With the wasted spark ignition it doesn’t matter which side of the coil a wire is. 1 and 4 need to be on the driver side coil while 2 and 3 need to be on the passenger side coil. Both spark plugs get a spark every crankshaft revolution of the 1.6. I ran my wires so there was no overlap between the coils and the plugs in an effort to reduce the chance of mis fires. That make sense and answer your question?
@@TheWhiteCometOfZionNot true! It is actually called a Camshaft Position Sensor by mazda. Now most people call it a cas, but it's not officially named such.
Yes it does. I don’t really feel it with the AC on because that seems to be the same thing as deactivating a cylinder. However, with the AC off the timing advanced makes more power you can feel in the seat below 4,000 rpm and the power surge at higher rpm’s seems to have more umph.
With the wasted spark ignition it doesn’t matter which side of the coil a wire is. 1 and 4 need to be on the driver side coil while 2 and 3 need to be on the passenger side coil. Both spark plugs get a spark every crankshaft revolution of the 1.6. I ran my wires so there was no overlap between the coils and the plugs in an effort to reduce the chance of mis fires. That make sense and answer your question?
Wait what is your sparkplug wire order? I thought it was 3-2-1-4?
1 and 4 are firing at the same time so doesn't matter if you switch them around
thank you tim! this really helped!!!
Thank you for watching.
You perfectly obstructed the movement of the timing adjustment. To advance did you move the mechanism clockwise, or counterclockwise?
Sorry, I got big ears. I moved the CPS down which is clockwise at the Camshaft Position Sensor.
@@timsteachablemoments1786 Thanks!
@@timsteachablemoments1786It's called a Cam Angle Sensor.
@@TheWhiteCometOfZionNot true! It is actually called a Camshaft Position Sensor by mazda. Now most people call it a cas, but it's not officially named such.
Did it actually make a difference?
Yes it does. I don’t really feel it with the AC on because that seems to be the same thing as deactivating a cylinder. However, with the AC off the timing advanced makes more power you can feel in the seat below 4,000 rpm and the power surge at higher rpm’s seems to have more umph.