning?
But fortunately, God’s will is not that you perish. He wants all men everywhere to be saved. So do you know what He did for us guilty sinners? In self-giving mercy, He sent His Son Jesus Christ. He lived the perfect life that we should have lived - tempted at all points and yet He NEVER sinned. Through His life, being in very nature God, He revealed God to men; but we in our hatred condemned Him to death. On that cross as Jesus suffered, He took on the sin of the world and was judged in our place; receiving God’s wrath. You and I broke God’s law, but Jesus paid the fine. God can justly forgive us.
On that cross He died, then He was buried, but 3 days later He was raised from the dead - conquering death and Hell and ushering in The Kingdom of God. He then ascended to the right hand of God the Father (where He came from) now Lord of the living and the dead. God has fixed a date when He will judge the world in righteousness. What you need to do is repent (In humility, acknowledge your sin before God and turn to a relationship with Him) and trust ALONE in Jesus Christ and His work on the cross; and God will grant you the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then be baptised.
When you place your trust in Jesus - the Lord and Saviour - these things will happen:
1) God will forgive the sins that you have committed; they were paid for by Jesus at the cross.
2) The perfect life that Jesus lived will be credited to you. He will find you holy and blameless on judgement day (and now), as Christ’s righteousness covers you.
3) You receive a place in Christ’s kingdom as an adopted child of God. God becomes your Father. Eternal life isn’t just about living forever, but a personal relationship with God Himself. That life can start now; The Father will reveal Himself to you if you seek Him.
4) God doesn’t just save you from the penalty of your sin (Hell). He can save you from the power of sin itself. Whoever practices sin is a slave of sin; but when you repent and believe the gospel [WHICH HAS BEEN DESCRIBED] the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you and sanctify you (working in you to further abandon sin and turn to the will of God). When the end of the age comes, and eternity begins, this work will be brought to completion as you are finally freed from the presence of sin.
Jesus offers to take away your sin and to give you His righteousness; you must receive it by faith. Choose this day if you will align with the world, or with Jesus and His kingdom - only His is eternal.
ROMANS 10:9 - If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
@@michaal105 no thank you Islam ☪️ is the only religion in my heart and how can someone who didn’t know when the day judgement will be be god ?
@@lanamines8476 Mashallah
Lol mike is here again. G'day,mike. I remember my talk with you,you werent agreeing with me and i wasnt agreeing with you. Was a good talk,wasnt it?
Can you stop spamming your stuff? Hindus and pagans need christianity,not us. We definitely know which religion is the ultimate truth,my guy.
For you its 6,for us its 9. If both parties argue all life,it wont be of any use,will it?
Live your life happily,and we shall meet in jannah maybe. I guess.
@@lanamines8476 I know right. He’s so nice all the time
Im not Muslim but I love learning about your religions practices. Great videos! I'll keep watching
Thanks bro much respect to you
mashaAllah. enjoy the fun bradda.. we muslim ppl can be funny crazee.. we can quarrel over small matters. i know ppl think we crzy but its fun... at end we all pray together.. ramadhan eat together.. thn we fight again.
Thank you... it means alot ❤️ may you stay blessed
Good..Soon or later you will find the truth. May Allah guide you to the right part Ameen. Jesus: The Prophet
In Judaism, Jesus (peace be upon him) is denied as the Messiah. This is in stark contrast to Christianity where he is worshipped as a deity, or the son of God. Islam takes the middle ground and acknowledges Jesus as an honourable Prophet and Messenger of God, as well as the Messiah, but Muslims do not worship him - as worship is for God alone who created Jesus and everything that exists.
“(Jesus) said, ‘Indeed, I am the slave of Allah (God). He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet.'”Quran 19:30
Miraculous Birth
According to the Quran, the Angel Gabriel was sent to Mary, the noble virgin, in the form of a man, informing her of a child who was to be born miraculously without a father.
“He (Angel Gabriel) said, ‘I am only a messenger of your Lord to announce to you the gift of a righteous son.’ She said, ‘How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste?’ He said, ‘Thus (it will be). Your Lord says, “It is easy for Me, and We will make him a sign to the people and a mercy from Us. And it is a matter already decreed.” “Quran 19:19-21
Some claim that his miraculous birth is evidence of Jesus’ divinity. However, Jesus was not the first to come into existence without a father, as Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) before him had neither a father nor mother. God says:
“The likeness of Jesus before God is as that of Adam; He created him (Adam) from dust, then said to him: ‘Be’, and he was. This is the truth from your Lord, so be not of the disputers.”Quran 3:59-60
If Jesus is worshipped due to having no father, then surely Adam is more deserving of worship since he was created without either parent.
Miracles of Jesus
Jesus was miraculously conceived with no father and also performed great miracles by the will and permission of God. He spoke as a baby in the cradle to defend his mother against the people who accused her of fornication. The Quran also states that Jesus gave life to the dead, cured the leper and the blind - all by the will of God.
The fact that Jesus (peace be upon him) performed miracles does not mean that he was anything more than a humble servant of God. In fact, many Messengers performed miracles, including Noah, Moses and Muhammad (may peace be upon them all) and these miracles only took place by the permission of God, so as to demonstrate the authenticity of the Messenger.
Message of Jesus
The Prophets of the Old Testament such as Abraham, Noah and Jonah never preached that God is part of a Trinity, and did not believe in Jesus as their saviour. Their message was simple: there is one God and He alone deserves your worship. It is not logical for God to send Prophets for thousands of years with the same essential message, only to suddenly change it, claim that He is now a part of a trinity, and to stipulate the belief in the divinity of Jesus to be saved.
The truth is, Jesus preached the same message as all the Prophets in the Old Testament. There is a passage in the Bible that really emphasises this core message. A man came to Jesus and asked, “Which is the first commandment of all?” Jesus answered, “The first of all the commandments is, ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.’ “(Mark 12:28-29) So, the greatest commandment, the most important belief according to Jesus, is that God is one. If Jesus was God he would have said, ‘I am God, worship me.’ Instead, he merely repeated a verse from the Old Testament confirming that God is One.
This aligns with the mission of Jesus, as taught in Islam, where Jesus was sent to the Children of Israel to confirm the message of the past Prophets - to believe in the One True God.
“And when Jesus brought clear proofs, he said, ‘… Indeed, God - He is my Lord and your Lord. So worship Him alone. This is the only Straight Path.’ “Quran 43:63-64
As an honourable obedient Messenger of God, Jesus submitted willingly to God’s commands. As such, he was a “Muslim” - which refers to anyone that submits to the will and commandments of God.
Jesus in Islam
Jesus was as an honourable Prophet sent by God to call to the worship of God alone. This is evident in the Bible and confirmed by the Quran. The Islamic belief about Jesus explains who the real Jesus was, whilst maintaining the pure belief about God and His complete Greatness, Uniqueness and Perfection.
We invite you to look further and investigate Islam. It is not just another religion. It is the same message preached by Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad - may peace be upon all of them. Islam means ‘submission to God’ and is a natural and complete way of life that encourages one to give due attention to their relationship with God and His creation. Islam teaches that God is the All-Just and All-Merciful and does not need to sacrifice himself to forgive sins nor is anyone “born into sin”. God judges everyone based on their own deeds and everyone is accountable for their own actions.
Islam teaches us to love and respect all the Prophets of God, but loving and respecting them does not mean worshipping them because worship is due only to God. Acknowledging Jesus as a Prophet of God and becoming a Muslim does not mean changing or losing your Christian identity. It is about going back to the original and pure teachings of Jesus.
I lift weights, i do heavy works in my job. But i also do knitting( not always) but last time when my wife was pregnant my first child, i knit sock for him. The end product wasn't that good but still wearable.. and it made me proud and feel much more manly about it
I can only give you one like but imagine i gave hundreds, your wife is blessed mashaallah and i pray that you both be together forever and in jannah as well
Masha Allah brother this is just soooo cute Made my heart so happy May Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala always keep love between you two 😊😊
Wallahi I’m truly proud of you!
so.. it's your.. what ? "I knit sock for him" ?
🤣🤣🤣 man does knitting 🤣🤣🤣
I am a woman and when I see a man with diverse skills, I realize it is better than any GUCCI Ad. Not all women think alike. Especially those of quality.
Definitely! That last line is the truth. Ladies who fall for only muscles and oiled hair, with no other substance, more often than not end up unhappy.
I would have preferred if you had a separate gaming channel, but other than that, I love your channel, sister.
I'm a man and sometimes I put my wife is make up and I'm not gay
@@Islamicones1 Don't be lame.
then again why does that toxic guy care about whether or not a woman finds something sekc. if someone does something doesn't mean they want the opposite genders approval. seems like he just wants approval from women which isn't a good way to live.
My father learned how to knit when he studied in Canada and when he had his first daughter he not only made caps and sweaters for my sister he learned to stitch and bought those baby patterns to make fancy clothes for her . My mom used to get so fascinating that how a highly educated PhD man who otherwise is manly and does other stuff like carpentry as a hobby could knit ant stitch for his daughter .. my dad later on taught all his three daughters baking , cooking , making beds, table settings , en n how to make napkin roses. He would make our hair in the morning too ! It didn’t make him feminine .. it just made him more of a man who looked after his children , helped his wife and was 100% sure of his manhood
A fabulous man he is..thank Allah you grew up with such a father.
Mashallah. What a real man.
That is so beautiful MashaAllah
MashaAllah TabarakAllah Allahumma barik lahu. May Allah swt reward your Dad, what a lovely anicdote in this increasingly hostile world!
Thats the cutest thing ever
Attacking a man who is knitting while gang banger rap music is influencing the youth intensly is why many should think before they speak. Have respect for the wise. If you can't do that you're a beast not a man.
Hi, salaam.
How are you ?
I like your contents
@ReBel kiD That haram
Are you good enough for The Almighty to let you into heaven?
How many lies have you told, and what do you call someone who lies? Have you ever stolen something, and what do you call someone who steals? Have you ever taken God’s name in vain (very serious; in Old Testament times, the Jews wouldn’t even say the name of God for fear of blasphemy) - even ‘OMG’? One more: Jesus said whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery in his heart; have you ever looked with lust?
Well I’m not judging you - but if you’ve done these things then you’re a liar, thief, blasphemer and adulterer-at-heart; that’s how seriously God takes sin. He is Holy (perfectly good/righteous and separate from sin) which means that H e is perfect in justice - and if He were to judge you by the moral law (we’ve already looked at 4 commandments) would you be innocent or guilty? Heaven or Hell? The answer is hell - the wrath of God upon you for your sin. Is that concerning?
But fortunately, God’s will is not that you perish. He wants all men everywhere to be saved. So do you know what He did for us guilty sinners? In self-giving mercy, He sent His Son Jesus Christ. He lived the perfect life that we should have lived - tempted at all points and yet He NEVER sinned. Through His life, being in very nature God, He revealed God to men; but we in our hatred condemned Him to death. On that cross as Jesus suffered, He took on the sin of the world and was judged in our place; receiving God’s wrath. You and I broke God’s law, but Jesus paid the fine. God can justly forgive us.
On that cross He died, then He was buried, but 3 days later He was raised from the dead - conquering death and Hell and ushering in The Kingdom of God. He then ascended to the right hand of God the Father (where He came from) now Lord of the living and the dead. God has fixed a date when He will judge the world in righteousness. What you need to do is repent (In humility, acknowledge your sin before God and turn to a relationship with Him) and trust ALONE in Jesus Christ and His work on the cross; and God will grant you the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then be baptised.
When you place your trust in Jesus - the Lord and Saviour - these things will happen:
1) God will forgive the sins that you have committed; they were paid for by Jesus at the cross.
2) The perfect life that Jesus lived will be credited to you. He will find you holy and blameless on judgement day (and now), as Christ’s righteousness covers you.
3) You receive a place in Christ’s kingdom as an adopted child of God. God becomes your Father. Eternal life isn’t just about living forever, but a personal relationship with God Himself. That life can start now; The Father will reveal Himself to you if you seek Him.
4) God doesn’t just save you from the penalty of your sin (Hell). He can save you from the power of sin itself. Whoever practices sin is a slave of sin; but when you repent and believe the gospel [WHICH HAS BEEN DESCRIBED] the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you and sanctify you (working in you to further abandon sin and turn to the will of God). When the end of the age comes, and eternity begins, this work will be brought to completion as you are finally freed from the presence of sin.
Jesus offers to take away your sin and to give you His righteousness; you must receive it by faith. Choose this day if you will align with the world, or with Jesus and His kingdom - only His is eternal.
ROMANS 10:9 - If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
@@michaal105 mike shut up, your not convincing anyone here, please leave
@@sulaimankhan2267 Assalamualaikum waraharullahi wabarakatuhu.. Brother, Coooll.... Peace 👍😊
Im a christian who listens to mufti menk for years he is one of my mentors and im extremely dissapointed about what this guy said about Muftis knitting video. Knitting is great for both boys and girls helps the kids increase their focus learn to be calm and patience, rather than spending their time unconstructively. This guy criticizing is very wrong he can educate himself alittle bit more. A boy who knits doesn't mean he cant learn to box,riding horses,hunting etc different activities grow different parts of a boys character some activities grow physical strength,some mental strength,some focus,some to learn to be calm, to learn to have patience and self control like knitting. Thanks brother for speaking about toxic masculinity. Love this channel
Allahumma Barik, may Allah guide and bless you, Amin🤲
@@dhuss14 Akhi, I acknowledged that brother Gabriel has done a lot for the ummah and I'm really grateful for that but try to understand why we are against him in this situation. He called out Mufti Menk for being "feminine" just because he was knitting. No amount of excuses could've justify what he said. Of course Mufti Menk himself had done some wrongs in the past. But we shouldn't necessarily call him out for something as petty as knitting. Especially when we are doing it publicly as it could stain one's reputation.
@@SK-sz9ky ah so the Prophet sallallahu aleyhi wa salam was not a man?
I disagree with the post. It is true that it's helal for men or boys to knitt but there is a deeper issue and a priority. Let me explain;
We live in a society now, where girls are made to be men, and men are made to be girls.
And then women complain why their husbands no longer take responsibility in their relationships.
Toxic feminism, has destroyed the fabric of society, when they didn't just want equal rights to pay or education, they wanted equal rights to be a Man. They removed gender roles, so now that both men and women, boys and girls, can share the same bathroom. And they even went to the extent where they encourage men to dress up as girls if they like, and He can even now present himself to be a she, it's all according to how He feels at the end of the day.
Muslim men these days, hardly do activities with their sons like camping, hunting, horse riding, shooting arrows. Which was a standard back many years ago.
Instead their kids are playing doll house or are on their phones watching all sorts trash on the internet, turned into phone zombie addicts, who can't socialise out side of their dark closets. And when their kids turn into Homosexuals, or sons don't grow up as Men to defend oppress Muslims all over the World, they then complain why No muslims go out to defend muslims being killed by Zionists for example.
Here's a point to considers.
I would really wonder if Mufti Menk was teaching his Girls cooking, and vacuming the house, and washing the clothes and ironing.
I'm sure the Muslim sisters would have been furiated. How dare he teach his girls those things.
I'm sure the Feminists would have said, yes it's not haram for girls to do that either but the typical Muslim man only expects women to be like that, therefore due to the current climate the Sheik shouldn't be teaching that, and there should be more important things like, women training themselves to be independent incase they have a marriage fall out.
So why now the #DoubleStandards?
And finally,
I am certain that if any of the companions were living today they would NOT be advocating for knitting whilst their is blood being shed day and night to our fellow muslims.
I am certain has his child been locked away in some prison and being tortured by the enemies he wouldnt be knitting on social media rather he would spend his day and night advocating to educate the muslims about real life issues.
Most of Menks vidoes are about play....im yet to see him conduct meetings with the tawaget of the arab nations to try to help our fellow muslims.
I can only imagine the less fortunate watching his video and breaking down... if this is the content of one of the most famous "shiekhs" in the west...what hope is their for the rest of the "callers to islam"
Ok, So now that you understand the context of the current climate we live in I hope you can now see why, this offends Muslims that a Sheik encourage to show knitting to kids. Sure if this was 100 years ago or 500 years ago or 1400 years ago no one would really complain, it's the fact that a Godless current society built on secular liberalism that is trying to remove a man's role and a women's role in society is why their is a big kick over it.
So it's about "setting" prioritises straight people . It's not about saying its not permissible for Boys not to be knitting!
@@muhammedPies this is so well said, Barak Allahu feek!! Yes I agree, but even a Sheikh does mistakes and we shouldn’t doubt his intention. Rather we should give him a sincere naseeha instead of eating his flesh. (I don’t mean you did that)
The original video is about being productive, teaching a skill to his children and spending time with his family. Why does this had to become a debate in masculinity or feminism?
A lot of conservatives seen to have a weird agenda where the must accuse everything and everyone of being a crazy feminist or a crazy liberal. It's a shame.
Mufti menk has such grandpa vibes every one wants and such a trusting face, you can never find a single shred of arrogance on his face
May allah grant him jannah!
I remember watching that video with a huge smile on my face(◡ ω ◡)
Grandpa vibes 😂
@@dhuss14 your delude dude
@@jxcess3891 your opinion doesn't matter here Gabriel's UA-cam payed troll...
@@jxcess3891 i wonder how he fathered 8 daughters as a women.
@@jxcess3891 your cursed fella just Satan y should I waste my time talking to u about the noblest humans ever lived on earth...
Knitting 🧶 is a skill... teaching that skills to young kids doesn’t do any harm.... I guarantee you that
It does not do harm but in fact it's beneficial!
Making a video of it. For what.
Problem is not knitting, it's feminine man. He's encouraging feminine men which is a LGBT agenda.
@@muhammadmafaz8530 what seriously how is that feminine?
@@muhammadmafaz8530 subahanalah, I knitting too, I learn it from my mother how in the living heaven you told that only for feminim,???
FYI men who help with housework are extremely attractive in the eyes of us women.
Actually totally agree. 100% a man who is not lazy and does his best to please Allah sw by pleasing his family♡
May Allah defend your honour the way you have defended the honour of your brother. You are one of the reasons I started practicing.
Wallahi I truly love you for the sake of Allah and I hope to meet you, Mufti Menk and Brother Hijab one day InshaAllah.
Whats wrong with a man spending time with his family, subhanAllah? As long as he is not doing haram things then it is fine. These people are just trying to hate on mufti menk for no reason astaghfirullah. May Allah guide us and protect us from these people and enter us into His gardens of Jannah in'sha'Allah.
@Bob Bob what?
@Bob Bob I’m still confused brother are you saying knitting is “inherently” feminine and it’s the same as putting henna on boys?
@Bob Bob then you definitely don’t have knowledge and speaking out of ignorance, do you know when knitting became associated with “femininity”? That’s like saying the colour pink is “inherently” feminine when it wasn’t for *a very long time* until the mid 20th century. Another example is “high heel” shoes to make men a little taller back in the 18th and early 19th century which was associated with “manly” European royalties and aristocracy 🤦🏾♂️. Wigs from the medieval to 19th century was considered “manly” and “prestigious” with European royalty and aristocracy. I can go on and on but what you just said was cringe and definitely out of ignorance. I’m concerned where you are getting your information from?
@Bob Bob bru what are you talking about please stop using Islamic jurisprudence it makes you look stupid 🤦🏾♂️😂. You literally compared “knitting” to “henna” that’s what you did. And when I showed many things that something is not “inherently” feminine you run to “ahlasunnah principles” for some reason. This is why people like you need to be quiet because you make our deen look foolish to non Muslims, and you will be questioned on *that day* for helping that foolishness. That’s just my opinion 🤷🏾♂️
@Bob Bob because “henna” is literally beautifying oneself which has been associated with femininity before pre Islam and post Islam for over thousand years but knitting is literally creating clothes and other stuff 🤦🏾♂️. Please let’s not embarrass ourselves
This prolly proved that no matter how much good you do in life, there will be people that will find faults in the most harmless things you do.
When your manhood is so fragile that you think knitting might damage it...😊
May Allah Grant you Jannah Al Firdous and Multiply every good deed you. I have a Tafsir Al Quran Channel and I need A little Support.
Channel URL: ua-cam.com/channels/d3UeYKSbus87HuG5OrwxbQ.html
Thankyou for the Support, inshallah it will count as good deeds, inshallah!!!!.
Talk about being an alpha and proceed doing a woman thing such as gossip like he aint got no life . Bet in real battle hes the one who would run away . Fake !!!
Yeah I totally agree
@@oliviasukamto947 ...he’s gossiping, but isn’t that what you and many of you commenters here are doing toward him?
@@oliviasukamto947 agreed!
Mufti Menk and Ali dawah were both individuals why I started my Salah - they showed me the Reality and Allah blessed me with practising my deen Alhamdulillah
If what you said is true. Then you should know the guidance is not from them. They were only a reason for you becoming better. It could have been anyone else. It's God who guided you not them!
@@jxcess3891 Wasting your time with pathetic behavior and lying on the greatest man that ever lived, SO pathetic lol, as if they even had eyeliner and orange dye back then, and even brought a made up hadith ROFL, enjoy Hell after you die.
"Surely those who offend Allah and His Messenger are condemned by Allah in this world and the Hereafter. And He has prepared for them a humiliating punishment." 33:57
@@josephstar1883 It goes without saying that God is the One Who ultimately guides to the truth. However certain personalities allow certain types of people to become more receptive to the message of Islam. In this case brother Ali and Mufti Menk had an appeal for this person that perhaps another Muslim may not have had. Therefore Allah swt lead this person to these Muslims.
لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله it's always
@@josephstar1883 but they get credit too and they get reward for it. In hadiith the prophet pbuh said man la yashkurin naas la yashkurillah. That the one who's not thankful to people isn't thankful to Allah! So give credit where it's due and make dua for people that help you along the way
A man teaching his children a skill and spent his time with them beautiful.💕😊
That guy is literally offended that a man can knit 😂😂
Yes and he is supposed to he a councillor...an adolescent himself!
@@NotesfromtheFuturesPast Hey I saw u on another Review video on this.
U made good points. Men who were angry on this topic r just fragile bro.
Lol that should be something good, a man that knows how to knit 😂
the guy hints that mutfi menk is feminine, yet stroking your hair backwards constantly on selfie cam isnt.
lol facts
@@dhuss14 we are tired of seeing you vouch for him
Stop copying and pasting the same thing everywhere
@@dhuss14 it's a free world, create ur channels and social media accounts and do what you want. atleast he makes the non muslims like islam unlike you
If my husband was knitting I would find him attractive still lol
The gentleness and kindness of Mufti Menk is amazing. May Allah be pleased with him. Knitting is a skill by men and women, just look in other cultures. People should not judge so quick.
hes just knitting lol. its a good skill to have why is he annoyed
Cause knitting isn’t “alpha” enough or what “alpha” “men” do lol
@@dhuss14 im not slandering him at all. I'm just saying knitting it a good skill to have. You didn't have to go on a rant about all that lol
@@Xaverrrrr Ali is giving the wrong perception of Gabriel, please be open minded on this
@toki hiko actually the video is about a Muslim preacher who is being a good father for his daughters by teaching them a skill that might be helpful for his daughters when they grow up
@toki hiko the purpose is very simple man! He is just showing an example of being a good father to his kids. Mufti has a lot of daughters mashallah and he is showing a good example of how to have a quality time with them. He goes shooting and horse riding with his son/s and knit with his daughters. That my brother, is a good example of a father. Besides, do you expect him to take his daughters to shooting amd horse riding in order to spend time with them ? No, he chose an activity that might intrigue them especially his daughters . And because he is a preacher who tries to guide people to the right way in Islam he shared this moment. There are men who doesn't know how to spend quality time with their daughters and this video serves as an example.
Just leave the man alone.
If you know mufti very you wouldn't say this. The man literally does anything to please Allah SWT. Even when pet his cats he praises Allah.
Also, what does knitting have to with intimacy? Did the people who have sexual problems mention knitting? This is related to another problem which is porn not knitting!!!!
Besides, did romami ask his wife? Did she say anything about this?
Man, if he really is sad why didn't he contact him in private? Don't tell that as a preacher we need to make this a public matter. No!!
We as Muslims!!! If we saw a brother / sister does anything bad we talk to him in private first!!!
Man just leave mufti alone!!!
True ..if Mike Tyson knitted, then no one on youtube would have made a reaction video mocking him ...
I can’t imagine shaming a man for knowing how to mend or make clothing or blankets. In my opinion it’s a good skill to have because it’s make you more self sufficient/ self reliant.
@@dhuss14 ok shiah
@@jxcess3891 No I did not know cuz I don't worship google 😂🤧✋
I didn’t know knitting was only for women 🤔 it’s just a harmless hobby, and it’s quite relaxing..
The brother is so fixed in his opinion & the fact that he shared his views with everyone tells us to pray for him & people who think like him. May Allah soften their hearts so that they live peacefully & do not attack others with little to no reasoning as their support. Ameen.
How can you criticize a man that is teaching their kids to knit. Lol.
He’s not hating on him Ali has a wrong perception to the context with which Gabriel speaks watch this video to fully understand ua-cam.com/video/KgmN4dQpP8Q/v-deo.html
@@abdelmounaimdaoudi8936 Thanks
@@supersayain48 Thank you. context is always important
May Allah Grant you Jannah Al Firdous and Multiply every good deed you. I have a Tafsir Al Quran Channel and I need A little Support.
Channel URL: ua-cam.com/channels/d3UeYKSbus87HuG5OrwxbQ.html
Thankyou for the Support, inshallah it will count as good deeds, inshallah!!!!!!.
This Man is not only talking with a small amount of knowledge he is acting like a kid too hes just overdoing it. P.s. before someone criticise me for what I am saying first ask me what i mean before judging...
He's definitely lacking knowledge. That's for sure. Brainwashed by social construct.
It's enough to say he's wrong, no need to name call
@@josephstar1883 I'm really sorry to tell u that both "Gabriel al Romani" and Ali dawah is wrong , Gabriel is not a random person he is in dawah when ali dawah was not even a muslim, i know that Gabriel isn't right here but making a video about Gabriel is wrong too.
Don't name call people if u dont know anything about them.
@@Sohailkhan-zw1gl look I know that I'm not wrong I'm staying neutral/objective and i can say my opinion
@@aminabesic9693 look I'm just telling facts I'm staying neutral/objective and think what you want about I don't careers just leave me alone, is that to hard? I mean seriously no one asked you to give me a advise and especially if it's that wrong😧😤
Mufti Menk is being an awesome father.... to do knitting and motivate his children and other children of the world!
As salam u alaikum guys help me raise funds to compete a Masjid!! Here is link www.givebrite.com/completeqalam/6ixfoot7
Also please don’t backbite the other brother 😊
Why not? Donate guys
Walaykumu Salam
I cannot donate as i live in a third world country,payment method not available. But sending duas and prayers😔😊
There’s nothing wrong him teaching his kids to knit. People should get a life instead of looking at people’s interest/ habits and compare it to your ‘male’ ideal things to do. He cooked? A that wrong? He groomed his cats, is that wrong ? Disappointing to see Muslims doing this by judging a person .
Well I disagree with some of his statements but I would agree when he it’s nothing Beneficial regards to Islam . No problem teaching that to his kids.
He's teaching that in islam a man should spend quality time with his kids. And a quality time isn't necessarily watching a movie, cartoons or an Islamic lecture, but it can also be, learning a useful skill, whether a household skill or a outside skill.
I disagree with the post. It is true that it's helal for men or boys to knitt but there is a deeper issue and a priority. Let me explain;
We live in a society now, where girls are made to be men, and men are made to be girls.
And then women complain why their husbands no longer take responsibility in their relationships.
Toxic feminism, has destroyed the fabric of society, when they didn't just want equal rights to pay or education, they wanted equal rights to be a Man. They removed gender roles, so now that both men and women, boys and girls, can share the same bathroom. And they even went to the extent where they encourage men to dress up as girls if they like, and He can even now present himself to be a she, it's all according to how He feels at the end of the day.
Muslim men these days, hardly do activities with their sons like camping, hunting, horse riding, shooting arrows. Which was a standard back many years ago.
Instead their kids are playing doll house or are on their phones watching all sorts trash on the internet, turned into phone zombie addicts, who can't socialise out side of their dark closets. And when their kids turn into Homosexuals, or sons don't grow up as Men to defend oppress Muslims all over the World, they then complain why No muslims go out to defend muslims being killed by Zionists for example.
Here's a point to considers.
I would really wonder if Mufti Menk was teaching his Girls cooking, and vacuming the house, and washing the clothes and ironing.
I'm sure the Muslim sisters would have been furiated. How dare he teach his girls those things.
I'm sure the Feminists would have said, yes it's not haram for girls to do that either but the typical Muslim man only expects women to be like that, therefore due to the current climate the Sheik shouldn't be teaching that, and there should be more important things like, women training themselves to be independent incase they have a marriage fall out.
So why now the #DoubleStandards?
And finally,
I am certain that if any of the companions were living today they would NOT be advocating for knitting whilst their is blood being shed day and night to our fellow muslims.
I am certain has his child been locked away in some prison and being tortured by the enemies he wouldnt be knitting on social media rather he would spend his day and night advocating to educate the muslims about real life issues.
Most of Menks vidoes are about play....im yet to see him conduct meetings with the tawaget of the arab nations to try to help our fellow muslims.
I can only imagine the less fortunate watching his video and breaking down... if this is the content of one of the most famous "shiekhs" in the west...what hope is their for the rest of the "callers to islam"
Ok, So now that you understand the context of the current climate we live in I hope you can now see why, this offends Muslims that a Sheik encourage to show knitting to kids. Sure if this was 100 years ago or 500 years ago or 1400 years ago no one would really complain, it's the fact that a Godless current society built on secular liberalism that is trying to remove a man's role and a women's role in society is why their is a big kick over it.
So it's about "setting" prioritises straight people . It's not about saying its not permissible for Boys not to be knitting!
@@muhammedPies The first thing to do is stop circumcising little boys. Allah made them perfect. Circumcision is child abuse.
Allah didn't make them perfect. Perfection only belongs to God.
Cutting foreskin is, barbaric and inhumane but killing babies by abortion is fine?
mufti menk is so precious i cant believe how can someone hate him
Brother Romani needs to chill out how does knitting show one as not a man, knitting can also be used to relieve stress etc... he should know never to slander a brother in public Astagfirullah
@Glorious Quran Bro, it's just knitting
@Glorious Quran there is nothing in Islam that would make knitting "improper" for a man. There is just nothing wrong with it. People will argue that it's feminine, to which I say no, no it's not.
@Glorious Quran tbh I can imagine them sitting around and knitting.
@Glorious Quran what are u talking about dude. Abu Bakr radiyallahu anhu used to to clean the house and bake bread for a blind woman and the orphan kids she was raising. Be proud that you can take care of others no matter what. Whether you knit, clean or bake. It’s what’s putting a smile on others and makes Allah happy.
@Glorious Quran nobody said that either. But don’t pretend like knitting makes you feminine or whatever. So now what, all men who clean for a living are too feminine? Try and be reasonable man...
I am teaching my young son to wash dishes , cooking, making tea, vacuuming , making your beds and in the future sewing too ...there is no gender i feel when it comes to this cuz these skills are life skills...you don't have to be a female to know how to do these things...!
I think those skills are so important. So many kids are growing into adults and don't know how to cook or even wash their own laundry, it's sad. More kids need to learn the skills you mentioned :)
@Sami SA.M bro They won't get It
Mufti mink is A Great Guy but when it comes to a husband n wife he should not talk by his philosophy
That damage the Sisters brain.
Gabriel trying to say something else N they won't get it Cuz they wana be muslim but at the same time they want to be western Too
@Sami SA.M yea I agreed with that sometimes he pleases his Followers and he doesn't realise it
Allah knows the best
May Allah Forgive us if our opinions are wrong about him
@Sami SA.M same here bro I live in Scotland and I got u where you coimng from
Farah Panda
My Saudi w Khalleggee friends did themselves all of the house chores while studying abroad 👨🏽🎓 🎓 mainly in US 🇺🇲 and UK 🇬🇧, because they're all alone without their mums and maids to take care of them, so, they gotta to handle it out all alone and they're not Gays, at all!!
By opposite, they're even more capable and Manly than western European local men... 😉
I don't see the problem... 🤔
If this is what his profession is...boy I’m scared of what you’ve been telling people. This is how men end up arrogant and harsh. This is truly ridiculous. Whenever I see a man helping out especially with women in his life or with children I think of him as an even better man. There are men who make clothing and garments all sorts of things, I don’t understand your view at all. That doesn’t mean that, this man can’t stand up for himself or defend his family. I help out my dad with “manly” stuff all the time and at the same time I’m able to fulfill my “womanly duties”.
The man complaining about mufti menk is just a lost individual brainwashed by social construct. I hope he and his people learns from watching this video.
@@josephstar1883 Agree
Yeah true, and add to that he and his likes are probably the main cause of lgbtq people. I as woman suffered from these kinds of ideologies and the result was me hating my baing as a female, but since I can't do anything about that I hated men, but all that I'm not gonna turn gay or any of that sort, but that's only me. Others may not be like me and turn gay.
mufti menk such a humble and & kind person
im not muslim but even i know that in the quran it says the prophet muhamad (pbuh) after battle would stitch or knit his clothing. i never saw it as feminine, i saw it as practical. a man should not limit his skills. even in the US military soldiers are taught to stitch in case of clothing damage or to close wounds
I stopped listening to Gabriel Romaani once he started talking about being an alpha male and giving courses on how to do that and other similar things. Only insecure men try to be the alpha and dominate while the confident men, like our beloved Prophet, embrace their softer side and have no problem in displaying emotion at all. 🖤
Same. He has a WhatsApp group called “Muslim Alpha Men Society” and he regularly makes these kinds of arguments. I left the group.
@@MrChi31 thats toxic masculinity for you
@@RB-nh1om it’s just so dumb. My dad is the most masculine man I know. He worked construction his whole life; was a boxer, and a carpenter. Yet he taught me how to cook and clean the house. He’s not into knitting, ngl, but he would never attack a man’s masculinity for doing so.
Yes he has gone too far. I used to listen to him before. Not anymore!
@@MrChi31 there is a big diffrence between masculinity and toxic masculinity
This is a sign of “jealousy “
His subconscious comes out in the form of speech
Wow, perfect description
no its not
@@motivees3934 ^
It seems like Mufti Menk is very much secure in his manhood mashallah, so much that he's not scared to do a task that is perceived to be traditionally carried out by women. I find it odd if some men turn there nose up to trying something simply because it may impose on there masculinity. It does not ! And its actually a huge talent to knit. Id be impressed if i saw my husband doing any sort sewing or knitting. Its not easy, its talent & these skills are slowly fading. So its good to keep the skills alive.
I got two ads and i watched them full,cuz i know that watching a full ad gives more money to the content creator. Even tho i cannot donate,sending duas and prayers from here,my brave brother Ali. May Allah give you the highest place in jannah.
I don't think the revenue they get from the ads are affected buy the exposer-time. One just needs to have the ad come on their screen. Whether one skips or continues doesn't matter.💙
@@pursueexcellence7737 It does,actually. Google it. The more seconds you watch,the more money. If you click on the ad,some more money. Simple money math😊
Assalamualaikum waraharullahi wabarakatuhu...That Mike is still in the Comments 🙄
@@sevenstar6249 yeah i've seen him in almost every muslim related video, that dude never gets tired
@@sevenstar6249 LOL yes,i tried talking to him but he got no chill XD Ali dawah needs to block him
Really disappointed with this brother, he is a good revert brother didnt expect this from him. I wonder if he would speak the same way to Mufti Menk face to face.
@@dhuss14 Brother Gabriel may have some valid reservations about Mufti Menk on other views such watering down Islam's stance on homosexuality and I'm sure he is gives valuable counselling to brothers with porn addiction, but sorry, this is not the same and just not a valid criticism and will lose himself credibility over. This is counter productive as if hes making silly allegations about knitting being the cause of men not being able to please their wives, then people wont take his legitimate criticisms seriusly.
May Allah forgive and guide us all . Ameen
@@mrahman2897 It's a valid criticism, he's advocating or promoting knitting to men at a time when men have given up fighting for their deen. He's feeding them more of what men have turned into. There are multiple hadiths describing our situations that we will be humiliated if we stop doing jihad. And look at us.. the Ummah is disunited and the muslim countries are replacing Islamic civil laws with French and British bs
Please watch this Response by Saajid Lipham,
@Inverted Heel Hook It's not about insecurities but more of a general situation of the ummah. Truly men have become less masculine and Brother gabriel was not attacking mufti menk but you guys took this as an attack
It feels like this is the type of guy who thinks that if people are not like him they are just down right wrong. What he dont understand is that the sahaba were all individuals who have different personalities they aren't all the same. May Allah soften our hearts and keeps us from transgressing. I love you all my brothers and sisters.
I was taught how to knit at school, as a man I see no problems in me knitting a jumper!
That guy doesn't get that when a husband helps in the house cares for the children the wife loves and respects him more falls inlove with him, wants him more because with his actions he is showing soo much love and care.
@Dark Horse brother a man being the breadwinner protecting and providing is his duty so he better be doing that already but his duty doesn't end with that. Him doing the sunnah of playing with his children helping in the house even cooking. Makes his wife respect and love him even more. This is majority of women. I am not talking culture im talking of a womans heart. And this is the majority yes there will be some who may not like it but majority do across the board be it white, black, brown etc.
@Dark Horse you can say that for other women. Im not them. A marriage is a partnership both must respect eachother and yes a woman should be obedient to her spouse as her husband should listen to her, confide in her take her advice and discuss with her as the prophet pbuh did with his wives. As long as the husband is fulfilling his duties and doesn't make you do things that go against your faith, your rights and duties you should listen to him.
To say a wife should "go with whatever decision he makes" is wrong again its a partnership there should be a discussion he listens to her she listens to him and they come to a decision together. Again the base of a marriage is respect and trust. There is no his way or the high way. That isn't a marriage then thats dictatorship. Which is not islamic. He is her protector, he has her responsibility, he must respect her and trust her as she him. Its about walking together. Just because some decision may not be haram it could go against her rights in islam...it could be culture based that again goes against her rights. So again both need to be on the same page. Take each others counsel and talk. Come to agreements decisions together and where needs to be Both compromise and meet in the middle. Thats how a marriage works and lasts.
@@Sadidesifamily sorry to burst your bubble but the man is supposed to be the hakim of the house interms of final decision making yes the wife can advice him and persuade him but it ain't like both of them are leaders of the house only one can be the leader in the family and that is men and a woman is supposed to follow his commands within the hududs of sharia that's made evident in the Quran and through the sunnah of the prophet
Mufti menk went to college dressed up the way he dresses up now. Talk about a Muslim being a stranger. Mufti Menk is a proud stranger. An original man, ma SHA Allah.
May Allah Grant you Jannah Al Firdous and Multiply every good deed you. I have a Tafsir Al Quran Channel and I need A little Support.
Channel URL: ua-cam.com/channels/d3UeYKSbus87HuG5OrwxbQ.html
Thankyou for the Support, inshallah it will count as good deeds, inshallah!!!!!!.
One thing I recently realised and love about mufti menk is-
He does things in yt things normally muftis don’t do.He is so normal in yt and people may complain that he is not acholarly.But it’s great Mufti menk has so knowledge and still maintains to be normal.You can’t tell he is a mufti in his videos.But when he starts giving khutba,you understand how educatrd he is.Masha’Allah.May Allah keep his intentions pure.❤️
May Allah guide the brother who is speaking out of anger and make peace between him and Mufti Menk. And may Allah also forgive our short comings, sins and mistakes and put love and kindness in our hearts for one another. ameen
I love that he is not afraid to knit, knit on video and teach his kids to knit. So sweet, kind, and a Man.
When my great grandfather was in the army, they were taught to crochet and knit and sew so that they could mend their clothes while on the battle field or in trenches. My great grandmother was a seamstress, but my great grandfather taught all five of his children how to knit, sew and crochet because it was taught in the army as a vital and sometimes even life-saving skill. Your clothing protects you from exposure, so do blankets. There is no shame in a man who can do this--even our Prophet saws mended his own clothing himself. It's a basic & essential thing to know.
My great grandparents were Irish btw
Genuine question: what does it have to do with being Irish? Is it a tradition kind of thing?
The first time I heard the new guy doing takfir, I knew something was off. These new kids need to respect the elders of the Ummah.
He may have been tackling important issues before this might continue to do the same. But clearly he overstepped his bounds this time.
You like him, you defend him. I care for Mufti Menk and do not like it when anyone tries to disrespect him.
Literally these people are like the khawaarij. Accusing people of major things left and right without any knowledge/ contemplation
@@DanteDVlad “you like him, you defend him”. Are you saying you’ll defend him even if he said anything wrong about Islam? Not just Mufti Meink, but other scholars and people as well.
I would appreciate it if you refrained from projecting your thoughts onto me.
I meant what I wrote. Feel free to expand or contract the implications according to your understanding and preconceptions.
@@DanteDVlad ....
and may Allah forgive that brother for assuming things and possibly hurting someone and Allah is the most forgiving.
12:30 Also, 100 years ago, Pink was a manly color and blue was the color for girls! Same as the knitting thing!
That guy does not like mufty it’s clear lol. Respect to Mufty! He is the man !!
I think the same lol. His facial expression says it all
Well many scholars have actually said to avoid Mufti Menk. Because he's an ikhwani.
@@MuhammadSalman7236 brother geniune question, who are the ikhwanis, cant seem to find much about them
@@ayaznasiry3977 they say things like:
"Don't refute anyone"
"don't say that someone is misguided or not"
"Everyone should stay united whether they are shias, sufis, or even Christians or Jews"
"It doesn't matter who you are taking knowledge from"
"Take the good and leave the bad" (how is a layman supposed to know what is bad or good for him?)
Muhammad ibn Bundâr as-Sabbâk al-Jarjânî said: I said to Ahmad ibn Hanbal: It is hard upon me that I say "this person is weak, and this person is a liar"
Ahmad said: if you stay silent and I stay silent, then when will the ignorant know the right from the wrong?
[Sharh ilal at-Tirmidhî]
These kind of people support anyone even if he's not on the right path and at the same, they say bad things about those who are actually trying to tell people the difference between truth and falsehood.
If you still didn't understand who the ikhwan-ul-muslimeen are, then this playlist might give you an idea of them:
come on, I am a girl and love knitting, crocheting, making stuff for myself and I would be proud if my future husband sit and knit together with me, that will show how respective he is toward me!
Some of the finest tailors in the world are Men...
Funny thing is, the fashion industry is mostly run by men. Most of the brands we wear are created by men. If this brother wants to attack someone, why doesn't he go for the male fashion designers?
Nothing but toxic masculinity.
You’re not getting the point, please watch this to understand ua-cam.com/video/KgmN4dQpP8Q/v-deo.html
May Allah Grant you al Firdaus, and reward you multiples for every good deed you do!
I have a Hadith channel and I need a little support so that I can spread the Hadiths and make more children and teens knowledgeable about their deen, please help me Thank you!! :)
I learned knitting from my grandfather, he taught me many beautiful including little dresses for baby girls , I have told everyone that my grandfather taught me knitting and I am proud of him❤️
Mufti Menk : *knits*
This dude : and I took that personally
May Allah protect us from hasadd and jealousy people seem to be jealous whenever they see a great scholar and great family man like sheikh menk
May Allah give long life and health so you can serve the umah in so many ways
Lol my wife and I are knitting a portrait of bouquet of flower to gift it to my mom. The guy be like yo haraaam
The guy has "clients" xDDDD
Probably what he does for a living
May Allah bless you and your wife and grant you with a lot of healthy children. Aameen
JazakAllah Khairan brother. Thank you for your intervention.
Knowledge is power! One thing this brother needs to know is that character begins at home Mufti Menk is setting an example for all of us especially brothers with many daughters like Mufti Menk. My dad is almost 80 years old but he still cares for his grandkids and cooks May Allah reward him and the like of Mufti Menk 🤲
@@dhuss14 no one is condemning what he has been doing or assisting with, all we are saying here is that Mufti Menk is not wrong for knitting 🧶, he is a husband and a father to many girls. Stop beating on yourself so hard
If my husband does this for our kids, he will definitely get massages everyday 🤩 chill dear
@@hadyasan6879 don't worry brother. This is a bot account that is pasting this on every comment
Please hold your peace, must everyone that comments means they comment for likes?,
Wait.....did the prophet (s) used to mend his own clothes? How is knitting a woman thing? Men and women have been making fabrics/garments/clothing in many different ways thoughout history.
What the brother ment to say was that u need to do more productive work, but u won't get it cox the whole video is chopped🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️
@@Ibnshafi3 a Mufti, emphasis on Mufti, needs to do more productive work.....? I mean.....? Sorry but work on your critical thinking
@samreen Mulla do you even know what a mufti is you ignorant person. this chocolate man is not even 1% mufti.
@@Ibnshafi3 are you seriously telling me that the mufti has never done productive work? I'm sure he's done more productive work than brother Gabriel ... But you cannot always expect a human being to be productive in every single thing you do. The mufti was spending quality time with his kids and teaching them a skill ... He decided to share it on his social media. Tell me exactly what was wrong with that? What was so wrong with that that brother Gabriel was so triggered? Do we forget that the prophet helped with household tasks to make life easier for his wives. Do we now say that the prophet (pbuh) was being feminine? Astaghfirullah. I think people need to stop critiquing every single thing someone else does. If we spent that much time worrying about fixing ourselves, life would be so much better. I'm sure brother Gabriel has a lot of work to do on his character just like we all do, insread of making that video, if he did some dhikr ... He would've benefitted from it alot more than making that video critiquing something that wasn't even a bad thing
@@syedanidariaz1899 Masha Allah ,finally someone who my thinking can relate to after reading so many comments and the one which I felt is the most correct
I'm from the UK and most of the tailors here are men.. the restaurant chefs are men and street cleaners are men.. does all skills/occupations belong to women? Who said men can't knit? Cook? Clean?.. these muslims make me sad.. Best hadith for all you haters.. Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him say what is good or remain silent.
🌼Daily reminder🌼
Alhamdulillah x3
Astagfirullah x3
Subhanallah x3
Allahu akbar x3
May Allah SWT grant us all the highest place in jannah.
Imma just put it here, if my husband knitted me a scarf or something, I would definitely be pleased and would never think that he lacked masculinity somehow. That's supposed to be called "caring". Knitting is an activity, you get clothes or other items from it, how in the world would that affect someone's libido? Am I missing something here? Idk, you tell me.
I disagree with the post. It is true that it's helal for men or boys to knitt but there is a deeper issue and a priority. Let me explain;
We live in a society now, where girls are made to be men, and men are made to be girls.
And then women complain why their husbands no longer take responsibility in their relationships.
Toxic feminism, has destroyed the fabric of society, when they didn't just want equal rights to pay or education, they wanted equal rights to be a Man. They removed gender roles, so now that both men and women, boys and girls, can share the same bathroom. And they even went to the extent where they encourage men to dress up as girls if they like, and He can even now present himself to be a she, it's all according to how He feels at the end of the day.
Muslim men these days, hardly do activities with their sons like camping, hunting, horse riding, shooting arrows. Which was a standard back many years ago.
Instead their kids are playing doll house or are on their phones watching all sorts trash on the internet, turned into phone zombie addicts, who can't socialise out side of their dark closets. And when their kids turn into Homosexuals, or sons don't grow up as Men to defend oppress Muslims all over the World, they then complain why No muslims go out to defend muslims being killed by Zionists for example.
Here's a point to considers.
I would really wonder if Mufti Menk was teaching his Girls cooking, and vacuming the house, and washing the clothes and ironing.
I'm sure the Muslim sisters would have been furiated. How dare he teach his girls those things.
I'm sure the Feminists would have said, yes it's not haram for girls to do that either but the typical Muslim man only expects women to be like that, therefore due to the current climate the Sheik shouldn't be teaching that, and there should be more important things like, women training themselves to be independent incase they have a marriage fall out.
So why now the #DoubleStandards?
And finally,
I am certain that if any of the companions were living today they would NOT be advocating for knitting whilst their is blood being shed day and night to our fellow muslims.
I am certain has his child been locked away in some prison and being tortured by the enemies he wouldnt be knitting on social media rather he would spend his day and night advocating to educate the muslims about real life issues.
Most of Menks vidoes are about play....im yet to see him conduct meetings with the tawaget of the arab nations to try to help our fellow muslims.
I can only imagine the less fortunate watching his video and breaking down... if this is the content of one of the most famous "shiekhs" in the west...what hope is their for the rest of the "callers to islam"
Ok, So now that you understand the context of the current climate we live in I hope you can now see why, this offends Muslims that a Sheik encourage to show knitting to kids. Sure if this was 100 years ago or 500 years ago or 1400 years ago no one would really complain, it's the fact that a Godless current society built on secular liberalism that is trying to remove a man's role and a women's role in society is why their is a big kick over it.
So it's about "setting" prioritises straight people . It's not about saying its not permissible for Boys not to be knitting!
@@muhammedPies I totally agree that we indeed live in the pretty much messed up society, where people are getting heavily encouraged to do literally everything that's forbidden, that's obvious. And also humanity has never had more hypocrisy than in "modern" times.
However, do you expect every Muslim to be perfect now, or every Muslim to lead a war against the half of the world (it's roughly 2 billions Muslims in the world, so actually more than the half)? No, that's NOT how you get things right. We already know how that turns out - ISIS also complains that "why we're sitting in our houses and don't fight "non-believers", the world is so messed up, we have to kill them all in the name of God, blah-blah". Astaghfirullah.
Mufti Menk is a scholar, he teaches and interprets the rules of Islam. But by no means can someone take him as an EXAMPLE, simply because he's a human, just like all of us. Humans are flawed by default, it's our nature, and we will always violate law in one way or another, and not only once, but thousands times, million times, Allah knows better.
God Almighty already gave us a person as an example, the best of all humanity - the last Messenger, Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. Allah declared him as the best of all people, and we must follow his actions and sayings, that's why Hadiths exist. And even with all that, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was a simple human, and he asked for forgiveness and mercy hundreds of times each day.
So Mufti Menk knitting is NOT something everyone should be frustrated about, it's not like he knits every single day, it was just ONE video, where he was teaching his children how to knit. What, he was supposed to go hunting with his children in the middle of pandemic? Idk where you all live, but my country is still in quarantine.
So let's also not forget that surroundings matter, we cannot do stuff we used to before.
I can also complain that "Uyghur Muslims are suffering from violation of basic human rights, so why are you all silent about that? All of you! Do something! You don't ban Chinese products, but you do ban French products, you hypocrites".
But no man is an island, there's safety in numbers. If we do something to change things, we need to do this together. And at the same time we cannot expect everyone to behave and act perfectly according to law every single time, it's simply impossible. We learn from mistakes in the first place. So this man in the video who complained about Mufti Menk's activity should've contacted him privately at the very least. There's no shame in pointing on mistakes, if you genuinely think someone did something wrong, but we must treat everyone with respect and do no harm.
Thank Allah, the numbers of Muslims are increasing, and Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. So let's keep it that way, so that one day we can actually save all the oppressed and the needy. And for that we should be compassionate and understanding. And never forget that we all make mistakes every single day, but not a single person is beyond redemption.
@@jxcess3891 I think, I spot a hypocrite here and someone completely uneducated. At the very least, because in Islam it's forbidden to curse no matter what. God Almighty can curse anything and anyone, but it's not up to us to curse and judge, Allah is the only judge.
Not to mention that your words are completely absurdity, I'm sorry, but also your words backfired on you, next time do your research, or be quiet, please, if you don't know anything.
@@jxcess3891 Just keep quiet. Stop embarrassing yourself.🤦♀️😂
@@jxcess3891 you are really trying to persuade me, who studied all monotheistic religions with scholars from each religion? Are you a scholar? Definitely not, because you don't even know that people can say stuff not literally, but also *figuratively*.
Again, if you didn't get it the first time, I recommend you to get your brains checked. I repeat, it is not allowed to swear or curse anyone in Islam. By that I mean LITERALLY. And yes, we can see people still doing that, because, well, they VIOLATE the law. That's it, it's that simple. That doesn't mean that Islam allows it, it's just people who don't follow the rules.
Second, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, meant it FIGURATIVELY, as to point out that it's haram, it's *forbidden* to get a tattoo and all (not only for women, btw, but for men as well, this hadith was addressed just for women, but there are also a bunch of general hadiths that forbid that activities).
Everyone can say everything on the internet, that doesn't make you any smarter. Don't waste your life on posting something completely absurd, because you look dumb. It's crystal clear that you don't even wanna know facts, you're just here to spread hatred, no matter what arguments people give to you. But don't even try this on me, you won't win this.
People who really wanna know the truth are gonna do their research by studying primary sources only and by speaking with *qualified* people only, and NOT with some ignorant commentator on social media. Just move along, nobody is interested in your blatant lies.
Brother jibreel said its not bout knitting its the bigger picture where men are losing their masculinity because of feminine activities.
I don’t understand a man knitting ?? he’s getting triggered over a man knitting wow talk about
”real man hood” there to get triggered 😓
I disagree with the post. It is true that it's helal for men or boys to knitt but there is a deeper issue and a priority. Let me explain;
We live in a society now, where girls are made to be men, and men are made to be girls.
And then women complain why their husbands no longer take responsibility in their relationships.
Toxic feminism, has destroyed the fabric of society, when they didn't just want equal rights to pay or education, they wanted equal rights to be a Man. They removed gender roles, so now that both men and women, boys and girls, can share the same bathroom. And they even went to the extent where they encourage men to dress up as girls if they like, and He can even now present himself to be a she, it's all according to how He feels at the end of the day.
Muslim men these days, hardly do activities with their sons like camping, hunting, horse riding, shooting arrows. Which was a standard back many years ago.
Instead their kids are playing doll house or are on their phones watching all sorts trash on the internet, turned into phone zombie addicts, who can't socialise out side of their dark closets. And when their kids turn into Homosexuals, or sons don't grow up as Men to defend oppress Muslims all over the World, they then complain why No muslims go out to defend muslims being killed by Zionists for example.
Here's a point to considers.
I would really wonder if Mufti Menk was teaching his Girls cooking, and vacuming the house, and washing the clothes and ironing.
I'm sure the Muslim sisters would have been furiated. How dare he teach his girls those things.
I'm sure the Feminists would have said, yes it's not haram for girls to do that either but the typical Muslim man only expects women to be like that, therefore due to the current climate the Sheik shouldn't be teaching that, and there should be more important things like, women training themselves to be independent incase they have a marriage fall out.
So why now the #DoubleStandards?
And finally,
I am certain that if any of the companions were living today they would NOT be advocating for knitting whilst their is blood being shed day and night to our fellow muslims.
I am certain has his child been locked away in some prison and being tortured by the enemies he wouldnt be knitting on social media rather he would spend his day and night advocating to educate the muslims about real life issues.
Most of Menks vidoes are about play....im yet to see him conduct meetings with the tawaget of the arab nations to try to help our fellow muslims.
I can only imagine the less fortunate watching his video and breaking down... if this is the content of one of the most famous "shiekhs" in the west...what hope is their for the rest of the "callers to islam"
Ok, So now that you understand the context of the current climate we live in I hope you can now see why, this offends Muslims that a Sheik encourage to show knitting to kids. Sure if this was 100 years ago or 500 years ago or 1400 years ago no one would really complain, it's the fact that a Godless current society built on secular liberalism that is trying to remove a man's role and a women's role in society is why their is a big kick over it.
So it's about "setting" prioritises straight people . It's not about saying its not permissible for Boys not to be knitting!
@@muhammedPies Wow you really have me a new perspective on this.
Sadly even Muslims in places like Pakistan for example are adopting the bad aspects of Western civilization and think that moral degradation is somehow “progress”.
When you lecture them about basic masculine roles and feminine roles they go “how dare you”. Like what happened to being a Dad? What happened to be a loving nurturing mother who maintains a home?
“By the declining day, Indeed mankind is in a state of loss”-Surah Asr
Same here. Sounds like that young man needs therapy and some self esteem. Someone else doing something they enjoy should never trigger any emotionally stable adult, especially one of faith,
Na'ilah Bint Will He needs theraphy? That young man (his name is Gabriel al-Romani btw) is an Islamic school principal, counsellor and education consultant. If you disagree with his opinions then at least understand where the guy is coming from, do you have any idea how many cases of homosexuality involving muslims in muslim countries he has dealt with in the past? He knows what he's talking about.
I’m pretty sure homosexuality is a sign of the day of judgment so why are u old people trying to prevent the inevitable even if homosexuality was illegal through out the entire world the LGBTQ community will continue growing and getting stronger simple as
People these days complains about everything and are not very thankful for what they have.
Not so long ago people had less but they were very thankful for what they had and not complaining about what they didn't have.
Jazzakallahu kheir for this respectful answer to his video. I needed this
OMG.. May Allah guide this guy and give him relief from his problems he truly looks troubled.. Otherwise i don't think any human on the earth will hate such a kind soul like mufti Menk.
Mufti menk is a good person how can someone do this to a respectable person. May Allah fix this dunya
Just watch this, he’s not attacking him ua-cam.com/video/KgmN4dQpP8Q/v-deo.html
Why can’t ppl just leave him alone man mufti menk is such a gentle sweetheart may Allah bless him
I saw the title and my response is leave the man be, for God's sake
Hats all he does talks about someone else and judge
Lol, that's how blind follower response to criticism
Woaaah are you big boss 😳😳😳😳
@Shafiullah Noory I did watch the video, and I'm by his side actually.
I thought t first commenter was saying "leave mufti menk alone" 😀
MashaAllah Mufti Menk I appreciate very much and he did not do anything wrong I believe and jazakAllah to you brother for bringing some light to that. May Allah(swt) bless you
Mufti Menk literally said “making a blanket for Zenji🐱” How can you hate on him!!!🥺
Exactly 🥺🥺
Zenji is his cat 🐈⬛🥺
He is soo cute ✨
Tashnüva I know rightt🥺
Expose the NOSE Some indoor cats get really cold in winter, causing them to have high fever, therefore, must be wearing something to avoid sickness just like humans. Who’s not seeing the bigger picture now?
Expose the NOSE And what do you mean by illegal? Why?
Is cooking as a man ‘feminine’ now too? Wow. He seems easily threatened with his fragile masculinity.
There no harm in teaching a craft to his children knitting is fun and has no gender role with this. Women can do men jobs and vice versa this is the world we live in. In Africa villages women are building homes with their own hands !
I disagree with the post. It is true that it's helal for men or boys to knitt but there is a deeper issue and a priority. Let me explain;
We live in a society now, where girls are made to be men, and men are made to be girls.
And then women complain why their husbands no longer take responsibility in their relationships.
Toxic feminism, has destroyed the fabric of society, when they didn't just want equal rights to pay or education, they wanted equal rights to be a Man. They removed gender roles, so now that both men and women, boys and girls, can share the same bathroom. And they even went to the extent where they encourage men to dress up as girls if they like, and He can even now present himself to be a she, it's all according to how He feels at the end of the day.
Muslim men these days, hardly do activities with their sons like camping, hunting, horse riding, shooting arrows. Which was a standard back many years ago.
Instead their kids are playing doll house or are on their phones watching all sorts trash on the internet, turned into phone zombie addicts, who can't socialise out side of their dark closets. And when their kids turn into Homosexuals, or sons don't grow up as Men to defend oppress Muslims all over the World, they then complain why No muslims go out to defend muslims being killed by Zionists for example.
Here's a point to considers.
I would really wonder if Mufti Menk was teaching his Girls cooking, and vacuming the house, and washing the clothes and ironing.
I'm sure the Muslim sisters would have been furiated. How dare he teach his girls those things.
I'm sure the Feminists would have said, yes it's not haram for girls to do that either but the typical Muslim man only expects women to be like that, therefore due to the current climate the Sheik shouldn't be teaching that, and there should be more important things like, women training themselves to be independent incase they have a marriage fall out.
So why now the #DoubleStandards?
And finally,
I am certain that if any of the companions were living today they would NOT be advocating for knitting whilst their is blood being shed day and night to our fellow muslims.
I am certain has his child been locked away in some prison and being tortured by the enemies he wouldnt be knitting on social media rather he would spend his day and night advocating to educate the muslims about real life issues.
Most of Menks vidoes are about play....im yet to see him conduct meetings with the tawaget of the arab nations to try to help our fellow muslims.
I can only imagine the less fortunate watching his video and breaking down... if this is the content of one of the most famous "shiekhs" in the west...what hope is their for the rest of the "callers to islam"
Ok, So now that you understand the context of the current climate we live in I hope you can now see why, this offends Muslims that a Sheik encourage to show knitting to kids. Sure if this was 100 years ago or 500 years ago or 1400 years ago no one would really complain, it's the fact that a Godless current society built on secular liberalism that is trying to remove a man's role and a women's role in society is why their is a big kick over it.
So it's about "setting" prioritises straight people . It's not about saying its not permissible for Boys not to be knitting!
@@muhammedPies Why are you under every comment copy and pasting the same damn thing?
@@checkmattee222 Because it's a rational argument, you're just getting emotional
May Allah Grant you al Firdaus, and reward you multiples for every good deed you do!
I have a Hadith channel and I need a little support so that I can spread the Hadiths and make more children and teens knowledgeable about their deen, please help me Thank you!! :)
Brother Gabriel needs to ask himself why it bothers him so much? A man is teaching his children a skill he was taught, and in turn spending time with his children. He also goes target practice and other “masculine” activities with his children. 🤯 it’s a internal matter that brother Gabriel needs to ask himself.
This is a good thing to pass time better than playing video games or listen to music
Yeah I want my husband and sons to do knitting it shows gentleness that's what real women like.
If only they understood that
Most Women need emotional support. It's not finacial.Men just work all day and night and the wife is still not happy. Maybe men need to behave like a man and keep their families happy.instead of complain to their friends and family my wife has done this and that...u abandon them and expect them to fall for u when u come back from work.
@@Destiny-jt7yi ikr. ive been saying this.
he owes mufti an apology
Prophet used to knit , do household chores. Galromani has a problem with men who do household chores too. Okay then prophet is feminine he did everything.
*is the prophet ﷺ feminine then?
I think that’s what u mean to ask for the last sentence. As a rhetorical question.
The answer is no of course. He was the best man and he taught us what was manly and what wasn’t. Peace and blessings be upon him