Evidence of God (Cosmic blind accident or Superconscious Art & Design?)

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024
  • Evidence of God (Cosmic blind accident or Superconscious Art & design) ... You decide...
    When we look at the universe and world we can either see one of two things depending in part on our world view and the thought system we have adopted.
    Overall we can either see the universe, world and life as a blind cosmic accident or an exquisite, intricate masterpiece of superconscious art & design. I think from an unbias observation of nature it is clear evidence that the ultimate source and origin of all life is God, a superconscious master art and designer, this is clear from observation of the evidence all around us.
    (All images courtesy of photos8.com)


  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 13 років тому

    What do you mean the "original teachings of christ?" That's what the bible is. It has been conveniently translated into english, but the original hebrew and greek is readily available to us.
    I'm not trying to force my beliefs on you. But please, just try reading the Bible honestly. Read as a book. REad the gospels. Try to understand the meaning behind it. Look at the words in context.

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 13 років тому

    The only reason atheist are so eager to argue about their beliefs is because they know they are wrong. Many atheists who have converted to christianity admit that while they were atheists, what fueled their eagerness to research their beliefs and those of others was the fear that they were wrong.
    Well, If you want to know what 'true christianity is' why not see what the Bible has to say?

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 13 років тому

    Haha, they'd just use some dumb flying spaghetti monster argument. and they'd all rate down the comment. And throw out meaningless insults. And then more atheists would thumbs up the meaningless insults, and the dumb flying spaghetti monster arguments, and encourage each other. then even more atheists would throw out even more meaningless insults and etc., etc., etc..

    @CAJUNNSC 13 років тому

    There is no more evidence of God then there is no evidence of God. The point is! Those that believe seem to feel their thinking things out and those that do not believe are thinking things out. So the choice is inevitably yours to make. But the prof is not in you saying so it is in you proving and no one has or can are will one way or the other. Let me leave you with this. Science deals with prof and theory is based on evidence after being tested to the point of over whelming prof. THINK!

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 14 років тому

    zappy, don't you get what I'm saying? God is the ONLY possibility! if you tried to figure it out, you would know that. but your content with being ignorant.
    we're not talking about old doctrine! we're talking about the creation of the universe. I'm not even asking for theories, what possibilities are there? give me some possibilities. that was my original request, and then you started talking about christianity! don't change the subject.

  • @zappafile
    @zappafile 14 років тому

    @dragonking700 Yeah thought you might say that. One more time. I have not made any assertion on the beggining of the universe nor would I ever. I am not that arrogant. You are defending an old doctrine which has no place in the modern world. If you wish to belive it thats fine but if you wish to debunk others theories you better have a bloody good argument for the alternative not just "God did it with magic". Last time, I have not & will not posit a theory of the creation of the universe.

  • @zappafile
    @zappafile 14 років тому

    @dragonking700 So I, having not given any theory, am supposed to back up my claim and explain myself, while on the other hand you who has a strong belief in a doctrine are still free from questioning because I do not have an alternative? Ok one more time. The burden of proof is on those that make the claim. It is not up to me to prove you wrong or even give an alternative proposal. You seem to be dodging this question at every turn. I hope it brings you joy and happiness anyway. Take care

  • @zappafile
    @zappafile 14 років тому

    @dragonking700 So far I have NOT tried to promote a single theory as I do not have the answers to a question of such magnitude. I am not that arrogant to think I know it all, unlike some. "Promote the theory that life came from nothing"? Who said that? I certainly did not. You seem to be talking in circles now. I have been single minded here. You have made an assertion. Back it up. No concept in history has gone so untested as that of religion or GOD. Try again mate. Good luck.

  • @zappafile
    @zappafile 14 років тому

    @dragonking700 can you reference the proof you claim to have given again then please? Seem to have missed it. You said "I am very sad you try to accuse chrstianity when you don't understand it". You brought it up not me. All I have said is there has never been any credible proof of gods existence. If there was it woold be called science not faith or religion. Give me a website or book or video or anything tangible to prove your claim. Not hearsay or conjecture or "this fits best for me" answers

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 14 років тому

    oh, then why did you bring it up in the first place? I'm not talking about Christianity YET. I'm talking about the existence of God. I addressed christianity because you brought it up. I have provided proof of God. please tell me how my evidence is flawed, using intelligent reasoning. in other words, don't just keep saying "I'm waiting for proof" because that's a lie, you're not waiting for proof, your waiting for an opportunity to promote the theory that life came from nothing.

  • @zappafile
    @zappafile 14 років тому

    @dragonking700 I have never intended to debate the ins and outs of your doctrine anyway. I have never read the bible so this would be a very one sided debate. My point was to question the validity of its existence in the first place. Regardless of whether it ticks all boxes and makes people feel good and fills all the holes up or not , if it is not true it is not true. If it can be proved to be true then I would swallow my words. Still waiting for even the slimmest evidence. Just my view.

  • @zappafile
    @zappafile 14 років тому

    @dragonking700 So you have to be good and earn the right to go to heaven in other religions but with Christianity I can be a life long sinner and then just say sorry at the end of time and I will still be saved. Awesome. No need to worry till the time comes then. Where is the impetus to do good in that? Atleast Karma has a push to do good in all facets of life all the time. Seems a much better philosophy of life to me, instead of the last minute out clause.

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 14 років тому

    I try to obey the 10 commandents because I know God loved me enough to send his son to erase my sins, and I want to please him. i also know that life is SO MUCH easier if you follow them. also, sin can weaken your faith and lead you away from God.
    but here's all you need to know if you want to be saved:
    do you trust Jesus as your savior?
    that's all. everything else (good works, church, bible study, etc.) will just come naturally after that!

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 14 років тому

    every other religion requires that you earn heaven by good works. you can't know for sure if you are saved...god will decide if you've worked hard enough. that really brings peace of mind, doesn't it?
    But the christian God cannot stand ONE SINGLE impurity. that's why we can't get into heaven by our own works. But God loved us so much that he gave his son Jesus to take the punishment WE deserve.
    therefor we can be free of guilt.
    now I WANT to obey the 10 commandments!

  • @zappafile
    @zappafile 14 років тому

    @dragonking700 I dont remember making any claim of a need to "earn heaven" so am not sure what your statement is in reference to. But I am pretty sure there is something somwhere in the bible that has a list of things I am REQUIRED to do in order to get in to heaven. It has a fancy name, oh yeah, the TEN COMMANDMENTS. Seriously dude come on you cant honestly say there is no need to earn your way in to heaven. What would hell be for then? Why do I get told I am going to hell?

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 14 років тому

    Einstein understood that time, matter and space were closely linked. all matter in the universe is bound by time.
    therefor...the world needs a beginning and an end. now some say that time simply started on its own. so that means the CAUSE is CHANCE.
    what are the chances that time, space, matter, life, atoms and molecules and complex evolving life could appear by chance? not within this world...because within this world energy cannot be created or destroyed.

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 14 років тому

    the world needs to be created, but god doesn't. everything with a beginning needs a cause. why?
    because of TIME
    time binds everything in this world. Because time binds this world (which we all know, it doesn't need to be proven) everything in the world needs a beginning and an end. this is the law of time. time also cannot be eternal, because that would mean it doesn't have a beginning, and that's against the laws o time.

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 14 років тому

    you show your lack of knowledge of world religions.
    Christianity is the ONLY religion that doesn't require you to "earn" heaven. for God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
    before we get into the immense historical and logical evidence for the Bible and the Christian God, we must first start with the subject of a creator. this can easily be understood.

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 14 років тому

    ....so, lack of evidence in God doesn't mean he doesn't exist...lol
    but that's right, "no one can know for sure" which is why betting eternal salvation on it makes perfect sense.
    the difference is, I can provide a very possible scientific theory for the existence of God, and you can provide no proof for YOUR theory of the universe, oh yeah, that's because you "don't know"

  • @zappafile
    @zappafile 14 років тому

    @dragonking700 Seriously? You are trying the old "you cant prove he does not exist" line? The burden of proof is on those who make the claim (That is you). Can you prove the tooth fairy does not exist? No. A lack of evidence to one hypothesis is not proof of another. There is no bigger question than the creation of the universe, simply saying it must have been magic does not cut it for me. I have no theory on its creation as it is far too massive to approach for me. Maybe it was the tooth fairy.

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 14 років тому

    if you really believe that, than how come atheists constantly attack the belief in God as being impossible?
    there is no evidence that god doesn't exist. and you admit that no one can really know. so how do you know there isn't a God?
    what if there is MORE evidence in favor of God than....well, what other theories for the creation of the universe are there? none. how else could the universe come into existence? EXPLAIN

  • @zappafile
    @zappafile 14 років тому

    @dragonking700 The FACT is you have no evidence for your assertion, that is why religion and god are belief systems not science.
    Its not "I dont know" its "no one knows". "There is no way this came to be by accident"? Have you discovered something no human has ever known? You have faith in your hypothesis and that is fine but do not confuse that with fact. Not even science claims to have such a solid and fixed understanding of the universe. You might want to show some humility in this.

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 14 років тому

    as an open-minded answer-seeking atheist, you're more content settling for the cosmic blind accident. you're more content with "I don't know" than with accepting the only possible answer.
    atheism is really a step backwards as far as "understanding the universe"
    there is no way the earth came to be on its own. It's not my opinion, it's a simple fact that many choose to ignore. there is no way all this happened on its own.

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 14 років тому

    God created all the laws of this world, including the law that energy cannot be created or destroyed, and that all things within time must have a beginning and an end (which is everything) none of these laws apply to god, because he created them.
    God is not on the same level as the big bang. it's not "the big bang vs god" it's "why did the big bang happen?" why did the world come to be? and we know it's obvious there has to be an intelligent creator. disagree? visit my channel. seeya

  • @zappafile
    @zappafile 14 років тому

    @crystal143J I see you have the best of intention so cannot knock your stance in all this. You do more good for your faith this way. I know it is very real to you so wish you all the best and hope it serves you well. I personally have no more connection to it than the tooth fairy and I do not feel, regadless whether it is true or not, that I need it in my life. Thanks for not going all ape on it and just yelling obsenities at me. Best of luck to you.

  • @zappafile
    @zappafile 14 років тому

    @crystal143J I think my problem here is that there is no way to KNOW what you beileve in. It is a belief. If saw a tsunami coming I would run like hell and tell all in my path to follow. If I thought a tsunami was coming because of some premonition, well I may tell people then also but could not blame them for not running with me no matter how "true" it seemed in my mind. I accept your idea though that you would want as many to see what you see. It just cannot be forced on anyone.

  • @Redbeardian
    @Redbeardian 14 років тому

    @GodLaughsAtAtheists Evolution by natural selection and abiobiogenesis are two entirely different theories. Also, amino acids have been created in labs using the stimuli and particles found in nature. Do you actually look things up ... or just randomly make ideas in your head and comment? Whatever evidence points to is what science accepts, leaving unknowns as unknowns until they are known. A little different than guessing and hoping.

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 13 років тому

    Yes, it's great to meet people who actually want to have an intelligent conversation. But you won't find any of those on the radical atheist side (cultofdusty, the amazingatheist, etc.) You will find them on the "radical" christian side though, having intelligent conversations with intelligent christians.

  • @MancunianMrG
    @MancunianMrG 13 років тому

    Hilarious! I mean you! Have an irony sandwich :)
    Even if the universe was created, there is as much evidence that an alien from the Andromeda galaxy did it as there is that any deity did. ie zero,nada, zip. Because we don not understand everything does not mean your particular invisible,evidence free friend in the sky did it.

  • @zappafile
    @zappafile 14 років тому

    @dragonking700 Betting now are we. You seemed so sure previously. Are you able to enlighten me with some of this evidence for the existence of god? Should be easy. although no one in history has so far been able. Yours is one religion of many should you not be placing bets with all the other religions too then. Just to be sure?

  • @zappafile
    @zappafile 14 років тому

    @dragonking700 Better to believe it was magic'd here by an all powerful guy in the sky? How is that any more believable? Where did he come from then? Why did he take sooooo long to put humans on earth? Create universe then wait billions of years and throw in some humans? What was he doing? Sudoku?

  • @zappafile
    @zappafile 14 років тому

    @GodLaughsAtAtheists if we did create life from dead matter christians would call it proof of intelligent design. Oh wait we have and they did. Standard circular argument of religion. The burden of proof is on all and any religion to justify their claim not science to disprove.

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 14 років тому

    if you put two puzzle pieces into a box and shake em up for a long time, are they going to fit together? what if you shook em up for a thausand years. ya think they're gonna fit together? no...and we haven't even discussed how the puzzle pieces got here in the first place.
    Atheists: pwned.

  • @zappafile
    @zappafile 14 років тому

    @crystal143J So on one hand we are not at all able to understand god because of our very limited abilties compared to him. But on the other hand we can understand him simply because you want to. Which one is it? We are able to understand him or we are not?

  • @zappafile
    @zappafile 14 років тому

    "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 14 років тому

    well, actually to be specific, they believe a random explosion created time, space, matter, dna, atoms, molecules, and a complex life that has the ability to evolve and better itself over time.

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 13 років тому

    Amusing but all the more saddening...If it were a much less important matter, I would be able to appreciate how funny their ignorance is, but unfortunately is it is a matter of eternal life.

  • @Boldyaug
    @Boldyaug 11 років тому

    If you can't see the beauty of a Creator- how all created things work in harmony with each other as a Team- (even the trees) and if you can't imagine how visible beauty was formed from invisible cells where noone could see the beauty at first- then you must ask our Creator to give you HIS faith- and open your heart and mind.

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 13 років тому

    I have never heard of that book. I will definitely look into it though.
    How do you know the "bible myths" were meant to evolve with the changing society?

  • @juuonse
    @juuonse 13 років тому

    @dragonking700 well I saw was the top rated comment under the video... kinda hard to establish whether it was sarcasm or a serious answer from just that comment =)

  • @kinbigbird
    @kinbigbird 13 років тому

    A grain of sand is enough evidence.It was nothing It didn't just happen.till it was created.You can't get something from nothing ,until it is created.What is this thing called love is it a feeling that just happened no it was from the creator this is what we have in common, God is love 1 John 4:8 so if God is love what is love 1 Corinthians 13 (this is Truth).Perhaps some don't love so how can they know God.

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 14 років тому

    we've established the fact that you don't know the answer. I asked what are the possibilities? please answer.

  • @zappafile
    @zappafile 14 років тому

    @crystal143J So you are saying there is absolutely no precedent for this act and you feel it something unacheivable?

  • @zappafile
    @zappafile 14 років тому

    @dragonking700 You Believe it to be the ONLY option. Thats great. Have a nice life mate. I disagree. That is all.

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 13 років тому

    umm...well, that was an example of NOT providing a rational rebuttal to my argument...way to go....

  • @zappafile
    @zappafile 14 років тому

    @dragonking700 ha ha yeah because THAT is an Atheists point of view? Ah WRONG sorry mate.

  • @berrywr1
    @berrywr1 8 років тому

    Neither! You're invoking the same rationale one sees in a cute animal such as a kitten and puppy. It's like someone telling me the earth is a few thousand years old when clearly there is no evidence to support the claim. The Grand Canyon is clearly such a thing; past and present.

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 13 років тому

    just tell me what other options there are.

  • @juuonse
    @juuonse 13 років тому

    @dragonking700 example of creationist idiocy: Check

  • @walterwhite7554
    @walterwhite7554 10 років тому

    Looks like neither one to me. You left out the option of a view of the Universe based on Reality. All you showed was Nature and pictures that look appealing to us ape-like creatures. You had an extremely biased portrayal of our planet which is over 80% fatal to human beings. If you think some designer made our atmosphere, then send a complaint that the livable portion is only as thick as a coat of paint on a globe in comparison. Ask a doctor and he will tell you a hundred problems with the design of the human body including having neck bones and muscles too weak to support the weight of our heads properly.
    Nature developed in a very organized manner following the Natural Laws of Physics, Chemistry and Biology etc, with chance playing a very small part.
    This video and the Designer Argument are way out-of-date and it is rare to see any apologist worth his salt try to make a case for it anymore. the main problem with it is that even if there was some magical "designer" we still have no way of knowing if it was Odin or Zeus or Allah, since claims were made in man-made stories for all of them. What looks like design for us may not look that way to some Life form twice as intelligent as us or 500 times more intelligent than us, just as what looks great to a dog may not be appealing to us.

    • @heymonwazup
      @heymonwazup 10 років тому +1

      I think it's wrong to attribute the wonder and mystery of the universe to an invisible oober sky daddy. It's the natural world and it wasn't designed.

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 13 років тому

    Yeah, what are trying to say?

  • @salasmomonicesalas
    @salasmomonicesalas 14 років тому

    great,,, Praise be to God , im a muslim

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 14 років тому


  • @zappafile
    @zappafile 14 років тому

    @dragonking700 I cannot accept that.

  • @PorrographicGames
    @PorrographicGames 13 років тому

    @AkumaxTamashii this life? So you believe in a second life. And just because you must believe in the supernatural means that others that doesnt are in denial or in search? thats pretty dumb..

  • @PorrographicGames
    @PorrographicGames 13 років тому

    @Shazoolo How does these pictures prove there is a designar? How can you just because you cannot fathom it make it that something supernatural most have done it? tt