My cat was an abuse rescue and one of his fangs is broken in half. He was hurt when I got him because the previous owner threw him and his mouth hit the corner of the table. I took him to the vet and he is all good! I've had him for over a year now and his name is Handsome Nugget (his fur on his mouth looks like he's holding a chicken nugget) and he is genuinely the sweetest. Calm, never hisses or get mad, always has to be touching me. He is also massive, like he is huge and not in a fat way so when he climbs up on my shoulder while I'm doing stuff it's a bit troublesome lol.
If I'm remembering right, Tostada was in Jaiden's video where she ranked all the Gen 5 Pokémon Sitting Cuties plushes that came out a while back. I just assumed she was Jacob's, but I guess that's not the case. Tostada is really adorable, but I'm unfortunately still allergic to cats. I can still enjoy them through a screen, though
My family used to have a dog named Jack. He was a Jack Russell and, BOY, did he have a personality. Even into his elderly years he still acted like he was still a puppy. I miss him
My cat was a wild cat that stuck around because she got free food and a warm place to sleep. She was Mama Cat, because she kept going out into the wild, picking up dates and coming back pregnant. We finally got tired of having to give the kittens away, so we got her fixed. She's still a loving kitty cat and...........pretty darn old............I think. She also has a pretty high kill count of mice, birds and small rabbits
I just saw Jaiden's video about when she visited those psychics. All of them said that she would have 3 children, your pets can also be your children (fur babies). So, in a weird way they were right Jaiden did end up becoming a mother of three: 2 birds and a cat.
My brother has a black cat named Phantom. He likes to hide from everyone. When he wants food, he waits until everyone is gone or when it’s really quiet in the house.
I have a couple cats. I used to have three cats but my childhood cat Patches passed away a couple months ago. But he lived a very long life. He was 18 years old when we put him down. I'm just glad he's not in pain anymore because the last few years were tough on him.
I recently quit my old job at a pet rescue center in my town (there was a lot of issues with management) but I remember there was one kitten that came in with his siblings that I really wanted to adopt but couldn’t for financial and living situation reasons. I ended up giving him the nickname Poe, after the writer Edgar Allan Poe (my family names our pets after famous authors) and I remember also tearing up the day I found out he got adopted. Wherever he is, I just hope he’s happy and knows that he had someone at that shelter that truly cared for him. 😭
I’m the kind of person who resorts to using video game characters as inspiration for pet names. The first cat I named was after Alfador (Chrono Trigger) and my current grumpy dude is named Rivendare (Warcraft reference.)
I am guilty of putting nerdy names to my pets. My dog name is DARKO, as in the movie, Donnie Darko. Now comes the funny part, Darko came a few years ago, before that, my brother adopted a cat and called it Frank for Frank Castle. BUT NOW that Darko is in my life, he just doesnt get along with Frank, and its funnier because the villain of Donnie Darko is called Frank The Bunny. So its a weird funny coincidence.
I remember when we first my kitten ash she once tried climbing the couch and tried to climb up but couldn’t figure out how to move her back legs and front at the same and then proceeded to fall backwards. It was so cute and funny
Omg the psychic was right, she has 2 birds and a cat which is 3 pets. And people refer to their pets as their kids sometimes so technically she does have 3 “kids”
I suppose i could tell the story of our most recent cat we got earlier this year, my boyfriend and i had come back from grocery shopping and when we got inside he went back out to make sure he locked the car, now for some context two important things, 1 it has stormed really badly around two days prior to this day, like thunder, lightning, super strong winds, everything, it was really bad outside and 2. Across the street from our drive way is a known area for people to dump their stuff, it's never actually our neighbors stuff, people just dump their garbage at the side of his house (we have a similar problem where people have abandoned cars infront of ours, so we're use to it), well this time someine had dumped an old couch and left it uside down there, so returning to that present day, when my boyfriend had gone back out to the car, he had heard a cat crying really loudly, so he looked around for the source and found that a cat had gotten trapped inside the couch and clearly couldn't get out, so he called me on the phone and had me come out, the second i saw the situation, my boyfriend was going to go ask the neighbors if it was their couch and if we could mess with it (he was a bit frazzled but wanted to be safe about everything), i turned to him and said "you have your knife. Cut the bottom lining off." And he's told me my serious tone is what snapped him into action, so he started cutting out the lining, and since it's clear this cat had been stuck a while we wanted to make sure it was okay and not injured, so i (who has dealt with similar situations before) pulled off my jacket so when we were able to we could wrap up the cat to make sure it didn't risk hurting itself or us, when we got him out we saw that he had clearly been stuck in there a while cause he had done his buisness all over the inside of the couch, we went and got my boyfriend's mom who helped get some of our cat food and water for him and he calmed down a bit with that, we decided to bring him inside but keep him in the bathroom (we have two other house cats), and scheduled a vet appointment as soon as we could to see if he was chipped or not, we asked around if in the event he wasn't and no one came forward if any of our friends would take him in, all of which really couldn't, after getting him check for a chip they didn't find one and they briefed us on how to go about if we wanted to keep hom, basically giving a 2 week grace period to look for the owners and if no one came forward we could legally keep him, which we did in the end, once the two weeks were up we could take him in for an offical check up and he did need quite a bit of work done wince he wasn't fixed, and also had some kitty diseases, we got that all sorted out, but he's still being kept away from the other cats for now cause they don't really like him much, plus he's a bit rough when playing with our oldest cat, but i will say after the first few weeks of getting use to everyone, Flynn our domestic long hair is very loving and of course a bit of a menace at times, we call him the toddler of the house cause the vet says he should be around 2 years old, and he is very playful (bitey kinda playful, no shorts around this boy xD), we do believe he was abandoned for three reasons, one at first you couldn't so much as move slightly to get up if he was on you at the beginning because he would instantly cry and try to get back on you, two he was cltealy trained when we got him, he knew some small commands as well as was litterbox trained, and three he clearly had food insecurities and (while this one is normal its the amount really) he is terrified of the car more then what we have really seen as normal, my boyfriend thinks it could be he was driven somewhere and abandoned but obviously we have no proof of that, but we love him and have grown quite attached to our little toddler of a cat (fun fact he's named flynn after flynn ryder from tangled, my boyfriend's fav disney movie)
16:10 to be honest I prefer mixed breed far more then a pure breed yeah sure to not have a pure breed might be a downside but mixed breed just live longer and don’t have as many health issues as pure breeds
A huge part of that is survivorship bias, though. The mixed breeds you meet at the shelter are just the lucky ones that managed to survive. You’re not seeing the millions who didn’t make it. Anyone who has fostered neonatal kittens can tell you from experience just how much work goes into helping them survive those first weeks, and how many of them don’t make it no matter how hard you try to save them. Getting even half of those kittens to survive is considered a success, and without human intervention at least 80% of those kittens would have died. Being mixed does not automatically mean the cat (or dog) will be healthier just because it’s mixed. A mix is just as likely to inherit the worst traits of both parents as they are the best, and without extensive genetic testing it’s almost certain that mixed breed cat is going to inherit at least ONE major issue. One of my current cats is a random mixed domestic shorthair born on a local farm and he has had constant health issues his whole life. Same was true for most of the mixed breeds I’ve had in my life; they all had at least one major health issues, most of which were inherited. But the purebred cats my family had? All of them were the picture of perfect health right up until the end, with the sole exception being my grandmother’s black Persian who started going blind around middle age. My current mixed breed? Constant weight issues (he was always a huge cat even in his prime), arthritis, a few odd lumps that I’ve never been able to afford to get tested, he was diagnosed with a heart murmur at a young age which means he might not be able to get the dental care he needs because it might not be safe to put him under for surgery, etc. Just because it’s a mixed breed does not automatically mean it’s healthier. A purebred from a good breeder who does the work needed to test for health problems and make sure cats that have issues are fixed before they have a chance to breed is actually likely to be healthier, and you know ahead of time exactly what you’re getting as a good breeder can produce test results for multiple generations back.
I work with an animal rescue; your explanation implies there are equal numbers of purebred and mixed-breed abandoned animals, which is a bit like says there's an equal number of one dollar bills on the sidewalk as hundred dollar bills bc they're the same size and weight. Purebred animals are abandoned less because they are generally worth money, so they get sold rather than tossed into the street. In two decades I've encountered exactly two purebred dogs in rescue, and that's because an irresponsible breeder tried docking their tails by tourniqueting them with ribbon, and then figured they weren't worth the money or effort when they got very sick. (Note, my dollar bill explanation isn't meant to imply that mixed breeds are worth less in entirely than purebred, just that their monetary value equivalent is lower bc they're not designer)
I have a cat that was a stray I named him Derpy, he watches the house like a watch dog, runs around the backyard like a maniac and he's scared of my rabbit. And my bird keeps instigating him to jump the cage
My cat mittens ( not my personal name choice) has the ability to sit when it’s meal time, she learned to thumper kick the door to call us for attention, if you are not careful she can sneak around you and crawl under your bed without you even knowing, she doesn’t like beef or chicken only seafood and it’s only fancy feast, she’s a killer when it comes to bugs she once ripped the wings off a black wasp and stomped it to death, and she’s able to crawl upside down. That’s only a quarter of what she can do
I do have a cat, shes a stray that we rescued from our mechanic tools filled garage (lot of sharp stuff) and named her savior, because we saved her, im glad we helped her and gave her a home (mostly during winter) but man is she murder on my ribs, she likes to STAND on my ribcage, with all 4 paws!
Great vid guys! I have first hand experience with the whole sibling ratio thing. We had one boy, one girl, we later decided to get another boy and were told that our first boy (Shadow) might have issues with the new boy (Maxx). The opposite happened, those boys were so connected. We sadly lost both a year apart which destroyed me. Maxx at age 12 and Shadow at age 18. Miss them everyday.
Your mom is fine Nate lol. Like anything in this world, there are good and bad on a case by case basis. Are there breeders who do disgusting things just for the sake of greed? Sure. But there are also people who just genuinely love animals to the point that they enjoy having just that many in their care. Those, like your mom, are good breeders
I had a dog named Luke. He came with his name, but he was too old for us to be able to change his name and have him react so it was stuck with it, and it was really awkward when my cousin Luke came to visit us and met the dog with his name. RIP 🪦 Luke dog
Apologies for my rant but both of my family cats are rescues, the first cat we got who is mine we got when I was a child. A family member had stolen a kitten from someone and was neglecting her and the thing was that the cat wasn't supposed to be away from the mom yet. She wasn't old enough to be wenied yet, and I had gotten attached to her and we already bonded. And my mom also didn't want to leave an animal in need, so when the family member said they were going to throw her away. My mom took her. And her name become mama, I don't know why her name was mama but thats what I had started calling her. And she was just the sweetest, and even though theres the superstition that black cats are bad luck, its the opposite. She was actually the reason my mom was able to help me whenever I had an medical problem during the night when she was asleep. My cat would straight up attack my mom and run into my room and my mom worried she might attack me followed me and found me. She quickly learned that mama was just letting her know I needed her, never once attacked me. Even when I used to literally carry her by her neck and pick her up all the time, never once did she scratch bite, growl or even hiss. Just took it in stride, it actually took it until I picked her up wrong (shes qn old cat 16-17 years old and has bad hips) so out of pain she bit and scratched my hand. And it wasn't even that bad, just a small puncture wound in the side of my hand and 2 swallow scratches on my hand. I got off easy (minus an allergic reaction but it was quickly solved with an allergy pill), because she has drawn blood before, literally done it to my mom yet she didn't do it to me. And even now, and after the incident she is still super sweet and loving. And I would never give her up for anything, I am very attached and would do anything to keep her happy. And just a weeks or maybe a month ago, my dad had brought home two stray kittens that were hanging around his work (he works as a mechanic and already almost got ran over once) and he says that he hates cats and says no more animals. Yet here he was with 2 feral kittens. And the little girl who was a black and white cat, looked like a tuxedo cat was sweet and loving (all the guys at my dad work would give her a bunch of affection). But the moment she got free roam the house after a few days she became comfortable, started destroying our shower curtain and started destroying this chair we have in our kitchen. Attacking her brother (got worse when we were getting prepared to give her to our neighbor), and in the first few days she pooped on the bed, specifically my dad side twice. And me and my mom joke because he compared her to mama and she hates it (mama dor some reason decided she hates my dad and bolts if he even looks at her, we assume because she knows my dad didn't want her). While her brother who is a gray tabby with some tuxedo in him, he wasn't handling being inside well at all. He was just shut down, like he was defeated. And it concerned my mom so much, and she said if he didn't improve in a few days. He might just have to go back outside, she didn't want to give up but she couldn't handle seeing him in such a state. And at the beginning, you couldn't touch him, couldn't make any noise or he'd bolt. And it was because unlike his sister who was a social butterfly he was like an introvert. Didn't approach anyone and no one approached him, and so he didn't understand love. Until one day, the after my mom had said what she said. He bolted out of the kennel he and his sister were staying in for a few days, straight in my mom hand. And my mom got to pet him and hold him like a baby, for a few minutes he didn't freak out or anything. Just laid there soaking in the affection until he decided it was enough. And after that he started improving. And even when we had the door open once for our dogs, he had just sat next to my mom in front of the door. Looked around a bit before walking off, he had no interest in the outside unlike jis sister who did try to run away but failed. He wasn't as affectionate as his sister after that day, but you could actually touch him and hold him, and he would start to purr. Which was actually really big given he once never purred. But now, like his sister after she left to live across the street with the neighbors became a terror. He has terrorized my cat, who didn't like him to begin with (she actually hates cat and when she was younger, she actually did try killing two other cats. And one was once a kitten though thankfully both cats ended up fine) but because shes old and only has her back claws (she was declawed a long time ago after she wouldn't stop attacking my mom) isn't able to actually defend herself, and she was genuinely getting stressed out. So stressed she was throwing up, and not even the dogs (we have 3) ever stressed her out. Not even when they were puppies, and he isn't intentionally trying to stress her out. He just doesn't get that mama is old, she doesn't want to play (and even if she did, it would only ever be with this small foam ball shes carry everywhere wnd chase after. Only toy she ever wanted and played with) and he's starting to leave her alone. But he also has a biting and scratching problem, though so far saying ow when he bites immediately gets him to start qs it freaks him out. And just like his sister, hes attacking the shower curtain, the curtain we have in front of the door to help keep heat in our house (its an old house that has a lot of problems, one of them is that the house doesn't keep cold or hot hair in nor out) and the curtain we have sperating the front and back part of the house (aka the very tiny hall between the kitchen and living room). But even with all the problems, I can at least say. I can pet him without having to immediately wash or wipe my hands or whatever area he touches to avoid an allergic reaction because hes a short hair cat while mine is longed haired and I can touch her with little to no problems when shes shaved. But every other time, any of her long fur that touches ky skin for long enough that I don't wipe away my skin becomes irritated, itchy and sometimes burn and i have to immediately take an allergy pill
My family got two cats from cats protection, we lost one Christmas time nearly a decade back from being hit by a car. The other died from health complications and had to be put down two years back. Current ones came from a cat rescue and the other was a stray stalking my mums friend cat.
I never have any problem with ethical breeders like your mom. They have the health of their animals. It’s the ones that overbreed and abandon their animals that I despise. Good to hear that she reported and got some arrested
I wish I could remember when we had our cat, Tigger, but we had to give her away before I was 2 because my dad is (was, dunno about nowadays) allergic to cats and my parents had gotten her before I was born, so, no memories of her in our house. We did get another cat at one point, a tabby we called A.K., but had to give him up after just a few days because of not only my dad's allergies, but my younger brother's too. Haven’t had a cat since and there are times that makes me said. My mum loves Tigers and I think I inherited that, but it extends to all felines, especially the smaller ones. Really would love to get a cat, but I couldn't really now because of my life structure 😢
Net you need to watch this animation that is here on UA-cam like I ran across it by freaking chance and I’ll be honest it was funny but I have no memory of it’s name which is unfortunate because it’s just about the cats
The issue with mixed breed cats (and dogs) is survivorship bias. Those “super healthy” mixed pets we see at shelters? Those are only the lucky ones. We don’t see the 80% or more that didn’t make it long enough for a human to notice them. Anyone who has fostered neonatal kittens can tell you from experience just how hard it is to keep them alive, and how many they lose no matter how hard they work to help them. If half the litter survives long enough to be adopted, it’s considered a success! And they are well aware that 80% or more of those kittens would have been doomed if they didn’t have an entire team of humans willing and able to intervene. “Hybrid vigor” is actually extremely rare. An animal is just as likely to inherit the worst of both parents, and the majority are just average, which means at least some inherited problems. Which you have no way of predicting, because you have no idea what their background is. Part of the appeal of a purebred cat from a good breeder is that you know exactly what you’re getting every time. A good breeder does extensive health testing before even considering breeding, and if a cat shows any sign of possibly inheritable problems, they get fixed along with all of their siblings and offspring to prevent it from continuing down the line. I’ve had cats my whole life, and honestly? The purebred ones were always the healthiest, right up until the end. Maybe half of the mixed breed ones could say the same, but the other half were full of problems that we had no idea about because, again, their backgrounds were complete unknowns. One of my current mixed breed cats was diagnosed with a heart murmur at a young age, has always struggled a bit with weight (he was HUGE at his prime, just tall, long, muscular, but now he’s old and the muscle has started turning to fat), dental issues, stomach problems, an odd fat lump on his neck that I’ve never been able to afford to get a biopsy for, arthritis, malformed claws, etc. Just because it’s a mixed breed, doesn’t automatically mean it’s going to be healthier.
I must respectfully disagree about the female cat territorial thing. In our house we have 4 female cats that get along very well. Other than an adjustment period when we first introduced them to each other, and while we tamed the mostly feral 4th one, they all love each other. While I have had male cats and they are the ones that caused issues with fighting, I don't think it's really a gender thing at all. I think it has to do with a combination of each cats personality, and the social environment they were living in while they were kittens. The male cats that caused problems did not have the chance when they were young to learn good social skills, so they'd bully the other cats but not recognize it as doing something wrong. Also had a female cat that was just a witch to everyone but my mom for absolutely no reason, lol. Hope this didn't come off as ranty, wasn't meant to. Sorry if it did. Loved the reaction.
The big problem with breeders right now is population. Not just cats, being in the rescue world and seeing the hell rescue cats and dogs go through and how many street cats die every day and how many cats have to be spay aborted just to keep them from dying on the streets and keep the population somewhat under control, not to mention how many dogs and cats are put to sleep every day by shelters just for space…it’s an absolute epidemic. It’s such heartbreak, and rescues and TNR folks who are on the front lines trying to help as volunteers with absolutely no pay and have to deal with all of the worst scenarios, well, there’s a reason they’re not fans of breeders, and it’s not always about the breeders’ treatment of the dogs and/or cats. Sometimes it’s the fact that breeders are unnecessary and every cat or dog that is adopted from a breeder is a rescue cat/dog that doesn’t get adopted. With the current internet, you can find any breed or color from rescues if you’re patient enough. Humans are humans, and no matter what we as rescuers do and how many cattery people turn into rescues, people will always breed cats to make money off of people who don’t do their research, the same way that no matter how many street cats we spay and neuter, there will never ever be a shortage of cats, we can’t completely solve the problem, we can only stop it from getting worse and help what cats we can. And for those who want a constant stream of cats/kittens or dogs/puppies to care for, that’s what becoming a foster is for. The big reason many rescuers have a problem with even the sweetest most attentive breeders is the fact that what they’re doing is unnecessary and it makes rescuers’ jobs more difficult.
Not everyone can rescue. I brought my late dog from the pet store as a puppy a day before her litter would've gone to the pound. I had her for 16 years and held her in my arms as she passed of old age. I will adopt eventually but it'll be a young dog or cat cause I can't get attached only for a short time together.
And thus, with two birds and one cat. Through technicalities she has three "kids" and thus *the psychic was right*
We were fools to doubt them-
I thought that came from the 3 eggs (that became 8)
My cat was an abuse rescue and one of his fangs is broken in half. He was hurt when I got him because the previous owner threw him and his mouth hit the corner of the table. I took him to the vet and he is all good! I've had him for over a year now and his name is Handsome Nugget (his fur on his mouth looks like he's holding a chicken nugget) and he is genuinely the sweetest. Calm, never hisses or get mad, always has to be touching me. He is also massive, like he is huge and not in a fat way so when he climbs up on my shoulder while I'm doing stuff it's a bit troublesome lol.
A big boy, eh? Might he be a Cornish Rex?
Glad he got away from whatever that previous “owner” was
If I'm remembering right, Tostada was in Jaiden's video where she ranked all the Gen 5 Pokémon Sitting Cuties plushes that came out a while back. I just assumed she was Jacob's, but I guess that's not the case. Tostada is really adorable, but I'm unfortunately still allergic to cats. I can still enjoy them through a screen, though
Yeah, I think a lot of people assumed Tostada was Jacob's cat. Imagine their surprise when they realize it's JAIDEN'S.
My family used to have a dog named Jack. He was a Jack Russell and, BOY, did he have a personality.
Even into his elderly years he still acted like he was still a puppy.
I miss him
Two of our cats were shelter cats. Two were gifts from the Cat Distribution System of the Universe.
Precious babies
My cat was a wild cat that stuck around because she got free food and a warm place to sleep. She was Mama Cat, because she kept going out into the wild, picking up dates and coming back pregnant. We finally got tired of having to give the kittens away, so we got her fixed. She's still a loving kitty cat and...........pretty darn old............I think. She also has a pretty high kill count of mice, birds and small rabbits
The Morgana and Sakamoto references where a nice touch especially the calling card in Morgan's mouth
I just saw Jaiden's video about when she visited those psychics. All of them said that she would have 3 children, your pets can also be your children (fur babies). So, in a weird way they were right Jaiden did end up becoming a mother of three: 2 birds and a cat.
Nooo, 2 DOGS, one cat.
@TECH097 birds, the blue and green one. They're separated
@@just_a_kid_65656 You must be new here
@@TECH097 oh god, I can't believe I missed that lmao hahaha
@@just_a_kid_65656 There we go rofl now you're getting it! XD
My brother has a black cat named Phantom. He likes to hide from everyone. When he wants food, he waits until everyone is gone or when it’s really quiet in the house.
Having a cat who acts like a spoiled princess be named Calliope is gold ❤😂
ironically the animal breeders not just cats who put the animals health first
usually have the best business
I like your mom, she sounds like a AMAZING cat nana
I have a couple cats. I used to have three cats but my childhood cat Patches passed away a couple months ago. But he lived a very long life. He was 18 years old when we put him down. I'm just glad he's not in pain anymore because the last few years were tough on him.
I recently quit my old job at a pet rescue center in my town (there was a lot of issues with management) but I remember there was one kitten that came in with his siblings that I really wanted to adopt but couldn’t for financial and living situation reasons. I ended up giving him the nickname Poe, after the writer Edgar Allan Poe (my family names our pets after famous authors) and I remember also tearing up the day I found out he got adopted. Wherever he is, I just hope he’s happy and knows that he had someone at that shelter that truly cared for him. 😭
19:08 I'm guilty of that as well. I recently got a Cavapoo puppy and named him Dewey after the character from the Scream movies 😅
Thanks Caleb
Thanks Caleb
I’m the kind of person who resorts to using video game characters as inspiration for pet names. The first cat I named was after Alfador (Chrono Trigger) and my current grumpy dude is named Rivendare (Warcraft reference.)
I am guilty of putting nerdy names to my pets. My dog name is DARKO, as in the movie, Donnie Darko. Now comes the funny part, Darko came a few years ago, before that, my brother adopted a cat and called it Frank for Frank Castle. BUT NOW that Darko is in my life, he just doesnt get along with Frank, and its funnier because the villain of Donnie Darko is called Frank The Bunny. So its a weird funny coincidence.
22:24 reminds me of the time my cat was laying on my chest and I shifted barely a third of an inch and she got down.
I can confirm, lady cats are quite territorial. I love my cats, they do not love each other.
I remember when we first my kitten ash she once tried climbing the couch and tried to climb up but couldn’t figure out how to move her back legs and front at the same and then proceeded to fall backwards. It was so cute and funny
Omg the psychic was right, she has 2 birds and a cat which is 3 pets. And people refer to their pets as their kids sometimes so technically she does have 3 “kids”
I suppose i could tell the story of our most recent cat we got earlier this year, my boyfriend and i had come back from grocery shopping and when we got inside he went back out to make sure he locked the car, now for some context two important things, 1 it has stormed really badly around two days prior to this day, like thunder, lightning, super strong winds, everything, it was really bad outside and 2. Across the street from our drive way is a known area for people to dump their stuff, it's never actually our neighbors stuff, people just dump their garbage at the side of his house (we have a similar problem where people have abandoned cars infront of ours, so we're use to it), well this time someine had dumped an old couch and left it uside down there, so returning to that present day, when my boyfriend had gone back out to the car, he had heard a cat crying really loudly, so he looked around for the source and found that a cat had gotten trapped inside the couch and clearly couldn't get out, so he called me on the phone and had me come out, the second i saw the situation, my boyfriend was going to go ask the neighbors if it was their couch and if we could mess with it (he was a bit frazzled but wanted to be safe about everything), i turned to him and said "you have your knife. Cut the bottom lining off." And he's told me my serious tone is what snapped him into action, so he started cutting out the lining, and since it's clear this cat had been stuck a while we wanted to make sure it was okay and not injured, so i (who has dealt with similar situations before) pulled off my jacket so when we were able to we could wrap up the cat to make sure it didn't risk hurting itself or us, when we got him out we saw that he had clearly been stuck in there a while cause he had done his buisness all over the inside of the couch, we went and got my boyfriend's mom who helped get some of our cat food and water for him and he calmed down a bit with that, we decided to bring him inside but keep him in the bathroom (we have two other house cats), and scheduled a vet appointment as soon as we could to see if he was chipped or not, we asked around if in the event he wasn't and no one came forward if any of our friends would take him in, all of which really couldn't, after getting him check for a chip they didn't find one and they briefed us on how to go about if we wanted to keep hom, basically giving a 2 week grace period to look for the owners and if no one came forward we could legally keep him, which we did in the end, once the two weeks were up we could take him in for an offical check up and he did need quite a bit of work done wince he wasn't fixed, and also had some kitty diseases, we got that all sorted out, but he's still being kept away from the other cats for now cause they don't really like him much, plus he's a bit rough when playing with our oldest cat, but i will say after the first few weeks of getting use to everyone, Flynn our domestic long hair is very loving and of course a bit of a menace at times, we call him the toddler of the house cause the vet says he should be around 2 years old, and he is very playful (bitey kinda playful, no shorts around this boy xD), we do believe he was abandoned for three reasons, one at first you couldn't so much as move slightly to get up if he was on you at the beginning because he would instantly cry and try to get back on you, two he was cltealy trained when we got him, he knew some small commands as well as was litterbox trained, and three he clearly had food insecurities and (while this one is normal its the amount really) he is terrified of the car more then what we have really seen as normal, my boyfriend thinks it could be he was driven somewhere and abandoned but obviously we have no proof of that, but we love him and have grown quite attached to our little toddler of a cat (fun fact he's named flynn after flynn ryder from tangled, my boyfriend's fav disney movie)
16:10 to be honest I prefer mixed breed far more then a pure breed yeah sure to not have a pure breed might be a downside but mixed breed just live longer and don’t have as many health issues as pure breeds
A huge part of that is survivorship bias, though. The mixed breeds you meet at the shelter are just the lucky ones that managed to survive. You’re not seeing the millions who didn’t make it.
Anyone who has fostered neonatal kittens can tell you from experience just how much work goes into helping them survive those first weeks, and how many of them don’t make it no matter how hard you try to save them. Getting even half of those kittens to survive is considered a success, and without human intervention at least 80% of those kittens would have died.
Being mixed does not automatically mean the cat (or dog) will be healthier just because it’s mixed. A mix is just as likely to inherit the worst traits of both parents as they are the best, and without extensive genetic testing it’s almost certain that mixed breed cat is going to inherit at least ONE major issue.
One of my current cats is a random mixed domestic shorthair born on a local farm and he has had constant health issues his whole life. Same was true for most of the mixed breeds I’ve had in my life; they all had at least one major health issues, most of which were inherited.
But the purebred cats my family had? All of them were the picture of perfect health right up until the end, with the sole exception being my grandmother’s black Persian who started going blind around middle age.
My current mixed breed? Constant weight issues (he was always a huge cat even in his prime), arthritis, a few odd lumps that I’ve never been able to afford to get tested, he was diagnosed with a heart murmur at a young age which means he might not be able to get the dental care he needs because it might not be safe to put him under for surgery, etc.
Just because it’s a mixed breed does not automatically mean it’s healthier. A purebred from a good breeder who does the work needed to test for health problems and make sure cats that have issues are fixed before they have a chance to breed is actually likely to be healthier, and you know ahead of time exactly what you’re getting as a good breeder can produce test results for multiple generations back.
I work with an animal rescue; your explanation implies there are equal numbers of purebred and mixed-breed abandoned animals, which is a bit like says there's an equal number of one dollar bills on the sidewalk as hundred dollar bills bc they're the same size and weight. Purebred animals are abandoned less because they are generally worth money, so they get sold rather than tossed into the street. In two decades I've encountered exactly two purebred dogs in rescue, and that's because an irresponsible breeder tried docking their tails by tourniqueting them with ribbon, and then figured they weren't worth the money or effort when they got very sick.
(Note, my dollar bill explanation isn't meant to imply that mixed breeds are worth less in entirely than purebred, just that their monetary value equivalent is lower bc they're not designer)
I have a cat that was a stray I named him Derpy, he watches the house like a watch dog, runs around the backyard like a maniac and he's scared of my rabbit. And my bird keeps instigating him to jump the cage
My cat mittens ( not my personal name choice) has the ability to sit when it’s meal time, she learned to thumper kick the door to call us for attention, if you are not careful she can sneak around you and crawl under your bed without you even knowing, she doesn’t like beef or chicken only seafood and it’s only fancy feast, she’s a killer when it comes to bugs she once ripped the wings off a black wasp and stomped it to death, and she’s able to crawl upside down. That’s only a quarter of what she can do
I do have a cat, shes a stray that we rescued from our mechanic tools filled garage (lot of sharp stuff) and named her savior, because we saved her, im glad we helped her and gave her a home (mostly during winter) but man is she murder on my ribs, she likes to STAND on my ribcage, with all 4 paws!
Great vid guys! I have first hand experience with the whole sibling ratio thing. We had one boy, one girl, we later decided to get another boy and were told that our first boy (Shadow) might have issues with the new boy (Maxx). The opposite happened, those boys were so connected. We sadly lost both a year apart which destroyed me. Maxx at age 12 and Shadow at age 18. Miss them everyday.
well look at that the psychics were right, she now has three "children" (yes I stole this joke)
Your mom is fine Nate lol. Like anything in this world, there are good and bad on a case by case basis. Are there breeders who do disgusting things just for the sake of greed? Sure. But there are also people who just genuinely love animals to the point that they enjoy having just that many in their care. Those, like your mom, are good breeders
I had a dog named Luke. He came with his name, but he was too old for us to be able to change his name and have him react so it was stuck with it, and it was really awkward when my cousin Luke came to visit us and met the dog with his name. RIP 🪦 Luke dog
Apologies for my rant but both of my family cats are rescues, the first cat we got who is mine we got when I was a child. A family member had stolen a kitten from someone and was neglecting her and the thing was that the cat wasn't supposed to be away from the mom yet. She wasn't old enough to be wenied yet, and I had gotten attached to her and we already bonded. And my mom also didn't want to leave an animal in need, so when the family member said they were going to throw her away. My mom took her.
And her name become mama, I don't know why her name was mama but thats what I had started calling her. And she was just the sweetest, and even though theres the superstition that black cats are bad luck, its the opposite. She was actually the reason my mom was able to help me whenever I had an medical problem during the night when she was asleep. My cat would straight up attack my mom and run into my room and my mom worried she might attack me followed me and found me.
She quickly learned that mama was just letting her know I needed her, never once attacked me. Even when I used to literally carry her by her neck and pick her up all the time, never once did she scratch bite, growl or even hiss. Just took it in stride, it actually took it until I picked her up wrong (shes qn old cat 16-17 years old and has bad hips) so out of pain she bit and scratched my hand. And it wasn't even that bad, just a small puncture wound in the side of my hand and 2 swallow scratches on my hand. I got off easy (minus an allergic reaction but it was quickly solved with an allergy pill), because she has drawn blood before, literally done it to my mom yet she didn't do it to me.
And even now, and after the incident she is still super sweet and loving. And I would never give her up for anything, I am very attached and would do anything to keep her happy. And just a weeks or maybe a month ago, my dad had brought home two stray kittens that were hanging around his work (he works as a mechanic and already almost got ran over once) and he says that he hates cats and says no more animals. Yet here he was with 2 feral kittens.
And the little girl who was a black and white cat, looked like a tuxedo cat was sweet and loving (all the guys at my dad work would give her a bunch of affection). But the moment she got free roam the house after a few days she became comfortable, started destroying our shower curtain and started destroying this chair we have in our kitchen. Attacking her brother (got worse when we were getting prepared to give her to our neighbor), and in the first few days she pooped on the bed, specifically my dad side twice. And me and my mom joke because he compared her to mama and she hates it (mama dor some reason decided she hates my dad and bolts if he even looks at her, we assume because she knows my dad didn't want her).
While her brother who is a gray tabby with some tuxedo in him, he wasn't handling being inside well at all. He was just shut down, like he was defeated. And it concerned my mom so much, and she said if he didn't improve in a few days. He might just have to go back outside, she didn't want to give up but she couldn't handle seeing him in such a state. And at the beginning, you couldn't touch him, couldn't make any noise or he'd bolt. And it was because unlike his sister who was a social butterfly he was like an introvert.
Didn't approach anyone and no one approached him, and so he didn't understand love. Until one day, the after my mom had said what she said. He bolted out of the kennel he and his sister were staying in for a few days, straight in my mom hand. And my mom got to pet him and hold him like a baby, for a few minutes he didn't freak out or anything. Just laid there soaking in the affection until he decided it was enough. And after that he started improving.
And even when we had the door open once for our dogs, he had just sat next to my mom in front of the door. Looked around a bit before walking off, he had no interest in the outside unlike jis sister who did try to run away but failed. He wasn't as affectionate as his sister after that day, but you could actually touch him and hold him, and he would start to purr. Which was actually really big given he once never purred.
But now, like his sister after she left to live across the street with the neighbors became a terror. He has terrorized my cat, who didn't like him to begin with (she actually hates cat and when she was younger, she actually did try killing two other cats. And one was once a kitten though thankfully both cats ended up fine) but because shes old and only has her back claws (she was declawed a long time ago after she wouldn't stop attacking my mom) isn't able to actually defend herself, and she was genuinely getting stressed out. So stressed she was throwing up, and not even the dogs (we have 3) ever stressed her out. Not even when they were puppies, and he isn't intentionally trying to stress her out.
He just doesn't get that mama is old, she doesn't want to play (and even if she did, it would only ever be with this small foam ball shes carry everywhere wnd chase after. Only toy she ever wanted and played with) and he's starting to leave her alone. But he also has a biting and scratching problem, though so far saying ow when he bites immediately gets him to start qs it freaks him out. And just like his sister, hes attacking the shower curtain, the curtain we have in front of the door to help keep heat in our house (its an old house that has a lot of problems, one of them is that the house doesn't keep cold or hot hair in nor out) and the curtain we have sperating the front and back part of the house (aka the very tiny hall between the kitchen and living room).
But even with all the problems, I can at least say. I can pet him without having to immediately wash or wipe my hands or whatever area he touches to avoid an allergic reaction because hes a short hair cat while mine is longed haired and I can touch her with little to no problems when shes shaved. But every other time, any of her long fur that touches ky skin for long enough that I don't wipe away my skin becomes irritated, itchy and sometimes burn and i have to immediately take an allergy pill
My family got two cats from cats protection, we lost one Christmas time nearly a decade back from being hit by a car. The other died from health complications and had to be put down two years back. Current ones came from a cat rescue and the other was a stray stalking my mums friend cat.
Nate you don't have to explain what your mom dose she raised a good man and don't let others talk to her like that
I never have any problem with ethical breeders like your mom. They have the health of their animals. It’s the ones that overbreed and abandon their animals that I despise. Good to hear that she reported and got some arrested
Dang it! All this time I thought Vega was named after the Street Fighter character 😂
Ohh I love that remix of that Undertale song (the name is lost on me rn but I recognize the beat/melody)
Always love watching your videos guys!!! Hope you're both doing good!!!🥰💜🏜🏜
Video of pure joy
I love cats, I just wish my mom wasn't allergic and that my dad didn't prefer dogs
Day 2 minecraft doesn’t need you-retrogamingnow
Her brother looks like Shaggy
I wish I could remember when we had our cat, Tigger, but we had to give her away before I was 2 because my dad is (was, dunno about nowadays) allergic to cats and my parents had gotten her before I was born, so, no memories of her in our house.
We did get another cat at one point, a tabby we called A.K., but had to give him up after just a few days because of not only my dad's allergies, but my younger brother's too.
Haven’t had a cat since and there are times that makes me said.
My mum loves Tigers and I think I inherited that, but it extends to all felines, especially the smaller ones.
Really would love to get a cat, but I couldn't really now because of my life structure 😢
There's a new epic rap battle of history out
So, here’s my Headcanon,
This might been what lead into the Events of JaidenAnimations The Anime.
Net you need to watch this animation that is here on UA-cam like I ran across it by freaking chance and I’ll be honest it was funny but I have no memory of it’s name which is unfortunate because it’s just about the cats
My dog’s name is Loki! ❤
Are you guys going to continue with Dingo Doodles?
I was enjoying your reactions 😢
The issue with mixed breed cats (and dogs) is survivorship bias. Those “super healthy” mixed pets we see at shelters? Those are only the lucky ones. We don’t see the 80% or more that didn’t make it long enough for a human to notice them.
Anyone who has fostered neonatal kittens can tell you from experience just how hard it is to keep them alive, and how many they lose no matter how hard they work to help them. If half the litter survives long enough to be adopted, it’s considered a success! And they are well aware that 80% or more of those kittens would have been doomed if they didn’t have an entire team of humans willing and able to intervene.
“Hybrid vigor” is actually extremely rare. An animal is just as likely to inherit the worst of both parents, and the majority are just average, which means at least some inherited problems. Which you have no way of predicting, because you have no idea what their background is.
Part of the appeal of a purebred cat from a good breeder is that you know exactly what you’re getting every time. A good breeder does extensive health testing before even considering breeding, and if a cat shows any sign of possibly inheritable problems, they get fixed along with all of their siblings and offspring to prevent it from continuing down the line.
I’ve had cats my whole life, and honestly? The purebred ones were always the healthiest, right up until the end. Maybe half of the mixed breed ones could say the same, but the other half were full of problems that we had no idea about because, again, their backgrounds were complete unknowns. One of my current mixed breed cats was diagnosed with a heart murmur at a young age, has always struggled a bit with weight (he was HUGE at his prime, just tall, long, muscular, but now he’s old and the muscle has started turning to fat), dental issues, stomach problems, an odd fat lump on his neck that I’ve never been able to afford to get a biopsy for, arthritis, malformed claws, etc.
Just because it’s a mixed breed, doesn’t automatically mean it’s going to be healthier.
I must respectfully disagree about the female cat territorial thing. In our house we have 4 female cats that get along very well. Other than an adjustment period when we first introduced them to each other, and while we tamed the mostly feral 4th one, they all love each other. While I have had male cats and they are the ones that caused issues with fighting, I don't think it's really a gender thing at all. I think it has to do with a combination of each cats personality, and the social environment they were living in while they were kittens. The male cats that caused problems did not have the chance when they were young to learn good social skills, so they'd bully the other cats but not recognize it as doing something wrong. Also had a female cat that was just a witch to everyone but my mom for absolutely no reason, lol. Hope this didn't come off as ranty, wasn't meant to. Sorry if it did. Loved the reaction.
The big problem with breeders right now is population. Not just cats, being in the rescue world and seeing the hell rescue cats and dogs go through and how many street cats die every day and how many cats have to be spay aborted just to keep them from dying on the streets and keep the population somewhat under control, not to mention how many dogs and cats are put to sleep every day by shelters just for space…it’s an absolute epidemic. It’s such heartbreak, and rescues and TNR folks who are on the front lines trying to help as volunteers with absolutely no pay and have to deal with all of the worst scenarios, well, there’s a reason they’re not fans of breeders, and it’s not always about the breeders’ treatment of the dogs and/or cats. Sometimes it’s the fact that breeders are unnecessary and every cat or dog that is adopted from a breeder is a rescue cat/dog that doesn’t get adopted.
With the current internet, you can find any breed or color from rescues if you’re patient enough. Humans are humans, and no matter what we as rescuers do and how many cattery people turn into rescues, people will always breed cats to make money off of people who don’t do their research, the same way that no matter how many street cats we spay and neuter, there will never ever be a shortage of cats, we can’t completely solve the problem, we can only stop it from getting worse and help what cats we can. And for those who want a constant stream of cats/kittens or dogs/puppies to care for, that’s what becoming a foster is for.
The big reason many rescuers have a problem with even the sweetest most attentive breeders is the fact that what they’re doing is unnecessary and it makes rescuers’ jobs more difficult.
Not everyone can rescue. I brought my late dog from the pet store as a puppy a day before her litter would've gone to the pound. I had her for 16 years and held her in my arms as she passed of old age. I will adopt eventually but it'll be a young dog or cat cause I can't get attached only for a short time together.
Could you guy's please react icean animator called ice cream sandwich?
React to game theory poppy playtime's new villain fooled you
My mom doesn't like cat she don't look like their big eyes.
To this day i sob that i couod not get this grown bkack cat i found in a pets mart named Texas Twostep.