Satan Uses Paganism in Roman Catholicism

  • Опубліковано 6 гру 2018
  • For more of Dr. John Barnett's content go to

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  • @meekshallinherit3966
    @meekshallinherit3966 3 роки тому +306

    They have convinced us to worship Christ on the Cross... where Christ is no longer on the cross.... he has risen.... that's what we need to pay attention to

    • @maranatha8768
      @maranatha8768 3 роки тому +14


    • @thomastrevillian6988
      @thomastrevillian6988 3 роки тому +7

      Amen .Thank you 😇

    • @fred3893
      @fred3893 2 роки тому +27

      How ridiculous. Every Catholic knows that Christ has risen. When you see a cross without Jesus on it, do you forget he was crucified? Of course not. Catholics simply follow scripture and preach a crucified Christ.

    • @fred3893
      @fred3893 2 роки тому +16

      @@1234poppycat They claim to read the bible, but they seem to have missed 1 Corinthians 1:23 'but we preach Christ crucified...'

    • @domrob3600
      @domrob3600 2 роки тому +5

      @@1234poppycat For a person who has Christ within him, you sure don't show fruits of the spirit with the way you dialogue.

  • @kkdoc7864
    @kkdoc7864 4 роки тому +166

    As a cradle catholic, educated by them thru high school, I always wondered why the beads candles and indulgences, long robes and rituals were such a part of my church. I have long been away from it once I read Gods Word and tossed out man’s word. Thank you for sharing this!

    • @kkdoc7864
      @kkdoc7864 4 роки тому +20

      Letting Scripture Speak My friend in Christ, I know Catholicism backwards and forwards. But their gospel of salvation is completely wrong. It is awful to think that Christ didn’t pay for all of our sins, and that somehow humans must purge their own, too. When I heard a priest recently tell me he “hoped” that he was going to heaven, I was not only shocked, I was saddened by the fact he had been told things in error. If you place works and grace alongside each other, one invalidates the other. Grace is never merited. I also have investigated extensively the early church history, and have learned facts Catholics either don’t want to know or just prefer to believe the magisterium. I came to a profound realization that belonging to any particular church does not “save” you as I was taught growing up. Paul warned us in the first few years after Christ’s sacrifice that we should not follow certain men like Apollo or Ceohas(Peter) or even himself. It is Jesus Christ our only mediator who has saved me completely. (1 Tim 2:5). Praying to any other non deity created human being who has died in order to provide any mediation or intervention, therefore, is idolatry at best.

    • @kkdoc7864
      @kkdoc7864 4 роки тому +11

      Letting Scripture Speak What do the sacraments give? What are indulgences? What was or is the scapular? Why pray to created human beings who have died for anything when Christ is our only Mediator? It is about the truth of God’s Word. I must have a reliable gold standard. If tradition is contrary to Scripture, it must be discarded. I think that’s where Catholicism went off the rails. For centuries, it persecuted (killed) those who tried to bring the Bible to the masses, saying it was the only qualified entity to interpret them. I’m so happy not to have lived then. Lol.
      The decrees from the council of Trent actually solidified most of my reasons for not staying in that denomination. Unbelief in Purgatory, and the fact that faith need not be accompanied by works for salvation were said to be an anathema.Same with transubstantiation, indulgences and celibacy.

    • @mrearly2
      @mrearly2 3 роки тому +5

      So, you fell away, due to your ignorance. You think you know about Catholicism, but you don't.

    • @kkdoc7864
      @kkdoc7864 3 роки тому +20

      @@mrearly2 what about my comments are wrong? Why do you think the RCC papacy retains pagan symbols? Beads, candles, sun symbols, the vestments worn ( fish of Dagon), and pineapples, one on his staff and a very large one at the Vatican. So you don’t believe in the Treasury of merit or talismans like the scapular or indulgences? And why is Mary, a sinful, created human being given attributes only belonging to God? And why do you sacrifice Christ over and over on altars around the world as if you get more salvation grace from attending when scripture clearly states His sacrifice was “once for all”. Anytime a dead female is “served”, worshipped, venerated in the Bible, it is an idol and those who served her were punished severely by God. Isn’t that interesting she was called the “Queen of Heaven? And why does scripture conflict with tradition in so many instances? Why are all believers referred to as saints and not voted into a special hall of fame? Why is Jesus the only high priest of the Order of Melchizedek and all believers a royal priesthood? We need no human mediators as Jesus is our ONLY mediator. The RCC teaches (like with idols) each saint has his/her own area of sovereignty? So many traditional teachings that have usurped the true gospel. The Eucharist actually changing into another substance is all meant to be spiritual unity with Christ to be done “in remembrance”. No human can call Almighty God to stay in a place made of human hands at the command of a ritualistic sacrifice that should never be reproduced in an unbloody or bloody way. This video is historically correct. How do you think Constantine was able to convince pagan Rome to accept Christianity? Research this instead of denying anything that goes against RCC tradition.

    • @rickdavis2235
      @rickdavis2235 2 роки тому +9

      @Curtis MH
      "kk doc my friend. This video is full of crap. Talk to a priest. It’s never a good idea to learn about Catholicism from an anti-Catholic. "
      kk doc my friend. This video is full of crap. Talk to an SS soldier. It’s never a good idea to learn about Nazism from an anti-Nazi.
      Great advice, Curtis. I didn't learn about Catholicism from anti-Catholics. I learned by searching for answers that Catholics couldn't answer, like why are their dogmas not found in scripture. Of course they tell me the "early church fathers" always believed blah, blah, blah and point out "traditions". Here’s the problem, immediately! We really don’t need to look past the church at Ephesus to disprove this. The church of Ephesus was founded by the apostle Paul, who lived among the people at Ephesus for at least 3 years. Despite its having apostolic influence of bishops and overseers that were appointed by a confirmed apostle, we see this same church being rebuked by Jesus himself in Revelation, chapter 2. Why? Because they deviated from God’s word as well as deviated from any tradition they may have received.
      Revelation 2:1-7
      Message to Ephesus
      1 “To the angel of the church in Ephesus write:
      The One who holds the seven stars in His right hand, the One who walks among the seven golden lampstands, says this:
      2 ‘I know your deeds and your labor and perseverance, and that you cannot tolerate evil people, and you have put those who call themselves apostles to the test, and they are not, and you found them to be false; 3 and you have perseverance and have endured on account of My name, and have not become weary. 4 But I have this against you, that you have left your first love. 5 Therefore, remember from where you have fallen, and repent, and do the deeds you did at first; or else I am coming to you and I will remove your lampstand from its place-unless you repent. 6 But you have this, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. 7 The one who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who overcomes, I will grant to eat from the tree of life, which is in the Paradise of God.’
      If they had been appointed elders by an apostle then they had been entrusted to carry on this tradition so the fact that they were being rebuked by Jesus shows us that whatever tradition that they might have received was no guarantee that they were going to continue in it so what is the authority? The written word. It is always only the final court of appeal for Jesus, and the apostles, always.
      SOLA SCRIPTURA my friend. If we followed scripture only, [2 Tim. 3:16] we wouldn't be having this conversation. Tell me Sola Scriptura isn't found and Scripture and I'll point out the Trinity, Omniscience, Omnipotence and Omnipresence. God bless you man. ;)

  • @eyestothesky6331
    @eyestothesky6331 2 роки тому +97

    I grew up Catholic. Taught catechism classes for several years. Left the religion in my 30’s, became a Christian and this is the first I’ve heard this teaching on Lent. Thank you Jesus that He is still revealing His grace and mercy and the blessing of hearing this sermon!

    • @6969smurfy
      @6969smurfy 2 роки тому +1

      @@1234poppycat dude this is all you do is copy paste ignorances to the scriptures everywhere, just stop, try and open your eyes and learn truths for YAHs sake.
      Praise YAH

    • @ThetennisDr
      @ThetennisDr Рік тому

      Praise God for your testimony

    • @JackHermanKikiraNyosy-oe9vo
      @JackHermanKikiraNyosy-oe9vo 11 місяців тому

      You are a confused fello.

    • @loboman8029
      @loboman8029 11 місяців тому +1

      The best Bibles are the - Red Letter Bibles - so named because they have the words of Jesus printed in Red. Why Red ? Because Red is the colour associated with Danger. Therefore to ignore Jesus' words will cause danger to one's salvation.
      For Jesus was - Sent - by The Father to teach us the way, truth and life to Heaven and thus bears the authority as well as the heart and mind of God for our salvation. And Jesus has been assigned - ALL - judgement = John 5:22, so will obviously judge us by His words and actions.
      The 4 Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, record Jesus' messages that speak of Tough Love - If you love Me, keep My commandments - and - If you wish to be My disciple, take up your Cross daily, deny yourself and follow Me - and - More - is expected of Christians to whom much has been entrusted - Luke 12:48. ,
      Moreover, on the very day of His resurrection from the dead, Jesus - empowered His Apostles to forgive sins - or - retain them - John 20:22-23.
      Previously, Jesus commanded us to - Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood - for - Eternal Life = John 6:53-58.
      And, Jesus' Parables are often prefaced with - the kingdom of Heaven - or - the Reign of God - and require us to multiply our talents, become more fruitful " soil " as well as become wise virgins carrying oil

      Sadly, Protestants have ignored Jesus' tough Love messages, and instead have " cherry-picked " some of the passages from other than the 4 Gospels, thus jeopardizing their salvation.

      Is the Bible the only source of Christian belief ??
      The Bible is, historically, a dated book as it records only to the 1st Century. Thus we read only the deaths of Judas and James but not about the other 10 Apostles or of Paul as to when, where and how they died. Does it mean that, because their deaths are not recorded, that they are still alive ?? Obviously not. Paul declares the Bible - useful and profitable - in 2 Timothy 3:16, but that the Church is the Bulwark and Pillar of Truth - 1 Timothy 3:15. That is because the Church, the community of Believers, came first - Matthew 16:18 - and incorporates both the written word as well as the oral tradition - 2 Thessalonians 2:15.
      And the Bible declares that Jesus did a world of works - John 21:25. As a result 2 traditions ensued - oral and written - 2 Thess. 2:15 - which are of equal merit. By "Sola Scriptura" Protestants are only receiving part of Divine Truth thus resulting in so many denominations.
      The Catholic Church was founded on Peter's declaration of Jesus' Divinity - Matt. 16:16 and holds to both traditions. It is the Church of the Living God and the Pillar and Bulwark of Truth - 1 Timothy 3:15 . Plus it has Jesus' guarantee - Matthew 16:18 - I will build my= Church; = and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it

      Why does the Catholic Church follow non-Biblical traditions ??
      For the better part of 2 to 3 Centuries after Christ's Ascension, there was - NO - Bible as we know it
      Let's look at some historical facts. Christ died between 30 and 40 AD. The earliest Gospels, Matthew and Mark, were written after 70 AD. The last book of the Bible, Revelation, was written by John within the last 2 decades of the 1st Century. Pauls' missionary journeys were around 48 to 60 AD. The greater part of the NT -Muratorian Canon - was probably compiled in 180 AD, whereas the Bible as we know it, was compiled much later. This means that, for the most part of the first 2 to 3 centuries after Christ's Ascension, there was no complete Bible, and as a result the Oral Tradition was the guiding force of the early Christians.
      Moreover, before Guttenberg invented the Printing Press in the 15th C, the Bible was laboriously copied by hand by - Catholic - clergy and monks. It wasn't done by the rich who had other preoccupations, nor by the poor who did not possess the learning - nor by Protestants or other non-Catholics. Also, Catholic St. Jerome, who who lived in the 4th Century, was the first to translate the then existing Greek and Hebrew versions into Latin - the common language of the day- called the Vulgate Bible.. Thus it was Catholics and Catholicism that produced the Bible
      The Catholic Church was founded on Peter's declaration of Jesus' Divinity - Matt. 16:16 and Jesus' promise - Matt 16:17-19- and holds to both traditions. It is the Church of the Living God and the Pillar and Bulwark of Truth - 1 Timothy 3:15 . Plus it has Jesus' guarantee - Matthew 16:18 - I will build my= Church; = and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it

    • @michaelbrunsdon8938
      @michaelbrunsdon8938 11 місяців тому +7

      You were teaching catechism without knowing that you were Christian? I feel very sorry for your poor students.

  • @cptcosmo
    @cptcosmo 2 роки тому +69

    I always ask Catholics why they pray to dead people (the saints, Mary) and statues of dead people to intercede for them with God, when Yeshua says NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME?

    • @AmenArmy
      @AmenArmy 2 роки тому +4

      It's simple. If you look at Catholic roots, you can see that it's pagan and just overall an unbiblical mess.

    • @YiriUbic3793
      @YiriUbic3793 2 роки тому

      @@AmenArmy Tithe pastors from the same hell, more than 40,000 sects with different doctrines and they all have something in common: their hatred of the Catholic Church and their taste for defamation and blasphemies against the Catholic Church. It is obvious that Satan himself is behind all these diabolical sects

    • @YiriUbic3793
      @YiriUbic3793 2 роки тому

      @@Meadow254 God have mercy on you herectic sectarians for all the blasfemy against the catholic church you heretics have more tgan 40,000 secst with different doctrine an all have the same your hatred for the Holy catholic church

    • @AmenArmy
      @AmenArmy 2 роки тому +15

      @@YiriUbic3793 The catholic church is not Godly nor does it 100% follow the Bible. It has pagan roots. Calling mary 'sinless' and 'queen of heaven' is an example. All denominations are wrong. We should all be of one accord.

    • @crossbearer6453
      @crossbearer6453 Рік тому +3

      So you don’t believe in everlasting life?
      Mary and the other Apostles never went to Jesus Christ when they died??
      . It’s the same

  • @christinemitchell6406
    @christinemitchell6406 5 років тому +347

    Wonderful lecture! I grew up catholic, as an adult I started to question the prayers to Mary. I wondered why we had to go to Mary, why couldn't we go to Jesus?I left the catholic church after I read the bible.

    • @georgepenton808
      @georgepenton808 5 років тому +19

      Christine, as a Catholic you were taught that direct prayers to God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are not only allowed but encouraged, and you know from attending Mass (did you ever attend Mass?) that the Mass is one long prayer to the Father and that the emphasis is on Jesus, Jesus' Body and Blood, and that Mary is barely mentioned.

    • @christinemitchell6406
      @christinemitchell6406 5 років тому +53

      Mr Penton,
      I get what you're saying, and I respect your opinion. It's not just Mary that changed my heart. I did go to mass, and I prayed the rosary everyday, and I read about the saints. My cousin is a preist.
      The whole lecture is about the catholic church and it's corrupt history. Does any of the corruption in the church bother you?

    • @patricklamar9432
      @patricklamar9432 5 років тому +12

      All organizations in the world have corruption because bad people exist, even in the priesthood. In no way does this disprove the Church.@@christinemitchell6406

    • @derekl4619
      @derekl4619 5 років тому +53

      This lecture might not disprove the Catholic church, but the word of God will (bible). Like Christine, I used to follow and believe the lies of the rcc. In God's grace, I was set free.

    • @michaelthomas7178
      @michaelthomas7178 5 років тому +8

      Satan is a deceiver this lecture is deceit.

  • @vincentprasad5809
    @vincentprasad5809 11 місяців тому +72

    i am a Roman catholic by birth and left the catholic church at the age of 43 yrs after reading bible the word of god. now i am a pastor. Thanks for the clear cut message on pagan roman catholism. The present Bible that is catholic Bible or any other denomination Bible are incomplete. There are other left over books which has to be read. Roman catholic is from Babylonians to Egyptians to Romans. That is where Roman catholic is and at present. This is against the Bible. Full of idol worship.

    • @loboman8029
      @loboman8029 11 місяців тому +2

      There are 2 versions of Jesus = the Protestant version - and - the Catholic Biblical version.
      God is able to do all things. Jesus could have remained in Heaven and forgiven our sins, opened Heaven's gates to all, and did not have to come down to earth and live as one of us and die a cruel death. However, God goes to = extremes = to prove His love for us. But God has - expectations - and requires - More - from Christians because we have the perfect example of Jesus - Luke 12:48
      From God's Expectations, Commandments and Testing come our guarantee of - eternal - salvation and Heavenly rewards.
      Jesus defined a Christian - Must take up your Cross daily, deny yourself and follow Me - Matthew 16:24.
      Jesus fasted - superhumanly - 40 days/nights. He dismissed Satan who mocked Him for fasting when He could have all the bread to eat - Matt. 4.
      Later, Jesus rebuked Peter as Satan when Peter tried to dissuade Jesus from His path of sufferings and death.- Matthew 16:23.
      And Jesus did not take the sour wine offered to Him whilst on the Cross to deaden the pain.
      Moreover, Jesus did a World of Works - John 21:25.
      Even Paul, like a faithful Christian= boasted =of the Cross -Galatians 6:14
      , Christian Rule of Thumb is that if anything is hard/difficult, it is from God. On the other hand, if it is -easy - it is not from God
      The fact is that there are Catholics who leave the Faith because they say it has too many rules and regulations. Of course, they don't realize it is that rules and regulations are like Commandments which were God-issued so that these create a - safe - boundary beyond which the devil, like a roaring lion, is prowling about seeking to devour.
      On the other hand, Protestantism has no rules and regulations, no requirements and only promotes - Easy - Christianity and cheap Grace.
      List of - Hard - Facts
      == Commandments = Love God and Neighbour, including Enemies = God's Testing = Strive to enter Heavenly narrow gates for Few will enter - Mat. 7:14 & Luke 13:23-24 = Confess to another - John 20:22-23 = Eat My Flesh, drink My Blood - Real Food and Drink- for Eternal Life - John 6:53-58 + Partake of Holy Communion, worthily - 1 Cor. 11:26-27 =Jesus' Parables requiring the multiplication of Talents, becoming more fruitful "soil," wise "virgins" carrying oil, etc.= Vengeance is Mine, I will repay; = Fasting, Prayer and Almsgiving - Rewarded by the Father who sees in secret - Matthew 6. = Jesus urged the necessity of praying always - Luke 18:1. Thus Catholics have adopted the responsibility of praying for others, just as Jesus urged Peter to pray and thereby strengthen the others - Luke 22:32.
      List of - Easy - Facts
      == With Faith alone, one is saved by Grace and name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, never to be erased = God's Commandments and Testing have been overtaken by Jesus' sacrifice and covered with His Precious Blood. Moreover all sin debt - past, present and future - has been paid in full. Thus the Guarantee - Absent in the Flesh, present with the Lord, forever = The 4 Gospels were meant for the - lost - people of Israel. Now there is a new covenant in the Blood of the Lamb which means - Once Saved, Forever Saved = Works are unnecessary for Salvation and are boastful = And Christian Marriages that end in - easy - divorce and remarriages.
      Remember, Jesus instituted the Church, which is a body of Believers, for the reason that He wants His followers to worship and pray together. Jesus declared that where 2 or 3 are gathered in My Name, there I AM - Matthew 18:20. Even the Lord's Prayer is plural - Our Father.
      What is the Gospel Message ??
      The 4 books of the Bible, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are titled - The Gospel - according to Matthew / Mark / Luke / John. This was the same Gospel message revealed to Paul by Jesus - Galatians 1:12 - which reflected the Teachings and Doings of Jesus and which Paul proclaimed - verbally - on his missionary journeys.
      Later on, after Paul had received reports from faithful and trustworthy members, he sent out letters to the churches he had established to commend them or to correct them and even provide more insight and clarification. The Bible titles these letters as - Epistles - to the various churches of Corinth, Philippi, etc. Thus, these Epistles were Paul's means of keeping in touch with, as well as providing a Review/Report of the status of the churches he wrote to and to whom he had previously preached - verbally - the Gospel.
      Besides, 2 of Paul's letters have gone missing - see 1 Cor. 5:9 and Col. 4:16
      Common sense would therefore dictate that we place our doctrines and belief systems first and foremost on these 4 Gospels, and keep everything else secondary. This is because our Salvation is the most important question we will ever face.
      It is thus obvious that these Epistles are way-down secondary to the 4 Gospels which Jesus brought from the Heavenly Father's mind and heart for our Salvation.
      Sadly, Protestants have based their - Doctrines - and belief systems on these commentaries and Epistles - instead - of the 4 Gospels. They have created doctrines that require no Confession as per Jesus' formula, denial of the - Real Presence - of Jesus in Holy Communion, and the need for Good Works despite that the Great Judgement is based on Works - Matthew 25.
      By declaring that only Faith is necessary for Salvation, they have effectively cancelled the Cross - the very symbol of Christianity.
      Yet even Paul, like a faithful Christian, boasted of the Cross -Galatians 6:14,
      Will they be raptured ? Will they be saved.?

    • @michaelbrunsdon8938
      @michaelbrunsdon8938 11 місяців тому +6

      There is no such thing as a Roman Catholic, except for Catholics who happen to come from Rome.
      There is no such thing as a "Catholic by Birth".
      You can't even spell Catholicism correctly.
      You seem extremely confused.

    • @mikemwanza8027
      @mikemwanza8027 10 місяців тому +2

      Jesus was a jew, all his apostles were Jews, the gospel was preached first to Jews. Apostles and the first church assembly happened in Jerusalem which became the headquarters for the first church and the apostles. Where was roman Catholic at that time? Later Paul a Jews was send to gentiles. Jesus through John wrote to the seven churches established by Paul. Why is the roman Catholic Church missing? The Bible declares clearly that Peter was send to Jews while Paul was send to gentiles, how comes roman Catholic (a gentiles church) attributes Peter as it's first pope?
      Can you answer this simple questions please.

    • @loboman8029
      @loboman8029 10 місяців тому

      @@mikemwanza8027 Regarding why Catholics believe that Peter was the 1st Pope, we have Apostolic Succession whereby the church continues after Jesus' Heavenly ascension and the death of the Apostles. The Bible indicates that Jesus had an " inner circle " comprising Peter, James and John whom He took alone to select places like His Transfiguration, the raising of Jairus' daughter to life, and the Garden of Gethsemane before His Passion and Death. Even in this " inner circle " the Bible always ranks Peter ahead of James and John
      Catholics believe that Papal authority was given to Peter, the 1st Pope, on Peter's declaration of Jesus' Divinity and Son of the Living God - Matthew 16:16 and Jesus' response of - You are Rock on which I will build My church - Mat. 16:18 - together with Jesus' entrustment of the Keys to the Kingdom to Peter alone- Matthew 16:18-19.
      It was confirmed after Jesus' Resurrection, when Jesus questioned Peter's love 3 times, firstly to assuage Peter's guilt regarding his thrice betrayal, but most importantly to seal Peter's pastoral role of spiritually feeding Jesus' followers - His lambs and sheep - John 21. In John 21 verse 19 concludes with Jesus, the Good Shepherd. who directed Peter - FOLLOW ME. This directive made only to Peter can only be interpreted as Jesus' successor. Note: Jesus entrusted the keys of Heaven **only* to Peter - Mat. 16:19 - and empowered Peter that whatever, he bound and loosed on earth, would also be bound and loosed in Heaven. On the other hand, on the very day of his resurrection from the dead - John 20:22-23 - Jesus breathed on His Apostles, including Peter, His own Spirit, and empowered them to forgive - or bind - sins. Jesus' breath was similar to the one which gave the life-force to the earth-created Adam - Genesis 2:7
      Of the 12 Apostles, only Peter had his name changed from Simon to represent his new authority and role from being a fisherman to being a Fisher of Men - Matthew 4:19. It is true that Paul also had his name changed from Saul - a Persecutor of the church to becoming its Promoter among the pagans.
      Moreover, of all the Apostles - excluding Judas - the Resurrected Jesus appeared to Peter first - Luke 24:34.
      Peter was the 1st to perform the miracle of healing - Acts 3
      When the couple Ananias and Sapphira lied to the 1st Christian community, it was Peter who confronted them and God " executed " them - Acts 5
      Peter was the 1st to raise the dead Tabitha to life - Acts 9
      Peter was the 1st to introduce Gentiles to the church - Acts 10
      Without a Magisterium, Protestant ministers have become their own teaching authority which has resulted in thousands of denominations. Protestant ministers have become dependent on the " itching ears " of their congregations and can be voted out of office - something which is not Biblical. The "Prosperity" doctrine, now in vogue, is one of the results despite Jesus' declaration that - To be My disciple, you MUST take up your Cross daily, deny yourself, and follow Me.

    • @loboman8029
      @loboman8029 10 місяців тому

      @@mikemwanza8027 The Bible is, historically, a dated book as it records only to the 1st Century. Thus we read only the deaths of Judas and James but not about the other 10 Apostles or of Paul as to when, where and how they died. Does it mean that, because their deaths are not recorded, that they are still alive ?? Obviously not.
      Paul declares the Bible - useful and profitable - in 2 Timothy 3:16, but that the Church is the Bulwark and Pillar of Truth - 1 Timothy 3:15. That is because the Church, the community of Believers, came first - Matthew 16:18 - and incorporates both the written word as well as the oral tradition - 2 Thessalonians 2:15. And the Bible declares that Jesus did a = world of unrecorded works= John 21:25. As a result 2 traditions ensued - oral and written - 2 Thess. 2:15 - which are of equal merit. By "Sola Scriptura" Protestants are only receiving part of Divine Truth thus resulting in so many denominations.
      The Catholic Church was founded on Peter's declaration of Jesus' Divinity - Matt. 16:16 and holds to both traditions. It is the Church of the Living God and the Pillar and Bulwark of Truth - 1 Timothy 3:15 . Plus it has Jesus' guarantee - Matthew 16:18 - I will build my= Church; = and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it
      For the better part of 2 to 3 Centuries after Christ's Ascension, there was - NO - Bible as we know it
      Let's look at some historical facts. Christ died between 30 and 40 AD. The earliest Gospels, Matthew and Mark, were written after 70 AD. The last book of the Bible, Revelation, was written by John within the last 2 decades of the 1st Century. Pauls' missionary journeys were around 48 to 60 AD. The greater part of the NT -Muratorian Canon - was probably compiled in 180 AD, whereas the Bible as we know it, was compiled much later. This means that, for the most part of the first 2 to 3 centuries after Christ's Ascension, there was no complete Bible, and as a result the Oral Tradition was the guiding force of the early Christians.
      Moreover, before Guttenberg invented the Printing Press in the 15th C, the Bible was laboriously copied by hand by - Catholic - clergy and monks. It wasn't done by the rich who had other preoccupations, nor by the poor who did not possess the learning - nor by Protestants or other non-Catholics. Also, Catholic St. Jerome, who who lived in the 4th Century, was the first to translate the then existing Greek and Hebrew versions into Latin - the common language of the day- called the Vulgate Bible.. Thus it was Catholics and Catholicism that produced the Bible
      The best Bibles are the - Red Letter Bibles - so named because they have the words of Jesus printed in Red. Why Red ? Because Red is the colour associated with Danger. Therefore to ignore Jesus' words will cause danger to one's salvation. For Jesus was - Sent - by The Father to teach us the way, truth and life to Heaven and thus bears the authority as well as the heart and mind of God for our salvation. And Jesus has been assigned - ALL - judgement = John 5:22, so will obviously judge us by His words and actions.
      The 4 Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, record Jesus' messages that speak of Tough Love -
      If you love Me, keep My commandments - and -
      If you wish to be My disciple, take up your Cross daily, deny yourself and follow Me - and -
      More - is expected of Christians to whom much has been entrusted - Luke 12:48.
      Moreover, on the very day of His resurrection from the dead, Jesus - empowered His Apostles to forgive sins - or - retain them - John 20:22-23.
      Previously, Jesus commanded us to - Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood - for - Eternal Life = John 6:53-58.
      And, Jesus' Parables are often prefaced with - the kingdom of Heaven - or - the Reign of God - and require us to multiply our talents, become more fruitful " soil " as well as become wise virgins carrying oil
      Sadly, Protestants have ignored Jesus' tough Love messages, and instead have " cherry-picked " some of the passages from other than the 4 Gospels, thus jeopardizing their salvation.

  • @neinacelebre4546
    @neinacelebre4546 8 місяців тому +36

    Thank You LORD God for calling me out of the Roman Catholic Church and gifting me with the faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, and continuously desiring to hear Your Word and read the Bible.

    • @AlinaMagana
      @AlinaMagana 6 місяців тому

      Could u share your testimony?

    • @bridgefin
      @bridgefin 6 місяців тому

      Your "lord" is Satan!

    • @pragasamanthony3251
      @pragasamanthony3251 5 місяців тому +1

      Imperial Church of Rome [ICR], one of the churches of Christendom is not catholic [ universal ] , the bride of the Christ wedded to Roman pagan groom and trying to please God and Satan. On the contrary, the Apostolic Churches of the East, especially St Thomas churches of Kerala are faithful to the gospel of the one and only mediator between God and man, Yeshua 7:21 Messiah, the Redeemer of the world.

    • @bridgefin
      @bridgefin 5 місяців тому +1

      Nice fairy tale. Obviously not based on fact.

    • @TheGospelAccordingToMarkyD
      @TheGospelAccordingToMarkyD 3 місяці тому

      What tends to happen with Catholics who never understood their faith is that shortly after becoming Protestant, they could tell you everything about the Catholic Church within about 30 days after leaving the Church. What goes unnoticed within Protestant communities is that there are thousands and thousands of Protestants converting to Catholicism. Yet, more people are leaving. It is said that for every six people that leave the Church, one Protestant enters. Now after years and years of studying this phenomenon, what I have come to learn is that those who leave the Church never understood her teachings...and those Protestants who enter the Church do so because of their understanding. There are tons of pastors (even mega-pastors) and just regular people from the pew who are entering the Church when they learn what Catholicism really teaches. Many of them were once extreme anti-Catholics who believed the Pope was Satan and the Catholic Church - the Whore of Babylon. Now I know this reply is not going to make a difference but I'm hoping you accept my invitation to learn more of what I have to say. Nonetheless, I'll leave you with the following for you to contemplate over in my attempt to incite you to have an open heart to hear me out:
      Protestants proclaim that the Bible is their foundation for truth. However, according to the Bible…the Church is the Pillar and Foundation for Truth (1 Timothy 3:15) since God manifests His Wisdom through Her (Ephesians 3:10)... by the Holy Spirit who guides her and teaches her (John 14:26 & 16:13)…which is why Jesus instructed the people to listen to what the Holy Spirit says to the Church (7x’s - Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 27 & 3:6,13, 22)…which the Church explains through Scripture…which is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness - since all Scripture is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Now because of the misguided teachings of false pastors who have led many away from the Church, Paul commanded the Faithful to adhere to the Traditions of the Church (2 Thessalonians 2:15)...lest they be led astray by some tickling of the ear (2 Timothy 4:3).
      Your Brother In Christ,
      Marky D. "In the House"

  • @kevinc.3717
    @kevinc.3717 Рік тому +40

    Dr. John, thank you for such a clear and smooth delivery of the truth regarding the Catholic Church. I escaped Catholicism long ago Thank God!

    • @floogelhornzzz4770
      @floogelhornzzz4770 Рік тому +1

      Through reading Chick tracts?

    • @michaelbrunsdon8938
      @michaelbrunsdon8938 11 місяців тому +1

      You escaped from something that you knew nothing about?

    • @Saltine_American
      @Saltine_American 11 місяців тому +2

      @@michaelbrunsdon8938 Where do you get this from his comment? Or is this a knee jerk reaction to your religion being scrutinized? Some will never be delivered from its clutches and lies.

    • @michaelbrunsdon8938
      @michaelbrunsdon8938 10 місяців тому +2

      @@Saltine_American Sure I can explain...someone who leaves the Catholic Church because they believe it includes paganism has self-evidently misunderstood the fundamental teachings of the church.
      So to say "you know nothing" about the church may be a little too far, but the extreme basics have clearly not been understood.
      Genesis 1:1 refutes paganism in a single sentence: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
      Unless you can explain to me exactly what makes the Church pagan...?

    • @andreeattieh2963
      @andreeattieh2963 7 місяців тому +2

      You left the Catholic church shame on you

  • @inquisitor4635
    @inquisitor4635 5 років тому +39

    I went to a few Catholic churches with a Catholic friend of mine. I remember one time the consecrated host was placed inside of a sun statue with a clear door on it called a monstrance and then everyone meditated and prayed upon the host. I was disturbed by it.

    • @danielleeper8719
      @danielleeper8719 5 років тому +11

      It is disturbing that people prayed and meditated in a place where you are supposed to pray and meditate? Is something wrong upstairs?

    • @blingx2sys
      @blingx2sys 5 років тому +24

      @@danielleeper8719 praying to a sun idol...yes, disturbing idolatry.

    • @blingx2sys
      @blingx2sys 5 років тому +17

      @@1234poppycat tell me one verse that says to honour the Last Supper or flesh and blood of Jesus by praying to a sun-shaped object or image

    • @blingx2sys
      @blingx2sys 5 років тому +14

      @@1234poppycat The Roman Catholic Church even admits the Monstrance to be a sunburst:
      "During the baroque period, it took on a rayed form of a sun-monstrance with a circular window surrounded by a silver or gold frame with rays."
      Source: The Dictionary of the Liturgy by Rev. Jovian P. Lang, OFM., 1989, pg 436

    • @blingx2sys
      @blingx2sys 5 років тому +12

      @@1234poppycat Deu 17:3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the SUN, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded
      Tell me again, where in the bible does Jesus say to remember his flesh and blood by making a sun-shaped object?

  • @baldi3872
    @baldi3872 3 роки тому +66

    The moment i was born again in Spirit, i started to see things which millions of roman catholics people cannot see (in which my heart breaks for them), specifically the wrong teachings of the church. And this is something that i am proud to testify in behalf of Christ, that no man has ever told me these things prior to my conversion in Spirit but only God himself did this incredible redemption in my life. How it happened? Well, i had a great encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ himself 3 times! All glory to God! I onced was lost, but now am found. I was blinded, but now i see! Praise God and to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I'm still a Roman Catholic up to now, and still waiting some confirmation from the Holy Spirit on which church should i go to worship God, or should i just stay in the catholic church. It's all up to God. But what God put inside my mind and inside my heart is something that NO ONE can ever take it away from me, not even some of the false teachings of the historical catholic church leaders. And i am confident, that God will never let anybody snatch me from Him! Not even satan.
    Oh Lord, may your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven! All glory and honour and power are yours now and forever! In Jesus name, Amen!

    • @6969smurfy
      @6969smurfy 2 роки тому +4

      I pray you get the true word and not that of manned religion. The Holy Spirit you speak of is the ruach, that has opened your heart and gives you drive to follow gods love, his work. Don't close your heart by said religon ie churches. Take a look at 119 ministries, its a trust worthy start.
      Praise YAH!

    • @6969smurfy
      @6969smurfy 2 роки тому +6

      @@1234poppycat maybe because its evil , just sayin

    • @andreeattieh2963
      @andreeattieh2963 2 роки тому +6

      Everything we Catholics believe in today was believed in by the early Christians

    • @6969smurfy
      @6969smurfy 2 роки тому +4

      @@andreeattieh2963 ha. do you realy believe that?
      Please, Can you give one thing that you do that the mesionic church ie YAHshuas church did?
      Just so you know, it's called the Roman catholic church, they even put there Name before YAH/God.

    • @6969smurfy
      @6969smurfy 2 роки тому +1

      @@1234poppycat well I got ta tell ya, I "ain't" of any religion that is afflicted by a church !
      I Learn from the word .
      There is so much wrong with organized religion, do you understand that alot of the learnings ie teachings actually goes against YAH /Gods word....
      It sadins me to see what youv become.
      Teachers of lawlessness, not willing to abide by his given word, you-serpt his authority, obedience is not even in your selfish vocabulary.
      Sheep to the churches .
      Now the Shepard is coming back, and he Is looking for his scattered flock.
      Praise YAH

  • @larrycroft6819
    @larrycroft6819 3 роки тому +55

    As always, I have learned something. Thank you, and thank GOD for giving you the talent to orate.

    • @youtubegirl149
      @youtubegirl149 3 роки тому +2

      Funny, the only thing Protestants can agree on is hating the Catholic Church.
      The Catholic Church doesn’t waste time trying to expose Protestant’s errors. Not only would it take too long because of the thousands of different sects, but when you know the truth, you can spot the counterfeits. Kinda like a fake dollar bill. We aren’t taught what all the counterfeit bills look like because new ones are created every day and there’s many different types. All you need to know is what a real dollar bill looks like to spot the fake. Hope that analogy makes sense.

    • @crobeastness
      @crobeastness 3 роки тому +4

      you learned a bunch of false information

    • @thomashess6211
      @thomashess6211 3 роки тому +2

      @@youtubegirl149 Thats how we know that the graven image catholic church is a fraud.

    • @youtubegirl149
      @youtubegirl149 3 роки тому +1

      @@thomashess6211 interesting what’s “the graven image”?? I know what it means in the context of scripture... just curious how you’re applying it to Christ’s church. I wasnt aware that we carved images and offered them sacrifice and praise (aka worship).
      Are you Mormon, Jehovah witness, Baptist, Lutheran, seventh day Adventist, Methodist, presbyterian, Amish, brethren in Christ, Quaker, Pentecostal, Calvinist, Assemblies of God, Anglican, reformed or something else?

    • @thomashess6211
      @thomashess6211 3 роки тому

      @@youtubegirl149 Im not a believer of any religion. You can have your graven images.

  • @ritadon5671
    @ritadon5671 3 роки тому +100

    I am so glad the Jesus led me to your videos I am so in awww about everything thankyou so much for your teachings they are making me a stronger in the Lord and I quit smoking potjust from listening to your teachings you have truly opened me up to the Lord even more THANKYOU SO MUCH GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY

    • @andreeattieh2963
      @andreeattieh2963 3 роки тому +4

      This video is an attack on the catholic church and needs to be apologising

    • @thomashess6211
      @thomashess6211 3 роки тому +6

      @@andreeattieh2963 Its an expose on catholic doctrine, not an attack. You feel its an attack because if its true it means your departed catholic friends and family are in the flames of hell.

    • @andreeattieh2963
      @andreeattieh2963 3 роки тому +1

      @@thomashess6211 the catholic church sends people to heaven not hell
      Nobody can expose the catholic church because they are all myths
      The catholic church is the church of Jesus Christ and it made the bible so they can't misinterpret the bible and they are responsible for it

    • @keithfairclough5658
      @keithfairclough5658 3 роки тому +10

      @@andreeattieh2963 The catholic church is a heretic, every pope is a form of anti christ. Come out of her my people.

    • @andreeattieh2963
      @andreeattieh2963 3 роки тому +2

      @@keithfairclough5658 revelations 17 do better than that the pope is the vicar of christ not the anti christ

  • @tonyornelas9374
    @tonyornelas9374 Рік тому +24

    Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
    Not of works, lest any man should boast.

    • @solesurvivor7989
      @solesurvivor7989 11 місяців тому

      James 2:24

    • @andreeattieh2963
      @andreeattieh2963 7 місяців тому

      Doesn't say faith alone

    • @tonyornelas9374
      @tonyornelas9374 7 місяців тому

      Repentance and doing the will of the Father. Baptisizm when they are old enough to testify.

    • @andreeattieh2963
      @andreeattieh2963 7 місяців тому

      @@tonyornelas9374 that's your opinion try reading the Bible in context slowly so you understand it better don't rush it
      Stop attacking the Catholic church

    • @tonyornelas9374
      @tonyornelas9374 7 місяців тому +3

      The catholics changed the Bible and the pope said it's dangerous to have a relationship with Jesus and Jesus failed on the cross. Sorry that is the church of satan. Please do your reasearch your afterlife may depends on it

  • @justkenzie
    @justkenzie 5 років тому +17

    I left Catholicism after meeting my father-in-law who's a wonderful, nondenominational pastor and my husband had said he wouldn't get married in a Catholic church... so I had to examine my faith and learn The Bible. Now I'm born again in God's sight... and my husband is no longer a believer 😔

    • @chimekeawutacoker5739
      @chimekeawutacoker5739 5 років тому +1

      Pray for him..he will return

    • @johnsheedy461
      @johnsheedy461 5 років тому +4

      JUSTKENZIE----How lucky to get away from that 2000 year old church. Which of the 3K to 4K bickering, bible-verse changing, B/V igoring, dividing Protestant churches have you joined Is it the REAL ONE that our Saviour built 2000 years ago and promised to be with forever ? Or is it one of the THOUSANDS that ALL claim to be IT but came about 500 or less, years ago ?

    • @lydiapetra1211
      @lydiapetra1211 4 роки тому

      Praise be to God... that you are a true follower of Jesus now !
      Let's pray for your husband to return to Jesus...I will keep him in my prayers dear sister!

    • @lydiapetra1211
      @lydiapetra1211 4 роки тому +1

      @@johnsheedy461 the RCC is Cult!!!

    • @mrearly2
      @mrearly2 3 роки тому +1

      In other words, you gained nothing toward eternal life, out of ignorance (if you knew the true religion--Catholicism--you would never abandon it). You and your father-in-law: a classic case of the blind leading the blind (and they both shall fall into the pit).

  • @mauibabe1711
    @mauibabe1711 Рік тому +26

    It has ALWAYS bothered me….since I was little….that Catholics prayed to Mary! That and the fact that the architecture of Catholic Churches are filled with idols!
    I realize there is corruption in all churches (I’m Protestant/Lutheran), but there seems to be a great deal of evil in the Vatican itself! Father Amorath himself stated that the Devil is in the Vatican!
    I love your Bible studies! I’m so glad I found your channel!! 🙏🏻✝️🙏🏻

    • @nirmaljose7763
      @nirmaljose7763 Рік тому

      Devil is everywhere but against Catholic Church gates of hell will not prevail

    • @mauibabe1711
      @mauibabe1711 Рік тому +3

      @@nirmaljose7763 Ohhhhh he (the Devil) will prevail over those who practice paganism and pray to ANYONE or ANYTHING that is not GOD/JESUS CHRIST!! Read the 10 commandments!!🙏🏼✝️🙏🏼
      ….heck read THE BIBLE for goodness sake!!

    • @nirmaljose7763
      @nirmaljose7763 Рік тому

      @@mauibabe1711 mathew 16 18

    • @RS54321
      @RS54321 11 місяців тому +4

      I have debated many Catholics on this issue, asking them to provide scripture where God tells us to pray to Mary, and they always get extremely defensive and angry, some telling me I'm not saved b/c I'm not in the CC. It is clear they are very deceived and stuck in this mentality. Ye shall know them by their fruit.

    • @loboman8029
      @loboman8029 11 місяців тому +1

      @@RS54321 Regarding why Catholics seek Mary's intercession, here are 2 cases.
      First. At Jesus' transfiguration, Moses & Elijah were seen talking with Him. In OT, Elijah had been bodily carried to Heaven, Moses had died. When Peter volunteered to build tents, he was obviously seeing them each in bodily form. So there IS life after death.
      Second. When Jesus spoke in Parables, He used fictitious figures in His teaching moments like the Prodigal Son, Father & Brother who had no names. However, in the Living Account of the Rich Man(RM) and Beggar Lazarus(BL) - Luke 16:19-31-, the historical Abraham and the BL were named while Jesus did not "care to remember '' the RM's name. In this Parable, Jesus declared that both the RM & BL had died, had been judged and assigned to their places - BL carried by Angels to Abraham's bosom, the RM sent to a place of torment. Despite being dead, there was a request for intercession by the RM to Father Abraham for his brothers. This is the second case of Life after Death, and both cases involve Jesus.
      Mary is superior to both Moses & Abraham. Moses committed murder and was disobedient at Meribah in the desert that disqualified him from entering the Promised Land. Abraham lied about his wife Sarah being his sister, and committed adultery with Hagar, his servant. Mary was " full of grace " with no biblical faults ascribed to her. And Mary is the mother of Jesus and thus the most excellent intercessor between us and Jesus, God & Judge ( John 5:22).
      While we pray to God we also have to use human helps like doctors, farmers etc.
      Possessed persons and their families cannot help themselves without the aid of exorcists.
      Jesus loved & honored His mother Mary and would therefore treat her better than the error-prone Moses & Abraham. Humanly speaking, we all love and " adore " our Mothers - not worship them.
      ======>>>> Jesus loved perfectly and also " adored " His Mother.

  • @GraceAlone614
    @GraceAlone614 2 роки тому +30

    Ever since I have been saved, my eves have been opened to the truth about the Catholic Church.
    One thing that saddens me is that there are so many people who are turning to Christ, but going to Catholicism...their doctrine is so unbiblical that it's scary to see so many Christians being led astray.

    • @eve3363
      @eve3363 2 роки тому +2

      Many people born before the 1970s or even the 1980s were raised Catholic and it makes sense: they had the most ability to help others. They had the money, the schools, the hospitals, etc. But in today, there's no reason for anyone to be Catholic. I am shocked when I meet people 40 and younger who say they are Catholic.

    • @eve3363
      @eve3363 2 роки тому +3

      For example, my dad and his siblings were born in the 40s, 50s , and 60s. They were raised Catholic but none of them are Catholic today and no one on my dad's side of the family practices Catholicism.

    • @GraceAlone614
      @GraceAlone614 Рік тому +3

      @@1234poppycat dude look at the Catholics 10 commandments. They literally take out the second commandment from the Bible.

    • @GraceAlone614
      @GraceAlone614 Рік тому +3

      @@1234poppycat except that they do. I have looked at the Bible and the 2nd commandment states in Exodus 20:4 "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth"
      Now look at the Catholics 10 commandments and the 2nd commandment is completely taken out. The Catholics 2nd commandment is replaced with the 3rd commandment, "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord they God in vain" and they split the 10th commandment in two.

    • @GraceAlone614
      @GraceAlone614 Рік тому

      @@1234poppycat no, I only refuse to accept what the Catholic Church says, because they are not biblical by any means.

  • @vincecousino1569
    @vincecousino1569 5 років тому +147


    • @vincecousino1569
      @vincecousino1569 5 років тому +4


    • @vincecousino1569
      @vincecousino1569 5 років тому +13

      @@1234poppycat Not Mary.

    • @veraguillory4480
      @veraguillory4480 5 років тому +6

      @@1234poppycat I'm sorry the poor Catholic are being tricked and will be accessories to rape, murder, idolatry, blasphemy, and so on. Just as criminals are accessories to rape, burglary, murder and so. Just b/c Catholics don't see the actual crime, it has been proven, and they stay under this doctrine of devil 1Tim. 4. And Revelation 13 says my children get out of her, the world and the Vatican.

    • @veraguillory4480
      @veraguillory4480 4 роки тому +3

      @Khrotso Koza I know you say how could she say this about the Catholic church and Catholics there are so many and the poor protestants some of them are even joining now. The Muslims are a side show for the Vatican and Satan, they made a deal that's why some of the Catholic churches are name Fatima right under everybody's nose, Fatima is Allah's daughter. Every road of religion leads to Catholicism and Satan but the true Christians, even non-Christians the road leads and will lead to Rome and Satan. Even Hollywood all over the world leads to Satan and the Vatican. I'm sorry, they replaced our beloved Mary with the queen of heaven in the old testament and their Great Diana Acts 19 that the world worshipped at that time, now just renamed their statues with Mary and so on.
      And the Bible should be interpreted one way and that's through the knowledge of Holy Spirit, our Lord Jesus Christ and Father GOD. It's just man trying to come in with their cornal mindedness, getting wrong understanding with Satan. We must be baptized, full body under water, as adults by a holy man of our LORD, ask our Lord Jesus and Father GOD to receive his Holy Spirit, repent of sins and allow the Holy Spirit and our Lord Jesus to guide us back to him from Satan world. The Bible warns us of some places and people to stay away from that not of him, we figured most of it out, with his guidance and Bible by his prophets. Catholicism is against our LORD since before our Lord Jesus and during, helped Israel kill our Lord Jesus just under another name. They took out Emperor Nero, the murderer of Christians and probably our dear apostle Paul, took him out of our new king James Bible. Why to hide the truth, they took books out our Bible, now they are changing meaning in our Bible, just recently the pope changes the LORD's prayer the "Lead us not into temptation" to something "Let us not into temptation" when we are not in charge of our temptation the Lord GOD is. The LORD said don't touch his word add to or take from it, the people that will be in trouble. We must wake up and see, Satan will be allowed to blind you from seeing and hearing the truth the Bible says, pray to our LORD to show you, deep earnest prayer. Our soul is in danger, it's of utmost importance we understand our LORD and Bible, for our Salvation to make it back to him.

    • @veraguillory4480
      @veraguillory4480 4 роки тому +3

      @Khrotso Koza use wisdom, I'm not the only one coming against Catholicism, many people have seen and our LORD has opened many eyes to his truth all over the world some lukewarm, hope they get it. Why do we have protestants today, think about. Satan hates us, he will use anything to deceive us, even religion and warp the minds of people to believe lies, as he did with Eve and Adam followed. All the children and women raped in Catholicism and people murdered, for selfish reasons, our LORD doesn't want us under such evilness. Our LORD is of love, and his love is pure, and of an understand, and long suffering. He adores his children and warns no one to hurt them, cause he knows they are the most vulnerable besides his animals. Paul pleads with us not to be tricked by Satan as Eve was beguiled by him. Everything is mostly said one time in our Bible, it's the only truth left on earth, and with some on UA-cam trying to help. Satan is slick, and so much of a show off he has a show now"Lucifer", in the world's face with his number one church(the Catholic church) on it, giving little truth and much lies, cause he's the father of lies. Satan deceiving the world just about, and his Antichrist is coming, with the help of the Vatican bringing all his religions together, and so is our Lord Jesus coming at same time in a cloud to collect his church. Our Lord Jesus church has turned from sin, and this world of Satan, around the world, that loves him and everyone even our enemies, the Bible says a few, and narrow is his way, hope you get it and we all get it in time.

  • @kenzeier2943
    @kenzeier2943 4 роки тому +115

    “The broad road.”
    Perfect summary.

    • @Dale7625
      @Dale7625 4 роки тому +5

      Ken Zeier so many roads but only one way!

    • @PInk77W1
      @PInk77W1 3 роки тому +6

      This video guy knows less than nothing about the Roman Catholic Church

    • @seanrathmakedisciples1508
      @seanrathmakedisciples1508 3 роки тому +2

      Amen I’ve subscribed to your UA-cam channel and I now have started a youtube channel with 31 videos Kindly subscribe and watch in Jesus name

    • @tonybuck1225
      @tonybuck1225 3 роки тому +4

      No, that's Protestant salvation by Faith Alone.

    • @seanrathmakedisciples1508
      @seanrathmakedisciples1508 3 роки тому +3

      @@tonybuck1225 you’re right, Faith Without works is dead James 1:26. There is always evidence of salvation by a transformed life. We were told to make disciples and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost. When we call on the Lord Jesus directly then we’re brought from darkness to Jesus own kingdom of light and love Colossians. I’ve subscribed to your UA-cam channel and I now have started a youtube channel so Kindly subscribe

  • @susanfromthemountains1754
    @susanfromthemountains1754 11 місяців тому +1

    The joint service,.. is it a once-a-year thing?
    It reminds me of when I was growing up in the 60's, we were the Lutheran church on one corner in town and at the end of our block corner sat a Catholic church, and once a year they invited our church to go to their service. Nothing more ever came of these yearly visits. No one felt there was any unseen motives. It was a tradition to extend a gesture of neighborly hospitality which frankly the Lutherans of my church I grew up in didn't put forth any warmth in this tradition, they were glad when that Sunday was finished for another year. 👍
    I want to say that I enjoy your channel, I get enlightened through your teaching. Thank you for posting as often as you do. God bless you.

  • @ScorchedEarthView
    @ScorchedEarthView 8 місяців тому

    I love that the algorithm shows me this stuff. Another great channel to subscribe to. PRAISE THE LORD

  • @milforddekalb6429
    @milforddekalb6429 3 місяці тому +4

    It wasn't the sacrifice that God rejected from Cain, because there were grain offerings that were required. It was the attitude of his heart that made God reject Cains offering.

    • @TheGospelAccordingToMarkyD
      @TheGospelAccordingToMarkyD 3 місяці тому +1

      You're right about the grain offering. Not too many people are aware of that. So the fact that he offered grain wasn't the issue. It was that there is no mention of Cain offering the first of his fruits.

    • @Csorbanorbertjanos
      @Csorbanorbertjanos 2 місяці тому

      It was because Abel made sacrifice by faith, and Cain offered the fruit of his works which was cursed, as well from the ground that was also cursed.

  • @cecilspurlockjr.9421
    @cecilspurlockjr.9421 11 місяців тому +19

    Thank you for being straightforward about the false teachings of Roman catholicism brother.
    GOD bless you

    • @loboman8029
      @loboman8029 5 місяців тому

      YOU = the false teachings of Roman catholicism
      ME = If RC is false, why can Protestants not take my challenge which I posted above = headed by
      1 month ago
      CHALLENGE = Can = any = Protestant, including Dr John Barnett, give the answer to this most = basic = and fundamental
      Question = Why did Jesus incarnate as a Man and die on the Cross ??
      (( Note = a review of the following points is necessary before answer ))
      Kindly read the 26 points I have numbered from A to Z before = YOU = can come up with the answer.
      NOTE = If = YOU = cannot come up with an answer, then can you recant on your = false = allegation
      GOD bless you

    • @loboman8029
      @loboman8029 5 місяців тому

      YOU = For being straightforward about the false teachings of Roman catholicism
      ME = If Catholicism is false, can YOU take up my challenge which I posted headed by
      1 month ago
      @wilsonbrownofficial2828 In order to be on the same wave-length, will you accept the following challenge ?
      CHALLENGE = Can = any = Protestant, including Dr John Barnett, give the answer to this most = basic = and fundamental
      Question = Why did Jesus incarnate as a Man and die on the Cross ??
      (( Note = a review of the following 26 points numbered from A to Z is necessary before answer ))

  • @sadiestoltzfus9798
    @sadiestoltzfus9798 3 роки тому +7

    Reasons I no longer practice Catholic faith. My sister is a "devout Catholic". My family had to move from our home last summer. We had no where to go. My sister lives in a 300.000 home. She never invited me too stay. And when she finally relented she kicked me, my husband and daughter out of her home after two days. This woman has an alter in her home and has not spoken to me our my mother for months. I can go on but trying to make a long story short. But she is far from Christian.

  • @fmagalhaes1521
    @fmagalhaes1521 2 роки тому +17

    For all the Catholics that are reacting to this video, from a Catholic that had to re-examine beliefs, I would suggest that you follow the words of 1 Thessalonians 5:21, “ Prove everything. Hold fast that which is true.” In other words do your own independent research. I don’t accept what this guy in the video says. I do my own research. Having said this, many of his points are valid in this video as I have verified this myself for me via other sources. Because of this, I am no longer religious, but I am spiritual. I trust that Yeshua (jesus) justified me through his death, burial, and resurrection, to the Father.

    • @cg5491
      @cg5491 2 роки тому

      Same, God bless you brother/ sister 🙏🏽 ❤️

    • @davidhall2197
      @davidhall2197 2 роки тому

      Calling yourself "spiritual" is not a good Idea. Even New Agers (Oprah Winfrey) call themselves spiritual. By doing so the world can easily confuse the two. Just call yourself what you are, a Christian.
      I do commend you on your own research, as did I. I'm no longer a RC and haven't been for 40 years. The seven things he lists are the very reason why the RCC is a heretical church.

    • @fmagalhaes1521
      @fmagalhaes1521 2 роки тому +2

      @@davidhall2197 I am a Christian. Jesus redeemed me through his death burial and resurrection. I could not justify myself to the Father if I wanted. However, when I refer to being as spiritual, I am striving to be one with the Lord. I apologize for the confusion. If I don’t see you in this world, maybe we will see each other when we are with the Father . God Bless you sir!! :):)

    • @davidhall2197
      @davidhall2197 2 роки тому +1

      @@fmagalhaes1521 NO doubt, you are a Christian. Terminology AND definition are important, though, when discerning God's elect and Satan's minions.

    • @crossbearer6453
      @crossbearer6453 Рік тому

      @@fmagalhaes1521 why not look to Catholic leaders to find out why they practice what they practice
      And find out how early Christians worshipped

  • @toddkilber1971
    @toddkilber1971 3 роки тому +32

    Luther knew this when he nailed his thesis to the door...He just didn't go far enough to expose how corrupt the Roman church is

    • @toddkilber1971
      @toddkilber1971 3 роки тому +1

      @@1234poppycat He knew this not saying he put it in the thesis. He left it out . I am saying this me that he should have and not pussy footed around it like we are doing to day. It's a corrupt religion period. Like i said if things in your "religious" edicts that look alot like and act alot like old world paganism well then....And if what these actions are doing are causing brothers and sisters in CHRIST to stumble lose faith well...

    • @6969smurfy
      @6969smurfy 2 роки тому +2

      @@1234poppycat there is not much you could liee about the catholic church that is hasn't done...

    • @6969smurfy
      @6969smurfy 2 роки тому

      @@1234poppycat funny, you can find d all kinds of prof of what they say. Just need to look but I'm sure you won't.

    • @6969smurfy
      @6969smurfy 2 роки тому

      @@1234poppycat you same few m people copy past all your replies, I see you spreaders of lawlessness, I see you!

    • @6969smurfy
      @6969smurfy 2 роки тому

      @@1234poppycat yea ill play your game, you define sin to me? With the bible!

  • @niagra898
    @niagra898 5 років тому +169

    Jesus I Love you

    • @michaelibach9063
      @michaelibach9063 5 років тому

      niagra898 I doubt you would even recognize Him.

    • @niagra898
      @niagra898 5 років тому +6

      You’re right,I wouldn’t-I would be on my knees worshipping him.

    • @michaelibach9063
      @michaelibach9063 5 років тому +1

      niagra898 you worship people you don’t recognize as Jesus? That’s probably not wise.

    • @vincecousino1569
      @vincecousino1569 5 років тому +7


    • @kingpoot4900
      @kingpoot4900 5 років тому +1

      Excuse me? That will be 17 hail marys

  • @bluesoulsession
    @bluesoulsession 4 роки тому +14

    The word “religion” has been distorted to have negative connotations, however, in The Bible, under inspiration the writers defined true the problem isn’t “religion”, it is false religion as opposed to true religion. See James 1: 26 - 27

    • @gracielong3566
      @gracielong3566 4 роки тому

      The "organized religion of men" is what many rail against. It is this false religion that conflicts greatly with the Scriptures. It is when mankind puts their "traditions" above the inspired writings and the movement of the Holy Spirit. It is when men seem to think they can "order God around" during their rituals (aka eucharist); change his set times and laws... The word "religion" isn't the problem at all, but what mankind has done to corrupt true religion... Maybe this is not what you are trying to say, but it is my take on it.

    • @gracielong3566
      @gracielong3566 4 роки тому

      That is why I say, "religion of men and not of God". We are to have a relationship with Christ, and so many just do not. They do have a relationship with their "religion" though.

    • @solutioncentrerccg-theweal7154
      @solutioncentrerccg-theweal7154 2 роки тому

      @@1234poppycat u Catholics are hilarious. Where in the bible did it portray anything relating to the Catholic church?😂 U all claim Peter was the first Pope but we have Peters exploits all detailed in d Bible. The man never even went Rome for starters 🤣 plus the passage u guys quote that i have given you the keys to the kingdom is completely misquoted out of context.
      Jesus was merely handing over the word of God to Peter..the word of God is the key to the kindgom. What he said to peter in matt 16 he also said to all the disciples in matt 18:18 giving them the authority to declare god's mind concerning doctrine.
      Problem wit u Catholics is that u don't read ur bible. U just believe anything ur church tells u blindly. I dare u to prove sensibly how Apostle Peter was the first Pope asides dt misquoted text u ppl completely turned upside down

    • @solutioncentrerccg-theweal7154
      @solutioncentrerccg-theweal7154 2 роки тому

      @@1234poppycat while u r here defending Catholicism...the Catholic church has made a pact with the Muslims in Abu Dhabi to form a human fraternity called the Abrahamic family. And do you the the criteria the muslims gave the pope that the Catholic church myst adhere to before they join? That they must all agree to serve only one God and disregard Jesus as the son of God and as God. Go google about The Abrahamic family one world religion headquarters in Abu Dhabi. U are currently in a satanic cult and u have no idea what's going on.

    • @solutioncentrerccg-theweal7154
      @solutioncentrerccg-theweal7154 2 роки тому

      @@1234poppycat it's a pity u don't know ur bible thats y u ppl can be carried along this path of perdition. 2 Corinthians 6:14 says
      Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
      The Catholic church and islam only agree on one thing, heritage with Abraham. And the Muslims are opposed to Jesus being regarded as the son of God. They don't even accept dt he was crucified! This is the kindof. People ur church is forming a union with?
      Bible said my people perish for lack of knowledge Hose 4:6

  • @mfalmog
    @mfalmog 8 місяців тому +5

    Thank you for this. I’m struggling because i am saved. I have Jesus with me right now. But I need to go on a rescue mission for my family is deep in the Catholic church.

    • @loboman8029
      @loboman8029 7 місяців тому

      YOU = I’m struggling because i am saved.
      ME = Are you reading the Bible correctly ???????
      Protestants believe that Jesus paid for all sin, as we could not pay the sin debt. Jesus paid it all once for all. And they sadly believe that God will forgive, not only sins against God, but also sins against Neighbour.= Check Matthew 6:14-15 and Matthew 18:32-35.
      I urge you to read a Red-Letter Bible precisely to clear any misunderstandings you may have had about being " saved." And present the examples of Ananias and Sapphira from the 1st Christian - Faith - community who were " executed " by God for just dishonesty and lying . And this was shortly = after = Jesus' heavenly ascent = Acts 5.
      And Jesus' threat to spew out and vomit the lukewarm Laodicean church - Rev 3. Obviously, these people were = not = saved.
      Moreover, the final judgement is based on works of Love = Matthew 25. This statement is by Jesus, God and Judge.
      Protestants have long been weaned on Paul's letters and wrongly equate " saved " with being granted "heavenly citizenship." This is despite the fact that Paul stated in Galatians 5:19-21 that Christians who do works of the flesh will = not = inherit the kingdom of God. In other words they will not receive heavenly citizenship.
      Protestants base their theology - their basic belief systems and doctrines, instead of the Gospels, on Paul's letters especially =For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God; 9it is not from works, so no one may boast = Ephesians 2:8-9 = and have arrived at religious philosophy that is distant from practical Christianity.
      Protestants believe that Jesus came to earth to die and take away all sins and its guilt association. His cry - It is finished - proved that human redemption from sin was completed, and that those who believe in Jesus would have their names forever written in the Lamb's Book of Life and at the time of death, they would be - absent in the flesh, present with the Lord forever - no matter how many or how grievous they committed sins. Others would be caught up and - raptured - to be with Jesus forever. Thus the promise of salvation was God's free gift - grace - to them.
      Catholics, on the other hand, believe that when Adam and Eve sinned, God not only cast them from Eden, and laid - Original Sin - on all their descendants, but also slammed the gates of Heaven shut. God then required that a man must pay the penalty of the man Adam's sin in order to atone for the Original Sins of mankind and thereby open Heaven's gates. However, no man was found to be worthy - sinless - so in the fullness of time, God sent His Son, Jesus, to live sinlessly and die to pay that penalty.. It is finished - was Jesus' cry of Mission accomplished and that Heaven was now open. And that all = original = sins of those past, those present and those still unborn would be forever wiped away. And that Baptism is a one-time - Grace - event that washes all prior sins - 1 Peter 3:21 - However, we are responsible for all sins after. Saved by grace is thus Jesus' freewill offering of Himself to pay the penalty of Adam's sin and thereby open the gates of Heaven.
      While the Catholic doctrine is not in the Bible, we understand that Jesus did a = world of -unrecorded - Works = John 21:25. As a result 2 traditions ensued - oral and written - 2 Thess. 2:15 - which are of equal merit Paul declares the Bible - useful and profitable - in 2 Timothy 3:16, but that the CHURCH is the Bulwark and Pillar of TRUTH - 1 Timothy 3:15. That is because the Church, the community of Believers, came first - Matthew 16:18 - and incorporates both the written word as well as the oral tradition - 2 Thessalonians 2:15. Moreover, Paul declares - Ephesians 1:23 - The church is Christ's body, Thus it is the Church, the BODY of Christ, that can rightfully proclaim the WORD of God
      Biblically, the Protestant position is un-supported and the Catholic position correct because of the following
      (( continued in Part 2 due to length ))

    • @bridgefin
      @bridgefin 6 місяців тому +2

      If your family is deep in Catholicism that means they have not yet rejected Jesus as you apparently have. Stick with them and MAYBE you will be saved.

    • @loboman8029
      @loboman8029 6 місяців тому

      YOU = i am saved
      ME = If you are = really = saved, can you respond to my question which I posed with my comment headed with
      CHALLENGE = Can = any = Protestant, including Dr John Barnett, give the answer to this most = basic = and fundamental
      Question = Why did Jesus incarnate as a Man and die on the Cross ??
      (( Note = a review of the following points is necessary before answer ))
      Note = If I don't hear from you, then may I assume you are not saved .

    • @mfalmog
      @mfalmog 6 місяців тому

      @@bridgefin I don’t understand how you drew that conclusion…

    • @bridgefin
      @bridgefin 6 місяців тому

      Jesus established one church for the salvation of man. He said that he would be with it forever and he promised that the spirit of truth would be with the apostles till the end of time. Satan hates that church and has been attacking it from day one. One of his best attacks was the "Reformation" which split Christianity in two and put half of it outside of that protected church.
      So you have one church made by God and then 4 individual ones set up by 4 principle "reformers". That number was at 40,000 years ago and I think they have stopped counting, Jesus even warned Peter that Satan was out to sift him and Satan has clearly sifted and split Christianity through Protestantism. 500 years in existence and still it cannot produce a catechism explaining its beliefs. It is a rebellion against God disguised as a rebellion against his fallen church.
      Its member assume that reading a book they don't understand makes them saints and some say they can do as they please because they were once saved and thus protected from condemnation. They ignore most of what Jesus teaches in that book as they follow their human authors and ignore him. So they reject the teaching of Jesus on church, Eucharist, Mass, forgiveness of sins, salvation, sacraments, etc. According to Jesus they have no life within them (John 6) and they risk dying in their sins (John 20)
      That's how I drew that conclusion.

  • @kayecaban5324
    @kayecaban5324 5 років тому +60

    The churches today, most also have tons of paganism. Christmas, Easter and worshipping on Sunday all came from the Catholic Church. Yet most Christians refuse to admit this. In 321 AD, God's day of worship was changed. Not by God the Father but by Emperor Constantine. A few years after that keeping the Sabbath and keeping God's holy days (Exodus 12, Leviticus 16 and 23) we're actually outlawed. The calendars we're also changed by men. Just like the book of Daniel said "he will think to change laws and times". Daniel foretold it and it happened. I have left the daughters of Catholicism and gone directly to the book (Bible). Come to find out it all still applies. Jeremiah 16:19 is exactly what I said.

    • @Maulstrum97
      @Maulstrum97 5 років тому +2

      Thor's day (Thursday) tyr's day (tuesday)
      The time of men and laws are different considering christianity started as a cult in the middle east as a sect of judaism.
      The laws and calendars of the middle east is different from the roman, celtic, germanic, slavic laws and calandars all of which are wonders of the modern world and fell into decline after adopting Christianity.

    • @johnsheedy461
      @johnsheedy461 5 років тому +2

      KAYE/C-----Jesus changed Simon's name to Peter. It means Large Boulder [ ROCK ] in our Saviour's language.HE said "upon this rock I will build MY church. Please explain why HE changed Simon's name ! HE said HE would be with Peter [ HIS church ] for ever. Do you read TIM: ? the CHURCH is the AUTHORITY---and---the CHURCH is the PILLAR and FOUNDATION of TRUTH. Constantine changed nothing but your new teachers change everything ! Which of the thousands of disagreeing, bible verse ignoring Protestant churches have you found ?
      The real one ?

    • @Maulstrum97
      @Maulstrum97 5 років тому

      @Patrick Montgomery i'm not sure if you are upset or just commenting in agreement sarcastically.

    • @CarrieLaffs
      @CarrieLaffs 5 років тому +2

      @Patrick Montgomery I notice you comment on everyone's comments. If you're going to spend all of your time doing that... could you at least make some sense? Seems like you have to put your input on everyone's opinion... it would be a lot nicer if you were at least a little articulate. You're just making yourself look silly.

    • @CarrieLaffs
      @CarrieLaffs 5 років тому +2

      @Patrick Montgomery you would probably get your point across better a different way, just sayin'... people might listen to you then...

  • @johnmoran3754
    @johnmoran3754 2 роки тому +5

    Your Old Testament historical perspectives are enjoyable.

  • @DDee-oi6kn
    @DDee-oi6kn Рік тому +9

    My friend is Catholic - she recently heard a voice during one of the horrible migraines say over and over: "you don't know Me". I asked her who she thought that was - She thinks it was her grandmother - it wasn't her grandmother. God is trying to reach out, but she's not listening. I'm praying for her.

    • @The_Buster01
      @The_Buster01 Рік тому +4

      My friend is a Protestant, he was sick, then a voice said to him " You don't know me".He thought it was grandmother but it was God telling him that he is following a false teaching...

    • @northstar2621
      @northstar2621 Рік тому +1

      Why would it be her grandma...

    • @Leftcatholicsatanchurch09
      @Leftcatholicsatanchurch09 11 місяців тому +1

      Bless her-sounds like when Samuel heard God’s voice whilst sleeping. 😊

    • @michaelbrunsdon8938
      @michaelbrunsdon8938 11 місяців тому know better don't you.

  • @davidmorton5445
    @davidmorton5445 4 роки тому +2

    How or where can I get a copy of that chart?

  • @MsOliveLeaf
    @MsOliveLeaf 4 роки тому +6

    I am new to this channel. Just started watching videos b y DTBM and found myself addicted to these teachings. I love it. Look forward to watching many more. Thank you for uploading! Fantastic teacher and/or pastor.

  • @billy1132
    @billy1132 5 років тому +37

    Thank GOD in JESUS n CHRIST Alone, after 24 spiritually dark yrs, in 1996, i left the church of rome n Came Home to The GOD of The HolyBible in Protestant churches n have been sharing CHRIST with many many roman catholics who have Come Home to JESUS in Protestant Churches!!!

    • @kaistigerboy
      @kaistigerboy 5 років тому +4

      Wil liam Mate you have been deceived by Satan himself, tell me How Jesus is divine if the Virgin contains sin!!! Jesus was truly man having the same birth as you and I but doesn't inherit original sin!!! How is that even possible if Mary was a sinner,he would share her DNA, According to the Bible Jesus didn't need to be baptized but chose to according to tradition.This guy is a heretic, the Catholic Church contains the body soul divinity in the Eucharist that in itself is worth coming home
      God Bless

    • @kimberleerivera7062
      @kimberleerivera7062 5 років тому +5

      @@kaistigerboy -THE HOLY SPIRIT overcame Mary - GOD is the FATHER of JESUS CHRIST!!! The seed was not planted by man. (There is a way that seems right to man - but that way leads to destruction. )

    • @chaunguyen688
      @chaunguyen688 5 років тому +4

      @@kaistigerboy please read the Holy Bible, and not catholicism's children story books.

    • @christopherthake8701
      @christopherthake8701 5 років тому

      kaistigerboy Yep, seems you forgot the OT where it clearly says that sin is passed through the mans seed. The Holy Spirit caused Mary to conceive.

    • @michaelthomas7178
      @michaelthomas7178 5 років тому

      Satan is the deceiver this guy is a deceiver.

  • @brianwinters5434
    @brianwinters5434 3 роки тому +13

    But remember we are more than conquerors thru Christ.

  • @emmanuelgo208
    @emmanuelgo208 Рік тому +4

    Thank you , sir, for this very deep enlightenment. Many will surely change their ways to GOD's glory. 👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏

    • @darrylbatchem8985
      @darrylbatchem8985 Рік тому

      You mean many will convert to Catholicism? I listened to this and my first though was "thank God I'm Catholic".

  • @honeysucklemoon6251
    @honeysucklemoon6251 3 роки тому +5

    Your channel has alot to offer!! Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

    • @honeysucklemoon6251
      @honeysucklemoon6251 3 роки тому

      @@1234poppycat you obviously feel very strongly about the Catholic church. That's fine. I myself was born and raised Catholic and went to only Catholic schools. I'm in no way faulting the church. I just like to keep an open mind and learn as much as I can. I was in no way insulting anyone.

  • @maritrnning5357
    @maritrnning5357 Рік тому +7

    yes, you got this right pastor! - not many churches sees this 😔

  • @richardmaldonado574
    @richardmaldonado574 Рік тому +1

    What book can I find all this in ? Thank you

  • @marcustobin7821
    @marcustobin7821 11 місяців тому

    Wow, sir thank you i have yet to meet a pastor who is bold enough to show this. Thank you for being so bold in ur preaching. I pray that God will bless protect and provide for you and your household.

    • @Leftcatholicsatanchurch09
      @Leftcatholicsatanchurch09 11 місяців тому

      God will protect all that come to Christ and accept his gift of blood shed salvation . 😓

    • @cooldog60
      @cooldog60 3 місяці тому

      True, Pat Robertson said we just have some small differences but catholics are Christians. Jimmie Swageret said catholics have done a lot of good.

  • @jakegrado876
    @jakegrado876 5 років тому +4

    The Catholic Church is The Way In Christ. Protestants will know that the Church is For God who is Christ who is the Holy Spirit when the Final days come Protestants will turn back towards the Church For Protection

    • @elmerfudd5925
      @elmerfudd5925 5 років тому +2

      Only the deceived ones will go to the RCC I believe.

  • @marllymbungu1721
    @marllymbungu1721 4 роки тому +5

    The devil loves when everyone talks about him. So, instead of pointing what you think is wrong. Let’s celebrate God instead. Let’s focus on loving Him as He loves us, instead of pleasing satan by talking about him. May The Lord Jesus Christ bless every single soul who reads this, and may we love Him as He wants us to love Him

    • @gen1fierro
      @gen1fierro 3 роки тому +2

      I'm not to certain the devil loves that, I come from the school of thought that being the father of all lies, he rather deceive the world to think he don't exist.... Check it out, he is succeeding!!

    • @marllymbungu1721
      @marllymbungu1721 3 роки тому

      @@gen1fierro that’s also very true. I think he takes any opportunity he can, whether by deceiving people of his existence, or feeding fear of him to people. Yes he’s succeeding to fool more. People forget that he’s not lazy, every second he works hard to bring people down. Thankfully, he will never win

    • @RS54321
      @RS54321 11 місяців тому +1

      He's bringing truth into the light, including how the devil has deceived people. We need to know false doctrines and call them out and rely on Jesus to reveal these things to us. Keeping things under the rug doesn't help anyone.

  • @user-mq9mq9vp2o
    @user-mq9mq9vp2o 5 місяців тому +1

    Thanks for sharing everything 😊

  • @patriot4780
    @patriot4780 Рік тому

    Good presentation, but I could have done without being interrupted by advertisements. I don’t know if you are monetized, or if that was Google, but as I say, I could have done without the interruptions.

  • @plume2035
    @plume2035 5 років тому +19

    I watched a video of a Christian pastor standing outside a very big Roman Catholic church in the US. He was asking those entering and exiting what is required to enter heaven and do they know if they are going there. NONE of them had any idea what was needed in order to be saved. None could answer either question. It seems they need to shovel all the hocus pocus out and start to actually read what the Bible says. The religion, dogma, ritual, statues, monotonous repetitions, bowing, making cross signs, smelly smoke, bowls of water and the rest is of no value if you do not know the basic gospel on what must you do to be saved. the Bible doesn't call for any of that hocus pocus.

    • @wakeupcall8188
      @wakeupcall8188 5 років тому +1

      I agree with you completely many Catholics have no idea
      But many didn’t understand Jesus either
      Many didn’t understand Apostles either
      Is that make Jesus and Apostles bad teachers or false prophets or even devil worshipers or what ever name you guys use today or people since day one constantly SINNING including yourself and that is their problem I agree
      But your problem is blindness that if you have done all that and know Bible inside out, you should know that there is no “hoccus poccus” here, but all biblical truth and YOU should see or understand everything we believe
      Compare that with Church Father’s and see who’s follow Bible and who’s follow pastors or men
      And you should read and study what we believe before you say anything or call it with those names
      Because brother if you call your self Christian and saying those things think again because you obviously have no idea neither about bible nor Apostolic Tradition nor Jesus nor His Church and those people don’t know theories but many have faith so they don’t know and they admit that, but you think you know but you don’t, so I’m sorry but think about this please
      I’m sorry if I’m harsh was not my intentions
      God bless

    • @plume2035
      @plume2035 5 років тому +6

      @@wakeupcall8188 As I have seen and heard people pray to Mary when I have gone into RC churches, I find that wrong for a start. I know, Im told every time they aren't doing it but seeing and hearing it for myself doesn't alter what I see or hear. Calling priests father gets me. The Bible says not to quite clearly. they are NOT my father, especially some pope. All true believers are called saints in the Bible. they do not need to be made up by the church. Its done already. I am still looking for purgatory in the Bible. People paying priests to say things to get them out from there is also hard to find in the Bible...…….. and it goes on. Yes you are right. I prefer the Bible to what men teach. Jesus is head of the church. He is the only sinless man ever. He is our only mediator, He is High Priest, God the Father is the Holy Father and my faith in Jesus is the only thing that will get me to heaven as I can never do anything good enough. If men or churches want to add to all that or deny it, they can have it. I do not need it as the Bible says what is needed. no need for priests and ritual. others can play with it if they wish but it is not Biblical.

    • @wakeupcall8188
      @wakeupcall8188 5 років тому +3

      Ok brother I understand and we do pray to Mary, who said we don’t,
      So again lack of knowledge, lack of charity, lack of spit of truth, plenty of ignorance is a problem here again and always has been
      I haven’t met or heard one person who knew everything about us, what we believe, how we worship God, what we teach, and still hates us, in fact they convert, because they can not ignore truth anymore
      - So main problem is your understanding of Christ Catholic Church and Apostles and Church Father’s and teachings that Church teach and Mary is one of them
      1. We don’t pray to God and Mary same way
      “I pray you to pray for my family “
      I ask you, I even beg you because you are alive and I know you can help,
      Same with Mary she’s alive with God and her prayers as righteous are greater then ours ( from Bible) and if you could do more tomorrow then yesterday to go closer to God, would you do it
      2. Mary is, after Jesus, only sinless, why, because
      -God could not be in anything dirty, if she was sinner she would be destroyed in pregnancy, God wouldn’t even do it but you see my point
      -Mary said yes and Eve said no to God
      - Mary is Mother of God
      Mary is Queen of heaven because Jesus is the Kind of Kings
      - Mary is new Ark of Covenant because
      - Old one has Manna from desert
      New one had Jesus, Bread of Life
      - Old one have Ten commandments written word of God
      Mary had living Word of God inside of her womb
      -Old one had stuff of Aaron
      New one had High Priest Himself inside
      So as you see all this is Bible and scriptural but is led by Holy Spirit to really understand God, His Love and his vision of family and unity on earth and in heaven, not by hate, to ruin, or gossip and attack my brethren before I know what one believes and even talk I do big of her
      WE ARE STILL NOT worshiping her but we acknowledge reality and you can use what ever word you prefer to have pictures clear but she’s not god, or goddess, to us, that’s a heresy that Church had to deal with in begging, nor we taking something from Christ and give to Mary
      So are we clear here now
      2. Word Father and your guys objection to it is ideal example how wrong you guys are, how shallow you guys read bible and your understanding of it or the one who thought you
      Why, well
      1. word father in that context of Jesus’s meaning was mentioned together with teacher and master and accidentally or not, those two word are never mentioned and are ok to use
      2. Jesus sayythat if I think that my father is my origin then NO ONE shouldn call anyone father
      Same for master and teacher because like you said we can not do anything without God
      3. After that occasion Jesus Himself use those words
      Apostles and disciples use those words
      And obviously they either contradict themselves or did not mean that way you guys understand because Jesus would contradict everything God the Father was saying about Abraham, Moses in OT
      Apostles what Jesus was teacher in NT and from OT
      So if you go to
      1 Corinthians 4:15-17
      15 For though you have countless guides in Christ, you do not have many fathers. For I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel.
      16 I urge you, then, be imitators of me.
      17 Therefore I sent to you Timothy, my beloved and faithful child in the Lord, to remind you of my ways in Christ, as I teach them everywhere in every church.
      That is exactly what we believe teach and use that term for
      So I’ll answer all of them including purgatory so you don’t have to keep looking but let’s do one by one please if you are genuine
      If not don’t bother to answer
      God bless

    • @wakeupcall8188
      @wakeupcall8188 4 роки тому +1

      Faith Plus Nothing
      Praise be to Jesus and Mary
      I hope that you will see that there is no easier way to say this and that I’m saying this in all humility and in hope you will understand me properly
      Brother you were never Catholic but you have only that title or you felt that you are
      Same way that one is not Christian either, because one follows Christ a just a little bit or not at all but call himself a Christian and is not in fullness of truth
      Real Catholics will never leave the faith because, they see Christ in all His glory, are real Christians and recognise fullness of truth in Christ and Catholic Faith and only Church that Christ established
      And I’m not “defending” name here brothers because you are proof name doesn’t save or keep you with Christ nor means anything, but I’m defending Christ, His Church, Bible, Apostolic Tradition of 2000 year of love,suffering and sacrifice to spread Gospel and die for Christ
      While some people in history because lack of Christ, knowledge or will to know, in them, will a lot of pride arrogance and ignorance, could not see that and start building feel good religious organisations, creating their own Christ and interpretation of bible to take people away from real Christ
      Brother this is for now
      I’ll answer just this in hope we understanding each other
      If you want I’ll answer everything else but let’s do one thing at the time
      Because i don’t wanna argue or give you back “your presents” like people do here
      I wanna talk to you and show you the truth through Christ Bible and Church Father’s
      God bless brother

    • @wakeupcall8188
      @wakeupcall8188 4 роки тому +2

      PART 1
      So I hope we understood each other, and I hope I'll show you why, just from your comments, you were not catholic,- "But instead of going through the motions, I went on a hunt to seek truth many years ago.",
      So what motions, Real catholic don't do that, they are in peace, love, patience, humility, and in THE TRUTH, with Christ and everyone else, so you don't have to go search for it. Its in Christ and we are in Him I can understand that you didn't "FEEL" Christ, or many things, but if you have understood Bible and how God builds up His saints, you would see, that's temporarily and normal, and that fact should tells you that you did not know your faith, and for that reason were not catholic in reality, just in the name, and that my brother its not enough,
      So instead, going to search truth somewhere else, you should check, learn, study, research, around you first, then others, then compare, then pray a lot, fast, check all spirits that guides you and then stay or go.I was an atheist and "felt" God or something "more" but went wrong way, following emotions and feelings. basically
      myself, only when I have touched bottom as lukewarm catholic and became 'Born again Catholic", crying my heart out with complete surrender to God's will, and Christ took everything bad in me literally over one night, and woken up Holy Spirit in me, who pour many gifts mainly, instant knowledge, understanding, wisdom, prophecy, i could understand all this, in instant, talk about, seeing Christ the way he is, not that was hard or something before, but
      devil blinds us, our pride and ignorance, prevents us to see Christ, and everything He did and established, then i started learning and comparing and Catholic Church is only Church, (together with Ortodox's), that Christ
      established, because if nothing else, just for one reason, What bible says Church Fathers did, (because Bible came from them) and what they do, we do today, (because we follow Bible and Bible came from Church), Holy Mass,
      Eucharist to start with and all other sacraments
      - ""I went in with a totally open mind, no pre-conceived notions"
      So if your mind were open you would see truth around you, at the first place, and you did have pre-conceived notions, because you assumed that you did not know, or had truth, which started you up, to search, so again
      if you were real Catholic you would see and know truth, because you would be in truth,
      I hope you see that
      - "Honestly, it would’ve been much easier to just stay Catholic"
      This brother is not just "funny" but concerning as well- Because being real catholic is hardest thing to be, just ask all the Saints, past and present, real holy people, priest, monks, nuns and if you are saying that now, in state you are, then brother im really worried about you because you are not in right state, and proofs again that you were not rea
      catholic- "And I don’t mean any offense, but there were many things that struck me as contradictory practice in the church compared to what the Bible says"
      Brother, thanks I'm not offended or upset and I do understand you completely, i see when they do that and I honestly hope for same. So relationship Church - Bible, I've already explained and only problem there brother is your
      understanding of Church and Bible.
      - "I never learned the true gospel until I left"
      Galatians 1:6-8
      6 I am astounded that you should be so quick to desert one who called you to the grace of Christ, and
      go over to another gospel; 7 this can only mean, that certain people are causing disquiet among you, in their eagerness to pervert the gospel of Christ.[1] 8 Friends, though it were we ourselves, though it were an angel from heaven that should preach to you a gospel other than the gospel we preached to you, a curse upon him! 9 I repeat now the warning we gave you before it happened, if anyone preaches to you what is contrary to the tradition you received, a curse upon him!
      So Catholic Church, through Holy Spirit, gave you this Gospel and you left, so do the math, and if you gonna tell me its not Catholic Church, read Church Fathers, History of Church, for instance, St Ignatius, disciple of John The Apostle and compere that with Bible, Catholic Church and yourself, and you'll seeAlso your statement contradicts your claims and itself really, i understand you see that now, but what start moving, was not truth because you cant know its there until you find it, and you wont start to search because you don't know its there, unless you assume, its there which contradicts you claims, and proof that you did not have truthI hope you see that "We are saved through Jesus blood alone. There are more verses than I can count that say this"
      Brother I see your point and meaning, and we kind of agree with that, but By His Blood we are bought, and in sense saved, but We are saved by Grace of God alone which includes His Blood, and if you knew yous faith, you would know that Church is teaching that since day of Christ and not by works what yo assume, we teach, you just go and read catechism and you will see and will be proven to you once for all, so we finish this subject and you don't
      believe that lie about us any more, if you did that as catholic that was you personal interpretation or understanding or upbringing, but not teaching of Catholic Church, sorry brother but it wasWe say and teach that faith without works is dead and that is what you say where works comes from, so we agree there

  • @benjaminmanning5073
    @benjaminmanning5073 5 років тому +28

    It's so nice to find true followers of the FATHER IN HEAVEN online! It's a real shame this isn't in every church house!

    • @lydiapetra1211
      @lydiapetra1211 4 роки тому +3

      @@1234poppycat you are following Satan and you don't even know it... you are in a Cult and you don't even know it!
      You reject the God of the Bible...and on your way to hell.. Revelation 21:8

    • @lydiapetra1211
      @lydiapetra1211 4 роки тому +4

      @@1234poppycat the Roman catholic church is a false pagan and apostate church... Satan's true church!!!. you can read the gospel day and has no value.... because ...all the other teachings are doctrines taught by demons..
      The gospel only livesv and thrives....if there are no other gospels doesn't tolerate anything counterfeit such as the false made teachings of the Roman catholic church!

    • @kicnbac
      @kicnbac 4 роки тому

      @@1234poppycat Barnett has said before he is a Catholic but not a Roman Catholic. Big difference.

    • @rainxp1318
      @rainxp1318 3 роки тому +1

      @@1234poppycat the Catholic Church is literally man made

    • @AcidAdventurer
      @AcidAdventurer 3 роки тому

      @@1234poppycat the irony of defending the Roman church by calling the one criticizing them a pharisee

  • @tonybuck1225
    @tonybuck1225 3 роки тому +3

    Although Papal Infallibility and the Immaculate Conception of Mary were not defined as doctrines until the 19th century, they had been longstanding non-doctrinal beliefs for many centuries before that.

    • @thomashess6211
      @thomashess6211 3 роки тому

      Nice try to deny that the CC does change.

    • @tonybuck1225
      @tonybuck1225 3 роки тому

      @@thomashess6211 It doesn't change tack.

    • @thomashess6211
      @thomashess6211 3 роки тому

      @@tonybuck1225 Change tack...what does that mean?

    • @tonybuck1225
      @tonybuck1225 3 роки тому

      @@thomashess6211 = the RCC doesn't change direction.

    • @Ffoo_ffighter
      @Ffoo_ffighter 2 місяці тому

      Nope. If you think Pope Francis is not evil, you're blind. He is a Jesuit.

  • @trukeesey8715
    @trukeesey8715 4 роки тому

    The date of the speech is not in the description.

  • @efirce
    @efirce 5 років тому +37

    Same goes for the Roman Catholic Holidays such as Christmas, there is NO Christmas in the bible plus we know through history Jesus was never born in Dec 25th as well BUT yet millions celebrate the mixture of paganism & giving it with a christian name to it calling it Jesus birthday. Oil and water does not mix God of the bible does not mix pagan with him either. God is Holy, he does not share his glory.

    • @mangomahammad3138
      @mangomahammad3138 4 роки тому +1

      you are saitan

    • @efandmk3382
      @efandmk3382 4 роки тому +1

      You're a very good example of why the fastest growing "religion' on the planet is Atheism.

    • @GregOrangeDoor
      @GregOrangeDoor 4 роки тому

      Randall Van Oosten sources?

    • @johnsheedy461
      @johnsheedy461 4 роки тому

      @@efandmk3382 AND millions of "inteligent" Atheists will try to re-elect Rumple TRUMPSKIN ! The Goofus that is not even qualified to be Dog Catcher ! LOL !

    • @gracielong3566
      @gracielong3566 4 роки тому

      Iron and clay do not mix either.... You are right. God is Holy and does not share his glory with another! Christmas, Easter, Lent...all of these are re-created pagan holidays. Nobody seems to want to listen to this truth though...they get pretty uptight about it.

  • @lydiaanello6208
    @lydiaanello6208 3 роки тому +12

    Jesus Christ said pick up your cross and follow Jesus Christ, he didn't say follow the doctrines of men, in fact scripture warn's beware of the doctrines of MEN. Thank you JESUS CHRIST for opening my eye's to see only you always and you are your word.

    • @thomashess6211
      @thomashess6211 3 роки тому

      @@1234poppycat Well, the greedy murderous sexual pervert catholic church surely cant be the church the bible talks about. Thats for sure.

    • @thomashess6211
      @thomashess6211 3 роки тому

      @@1234poppycat Good morning. Oh yes, for sure there are more churches that fit that bill. Dont feel bad, your not alone. Why dont ppl just seek the risen Lord instead of hollow religions.

  • @elsainnamorato2231
    @elsainnamorato2231 3 роки тому +2

    Great video God bless you., 🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️

  • @hampham2000
    @hampham2000 Рік тому +2

    I asked my friend why she prayed to Mary and she said it’s because she is the mother of Jesus. I told her that’s not right. Too many people are deceived. I won’t give up on my family members and friends.

    • @peterhenryzepeda3484
      @peterhenryzepeda3484 Рік тому +2

      What’s not right? The Bible isn’t anymore clear that Mary is Jesus’s mother and that Jesus is God. As for prayer it doesn’t necessarily mean worship.

    • @RS54321
      @RS54321 11 місяців тому

      @@peterhenryzepeda3484 Praying to Mary isn't right nor is it Biblical. Mary was Jesus' earthly mother, but she has been heretically elevated to be greater than she is. There is no one who intercedes for us except Jesus.

  • @s197gt6
    @s197gt6 5 років тому +3

    Now it make sense to me on why the world is fighting over religion beliefs. Thank you..

    • @holychildofgod3778
      @holychildofgod3778 4 роки тому

      @Patrick Montgomery
      The Holy Spirit = The Father's Spirit
      The Man Jesus = The Father's Flesh
      The One God of All = The Father of the spirits and the flesh

    • @holychildofgod3778
      @holychildofgod3778 4 роки тому +1

      @Patrick Montgomery Hello Patrick,
      Read these:
      Zechariah 12:1, 10
      An oracle. The word of Yahweh concerning Israel. “Thus declares Yahweh, who stretches out the heavens, founds the earth, and forms the spirit of humankind in its midst:
      “‘I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication, and *they will look to me whom they pierced,* and _they shall mourn over him, as one wails over _*_an only child,_*_ and they will grieve bitterly over him as one grieves bitterly over _*_a firstborn._*
      John 14:8-9
      Philip said to him, _“Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.”_ Jesus said to him, *“Am I with you so long a time and you have not known me, Philip?* The one who has seen me has seen the Father! How can you say, ‘Show us the Father?’
      Isaiah 9:6
      For a child has been born for us;
      a son has been given to us.
      And the dominion will be on his shoulder,
      and his name is called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
      *Everlasting Father,* Prince of Peace.
      The Father came into creation by His Holy Spirit and became The Son, who is The Father Himself:
      Hebrews 1:8-12
      But concerning the Son [The Father says],
      “Your throne, *O God,* is forever and ever,
      and the scepter of righteous is the scepter of your kingdom.
      You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness;
      because of this *God,* _your God,_ has anointed you
      with the olive oil of joy more than your companions.
      “You, *Lord,* _laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning,_
      and _the heavens are the works of your hands;_
      they will perish, but you continue,
      and they will all become old like a garment,
      and like a robe you will roll them up,
      and like a garment they will be changed;
      but _you are the same, and your years will not run out.”_
      The Father in flesh form = The Son.

    • @6969smurfy
      @6969smurfy 2 роки тому

      @@1234poppycat see holy child of mine, this AJA thing can not find truth in scripture, he does not see that light, he only sees shadows of light ie the churches view. Plus he goes around copy pasting false doctrine to keep people from seeking the truth, he doing the Satan's work under YAHs name......

    • @crossbearer6453
      @crossbearer6453 Рік тому

      The world is fighting over religious beliefs because people keep lying about the truth
      Like in this video

  • @geraldnichols2722
    @geraldnichols2722 4 роки тому +4

    Dr. Barnett is Baptist and I am a Grace Pauline Dispensational believer, but I find his teaching outstanding and widely knowledgeable. I would like to hear his take on the Grace Movement (he is certain to know of it.)

    • @6969smurfy
      @6969smurfy 2 роки тому +2

      @@1234poppycat again you copy past ignorance to the word

    • @6969smurfy
      @6969smurfy 2 роки тому +1

      @@1234poppycat no you haven't, you haven't gave anything but your tanted believe systems. You need to open your eyes,

    • @6969smurfy
      @6969smurfy 2 роки тому

      @@1234poppycat lawlessness is Lawlessness get behind me demons!

    • @sidgdansk6017
      @sidgdansk6017 2 роки тому

      @@6969smurfy he needs to repent. Mary was NOT immaculate. just like the Hindu's; Roman Catholic's; Mormon; Buddhist's; JW.. all concocted by the Jesuit Order. they have the whole world at their feet. no one to account to; Mary; Islamic beads and Mary prayers; Mess for the dead; mummies; gold; purple; the golden cup. who else but the Anti-Christ; man of sin himself. Duh??! read it and weep for the Catholics who believe this evil Jesuit.the Devil has arrived! God Bless you man!

    • @charleshughes1141
      @charleshughes1141 2 роки тому

      Didnt the Roman catholics kill Jesus why do people ignore that lol...God bless

  • @Nikki11258658
    @Nikki11258658 2 роки тому +1

    This was awesome thank you!!!!!!

  • @user-de2vj3qp9t
    @user-de2vj3qp9t 25 днів тому

    PastorJohn, you're an inspiration to us all. Thank you for your words of wisdom. God bless you, and all my brothers and sisters in Christ. Maranatha!!!!!!!

  • @frankfromupstateny3796
    @frankfromupstateny3796 3 роки тому +18

    It must have taken 25+ any category of "professional" study and endeavor, to have learned this material. Thanks John. I know, you're not so above us all.....that we cannot call you "John". You're just a man...and know this.
    Thanks. Great teachings.

    • @YiriUbic3793
      @YiriUbic3793 2 роки тому +1

      Tithe pastors from the same hell, more than 40,000 sects with different doctrines and they all have something in common: their hatred of the Catholic Church and their taste for defamation and blasphemies against the Catholic Church. It is obvious that Satan himself is behind all these diabolical sects

    • @YiriUbic3793
      @YiriUbic3793 2 роки тому +2

      Tell me something whybdo you have sectarians have more than 40,000 thousanda sects with different doctrine and all have the same in common your hatred for the catholic church?

    • @peterbeaumont7619
      @peterbeaumont7619 2 роки тому +1

      @@YiriUbic3793 The reason why people hate the catholic church because its so currupted and full of hypocrisy,plus its a cult of evil.

    • @kevindaykin640
      @kevindaykin640 2 роки тому

      @@1234poppycat The same as the roman catholic church, also trying to build an empire..... catholic church is full of man doctrines and not in line with God's Word

    • @michaelbrunsdon8938
      @michaelbrunsdon8938 11 місяців тому

      There is no such thing as the "Roman Catholic Church" - 25+ years of professional study and he gets even the name wrong? Not a good look at all.

  • @randallskrabonja2966
    @randallskrabonja2966 5 років тому +26

    Wow, phenomenal analysis! Factually presented and not in an offensive way to our Catholic friends. Thank you Dr. Barnett

    • @efandmk3382
      @efandmk3382 5 років тому +5

      As a Catholic, I'll let you know when I'm not offended, you self righteous, arrogant, self-serving unwitting servant of the evil one.

    • @joesmoke9624
      @joesmoke9624 5 років тому +4

      EF ANDMK 😂🎉

    • @kalebtrejo3388
      @kalebtrejo3388 5 років тому +6

      @@efandmk3382 Did you not listen to the video??
      Sorry the video offended you by stating exactly what you guys are doing.

    • @kalebtrejo3388
      @kalebtrejo3388 5 років тому +2

      @@1234poppycat Are you saying that Catholics don't "worship" Mary, but they Pray to her? And if so why? I've been told by a Catholic that you don't "Pray" to Mary but ask her to pray for us. Which I don't understand. I know she's alive in Paradise but why do you need a middle man so to speak, to talk to God?
      Also why all the Statues of Mary in the Catholic Church and it's still not considered "worship"
      Why do you guys call the Pope and priests "Father's" when God said only he is Father.
      Why did the Pope change the Lord's Prayer?
      Why is the Pope trying to unite the religions? Or why does it seem like he is?
      I don't believe all Catholics are going to hell. I'm told that alot. I don't believe it because of people like you! It's awesome to see that not all of you guys don't actually do all that stuff. Like Worship idols. It looks like it alot of the time and you can't say that every Catholic is like you tho. There are people that do in Catholicism.
      But it's the same with us Christians. I can't tell you that every Televangelist isn't a conman but you can definitely see the evidence that they are. Just like the Catholic Church looks an awful like Paganism. But I don't think every Catholic is that tho.
      I mean there are people that even call the Pope God for crying out loud!
      Figure you can answer some of that since you said you'll go on. But just answer back whenever! Thanks!

    • @joesmoke9624
      @joesmoke9624 5 років тому

      Patrick Montgomery I just have a sense of humour sorry to say.

  • @dha844
    @dha844 Рік тому

    Fantastic. Thank you for this ❤️

  • @maureenjpb55
    @maureenjpb55 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you. Very much!

  • @alienpick1
    @alienpick1 5 років тому +28

    Jesus Christ is Lord ✝️ Maranatha

    • @lydiapetra1211
      @lydiapetra1211 4 роки тому

      @@1234poppycat except you don't know the Jesus of the Bible... because you are in a false pagan and apostate church!!
      You should fear Jesus at the judgement seat... because He will sentence you to Revelation 21:8

  • @user-se5gg5cy4y
    @user-se5gg5cy4y 4 роки тому +9

    they call evil good and good evil in the spirit of their father

    • @elainemoreland3908
      @elainemoreland3908 3 роки тому

      Catholic church has blood all over her due to the hate and lust for power of the unholy Roman empire.

  • @lorraineamaya4983
    @lorraineamaya4983 4 місяці тому

    Hello is there any way to have access to the charts you display? Thank you

    • @TheGospelAccordingToMarkyD
      @TheGospelAccordingToMarkyD 3 місяці тому +1

      @lorraineamaya4983 It's great to want to research his material in depth for you to do your homework...which I highly suggest you do. I also hope you find the material that you are requesting.
      In your pursuit of the Truth in your walk with Christ, I hope that you would open your heart to the Holy Spirit and also pursue the Truth to how Catholicism would respond to the false claims that are presented in this video. In that way you would be allowing the holy Spirit the opportunity for you to receive information from both sides to allow you to understand the Truth that the Holy Spirit will teach you and guide you to (John 14:26 & John 16:13).
      Please let me know if you are open to learning more. 😇

    • @TheGospelAccordingToMarkyD
      @TheGospelAccordingToMarkyD 3 місяці тому +1

      @lorraineamaya4983 It's great to want to research his material in depth for you to do your homework...which I highly suggest you do. I also hope you find the material that you are requesting.
      In your pursuit of the Truth in your walk with Christ, I hope that you would open your heart to the Holy Spirit and also pursue the Truth to how Catholicism would respond to the false claims that are presented in this video. In that way you would be allowing the Holy Spirit the opportunity for you to receive information from both sides. In that way, you would be allowing the Holy Spirit to teach and guide you to ALL Truths (John 14:26 & John 16:13). If you strongly believe that the Holy Spirit will guide and teach you All Truths then that would require guidance and teaching to what the Catholic Church actually teaches. If you accept wholeheartedly the teaching within this video, then you would at least have to accept that this is a perspective coming from a non-Catholic teaching.
      Would it be better to learn French from an American speaker who has never lived in France who can't even tell you about French culture? Or would it be better to learn French from a native speaker who was born and raised in France?
      If you are not a Catholic, then that would imply that you do not accept her teachings as being true. But if you don't fully know what Catholicism actually teaches, then you would only know partial truths of Catholicism. In other words, you might know WHAT we believe but if you don't know WHY we believe what we believe then you don't really know all that Catholicism teaches. For example, I'm sure you know that we call our priests father. Yet, Jesus Christ says to call no man father. So if you don't know WHY we call our priest father when Jesus says not to, then you only know partial truths of that Catholic perspective. I'm sure that you know that our churches are filled with statues and images. And I'm sure you know that God forbids any graven images. So if you don't know WHY we decorate our churches with statues and images even though that might appear to be contrary to the word of God, then you would only know partial truths about that Catholic perspective. I can keep going on and on with examples but I'm sure you get the point.
      You don't have to agree with why we do something that appears to be contrary to the Bible, but if you don't allow yourself the opportunity to learn what the Catholic Church actually teaches, then you would be denying the Holy Spirit to guide and teach you ALL things…which would include all of what Catholicism actually teaches that appear to be contrary to what the Bible says. By allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and teach you all of what Catholicism truly teaches, you would be faithful in allowing the Holy Spirit to work in you. In that way, you can decide what to accept and reject.
      When it all comes down to it, everything is rooted in authority. The authority of the Protestants is the Bible. The authority of Catholics is the magisterium…that includes the Bible and Tradition. I would love to have a loving Christ-like dialogue with you if you are interested in learning more. In doing so you would accept Jesus's command to listen to the Church (Revelation 7:2).
      Please let me know if you are open to learning more. 😇

  • @SuperDobieGirl
    @SuperDobieGirl 3 роки тому +1

    Brilliant... easy to connect and understand.

  • @vincecousino1569
    @vincecousino1569 5 років тому +57


    • @livingdream2284
      @livingdream2284 5 років тому

      Patrick Montgomery stop

    • @wesharp928
      @wesharp928 4 роки тому

      @Patrick Montgomery Jesus is the catholic construction Yeshua is son of God

    • @bornagain9192
      @bornagain9192 4 роки тому

      Ain't that the truth, Peter is the "rock" of his church, we who are the true followers of Jesus are the embodiment of his "church"

    • @bornagain9192
      @bornagain9192 4 роки тому

      Sabbath starts at sunset friday untill Saturday sunset, do not buy or sell,or do any work or any man,women servant,nor any ass,ox or stranger within your gate,a day of rest,to do of the lord not of yourselfs the basic comandment.

    • @lydiapetra1211
      @lydiapetra1211 4 роки тому +1

      Vince...did you actually read that scripture?...,it's not what you said!!
      Twisting God's Word is a habit of Roman pagan catholics!!
      Which is sin and blasphemy against God!
      Wake up man... you are in a cult and following doctrines taught by demons 1 Timothy 4:1

  • @angryroo2337
    @angryroo2337 5 років тому +6

    Love your videos, I've learned a lot and my Bible has a ton of highlite marks in it now. What's your take on the Apostles Creed with the line of 'believing in the Holy Catholic Church'?

    • @christopherpandorf9887
      @christopherpandorf9887 5 років тому +1

      Easten orthodoxy is that holy catholic apostolic church the roman church left true worship officially in the yr 1054 but it started in the 7th century with the filoque. We say the creed every Sunday! Our worship to God is a beautiful display of love for God. Really its been a hidden gem in America but is growing thank God.

    • @christopherpandorf9887
      @christopherpandorf9887 4 роки тому

      Maybe you dont know but catholic means universal...
      You shouldn't talk like that its fresh no one is talking about the devil why do you try to make something out of nothing... very negative.
      Are you a protestant? If so you will never find the fullness of the faith there.

    • @johnsheedy461
      @johnsheedy461 4 роки тому +1

      ANGRY ROO----Correction, The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church !

    • @johnsheedy461
      @johnsheedy461 4 роки тому

      @@halfsheephalfjesus7357 ---Hatred of your fellow man, utter lack of Christian love or respect.

    • @johnsheedy461
      @johnsheedy461 4 роки тому

      @@halfsheephalfjesus7357 You, like millions of other hate-fiiled mifits, know nothing about the RCC but that doesn't stop you from spewing your un-Christian rot for other bigots
      to love. Please tell your tale of woe to the HUNDREDS of good, honourable, bible-loving, bible-rich Protestant ministers that are becoming Catholic. Their studies of the very early church, ancient texts, history and the confusion of thousands of disagreeing, bible verse ignoring, Catholic church hating Protestant churches have brought them to the RCC.
      Funny how they become so joyful and devout. They are from many, many denominations. Sorry about facts that you will probably deny !

  • @trukeesey8715
    @trukeesey8715 4 роки тому

    Did James Arrabito say that Nimrod was the first Pontifex Maximus? Help me out. Also, some have said that Simon Magus was the first pope, in that he was headman of a purportedly Christian state religion while he was the chiefest god of Rome for a while.

    • @johnsheedy461
      @johnsheedy461 4 роки тому +1

      TRU KEESEY----All historians, the Encyclopedia Brittanica, Wikipedia and all Books of Lists, after serious research into the early church, the bible, those that were taught by the Apostles
      and regular history state that Peter WAS THE FIRST POPE ! Research is the job of these people ! ! !

  • @jacoboresi2067
    @jacoboresi2067 Рік тому +3

    Excellent teaching, sir.

  • @jennsuazo5301
    @jennsuazo5301 4 роки тому +25

    Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth

    • @jimmyjohnson1452
      @jimmyjohnson1452 4 роки тому +2

      The most important part, Rightly Dividing

    • @gracielong3566
      @gracielong3566 4 роки тому

      @@jimmyjohnson1452 Those who claim they have "compiled" the Bible did not so rightly divide it and you can tell when reading through. The chapters stop in odd places and the main objective of the passage is cut into another chapter. But more than this; those who compile it cannot seem to keep the main points in context either. Face it, there's a whole lot of cherry pickers out there.

    • @naisonmandigo4135
      @naisonmandigo4135 3 роки тому

      This is where people are missing it. ‘Rightly dividing the truth’

  • @bridgefin
    @bridgefin 3 роки тому +10

    I think Paul had "interfaith" meetings all over the pagan world. And it was not the end of the world but the growth of Christianity.

    • @brucewmclaughlin9072
      @brucewmclaughlin9072 3 роки тому +2

      Hmmmmn did any of those interfaith meetings bring in different teachings to entice the pagan to accept Christianity without losing all of their current beliefs?

    • @bridgefin
      @bridgefin 3 роки тому +3

      A true pagan has to give up his beliefs to become a Christian and that is the work of the Holy Spirit. We can only offer the invitation and support along the way.

  • @trutalker3
    @trutalker3 2 роки тому +2

    I wonder when videos like this will be taken down as "misinformation"?

  • @merlyburdo3924
    @merlyburdo3924 4 роки тому +54

    Jesus i need in my life to guide me i want to change everything in my life to be with your words love you

    • @buckle-upbuttercup9345
      @buckle-upbuttercup9345 4 роки тому +4

      Why not let Jesus change you? Clearly, he's number One in your heart, so His Word and the Holy Spirit will make changes. God Bless you in your walk with Him.

    • @JuanHernandez-ml8nh
      @JuanHernandez-ml8nh 4 роки тому +1

      Yes this man on here is teaching a lies about the Catholic Church we are christians just as much as everybody else We are so much christians that our church put The Bible together so of the Catholic Church is false than The Bible is too

    • @buckle-upbuttercup9345
      @buckle-upbuttercup9345 4 роки тому +5

      @@JuanHernandez-ml8nh I was raised Catholic and received a New Testament from a 7th grade (1962) catechism teacher which changed my life. The biggest choice I had to make early on, was whether to believe the Word of God as written, or believe the footnotes on most every page that gave the Catholic Church reason why their doctrines/rules, etc were contradictory, but wiser to believe in.
      I decided to always believe only the Word of God.
      (We owe undying gratitude to the Old and New Testament Jews who preserved the manuscripts comprising all the older bibles, like the favorite King James).
      My entire family, was Catholic, and the ones who have died, never professed a personal relationship with Jesus, only that they were Catholics. They never knew the disposition of their souls for eternity, and death was dreaded and filled with sadness. I place much blame for them being lost on the CC who urges people not to read the Bible. I believe if they ever would have read it, they might have discovered very many severe errors between the CC and God's Word. They might have become saved.
      But then, Jesus is Truth, no matter what religion we are, or what building we attend, in the end it is all about Him and the commandments He gave us to live by.
      May God Bless you richly through His Word!

    • @JuanHernandez-ml8nh
      @JuanHernandez-ml8nh 4 роки тому +1

      @@buckle-upbuttercup9345 I understand God is in all Christian religions but I also understand that the Catholic Church was 1st and it's the orthodox Christian religion When I confessed my creed I meant it I believe in one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic church I don't believe in tens of thousands of churches so I'm sticking with that have a good day

    • @Jonnyjackhammer
      @Jonnyjackhammer 3 роки тому

      God Bless you!! He loves you!! So much!!

  • @youtubegirl149
    @youtubegirl149 5 років тому +8

    Every word uttered in mass is biblical....
    We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen.
    We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father; God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God; begotten not made, one in being with the Father. Through Him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation He came down from heaven. By the power of the Holy Spirit He was born of the Virgin Mary and became man. For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate. He suffered, died, and was buried. On the third day He rose again, in fulfillment of the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end.
    We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son He is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the prophets.
    We believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

    • @johnsheedy461
      @johnsheedy461 5 років тому +4

      YOU TUBE VIEWER----Do you think telling the truth will sink in here ? They hate so much that their ears are slammed shut to truth of any kind. I wonder what they would think of the hundreds of Protestant ministers that that have and are becoming Catholic ? These men are bible experts that love the Lord. Many know that the RCC sticks to the bible in spite of
      the nonsense posted and believed here and on 1000s of other pages. Good luck.

    • @youtubegirl149
      @youtubegirl149 5 років тому +1

      John Sheedy, I guess I’m hoping to reach anyone who is “searching” for truth and reading the comments.

    • @TheMistysFavs
      @TheMistysFavs 5 років тому +2

      +UA-camViewer ----- *FALSE* I was Catholic for 32 years and most is not Biblical but man made traditions. Odd, after not being in one all those years, I STILL know ALL of the Mass, even some of the Latin Mass. Jesus said to NOT pray with repetition as the heathen do. If they didn't do so, I sure wouldn't remember what I don't want to from there. I am FREE in CHRIST.. You'd be wise to do the same and as God said, "Come out of her, My people!" While there is still time.

    • @youtubegirl149
      @youtubegirl149 5 років тому +1

      Mary Mclocke you misquoted, and left out the keyword word “VAIN” before repetition. We were taught the Lord’s prayer, and told to pray persistently. Also the first half of the Hail Mary is straight from scripture. The end is asking the mother of God to pray for us. Scripture says to pray for one another. Who better to pray for you than Mary? Some say this is necromancy, but This is an improper usage of the term. Dictionaries define necromancy as “conjuring up spirits” or “communication with the spirits of the dead in order to foretell the future, black magic or sorcery.” When Catholics pray to saints, we do not “conjure up” spirits or tell fortunes. In fact, the Catholic Church is in complete agreement with the Bible when it condemns consulting “mediums” and “wizards.” As man, Jesus spoke to Elijah and Moses. We are to follow Jesus’ lead.

    • @johnsheedy461
      @johnsheedy461 5 років тому +2

      @@TheMistysFavs You obviously have found the REAL church of our Saviour. Please tell us which one of the Thousands of disagreeing, bible verse ignoring, B/V changing, Catholic
      church cursing Protestant Churches ? They will tell you what the bible really means !

  • @LOGOSNew
    @LOGOSNew 3 роки тому +6

    The BEST analysis of Roman Catholic Paganism/ Satanism I have ever come accross. Kudos and God bless you bro!

  • @marianneruegg2886
    @marianneruegg2886 11 місяців тому +1

    Thank you so much for this truth.For bringing light in a dark chapter of belief.

  • @mmlejano
    @mmlejano 2 роки тому

    Why Problem that I can’t send this video to my family n relatives n friends

  • @aperson6804
    @aperson6804 5 років тому +5

    How are the Protestant churches the “true churches” of Christ even thought they all believe in something different than the other? Also why will you not attack the Orthodox Church? The Orthodox Church is very similar to the Catholic Church. This is proof the Catholic Church is the true church they are being attacked and prosecuted by thousands of people including “Christians” John 15:18 if the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you”.

    • @lydiapetra1211
      @lydiapetra1211 4 роки тому

      The True Church of God are people that he true followers of Jesus...not any building, institution .. organization and most certainly not the Vatican in Rome!..
      No road leads to Rome... only to Jerusalem!!
      You all have been deceived by your Unholy Roman catholic church....all of you are following doctrines taught by demons 1 Timothy 4:1
      Salvation is found only in Jesus not in the Unholy Roman catholic church...
      See for yourself Acts 4:12..

  • @thepeoplesjewels
    @thepeoplesjewels 2 роки тому +3

    Constantine rebooted the church like Disney rebooted Star Wars, with equal result.

    • @crossbearer6453
      @crossbearer6453 Рік тому

      Constantine made Christianity legal and then later converted to Arianism and started killing Christians again

  • @ceilingcat7047
    @ceilingcat7047 Рік тому +2

    There is another and more important reason why he is not catholic. Lack of true facts and desire to search for the truth.

  • @abbaabbaabbaf
    @abbaabbaabbaf 4 місяці тому

    Great explanation. I always felt this just a great conformation. Thank you ! God Bless

    @DEROGOIOFFICIAL 3 роки тому +4

    Concerning the Sabbath discussion: did not Jesus renewed the Covenant by being the Lamb Himself dying on the Cross for all of our Sins and made the Original Sabbath with all it's animal sacrifices stop by His death...? When did he die...? On what does glorify the Sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ better...? Not sure myself as a born again believer in Christ...

    • @tonybuck1225
      @tonybuck1225 3 роки тому +4

      Sunday is the true Sabbath of the New (Christian) Covenant.

    • @geordiewishart1683
      @geordiewishart1683 Рік тому

      Jesus died at Passover and was raised on Saturday.
      God's seventh day Sabbath stands forever


      @@geordiewishart1683 According to the Bible, He died at Friday and resurrected on the 3rd day...

  • @TheMistysFavs
    @TheMistysFavs 5 років тому +7

    I was a BLIND Catholic for over 30 years, and I WEEP at the lost people here who won't even pick up God's word instead of a "Catechism!" I praise GOD that He drew me out in 1985, out of the RCC and drew me to Himself. I finally bought my own Bible, I was so happy to read it and just "eat up" the TRUE word of God.. How I love all your teachings when I go into my own Bible and it is all TRUE! I praise God for you!
    My husband has FINALLY seen enough of your videos sitting behind me glancing off the TV (grr) that he agreed I/we will be partnering with you.. I couldn't do it until he agreed, though I tried.. I was convicted...ANYWAY now we will be! Carry on the Gospel to the nations, and you and dear Bonnie have our prayers! I'll remain in prayer for these lost in RCC as well.. Love you both in Christ!

    • @lydiapetra1211
      @lydiapetra1211 4 роки тому

      Hallelujah! Praise be to God!
      You and your husband are saved!
      Hallelujah!.. Praise be to God!

    • @perazdera2827
      @perazdera2827 3 роки тому

      @Curtis MH n the Freemason's book "The Evolution of Freemasonry", by Delmar Darrah - page 89 it states: "MARTIN LUTHER opened the way for the future development of Freemasonry."

  • @reggieorabuena6242
    @reggieorabuena6242 3 роки тому

    Videos are on point.

  • @TheGospelAccordingToMarkyD
    @TheGospelAccordingToMarkyD 3 місяці тому

    In regards to your Nicolatians breakdown, I'm not getting the point that you're trying to make. Please clarify.

  • @priscillakass5875
    @priscillakass5875 5 років тому +14

    I left the Episcopal Church at 20 years old it was in 1987

  • @joycegreer9391
    @joycegreer9391 Рік тому +4

    Excellent presentation. Very informative of the whole history. Too bad most R Cath will not learn or acknowledge this.

    • @michaelbrunsdon8938
      @michaelbrunsdon8938 11 місяців тому

      Catholics know that what has been said here is lies....because believe it or not...Catholics know what the Catholic Church teaches!

  • @jacquelinegorospe4334
    @jacquelinegorospe4334 2 місяці тому +1

    Jesus taught us to eat the bread and drink the wine to remember his sacrifice. We never were told to worship the bread and wine

  • @christianstephens7213
    @christianstephens7213 Рік тому +2

    Lent mirrors the days Jesus was in the dessert , fasting and praying . Lent is the season in which we prepare our hearts to celebrate Jesus and declare that he is Risen , why would the devil want that ?

  • @dannydoughboy120
    @dannydoughboy120 4 роки тому +19

    Amazing all the bad mouthing of the Catholic church on here, makes me realize it is the greatest! Jesus was hated too, so I know I am on the right path Catholic Christian!

    • @dannydoughboy120
      @dannydoughboy120 4 роки тому +6

      @dom com. you sir are very uninformed about idol worship and the Catholic church! There is good and bad people in every religion, and if someone in the Catholic church is worshiping idols, then they are in serious trouble! If we Catholics believed all the lies and calumnities that are told about the church, we would hate it ten times more than bigots do. The enemies of the church do not hate the church; they only hate what they errouneously believe to be the church.

    • @gracielong3566
      @gracielong3566 4 роки тому +7

      Just because the Catholic Church is being REBUKED, it does not make it the "greatest". Your statement does prove the arrogance of its congregants though.

    • @rjmacready6693
      @rjmacready6693 3 роки тому

      Sounds delusional

    • @dannydoughboy120
      @dannydoughboy120 3 роки тому

      @thomas hess Exactly, as it has been brought to light, and Priests of today, are NOT, the priest of the past! Their training and screening has evolved for the better! As Jesus said, he who is without sin, throw the first stone!

    • @dannydoughboy120
      @dannydoughboy120 3 роки тому +1

      @thomas hess what a bunch of total bullsh!t! You must be one of those pentacostal weirdos!

  • @bridgefin
    @bridgefin 4 роки тому +3

    If you can't get the name of the first Catholic pope than why should anyone listen to the rest????

    • @dieselcowboy777
      @dieselcowboy777 3 роки тому

      Peter was never a pope and was never in rome....just all false catholic teaching

    • @bridgefin
      @bridgefin 3 роки тому

      Wrong on both counts. And the second one doesn't even matter.

  • @kenlewis7139
    @kenlewis7139 Рік тому +1

    We fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities,, ,princincess of the air evil spirits, devil and demons!!!!

  • @englishrose6627
    @englishrose6627 3 роки тому

    What Church do u belong to?

  • @4jesuschrist782
    @4jesuschrist782 4 роки тому +6

    So true. Keep ur eyes on Jesus Christ only. All u need is a Bible and the love for Jesus. Just pray and read

    • @johnsheedy461
      @johnsheedy461 4 роки тому

      4 Jesus Christ----YOUR bible says NOT to interpret the bible Yourself. Your bible says the CHURCH is the AUTHORITY and the CHURCH is the PILLAR and FOUNDATION of TRUTH.
      Why don't you believe Your bible ? Guess what church Your bible is refering to 2000 years ago ?

    • @4jesuschrist782
      @4jesuschrist782 4 роки тому +2

      @@johnsheedy461 where does it say that? Send me the verse. Because if you have been reading your Bible and not just bits and pieces you would see that God doesn't want you to go through the Church. Catholic follow men not Jesus Christ and most don't ever read even half the bible. Don't be fooled for your salvation depends on it. Jesus Christ is the bridge to God. Read the Bible yourself please because if you don't and if your don't repent like it has said to do you will see the lake of fire. Stop following men and follow Jesus Christ like he has said. Look up how evil the Catholic church is. The Pope and the Catholic church has been killing Christians for close to 2000 years. Forget about this dying world and think about the next. God says so many will fall because they don't want to educate themselves. I hope you sit down and read the Bible. Get the KJV bible study to help you. Don't put your soul into any man or bodies of men. It's your soul give it to Jesus Christ only. Repent

    • @johnsheedy461
      @johnsheedy461 4 роки тому

      @@4jesuschrist782 TIM: says the church is the authority. I have forgoten where it says Not to interpret yourself. To say Catholics follow men is a tired out lie that is posted here
      thousands of times. The more hateful the curses hurled at the Catholic church, the less informed the person is. So the apostles, 2000 years ago, were out killing people ? Read the bible ? I wish you Catholic haters would believe YOUR bibles ! 31 Popes were put to death for preaching the gospel and remaing true to our saviour, including the first one ! You should repent of telling lies about HIS 2000 year old church ! You obviously don't know that a NEW reading of the old and new testament is read evey day at mass for 300 days !
      You obviously don't know and probably are not interested in the following FACTS: the Catholic church put the bible together, hand copied it for centuries and had it printed when a Catholic invented printing in Germany. Now you people constantly say we don't read the bible ! The Catholic church gave the world the bible----and we NOW don't use it ? Stop following men ? I wish you would use your common sense and get a second opinion. Do you know that the greatest Christian theologians in history were Catholic ? Do you know
      that Many of them are studied in Protestant divinity schools ? You are so hate-washed that it is sad ! What would you think of me if I posted this evil stuff about your church ?

    • @4jesuschrist782
      @4jesuschrist782 4 роки тому +1

      @@johnsheedy461 I use to be a Catholic. They were talking about the first church with the Apostles. NO Where does it talk about follow the church. The Pope is a man. God told you to follow Jesus Christ only. Jesus Christ said follow him only but you are follow some old man around. I bet you have never even read the Bible, ever page. Read it. No where does it say God will give you a Pope. He says in Mathew don't call anyone Father except God in Heaven but you call the Pope father. Jesus Christ said only he can forgive you of your sins but you let the pope and other priests forgive you with a bunch of hail Mary prayers. None of that is in the Bible. Do some research on the start up of the church. They have been killing Christians for years. Do some bible studies on Daniels proficiencies and revelation. God tells you about the Catholic church. Remember the devil will pretend to be Light, the good guy and so will his demons. A bad guy will give u candy to get u into the car. Read Mathew FALSE PROFITS will come in my name. Wolves in sheep clothing. God says many will die because of lack of learning. LEARN and be saved. Stop chasing a old man around you are chasing the devil. Keep your eyes on Jesus Christ so you will not fall into the water. Study man. Everyone knows how evil the Catholic church is. It's been outed. Jesus Christ is on his way and u are about to follow this pope into the fire, why? No pope has ever been killed. That is not even true. Repent and walk with Jesus Christ and the Bible. It's all a lie dude but the Bible and Jesus Christ is true. Study the proficiencies.

    • @johnsheedy461
      @johnsheedy461 4 роки тому

      @@4jesuschrist782 You used to be Catholic but didn't know your faith. Now you have been taken in by one of the thousands of disagreeing, conflicting Protestant churches that
      preach hatred about HIS 2000 year old church. We have heard and read your relentless anti-Catholic propaganda since the reformation and will hear it for ever. Which one of the
      1000s of "Real" churches do you belong ? The ones that says the Blessed Trinity is pagan, the 1000s that says Jesus did not give HIS apostles and their descendants the power to forgive sins, the thousands that dismiss HIS orders to Peter to feed MY lambs, feed MY sheep, the 1000s that ignore HIS command 'I give You the Keys of the kingdom, 1000s
      that ignore or change the meaning of--what thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in HEAVEN, the total that say HIS words said SEVEN Times to eat HIS flesh and drink HIS blood
      is wrong. Tell us all about the REAL truth that is taught in the conflicting, disagreeing, Catholic hating REAL Christian churches ! You sound like such good Christians ! LOL !

  • @nataliemiller2347
    @nataliemiller2347 4 роки тому +14

    Thank You, Dr Barnett for this brief breakdown of the hx of the roman catholic church "religion", and your breakdown of ALL the satanic rituals that are threaded and soaked in false unbiblical rhetoric. I was raised in the religion as well as my whole family for generations. I've been out of religion as an adult for almost two decades because as a child and growing in maturity, the whole catholic way of the truth of The Holy Trinity mixed with the 7 myths(lies) that I always felt edgy and confused about half my life, you explained and confirmed perfectly. I can NOW pass this onto my loved ones and know that they should wake up and see God's truth as He had created for righteous man to write. Again, my brother in Jesus Holy name, I thank you for your wisdom that God has gifted you!! A sister in PA. Natalie😊

    • @s.k.2802
      @s.k.2802 3 роки тому +1

      @Natalie Miller,
      As a Catholic, I'd like to know what you find to be false about the Church.
      We are not Satanic. We worship God at every Mass, renounce Satan at our Baptism, and also renounce Satan every year at the Easter Vigil Mass.
      God bless,
      Schafer Knostman

    • @thecomingstorm9327
      @thecomingstorm9327 Рік тому

      @@s.k.2802 There is your first problem you keep Easter. I would suggest reading the book Pagan Christianity: Exploring the Roots of Our Church Practices by Frank Viola
      Almost every thing practiced in Catholic and Protestant sources are pagan, one such example is naming the church after saints for example calling a church St. Paul, or St. Peter etc. Sunday worship is also pagan, the art in churches is also pagan.
      Constantine's church buildings were spacious and magnificent edifices that were said to be "worthy of an Emperor." They were so splendid that his pagan contemporaries observed that these "huge buildings imitated" the structure of pagan temples." Constantine even decorated the new church buildings with pagan art." The church edifices built under Constantine were patterned exactly after the model of the basilica." These were the common government buildings," designed after Greek pagan temples."
      ------ Pagan Christianity: Exploring the Roots of Our Church Practices by Frank Viola

    • @michaelbrunsdon8938
      @michaelbrunsdon8938 11 місяців тому

      There is no such thing as the Roman Catholic is a term used as a slur. The Catholic Church is not Roman. It is universal. The word catholic means universal.

    • @loboman8029
      @loboman8029 5 місяців тому

      Read my many comments I posted especially why Protestants and non-Catholics can = never = answer the most basic yet necessary question = Why did Jesus incarnate as man and die on the Cross ? And why did Jesus declare = It is Finished ?
      NOTE = I am sure that after reading them, you will find that you have been taken by the = wrong = spirit
      So check my comments headed by
      6 months ago
      i am a Roman catholic by birth and left the catholic church at the age of 43 yrs after reading bible the word of god

  • @lucas29210
    @lucas29210 2 роки тому +2

    Brazil? The pope is from Argentina...

  • @Steph-sk3xb
    @Steph-sk3xb 2 роки тому +2

    What do you mean by “veneration of images” and “treating Mary like God” in Catholicism?
    Orthodox Christian’s have lots of art in their churches and have prayers that include Mary as well. But it’s Orthodox Christianity, people have been practicing it since the time of the apostles in 50AD.

  • @franciscopablo2412
    @franciscopablo2412 3 роки тому +4

    no matter how you like to destroy the church it will survive as always the past 2000 years bacause it is built by Lord Jesus Christ and so He always guide and protect it.

    • @teachccd
      @teachccd 2 роки тому

      This guy is a joke

    • @6969smurfy
      @6969smurfy 2 роки тому +1

      Get behind *Me,
      your rain is over, we are the od ones that are calling out for the truth, the path in not wide, it is narrow.

  • @tonybuck1225
    @tonybuck1225 3 роки тому +3

    Lent has Forty days because Forty is a very significant number in the Old Testament.

  • @johnmoran3754
    @johnmoran3754 2 роки тому +1

    I pray you are not in error of the second commandment. The judgement we deliver will be delivered to us.

  • @brianwilliams-se5jy
    @brianwilliams-se5jy Рік тому +2

    The roman church has got to be Satan's greatest conquest 1.6 billion being deceived today😢