Give Me an Answer -

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • Cliffe Knechtle has a great conversation with college students at a campus in the southwest US.
    The "Give Me An Answer" ministry began as an outgrowth of the dialogues Cliffe Knechtle has had with students on various university campuses throughout the United States. These universities include the University of Maine, Harvard, MIT, University of Florida, University of Texas, University of Wisconsin, University of Minnesota, University of California Los Angeles, University of California San Diego, Berkeley, Stanford, University of Hawaii and the University of Washington. Cliffe spoke on these campuses in front of the Student Union or Library at noon for five to ten minutes. At the close of his initial remarks, he'd open up the time for questions and answers, which usually turned into a two to four hour dialogue with students. His crowd size ranged from 25 - 500 students at a time, and between classes, new students would join the discussion. This is an extremely effective way to reach a large number of university students with the Gospel of Christ.


  • @thisslightlysweetlife3402
    @thisslightlysweetlife3402 4 роки тому +34

    I love how these kids are listening.

    • @voldmerot
      @voldmerot 3 роки тому +5

      I know right? I know it has been said that beautiful are the feet of those that bring the good news, but after witnessing this I tend to to think beautiful also are the ears of those that hear and receive it.

  • @gadphatha
    @gadphatha 8 років тому +41

    brother Cliff when you coming to Hong Kong . you've shaped my worldview about my faith in a more practical way and I thank God for your life and ministries.

  • @DaddyKratosOfTheShire
    @DaddyKratosOfTheShire 7 місяців тому +1


  • @krazo4Christ
    @krazo4Christ 3 роки тому +11

    I wish Cliffe had used a more clear text on Jesus claiming to be God from the OT:
    Matthew 22:41-46 "Now while the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them a question, saying, What do you think about the Christ? Whose son is he? They said to him, The son of David. He said to them, How is it then that David, in the Spirit, calls him Lord, saying, ‘The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand, until I put your enemies under your feet’? If then David calls him Lord, how is he his son? And no one was able to answer him a word, nor from that day did anyone dare to ask him any more questions."
    Of course, Cliffe is much better at doing what he does than I am, I just find that scripture so compelling, and less complex than the example he went with.

  • @junkgrave
    @junkgrave 8 років тому +12

    Thank you so much, Cliffe. I always truly appreciate your insights.

  • @michaelclayton2323
    @michaelclayton2323 7 місяців тому

    Thanks for your work. God is good.

  • @yvieart
    @yvieart 3 роки тому +6

    Refreshing to see and hear this generation displaying a respectful attitude.

  • @Letmefly777
    @Letmefly777 Рік тому +2

    You are amazing person sir

  • @cmac9710
    @cmac9710 3 роки тому +2

    Well said Cliff

  • @steelframer
    @steelframer 8 років тому +23

    This guy deserves way more subs can't believe the you tubers i have seen with thousands of subs with the garbage they upload oh well guess some people like to follow fools

    • @diffgeo23
      @diffgeo23 8 років тому +1

      Not much drama ... people love drama. Kinda like a good'ol boring marriage that never gets divorced.

    • @spartanmucho5950
      @spartanmucho5950 8 років тому

      Col Casper? TVC?

  • @sabineventura2354
    @sabineventura2354 11 місяців тому

    Dear pastor i love to listen to your debates and insights on different university campus, i would love to attend your church but i am living too far away in switzerland to attend. So please keep your you tube videos where i can listen. May the lord bless your ministry.

  • @elizabethshaw734
    @elizabethshaw734 3 роки тому +5

    Most Jews are told from childhood to never look at the New testament but when they do something happens. There are a ton of Messianic Jews meaning they are Jewish like Jesus was but they believe Christ is their Savior and Messiah.

  • @charlespollock2018
    @charlespollock2018 8 років тому +3

    Answer for question at around 5:50 Isaiah 9:6 as well

  • @Andrew3000ish
    @Andrew3000ish 2 роки тому

    Cliffe! Canada needs your wisdom. Please consider visiting the University of Western Ontario

  • @TheMrLam0
    @TheMrLam0 8 років тому +4

    YOU NEED MORE SUBSCRIBERS! So good. Come to Toronto.

  • @bonnie43uk
    @bonnie43uk 8 років тому +2

    I think the guy with the white t-shirt and beard was making a good point about 13:45, even 2 honest Christians can inadvertently misinterpret something written in the bible, as we are all different, no 2 people are alike, we all see things slightly differently. He was talking about 2 Christians both having a different idea of hell, whether it be a fire and brimstone hell, or a 'separation from God' hell. We tend to project our own idea of Gods word, hence that's why Christianity is so diverse in it's denominations.

    • @jdg357
      @jdg357 3 роки тому

      I think that was in part the intention, maybe it's both. In my case I actually like having two different view points bc it's usually something I hadn't considered, so it makes me see it in a new light. 🙃

  • @benjaminallen2
    @benjaminallen2 3 роки тому +3

    He was pierced...and striped/whipped. Isaiah prophesied this before the Romans invented crucifixion with piercing.

  • @daneyojunk
    @daneyojunk 8 років тому +4

    the 70 sevens prophecy in Daniel points to the exact day Christ was to come into Jerusalem and be called Hosanna in the highest, but the Jewish people did that but failed to make the connection. they wanted the Messiah but failed to realize that Yeshua was the one they had been promised due to the hardness of their hearts or just plain ignorance of the Old Testament. Check it out, it's pretty cool

  • @zerflexer9919
    @zerflexer9919 6 років тому

    You are truly a man of God and doing a blessed and fruitful service but for the first time I found a flaw in your answer. The one guy at around 5 minutes asks about evidence that the Thora prophecies that God will come as Messaiah in the flesh and you need to answer for example with Isaiah 7:14, 9:6 and 44:6 these passages make it crystal clear. God bless you my Brothers.

  • @eveyjd
    @eveyjd 2 роки тому +2

    The way how Cliffe presenting Christ is more reasonable and more understandable compare to decades of listening to church preacher.

  • @ChiefCedricJohnson
    @ChiefCedricJohnson Рік тому

    James 5:11
    Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.

  • @JerredRogero
    @JerredRogero 8 років тому

    Please come to the University of Georgia. If you need a connection here let me know!

  • @CKchrome
    @CKchrome 2 роки тому

    What is 28:27 is this a verse in one of the books??? Or are all of your videos mainly 28 minutes 27 seconds long coincidentally?

  • @brandonroot7848
    @brandonroot7848 5 років тому +1

    Well it kinda hints 2 comings of messiah once in Daniel 7 and once in Zechariah 9. Daniel 7 is him coming in the clouds as king of all nations, Zechariah 9 is him coming on a donkey into Jerusalem humble, just and endowed with salvation.

  • @timflowers9709
    @timflowers9709 8 років тому +1

    one must obey the Gospel 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10 . Mark 16:15-16 Romans 6

  • @Lili-Benovent
    @Lili-Benovent Рік тому

    THE TEMPEST - Lili
    It gives you comfort just to think that God is by your side
    To help you with your petty wants, you only have to pray
    Everything given or denied, it’s part of his great plan
    But what of when your world falls down, loss of home and pride
    Nature is a cruel beast, she arrives to ruin and flay
    She doesn’t care, she doesn’t think, of Gods, of love or man. -
    The cruel sea, the skies and wind all dark with careless hate
    Your home picked up and flung aside, the air fulfilled with death
    Is this the plan he had for you? You still think he is great
    Perhaps you think that he is kind for sparing most his flock
    A score of reasons to excuse, indifference, sin or fate
    It’s still the same, your world is gone, your hopes and prayers a mock. -
    And as you stare into the sky and bend your knees in thanks
    Your neighbor’s dead, your town a wreck, what thanks is due to him?
    Who made your life a misery, no future left for you
    You’re leaving now, your fate unknown a victim of his whim
    You’ll join the mass of those he’s scorned, the lost the faithful too
    Perhaps this trial will make you think, this God cannot be true. -
    If he is love then what’s this hate, inflicted on mankind
    It’s not just here, it’s everywhere, Infidel and faithful alike
    He doesn’t care, he strikes us all, and we’re supposed to find
    The meaning of the tragedy, the reason of the plan
    Be grateful for the mercy, mercy no one sees, mercy undefined
    The game he’s played with human pawns, the game he’s played with man. -
    The great Khayyam wrote of the game, a checkerboard of lies
    He knows the fate of everyone and watches from above
    And you may lift your hands to him, expectant of his love
    He only cares about the game, the players live or die
    And if you die that is the cost of being in the game
    A player faithful might be spared, the wanting to the flames.

    • @davidplummer2473
      @davidplummer2473 7 місяців тому

      You posted a long poem when you could have just said, God lets some people live and others die for no apparent reason, so either he is cruel or doesn't exist so either way you are all fools for believing in him.
      Even from your own atheist/agnostic POV, this makes no sense because you sell your own case short: NO-ONE gets spared, everyone dies.
      You're trying to attack the internal logic of Christianity by smuggling in the idea of the hopeless finality of death as a trump card -- which Christianity most explicitly denies. In so doing, your attempt at debunking Christianity (and theism generally) via deconstructing its internal logic has failed because you had to smuggle in a tenet foreign to Christianity. If you are to succeed, it will have to be on other grounds.
      The finality of death in a random pointless universe that renders all human thought, hope, and endeavor futile can be laid only at the door of the naturalist, not the Christian. That's your world, not ours.
      What matters is not whether this house got hit by a twister and the neighbor was spared and how "unfair" that is, blah-blah-blah, because sooner or later the neighbor will also get hit because, again, everyone dies. And again, this is your futility, not ours. What matters is what, if anything, happens next.
      I'm ready and willing to have as long a cordial conversation about that as you want.

    • @Lili-Benovent
      @Lili-Benovent 7 місяців тому

      By and By Lili
      Black Jesus talks of little else but doom and pain and fear
      Awaiting for the myriad as judgment day draws near
      You might have lived unblemished, as pure as driven snow
      He’ll pick your life to pieces, the sins you didn’t know
      And with the vilest criminals he’ll bid you join the file
      Begin the march, the slow, slow march to where the sinners dwell
      The fiery pit of deepest Hell, you trudge for mile on mile. -
      And while you’re marching with the doomed you ponder of the past
      How could you please this pedant, this stickler for the rules
      You’ve spent your life on bended knees and tried best to comply
      You believed the love returned, betrayed the die was cast
      Your whole life lost for nothing gained, this despot you decry. -
      Realization’s crept into your mind the Demon is your God
      You wouldn’t treat an animal the way he treats mankind
      He molds them from the clay and plays the game of life
      And when they fail on any point he flings them from his mind
      Into a burning pit of torture, perpetual pain and strife. -
      All your life you were told, that Satan was the snake
      But now you’re on that walk of death you’ve made a big mistake
      For Satan never promised a future filled with bliss
      A Paradise that never was, God’s lies, all life forsake
      His book of stories all are false, your God has been remiss
      And you have wasted all those years, the years you can’t retake. -
      That is the long, long story you were told from younger life
      And you believed what you were told and pressed into your soul
      But man is God and God is man, the goal complete control
      Fortune favors those that think, the wayside those that don’t
      For no one knows the fate of man, when life’s deep draught runs dry
      Despite the claims of Prophets false, we’ll find out by and by.
      Blessed be.

    • @davidplummer2473
      @davidplummer2473 7 місяців тому

      God be with you.

    • @Lili-Benovent
      @Lili-Benovent 7 місяців тому

      I thought you wanted to have a long debate with me about the invisible guy in the sky but you wimped out because you don't like my poetry, well here's another for you to think about - THE PROMISE OF BLISS - Lili
      They call the world Dystopia, claim that nothing's good
      It suits their small agenda, promotes their God who would
      Destroy all opposition, control the way we think
      Fear, punishment and brimstone will take us to the brink.
      The brink of utter slavery, the insanity takes hold
      Blind obedience, we'll all become the same
      The Master in his glory has made us all insane
      What of the future promised us? no breaking from the mass
      Endless Eons without change, no interest or ambition
      But to pander to the ego, of the Maker, But alas.
      Alas for thoughts that differ, He's proven hard and cold
      We'll suffer no adventure, there surely can't be joy
      Where different thoughts and feelings, not permitted in the fold
      But if you stray or dare, to open up your mind
      The punishment is death by fire, the cost of being bold.
      Orwell wrote of Eighty four, the Heaven yet to come
      Where thought Police hear every word, uttered by the flock
      Where every sentence, every jest is seen as maybe mock
      This jealous God he won't be mocked, every word is an affront
      Unless it's prayer or supplication they'll live in constant fear
      That every word and every thought, banishment brought near.
      How long could people live like that?
      Eternity of sameness without a cruel word
      No difference of opinion to their ruler and their Lord
      Before ferment of rebellion when inmates have enough
      And turn upon their jailer, frustration from the bored
      What does the God of love do, when his flock demands a change
      Kill them all, begin again? He's done it all before.
      Blessed be.

    • @davidplummer2473
      @davidplummer2473 6 місяців тому

      @enovent I addressed you directly about many things but you wimped out and instead gave me another poem that just drones on and on about how God is cruel and unfair and a liar, blah-blah-blah. We get it. You hate God. So can we move on to an attempt to reason through the why's and wherefores? Then we're gonna have an altar call.
      First, what moral standard are you using to judge God as unfair? Where does it come from and why should anyone take it seriously?
      Or are you just angry because he won't let you usurp his throne so you have lashed out at him by joining a coven and shaking your fist at him through one-track mind poems and trying as a bonus to seduce the spiritually flabby to join you on the road to Perdition?
      Second, would you do me the honor of explaining how you got the idea that God is chomping at the bit to send people to Hell for the slightest mistake? This could not be more backwards and unbiblical because it flies in the face of the fact that God has flung the door wide open to forgiveness for anyone -- say again, ANYONE -- who will repent for even the most horrific crimes, all paid for by Jesus bleeding and dying in the most cruel way and then taking on eternity in Hell on everyone's behalf. What more could you possibly want? How ungrateful can you be?
      Either you are just completely ignorant of the most basic Christian theology or you are yet another willfully warped cactus-hugging soul who chooses Hell over Heaven and then blames God for her choice.
      Third, time is running out. It's time for plain speaking. No more poems designed to avoid substance and stroke your ego by showing off your ability to bust a rhyme and thereby create the illusion that you said something deep. You're not fooling God -- and you're not even fooling me.
      Fourth and finally, you are standing on the brink of eternity, Lili. IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH WHO LOVED AND LOVES YOU MORE THAN HIS OWN LIFE AND PROVED IT, Lili, COME OUT of that bizarre hellish mocha swirl of atheism and wicca and even now, repent and believe BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

  • @dperkins01
    @dperkins01 Рік тому

    Cliffe says to read in context, but it is still his interpretation of what it says. Other people could see it differently.

  • @tyrelle4232
    @tyrelle4232 2 роки тому

    What's the name of the song at the beginning of this video

  • @ShopharTemple
    @ShopharTemple Рік тому

    I can't stand hearing the niv perversion of the Word. But i love Cliffe's philosophical points on the existence of God, and how we can logically accept the gospels as historical accounts.

  • @stephenm8233
    @stephenm8233 3 роки тому

    Daniel 9 demolishes the argument of still waiting for messiah’s coming. The Jews were given a timeframe of when the messiah would come- and guess what- the timeframe lands you at 33AD

  • @tmass7013
    @tmass7013 4 роки тому +1

    You said lion and the lamb. Why is it now wolf and the lamb?

  • @TKaramali
    @TKaramali 8 років тому +2

    Why does Cliffe not refrain from using some scriptures which clearly point to the Messiah being God, or God coming in the flesh like in Zechariah...

    • @zerflexer9919
      @zerflexer9919 6 років тому +2

      Yeah Zachariah 12:10 is powerful

  • @alienpick1
    @alienpick1 3 роки тому

    Jesus Christ is Lord 👑🙏Maranatha

  • @ChiefCedricJohnson
    @ChiefCedricJohnson Рік тому

    Luke 4:14
    And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about.

  • @bryancallahan67
    @bryancallahan67 2 роки тому +1

    The idea that the Jew don't believe in Jesus is in correct. All of Jesus' first followers were Jewish. Christianity (belief in the Jewish Messiah) started off as a Jewish belief in Israel in Acts we see on the day of pentecost THOUSANDS (of Jewish believers) were add to the church... In fact Belief in Jesus was so Jewish, that it was questioned how can Gentiles who are not Jewish believe in Jesus and become disciples in the first century and Paul address this in Romans.

  • @rvorvo9794
    @rvorvo9794 2 роки тому

    Is it me or do people fake it or really don’t get the obvious? Good lord, how much clearer do they need?

  • @nimitzjg
    @nimitzjg 7 років тому

    Then Jesus said, “Why do people say that the Messiah is the Son of David? In the book of Psalms, David himself says, ‘The Lord God said to my Lord: Sit by me at my right side, until I make your enemies your footstool (and I will put your enemies under your power). ’ psalm 110:1
    David calls the Messiah ‘Lord.’ So how can the Messiah also be David’s son?”
    Luke 20:41‭-‬44

  • @timflowers9709
    @timflowers9709 8 років тому

    1 Corinthians 2:9-13 Hebrew 1:1-3

  • @ricomusap614
    @ricomusap614 2 роки тому

    You get on my nerves sometimes
    But there's nobody doing what you're doing

  • @MyRoBeRtBaKeR
    @MyRoBeRtBaKeR 2 роки тому

    How do we truly and undoubtedly believe Jesus when He says He is the Son of God?
    Because He consistently poibts us to God!
    If He went about saying that He is God without the miracles, being perfectly moral etc etc we would have to believe that this man is a loon.
    But no, even though He was human he was selfless, he was generous, loving and kind consistently every day of His life.

  • @HarryNicNicholas
    @HarryNicNicholas 5 років тому +1

    god wants you to be good just for the sake of being good, so an atheist is just what god wants, atheists
    don't exploit god at all, and what we do we do sincerely, anyone with faith or belief is just following orders and avoiding hell. we aren't, we are
    open and honest, and still good.

    • @Didida8BP
      @Didida8BP 4 роки тому +3

      not the God of the bible

    • @NOWABOmusic
      @NOWABOmusic 3 роки тому +1

      There is no amount of "following orders" that will allow someone to avoid hell.
      Jesus gave His life as a sacrifice for our sin. That is a gift. It cannot be earned.
      Yes, God wants us to do good things. He created us for that. But doing good things does not get us a better relationship with God. Having a relationship with Him does.

    • @christatum3045
      @christatum3045 2 роки тому

      Harry all humans sin. That consequence of sin is death. The difference is that athiests have no way to avoid that consequence

  • @essardaudinett6934
    @essardaudinett6934 Рік тому

    Read your bible only to realize that Jesus had a different meaning for faith than what religions are teaching.

    • @JohnjOcampo
      @JohnjOcampo 11 місяців тому

      Deception will not work here son.

    • @essardaudinett6934
      @essardaudinett6934 11 місяців тому

      @@JohnjOcampo another Christian who neve read his Bible. eh!

    • @JohnjOcampo
      @JohnjOcampo 11 місяців тому

      @@essardaudinett6934 the pot calling the kettle black..

  • @essardaudinett6934
    @essardaudinett6934 Рік тому

    This Charlatan travel to school to make sure the awakening children never awake from their religious sleep.