When a BIC lighter is too low on fuel to light on its own, save it until you get a second one to the same level. Hold the 2 together and light one and there will be enough from both to produce a flame. You can get another 10 or more lights from this.
You can scrape plastic shavings off of the outside of the lighter, and use the ferrocerium to carefully make a small pile of ferro dust onto the scrapings, and spark the shavings. You can make fire with one even if its out of butane.
If you wear jeans you can do the same with something sharp scraping off some lint. I was taught this somewhere online being called a "prison match" when you put it inside a single sheet of TP and then for prison obviously they would have used an empty lighters spark but when they took smoking out they showed how to do it if a 9vt battery and a somewhat metal gum wrapper certain socks produce the perfect airy kind of lint as well.
@robinlaszlo yeah a lot of people forget about what they're wearing, pocket lint, and other flammable materials they potentially have on them, like old receipts in a wallet
@@tcarp1616 I bought an old style Kerosene Military trench lighter. I fill it with 190 Proof Everclear alcohol. 🔥 If you use Kerosene, make sure to use the high quality Kerosene called KLEAN HEAT that is commonly sold at HOME DEPOT.
Yes.I agree, everyone should carry more than one way to light a fire at all times. I’d like to add a couple things. I buy lighters that I can see through so I can monitor the fuel level. I use white tape so if I drop it in the dark it would be easier to find it. I wrap an “O” ring around under the lever to keep it from being pushed while in my pocket and causing the fuel to leak out. For what it’s worth disposable lighters are considered single use plastic and so are bad for the environment.
Get some kind of case as well. Bics are still very useful after broken but they can still be dropped and mini explode from the plastic shattering and letting all the accelerant out when full. You can find those all over online and it will just make your back up a little more sturdy and if you keep a bright color still as easy to see and possibly easier in the dark if you get a glow one.
I’ve found that some of the Bic Lighters that have decorations on them are actually just Labeled. So if you take a sharp knife/razor blade and score down the body lengthwise, the decorative label comes off. The body turns out to be a Translucent White plastic. Hold it up to a light and you can see how much fuel is left in it. If you do peel the label off THEN wrap the body with the Duct tape if the middle, you get to see how much fuel you have left. Wrap a twist tie around the plunger so it doesn’t accidentally activate, and you can toss it into an Emergency Kit or two. Hope this helps.
I love practicing primitive methods but always prepare with a lighter. One of my lighters is wrapped with jute twine dipped in wax which will burn a long time to start a fire.
When a BIC lighter is too low on fuel to light on its own, save it until you get a second one to the same level. Hold the 2 together and light one and there will be enough from both to produce a flame. You can get another 10 or more lights from this.
You can scrape plastic shavings off of the outside of the lighter, and use the ferrocerium to carefully make a small pile of ferro dust onto the scrapings, and spark the shavings. You can make fire with one even if its out of butane.
I’ve heard that! Never done it!
If you wear jeans you can do the same with something sharp scraping off some lint. I was taught this somewhere online being called a "prison match" when you put it inside a single sheet of TP and then for prison obviously they would have used an empty lighters spark but when they took smoking out they showed how to do it if a 9vt battery and a somewhat metal gum wrapper certain socks produce the perfect airy kind of lint as well.
@robinlaszlo yeah a lot of people forget about what they're wearing, pocket lint, and other flammable materials they potentially have on them, like old receipts in a wallet
@@tcarp1616 I bought an old style Kerosene Military trench lighter. I fill it with 190 Proof Everclear alcohol.
🔥 If you use Kerosene, make sure to use the high quality Kerosene called KLEAN HEAT that is commonly sold at HOME DEPOT.
I recommend wrapping some heck wick around it as well and tucking it into the tape to extend the lighter fluid!
@@PineSap what the heck is heck wick?
And how does it extend the lighter fluid?
Yes.I agree, everyone should carry more than one way to light a fire at all times. I’d like to add a couple things. I buy lighters that I can see through so I can monitor the fuel level. I use white tape so if I drop it in the dark it would be easier to find it. I wrap an “O” ring around under the lever to keep it from being pushed while in my pocket and causing the fuel to leak out. For what it’s worth disposable lighters are considered single use plastic and so are bad for the environment.
I like the tape trick, that one was new to me. thanks for the tip
No worries, easy way to extend the flame.
Thanks for sharing Travis!
Every little bit of new knowledge is 🧠 👍
Glad you think so!
Get some kind of case as well. Bics are still very useful after broken but they can still be dropped and mini explode from the plastic shattering and letting all the accelerant out when full. You can find those all over online and it will just make your back up a little more sturdy and if you keep a bright color still as easy to see and possibly easier in the dark if you get a glow one.
I’d recommend adding some hemp wick too it saves a lot of butane.
I was going to say that. 👍🏻
I’ve found that some of the Bic Lighters that have decorations on them are actually just Labeled. So if you take a sharp knife/razor blade and score down the body lengthwise, the decorative label comes off. The body turns out to be a Translucent White plastic. Hold it up to a light and you can see how much fuel is left in it.
If you do peel the label off THEN wrap the body with the Duct tape if the middle, you get to see how much fuel you have left. Wrap a twist tie around the plunger so it doesn’t accidentally activate, and you can toss it into an Emergency Kit or two. Hope this helps.
Nice video !
Thank you
Ty, T-Carp! 😅✌️❤️🙏
You’re welcome ☺️
@ 😁
I love practicing primitive methods but always prepare with a lighter. One of my lighters is wrapped with jute twine dipped in wax which will burn a long time to start a fire.
Great tip!
thank you man
Go VOLS Brother
Always! Go VOLS
Hmmm pretty cool!
Glad you think so!
Im a big fan of duct tape. I use it all the time. Now i have another use for it. Thanks.
No problem!
DUCT TAPE! 1976, I worked in a factory that was held together with duct tape.