I was a successful artist, i saw me painting and sculpting. I was brilliant in different styles of painting. People purchased my pieces and even commissioned paintings. I was confident with my inner artist. In this life i have never made a painting and also thought of myself as not very artistic at all. Lately i keep wanting to paint, i have purchased canvases and paint but haven’t done anything with it. Thank you 🙏 💛
I was French, selling food, carrying a basket, I slipped banged my head and couldn’t speak. Then I was going round a huge table putting something on it. I want to be more fluent in French since I live here. I love this way of relaxing/ hypnosis.
Well it was all going great, I was deeply relaxed until I had a knock on the REAL LIFE door from my first child... so I repeated the exercise... then the 2nd child came to the door... amazing how as a parent you can't even get 20 minutes for self care!! I guess I'll try again at 9.30pm when everyone's asleep to get some uninterrupted peace!!!!
That's LITERALLY WHY they say to go a place where you KNOW you will "not be disturbed":... I have four kids and I would NEVER attempt to do anything in this capacity if they were in my vicinity
@ADayInTheLife4K no need to shout lol I was literally in the privacy of my own locked bedroom after specifically telling them all not to bother me for 20 minutes... that extra genius parent level must come after the 4th kid... guess I'll never know
My issue was finding cause of asthma. I travelled through a tunnel and then I was in water and could see and feel the tunnel filling with water until I could no longer breath. I drowned. This brought out a burst of tears watching this, i was all alone. I hugged my withered body and cried. Was very unexpected and hope this release brings the asthma relief.
That was unexpected n extremely powerful and profound...I went back to where i saw a child playing in a garden. She sees a butterfly, starts running off and chasing it. Shes so focused on the butterfly that she unknowingly wanders into the road, gets hit by a truck and dies. I couldnt tell if it was me as a child or one of my children in a past life, or even a sibling, but it made me cry like it was someone i knew(even though ive never seen her before). Not sure how this answers my struggle w addictions but it was interesting.
I see it as your inner child. You were a very pure, naive person, maybe imprudent and because of some bad event, you let your inner child die... You have to let she be reborn again. 😊
Holly Molly, I did not expect it a short meditation like this! I felt really constricted in thinking about my ability to absorb, retain and and share knowledge about science whether it be about soil or health which are two areas of great k Tereso to me. When I tuned in to my scene, I saw myself in another life, in a saloon type place, very dirty, noisy and busy and I had to clean and cook tirelessly, receiving no appreciation. On the contrary, a man came up to me and was grabbing me I appropriately but I had no say! I felt little and worthless! I recognize that I have had this feeling and because of it, I have been so reluctant to play the role of cooking and cleaning in my relationship of 30 years. I have felt frustrated that time spent doing these minute and meaningless tasks has stolen away my real path of being truly connected to the knowledge of body and soil science at an intuitive level. I want to reconnect to that! Wow, I want to try quantum jumping again! Thank you!
standing by that very ancient thick wooden door, seeing the deep symbols engraved on this beautiful door, listening to Burt s voice it opened and jumped into a battlefield, my twin was walking around,wearing a white dress walking around the wounded and dying just being there touching holding and then I fast forwarded and there is Peace. Burt right upto jumping out of the door, your Presence was with me, Thankyou InPeace Thankyou for all that you have shared and given and for having Graced our Earth with your Presence GodBless dear Burt as your Flight is Golden 🙏🏻💓🕊️🌟
I walked through the door or was literally sucked through into Egypt …I was a powerful queen and experience almost exactly what my life is now….I don’t see an ending or answer to fix my present. I was troubled and saddened by my situation there and woke here in that feeling. Wild! I’ll have to go back at some point . I kept going between Egypt and myself as a child and experiences there….. Thanks for the experience
Hello Burt! I am trying to use your technique to heal my health problems. Tomorrow I will have another Pat scan and I know the results will be amazing! I will be cured! Thank you
I was taken aback by the microphone sounds but actually what an experience somehow more real than the other videos I have seen so far. I definitely felt physically different. The scene took me back to a scene from my early teens, a conflict that was quite emotional with my siblings that never happened before, not since .. ❤ trauma healing ❤ What a beautiful journey of healing and finding our true selves ❤🎉
Thank you, Burt. It helped me release my past life's sadness. I was a lovely princess, but my parents forced me to marry; I was so sad and carried so much burden in that life, only sad memories hidden in my subconscious. Thank you again for helping me to find the quantum jumping to heel myself. Sending you lots of love, peace, and light, I am happy now ❤😊pray
I was on a beautiful beach and saw my other self crying. She was beautiful but so lonely and sad. I wanted to give her a hug. When I fast forwarded I realized she was alone on the beach and walked into the ocean with her clothes on until she was gone. I was pulled out of the scene and the door shut. I have no idea what this is related to and where it was. I used to live 5 minutes walk from a beautiful beach in a different country a couple years ago. Who knows, I'll keep digging. Thank you for this. ❤
If you're reading this I used this to Quantum Jump and it was amazing. Today, when I was Quantum Jumping with my mentor I saw a vision, or piece of information that flashed in my mind in the Quantum field and I saw myself leaving THIS comment. If you Quantum jump lets talk. Lets us this energy to attract and create our reality.
I saw my child self and I bawled like a baby, I have to go back and make her feel better, cause now I only feel her pain Edit. I used your same technique to take myself there except this time I stayed and talked to her and my mom and I came out feeling brand new! I have been trying for almost 3 years to break my abundance blocks. 100s of meditations And this is the 1st time I truly feel like I’ve made any progress! I could never thank you enough!!! 🙏❤️🔥
Hi! I was with few ladys somewere in England perhaps London and we were fighting but i didn't really hear what they talked about i think it was English and we were doing laundry outside we had tall old clothes like 100or somethink years ago,... But still today i hate fighting! I'm really positive person! In this live time i have few problems witch i wonna solved theme!! Thx. For inspireing meditation!!❤🎉🎉🎉
This is amazing but only half done. It brings up the traumatic experience without allowing time or visualization for releasing it and/or transmuting it.
You set the intention with what we want to discover about this life eg : Why do i fear playing the piano (i dont really fear playing the Piano it's just an example) Go into the leap. Discover a parallel life of why I fear playing the Piano. Leave. Wake up. Now what? What do I do with that information to change it or rectify the present?
This is exciting! Have done a similar exercise before to become a marathon runner. First time meditating with this video I felt the karmic energy and how I picked my father to experience this life. Was able to put his energy in a cage so it will stop blocking my life. It was like putting an undisciplined dog in a cage. The second time I was in Estoril where a past life and my current life together. It was a scene to live royal again in a similar way as I used to. This time building new kingdoms on earth through tech. Something I always wonder is if we truly have freewill, or that these exercises just happen to download new episodes.
Thank you. I surely co create in a future past self that doppleled me or my selves' . Ive been trying for months weeks to get going. I make the most each day in jesus. I am amazed, And my self twinning or future doing what may and come what problems need ,a count up. Historian in me saying let it or allow even. Many thanks for infinitely being left with myself. Friend nick the quaker
very interesting, as I jumped in I just saw a huge metal plate with signs on it what I can not describe was as I looked at it from another person's view. was an interesting amazing experience.
I am very impatient and have a sort of eating (sugar) problem. I saw I was sitting as a child in a line, very hungry and waiting for food. I was definitely in a past live.
I didn't see my adult self. I saw my child self being abused by my father as well as my mother. We were both backs to the wall on the floor, crying, on opposite sides of the kitchen. My mom had been hit in the face, hair disheveled, bleeding from the nose, her fave in her hands. I was terrified crying as my father bent down to scream obscenities in my face as I cowered into my lap. My adult self watched it happen. At the end though my dad was still raging but kind of "out of the scene," my mom looked over at me, wiped her tears, and smiled a big smile at me
I had a really bad flu affecting my upper respiratory tract, and it felt like my kidneys. I went to a place, I think it was Venice, Italy. There was a window behind the room I was in, and the view outside was intricate waterways and boats. I room was ornate, and it looked like I was a heavy user of snuff up my nose, and I was a painter using heavy chemicals like lead and turpentine. There was a boy servant, perhaps my page who was attempting to fan the fumes out the window, but it obviously wasn't working. Just then, my physician came in warning me to stop my craft as it was killing me. I refused. In the next scene, I was walking along the waterways, and I collapsed. I'm not sure if I died or not, but I think I did.
Wow, this is wild! I saw a lady dressed from a period that felt like early 1900 or 1850 dressed in black next to a piano in a house with forniture of that period completely heartbroken receiving the news that the love or her life is dead. There's a man standing still observing her but not giving her any consolation and empathy. He is cold. She feels completely alone in her pain, desperate and like something inside of her related to her love to play the piano dying in that moment. I fast forward the scene but that's all
I saw a past self sketching in a studio of my own I assume. I was sketching fashion designs, houses, landscape design, to people. I looked very free and raw in a romantic way. Like I was in my flow. First time doing it not sure if I did it correctly kind of got lost/ confused with him saying go to a past version / twin self in another reality. So my mind automatically went to an alternate version of me from another reality. I connected with it though since I used to be into art when I was in my youth. However the alternate version looked older like 25-35 maybe.
I wasn't quite able to 'see' anything after I opened up the door. I struggled between wanting to conjure a situation and then jumping from thought to thought when nothing came spontaneously but then censored myself because it felt too intentional, like I was trying to conjure an image that didn't just flow naturally. I couldn't see anything and it made me really sad. It was almost like there was too much pressure on my conscious mind to come up with something so it just froze. Has this ever happened to anyone? How do you get around it?
I was Italian I had a gun there was some type of gun or knife fight. There was an Italian man laying on the ground bleeding with a bag of money. I just cried my head off. Can you please tell me what to do now, this explains the bad karma I have been having. I would really like to fix this. 💜. The crazy part is I am not a Italian man in this life. I am a southern woman living in California. 😊
Think of this as a starting point to explore this question if you need to. Ask your guides or the Universe, or whatever you believe to aid you in healing. You'll be lead to the things that can help you ✨️
Same! I went through the door, and a big hand was covering my eyes so I couldn't see anything. The only thing I can think that this might mean is that it's not time for us to see it yet. There's still other things we need to do BEFORE this comes available. What do you think of this idea? I'd love to hear your thoughts too!
Try to use your other senses.Not everyone can visualise.If your clair sense is not the vidion you will find it more difficiult.Sometimes it is claircognisence,in this case you feel energi moving through you...allow this energy to create a thought(usually the next step)or an emotion,this will transfer into mental pictures.Find your strongest clairs guys.
you can just imagine the same aspect but the future self with feelings and detsiled as much as you can, and when you wake up embody that walk talk feel with assumption that happened already let the universe do the rest.!❤
Although I found the meditation quite relaxing, I also found some of his instructions quite confusing like "am I supposed to be going down the stairs, through the door?... oops no! wait, go back... okay now go down... am I supposed to see my doppleganger ? a past life? my younger self? and if I see my younger self living through a real past trauma hell, is that who I'm supposed to be? Wait, WTF!?"... sorry it didn't do it for me... but on a positive note, I will be exploring other meditation techniques so, thanks for the inspiration! :)
Agreed. My mind is so ready to visualise that I was already exploring all possibilities through the doorway, on the first approach. So, to be called back to then go through the door - felt like I missed something in the instruction. I did not feel comfortable witnessing the disturbing scene (which Burt is calling the source of a current problem). I knew to rewrite it, and witness a positive alternative - but then - he was calling us out - and giving the promo - so - that too was a bit jarring. I like his work, but this presentation should come with a note that it is NOT a full session - and can leave people feeling a bit discombobulated. =\
It was a beautiful paradise, but I grieve the loss of someone. I could not see or feel who it was. I pacified myself. But I did not want to leave, since the sadness couldn't leave me. I felt like I have not solved the problem. I really want to know who it was.
I think I fell in love with a mermaid??? She had to leave ofc and I was sad (and I couldn't say it??) I definitely felt throat chakra energy. Idk mayn, love and loss has been coming up a lott for me in these meditations (this was day 2).
Think past the darkness.. where's that light switch .. turn it on, open the blinds! Or perhaps you really are blind, listen and the sound will lead you to where you need to be and ask, let me simply See!!
I saw a bridge over a heavy flowing river. And number of people r running from that bridge to some cave. As I forwarded suddenly the empire broke down and falls into pieces and submurged into the flowing river. It created panic on me and some sensation 😢
I can’t explain the feeling, but I saw myself in a house on what it looked like Beverly Hills, it was a beautiful house and I just saw the back of the house which was the pool garden, I saw myself walking outside and fighting with my husband until both of us fell into the pool, I can’t seem to understand what this could mean
I could completely envision every part of the exercise, but when I stepped through the quantum door, I saw nothing. I saw a short glimpse of me laying in the room I am currently in, but nothing else. Every other step of the meditation was easy to follow: But why didn't I see my twin self?
@@romanchronometrist8135 I will no't say that it is impossible, but I believe that I am not. Phantasies were never issue for me, in my opinion. I tried again, not sure if I forced forward couple of wery unclear mental pictures of my younger self and what was the point with seeing those.. I can give it couple more chances.
Am I the only one who was not aloud to open te door? The floor, walls and the door diappeard. I was in a dark universe with stars and I saw someone shining bright on a cloud.
I saw myself holding a loved one on the floor they had died they were lying flat out on their back ,I was crying over them, we were both wearing black ,I didn’t want to look so I decided to go back in, this time the same but I saw that I was in a room in a castle with beautiful gold candelabra
I was in past in my old house roof top and there a girl i like her was smiling while watching me just standing I don’t know why it happened can someone explain me 😶🌫️
I was in an African village and had drum sticks ripped out of my hands by an elder. Very skinny and dark skin ornamental head dress. Guess I wasn't keeping in time properly
It was all white fog the other side of the door, with vague white rounded head shapes of alien type beings looking at me. No emotions at all, no actual scenes going on, nothing really happened. But that's ok. I asked to see my soul group, spirit guides and masters, so I guess that's what I saw.
Burt was a master Silva instructor, he wrote books for the Silva method before he branched off with his own stuff. If you like the Silva method material you will love Burt's programmes.
this was extremely triggering.. lets take you to a traumatic scene, have you you do nothing, and then bring it back to this moment.. where the positive change in that???? there needs to be more to this exercise
It was weird.I walked down steps in an Egyptian temple,as Cleopatra(?!)I walked through green quantum door and as the door opened I saw a baby in a triangle,very murky coloured,it was like a corner with the longest line being a devider between dark and light.Then i Saw Giepetto(Pinocchio)trying to pick me up and I got petrified!Like I didnt want to be seen.Weird...
I saw emptiness. Like a vast black dessert. I.dont think I have past lives? Makes sense tho because life on this planet with these humans is confusing and I have never really felt part of it all. Just observing 😢
Did not like the suggestion at the end about buying some products . Very unpleasant feeling as I start not to trust Burt. Did not want to focus on my limitations or on what is holding me back. Burt is a talented hypnotist for sure, but do I totally trust him? Not sure about that…
Burt is deceased, there's many people benefitting from his legacy. His channel has many different videos with lots of free advice and tips and meditations. Please don't miss out on all of the awesome lifetime work Burt Goldman gifted us. Try the free things, go with what feels right to you.
I was walking down the middle of very crowded Aushwitz camp with my little babies clinging to my legs. Just walking, sensing famine and scared. Skin was twitching...🤯
It wasn't relaxing at all, in fact what if someone goes back to ta traumatic life and you dont' even give ANY INTEGRATION. I just want to warn those who may have had trauma or experience something negative.
✅✅Full Courses = bit.ly/3sUjqgT
✅The Mindbox advance = bit.ly/3LnzRbY
Is this a full course for burt goldman Quantum jumping?
@@MakemoneywithMiasha yes you can get both quantum jump 1 and 2 for the discounted price from above link
I was a successful artist, i saw me painting and sculpting. I was brilliant in different styles of painting. People purchased my pieces and even commissioned paintings. I was confident with my inner artist.
In this life i have never made a painting and also thought of myself as not very artistic at all. Lately i keep wanting to paint, i have purchased canvases and paint but haven’t done anything with it. Thank you 🙏 💛
Best of luck! How is it going so far?
Start of exercise 2:17
I was French, selling food, carrying a basket, I slipped banged my head and couldn’t speak. Then I was going round a huge table putting something on it. I want to be more fluent in French since I live here. I love this way of relaxing/ hypnosis.
I realised a lifelong dream. After 4 months, i can play violin. Chopin and Mozart no problem. ty Burt.
Thank you was Great i Saw my self om stage being an inspirational speaker
Well it was all going great, I was deeply relaxed until I had a knock on the REAL LIFE door from my first child... so I repeated the exercise... then the 2nd child came to the door... amazing how as a parent you can't even get 20 minutes for self care!! I guess I'll try again at 9.30pm when everyone's asleep to get some uninterrupted peace!!!!
That's LITERALLY WHY they say to go a place where you KNOW you will "not be disturbed":...
I have four kids and I would NEVER attempt to do anything in this capacity if they were in my vicinity
😂😂😂the same here ❤❤
@ADayInTheLife4K no need to shout lol I was literally in the privacy of my own locked bedroom after specifically telling them all not to bother me for 20 minutes... that extra genius parent level must come after the 4th kid... guess I'll never know
Same here 😂😂
Oh do I understand ❤️
My issue was finding cause of asthma. I travelled through a tunnel and then I was in water and could see and feel the tunnel filling with water until I could no longer breath. I drowned. This brought out a burst of tears watching this, i was all alone. I hugged my withered body and cried. Was very unexpected and hope this release brings the asthma relief.
Don't count on it.
Sad comment @@Mick0722MX
I hope this gave you asthma relief. That sounds like a powerful experience. ❤️🩹
It should have. That’s how you died.
Did it? Update please. At least less severe?
That was unexpected n extremely powerful and profound...I went back to where i saw a child playing in a garden. She sees a butterfly, starts running off and chasing it. Shes so focused on the butterfly that she unknowingly wanders into the road, gets hit by a truck and dies. I couldnt tell if it was me as a child or one of my children in a past life, or even a sibling, but it made me cry like it was someone i knew(even though ive never seen her before). Not sure how this answers my struggle w addictions but it was interesting.
I see it as your inner child. You were a very pure, naive person, maybe imprudent and because of some bad event, you let your inner child die... You have to let she be reborn again. 😊
Holly Molly, I did not expect it a short meditation like this! I felt really constricted in thinking about my ability to absorb, retain and and share knowledge about science whether it be about soil or health which are two areas of great k Tereso to me. When I tuned in to my scene, I saw myself in another life, in a saloon type place, very dirty, noisy and busy and I had to clean and cook tirelessly, receiving no appreciation. On the contrary, a man came up to me and was grabbing me I appropriately but I had no say! I felt little and worthless! I recognize that I have had this feeling and because of it, I have been so reluctant to play the role of cooking and cleaning in my relationship of 30 years. I have felt frustrated that time spent doing these minute and meaningless tasks has stolen away my real path of being truly connected to the knowledge of body and soil science at an intuitive level. I want to reconnect to that! Wow, I want to try quantum jumping again! Thank you!
standing by that very ancient thick wooden door, seeing the deep symbols engraved on this beautiful door, listening to Burt s voice it opened and jumped into a battlefield, my twin was walking around,wearing a white dress walking around the wounded and dying just being there touching holding and then I fast forwarded and there is Peace. Burt right upto jumping out of the door, your Presence was with me, Thankyou InPeace Thankyou for all that you have shared and given and for having Graced our Earth with your Presence GodBless dear Burt as your Flight is Golden 🙏🏻💓🕊️🌟
I walked through the door or was literally sucked through into Egypt …I was a powerful queen and experience almost exactly what my life is now….I don’t see an ending or answer to fix my present. I was troubled and saddened by my situation there and woke here in that feeling. Wild! I’ll have to go back at some point . I kept going between Egypt and myself as a child and experiences there…..
Thanks for the experience
Hey I was there too I’m your king pharaoh husband ,, you better get here and please me sexually
Hello Burt! I am trying to use your technique to heal my health problems. Tomorrow I will have another Pat scan and I know the results will be amazing! I will be cured! Thank you
Were you cured? How are you doing?
I was taken aback by the microphone sounds but actually what an experience somehow more real than the other videos I have seen so far. I definitely felt physically different.
The scene took me back to a scene from my early teens, a conflict that was quite emotional with my siblings that never happened before, not since .. ❤ trauma healing ❤
What a beautiful journey of healing and finding our true selves ❤🎉
I felt so relaxed & bliss
Thank you so much
It was a different experience and for the first time I came to know something very deep about myself. Really helpful. Thanks sgain
an unique moment with the intensity of a lifetime, concentrate and heavy almost like an object I could hold in my hand
Very powerfull meditation! Thank you for sharing ❤
Thank you, Burt. It helped me release my past life's sadness. I was a lovely princess, but my parents forced me to marry; I was so sad and carried so much burden in that life, only sad memories hidden in my subconscious. Thank you again for helping me to find the quantum jumping to heel myself. Sending you lots of love, peace, and light, I am happy now ❤😊pray
I was on a beautiful beach and saw my other self crying. She was beautiful but so lonely and sad. I wanted to give her a hug. When I fast forwarded I realized she was alone on the beach and walked into the ocean with her clothes on until she was gone. I was pulled out of the scene and the door shut. I have no idea what this is related to and where it was. I used to live 5 minutes walk from a beautiful beach in a different country a couple years ago. Who knows, I'll keep digging. Thank you for this. ❤
It was amazing...I feel refreshed
If you're reading this I used this to Quantum Jump and it was amazing. Today, when I was Quantum Jumping with my mentor I saw a vision, or piece of information that flashed in my mind in the Quantum field and I saw myself leaving THIS comment. If you Quantum jump lets talk. Lets us this energy to attract and create our reality.
I saw my child self and I bawled like a baby, I have to go back and make her feel better, cause now I only feel her pain
Edit. I used your same technique to take myself there except this time I stayed and talked to her and my mom and I came out feeling brand new! I have been trying for almost 3 years to break my abundance blocks. 100s of meditations And this is the 1st time I truly feel like I’ve made any progress! I could never thank you enough!!! 🙏❤️🔥
Inner child meditation help for that.. ive been doing that..
This is utterly amazing
Very nice. Sounds like some of the patter I was making, way back in my time, and so it is now, a happening with a twist.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, God bless you 💐
Hi! I was with few ladys somewere in England perhaps London and we were fighting but i didn't really hear what they talked about i think it was English and we were doing laundry outside we had tall old clothes like 100or somethink years ago,... But still today i hate fighting! I'm really positive person! In this live time i have few problems witch i wonna solved theme!!
Thx. For inspireing meditation!!❤🎉🎉🎉
This is amazing but only half done. It brings up the traumatic experience without allowing time or visualization for releasing it and/or transmuting it.
@braxton8960 I SAID THE SAME thing in a comment-really bad to edit out at least a bit of integration.
I didn’t see or sense anything from a past life during the meditation. I do feel relaxed though. Was hoping to see or experience more.
Something big like tis of course takes PRACTICE. Do u meditate regularly to quiet the mind?
You set the intention with what we want to discover about this life eg : Why do i fear playing the piano (i dont really fear playing the Piano it's just an example)
Go into the leap.
Discover a parallel life of why I fear playing the Piano.
Wake up.
Now what? What do I do with that information to change it or rectify the present?
I SAID THE SAME thing in a comment-really bad to edit out at least a bit of integration.
This is exciting! Have done a similar exercise before to become a marathon runner.
First time meditating with this video I felt the karmic energy and how I picked my father to experience this life. Was able to put his energy in a cage so it will stop blocking my life. It was like putting an undisciplined dog in a cage.
The second time I was in Estoril where a past life and my current life together. It was a scene to live royal again in a similar way as I used to. This time building new kingdoms on earth through tech.
Something I always wonder is if we truly have freewill, or that these exercises just happen to download new episodes.
Thank you. I surely co create in a future past self that doppleled me or my selves' .
Ive been trying for months weeks to get going. I make the most each day in jesus.
I am amazed, And my self twinning or future doing what may and come what problems need ,a count up. Historian in me saying let it or allow even. Many thanks for infinitely being left with myself. Friend nick the quaker
I saw a version of me as an old lonely man smoking and having a huge sadness within.. 😮 suffered from loneliness
very interesting, as I jumped in I just saw a huge metal plate with signs on it what I can not describe was as I looked at it from another person's view. was an interesting amazing experience.
I am very impatient and have a sort of eating (sugar) problem. I saw I was sitting as a child in a line, very hungry and waiting for food. I was definitely in a past live.
I didn't see my adult self. I saw my child self being abused by my father as well as my mother. We were both backs to the wall on the floor, crying, on opposite sides of the kitchen. My mom had been hit in the face, hair disheveled, bleeding from the nose, her fave in her hands. I was terrified crying as my father bent down to scream obscenities in my face as I cowered into my lap. My adult self watched it happen. At the end though my dad was still raging but kind of "out of the scene," my mom looked over at me, wiped her tears, and smiled a big smile at me
Incredibly awesome!
Thank you ❤🕯☆ 🪽
I had a really bad flu affecting my upper respiratory tract, and it felt like my kidneys. I went to a place, I think it was Venice, Italy. There was a window behind the room I was in, and the view outside was intricate waterways and boats. I room was ornate, and it looked like I was a heavy user of snuff up my nose, and I was a painter using heavy chemicals like lead and turpentine. There was a boy servant, perhaps my page who was attempting to fan the fumes out the window, but it obviously wasn't working. Just then, my physician came in warning me to stop my craft as it was killing me. I refused. In the next scene, I was walking along the waterways, and I collapsed. I'm not sure if I died or not, but I think I did.
Wow, this is wild! I saw a lady dressed from a period that felt like early 1900 or 1850 dressed in black next to a piano in a house with forniture of that period completely heartbroken receiving the news that the love or her life is dead. There's a man standing still observing her but not giving her any consolation and empathy. He is cold. She feels completely alone in her pain, desperate and like something inside of her related to her love to play the piano dying in that moment. I fast forward the scene but that's all
I see so many having results… I have such a hard time “jumping”. Were you all able to do it in a short time?
I saw a past self sketching in a studio of my own I assume. I was sketching fashion designs, houses, landscape design, to people. I looked very free and raw in a romantic way. Like I was in my flow. First time doing it not sure if I did it correctly kind of got lost/ confused with him saying go to a past version / twin self in another reality. So my mind automatically went to an alternate version of me from another reality. I connected with it though since I used to be into art when I was in my youth. However the alternate version looked older like 25-35 maybe.
I wasn't quite able to 'see' anything after I opened up the door. I struggled between wanting to conjure a situation and then jumping from thought to thought when nothing came spontaneously but then censored myself because it felt too intentional, like I was trying to conjure an image that didn't just flow naturally. I couldn't see anything and it made me really sad. It was almost like there was too much pressure on my conscious mind to come up with something so it just froze. Has this ever happened to anyone? How do you get around it?
This was similar to jose silva method ❤
I was in a chariot ride with soldiers. I was weeping like princess trying to escape
Thank you Thank you Thank you...
I was Italian I had a gun there was some type of gun or knife fight. There was an Italian man laying on the ground bleeding with a bag of money. I just cried my head off. Can you please tell me what to do now, this explains the bad karma I have been having. I would really like to fix this. 💜. The crazy part is I am not a Italian man in this life. I am a southern woman living in California. 😊
Think of this as a starting point to explore this question if you need to. Ask your guides or the Universe, or whatever you believe to aid you in healing. You'll be lead to the things that can help you ✨️
I was blank; didn’t have anything from past show itself.. I really want to be able to see though! I trust this works.. just I don’t see anything.
The same, couldn’t see anything
Same! I went through the door, and a big hand was covering my eyes so I couldn't see anything. The only thing I can think that this might mean is that it's not time for us to see it yet. There's still other things we need to do BEFORE this comes available.
What do you think of this idea? I'd love to hear your thoughts too!
I think you are right! Definitely not ready to see! Some people think we don’t see anything because we are new souls and there is nothing to see.
Try to use your other senses.Not everyone can visualise.If your clair sense is not the vidion you will find it more difficiult.Sometimes it is claircognisence,in this case you feel energi moving through you...allow this energy to create a thought(usually the next step)or an emotion,this will transfer into mental pictures.Find your strongest clairs guys.
@@Emilyannagoodwinthere is something in your life you are blocking out and unwilling to look at. Only you know what that is.
Ok Jose Silva
He's 96... God this is unbelievable... Looks like a 18 years younger
He is not 96. He passed away in 2020. This video was recorded years before that.
Is there an exercise after this where we go in the future not past?
you can just imagine the same aspect but the future self with feelings and detsiled as much as you can, and when you wake up embody that walk talk feel with assumption that happened already let the universe do the rest.!❤
Although I found the meditation quite relaxing, I also found some of his instructions quite confusing like "am I supposed to be going down the stairs, through the door?... oops no! wait, go back... okay now go down... am I supposed to see my doppleganger ? a past life? my younger self? and if I see my younger self living through a real past trauma hell, is that who I'm supposed to be? Wait, WTF!?"... sorry it didn't do it for me... but on a positive note, I will be exploring other meditation techniques so, thanks for the inspiration! :)
Agreed. My mind is so ready to visualise that I was already exploring all possibilities through the doorway, on the first approach. So, to be called back to then go through the door - felt like I missed something in the instruction. I did not feel comfortable witnessing the disturbing scene (which Burt is calling the source of a current problem). I knew to rewrite it, and witness a positive alternative - but then - he was calling us out - and giving the promo - so - that too was a bit jarring.
I like his work, but this presentation should come with a note that it is NOT a full session - and can leave people feeling a bit discombobulated. =\
You are overthinking it. Let go and do not try so hard.
I didn't see anything and then I started getting itchy.
i found QJ 2 on your website and bought it.
do you have QJ 1?
It was a beautiful paradise, but I grieve the loss of someone. I could not see or feel who it was. I pacified myself. But I did not want to leave, since the sadness couldn't leave me. I felt like I have not solved the problem. I really want to know who it was.
You will know. I did same thing
Have you revisited this? Any progress?
OMG, this is just the Silva method!?!
Inspired from Silva method
Burt Goldman was a student of Jose Silva. He is inspired by his time spent studying and exploring various transcendental techniques.
I think I fell in love with a mermaid??? She had to leave ofc and I was sad (and I couldn't say it??) I definitely felt throat chakra energy. Idk mayn, love and loss has been coming up a lott for me in these meditations (this was day 2).
I have tried and tried but I don't ever see anything while trying to vizualize only get black nothingness
Same. I'm deep. I can feel it. Nothing comes up. Swirling dark dark purple light. No fear. No emotion.
The same, darkness only and calmness
Think past the darkness.. where's that light switch .. turn it on, open the blinds! Or perhaps you really are blind, listen and the sound will lead you to where you need to be and ask, let me simply See!!
I felt very uncomfortable restless after 10mins..
I feel twinkles but could see nothing
I did not see anything as he was suggesting 😕
I saw a bridge over a heavy flowing river. And number of people r running from that bridge to some cave. As I forwarded suddenly the empire broke down and falls into pieces and submurged into the flowing river. It created panic on me and some sensation 😢
I can’t explain the feeling, but I saw myself in a house on what it looked like Beverly Hills, it was a beautiful house and I just saw the back of the house which was the pool garden, I saw myself walking outside and fighting with my husband until both of us fell into the pool, I can’t seem to understand what this could mean
On a ship in a storm, weather was horrible getting worse, men were swept overboard, we we losing control then it ended…
You are a blessing on the earth😂
I could completely envision every part of the exercise, but when I stepped through the quantum door, I saw nothing. I saw a short glimpse of me laying in the room I am currently in, but nothing else. Every other step of the meditation was easy to follow: But why didn't I see my twin self?
Perhaps you are holding onto fear? It'll happen. Keep practicing ❤ Good luck
Did it twice, with same result. Nothing visualized.. I really tried.
Perhaps you might be aphantasic.
@@romanchronometrist8135 I will no't say that it is impossible, but I believe that I am not. Phantasies were never issue for me, in my opinion. I tried again, not sure if I forced forward couple of wery unclear mental pictures of my younger self and what was the point with seeing those..
I can give it couple more chances.
just tried, didn't see anything either...
Same with me
Too much tap water. Kidding!!
Watch this from the beginning.
Am I the only one who was not aloud to open te door? The floor, walls and the door diappeard. I was in a dark universe with stars and I saw someone shining bright on a cloud.
Is it just me or is it really fast?
I didn't see anything😢
The place was beautiful though
I saw myself holding a loved one on the floor they had died they were lying flat out on their back ,I was crying over them, we were both wearing black ,I didn’t want to look so I decided to go back in, this time the same but I saw that I was in a room in a castle with beautiful gold candelabra
I was in past in my old house roof top and there a girl i like her was smiling while watching me just standing I don’t know why it happened can someone explain me 😶🌫️
I was in an African village and had drum sticks ripped out of my hands by an elder. Very skinny and dark skin ornamental head dress. Guess I wasn't keeping in time properly
I've done this four times and each time I fall asleep. Tips on doing it without faling asleep, anyone?
Same here so annoying! I sleep exactly during the time I am on the other side of the door with no memory at all of what happened there!
You might be clearing out unconscious energy. This often happens when people try to meditate for the first time.
It was all white fog the other side of the door, with vague white rounded head shapes of alien type beings looking at me. No emotions at all, no actual scenes going on, nothing really happened. But that's ok. I asked to see my soul group, spirit guides and masters, so I guess that's what I saw.
Mauled by a dog then dragged into the water, drowned. I felt bad for her. Searching for the source of my constant anxiety
Has anyone used this to make more money?
This sounds a lot like the Silva method, many of the words are the same.
He was close friends with Jose Silva.
Burt was a master Silva instructor, he wrote books for the Silva method before he branched off with his own stuff. If you like the Silva method material you will love Burt's programmes.
this was extremely triggering.. lets take you to a traumatic scene, have you you do nothing, and then bring it back to this moment.. where the positive change in that???? there needs to be more to this exercise
I had the same experience. Watching a traumatic scene and doing nothing about it. :(
I feel like the point is not to try and do anything about it. To connect to the trauma stored in your body and soul to allow for release.
It was weird.I walked down steps in an Egyptian temple,as Cleopatra(?!)I walked through green quantum door and as the door opened I saw a baby in a triangle,very murky coloured,it was like a corner with the longest line being a devider between dark and light.Then i Saw Giepetto(Pinocchio)trying to pick me up and I got petrified!Like I didnt want to be seen.Weird...
I saw emptiness. Like a vast black dessert. I.dont think I have past lives? Makes sense tho because life on this planet with these humans is confusing and I have never really felt part of it all. Just observing 😢
I was a spoiled, rich brat. Very soft. Opposite of david goggins
Did not like the suggestion at the end about buying some products . Very unpleasant feeling as I start not to trust Burt. Did not want to focus on my limitations or on what is holding me back. Burt is a talented hypnotist for sure, but do I totally trust him? Not sure about that…
Courses are available at cheaper price on our links you can visit them check pinned comments
Burt is deceased, there's many people benefitting from his legacy. His channel has many different videos with lots of free advice and tips and meditations. Please don't miss out on all of the awesome lifetime work Burt Goldman gifted us. Try the free things, go with what feels right to you.
@@proinseasnihanluain4735 yes, thanks-I’m going to do more free stuff. Not paying for any more courses even at discount
@@mindpoweraudiothat's an insane reply to someone saying they're untrustworthy of being sold something. That is WILD
I was walking down the middle of very crowded Aushwitz camp with my little babies clinging to my legs. Just walking, sensing famine
and scared. Skin was twitching...🤯
It wasn't relaxing at all, in fact what if someone goes back to ta traumatic life and you dont' even give ANY INTEGRATION. I just want to warn those who may have had trauma or experience something negative.
That does nothing for a traumatic memory.