Oregon Recriminalized Drugs. Let's Talk.

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024


  • @BushyHairedStranger
    @BushyHairedStranger 6 місяців тому +5

    This is the Prohibitionists opportunity to say;-“See, it failed in Oregon why would it work anywhere else?” of course I absolutely disagree with this and support decriminalization using Regulation & pharmacy distrubution just as it once was in the USA. Re-Legalize ALL Drugs.

  • @tomhoebbel3269
    @tomhoebbel3269 6 місяців тому +3

    Powerful message Kassandra. You are a Rock Star...keep up the great work you are doing...

  • @markonfilms
    @markonfilms 6 місяців тому +3

    Thank you for fighting the good flight. We can't give up no matter what. I'll be donating when I can.

  • @toadbro9017
    @toadbro9017 6 місяців тому +5

    When I was younger, I thought the idea of legalizing all drugs was absolutely absurd. Then I looked at the data and realized criminalizing drugs actually INCREASES the harm to society. I also learned that trauma shapes a person's nervous system such that they are physically and psychologically uncomfortable at baseline, and drugs are a means of relieving that discomfort. As a society, we have effectively voted to round up all our most traumatized, least privileged citizens and imprison them. Worse still, we label them as criminals and revoke their access to things like food stamps and housing. Then we complain about all the homeless drug addicts on our streets. Future generations will learn about our failed war on drugs and wonder how so many people could be so WRONG. Today, I know legalizing all drugs isn't absurd--it's the only morally sound choice.

    • @BushyHairedStranger
      @BushyHairedStranger 6 місяців тому

      I highly suggest reading David Herzberg book ‘White Market Drugs’ he re-connects America’s divided drug history in an interesting way. He reveals that the driving question for policymakers has never been how to prohibit the use of addictive drugs, but how to ensure their availability in medical contexts, where profitability often outweighs public safety. Access to “white markets” was thus a double-edged sword for socially privileged consumers, even as communities of color faced exclusion and punitive drug prohibition. To counter this no-win setup, Herzberg(along with many others including me!) advocates for a consumer protection approach that robustly *regulates all drug markets to minimize risks(harm reduction) while maintaining safe, reliable access (and of course varied treatment options!) for ALL people with “addiction”,…”Dependency”-“SUD-Substance use disorder”. We need to do this now.
      I highly recommend researching all of Dr. Carl Harts work & reading his two books specifically-‘Drug Use for Grown Ups’.

  • @BenSmith-jw8zy
    @BenSmith-jw8zy 6 місяців тому +2


  • @divingduck9
    @divingduck9 6 місяців тому +2

    overdose protection doesnt apply to 100%NONTOXIC weed!!!

    • @BenSmith-jw8zy
      @BenSmith-jw8zy 6 місяців тому

      You're missing the point. Just because something is dangerous doesn't mean u give govt rule on it. Skydiving is dangerous. Noone is jailed for it. The govt OWNS your body defacto if drug laws are valid. Well they DONT. Freedom is the freedom to offend and even harm yourself as long as no one else's rights are harmed. We used to KNOW that in America!!! But propaganda and well meaning non drug users thought criminalizing it would stop it. It DIDNT it weaponized it. Fentanyl only exists because of UN and American drug laws. Amd IT has a medical benefit but heroin doesn't? HAHAHA that proves money is more important than lives in Healthcare now sadly

  • @kevinbennett4945
    @kevinbennett4945 6 місяців тому +2

    Cops are the best doctors in the world. Makes sense Oregon.

    • @BenSmith-jw8zy
      @BenSmith-jw8zy 6 місяців тому

      Hope that's sarcasm, sadly dems think govt is God. If the right would understand this and be the helpers of the downtrodden like they claim then decriminalization would happen tommarrow. But rich judges that get paid to fill prisons LOVE drug laws.

  • @Randolini
    @Randolini 6 місяців тому +3

    So strange that cannabis is on schedule 1 and cocaine and fentanyl are schedule 2. Our war on some drugs is truly fuct up.

    • @jessicahay9305
      @jessicahay9305 6 місяців тому +1

      Its a very common misconception that schedule 1 and 2 have anything to do with a drug being dangerous or addictive. All that schedule one means is that a drug currently has no medical use that is accepted by the FDA. Cocaine is a powerful numbing agent, fentanyl is one of the best, and safest anesthetics out there (when used in a clinical setting under the care of a trained physician) bc it also reduces/eliminates pain, which leads to much higher surgical recovery success rates. Theyre both important drugs that have safe and legitimate uses. However, marijuana should not be schedule one if only for the fact that it is PROVEN to be effective in reducing/eliminating nausea in chemotherapy patients. It has alot of other medical uses, but that one has a ton of research and safety/effectiveness data that SHOULD make it easy to pass FDA scheduling standards.

    • @jamesdumouchel1286
      @jamesdumouchel1286 6 місяців тому +1

      Might make a person wonder whether the FDA "scheduling standards" are just made-up fiction. A shameless middle finger to the obvious truth.

  • @divingduck9
    @divingduck9 6 місяців тому +4

    i still miss the fierce video of kassandra taken down a few months ago. in the peach red dress. put it back up dpa!! mealymouthed approaches r lame. its ok to b STRIDENT. this bigpharm-agribiz stranglehold HAS to b loosened. i support full legalization & promotion of homegrown everything

    • @BushyHairedStranger
      @BushyHairedStranger 6 місяців тому +2

      Promotion of currently CSA Scheduled Substances, whether or not they are considered safe or non-harmful, is a dying medium in advertising. Thats a good thing! Why? KIDS….Do you Remember Smoking Advertisements? Or Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull Beer Ad’s? Well there are several reasons we OUTLAWED & STOPPED smoking ad’s & alcohol ads on TV, Radio & most Billboards, it was harming our kids perception on what those substances really do, specifically smoking. So as much as I support & promote full decriminalization of ALL DRUGS! Yup Heroin & Meth, & Crack & PCP, to be re-legalized using sane regulation-taxation & distribution of drug taxes for drug re-education, free drug treatment and aftercare promotion(Housing, job training) I certainly would never support Advertising any drug especially Cannabis. Why? --Capitalism!! Companies like Coors & Budweiser would become monopolies of the CANNABIS MARKET(and they still might even now!) after all they are BILLION DOLLAR EMPIRES!
      So I don’t support advertising drugs & I dont want drug MONOPOLIES.
      As a country we need to role model appropriate drug use and show compassion, empathy & myriad options to getting help for issues around drug use. No one has to overdose, EVER!
      Drug Prohibition & its secondary effect or influence in the Pharmaceutical industry is wholly responsible for nearly all of the illicit drug & prescription drug overdose death epidemics.

    • @divingduck9
      @divingduck9 6 місяців тому

      @@BushyHairedStrangera dying medium?? 80%of cable tv & online radio ads ARE big-pharm! so far, the ENTIRE legal dispensary market is owned by monopolies. the state licenses r being traded like the stock certificates they essentially r. microgrowers co-ops r the way forward, but cartels of legislators, lobbyists & lawyers wont stand for it. so far... perhaps the big die off/turbo cancer epidemic that is just now ramping up will loosen some approaches to law & 100%NONTOXIC herb, but dont count on it. u most likely gon' die under prohibition. god forbid an old lady devotes a room in her house to anything other than decorative orchid flowers or spagetti seasoning. we live in an insane world: tobacco, alcohol, firearms, explosives & chemotherapy r the way to go, dontcha know?...

    • @tomhoebbel3269
      @tomhoebbel3269 6 місяців тому

      Aww, I missed that one!

    • @jamesdumouchel1286
      @jamesdumouchel1286 6 місяців тому

      @@BushyHairedStranger Now you're talking.

    • @BushyHairedStranger
      @BushyHairedStranger 6 місяців тому

      @@tomhoebbel3269 If we re-Legalize all drugs (all drugs were legal befor the 1914 Harrison narcotic act.) So one way to reduce kids use of drugs is a zero drug advertisement policy-rule. And by using the billions in tax revenue from re-legalizing drugs we can pay for drug treatment, housing & health care for every US Citizen. Drug Prohibition has been a massive trillion dolkar failure. Its time we try the exact opposite just as we did with alcohol in the 1930’s.

  • @gregjames9875
    @gregjames9875 5 місяців тому

    This woman should be charged with 10 counts of manslaughter.

  • @Meta_Myself
    @Meta_Myself 6 місяців тому +1

    Why decriminalization rather than regulated legality?

    • @BushyHairedStranger
      @BushyHairedStranger 6 місяців тому +2

      We needed to start somewhere, and establishing a campaign showing people that adult drug use itself is not criminal was critical. Drug Decriminalization helps change the severely broken War on Drugs narrative.
      Drug re-education, nation wide federal drug decriminalization & the repeal of the Harrison Act all fall within our strategy for re-legalizing ALL drugs in the USA. Prior to the racist Harrison narcotics act of 1914, all drugs were once legal and available to adults at your local DRUG STORE. Adults citizens of the USA should have the legal right to buy & use whatever drugs they chose within the privacy of their own homes or meeting places!!

    • @jamesdumouchel1286
      @jamesdumouchel1286 6 місяців тому

      True, but a regulated safe supply would do more to keep people from overdosing on street poison than mere decrim ever would.

  • @thomas01pd2016
    @thomas01pd2016 3 місяці тому

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions

  • @ralphhearnjr
    @ralphhearnjr 6 місяців тому +2

    I truly understand the effort to decriminalize all drugs, but to do so would be harmful to mankind . To single out cannabis from other harmful substances is necessary. Heroin is used in healTHCare for palliative care. Too much can be detrimental. Cocaine heroin and methenphetimene are toxic in nature. Bottom line they can kill. Cannabis can be used as a medicine as well as a therapeutic adjunct to maintain health. In essence I agree with the purpose but not all substances are created equal. Just my opinion. Thank you for the video

    • @BushyHairedStranger
      @BushyHairedStranger 6 місяців тому +1

      Too much water can be detrimental!
      Pure Heroin is perfectly safe when in purified form in appropriately measured dosages! We’ve known this for over a century. Same applies to cocaine & Amphetamines. Yes these all come from PLANTS. Meth=Ephedra
      Cocaine Hydrochloride=Coca Plant
      This idea that opting for Cannabis over all else is vapid and stupid. Choice to use what one wants is the point here. Adults in the USA should be afforded Life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness, for some that means getting high legally on Cocaine, or Heroin or Cannabis! not just Cannabis!
      Prescribed Meth is called Desoxyn-(Methamphetamine) is a prescribed medication for obesity & narcolepsy.
      Cocaine Hydrochloride: Cocaine is prescribed in dental and surgical anesthetic surgery & its used every day in the US.
      Diluadid-is prescription Heroin, it is used in palliative care & in instances where people who are terminally ill can end their life without suffering.
      All the above listed drugs were fully legal to the public at one time in the USA. You could buy them over the counter at your local drug stores. That ended in around 1910-1914 with the Harrison Act. Repeal the Harrison act & re-legalize all drugs.
      One trivializes drugs by putting one above another on a pedestal. What does that serve?-Stupidity. All Molecules, whether grown in the dirt or in a beaker they are Natural! To say any different is foolish and to push that narrative isn’t ignorant it’s willfully stupid. All things under our Sun are Natural…..

    • @divingduck9
      @divingduck9 6 місяців тому

      @@BushyHairedStrangeru dont need no appropriately measured dosage w/ weed, as it is 100%NONTOXIC. ppl die of alcohol poisoning & sun poisoning. there is no such thing as weed poisoning, as the dirty little secret is that rubbing it all over ur body, and ingesting it r actually GOOD FOR U! & its as ez to grow as tomatoes & peppers. peppers can kill (think of pepper spray). every state that legalizes weed gets hit w/huge bigpharm-agribiz lobbyist campaigns cuz use of good ol' safe homegrown herb GUTS drugstore profits, from hard liquor to prescription pills...

    • @ralphhearnjr
      @ralphhearnjr 6 місяців тому +2

      @@BushyHairedStranger And there it is. A more superior intellect. I didn't know that. You win. Keep THC in healTHCare

    • @BushyHairedStranger
      @BushyHairedStranger 6 місяців тому +3

      @@ralphhearnjr …having re-read what I wrote I feel I could’ve offered less acrimony and exclamation and more clarity and information based on scientific literature,..ie; I need to focus on sharing the proven facts & direct that knowledge appropriately to others less informed without coloring any of it negatively. I want others to understand that if we can grow up with parents using alcohol in moderation, even using tobacco in moderation than why would it be such a stretch to use the other drugs?…this question tips people immediately into moralization, demonization, scapegoating & stereotyping all the “drugs of abuse” well Alcohol is a drug of abuse too! Yet not everyone abuses it! Same with Heroin, Cocaine, etc…etc..the USA has bred three generations of drug hysteria & ignorance into itself. The result is mass incarcerations, trauma, homelessness, trauma, crime, trauma & addiction. The War on Drugs as a deterrent to drug use has failed on a massive scale! The War on Drugs has made a small group of millionaires into billionaires via Private prisons, Drug Testing(in the Olympics, zorofessional sports, college sports, employment companies, even our public schools!) and all the companies that supply tools like Guns, bullet proof Vests & Tasers to Law Enforcement! They are the ones who say the War on drugs must continue. The Profiteer’s of prohibition.

    • @BenSmith-jw8zy
      @BenSmith-jw8zy 6 місяців тому

      Then make cars illegal. Extreme sports are dangerous! Regulate them. Truth is u CANT regulate morality. And have freedom. Shove ur opinion u don't like em don't do em but don't be a dictator acting virtuous when ur ideas RUIN LIVES

  • @Meta_Myself
    @Meta_Myself 6 місяців тому +1

    She overlooks the factors driving recriminalization.
    We need to address why its legislators felt the need to recriminalize drugs.

    • @tomhoebbel3269
      @tomhoebbel3269 6 місяців тому +1

      I think she mentioned the disinformation campaign, but it is more nuanced than a short video could cover, but you make a good point

    • @BushyHairedStranger
      @BushyHairedStranger 6 місяців тому +3

      They never “felt” anything,…they were told what to do if they wanted to remain viable in Oregon State Government!

    • @BushyHairedStranger
      @BushyHairedStranger 6 місяців тому

      Re-criminalization allows the drug prohibitionists the opportunity to point out how measure 110 decrim, is a failure. A campaign of; “If it failed in Oregon it will fail nationwide!” then they ascribe all the laundry list crap applied to measure 110- Like its caused overdose death increases in Oregon (which isn’t true).
      Look at the economic paradigm the War on Drugs built!-The Law Enforcement industry, the drug Rehab-Treatment Industry, Private Prisons Industry, the billion dollar UA-Urine Analysis Drug Testing Empire Industry which operates in the Olympic Games! in ALL Professional Sports! WADA, in Collegiate Sports! & now even in public high schools! Oligarchs want “illegal drugs” to stay illegal so they can make money & keep it! The couldn’t give a shit who suffers.

    • @Meta_Myself
      @Meta_Myself 6 місяців тому

      That's representation-someone is asking to recriminalize drugs.

    • @BenSmith-jw8zy
      @BenSmith-jw8zy 6 місяців тому

      Easy one! For VOTES from non drug users!!! They believe the lies!!!!

  • @drcyd
    @drcyd 6 місяців тому

    I used to be in favor of decriminalization. But Measure 110 did not decrease addiction and homelessness. It appears to have increased addiction, homelessness, and death on the streets by a huge amount. She speaks of the "facts," but does not present any facts or studies. Measure 110 is a failed social experiment that hasn't connected people to the help they need, but radically increased their death rate.

    • @DrSpooglemon
      @DrSpooglemon Місяць тому

      It hasn't increased anything. That is pure propaganda.

  • @jessicahay9305
    @jessicahay9305 6 місяців тому +3

    Geez, Oregon is recriminalizing drugs. This is so sad. They decriminalized drugs, but didn't spend the money previously spent on incarceration on social support, housing, job training, drug treatment, mental Healthcare. They made a token policy on physical harm reduction with safer use supplies availability and did nothing else. I sincerely believe that what I initially thought was a drug policy victory was a somewhat intentional song and dance to "prove" decriminalization doesn't work. It wasn't supposed to be just decriminalization, it was supposed to be a policy overhaul to treat addiction the way all other lifestyle diseases are treated and get people the HELP they need. I'm so disgusted. From now on, anytime harm reduction and decriminalization are brought up our representatives will just point to Oregon and say "we tried that, it doesn't work" but did they try? Really? I don't think they did. Their change in policy should have been modeled after Portugal and Switzerland. We know what works and once again the US has failed to do it. The for profit prison industrial complex lobbiests are too deeply entrenched in our government. I'm so angry and hurt about this.

  • @petersilie2100
    @petersilie2100 6 місяців тому +5

    Drug prohibition is so wrong and harmful.

    • @BushyHairedStranger
      @BushyHairedStranger 6 місяців тому +2

      Re-legalize all drugs in the USA!

    • @jamesdumouchel1286
      @jamesdumouchel1286 6 місяців тому +2

      @@BushyHairedStranger There used to be a group called LEAP: Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. But they changed their name for some reason and seem to have faded from the scene. Do you know why? And thanks for all your efforts for actual LEGALIZATION!

    • @BushyHairedStranger
      @BushyHairedStranger 6 місяців тому

      @@jamesdumouchel1286 en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_Enforcement_Action_Partnership
      Law enforcement “Action Partnership” mehhh,…sounds like those who started it were pro-legalization until they lost the original founding members whose honorable primary beliefs were 100% about Ending all Drug prohibition and legalizing drugs.
      “Action partnership” sounds like selling out..

    • @jamesdumouchel1286
      @jamesdumouchel1286 2 місяці тому

      @Thegingerbreadm4n I don't know why they faded from the scene either. I was just hoping that someone out there might have an opinion on the matter.
      Societies, as a whole, who use vicious police tactics to control what free adult citizens choose to put in their own bodies, need to seek counseling in order to discover why they allow such atrocious laws to exist.
      It's only because of Drug Prohibition that people take drugs that aren't clearly marked for type, strength, purity, and quantity. We're conned into believing that the Drug War saves lives, but the opposite is true. There would be no violent drug cartels if there were no Drug War.