Mary K Baxter (2 of 3) - visits hell in an out of body experience

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024
  • Mary K Baxter talks about the visitation she had from Jesus and her outer body experience where she was taken to hell and shown the torment


  • @michaelburnett6457
    @michaelburnett6457 7 років тому +5

    whatever you do in life
    do not go to hell

  • @CrypticHowl
    @CrypticHowl 12 років тому +3

    she's not deceiving us! I've seen LOADS and LOADS of people going to hell by God so he could show them hell and they all say the same as her.

  • @babipassion25
    @babipassion25 13 років тому +1

    @IETCHX69 I get along with everyone. I love the sinner but hate the sin. War is out of the question for me. I only speak the Truth and the Truth is the Bible. It's not a work of fiction, I learned that it is the Truth directly from the source. I was an atheist my whole life until I learned the Truth in July of this year. May God Bless you!!

  • @SkyWatch2011
    @SkyWatch2011 13 років тому +1

    Its sooooo crazy how people can look and listen to these testimonies and visions and not feel the conviction and urgency to recieve the Lord Jesus Christ. The use of fowl language and the such is scary. I pray for every soul that none will be lost. The Lord be with you all.. JESUS IS LORD!!!!!

  • @kristendale26
    @kristendale26 12 років тому +1

    I pray for all who don't believe this testimony is real. I can feel the holy spirit. Please, give your life to Christ while you can! You have a choice now, but when you die, you won't.

  • @charlessantee8329
    @charlessantee8329 4 роки тому +1

    Hell is a real place repent because the Kingdom of heaven is at hand only the blood of Jesus Christ can wash away our sins.

  • @ChinaReynolds
    @ChinaReynolds 12 років тому +1

    I wish she talked about celebrities being there

  • @frankjoseph6071
    @frankjoseph6071 Рік тому +1

    what she said about homosexuals is the same as mario's testimony. it must be real

  • @egabsanders
    @egabsanders 6 років тому +1

    How do you stab a skeleton?

  • @IETCHX69
    @IETCHX69 13 років тому

    @babipassion25 before oil, all the wars in the world were fought over religion. Don't let a work of fiction ruin your and others lives. Yes, I do believe in God. I believe He wants us to get along...

  • @babipassion25
    @babipassion25 13 років тому

    @lgnrome Why do you think she's lying? She's not saying anything that goes against the scripture, actually it goes right alone with it.

  • @ChinaReynolds
    @ChinaReynolds 12 років тому +1

    its truth!!

  • @FollowingTheSon
    @FollowingTheSon 3 роки тому

    People who try to invalidate N.D.E.’s by citing John Chapter 3 Verse 13, “No one [NO ONE] has ascended to Heaven but He who came down from Heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in Heaven.” completely invalidate all the biblical accounts of the Apostles and others who saw marvelous things in Heaven and wrote about them. The term [NO ONE] would also exclude the *the Apostle John and the book of Revelation* in it entirety. The Apostle Paul also said he did not know whether he was in, or out of his body when he went to third heaven, (2nd Corinthians Chapter 12 Verses 1-4). Would they quote this verse to the Apostle Paul and tell him he was not in his body when he went to third Heaven? Most N.D.E.' ers, including Mary K Baxter, never said they went into Heaven in a full flesh body like Jesus did. If asked, I'm sure they would all say and many do, their body never left the earth.

  • @colonalklink14
    @colonalklink14 4 роки тому

    God's standard is absolute perfection. Not even one sin is allowed to be in Heaven.
    God says that all of our good deeds are as filthy rags before Him. The book of James says that if you follow the whole law and offend in one point you are guilty of all. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
    We are all born in sin, we are born spiritually dead. We all deserve to be eternally separated from the love of God in a place called Hell.
    Redefining faith as obedience is contradicting Ephesians 2 :8/9/10.
    Jesus Christ gets all the glory for saving anyone and as such He will not save anyone who is trusting partially in their good works and partially in Him.
    He paid for all the sins of all the world (past, present, and future). That payment is put to your account when you have believed on Christ alone for salvation.
    When you have believed you have repented unto life!!!
    To have Everlasting life you must admit that you are a hopelessly lost sinner and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before and trust Jesus Christ as your only hope of getting to Heaven. You must trust in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation.
    Jesus Christ is the author of eternal life to all who believe on Christ alone for salvation. That is Everlasting life, not temporary or probationary life dependent upon your performance.
    Salvation is a free gift Recieved solely by trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone.
    Service (discipleship) if you choose it can cost you everything if you go all out in serving God.
    Our good works are solely for rewards in Heaven.
    Wrong repentance, no salvation!
    Repentance of sins is a lifetime of works, and has never saved anyone or contributed in any way to salvation. Nobody has ever been saved by Giving their life to Christ, or promises to follow Jesus, etc.
    The only repentance that saves is turning from whatever you trusted in before and trust Jesus Christ as your only hope of getting to Heaven. You must trust in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation.
    False gospel messages include : make a commitment, promise to follow Jesus, make Jesus Lord and Master of your life, surrender your will, pick up your cross daily, repent of your sins, give your life to Christ, etc.
    These are all good things that already saved people should be doing, but none of them saves anyone or can contribute in any way to salvation.
    Mary Kay Baxter is preaching faith plus works equals salvation nonsense. Lordship Salvation is not the gospel message. Satan's ministers appear as ministers of righteousness!

  • @IETCHX69
    @IETCHX69 13 років тому

    @babipassion25 and u2!