Peaceful Relaxing Instrumental Music, Meditation soft Music "Autumn Forest" by Tim Janis

  • Опубліковано 16 жов 2024
  • Peaceful Relaxing Instrumental Music, Meditation soft Music "Autumn Forest" by Tim Janis. "Autumn Forest is all music composed by Tim Janis." My instrumental music can help you find deep relaxation, relieve anxiety, and find peace. My music incorporates relaxing sounds of nature and features flute music, piano music, harp music, & violin music.
    Stream or download music my music: / tim-janis
    Keep up with what Tim is doing and follow him on:
    Follow on Instagram: @timjanisofficial
    Facebook: @officialtimjanis
    Join my monthly newsletter
    Music information:
    Composer: Tim Janis© Copyright
    From composer Tim Janis:
    My instrumental music can help you find deep relaxation, relieve anxiety, and find peace. My music incorporates relaxing sounds of nature and features flute music, piano music, harp music, & violin music.
    I am a composer from the coast of Maine and created this channel as a place to visit, relax and find peace. My music is often used for prayer, meditation, relaxation, and can be described as sleep music, calm music, yoga music, study music, peaceful music, spa music, beautiful music and relaxing music.
    I read all of my comments and I love hearing from you. Please join our community and stop by to say hello! If you enjoy my music, please subscribe to my channel and join the community.
    I am so happy to be with you here on my channel, please take a moment to say hello to me, and may angels be with you each moment.
    Blessings & peace,
    Tim Janis
    Upcoming events:
    Tim Janis Carnegie Hall December 5th 2019
    My new film Buttons, A Christmas Tale is out now:
    My new CD Celtic Heart is out now:


  • @lindacheragotti7730
    @lindacheragotti7730 2 роки тому +2


    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  2 роки тому

      Hello Linda :)
      Thank you so much :) I really appreciate you taking the time out to be here with us :) God bless you :)
      Tim & Reno :)

  • @stefansakac1359
    @stefansakac1359 5 років тому +4

    Ách Ách TIme období podzimu je tak PŘEKRASNÉ KOUZELNÉ RADOST POHLEDETET!!!Moc se mě podzim líbí,kdy sluníčko a listí hraje všemi barvami od červené fialové až po žlutou,listy jsou přikrytý ranní rosou a třpytí se jako drahokamy, když fouká vetrik a listí poletuje vzduchem,obloha je plná pestrobarevných draků, kteří se na náš krásný SVĚT dívají z velké výšky.Listi připomíná barevný koberec.Jakmile sluneční paprsky prozari, šedou oblohu tak je hned LIDEM VESELEJI a jsou ŠŤASTNÍ!!! Příroda nám dává mnoho úžasných DARŮ různé plody které dozrávají jako obilí kukuřice ořechy veškeré ovoce PŘÍRODA je OPRAVDU mocná čarodějka která dokáže vytvořit neuvěřitelné věci které potěší každého milovníka přírody.Buvoi se překrásně pásl na pastvině , muchomůrky se chlubyly s krásnýmy kloboučky a pavouckove utíkali překrásný ubrousky které se nádherně leskly za svitu sluníčka.Podzimni ŠTĚSTÍ je jako KRÁSNÝ PODZIMNÍ ČAS!!! ČLOVĚK se z něj těší Dvojnásobně!!!Meditujme často nenechejme se ovládnout starostmi SVĚTA.Chodme do přírody a uč mě se od ptáků, stromů keřů květin včel....Ti všichni zpívají písně slávy SVÉMU STVOŘITELI.UCINME to SAMÉ!!! OBLOHA je šedivá jak kožíšek myšky Veverky si na zimu schovávají šišky.Listi už je na zemi dělá cesty zlaté po nich Podzimní dny přichází!!! STROMY oblékly barevné kabátky CELICKY SVĚT je KOUZELNE BAREVNÝ!!! Vaše Video bylo FANTASTICKÉ a Hudba tak NĚŽNÁ LÍBEZNÁ MILÁ LÁSKYPLNÁ. Ať Vás ANDĚLÉ DOPROVÁZEJÍ na každičké VAŠÍ PŘEKRÁSNÉ BOŽÍ CESTĚ ÁMEN 💓💓💓. Požehnání a mír Štefan a vnouček Kubík i vnučka Amálka Moc se jim to libylo!!! Pozdravujte Rena Bellu Meiko i Elgara Požehnání Vám Všem ÁMEN Drazí přátelé z Japonska a Ameriky ☀🍁🍃🐝🍄🍂

    • @MIEKOSAKAIpeace
      @MIEKOSAKAIpeace 5 років тому +2

      Ahoj, můj drahý příteli Štefane, děkuji, že jsi Timovi neustále psal svou nebeskou zprávu. a omlouvám se, že jsem vás nedávno nedával pozdrav ... Doufám, že jste vy a vaše milovaná rodina v pořádku. Už je tady krásný podzim ... také na Timově videu. Mezi padlými listy jsem našel krásné žaludy, když jsem se v neděli brzy ráno procházel se svým Daisy (Dog). Tehdy jsem cítil podzim.
      Je to opravdu nádherné období, kdy svět severní polokoule zabalený do zlaté barvy. Je to velmi krásná sezóna. A spousta bohatého ovoce je darem od Boha ... a to je období, kdy jsou všechny plody zralé ♥ Mnoho chutných plodů. Kéž by srdce každého bylo hluboké a bohaté jako podzimní obloha. Modlím se, aby vaše rodina měla krásný týden zabalující podzimní vůni krásy. Nekonečný mír a požehnání. Mieko a Elgar milují Japonsko. Může přežít mír na Zemi.

    • @stefansakac1359
      @stefansakac1359 5 років тому +3

      Milá NAŠE přítelkyně MIEKO jsem z celého srdíčka rád,že jsi napsala mám Takovou RADOST ani nevíš jak!!! Ano máš pravdu podzim je PŘEKRASNÉ KOUZELNÉ období miluji PŘÍRODU překrásnými barvami a listí když jdeš tak překrásně šustí pod nohama.Letos úroda je báječná skvělá Dekujime MATCE ZEMI že nám umožnila Tolika dobrot vypěstovat.Jak se máte MIEKO?U Vás je vše v pořádku?Mi se máme dobře a Kubikovi se ve škole Moc Moc líbí . Amálka už chodí je s ní velká sranda i pěkně povídá u nás žaludy ještě nepadají ale chodíme na kaštany aby zvířátka měla co jíst!!! Už si nám VELICE CHYBĚLA milá laskavá láskyplná MIEKO ❤❤❤Modlime se každý den za Tvoje ŠTĚSTÍ RADOST ZDRAVÍ LÁSKU KLID a MÍR. Děkuji za krásná slova která připomínají že jste náš ANDÍLEK Strážný!!! PŘEJEME Vám krásný voňavý podzim. BŮH VÁM ŽEHNEJ ÁMEN!!! Ať Tě ANDĚLÉ obklopují každičký den přítelkyně Mieko. Požehnání a mír Štefan a vnouček Kubík i vnučka Amálka. Nekonečná vděčnost TOBĚ MIEKO,DAISY i ELGAROVI BUDEME se těšit na další Tvoje psaníčko!!! Zatím následnou přátelé z Japonska!!!❤🍁☀🍂💐🍃

    • @MIEKOSAKAIpeace
      @MIEKOSAKAIpeace 5 років тому +1

      @@stefansakac1359 Mockrát vám děkuji, můj drahý příteli Štefane. Jsem tak šťastný, že si přečtu vaši krásnou odpověď. Ano, krásná magická sezóna právě začíná, takže od nynějška máme spoustu radostného času! Dokážu si představit, že váš roztomilý Kubik má příliš mnoho síly a užívá si ve své škole :) :)
      Takže rozkošný ♥ a myslím, že Amalka bude tak šťastná, když uvidí králíka nebo veverky jíst chesnuts ^ - ^ Užijte si dlouhý den v podzimní sezóně pro čtení knih, krásnou hudbu, nádhernou malbu Umění, dobré filmy a lahodnou podzimní sklizeň ... zralé ovoce . .. brzy se uvidíme, milý příteli a tvé rodině. Nekonečný mír a požehnání Láska z Japonska Mieko a Elgar

    • @stefansakac1359
      @stefansakac1359 5 років тому +1

      Drahá milá láskyplná přítelkyně MIEKO Moc se omlouvám,že jsem napsal až nyní byli jsme u přátel pomáhat sklízet úrodu jablka hrušky švestky ostružiny i veškerou zeleninu letošní úroda je obrovská musíme Poděkovat z celého SRDÍČKA MATCE ZEMI a PŘÍRODĚ že nám umožnila vypěstovat tolika dobrot!!! Děkuji Ti za Tvá nádherná slova která vždy potěší pohladí si náš ANDÍLEK STRÁŽNÝ!!! Máš pravdu Bude dost času se věnovat čtení hlavně pohádek,kreslit mandely, tvořit zvířátka z kaštanů a žaludů a různých věcí vždyť podzim nám dává Tolika překrásných DARŮ které využijeme jako dekoraci DOMŮ!!!Miluji praskání ohně v krbu a popíjet lahodný teplý čaj.Neustale na TEBE MIEKO myslíme jsi náš člen naší rodiny.Kubik se snaží jde mu to dobře je na začátku uvidíme příkladem je mu Tím chce být také skladatel a hodně cestovat a posílat Videa LIDEM má zlaté srdíčko a dušičku jako Ty MIEKO.Ve VAŠÍ PŘEKRÁSNÉ ZEMI musí být také nádherně máte kouzelné stavby a hlavně zahrady a parky prostě PŘÍRODU kolem Vás je tak krásná čistá mám rád Japonsko i když jenom z obrázků nebo z filmů i hudbu máte LÍBEZNOU NĚŽNOU!!! Doufám, že se příští rok uvidíme věřím Tomu Velice MIEKO!!! BŮH ví proč nás spolu seznámil i s Timem!!! Přeji Ti krásné podzimní dny a Budu se těšit na další Vaše překrásné nádherné psaní. Ať Tě ANDĚLÉ obklopují každičký den ZASLOUŽÍŠ si to VELICE Drahá přítelkyně MIEKO z Japonska!!! 💓💓💓 Požehnání a mír Štefan a celá Moje Rodina Pozdravujeme TEBE MIEKO DAISY i EDGARA. BŮH VÁM ŽEHNEJ VŠEM lidickam z Japonska ÁMEN Drazí přátelé!!!☀🍁❤💐🕕🌙🍀🌛

  • @AloHaz_
    @AloHaz_ 3 роки тому +1

    Very soothing music

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  3 роки тому

      Thank you so much Alo!! So happy to offer you some peace in these chaotic times :)
      Blessings and peace!
      Tim & Reno
      PS- for anyone who doesn't know, make sure to check out my movie Buttons: A Christmas Tale on Amazon!!! And make sure to follow along here and on Facebook and Instagram for my adventure videos and photos and my upcoming folk music!!! Yippeee!!! Thank you all for your incredible support :) :)

  • @gurunathtambe5472
    @gurunathtambe5472 4 роки тому +1

    Kemcho what a nice song

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Thank you so much! Happy to have you here. Blessings and peace. Tim & Reno

  • @vickyskoczylas2150
    @vickyskoczylas2150 3 роки тому +1


    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  3 роки тому

      Thank you Vicky!! These beautiful colors in nature are so inspiring :) I'm so happy to have you here!
      Blessings and peace!
      Tim & Reno

  • @ewaiva4144
    @ewaiva4144 5 років тому +3

    Drogi Tim , zaczyna się jesień i chłód , za oknem już kraczą wrony ;) :) W środę chcemy znów pojechać do lasu na grzyby :) już się cieszę ;):) Natura jest niesamowita :) W rodzinie w sobotę , oszczeniła się Nela i są małe psy - " Maltichon " , będę mogła je zobaczyć :) To będą małe białe kulki :) miały być 4 , a jest 8 , taki żart natury ;) :) Dziękuję za modlitwy :) Błogosławieństwa i pokój Dla Was :) Ewa

  • @jsprunger6246
    @jsprunger6246 2 роки тому +1

    Nice Job Tim

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you so much! I wish for peace in your day :)
      Blessings to you!
      TIm & Reno

  • @angelodivino7118
    @angelodivino7118 4 роки тому

    Amo questa musica è celestiale!!!Bravissimi...dentro questa musica trovo la pace della mia anima🦔⚘🦋🍁🐿🦘 e incantevole...Vorrei che il male nn esistesse vorrei che nel mondo ci fosse solamente la pace grazie di tutto davvero grazie al gruppo Tim Janis x i vostri capolavori!!!

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Ciao, sì, preghiamo tutti per la pace :) Buon Natale :) Sono così felice che tu sia qui;) possano gli angeli di pace e la speranza siano con te in ogni momento;) felice giorno a tutti :) Ho appena pubblicato una nuova foto su la nostra pagina della community.
      Reno si sta preparando a guardare il mio film "Buttons a Christmas Tale" Spero che tu possa vederlo con noi. Ho messo un link lì. Pubblicherò un nuovo video stasera alle 22:00 MST - per favore, vieni a salutare :) Benedizioni e pace,
      Tim & Reno
      Post scriptum Che Dio ti benedica e buon Natale :)
      P.S.S. Hai già visto il mio film Buttons a Christmas Tale? Ho inserito dei link nei miei video. Se lo hai fatto, per favore, scrivi un bel commento per il mio film Buttons a Christmas Tale su Amazon e IMBD, mi piacerebbe solo amore amore amore Grazie Grazie:

  • @denisebrown4165
    @denisebrown4165 4 роки тому +1

    I've already commented once, but I will again. I've been listening to this for days. A year ago this month, I lost a young brother to cancer. In April, I had the pleasure of dancing with him at his daughter's wedding. As I listen to this, it's as if I can see him dancing in Heaven with the angels. I can't stop crying, but they are good tears. This is straight from Philippians 4 - whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise...the God of peace will be with you. Surely, this fits criteria. Again, thank you. You must have a wonderful soul.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Hi Denise, Oh we pray for you, and your brother, may angels of hope and peace be all around you both giving you comfort and light :)
      Thank you :) :) :) I am so happy you are here :) :) Wishing you safety and that angels watch over you :) every moment :) I love getting your messages :) Tonight at 10pm MST our video is our super sleep video with a brand new piano song I wrote. I hope you can some take a listen :) Please stay safe and may angels watch over you :) Blessings and peace Tim & Reno and Bella :)
      P.S. Please watch my new movie “Buttons a Christmas Tale” on Amazon and iTunes :) I would love that, And write a review on Amazon and

  • @elisabethkratz2537
    @elisabethkratz2537 5 років тому +3

    Hallo Tim, Reno und Bella, ich freue mich auf das Neue Video und ja es wird Herbst und in den Wäldern wachsen die Pilze ....Ein Eichhörnchen ist in meinem Garten fleißig Nüsse sammeln, auch eine Igelfamilie wohnt hier und liebt die heruntergefallenen Birnen.
    Segen und Frieden, eine erholsame Nacht, eine wundervolle Woche wünscht Elisabeth

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Liebe Elizabeth, ja wir sehen die Chipmonks alle Nüsse sammeln und Bella will sie jagen;) eeeeks :) Es ist ein bisschen wie im Herbst, aber auch wie im Sommer gibt es immer noch viele Tomaten im Garten :) Yippee :) I bete, deine Woche ist unglaublich;) Dass Engel jeden Moment bei dir sind, Danke, dass du Reno, Bella und mir heute Abend Hallo gesagt hast :) :) Ich bete, dass dieses Video dir Frieden und Glück gibt;) Ich bin so froh, dass du hier bist, Ich wünsche Ihnen Frieden und Segen, ein schönes Wochenende :)
      Tim & Reno P.S. Bitte kommen Sie am 5. Dezember zu mir in die Carnegie Hall :)

  • @spideymann2258
    @spideymann2258 5 років тому +1


    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hi , Thank you :) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, Thank you for saying hello to Reno, Bella and I tonight :) :) I pray this video gives you peace and happiness ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great weekend :)
      Tim & Reno P.S. Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)

    • @spideymann2258
      @spideymann2258 5 років тому

      @@timjanis My prayers and well wishes are with you also Sir and your family. Thank you for your beautiful music. You unite us with God's marvellous creation and bring us closer to Him.God bless.

  • @iwonakolos315
    @iwonakolos315 5 років тому +2

    Witam Tim cudowne barwy natury widać nadchodzaco jesień u nas coraz bardziej widać nadchodzaco jesień temperatury w okolicy 12 stopni zimno i wiatr miłego dnia i całego tygodnia życzę ci Iwona przytul Reno i Belle ☔

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Droga Iwono, tak, czasami jest lato, a czasem jesień;) Modlę się, aby twój tydzień był niesamowity;) Że anioły są z tobą w każdej chwili, Dziękuję za przywitanie się z Reno, Bellą i ze mną dziś wieczorem :) :) Modlę się o to wideo daje ci spokój i szczęście;) Cieszę się, że tu jesteś, życzę ci spokoju i błogosławieństw, życzę udanego weekendu :)
      Tim & Reno P.S. Proszę, odwiedź mnie w Carnegie Hall 5 grudnia :)

  • @richardmonkos9789
    @richardmonkos9789 5 років тому +1

    Schön... Danke Tim Janis

  • @barbarastanik4991
    @barbarastanik4991 5 років тому +4

    Super video,piękna jesień , czarowna,dzięki

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you Barbara :) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, Thank you for saying hello to Reno, Bella and I tonight :) :) I pray this video gives you peace and happiness ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great weekend :)
      Tim & Reno P.S. Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)

  • @betsabecovarubia5832
    @betsabecovarubia5832 5 років тому +2


  • @henryflores9038
    @henryflores9038 4 роки тому

    Butiful relaxin meditation mind body spirit thanks be to God

  • @eileenbarker6695
    @eileenbarker6695 5 років тому +8

    Hi Tim & Cuties 🙏🤗 Oh my Autumn Forest 🌳. I’m am so blessed to see the lovely streams
    the gold & oh bless a chipmunk scampering to gather his winter food 🥘
    My oh my what perfection to your music the blessings of all soothing &=relaxation 🙌🦋
    Love 💗 to all my friends & prayers ✝️🕊🙅‍♀️🙏
    Gratitude 🙏 for God Sure bless ✝️us each day
    Love 💗 hugs 🤗 wave Reno & Bella 👋
    Oh ye we have *Once in Time *. That was amazing 😉.
    Chances in a lifetime 🌞🦄. I believe Kat put a photo of my Iris’s on your messages for me 🙏🙅‍♀️
    I had a wonderful weekend with your Music 🎧. Also cooking & chatting to Kat & others on messenger 😀
    Also have a blessed Gratitude day today with much to be grateful for 🙏🙌✝️🙅‍♀️
    May you dear friend Tim be surrounded by Angels 👼 this night & always with
    sweet dreams till you wake to morning sunshine 🌞 🕊🌈🦉🦄🦄🙅‍♀️💜💚💖

    • @kats7949
      @kats7949 5 років тому +2

      Eileeeeeeeen. hi there yipeeeee. its Tim time!!!!! enjoy. Kat

    • @eileenbarker6695
      @eileenbarker6695 5 років тому +2

      Kathryn Smith yippee sweetheart 🙌🙏✝️🌞🙌💗💗

    • @kats7949
      @kats7949 5 років тому +1

      yes Eileen I sent Tim a picture. its where I send all my pictures to him. I hope he see it. Kat

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Hi Eileen, oh I am so happy you could speak with everyone, I recieved another gift from you today, from Trinadad I think :) WOW
      it was so amazing ;) Thank you, Reno and Bella danced around for hours ;)
      I am so happy :) Thank you :) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, Thank you for saying hello to Reno, Bella and I tonight :) :) I pray this video gives you peace and happiness ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great weekend :)
      Tim & Reno P.S. Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)

    • @eileenbarker6695
      @eileenbarker6695 5 років тому

      Tim Janis 🙏dear Tim no I didn’t send one from Trinidad sorry 😐
      I hope that whoever sent it is having a great day 🌞. Gratitude to them dear friend Tim 🙌🦋💚
      Yippee. Love 💖 the beautiful vid my friend 🙏🙅‍♀️ God bless ✝️🙏🕊 Reno & Bella hugs 🤗👋🦘🌈🙏🤗💗

  • @ЕленаШулакова-л4н
    @ЕленаШулакова-л4н 4 роки тому +1

    Тим, благодарю за волшебные краски осени и чудесную музыку, очень милые белочка и лисичка, невероятно красиво, хочется смотреть снова и снова

  • @ingridakkermans9074
    @ingridakkermans9074 5 років тому +2

    Dear tim reno bella lovely vidio nature muzika god angels ples jou always good day thanks jou ingrid akkermans

  • @mirjanastepic5255
    @mirjanastepic5255 5 років тому +2

    DOBRO JUTRO svima. DOBRO JUTRO Time lep video zapis koji nam daje znake da nam jesen ubrzo stiže i pokazuje svoju lepotu.Muzika je divna.✋🎹🎶🎼🍁🍂⛅☔🍃🎹🎶🎼🎹✋

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Draga MIRJANA STEPIĆ, Dobro jutro;) Svima, hvala :) MIRJANA :) Molim vas da vaš tjedan bude nevjerojatan;) Da su anđeli svaki trenutak s vama, hvala što ste se pozdravili sa Renom, Bellom i ja večeras :): ) Molim ovaj video vam daje mir i sreću;) Tako sam sretan što ste ovdje, želim vam mir i blagoslove, Dobar vikend :)
      Tim & Reno P.S. Dođite, posjetite me u Carnegie Hall 5. prosinca :)

    • @mirjanastepic5255
      @mirjanastepic5255 5 років тому

      @@timjanis Hvala na lepim rečima i hvala na lepim željama.💝💠🌺🌻💟💠🌺🌻💝

  • @johnwestfall4437
    @johnwestfall4437 5 років тому

    flood the air with music around the world my friend

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you again John ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno Please
      come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks. Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

  • @brigitterenou4897
    @brigitterenou4897 5 років тому +4

    Magnifique, tous ces arbres qui s'entrelacent avec ces couleurs d'automne. Musique relaxante au petit déjeuner. Merci.

    • @MIEKOSAKAIpeace
      @MIEKOSAKAIpeace 5 років тому +2

      J'ai imaginé ton élégant petit-déjeuner ♥ La musique de Tim enrichit toute l'atmosphère. Est-ce que ça sent l'automne?
      Je vous souhaite une belle semaine parfumante automne ...... Peut vous atteindre. Paix et bénédictions Mieko & Elgar Love forment le Japon

  • @ingridakkermans9074
    @ingridakkermans9074 4 роки тому

    Dear tim reno bella nature vidio bravo muzika so good love it good day thanks jou ingrid akkermans

  • @susannesamuelsson2930
    @susannesamuelsson2930 5 років тому +8

    🍂🍁Good morning dear Tim and all visiting Tim's YT site! 🍁🍂Happy new week too in the shifting colors of early Autumn when all the animals like the squirrel in the video is busy making up his store of nuts for the Winter. Here in Sweden at the westcoast a storm, the first strong Autumn storm hit us yesterday night/ morning and are still going on outside with hard winds. I heard in the early morning news that in my province there has fallen some trees over roads too. Today's temperature will be from 13 now in the morning to 15 degrees later during the day so it's a little bit chillier now and in the middle of the week even a little colder with some morning temperatures around 10 degrees or even some degrees lower. The week will be windy too but the storm will subside later this comming night or tomorrow Tuesday. I'm waiting for dawn her who comes at 06.41 today. I'm sitting by me kitchen table as usual this time in the morning and this morning the crows have difficult to fly so they stay in the trees in the park of Karlslund were the seek protection from the wind and sleeps during the nights too. The sound of the wind howls outside and I'm so grateful to have a home and be able to enjoy this morning surrounded by warmth as well as love from my husband and our cats! Today's breakfast was two knäckebröd ( crispy dry wholegrain bread) one with cheese and the other with marmalade a boiled egg some juice and a cappuccino. Very nice I think! Time to start my day here soon in the "City Of The Westwind" as Landskrona also often are called. Have a wonderful rest/ day Tim and all! Thank you dear Tim for the amazing music video of today and it's so relaxing and soothing. Lots of love ❤to you and your family and maybe you all are on the farm in Maine now?! Lots if love ❤ too all and I wish I could give you all a warm hug! Take care, Susanne. Ps. Dawn here soon and the clock is 06.32.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +2

      Hi susanne, how what a wonderful breakfast, so wonderful to hear about your day :) I hope to go to Maine ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, Thank you for saying hello to Reno, Bella and I tonight :) :) I pray this video gives you peace and happiness ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great weekend :)
      Tim & Reno P.S. Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)

    • @susannesamuelsson2930
      @susannesamuelsson2930 5 років тому +1

      @@timjanis 🍂🌻 Thank you dear Tim and I wish you and your family the same! 🌻🍂 Storming on here in Landskrona with strong windgusts but we can see the sun too now so I hope the wind eventually will subside to something less windy than this soon. Have a wonderful trip to Maine 🌊 if or when you go, hugs ❤🥰🤗 Susanne .

    • @linnward5595
      @linnward5595 5 років тому +1

      Susanne, How wonderful to read your comment and to know the seasons are changing all over the world and wilt just a click of a button we have beautiful music from Tim and news from around the world. I pray you stay safe during the storm and I only wish I was sitting with you at your kitchen table. My how we could share stories and listen to the weather outside while we enjoyed the warmth of a new friendship and restful sweet music from Tim.I am in Texas and the weather has not chosen to bless us with any Autumn color or temperatures yet but I am from Missouri and remember crisp mornings, and leaves turning colors in the Fall.Have a beautiful day today It is Sunday Morning here and I had to go to work, my job allows me to listen to Tim so I am happy and my work day is very restful.Thanks for letting me share my comment here this morning.

    • @susannesamuelsson2930
      @susannesamuelsson2930 5 років тому

      @@linnward5595 🍂🌻Hello Dear Linn it's Sunday evening here in Sweden and thank you so very much for your lovely kind message, so appreciated! 🌻🍂I really love my mornings by the kitchen table with Tim's music. Those warm heartfelt moments that warms our souls for the rest of the day. We have gotten what we in Sweden call Indian Summer ( last warm days) and today after a foggy morning and I really mean foggy we had had a warm sunny day. My two cats are still basking in the last sunrays on the balcony. Sun down comes in at 19.10 in about less than 10 minutes away. So you live in Texas and I bet it's quite diffrent from Missouri. I live quite near the ocean here in the south west part of Sweden in a town called Landskrona. It's very nice to hear from you and it's amazing to be able to stay close when we are so far away all from each other all over the world! Take care dear Linn and have a wonderful rest of the day and start in the new week! Hugs 🥰❤🤗, Susanne.

    • @linnward5595
      @linnward5595 5 років тому +1

      Yes Missouri is way different than Texas. I really find a lot to like in both States but I was born in Missouri so I guess my heart will always be there for sure. I have been listening to Tim's music most of my day here at work It so relaxes me. Have to watch that a little here at work since my boss would not care to much for me dozing off! I hope weather starts to cool off here soon I really love the change in seasons. I guess that drew me to Tim's videos since they really follow the time of year we are in at the time.Have a wonderful week. Stay well. Linn

  • @pasqueocwe7653
    @pasqueocwe7653 4 роки тому

    Soft music. Beautiful

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Thank you Pasque :) Blessings to you, Tim & Reno

  • @faridehbehain8125
    @faridehbehain8125 5 років тому +2

    So wonderful video from colourful autumn leaves 🍁 and peaceful romantic love songs and music 🎶 thank you for sharing ♥️♥️♥️♥️

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you Farideh :) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, Thank you for saying hello to Reno, Bella and I tonight :) :) I pray this video gives you peace and happiness ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great weekend :)
      Tim & Reno P.S. Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)

  • @divineangelvoice6846
    @divineangelvoice6846 5 років тому +2

    Thank you God for your divine creation...….. and thank you Tim Janis and the photographer for sharing all that with us.

  • @zofiazajac6499
    @zofiazajac6499 5 років тому +2

    Po dłuższym czasie znowu jestem tutaj aby słuchać Twej pięknej muzyki.
    Przy niej uspokajam się wewnętrznie, już na resztę dnia. Jesień jest tutaj głównym motywem , a ja kocham jesień bo ma tyle cudownych kolorów , ale najważniejszy jest tutaj podkład muzyczny , pod wszystkie obrazy przesuwające się . Słuchając i oglądając film , czuję się zrelaksowana , bo to dobrze wpływa na dobry nastrój a to jest bardzo potrzebne dla człowieka w dzisiejszych czasach.
    Dziękuję bardzo za piękny film, myślę że będę jeszcze nie raz słuchać i oglądac , wciąż nowych stworzonych przez Ciebie pomysłów.
    Pozdrawiam serdecznie,
    życzę wszystkiego dobrego.

  • @williamripley3192
    @williamripley3192 4 роки тому +3

    This music is full of emotions of love!Love of God ,love of family,love of friends,love of enemy,love nature,love of animals, love of work,love of music and most importantly love of self!

  • @НаталіяНаталія-л2о
    @НаталіяНаталія-л2о 5 років тому +2

    Какая красивая природа и музыка

  • @missy183
    @missy183 2 роки тому +4

    I love the amazing fall colors. These forest scenes are spectacular. The red squirrel is so cute. 😋🐿🥰

  • @ewaiva4144
    @ewaiva4144 5 років тому +2

    Drogi Tim , " Autumn Forest " , taki kolorowy las , wspaniale :) W sobotę byłam w lesie , jest jeszcze zielony :) Wszędzie rosły grzyby , rozmaite ;) znalazłam nawet prawdziwka -grzyba :) zrobiłam kilka zdjęć :) Cudownego czasu dla Was :) Ewa

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Cześć Ewa, och, grzyby są takie cudowne, tak, jesień jest tu tylko trochę, ale chłodniejsze noce :) Błogosławieństwa :) Tim & Reno

  • @tatianakrivokapic2892
    @tatianakrivokapic2892 5 років тому +1

    Arte e delicatezza....💫✨💫

  • @jtracy4785
    @jtracy4785 5 років тому +2

    Thank you so much .

    • @MIEKOSAKAIpeace
      @MIEKOSAKAIpeace 5 років тому +1

      Hi, dear J Tracy, Nice to see you! Wish you have a beautiful day❀ Mieko & Elgar from Japan May Peace Prevail on Earth*

  • @naghmehpr
    @naghmehpr 4 роки тому

    Such a blissful music and picture. God bless you ♥️♥️♥️♥️

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Thank you Nagheh, Thank you for this beautiful message, So happy you are here :) we are praying angels are all around you . :) Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno :)
      P.S. Please check out my new movie “Buttons a Christmas Tale” on iTunes and Amazon if you can watch it and write a nice comment on Amazon and IMDB I would be so happy ;) The movie stars Dick Van Dyke and Angela Lansbury :)

    • @naghmehpr
      @naghmehpr 4 роки тому

      @@timjanis ♥️♥️♥️♥️ I will see it absolutely.

  • @thetanishvishwakarma3899
    @thetanishvishwakarma3899 4 роки тому

    Тим,тыквы в корзине в заставке ролика пригодились бы белочкам от Пола! Лес родник очень интересно смотреть! А! Вот и белочка!!! Обожаю белок, птичек,цветы...плейлисты переполнены! Пока нет ограничений в смартфоне на ролики.спасибо!!!

  • @melissazwieg2988
    @melissazwieg2988 5 років тому +11

    The enchanting world of the rainbow kissed leaves🍁🌿🍂🍃🐿 Thank you🍂Tim Janis/Reno/Bella 💙

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Thank you Melissa, Yippee, How was your weekend? I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, Thank you for saying hello to Reno, Bella and I tonight :) :) I pray this video gives you peace and happiness ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great weekend :)
      Tim & Reno P.S. Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)

  • @gladysquinones2071
    @gladysquinones2071 4 роки тому

    So wonderfull video and music. God takecare and protect you and you. Thank you Angel

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Thank you so much, Gladys!! We are just one week away from the release of my new Christmas CD “All is Bright”!!! We are so excited :) :). We would love to hear from you- what are your favorite holiday songs???? Maybe they will be on the CD!! Blessings and peace. Tim & Reno

  • @marthafigueroa4686
    @marthafigueroa4686 5 років тому +3

    Beautiful music and beautiful place.

  • @khenaadomckalin3085
    @khenaadomckalin3085 4 роки тому +8

    I am deeply in love with nature

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +4

      A wonderful choice!
      Blessings and all peace be with you, Tim & Reno :) :)

  • @ingridakkermans9074
    @ingridakkermans9074 5 років тому +1

    Dear tim reno bella betifol lovely vidio bravo always very good good day tim reno for jou thanks jou ingrid akkermans

  • @valbonadervishi1251
    @valbonadervishi1251 2 роки тому +2

    Simply healing and amazing!

  • @boosgaming5408
    @boosgaming5408 5 років тому +1

    Waw so beautiful country

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Thank you Sfda ;)
      I am back across the Mountains today, I just posted a photo, I will be making a video of my trip coming soon ;) Get ready for a new video tonight at our regular time, 10mst, In just about 2 house :) Reno and Bella just finished it ;) Yippee
      Amazing ;) May God bless you :)
      Blessings and Peace,
      Tim & Reno and Bella ;)
      I am posting photo’s on our community page, ;)

    • @boosgaming5408
      @boosgaming5408 5 років тому

      Tim Janis and thanks

    • @boosgaming5408
      @boosgaming5408 5 років тому

      Tim Janis your country me pakistan I m impressed

  • @theresadupuis8475
    @theresadupuis8475 5 років тому +2


  • @nabaneetasinha3806
    @nabaneetasinha3806 4 роки тому

    I love this music

  • @carolahoffmann459
    @carolahoffmann459 5 років тому +1

    "Autum Forrest " , danke Tim , Reno und Bella. 🍂🍁🍁🍁🍂🍂🍁🍁🍂 Dein Video macht Lust auf einen Spaziergang im farbenfrohen Wald . Wunderschoen . Ich wuensche Euch eine schoene Woche. Herzliche gruesse Carola

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Liebe Carola, oh ich bin so glücklich :) Wie war dein Tag? Ich bete, du hast eine tolle Woche;) Ich bete, dass überall Engel um dich herum sind, die dir Trost und Frieden bringen. :) :)
      Mein nächstes Video wird in wenigen Augenblicken hier sein, Yippee. Ich werde bald nach Maine gehen :)
      Ich werde hier sein, um Hallo zu sagen, also komm und schreibe eine Nachricht :)
      Segen und Frieden,
      Tim & Reno & Bella
      P.S. Ich werde am 5. Dezember 2019 in der Carnegie Hall sein

  • @markmahabir2188
    @markmahabir2188 5 років тому +2

    Hi Tim,Reno and Bella, No one can ever describe nature's wonder and all her beauty like you ,in all her glory, and with the most beautiful music ever.Thank you all for making my day, Angels with you always.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you Mark, May God bless you ;) I pray your weekend is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back this coming Sunday night with a new video and new photos at 10pm MST, please come to say hello to Reno and I ;) I will have my video soon of my hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen Colorado, across the Rocky Mountains I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great weekend :)
      Tim & Reno
      P.S. I am Carnegie Hall on December 5th :

  • @mariaferreirafulgencio1841
    @mariaferreirafulgencio1841 3 роки тому +1

    Que o amor dê jesus esteja sempre no nosso coração que ele cuide dê nós e não deixe nem um sentimento que não seja bom venha tirar nossa paz que o amor dê jesus faça nós pensar nos nossos comportamentos e nos nossos sentimentos porque não podemos ficar guardando coisas que nos faz sofrer o amor dê jesus ele é maior e ter esse amor com nós é o que nos garante um final cheio dê muitas alegrias

  • @ПътятнаДУШАТА
    @ПътятнаДУШАТА 5 років тому +3

    🍁Tim&Reno&Bella 🌻
    Щастлива и вълшебна есен🍃🍁🎶🌸💃
    Thanks for your💙💚💛

  • @ianmacwatt2130
    @ianmacwatt2130 5 років тому +3

    Your marriage of strings and flute to such melodic pastoral scenes bring me to peace at the end of each day after the stress of work. Thank you.

  • @manus.2906
    @manus.2906 5 років тому +2

    Tim Janis. I need your videos. Every saturday i see your beautiful pictures and hear your great music. I love this. Thanks for all. And have a good time.

  • @michaelvainer3350
    @michaelvainer3350 5 років тому

    I am in heaven !

  • @brigidaustari8578
    @brigidaustari8578 4 роки тому +11

    "But most of all, I love you because YOU ARE YOU" the song of Jim Reeves which i want to dedicate to the composer of this beautiful song...

  • @pasqueocwe7653
    @pasqueocwe7653 5 років тому

    God blessings. Stay Well

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you Pasque ;) So sorry I have been away. I just posted a new photo and message
      on our community Page, Hallmark Actor Paul Greene and I were at
      St Jude Children’s Research Hospital today in Memphis, TN, please go see my message,
      I will be back with my last video of the week at 10pm MST, I don’t think I will be here as my plane takes
      off for the mountains around 10pm :)
      But I will catch up with you all :)
      May Angels be with you each moment,
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno

  • @hungkiet7535
    @hungkiet7535 5 років тому +9

    So nice,I love autum🍁🍂🍁🍂☕️☕️

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Hi Hung Kiet, me too :) Yippee ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, Thank you for saying hello to Reno, Bella and I tonight :) :) I pray this video gives you peace and happiness ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great weekend :)
      Tim & Reno P.S. Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)

  • @psw4763
    @psw4763 5 років тому +18

    Fall/Autumn my favorite season. Very beautifully filmed. Thank you

  • @judyo.3032
    @judyo.3032 5 років тому +4

    Hi 🙋🏻‍♀️ Tim to you & family. 😃 Autumn Forest: 🍂🍁 a very lovely & timely video. Adore the squirrel with pointed ears 😁. The brilliant fall colors are a reminder to me of autumn’s soon coming to my state. Your beautiful nature & music always compliment one another so well! Thank 🙏🏼🤝 you much! 👍🐿🍁🌺🍀🌺

  • @marianquinlan8707
    @marianquinlan8707 2 роки тому +3

    Listen everyday to your 🎶 Mr Tim, it is truly the “Music of Heaven” to me
    Thank you & God bless you & fam!🙏🏻👍🕊

    • @voncilemason1948
      @voncilemason1948 2 роки тому

      Thank you Lord for sharing Tim Janis with me and the people of God he is so true I thank you for who he is and I always will everything that he is you are calling out to me and I am here for you waiting with open arms to you Lord Jesus Christ I have been faithful and I am going doing well and enjoying the moment yes I might not be everything that people have planned for me but God is the one who I obey don't put your trust in men but put it in my Lord Jesus Christ Amen be content with me and my life in Jesus cause he cares about me so much he is not going to do anything not to me he is not interested in any way but the heavenly father way and in that I'm glad cause I know I'm from the Lord so don't put anything else off trust me and the things of God that are true and it will never end cause I am honest with you guys today I'm glad cause I am free from sin and I am so interested in the name of Jesus Christ he is my strong hold no weapons formed against me will prosper them not at all I'm here waiting for you have been waiting faithfully years on end if I know someone is good for me I hold on to it and I don't let go of God in Jesus is for us who can be against me no one so I am sorry for your selfish Way this I love you Tim cause I know you through your mind eyes 👀 and your will Lord Jesus Christ I cast this one to you with love and respect and prayers for you have been faithful to you Lord Jesus Christ always the devil is trying to be here with me now since he knows the truth about me but he is to late and Tim and I plead the blood over all this world 🌎 and the things of the devil that has formed himself against me he cannot stop what God is doing we have and we will cause God is the fixer of good people who love him Jesus Christ is the best thing to ever happen to me and the children and grandchildren he put them together so we will always be in Jesus Christ his name will remain in my house and home Jesus is here right now and always fixing things cause I except you for you Lord Jesus Christ Amen.

  • @veroniquegardien9760
    @veroniquegardien9760 5 років тому +3

    Une belle reussite comme d habitude Vous nous enchantez par vos musiques et videos. Mignon petit ecureuil . J adore Tim vous etes le meilleur a nous faire rever.

  • @maribelduran1615
    @maribelduran1615 5 років тому +4

    Hello Tim,
    What a wonderful video as usual. The colours of Autumn ar magnificent, Nature is magnificent. I would like to go to those places.
    Have a wonderful week. Big Hugs to Reno and Bella.

  • @akg2500
    @akg2500 4 роки тому

    Very enchanting......

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Thank you Arun ;) I am so happy you are here ;) may angels of peace and hope be with you each moment ;)
      I will be back in just a few hours at 10pm MST with my new video, Reno and I will both be here,
      please come say hello to us. Tonight is a special video to celebrate the release of my new movie
      Buttons ;)
      Also please go to our community page to see new photos ;)
      Thank you
      May God bless you,
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno

  • @lindaodonnell1754
    @lindaodonnell1754 3 роки тому +2

    Tim. Autumn Forest was absolutely extraordinary! I love that you have added titles (Muir Woods, Isles of Shoals, Montauk, etc. I will look these places up and put together Power Point presentations for my dementia folks to enjoy! We regularly enjoy your music with the fabulous scenery. Thank you always! Linda

  • @candice7594
    @candice7594 5 років тому +2

    Love the colors of Fall, so beautiful.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hi Candice, Autumn is so beautiful :) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, Thank you for saying hello to Reno, Bella and I tonight :) :) I pray this video gives you peace and happiness ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great weekend :)
      Tim & Reno P.S. Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)

  • @Sunny-iq6hm
    @Sunny-iq6hm 5 років тому +11

    Very beautiful! Watching it on the TV, really lovely 😊. Just added it to my"fall" playlist. Music is lovely, close-ups are very nice. Hello to all the wonderful people who visit here! May your week be filled with beauty and love 😊

    • @kats7949
      @kats7949 5 років тому +3

      Hello Mary, have a blessed week!!!!, I love watching Tims videos on my tv too. they are amazing on the big screen, yippeeeeeee Kat

    • @Sunny-iq6hm
      @Sunny-iq6hm 5 років тому +3

      Nice to hear from you, Kathryn! You have a blessed week too😊

  • @lunasky1819
    @lunasky1819 5 років тому +6

    As beautiful as the autumn leaves themselves♣️❤

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Thank you Luna Sky ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, Thank you for saying hello to Reno, Bella and I tonight :) :) I pray this video gives you peace and happiness ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great weekend :)
      Tim & Reno P.S. Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)

    • @lunasky1819
      @lunasky1819 5 років тому

      @@timjanis there is nothing I would love more than to hear you play in December,but alas I as im living in eire I wont be able to come .i have never been to America, but i will in a while .thank you for taking the time to reply. Best of luck to you anyway with your concert in December ❤♣️

  • @silvikoitla7550
    @silvikoitla7550 5 років тому +3

    I love autumn ! Video....vowwww ! beautiful....beautiful ! Tim...Reno..Bella thank you !

    • @effiedesouza3409
      @effiedesouza3409 4 роки тому

      This is what Love about it. In God's creation. Peace to you all.

  • @pasqueocwe7653
    @pasqueocwe7653 5 років тому

    Auguri di cuore a tutti voii. Buon lavoro

  • @sissyrainer1916
    @sissyrainer1916 4 роки тому

    Kann nur eins sagen großartig Wunderbare Melodien 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻🎶❤️🎶❤️🎶❤️🎶❤️Kann all deine Videos nur weiter empfehlen. Mir persönlich gefallen alle sehr gut. Gglg Sissy und bitte mach weiter so - Danke 🍀❤️😘

  • @eugeniaherkamto6342
    @eugeniaherkamto6342 5 років тому +1

    I always dreaming someday......somehow......I want to see the beautiful nature of autumn with the changing leaf which I've never seen it in my life......for that I have to fly so far away........

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hi Eugenia, Thank you :) May God bless you ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, Thank you for saying hello to Reno, Bella and I tonight :) :) I pray this video gives you peace and happiness ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great weekend :)
      Tim & Reno P.S. Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)

    • @eugeniaherkamto6342
      @eugeniaherkamto6342 5 років тому

      @@timjanis I wish I could come and see your concert but I live in HAWAII. when are you going to have concert in HAWAII? Please let me know.......
      My best regards and blessing to you, Reno and Bella.....
      Do you have 2 cats now?

  • @isabelsarasilvamoreno2494
    @isabelsarasilvamoreno2494 5 років тому +3

    Que maravilla . de Melodías bellas bellas Bendición Tim Janis..

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you Isabel :) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back in a few hours with a beautiful Autumn video :) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great weekend :)
      Tim & Reno
      Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)

    • @bigjazo
      @bigjazo 5 років тому

      Tim Janis 1Q@qm,ccce * ;

    • @isabelsarasilvamoreno2494
      @isabelsarasilvamoreno2494 5 років тому

      @@timjanis que bello tu corazón Dios te me bendiga siempre y te de larga vida. bendición para ti..

  • @pasqueocwe7653
    @pasqueocwe7653 5 років тому +1

    Thank you Tim Janis. For these wonderful celestian melodies. Those beautiful warm colors autuaum leaves good observation

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Thank you Pasque ;) Thank you for coming by to see Reno and I, I am posting my last video of the week tonight at
      10pm , in just a few hours, please come say hello :)
      I will be sharing with you my Hot chocolate recipe soon, you will love it and it is very healthy ;)
      I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno Please
      come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks. Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

  • @kats7949
    @kats7949 5 років тому +10

    Hi Tim what a beautiful beginning to this video, nice way you did the titles too. and with a favorite song of mine, the white mountains. Thursday I took the 1 1/2 yr old to the park and leaves were on the ground so I taught her how to throw them up and watch them fall back down and how to watch in the sky for leaves and run to catch them and how to run in them. we had fun for a few hours. yipeeeee, then on Friday I bought little tiny pumpkins to set out around the home and cinnamon pinecones too. I bet the big pumpkins in October. oh and I picked up two new kind of apples Envy and sweetango. have you ever had those? did you go to the apple farm? I am not sure if we are doing cider this year. a few key people moved away. hmmmm we might. its a lot of work and we had a small crew last year. will see how mom feels. Kat

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +3

      Hi Kat, Oh I like getting the Autumn updates :) so exciting. Is it still a bit of summer where you are? I have been eating apples from the trees where I live, but have not yet gone to a farm stand :) I have not had Sweetango apples, do you like them? they sound wonderful, That sounds wonderful catching leaves, to me it is hard to do :) But fun :) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, Thank you for saying hello to Reno, Bella and I tonight :) :) I pray this video gives you peace and happiness ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great weekend :)
      Tim & Reno P.S. Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)

    • @kats7949
      @kats7949 5 років тому +1

      @@timjanis I have not eaten a sweetango yet but will tomorrow and let you know how it is. thanks for the nice reply. Kat

    • @kats7949
      @kats7949 5 років тому +1

      @@charlotteknight7891 hi Charlotte, my job is so fun to teach the little ones the small pleasures in life. I still enjoy them. we have had rain some Friday night and some Saturday and half the day today. tis the season. we will have rainshowers and in mid 60's this week. hopefully it gets up to 70 again later this month, reality is hitting. summer is ending. I have been putting up fall décor at home here and got a pumpkin spice wax melt that smells real good. Kat

  • @isabelsarasilvamoreno2494
    @isabelsarasilvamoreno2494 5 років тому +2

    Que maravillas de melodías bellas bellas..

  • @danielatopircean395
    @danielatopircean395 5 років тому +10

    Hi dear Tim, Reno and Bella ! *)
    Thank you for this wonderful autum message ! I love it ! *)
    Infinite Love and Blessings !
    May Peace Prevail on Earth !

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +2

      Hi Daniela, oh yes, it is time for Autumn :) Yippee, and yet, it is still Summer too ;) Double yippee ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, Thank you for saying hello to Reno, Bella and I tonight :) :) I pray this video gives you peace and happiness ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great weekend :)
      Tim & Reno P.S. Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)

    • @danielatopircean395
      @danielatopircean395 5 років тому

      @@timjanis Oh, Thank you so much dear Tim ! Thanks from the heart for the wonderful message full of blessings! I would like to come to your concert, I think it will be a great success!
      I wish you a peaceful night, with Angels around you in every minute!
      Blessings & Peace !

  • @iesuzume
    @iesuzume 5 років тому +6

    Hi, Dear Tim, Thank you for showing so relaxing music and stunning nature in fall, these make so gentry and warm atmosphere around me. thanks again!!

  • @rollybarc4469
    @rollybarc4469 5 років тому +2

    Another relaxing music, indeed.

  • @gabrielledorr546
    @gabrielledorr546 5 років тому +4

    Hallo Tim! Ein sehr schönes Video mit Herbstlandschaften ,sehr beruhigend ...
    Vielen Dank! Ich wünsche dir eine gute Nacht und eine schöne neue Woche! Grüsse auch an Reno und Bella! 💕🤗🙂Gabrielle

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Liebe Gabrielle, Danke;) Ich wünsche dir auch eine gute Nacht;) Ich bete, deine Woche ist unglaublich;) Diese Engel sind jeden Moment bei dir. Danke, dass du Reno, Bella und mir heute Abend Hallo gesagt hast :) :) Ich bete Dieses Video schenkt dir Frieden und Glück;) Ich bin so froh, dass du hier bist und wünsche dir Frieden und Segen. Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende :)
      Tim & Reno P.S. Bitte kommen Sie am 5. Dezember zu mir in die Carnegie Hall :)

  • @swordmark9424
    @swordmark9424 4 роки тому

    amen come home to me, let me, come home to you, to your heart,and refuge, my warmth and safety🍂🍁❤

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Thank you Mark :) So special!!
      Another exciting weekend!! Carol of the Bells from my new Christmas CD “All is Bright” was released this weekend on UA-cam!! - I hope you can take a listen. Also, my movie, Buttons: A Christmas Tale has reached almost 750 reviews on Amazon! Thank you all for your continued support! :) :) Blessings and peace. Tim & Reno

  • @amaliapace421
    @amaliapace421 5 років тому +1

    Che bello il vidio non parliamo della musica❤ stimola.l 'anima. il corpo rilassamento💛💛💛💛💛

  • @thelmamercado7934
    @thelmamercado7934 4 роки тому

    Oh how so happy to see your lovely message Tim thank you so much:) yes :) I’ll will love to see your new photo again thank you Tim Reno Bella very happy:) to hear from you Tim May God blessings so the beautiful angels take care of you Reno Bella & you’re very welcome Tim good night:) 🌹❤️ love to hear from you guys Tim bye :)

  • @isigarre4846
    @isigarre4846 5 років тому +1

    Saludos, Tim.🦄, wow, hermoso otoño, 👌😊🐾🎑🍁🍂🌺🎶🎧🌼Bendiciones 🦋🐌🌱🐿️

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Saludos Isa :) Reno and Tim

    • @isigarre4846
      @isigarre4846 5 років тому

      Me encanta flovers in October, he disfrutado, con este video,,, el color de las hojas de otoño, son tan bonitas, lo compartiré, ya que esta Celtic, también.
      Hasta mañana, que descanseis, saludos a bella y Reno 🙏✨✨✨🍂🐈🍁👌

  • @soniasmathsclasses7740
    @soniasmathsclasses7740 4 роки тому +2

    Beautiful nature every picture is awsem😍

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you so much, blessings to you, Tim & Reno :) :)
      Once again, I want to say I’m so incredibly grateful for this supportive community!!! :) Our movie, Buttons: A Christmas Tale has reached over 600 reviews on Amazon, thanks in large part to all of you!!! WOW!!!! So I say a HUGE Thank you to all of you!!! :) :) And if you haven’t had a chance, head over to amazon or iTunes and leave us a review. Blessings and peace to you all!!! Tim & Reno

  • @tamrabrensing2021
    @tamrabrensing2021 4 роки тому +4

    Tim, your music is my go-to every time I search for soft relaxing music. The musicians bring tears to my eyes as I listen and breathe in every note. I live in Kansas and love the wonderful videos. My second home is the 14-ers of CO as we strive to vacation there as often as we can. Someday I hope to see your beautiful Maine in the fall. God is the master artist of this world and so wonderful is He to behold!! Many blessings for your work in music and beyond!

  • @jakaphanchairat620
    @jakaphanchairat620 5 років тому +5

    Hello 🤗 TIM / RENO / beauful out door "Autumn Forest" blessings & Peaceful 😚Love you all 12.50 pm Sep 16/2019

  • @jom6508
    @jom6508 5 років тому +11

    Thanks so very much my dear friend Tim. We can now all welcome the Autumn here and let the summer sleep. Beautiful outstanding job well done.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Hi jo, yes, I get one day a bit of Autumn and one day a bit of summer, and my heart is in both ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, Thank you for saying hello to Reno, Bella and I tonight :) :) I pray this video gives you peace and happiness ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great weekend :)
      Tim & Reno P.S. Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)

    • @jom6508
      @jom6508 5 років тому

      @@timjanis you are so amazing along with joy in your work. Summer lays down and awaken the 🍂 Autumn.

  • @kanizfatema4607
    @kanizfatema4607 3 роки тому

    আল্লাহর শুকরিয়া
    তার সৃষ্টি কতো সুন্দর

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  3 роки тому

      Thank you so much! We are so happy to have you here!
      Blessings and peace!
      Tim, Reno & Bella
      I am thrilled to say that my movie Buttons: A Christmas Tale has passed 1,000 reviews on Amazon!! Thank you so much to everyone who took a moment to offer a kind word :) :). We are all so grateful!!! :)

  • @arcobaleno2201
    @arcobaleno2201 5 років тому +3

    Thank you so much!🍁🧡🍁

  • @lizacaringal3109
    @lizacaringal3109 4 роки тому


    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Grazie, Liza!!! Tim & Reno

  • @ingridakkermans9074
    @ingridakkermans9074 3 роки тому

    Hello tim reno bella betifol vidio nature muzika bravo always mazing good day fan from holland always wonderfol thanks jou ingrid akkermans

  • @ingridakkermans9074
    @ingridakkermans9074 4 роки тому

    Hello tim reno bella lovely vidio very good fan from holland thanks jou ingrid akkermans

  • @ianmacwatt2130
    @ianmacwatt2130 5 років тому +10

    How innocent were these
    Trees, that in mist-green May,
    Blown by a prospering breeze,
    Stood garlanded and gay;
    Who now in sundown glow
    Of serious colour clad
    Confront me with their show
    As though resigned and sad.
    Trees who unwhispering stand
    Umber and bronze and gold,
    Pavilioning the land
    For one grown tired and old;
    Elm, chestnut, beech, and lime,
    I am merged in you, who tell
    Once more in tones of time
    Your foliaged farewell.
    Siegfried Sassoon, Autumn Trees (1954).

    • @shangbinyang5720
      @shangbinyang5720 4 роки тому +1

      Ian MacWatt the poem sounds amazingggg

    • @tamrabrensing2021
      @tamrabrensing2021 4 роки тому

      Ian the poems you share touch my soul. I am a horticulturist and a naturalist by heart. My 85 yr old dad took me to the mountains as a child fostering my love for the trees and the Rockies. Blessing for good health to you!

  • @arlenenaves5601
    @arlenenaves5601 5 років тому +3

    Salve! 🙏

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you Arlene :) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, Thank you for saying hello to Reno, Bella and I tonight :) :) I pray this video gives you peace and happiness ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great weekend :)
      Tim & Reno P.S. Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)

  • @thelmamercado1829
    @thelmamercado1829 5 років тому +3

    Oh. My dear Tim good morning it’s a beautiful lovely video love ❤️ all the high trees:) so you’re amazing music thank you Tim Reno belle:)

  • @brittanywilborn437
    @brittanywilborn437 4 роки тому

    Love it

  • @TheLadyjazzy1
    @TheLadyjazzy1 5 років тому

    So Beautiful. Thanks Tim. God Bless.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Hi Veda, so nice to hear from you again ;) Yippee ;) So happy you are here and I hope you get my message, you can come say to Reno and I on our community page at 10pm MST (our regular time) and I will write you back :) I will be posting a new photo :) I am here, always :) I can see messages coming in :) so just write me a message on an video at 10pm MST and I will say hello.
      I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I am holding off on posting videos for the moment but will be back soon with more videos. :) I am getting ready for a 20 mile hill this weekend from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen Colorado, across the Rocky Mountains. I will be at an elevation of 12,500 feet, I will be taking a lot of photo’s to share with you :) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great weekend :)
      Tim & Reno
      Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)

    • @TheLadyjazzy1
      @TheLadyjazzy1 5 років тому

      @@timjanis Thank You. God Bless.

  • @relaxingmusick.v.n1880
    @relaxingmusick.v.n1880 4 роки тому

    Beautiful music ☯️🎶 your next video bro

  • @aluena
    @aluena 5 років тому +2

    Obrigada TIM, Reno e Bella, pelo maravilhoso trabalho. Viva o Outono que nos traz a transformação em muitos matizes de cores. Feliz OUTONO 🍁🌿🐿 Thank you all🍂

    • @henryflores9038
      @henryflores9038 4 роки тому

      Im august child of God. Thank you for meditation music of art.

  • @ingridakkermans9074
    @ingridakkermans9074 5 років тому +1

    Dear tim reno bella betifol bravo vidio love it always very good good day thanks jou ingrid akkermans

  • @redamehdihassan1113
    @redamehdihassan1113 4 роки тому

    Very nice and great presentation. I wish you good luck, success, health and safety, please accept my regards.

  • @pasqueocwe7653
    @pasqueocwe7653 5 років тому

    Tim Janis Reno. Happy journey back home. Blessings