The Blessing of Christendom vs. the Curse of the New Order‏

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • Long ago the people of Israel under Samuel demanded they be given a king. They wanted to be like everyone else. Samuel warned them that this path was filled with hardship and danger. No matter, the people wanted their way...and would have it! They rejected God's kingship over them and a king was soon given them... Saul who was quickly possessed by the devil. This is a type of our own day when we have rejected Christ's reign over us and have accepted a new order in His place. We are now reaping the fruits... For more please visit www.reginaproph... & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest


  • @bonifamanlover
    @bonifamanlover 8 років тому +15

    I thought this was great. Sometimes the truth of our current state can really weigh me down. There's so much to pray for. This message wasn't as hardcore, but a lighter and well thought out message of hope. May America wake up in Jesus name! Thanks Father!!!

  • @catholiclife9304
    @catholiclife9304 Рік тому +2

    Amen Father. Thank you Father

  • @ChristianSaintSavior
    @ChristianSaintSavior 7 років тому +13

    Another good sermon. GOD Bless!

  • @conantheseptuagenarian3824
    @conantheseptuagenarian3824 5 років тому +2

    excellent sermon.

  • @yvonnepashia4048
    @yvonnepashia4048 3 роки тому +2

    Perfectly said.

  • @jgslnc33
    @jgslnc33 Рік тому +1


  • @vivechristusrex3
    @vivechristusrex3 5 місяців тому


  • @espressocoffeeshine4346
    @espressocoffeeshine4346 23 дні тому

    Only with Christendom can Abraham be the father of nations!

  • @cheetodegenes4910
    @cheetodegenes4910 7 років тому +4

    I'm confused a touch (not entirely, just something I wish Father would have clarified) -- by the following: in the OT passage, the Israelites were chastised for wanting a monarchy rather than a theocracy. In the Middle Ages before the reformation, the Christian form of society WAS a monarchy. It was only later that it moved eventually to 'democracy'.
    Father is arguing (I think rightly) for a Church-based society. But wouldn't that be MONARCHY again? Or is he advocating theocracy? It would have been helpful to clear up the distinction between OT insistence on monarchy and NT use of monarchy.
    Clarification on this point.

    • @RomanusVII
      @RomanusVII 6 років тому +5

      Cheeto Degenes
      It was not because the Israelites wanted a King that they were chastised, it was because they were rejected the way God had set up His Land and choosing a man-made government. If God has previously instituted Monarchy, and the Israelites wanted something else, they’d be chastised just the same.

    • @TyranyFighterPatriot
      @TyranyFighterPatriot Рік тому

      Carlism is the way. Doctrinal purity in society functions first above all else.

  • @carledwardvincent7131
    @carledwardvincent7131 5 років тому +1

    Father said "curse of the new order". Wink to those who know "new order" in Latin. The bishops wanted a New Order, and God acceded. "We want a Mass like the Protestants!". It's a valid Mass, but open to all sorts of abuses. We get what we ask for. May the Church one day ask for Christus Rex.

  • @MsHelene2009
    @MsHelene2009 5 років тому +4

    medieval Europe is not a good example of the kingship of Christ.

    • @ultracracker
      @ultracracker 5 років тому +5

      Aethiop Al-Nasara "Medieval Europe was a big place over a long period of time. There were good monarchies and bad ones

    • @TyranyFighterPatriot
      @TyranyFighterPatriot Рік тому +1

      Late Rome and Carlist Spain both are.

    • @DavidRodriguez-er4rq
      @DavidRodriguez-er4rq 7 місяців тому +1

      It is better than barbaric Europe. It's to bad not all the monarchs practiced good, justice, mercy, and truth. Godly values. But they succumbed to their vices and desires. Even the King of France rejected heavenly orders before the freemasons took them down.

  • @josephabbate5188
    @josephabbate5188 5 років тому

    Does anyone know this priests name

  • @Bob.W.
    @Bob.W. 6 років тому +2

    We will get our theocracy soon enough. Its called Islam. Then it will mean something to be a Christian.

  • @krakusdomm
    @krakusdomm 9 років тому +1

    Somewhat enjoyable presentation but far too general in logicalness of the discussion and so undefinitive. Sounds a bit too Nice and Convenient as though telling it more dynamically will offend? Makes me yawn a bit, sounds same in many ways to a Benny Hind show and I am expecting something to help explain and solve issues in the confrontation in daily life with those "evils." Novus Ordo (and/or New Mass and New Catholic Church too indicated by many) is on the Dollar Bill referencing that the New World Order (NWO) is well established and moving ahead with its agenda. It also happens to be a Freemason symbol. Well, I agree with the presentation because the Priest is touching on subjects that need to be more discussed among Catholics. Because, Mankind is at that point of completing the setup of this NWO Government. This claim has been happening with ever more warnings from many of our heroes! Since Presidents like Eisenhower & Kennedy, since the Popes Leo XIII, Pius IX, X, X12, etc. and various Whistle Blowers all claimed the take over of very sensitive power and control centers had already happened. Usury, well the deck is well stacked in my opinion and in energy, food, health, education and even what a person can earn and have has already been determined by this NWO. Enforcement is well in tack and growing with drones and robots ensuring that the herd proceeds in one direction. Many, maybe even vast numbers are possessed with the spirit of mammon while others in power and control seek more of it professing themselves as creditable. Indeed, where are we before the Lord our God? This presentation really does give us some idea of how much we need our Lord and God in our life.

    • @alexmcmurtrieSits
      @alexmcmurtrieSits 6 років тому +2

      "explain and solve issues in the confrontation in daily life with those "evils." " Evil is EVIL, it does not need discussion or debate, it is only destroyed by prayer, self denial, sacrifice and service. In short, LOVE of God first and completely. That is how it is solved. No other institution except that which Jesus Christ established, the Catholic Church has the authority or the ability to solidly ground humanity .

    • @wordbearer8202
      @wordbearer8202 3 роки тому

      It's a sermon, not a lecture. He only has so much time to reasonably teach us. We can further expand and clarify building on his generalities

    • @krakusdomm
      @krakusdomm 3 роки тому +1

      @@wordbearer8202 Interesting perspective. There is a base of knowledge with which to look at this presentation with. Then there's rationalization such as it's a sermon. Oh well.

    • @wordbearer8202
      @wordbearer8202 3 роки тому

      @@krakusdomm its more of a realization of the limits on the venue. I would've liked for a long form lecture on this issue, and hope one will be uploaded, but sometimes you just have to accept that for the sake of time sometimes broad strokes are needed.

  • @stephenmaddox1
    @stephenmaddox1 10 років тому +6

    I appreciate what he's trying to say but in glorifying Europe's monarchies of old he's glossing over the horrific acts many did ultimately misrepresenting Christ to the world. In particular the slave trade and conquests of the new world, Africa, and parts of Asia. Lots of innocent blood shed which had to be accounted for.

    • @TheKevin9000
      @TheKevin9000 10 років тому +11

      That's really an unfair generalization, the same monarchies have heavily persecuted the Catholic Church too. England was heavily engaged in the slave trade and they were a protestant monarchy. The "conquest of the new world" again is a large issue. The existence of the Métis showed that Europeans could live together with the Natives. As a Catholic you certainly cannot oppose the work of the Jesuits (who were at times martyred) in converting the Natives to the one true faith.

    • @stephenmaddox1
      @stephenmaddox1 10 років тому +1

      kmo_9000 my comment has nothing to do with missionary work of the priests of course I would honor that, but the actions of monarchs, who condoned extreme acts of violence against whole societies, of course England was at fault too, but Spain Portugal, France, the Netherlands, etc, all benefitted greatly by exploiting these places for their own benefit so I don't want to sugar coat their actions. So while I graciously and patiently await the true King's return, I don't think waxing poetic about the 'good old days' when kings followed Christ fully is a worthwhile venture because there are no good old days. Since Adam we have been corrupted Christ is the only one that reigns in true righteousness.

    • @TheKevin9000
      @TheKevin9000 10 років тому +4

      Stephen Maddox It's still really a non-sequitur, they still accomplished many great things and society was by far more ordered to the natural law and the divine laws of God. The priest highlighted the good, he didn't say they were perfect, but the Church was more holy in those times. Compared to today we see the natural law turned upside down, and heresy in every corner of the Church with cardinals waring against cardinals.
      As well, not getting into specifics since your commend really applies to a large part of history, many events and parts of history are given a revisionist spin depending on who you read. But again, no one is claiming sin didn't exist in these times, again calling into question your objection.

    • @stephenmaddox1
      @stephenmaddox1 10 років тому

      Daniel Pan again. I am not talking about the actions of the faithful. I am talking about the actions of kings and governments who had no qualms packing humans into ships like sardines and enslaving which ever ones survived the journey to the new world. I'm not going to brush centuries long practices such as this brutal form of slavery perpetuated by these monarchs off as actions of a few sinful folks. So my original point, again, is why reflect on different points on human history at all. Do I long for my Lord to return as King of Kings? Of course. I just don't see the usefulness reflecting on imperfect men in comparison. The above is comparing a former time to now in a nostalgic tone and I don't see it as helpful. With that said, I do not wish to be a further distraction to any one watching this I appreciate you guys' responses and opinions but I'll refrain from further comments as I do not have anything more to add to the discussion.

    • @TheKevin9000
      @TheKevin9000 10 років тому +5

      Stephen Maddox And again you are making sweeping statements about a period lasting hundreds of years. You're upset about the black slave trade? That was primarily the fault of England. Not to mention the many African's who actually participated in selling other Africans to the slavers. And what about the Arab slave trade? Or the injustices against other races?
      Sorry, but I won't feel ashamed of my Catholic past just because you want to label the Catholic Monarchies with such a sweeping brush. Fr. made a good point, and that was all it was. Compared to now where we have heresy in every corner of the Church, physical persecution everywhere else, yes it was a more holy time when we had leaders actually practicing the faith.