Peaceful Relaxing Instrumental Music, Meditation Calm Music "Autumn Lakes" by Tim Janis

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2019
  • Peaceful Relaxing Instrumental Music, Meditation Calm Music "Autumn Lakes" by Tim Janis.
    All music is composed by Tim Janis and can work well for relaxing, meditation, yoga, or for simply finding a moment of quiet reflection.
    My instrumental music can help you find deep relaxation, relieve anxiety, and find peace. My music incorporates relaxing sounds of nature and features flute music, piano music, harp music, & violin music.
    Stream or download music my music: / tim-janis
    Keep up with what Tim is doing and follow him on:
    Follow on Instagram: @timjanisofficial
    Facebook: @officialtimjanis
    Join my monthly newsletter
    Music information:
    Composer: Tim Janis© Copyright
    From composer Tim Janis:
    My instrumental music can help you find deep relaxation, relieve anxiety, and find peace. My music incorporates relaxing sounds of nature and features flute music, piano music, harp music, & violin music.
    I am a composer from the coast of Maine and created this channel as a place to visit, relax and find peace. My music is often used for prayer, meditation, relaxation, and can be described as sleep music, calm music, yoga music, study music, peaceful music, spa music, beautiful music and relaxing music.
    I read all of my comments and I love hearing from you. Please join our community and stop by to say hello! If you enjoy my music, please subscribe to my channel and join the community.
    I am so happy to be with you here on my channel, please take a moment to say hello to me, and may angels be with you each moment.
    Blessings & peace,
    Tim Janis
    Upcoming events:
    Tim Janis Carnegie Hall December 5th 2019
    My new film Buttons, A Christmas Tale is out now:
    My new CD Celtic Heart is out now:


  • @elisabethkratz2537
    @elisabethkratz2537 4 роки тому +4

    Danke für dein heutiges Video "Autumn Lakes", jetzt haben wir wieder unsere 4 neue Videos für das lange Wochenende.
    Ich wünsche viel Liebe, Schönheit, Frieden und Segen für die Woche. Meine Katzen winken Reno und Bella.
    Segen und Frieden, Elisabeth

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +2

      Hallo Elisabeth, ja, 4 Videos für dein Wochenende, Reno und Bella werden hier sein und an weiteren Videos arbeiten. Ich bin so froh, dass du heute Abend Hallo gesagt hast, Reno ist hier, Bella schläft und wir wünschen uns alle
      Euch ein schönes Wochenende. Wir werden hier einchecken :)
      Mögen die Winkel in Frieden und Licht über dich wachen,
      Segen und Frieden,
      Tim & Reno & Bella

    • @elisabethkratz2537
      @elisabethkratz2537 4 роки тому +2

      @@timjanis , danke für deine Antwort, ich muss mich beeilen, da Luna und Chico gerade spielen und hier nicht mitschreiben ... das sind ganz neue Schreibgewohnheiten ... erst Kätzchen beschäftigen, dann schnell ein paar Worte schreiben ... hahaha
      Wünsche ein ganz besonderes Wochenende und viele Engel die dich begleiten, Elisabeth

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +2

      Hallo Elisabeth, O.K.;) Ich wünsche dir einen tollen Tag, Chico und Luna;) Ich segne dich :) Tim & Reno

    • @angelagabrielle9694
      @angelagabrielle9694 4 роки тому +2

      @@elisabethkratz2537 hallo mein lieber Engel aus Bayern, ich weiss, du hast gerade keine Zeit aber wollte nur kurz sagen, ich hab dich lieb und wuensche dir einen tollen Tag mir Engelkinder und Engelkatzen umstellt:) Ich geh jetzt in die Heia , denn morgen kommt mein Sven zu Besuch und dann meine ganze Familie aus Vancouver/ Abbotsford fuer 4 Tage. Dann gehts los hier. Besonders mein Grossneffe, der 2 Jahre alt ist. Dann muss ich alles 10 Meter hochstellen , damit er mir nicht alles kaputtmacht, vergisst echt, wie das war, als unsere Kinder so klein waren ne? Noch mals alles Gute und fuehl die gedrueckt und geliebt. Deine Seelenzwillingsschwester aus Kanada xoxo

    • @elisabethkratz2537
      @elisabethkratz2537 4 роки тому +2

      @@angelagabrielle9694,liebe Angela ich freue mich für dich, dass ein paar Familientage kommen und wünsche dir viele glückliche Stunden. Danke für deinen Morgengruss und ich wünsche dir eine erholsame Nacht. Ich hab dich auch ganz doll lieb und du bist in meinem Herzen und Gedanken. Deine Seelenschwester Elisabeth

  • @missy183
    @missy183 Рік тому +2

    The music is so beautiful, 🎻🎹🎺🪕🎸🎷🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🥰

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  Рік тому

      Hello Marissa :)
      Happy Friday & Happy weekend to you WOW :) So great to have you join us :) Blessings & peace :)
      Tim & Reno :)

  • @marisaibanez3705
    @marisaibanez3705 4 роки тому

    Beauty the nature created by my God.Glory be the God,.Thank you so much friend.

  • @petersampson5202
    @petersampson5202 4 роки тому +4

    It would be a MIRACLE to celebrate blessings and life tomorrow.

  • @stefansakac1359
    @stefansakac1359 4 роки тому +2

    Milí TIme Video bylo FANTASTICKÉ BÁJEČNÉ!!! Každá z nás má rád podzimní čas.Kdy samotná vycházka v překrásné v přírodě jako jste natočil TIme ve Vašem báječném Videu je to jako v nějakém obrazu slavného malíře.I když je pokaždé stejně barevný a zajímavý nikdy nebude dvakrát stejný.Priroda dokáže nádherně zabarvit stromy, listí i keře do ruznejsich barev a odstínů.Kdyz vidím uschlé listí,s nímž si zlehka pohrává podzimní vetrik jako bych viděl malé děti, které si hrají na honěnou!!!V noci, když už málokdo chodí ven,jsou slyšet jako by ve větru rozechvely zvonečky a tím zkomponovaly nádhernou symfonii.Nesmime zapomenout na zvířátka,ty mají spoustu práce a povinností jako mi lidé!!!Už na podzim je cítit vůně zimy a vidět přírodní dekorace Vánoc!!!Je to doba ,ve které nám příroda ukazuje svou největší krásu kterou musíme ocenit!!! Vaše úžasné hory odrážející se v řekách překrásnými barvami NEBESÍCH i s hvězdičkami.Reky jsou tak vznešené klidné průzračné lesklé je v nich vidět NEBE na ZEMI a celicky KRECHKY SKVOSTNÝ KOUZELNÝ SVĚT!!! Podzim je kouzelné období je se na co pořád koukat!!!Moc Vám Děkuji za pěkný den i Vám přeji krásný SLUNEČNÝ den podzimní TIme!!!Hudba byla něžná líbezná milá a klavír překrásně láskyplně zněl jasně čistě prostě báječně!!! Ať Vás ANDĚLÉ DOPROVÁZEJÍ na každičké VAŠÍ SKVĚLÉ PŘEKRÁSNÉ BOŽÍ CESTĚ ÁMEN!!! Nekonečná vděčnost Váš věrný přítel Štefan a celá Moje Rodina.Pozehnani a mír Vám Všem ÁMEN Pozdravujte Rena Bellu Meiko i Elgara!!!🎹🍀🍁☀🌍🌛

    • @MIEKOSAKAIpeace
      @MIEKOSAKAIpeace 4 роки тому +2

      Ahoj drahý zemský básník Štefane. Určitě máte krásné dny v jasné kráse zářícího podzimu se svou rodinou. Mám rád tuto sezónu, stejně jako v krásném malířství. Každá příroda je perfektní! Nekonečná vděčnost naší Matce Zemi z mého hlubokého srdce. a neexistuje žádný krásný svět bez božské hudby.
      Zasmála jsem se, když jsem četla vaše slova: „Nezapomeňte na zvířata, mají spoustu práce a povinností JAKO JSEM !!!“ To jsou tak milá slova, drahý Štefane. Miluju to :) :) Tak se modlím a přeji ti klidný a krásný den!
      ..... a vděčnost za vynikající podzimní Gods 'Gifts pro tento celý svět!
      Krásný pozdrav z Japonska MIeko a Elgar * Peace on Earth

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      :) :) :)

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Děkuji Stefanovi a rodině;) Modlím se, že máš skvělý týden;) Modlím se, aby andělé byli všude kolem tebe a přinášeli ti pohodlí a mír. :) :)
      Moje video vyšlo trochu brzy, dnes ráno, takže moje 10:00 video zde nebude, ale chystám se nahrát novou fotografii a pak se vrátím v pondělí večer v 22:00 MST. Chodil jsem na hory, je to tak krásné :)
      Požehnání a mír,
      Tim a Reno a Bella
      P.S. Budu v Carnegie Hall 5. prosince 2019

    • @stefansakac1359
      @stefansakac1359 4 роки тому +1

      Příteli TIme Děkuji za krásnou milou odpověď Vážím si Toho Velice jste opravdu skvělí člověk který má zlaté srdíčko přeji Vám pěkný den Váš věrný přítel Štefan!!!

    • @stefansakac1359
      @stefansakac1359 4 роки тому +2

      NAŠE Drahá přítelkyně Mieko Vaše slova jsou NÁDHERNÁ PŘEKRÁSNÁ LÁSKYPLNÁ vždy se těším až napíšete cítím se díky Vám skvěle báječně a hřeje mě to u SRDÍČKA.Jak se máte? Podzimní období je nejkouzelnější nejkrásnější čas.Vse je barevné,plno krásných darů od PŘÍRODY, každý den se Modlime za naši PŘEKRÁSNOU LÍBEZNOU NĚŽNOU ZEMI a hlavně MATCE ZEMI která nám dává svá BOHACTVI LÁSKU ŠTĚSTÍ PŘÁTELSTVÍ!!!Budu se těšit na další Vaše překrásné psaníčko.Nekonecna VDĚČNOST Štefan a celá Moje Rodina Pozdravujeme TEBE MIEKO i Elgara Požehnání Vám Všem ÁMEN Drazí přátelé z Japonska!!!🍁🍀❤☀🌍🐼

  • @pcrs5060
    @pcrs5060 4 роки тому +4

    Thank you so much. 😊😊😊

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you Piyanan :) I am so happy you said hello tonight, Reno is here, Bella is sleeping and we are all wishing
      you a great weekend. We will be here checking in :)
      May Angles watch over you in peace and light,
      Blessings and Peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella

  • @sidney5863
    @sidney5863 2 роки тому +1

    Simply perfect to my ears!! Each sound better than the other!!

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  2 роки тому

      Hello Sidney :)
      Wow :) Thank you so much for being part of our channel :) God bless you :)
      Tim & Reno :)

  • @ingridakkermans9074
    @ingridakkermans9074 4 роки тому

    Dear tim reno bella betifol vidio thtees woods muzika bravo good day bravo always very good day for jou tim reno thanks jou ingrid akkermans

  • @iwonakolos315
    @iwonakolos315 4 роки тому +2

    Dzień dobry Tim piekna jesień góry jeziora cudowny zachód słońca dziękuje miłego dnia Iwona 🌠

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +2

      Dziękuję;) Iwona, jeziora są takie spokojne, a jesień taka piękna :) Cieszę się, że przywitałeś się dziś wieczorem, Reno jest tutaj, Bella śpi i wszyscy życzymy
      wspaniały weekend. Będziemy się tutaj zameldować :)
      Niech Kąty czuwają nad tobą w pokoju i świetle,
      Błogosławieństwa i pokój,
      Tim i Reno i Bella

  • @pasqueocwe7653
    @pasqueocwe7653 4 роки тому

    What. Have a heart love my heart loves you. Blessings. Tim Janis&Reno I Miei amori.

  • @nketsisekeleoane2389
    @nketsisekeleoane2389 4 роки тому

    Dear sir
    I enjoy instrumental music so much .l hope you're worshipping God with the gift He's given you.
    Stay blessed

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you , oh yes, Yippee, May God bless you Nketsi :) Reno and I want to thank you for being with us this week ;) We are so happy. Have a great weekend, May Angels of light and peace watch over you each moment, :) :) Next week we hope to have our videos finish from our hike in Colorado :) Yippee,
      Thank you
      Blessings and peace
      Tim & Reno

  • @FabianAcebal
    @FabianAcebal 3 роки тому

    There's autumn and then there's autumn in upstate New York! I live in NYC but I travel upstate every autumn to enjoy the amazing fall colors. Thank you for sharing this

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  3 роки тому +1

      I agree completely Fabian!! NY and New England have such beautiful Autumn!! Blessings and peace to you!
      Tim & Reno

  • @missy183
    @missy183 Рік тому

    I love all the scenes in this video. They're stunning. My favorite is the campfire by the lake, and the music is beautiful. ♨️🌅🌆🌄🌇🌴🍁🍁🍁🍁🍂🍂🍂🍂🤩🎶💯

  • @joannebyron5140
    @joannebyron5140 4 роки тому +5

    Thank You Tim For creating and sharing such relaxing music and video with the world!!!

  • @lucieelizabethannwesson7016

    I love this music

  • @zenaidelourenco8024
    @zenaidelourenco8024 4 роки тому

    Tim Janis oi gosto muito de todos os seus vídeos que assisti são todos perfeitos e me encanta muito á cada vídeo que assisti são momentos de felicidades tim obrigado por proporcionar momentos de felicidades Tim você é um ser de Luz maravilhoso gratidão sempre meu anjo que Deus lhe proteja eternamente 🙏🙏💕💕

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Obrigado por assistir, como sempre! Tão feliz que você está aqui;) Nesta sexta-feira, 24 de julho, será o nosso “Natal em julho” - espero que você possa se juntar a nós;)
      Bênçãos e paz Tim & Reno :) :)

  • @eileenbarker6695
    @eileenbarker6695 4 роки тому +5

    HimTim & Cuties 🙏🤗 wow * Come Home To Me * plays as the gorgeous Autumn lakes are so awesome 😎
    Wow I played yesterday’s video this morning while waiting for a delivery 🚚
    it was so fantastic to listen again & sooth as always.🕊 You will be going to Maine soon ?✈️
    Then my support worker came & we had morning coffee & scones yippee 🙌yummy
    Shopping is fun but very long distance between some of the shops to get to.
    Still we get to have lunch out 🍟. Fries Tim mmm yummy 😋
    Wow I love the leaves on the waterfall that is so pretty ☘️. Oh reflections in an Orb wow 😮
    I hope you got to see the photo of my Iris’s Tim that Kat put on your messenger page 🤗
    Thank you Kat for giving my message to Tim today 🙏🙅‍♀️💕🦘
    Big hugs 🤗 & waves 👋to Reno & Bella
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend Dear Tim with many blessings ✝️
    gratitude 🙏 for the wonderful music 🎶 yippee!
    Your music 🎵 always brings wonderful peace ☮️ & joy to relax each day 🙏🕊🙅‍♀️
    Angels 😇surround you in sleep 💤 with sweet dreams till first Light 💡
    . Oh my that’s a wonderful tune too * First Light* 🎵🦋
    God bless to you & yours ✝️🕊
    Love 💖 hugs 🤗🦄🐬🦋🦘🙅‍♀️💖

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Hi Eileen, thank you for your beautiful message and Updates ;) May God bless you too ;) I pray you have a great week ;) I pray angels are all around you bringing you comfort and peace. :) :)
      My video came out a little early, this morning, So my 10pm video will not be here but I am going to upload a new photo and then I will be back on Monday Night at 10pm MST. I was hiking in Mountains, it is so beautiful :)
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella
      P.S. I will be at Carnegie Hall on December 5th 2019

    • @eileenbarker6695
      @eileenbarker6695 4 роки тому

      Tim Janis Hi Tim & Cuties 🙏🙅‍♀️ gratitude for your message yippee 🌟
      oh that was perfect to have your vid then 🙏🦋
      I was having to be helping a friend in the UK anyway 😀 long night 😔
      I was going to be out today as have an appointment so that helps too 🌈yippee 🙌
      Oh Tim you went hiking so amazing I will pretend I went with you 😀😂.
      Waving to the cuties 👋😻
      I’ll have to have a look later it’ll be amazing 😉
      Angels 👼 surround you too as you settle down for the night.
      😇 peace ☮️ love 💖 🤗. 😴 🌈✝️🦉🙅‍♀️💖

  • @parichehrmanuchehrkhodayaa9529
    @parichehrmanuchehrkhodayaa9529 4 роки тому +3

    Automne dusk angels descending blessings you and Mother Nature abundance 😆Merci beaucoup cher ami Tim Janis 😆

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Hi Parichehr, Thank you :) Mother nature is so beautiful :) Meric Beaucoup :) I am so happy you said hello tonight, Reno is here, Bella is sleeping and we are all wishing
      you a great weekend. We will be here checking in :)
      May Angles watch over you in peace and light,
      Blessings and Peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella

  • @anongrey
    @anongrey 4 роки тому

    Beyond majestic and beautiful. Autumn is the most wonderful and peaceful time of the year.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +2

      Hi, Yes ;) May God bless you :) I pray you have a great week ;) I pray angels are all around you bringing you comfort and peace. :) :)
      My video came out a little early, this morning, I just posted a nice video on our community page. I was hiking in Mountains, it is so beautiful :)
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella
      P.S. I just posted a new photo on our community page ;)
      P.S. I will be at Carnegie Hall on December 5th 2019

  • @francoisefrancoise9612
    @francoisefrancoise9612 4 роки тому

    Belle vidéo avec une merveilleuse musique merci beaucoup Jim Janis bisous d'amitiés 🥰💕💕💕 Francoise

  • @felicidadllamas2676
    @felicidadllamas2676 4 роки тому

    Bellísimo ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @thierrydescarpentrie2752
    @thierrydescarpentrie2752 4 роки тому +1

    Très belle music inspirante elle vous emporte n importe où

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Merci, Thiery;) Ce soir, je vais juste télécharger une photo pour que nous puissions tous dire bonjour sur notre page communautaire à 22h, heure de Paris. Je prie pour que ta semaine soit incroyable;) Que les anges soient avec toi à chaque instant, S'il te plaît, viens dire bonjour à Reno, Bella et moi ce soir sur notre page de communauté ici :) Je vais poster une nouvelle photo :) J'espère que tu vas la voir . Ce sera ce soir à 22h, heure de Paris :)
      Bénédictions et paix, Tim et Reno
      P.S. Venez me voir au Carnegie Hall le 5 décembre :)

  • @ewaiva4144
    @ewaiva4144 4 роки тому +1

    Drogi Tim , dziękuję za "Autumn Lakes " jesienne pejzaże :) Trochę refleksyjnie , trochę tęsknie ;) Cudne są okolice w promieniach jesiennego słońca :) Nasza wyprawa do lasu , był udana :) Świeże leśne powietrze , zapach lasu i wspinaczka pod górkę ;) :) Wspaniałego weekendu z obecnością Aniołów , harmonii i miłości :) Ewa

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Droga Ewa, bardzo się cieszę, że je lubisz :) Modlę się, abyś miał wspaniały tydzień;) Modlę się, aby wokół ciebie anioły przyniosły ci pociechę i spokój. :) :)
      Moje wideo wyszło trochę wcześnie, dziś rano, więc mojego 22:00 nie będzie tutaj, ale zamierzam załadować nowe zdjęcie, a potem wrócę w poniedziałek wieczorem o 22:00 MST. Wędrowałem po górach, jest tak pięknie :)
      Błogosławieństwa i pokój
      Tim i Reno i Bella
      P.S. Będę w Carnegie Hall 5 grudnia 2019 r

  • @ingridakkermans9074
    @ingridakkermans9074 4 роки тому

    Dear tim reno bella betifol vidio nature muzika mountens bravo alwalys good day thanks jou every day ingrid akkermans

  • @kats7949
    @kats7949 4 роки тому +3

    Tim yes Mr Runtly is very forgiving. He is fine with it. now we have a name for the other brother. yipeeeeee. thanks he says

    • @kats7949
      @kats7949 4 роки тому

      @@charlotteknight7891 fantastical

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Hi Kat, Yipppee :) Mr Runtly is so kind ;) Yippee, Blessings to you :) Tim & Reno

  • @joan-montseblavidalmau3795
    @joan-montseblavidalmau3795 4 роки тому

    Magic com sempre ....gràcies pr la teva música .

  • @susannesamuelsson2930
    @susannesamuelsson2930 4 роки тому +14

    🌻🍂 Oh Autumn lakes what a lovely theme to have on the music video for today / tonight dear Tim! 🍂🌻 The mist forming on the lakes during early cold days are called sjörök on Swedish and it's a beautiful nature phenomena with early sunlight. Oh those lovely red colored maple nice to see them with their falling leaves in the wind. Have a wonderful rest, a happy upcoming day as well as rest of the remaining week and weekend with your family! You put joy in my soul and gives me warmth in my heart dear Tim, so thank you for this wonderful week together here on YT! Loving hugs to you, your family and pets!🌻🍂👋🍁❤🥰🤗🍂🌻 Susanne.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +3

      Hi Susanne, thank you for your nice message, yes Lakes are so peaceful Thank you for telling me about the lakes in Sweden, How wonderful :) I wrote back to your other message about your breakfast :) How wonderful :) I am so happy you said hello tonight, Reno is here, Bella is sleeping and we are all wishing
      you a great weekend. We will be here checking in :)
      May Angles watch over you in peace and light,
      Blessings and Peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella

    • @susannesamuelsson2930
      @susannesamuelsson2930 4 роки тому +4

      @@timjanis Hi Tim and now I'm back from town and the hairdresser's! Thunder, hail and rain before turned to sunshine and a lovely Autumn day with blue very nice to feel the sun shining on my precious and lovely! Have a wonderful day! 🍂🌻☔🌧⛈🌬🌞🌡🥰❤🌞🌻🍂 With love and gratitude, Susanne .

  • @andrewgary3006
    @andrewgary3006 4 роки тому +2

    The Lord cultivate healing through your music to my mind, body and soul; so I may live in love and peace in this trouble world. For the
    World is in dire need of sacred healing.The world need your sacred craft. When new people
    who love superb ,quality, peaceful music, discover the majesty of your art, they shall magnify your craft. In time your music and art shall be spread like wild fire around the globe. And this sparked shall glow like a real
    Spa of life. So continue the
    The magnificent journey. I shall
    Follow your spirit.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      May God bless you Andrew, Thank you ;) Have a great Thanksgiving. I am so happy you are here. I posted our last video of the week :)
      I am going to write all my Christmas Cards tomorrow :) Yippeee. Please rent my movie Buttons.
      I just posted a new photo on our community page with a link to get the movie on Amazon. Please if you can help me write a nice review on Amazon and IMB if you like my movie :) I really need that help please ;) :) not everyone writes a nice review and I really believe my move is here to help people and bring peace ;)
      Thank you :) Praying that angels are watching over you each moment :)
      May God bless you
      Tim & Reno and Bella

  • @theresadupuis8475
    @theresadupuis8475 4 роки тому +1


    • @MIEKOSAKAIpeace
      @MIEKOSAKAIpeace 4 роки тому +1

      Good morning, my dear Friend Theresa! I think Morning Sun will rise soon the place you live. The place you live is becoming a beautiful fall like in the Tim's video?
      I think the morning and evening temperatures are getting low. The summer has surely passed away in so quickly!

      Wish you a beautiful time with a cup of nice tea and your favorite book in Golden Autumn.
      Thinking of you and your mother with my Love from Japan Mieko and ELgar*

    • @theresadupuis8475
      @theresadupuis8475 4 роки тому +1


    • @MIEKOSAKAIpeace
      @MIEKOSAKAIpeace 4 роки тому +2

      @@theresadupuis8475 Thank you so much, sweet Theresa. Yes, our Earth need our Love and Light of Prayer. Please keep praying together with Tim to our Mother Earth which always gives us rich Nature and Rich Harvests. I'm happy you are enjoying comfortable weather withe caring our Earth♥
      Have a happy weekend, Theresa✿ Blessings! Mieko and Elgar with LOVE♥
      。。。I will enjoy my Sunday with herb Tea and my favorite book in this Golden Autumn....and some cookies^-^

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Hi Theresa :) Thank you :) We are so happy you sent a message to us ;) I pray you have a great week ;) I pray angels are all around you bringing you comfort and peace. :) :)
      My video came out a little early, this morning, So my 10pm video will not be here but I am going to upload a new photo and then I will be back on Monday Night at 10pm MST. I was hiking in Mountains, it is so beautiful :)
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella
      P.S. I will be at Carnegie Hall on December 5th 2019

  • @lljl5310
    @lljl5310 4 роки тому +11

    1st!!! 😛😛. Thank you for the lovely video!!!! Always a blessing to hear your calming music and the beauty of nature created by God! Wow!!! 🎼🎵🎶🎙🎹

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +3

      Hi LLJL, Yes, you are :) Great work :) Yippee ;) I am so happy you said hello tonight, Reno is here, Bella is sleeping and we are all wishing
      you a great weekend. We will be here checking in :)
      May Angles watch over you in peace and light,
      Blessings and Peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella

  • @blackwolf9893
    @blackwolf9893 4 роки тому +1

    The golden leaves look like miniature suns and also the misty clearing just letting in all the colors and light! :] The white light spilling through the trees, its like a fairy floating through the trees perhaps painting the colors on them :] Thanks so much Tim! :]

    • @MIEKOSAKAIpeace
      @MIEKOSAKAIpeace 4 роки тому +1

      Hi, dear friend Black Wolf. Thank you always for Joy of your comment. They are so beautiful. I have a Czech friend here, Stefan, he also describes the Nature of Tim's video in a beautiful and mysterious way like you. I like the song "Isle of Sky" 39:14. I used to travel to Scotland by train before. The silver shining river flowing from the mountain valley of the High Land was so beautiful that it couldn't be expressed in words. May your Guardian Spirits guide you with Bright Light of Hope and Love.
      Have a beautiful and Peaceful weekend, dear Black Wolf♥ Infinite Peace and Blessings! Mieko and Elgar* May Peace Prevail on Erath✲

  • @creatymanmar6075
    @creatymanmar6075 4 роки тому +1

    Et encore et toujours de belles notes de musique arrivent à mes oreilles, accompagnées de ces images lumineuses.
    Je suis éblouie.

  • @millyquebuenoprimitotequie4601
    @millyquebuenoprimitotequie4601 4 роки тому +1

    Hello. Dear. Tim. Reno. Bella. How are you this beautiful Night.? I hope you guy's all right. God bless you. Reno & Bello. Wow. Tim. " Autumn Lakes " it ' s Wonderful, Amazing. Soft and Sweet beautiful Music. I love it. Thank you so much to be so nice.please take Care all. Hugs peace and love to you my Angel. Have a Wonderful blessing Night. and Sweet dreams. Night Night. Thank you.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      thank you Milly, May God bless you too ;) I pray you have a great week ;) I pray angels are all around you bringing you comfort and peace. :) :)
      My video came out a little early, this morning, So my 10pm video will not be here but I am going to upload a new photo and then I will be back on Monday Night at 10pm MST. I was hiking in Mountains, it is so beautiful :)
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella
      P.S. I will be at Carnegie Hall on December 5th 2019

    • @millyquebuenoprimitotequie4601
      @millyquebuenoprimitotequie4601 4 роки тому

      Tim Janis Hello. Tim.Reno. I m glad you are good. I m so happy for you . God bless you .Thank you so much.please take Care all. Hugs to you Have a Wonderful blessing Week too. Good Night.

  • @Sunny-iq6hm
    @Sunny-iq6hm 4 роки тому +2

    Beautiful video 😍, thank you so much! I'm enjoying watching it on my TV. Hope everyone who visits here is having a great evening 😊

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +2

      Hi Mary, wow, that must be fun to watch on your TV, Yippee ;) I am so happy you said hello tonight, Reno is here, Bella is sleeping and we are all wishing
      you a great weekend. We will be here checking in :)
      May Angles watch over you in peace and light,
      Blessings and Peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella

    • @Sunny-iq6hm
      @Sunny-iq6hm 4 роки тому +1

      Same to you, Tim! Enjoy your evening with Bella and Reno😊, I've got my little Yorkie Toto snuggled up beside me watching your video with a nice fall candle lit. Thank you!

    • @kats7949
      @kats7949 4 роки тому +1

      I am. I love watching on my big tv. I do that in the morning. at night now I use the computer. I love these videos on the big screen you can really see the detail. Kat

  • @kittyrust5782
    @kittyrust5782 4 роки тому +3

    Dear Tim. I thank you for Beautiful, most, most Beautiful Music. Sooths me completely, heart and soul, together with the Magic of Nature !! Love you all !! 💚💚💚

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Hi Kitty, thank you :) I pray you have a great week ;) I pray angels are all around you bringing you comfort and peace. :) :)
      My video came out a little early, this morning, So my 10pm video will not be here but I am going to upload a new photo and then I will be back on Monday Night at 10pm MST. I was hiking in Mountains, it is so beautiful :)
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella
      P.S. I will be at Carnegie Hall on December 5th 2019

  • @barbarastanik4991
    @barbarastanik4991 4 роки тому +1

    Przepiękne widoki z subtelną muzyką- super,jest co słuchać i
    podziwiać,dzięki za miły wieczór Tim &🐶🐱😊😄😁😍😘😘😘

  • @jakaphanchairat620
    @jakaphanchairat620 4 роки тому +2

    Amazing Autumn Lakes🤓..blessings you all TIM - RENO - BELLA😇Angels be forever around you Sep19/2019 ..11.07 am

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +2

      Thank you Jakaphan for your wonderful message to us all :) I am so happy you said hello tonight, Reno is here, Bella is sleeping and we are all wishing
      you a great weekend. We will be here checking in :)
      May Angles watch over you in peace and light,
      Blessings and Peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella

    • @jakaphanchairat620
      @jakaphanchairat620 4 роки тому

      @@timjanis So much thaks dear TIM 😪😴Good Night & have a wonderful dreams for you all TIM&RENO&BELLA ..sincerely fr.THAILAND Sep 19/2019..11.20 am

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you Jakaphan, Have a great night to, :) May God bless you :) Tim & Reno

  • @ianmacwatt2130
    @ianmacwatt2130 4 роки тому

    take me away, far far away
    into the mountains,
    for i will live in rural areas in peace with the land, my heart and soul.
    Elaine, Sep.2018

  • @conchibarrero2135
    @conchibarrero2135 4 роки тому +2

    Música maravillosa simplemente maravillosa y paisajes muy hermosas gracias por subirla saludos

  • @DieBerlinerNachteule
    @DieBerlinerNachteule 4 роки тому +2

    Dankeschön⭐schöne Bilder🌿🍃🌾🍁🌼wunderbare Musik 🎶geben mir ein gutes Gefühl meinen Tag zu gestalten🍀 Grüße aus Berlin 🌻Barbara

    • @angelagabrielle9694
      @angelagabrielle9694 4 роки тому +1

      Berliner Nachteule ich finde deinen Namen ganz toll. Alles gute und liebe Grüße aus Kanada 🇨🇦🤗🙏💜

    • @DieBerlinerNachteule
      @DieBerlinerNachteule 4 роки тому

      Angela Gabrielle Ja irgendwie passt der Name so zu mir. Ausgedacht von einem lieben Freund. Tschüss Barbara. Uhrzeit 2:18 nachts😽

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      :): ) :)

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Thank you Angela, for writing our friends ;) Reno press the button and my video went early today ;) eeeeks ;) I pray you have a great week ;) I pray angels are all around you bringing you comfort and peace. :) :)
      My video came out a little early, this morning, So my 10pm video will not be here but I am going to upload a new photo and then I will be back on Monday Night at 10pm MST. I was hiking in Mountains, it is so beautiful :)
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella
      P.S. I will be at Carnegie Hall on December 5th 2019

  • @tammyhollandsworth5193
    @tammyhollandsworth5193 4 роки тому +3

    All I can say is " WOW"!

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Thank you Tammy ;) Have an amazing day and great weekend, May angels of light and peace be with you each moment. I am in Crested Butte CO getting ready to leave tomorrow, I just posted a new photo on our community page from Crested Butte Co, It’s so beautiful here, I will take photo’s tomorrow on the trail to Aspen ;) :)
      Blessings and Peace,
      Tim & Reno and Bella ;)

  • @user-kf6nw9fv2o
    @user-kf6nw9fv2o 4 роки тому +1


  • @shannonestelaguerrero5163
    @shannonestelaguerrero5163 3 роки тому


  • @JoseFlores-mz9jm
    @JoseFlores-mz9jm 4 роки тому +2

    Ola Tim gracias por tu respuesta mefasinan tus vídeos me inspiran paz yledoi gracias a Dios por todos los que coperaron para realizarllos vendisiones paz y bien suamigo José flores que tengan un excelente día.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Gracias Jose ;) Tim & Reno

  • @alessandraandriychuk1340
    @alessandraandriychuk1340 4 роки тому

    Nella vita si passa bene si passa anche male. A volte bisogna aggrapparci belli ricordi per andare avanti. Nel male che si vive bisogna suportare con speranza che finisce anche questo. Vivere con amore supportando male.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Cara Alessandra Andriychuk, le mie preghiere sono con te, che gli angeli siano con te in ogni momento;) Stasera caricherò solo una foto in modo che tutti possiamo salutare sulla nostra pagina della community alle 22:00 MST. Prego che la tua settimana sia meravigliosa;) Che gli angeli siano con te in ogni momento, per favore, vieni a salutare Reno, Bella e io stasera sulla nostra pagina della community qui :) Pubblicherò una nuova foto :) Spero che tu possa vederlo . Questo sarà stasera alle 22:00 MST :)
      Benedizioni e pace, Tim e Reno
      Post scriptum Per favore, vieni a trovarmi alla Carnegie Hall il 5 dicembre :)

    • @alessandraandriychuk1340
      @alessandraandriychuk1340 4 роки тому

      @@timjanis grazie amico,per le preghiera,io pregò sempre per me anche per tutti che hanno bisogno. Fa piacere sapere che qualcuno prega per te e un gran sostegno nello spirito. Fratelli e sorelle uniti in Cristo nel amore Dio si sentono tramite dialogo,tramite bellia melodia uno che riempito presenza Dio po scrive così bella melodia che trasmette pace e serenità. Pace a te.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Ciao Alessandra, Sì, Insieme in Cristo, preghiamo gli uni per gli altri :) Che Dio ti benedica :) Spero tu stia bene, Dal momento che non pubblicherò un video stasera, invio questo messaggio ora :)
      Prego che la tua settimana sia sorprendente;) Che gli angeli siano con te in ogni momento, pubblicherò una nuova foto stasera alle 22:00 sulla mia pagina della community. Per favore, vieni e saluta :) :). Mi sto trattenendo dal pubblicare video per il momento, ma tornerò presto. :) Questo fine settimana partirò per un'escursione da Crested Butte Colorado ad Aspen Colorado, attraverso le Montagne Rocciose. Sarò ad un'altitudine di 12.500 piedi, farò molte foto da condividere con te :) Sono così felice che tu sia qui, augurandoti pace e benedizioni, Passa un fantastico fine settimana :)
      Tim & Reno
      Per favore, vieni a trovarmi alla Carnegie Hall il 5 dicembre :)

  • @cassianogomes3606
    @cassianogomes3606 4 роки тому

    Beautiful, very peaceful music and video, thanks

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you Cassiano,
      Merry Christmas Anita :) I am so happy you are here ;) may angels of peace and hope be with you each moment ;) happy day to everyone :) I am home now with Reno and Bella, Yippee :) Please write a nice comment for my film Buttons a Christmas Tale on Amazon and IMBD, I would just Love Love love Thank you Thank you :) Also please go to our community page to see new photos ;) Thank you May God bless you, Blessings and peace, Tim & RenoI hope you can watch my new movie, it Stars Dick Van Dyke and Angela Lansbury - I put links in some of my new videos to get the movie on itunes and Amazon :)

  • @melissazwieg2988
    @melissazwieg2988 4 роки тому +4

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone💜💜💜💜💜💜🌹

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +2

      Hi Melissa, Thank you for wishing everyone a great weekend ;) Blessings and peace, Tim & Reno

    • @kats7949
      @kats7949 4 роки тому +2

      Melissa you too, you just reminded me this is the last video of the week. oh dear. but I have my tv on auto play for tims videos all day long. yipeeee me. I love smart tv's. Blessings to you for an amazing fall weekend. Kat

    • @Sunny-iq6hm
      @Sunny-iq6hm 4 роки тому +1

      You too!

  • @dantzmusic
    @dantzmusic 4 роки тому +5

    Hello Tim,
    A stunningly beautiful presentation as usual my friend.. pleasantly opening with the Dantz favorite 'Come Home To Me!" May you and yours have a most productive and peaceful weekend...
    Warmest regards,

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Hi Dantz, so nice to see you here agin, So happy you like "Come Home to me ;) I pray you have a great week ;) I pray angels are all around you bringing you comfort and peace. :) :)
      My video came out a little early, this morning, So my 10pm video will not be here but I am going to upload a new photo and then I will be back on Monday Night at 10pm MST. I was hiking in Mountains, it is so beautiful :)
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella
      P.S. I will be at Carnegie Hall on December 5th 2019

  • @danielatopircean395
    @danielatopircean395 4 роки тому +6

    Hi dear Tim, Reno and Bella ! *) Thank you so much for this wonderful message !
    Iwish you a peaceful evening with Angels around you, Infinite Blessings for all ! I

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +2

      Hi Daniela, Thank you too, how is it in Romania ? is it Autumn yet? do you have Pumpkins? I have two pumkins now :) I am so happy you said hello tonight, Reno is here, Bella is sleeping and we are all wishing
      you a great weekend. We will be here checking in :)
      May Angles watch over you in peace and light,
      Blessings and Peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella

    • @danielatopircean395
      @danielatopircean395 4 роки тому +1

      @@timjanis Thanks very much Tim! Yes, it is autumn here..., the colors of the leaves are beautiful, for two days the temperature is lower but it is sunny and very beautiful, Yes, we have pumpkin *)
      I wish you a wonderful evening, thanks for the lovely message ! Infinite Blessings and Peace for all !

    • @kats7949
      @kats7949 4 роки тому +1

      @@danielatopircean395 yipeeeeee, I have a few little pumpkins already too. how fun this season is. Kat

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Hi Daniela, you have a pumkin too, Yippee ;) Blessings to you :) Tim & Reno

  • @blackwolf9893
    @blackwolf9893 4 роки тому +1

    Mountain at the river is the most mystical and beautiful song! It goes well with the tranquility of lakes and seems to collide perfectly with the gentle dancing of the leaves also with the golden aurora of the leaves seeming to match with the angelic atmosphere that it presents! Tim you have surprised me yet again, I didn't even expect my favorite song to be on here! :] Every time I hear this song, I know that the Lord is with me :] He told me the light would guide me and it's so true because every time I see these videos, I see color and light and know that through his mighty mountains, colorful trees, wide open lakes, and bursting rivers rippling with purity that He is with me :] You are wonderful Tim! :]

  • @user-gn6ff8id6s
    @user-gn6ff8id6s 4 роки тому +1

    Хочется бесконечно слушать Вашу музыку на фортепиано!
    Только Вы и фортепиано 💕🙏

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Спасибо, Наталья Матьякубова;) Сегодня вечером я просто загружу фотографию, чтобы мы все могли поздороваться на странице нашего сообщества в 22:00 по московскому времени. Я молюсь, чтобы твоя неделя была замечательной;) Что ангелы с тобой каждый миг, пожалуйста, приходи поздороваться с Рено, Беллой и мной сегодня вечером на нашей странице сообщества здесь :) Я буду публиковать новое фото :) Я надеюсь, что ты увидишь его , Это будет сегодня вечером в 10 вечера MST :)
      Благословения и мир, Тим и Рено
      Постскриптум Пожалуйста, приходите ко мне в Карнеги-Холл 5 декабря :)

  • @annkupfernagel78
    @annkupfernagel78 4 роки тому

    There are no words to describe the beauty of your music & the all the work & passion.THANK YOU !! An n K.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you ann,
      So happy you are here, Have a great weekend - I am going to post a surprise video from my new Celtic Heart show this weekend - Please call your PBS station to see if it is airing near you if you have not already :) Yippee Last bit, check out Elizabeth’s new instagram page - amazing vegan food :) Yumm go to -
      Blessings and peace, Tim & Reno and Bella :)

  • @laumeenu
    @laumeenu 4 роки тому +1

    Even a prayer could not heal so much as your music. The chords and strings sing a hymn of eternal hope and a song of sunlit dawn. Thanks Tim !

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Dear Meenu, I am so happy you found peace here, May God bless you ;) Reno and I want to thank you for being with us this week ;) We are so happy. Have a great weekend, May Angels of light and peace watch over you each moment, :) :) Next week we hope to have our videos finish from our hike in Colorado :) Yippee,
      Thank you
      Blessings and peace
      Tim & Reno

  • @ianmacwatt2130
    @ianmacwatt2130 4 роки тому

    We have here a sight as fair
    As bonnie Doon or banks of Ayr.
    Like modest worth, meandering slow,
    The quiet waters gently flow.
    Rose, Thistle, Shamrock, all combine
    Around the Maple Leaf to twine-
    Whose outstretched arms, so gigantic,
    Clasps Pacific and Atlantic.
    Embracing lakes like burnished gold,
    With joy a Shakespeare might behold,
    For either poet Barns or Moore *
    Such scenery they would adore.
    James McIntyre 1828-1906

  • @donnasmith275
    @donnasmith275 4 роки тому +2

    So beautiful to see & hear this beautiful video of Creation! Hello & much love to you, dearest Tim, Reno, Bella & all of you wonder full commentators! God Bless you all in loveliness & peace!

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Hi Donna, Thank you ;) May God bless you too ;) So nice to hear from you tonight ;) I am so happy you said hello tonight, Reno is here, Bella is sleeping and we are all wishing
      you a great weekend. We will be here checking in :)
      May Angles watch over you in peace and light,
      Blessings and Peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella

  • @rebeccad5988
    @rebeccad5988 4 роки тому +3

    Hi Tim , Reno and Bella
    Grand masterpiece
    Blessings and Peace

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Hi Rebbea ;) I pray you have a great week ;) I pray angels are all around you bringing you comfort and peace. :) :)
      My video came out a little early, this morning, So my 10pm video will not be here but I am going to upload a new photo and then I will be back on Monday Night at 10pm MST. I was hiking in Mountains, it is so beautiful :)
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella
      P.S. I will be at Carnegie Hall on December 5th 2019

  • @martinavazques7614
    @martinavazques7614 4 роки тому +2

    Hola Tim como estas ? Es hermoso ese lugar no conosco Canada pero lo tengo en mente algun dia se cumplira el deceo gracias por tan hermosos vistas ❤🍁😍

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Gracias Martina;) Rezo para que tu semana sea increíble;) Que los ángeles estén contigo en cada momento, gracias por saludar a Reno, Bella y yo esta noche :) :) Rezo para que este video te de paz y felicidad;) Estoy tan feliz de que estés aquí, deseándote paz y bendiciones, que tengas un gran fin de semana :)
      Tim y Reno

    • @martinavazques7614
      @martinavazques7614 4 роки тому

      @@timjanis Asi es tu musica hace cada dia que encuentre mucha paz en mi ❤feliz noche!

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +2

      Feliz Noche :) Tim & Reno

  • @makarhomenko6394
    @makarhomenko6394 4 роки тому +1


    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Thank you :) I pray you have a great week ;) I pray angels are all around you bringing you comfort and peace. :) :)
      My video came out a little early, this morning, So my 10pm video will not be here but I am going to upload a new photo and then I will be back on Monday Night at 10pm MST. I was hiking in Mountains, it is so beautiful :)
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella
      P.S. I will be at Carnegie Hall on December 5th 2019

  • @katyblue
    @katyblue 2 роки тому

    Beautiful melody and video, thanks

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you Katica!! I hope you found some calm here with us today :)
      Blessing and peace!
      Tim & Reno

  • @faridehbehain8125
    @faridehbehain8125 4 роки тому +1

    Beautiful relaxing music 🎶
    Amazing video beautiful Nature thank you love for sharing this lovely music video ♥️♥️♥️♥️

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you Farideh :) I pray you have a great week ;) I pray angels are all around you bringing you comfort and peace. :) :)
      My video came out a little early, this morning, So my 10pm video will not be here but I am going to upload a new photo and then I will be back on Monday Night at 10pm MST. I was hiking in Mountains, it is so beautiful :)
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella
      P.S. I will be at Carnegie Hall on December 5th 2019

  • @bougrianouzha8641
    @bougrianouzha8641 4 роки тому +1

    Merci Tim j'aime beaucoup les couleurs de l'automne et cette musique mélancolique magnifique🍂🍁🌄

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Merci Bougria ;) Tim & Reno

  • @saulmartinez4554
    @saulmartinez4554 4 роки тому +1


  • @HeloyRibeiroR1
    @HeloyRibeiroR1 4 роки тому +1

    The world is full of new opportunities,
    Just look at the earth after the rain.
    See how many little plants are coming up,
    as the green spreads more beautiful,
    and strong after the storm.
    The doors open,
    for those not afraid to face,
    the adversities of life for those who fell,
    but they rise with the gleam of victory in their eyes ...
    Spring, a season of the year ...
    God gave us to color
    our day so we have to enjoy
    this opportunity while we live ...
    Show! ... A Great Video and Beautiful Music. Beautiful landscape.
    Congratulations on your choice. Nice post. Thanks!
    A great day...

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you For your beautiful words ;) Reno and I want to thank you for being with us this week ;) We are so happy. Have a great weekend, May Angels of light and peace watch over you each moment, :) :) Next week we hope to have our videos finish from our hike in Colorado :) Yippee,
      Thank you
      Blessings and peace
      Tim & Reno

  • @melissazwieg2988
    @melissazwieg2988 4 роки тому +1

    😌😌😌😌😌😌🍂Thank you🍁Tim Janis🍂 wishing you an awesome weekend filled with happiness/laughter/Love/wonder/rest😘✨💙💙💙

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Hi Melissa, Thank you, Oh that sounds wonderful, I wish you that too :) I am so happy you said hello tonight, Reno is here, Bella is sleeping and we are all wishing
      you a great weekend. We will be here checking in :)
      May Angles watch over you in peace and light,
      Blessings and Peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella

  • @brosa2813
    @brosa2813 4 роки тому +2

    Buen jueves 19 de septiembre de ,2019.... Hermoso video 🎵🎶🎵🎶 Bendiciones al🌎🌏🌎🌏🙏

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Grascia B. Rosa ;) Tim & Reno

  • @user-ld2ts1nq7b
    @user-ld2ts1nq7b 4 роки тому

    Очень торжественно!!! Благо Дарю!!!

  • @sergioayala9594
    @sergioayala9594 4 роки тому +1

    ((( Yes lots of angels are around me. My God. Is. GOD. ))))

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Hi Sergio , Blessings to you :) I pray you have a great week ;) I pray angels are all around you bringing you comfort and peace. :) :)
      My video came out a little early, this morning, So my 10pm video will not be here but I am going to upload a new photo and then I will be back on Monday Night at 10pm MST. I was hiking in Mountains, it is so beautiful :)
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella
      P.S. I just posted a new photo on our community page ;)
      P.S. I will be at Carnegie Hall on December 5th 2019

  • @user-gn6ff8id6s
    @user-gn6ff8id6s 4 роки тому +1

    Приветствую Вас Тим, Ваш оркестр и всех кто рядом с Вами!!!
    Вы как всегда удивляете:
    Красивой и фантастической природой, музыкой 👏👏👏💕
    Хочется поблагодарить Вас, за Ваш труд, Вы неустанно трудитесь на благо нашей души и сердца!
    Пусть жизнь Ваша будет долгой и счастливой 🙏🙏🙏💞

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      спасибо Наталья Матьякубова, сегодня вечером я просто загружу фотографию, чтобы мы все могли поздороваться на странице нашего сообщества в 22:00 по московскому времени. Я молюсь, чтобы твоя неделя была замечательной;) Что ангелы с тобой каждый миг, пожалуйста, приходи поздороваться с Рено, Беллой и мной сегодня вечером на нашей странице сообщества здесь :) Я буду публиковать новое фото :) Я надеюсь, что ты увидишь его , Это будет сегодня вечером в 10 вечера MST :)
      Благословения и мир, Тим и Рено
      Постскриптум Пожалуйста, приходите ко мне в Карнеги-Холл 5 декабря :)

  • @shaditajik809
    @shaditajik809 4 роки тому +3

    It's amazing ......thanks for beautyfull video and music 🎶🎶🎶 🍂🌾🌻🌻

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +2

      Thank you ;) I pray you have a great week ;) I pray angels are all around you bringing you comfort and peace. :) :)
      My video came out a little early, this morning, So my 10pm video will not be here but I am going to upload a new photo and then I will be back on Monday Night at 10pm MST. I was hiking in Mountains, it is so beautiful :)
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella
      P.S. I will be at Carnegie Hall on December 5th 2019

  • @RAJA-fk9pd
    @RAJA-fk9pd 4 роки тому +3

    As usual .Tim and team ,you are great 🥰💐🌹🙏

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      thank you Raja ;) I pray you have a great week ;) I pray angels are all around you bringing you comfort and peace. :) :)
      My video came out a little early, this morning, So my 10pm video will not be here but I am going to upload a new photo and then I will be back on Monday Night at 10pm MST. I was hiking in Mountains, it is so beautiful :)
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella
      P.S. I will be at Carnegie Hall on December 5th 2019

  • @edytantoro7309
    @edytantoro7309 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks a lot for your amazing and beautiful instrumental music.. You're so kindness for sharing us the good music and good video. THANKS A LOT, Tim Janis.. Please, take good care..

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you Edy ;) I pray you have a great week ;) I pray angels are all around you bringing you comfort and peace. :) :)
      My video came out a little early, this morning, So my 10pm video will not be here but I am going to upload a new photo and then I will be back on Monday Night at 10pm MST. I was hiking in Mountains, it is so beautiful :)
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella
      P.S. I will be at Carnegie Hall on December 5th 2019

  • @redamehdihassan1113
    @redamehdihassan1113 3 роки тому

    Very nice presentation. Very cool. Thank you very much

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  3 роки тому

      Thank you Thank you for this beautiful message, So happy you are here :) we are praying angels are all around you . :) Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno :)
      P.S. Please check out my new movie “Buttons a Christmas Tale” on iTunes and Amazon if you can watch it and write a nice comment on Amazon and IMDB I would be so happy ;) The movie stars Dick Van Dyke and Angela Lansbury :)

  • @debralang9467
    @debralang9467 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks, Tim, so much for all your beautiful videos! I live in Buffalo, NY where winters can be cold, dreary and l-o-n-g, but this winter I'm playing your videos upon our large screen tv and it's become a window looking out to a gorgeous world! So I do thank you for turning my winter into one long bright gold and orange autumn. God bless you much for creating these and working to bless so many of us!

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Thank you Debra :) Praying angels are with you each moment, I will back this coming Sunday night with a new video at 10pm MST.
      Please come and say hello :)
      If you can please call your local PBS station and request Tim Janis Celtic Heart.
      That would really help Reno Bella and I :)
      Reno and I are so happy you are here :) Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno

  • @blackwolf9893
    @blackwolf9893 4 роки тому +2

    Greetings Tim! I just received your message and I think that would be a great idea to make a autumn CD, the colors in autumn bring me such radiance, hope and splendor! Especially when reflected upon the pristine waters such as this :] I'm finally going into the mountains and I'm so excited, the trees give me such a spiritual healing like no other! I know that God is with me each moment I'm in those trees, his creation is beautiful and made for us to enjoy and we should conserve every part of it! :] I'm also very excited to see the photos of Reno and Bella! I bet they are so adorable! It sounds like you love your animals just as much as me! :] I'm getting a farm soon, one of my dreams and I want every farm animal you can think of to be there :] As well every tree from leafy and vibrant to a tall needle one that can wave at me and whisper to me through the breeze :] I hope that God is guiding you and blessing you each moment :] I sure need His influence right now, for I've been rather selfish lately unfortunately :[ So can you pray that God can forgive and help me get out of this selfish craze? Also that new video on Sunday sounds great! Can't wait to hear it! May angels of peace and light be with you as well and have a awesome weekend! :]

  • @NoiseForRelaxation
    @NoiseForRelaxation 4 роки тому +3

    Such an inspirational music and wonderful autumn ivideo!!! 🌞 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
    I like your majestic mountain views! ⛺️🏞🌄
    Peace and Love! ❤️ 💛 💚 💙

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you ;) I pray you have a great week ;) I pray angels are all around you bringing you comfort and peace. :) :)
      My video came out a little early, this morning, So my 10pm video will not be here but I am going to upload a new photo and then I will be back on Monday Night at 10pm MST. I was hiking in Mountains, it is so beautiful :)
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella
      P.S. I will be at Carnegie Hall on December 5th 2019

  • @user-hh5lg7yg9g
    @user-hh5lg7yg9g 4 роки тому +2

    Спасибо.Thank you

    • @MIEKOSAKAIpeace
      @MIEKOSAKAIpeace 4 роки тому +1

      Привет, дорогая Дела домашние. Аригто, делюсь твоя радость❁ Спасибо. Желаю вам прекрасного осеннего времени.
      Приветствие из Японии с любовью, молящейся о мире во всем мире. Миеко и Элгар *

    • @MIEKOSAKAIpeace
      @MIEKOSAKAIpeace 4 роки тому

      Большое спасибо, дорогая Дела домашние, за посещение моего канала. Вы также можете послушать прекрасную музыку Тима :)
      Счастливого дня! Благословения и мира вам.

  • @ingridhartmann1116
    @ingridhartmann1116 4 роки тому

    Hallo lieber Tim in Liebe und Dankbarkeit verbleibt dir lngrid mein enkel ist gleich hier meine Tochter hat ihn mit dem Auto abgeholt und da bleibt mein Handy weg mir gefällt die Musik mit den vidios gut😇😇😇😇😇😇❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Hallo Ingrid, so froh, dass du einen schönen Besuch bei deiner Tochter hattest;) Frohes Neues Jahr :) Ich bin so froh, dass du hier bist;) Mögen Engel des Friedens und hoffe, dass du jeden Moment bei mir bist;) Ich habe einige großartige neue Videos in Vorbereitung im januar bin ich so aufgeregt :)
      Hast du das schöne Foto von mir und Bella am Weihnachtstag gesehen? Das habe ich auf unserer Community-Seite gepostet. Bitte besuchen Sie mich auch auf Instagram :)
      Segen und Frieden,
      Tim & Reno

  • @kats7949
    @kats7949 4 роки тому +8

    Good evening Dearest Tim. I was watching the video from a year ago called The Golden Forest on the big tv today. oh I had forgotten how I love that video so much with the golden spinning flower. I thank you for taking time to make these videos for us, it is so much appreciated. Your music this last year since I discovered it a little over a year ago, has made such a difference in my life. God bless you and all your works. This year has really been a life changing experience being on this channel with you and all these lovely people. you all take time to talk and have fun which makes me so happy. Thank you Thank you for everything. KAT oh P.S. I ate that sweetango apple today. oh my, it is just the right combination of sweet (just right) and tangy (not to much). it is firm and crisp crunchy and very juicey. I think if you can find this variety and eat one you will be as happy as I was with this gem of an apple. Today I saw a rainbow and 4 ladybugs and grass hoppers too, the 21 month old calls them hoppers. one jumped onto my pant leg to say hi lol. and we picked up acorns at the library. no I will not plant these ones. no sprouts on them and I have 5 I planted last year. the tallest is I think 5 inches. slow growers maybe?? anyhow Ralph Waldo Emerson says the creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn. I just love them . this video is so lovely with the falling leaves. yipeeeeee its Autumn. Kat

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +2

      Hi Kat,
      Thank you, we are all so happy you are here, Reno and Bella wave at your message everynight. You know, I bought some of those apples today becuase you mentioned it, so I will try one tomorrow ;) yippeee, I saw your other message with the qouete from Waldo Emerson, how wonderful ;) One acorn like Stumpy :) Is that the right name? Yipppee ;) Thank you Kat :)
      Blessings to you :) Tim & Reno

    • @kats7949
      @kats7949 4 роки тому +1

      @@timjanis lol no his name is Runtly but hey maybe one of the brothers can be Stumpy lol. Hi Reno and Bella!!

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +1

      Hi Kat. Oh I hope Runtly is O.K with my mistake name Stumpy, :) eeeeks :) Blessings to you, Tim & Reno

    • @kats7949
      @kats7949 4 роки тому

      @@timjanis lol he is very forgiving

    • @melissazwieg2988
      @melissazwieg2988 4 роки тому +1

      Hello Kathryn:) I watch Tim’s videos on my smart TV too✨💫 wishing you a rainbow 🌈 weekend🌅

  • @elainesouza7567
    @elainesouza7567 4 роки тому

    Awesome video. Gratitude.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Thank you Elaine ;) I pray you have a great week ;) I pray angels are all around you bringing you comfort and peace. :) :)
      My video came out a little early, this morning, I just posted a nice video on our community page. I was hiking in Mountains, it is so beautiful :)
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella
      P.S. I just posted a new photo on our community page ;)
      P.S. I will be at Carnegie Hall on December 5th 2019

  • @ingridakkermans9074
    @ingridakkermans9074 4 роки тому +1

    Dear tim reno bella betifol nature vidio love it always god angels ples and pray for jou always thanks jou ingrid akkermans

    • @MIEKOSAKAIpeace
      @MIEKOSAKAIpeace 4 роки тому

      Hi, dear Ingrid Akkermans. Wish you a beautiful and wonderful week full of Angel's Love and Light✧ Is it also a season of beautiful Golden Autumn at your contry?
      The southern hemisphere is spring though. . . Blessings and Peace to you from Japan Mieko & Elgar*

  • @sylviajoseph8935
    @sylviajoseph8935 4 роки тому +1

    Liebe an allen Segen and Peace. Reno and Bella. 🎶 🎶 🎶 🌞

  • @argeliaechenique6466
    @argeliaechenique6466 3 роки тому

    Hola tim feliz año nuevo .gracias p.tus melodías

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  3 роки тому

      ¡Gracias por estar aquí Argelia! ¡Te deseo un feliz y saludable año nuevo! ¡Bendiciones y paz!
      Tim y Reno
      ¡Estamos muy emocionados de que mi película Buttons: A Christmas Tale haya alcanzado más de 950 reseñas en Amazon! Yippee !!! Muchas gracias :). Y si aún no has tenido la oportunidad de conseguir la película, ¡esperamos que te guste y puedas dejarnos una reseña cuando la hayas visto! :) :)

  • @ingridakkermans9074
    @ingridakkermans9074 4 роки тому +1

    Betifol vidio tim reno bella lovely so good muzika love from holland for jou very good day thanks jou every day ingrid akkermans

    • @mussarosen3112
      @mussarosen3112 4 роки тому

      god bless you could see the great creation of master world.

  • @ianmacwatt2130
    @ianmacwatt2130 4 роки тому +1

    I dare not look away
    From beauty such as this,
    Lest, while my glance should stray,
    Some loveliness I miss.
    The trees might choose to print
    Their shadow on the lake;
    The windless air might glint
    With aspen leaves that shake.
    Over the mountains there
    A thin blue veil might drift;
    Then in a moment rare
    This thin blue veil might lift.
    Ah, I must pay good heed
    To beauty such as this,
    Lest, in some hour of need,
    Its loveliness I miss.
    Jessie Belle Rittenhouse 1869-1948

  • @danielatopircean395
    @danielatopircean395 4 роки тому +15

    Hi everybody here ! *)
    Infinite Blessings for all !

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +4

      Hi Daniela, Thank you for your blessings for everyone ;) Blessings and peace Tim & Reno

    • @kats7949
      @kats7949 4 роки тому +3

      HI Daniela!!!!! Happiness is wished upon you today. Kat

    • @Sunny-iq6hm
      @Sunny-iq6hm 4 роки тому +4

      Hello Daniela! Hope you are well 😊

    • @danielatopircean395
      @danielatopircean395 4 роки тому +3

      @@timjanis Dear Tim Infinite Gratitude for all this messages ! Wishing you all the best ! *)
      May Angels be with you all !

    • @danielatopircean395
      @danielatopircean395 4 роки тому +3

      @@kats7949 Hi my lovely friend ! *)
      May Angels be with you !
      Blessings & Peace !

  • @thisismy3352
    @thisismy3352 4 роки тому +2

    Very beautiful l feel in love 👍👍👍love 💖💖love!!

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Thank you ;) I pray you have a great week ;) I pray angels are all around you bringing you comfort and peace. :) :)
      My video came out a little early, this morning, So my 10pm video will not be here but I am going to upload a new photo and then I will be back on Monday Night at 10pm MST. I was hiking in Mountains, it is so beautiful :)
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella
      P.S. I will be at Carnegie Hall on December 5th 2019

  • @isigarre4846
    @isigarre4846 4 роки тому +2

    Ohhhh, que comienzo, más hermoso, buen día, Tim y Cia.🧚‍♀️😊🧛‍♀️👼
    Come home to me, 🙏🎶🎶👒🍁🍂 Yippeeeee ✌️✋🌈
    Paz y calma, para afrontar, un nuevo, día, Gracias Tim, Reno y Bella ✌️👒⛰️

    • @brosa2813
      @brosa2813 4 роки тому +1

      Buenos días deseando estés bien al igual la familiar!!! Bendiciones!!

    • @isigarre4846
      @isigarre4846 4 роки тому +1

      @@brosa2813 Hola Rosa, si todo mejor, gracias, disculpa, no añadi para publicaciones, pero podemos hablar, cuando podamos por Facebook. Un abrazo,
      Graciassss 🙏🧚‍♀️🌈✨

    • @brosa2813
      @brosa2813 4 роки тому +1

      @@isigarre4846 Me agrada que estés mejor... Bendiciones 🙏...

    • @isigarre4846
      @isigarre4846 4 роки тому +1

      @@brosa2813 muchísimas gracias, un abrazo Rosa, ✨🙏🌐

    • @brosa2813
      @brosa2813 4 роки тому +1

      @@isigarre4846 si..un abrazo.

  • @cleialima5721
    @cleialima5721 4 роки тому +1

    Passe pela vida serenamente,
    com passos leves e silenciosos.
    Em cada passo que der,
    deixe marcas, marcas de
    Amor e Paz...
    Em cada lugar que passar,
    deixe Saudades e leve Lembranças.

    • @MIEKOSAKAIpeace
      @MIEKOSAKAIpeace 4 роки тому +2

      Olá, querida Cleia Lima. Acabei de ler seu poema agora e é tão bonito, comovente ♥ Obrigado por compartilhar aqui com Tim. Também estamos felizes em lê-los.
      Oro por você e desejo a você um dia alegre e pacífico, cheio de Luz e Amor de Anjos ♥ Saudação do Japão com Amor. Que a paz prevaleça na Terra*

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +3

      Obrigado Cleia Lima;) Rezo para que você tenha uma ótima semana;) Rezo para que os anjos estejam ao seu redor, trazendo conforto e paz. :) :)
      Meu vídeo saiu um pouco mais cedo, esta manhã. Portanto, meu vídeo das 22:00 não estará aqui, mas vou enviar uma nova foto e voltarei na segunda à noite às 22:00 MST. Eu estava caminhando nas montanhas, é tão bonito :)
      Bênçãos e paz,
      Tim e Reno e Bella
      P.S. Estarei no Carnegie Hall em 5 de dezembro de 2019

    • @cleialima5721
      @cleialima5721 4 роки тому +1

      @@timjanis Gratidão!!!

  • @user-zl6gc8fr3y
    @user-zl6gc8fr3y 4 роки тому +1


  • @ingridakkermans9074
    @ingridakkermans9074 4 роки тому +1

    Dear tim reno bella wonderfol vidip very good muzika love it always good day bravo thanks jou ingrid akkermans

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Thank you Ingird ;) I pray your weekend is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back in just a few hours with a new video at 10pm MST, please come to say hello to Reno and I ;) I will have my video soon of my hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen Colorado, across the Rocky Mountains I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great weekend :)
      Tim & Reno
      P.S. I am Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)

  • @papamedilmamamedil7949
    @papamedilmamamedil7949 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much Tim. Its healing.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +2

      Thank you Papamedil, May God bless you :) Reno and I want to thank you for being with us this week ;) We are so happy. Have a great weekend, May Angels of light and peace watch over you each moment, :) :) Next week we hope to have our videos finish from our hike in Colorado :) Yippee,
      Thank you
      Blessings and peace
      Tim & Reno

  • @delynncooley6046
    @delynncooley6046 4 роки тому

    Tim, thank you for this beautiful music. It brings my soul to a place long ago before my time. It feels like home!

  • @maymayberry3487
    @maymayberry3487 4 роки тому +1

    Hi Tim ,Reno,Bella & everyone... !! What such very beautiful & romantic atmosphere,especially the first scene...!! The music & scenery are meant to be for all the sweet dreamers. Very excellent , thanks & have a great time...!!! :))

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +2

      Thank you May :) Tonight I will just uploading a photo so we can all say hello on our community page at 10pm MST. I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, Please come say hello to Reno, Bella and I tonight on our community page here :) I will be posting a new photo :) I hope you get to see it. This will be tonight at 10pm MST :)
      Blessings and peace, Tim & Reno
      P.S. Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)

  • @ianmacwatt2130
    @ianmacwatt2130 3 роки тому

    O sapphire lake amid autumnal mountains,
    With fire of aspens round about you burning,
    I would my love and I were now returning,
    Perchance to leave you never-
    To dwell with you, and know the mountain seasons,
    The fleeing cloud, the cliff and pine eternal,
    The fall of leaf and snow and blossom vernal
    Upon your placid waters.
    Clark Ashton Smith, (The Bard of Auburn), 1893-1961. USA.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  3 роки тому +1

      Thank you for the excellent word pairing, Ian!
      Blessings to you in this day, Tim & Reno :) :)

  • @cleialima5721
    @cleialima5721 4 роки тому +1


  • @iwonakolos315
    @iwonakolos315 4 роки тому +2

    Tim dziękuje za odpowiedź przytulam Reno i Belle przy mnie leży mój pies jamik Michał🍁

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Cześć Iwona, tak, fajnie jest się przywitać za każdym razem;) Yippee :) Błogosławieństwa dla ciebie :) Tim i Reno

  • @blackwolf9893
    @blackwolf9893 4 роки тому +1

    Hey Tim I just noticed the train at 1:27:13 what a great twist to this video! :] Trains are definitely one of the best machines to see nature in detail as they wind through the wilderness :] I also love the smoke pluming from the top reminds me of my childhood trips through Colorado now those were good days! :]

  • @blackwolf9893
    @blackwolf9893 4 роки тому +1

    Tim I just love the song at 39:14! It's so angelic and goes great with the tranquility and the alluring mist rising from the lake :] I'm starting to imagine that there are fairies hidden in those tall grasses! Also I love the combination of both coniferous and deciduous tree, a perfect combination of all colors emerald to represent summer and vivid life as well as the blazing orange to dark crimson to remind me of a cozy autumn whilst photos of the lakes as I imagine the soft waters rippling and the wind rustling through the trees to put me into a peaceful bliss where nature combines with fantasy and all which we think is fantasy is turned into reality by the hope of the trees :] Thanks so much once again Tim! You are amazing never stop making these videos! P.S the autumn ones have always been my favorite of yours! :] May God bless and have a fantastic rest of your week! :] So looking forward to your next colorful, vivid destressing video! :] For your videos surely melt my stress away especially the flutes humming along with the whispering through the branches seemingly to combine :]

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      Hi Black wolf, oh yes, I love the Autumn ones too :) I should make another Autumn CD ;) Thank you for your beautiful message :) I pray your weekend is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, my next video will be Sunday night at 10pm MST with a new video, please come say hello :) I pray this video gives you peace and happiness ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great weekend :)
      Tim & Reno
      P.S. I will be posting new photo’s of Reno, Bella and I soon :)

  • @blackwolf9893
    @blackwolf9893 4 роки тому +2

    So very beautiful Tim! These colors are amazing and comprehend well with the lakes! I love the golden leaves 🍁 for they match well with the sun! Also the flute music blends well with the tranquility of nature! Lakes are so very calming and bring great expanses of wildlife so apart of why I really envy them! Also I love how these lakes change colors from dark blue to a pristine green and how the fall colors reflect upon them! The trees are so wonderful as well! Trees are one of my favorite things, a true blessing from the Lord! I can’t wait for more of ur videos they help heal me every day especially the autumn ones! :) maybe u could make a Celtic one with a creek or stream running? I just really think the sounds of nature are as pleasant as the sights and really are so very calming there’s not a sound that could compare to a stream or a lake for that matter! Hope u, Reno and Bella are having fun in the majestic mountains 🏔 and may God bless! 🤗🐈🐕😀

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому

      HI Black Wolf, a Celtic one would be great ;) I pray you have a great week ;) I pray angels are all around you bringing you comfort and peace. :) :)
      My video came out a little early, this morning, So my 10pm video will not be here but I am going to upload a new photo and then I will be back on Monday Night at 10pm MST. I was hiking in Mountains, it is so beautiful :)
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella
      P.S. I will be at Carnegie Hall on December 5th 2019

  • @susanablanco3012
    @susanablanco3012 4 роки тому

    Hello Tim!!
    Thank you for giving us this precious moments of creativity and sensibility.
    God Bless you and all the humanity as well.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  4 роки тому +2

      May God bless you too Susana :) I pray you have a great week ;) I pray angels are all around you bringing you comfort and peace. :) :)
      My video came out a little early, this morning, So my 10pm video will not be here but I am going to upload a new photo and then I will be back on Monday Night at 10pm MST. I was hiking in Mountains, it is so beautiful :)
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno & Bella
      P.S. I just posted a new photo on our community page ;)
      P.S. I will be at Carnegie Hall on December 5th 2019