this is not a matter of cheating , simply running a program that exposes simple dev decisions , you could do this manually as well matter of fact.# Croatian design. Never used it to my benefit , never harmed nobody with it, i rather be more disgusted the devs leaves room for exploiters for over 6 years in other fields. So actually you are right.
@clbeefburger459 unfortunately you are correct as well. It seems that the devs are worse than the cheaters as they've done nothing to address it after it being rampant for so long. Un-installed it for good today.
@@TrustableGuy Scum is a great game , my only grudge is, there is a lot to work out, instead we get disco dancing and poorly implemented features .Im a lover of free roaming and Scum definitly is a great concept fot that , but we all play games to work toward a certain goal . they took survival for modern day shizzle. If its really survival outside the metabolism , because i have 2 hours to play a game , and dont want to wate time , i figure since when is holding game play back , survival ?> When is restricting players ?> Survival ? i rather look for resources to craft some sort of KAR98 than fully blast millitary shizzle.
Link 😂
Cheaters ruin games.
this is not a matter of cheating , simply running a program that exposes simple dev decisions , you could do this manually as well matter of fact.# Croatian design. Never used it to my benefit , never harmed nobody with it, i rather be more disgusted the devs leaves room for exploiters for over 6 years in other fields. So actually you are right.
@clbeefburger459 unfortunately you are correct as well. It seems that the devs are worse than the cheaters as they've done nothing to address it after it being rampant for so long. Un-installed it for good today.
@@TrustableGuy Scum is a great game , my only grudge is, there is a lot to work out, instead we get disco dancing and poorly implemented features .Im a lover of free roaming and Scum definitly is a great concept fot that , but we all play games to work toward a certain goal . they took survival for modern day shizzle. If its really survival outside the metabolism , because i have 2 hours to play a game , and dont want to wate time , i figure since when is holding game play back , survival ?> When is restricting players ?> Survival ? i rather look for resources to craft some sort of KAR98 than fully blast millitary shizzle.