Hilary Duff | Full Interview



  • @magicmc23
    @magicmc23 9 років тому +130

    wow, she looks absolutely stunning.

    • @tboss3276
      @tboss3276 2 роки тому

      Jesus loves you!😊❤

  • @ThisJustin96
    @ThisJustin96 9 років тому +55

    She's so genuine and that's why i love her

  • @SeriouslyGrey135
    @SeriouslyGrey135 8 років тому +52

    Luca's mom has got it going on..

  • @rubi2322
    @rubi2322 9 років тому +161

    Hilary duff is amazing ... She doesn't care to be on top and what's the most trending.... We love you!!

    • @SuperSonicWarrior93
      @SuperSonicWarrior93 9 років тому +10

      Exactly. If only more celebrities could be like her. And do you want to know something else about her? Guess how many scandals she has? Yeah, exactly. ZERO SCANDALS!

    • @assma9343
      @assma9343 8 років тому +3


    • @kristinf1770
      @kristinf1770 8 років тому +1

      The church

    • @jeremysmith54565
      @jeremysmith54565 6 років тому +3

      Plus she makes me laugh to boot, just because I may be 6 years older she always made me laugh in her show haha, though probably much older but meh caught it once somehow and thought it was one of the funniest shows I have ever seen, it even still makes me laugh going on a binge watch recently!
      Actually thats the first thing I though even before I read you saying zero knew it was that haha, even before you said that and it suits her, she's a lovely girl!
      It's the rant Tove Lo said she had with some radio team she disagreed with lol whilst they were talking about her, she goes on about something bashing into them that she's not essentially writing about things some exec wants her to write, oh honestly actually made me literally LOL! Was on some kind of platform too but she said whilst she was explaining at was pretty funny lol.

    • @jeremysmith54565
      @jeremysmith54565 6 років тому +1

      The word fuck is the most (do genuinely believe this and thus well lol when the likes of Danny Bhoy an Indian/Scottish Comedian said about the Gáidhlig or Scots Gaelic language rarely being spoken outside of communities rife with incest (was a joke lol), most speak the Queens English in Scotland.... only if the Monarch had a severe/serious case of tourettes lol. Heck even Ireland doesn't see it as swearing so that's good enough for me haha!
      I know that for a fact they swear on daytime TV on RTÉ sometimes, it's the Irish Gaelic equivalent of the BBC is their national station in the RoI, means Television of Ireland in English being the Éireann is the name of Ireland in Irish Gaelic being Gaeilge also a tv show sitcom this is based on lol ua-cam.com/video/b71kh81VCx0/v-deo.html
      With Hil though I may disagree with her on somethings but meh I know she means perfectly well and thats a great thing and its fine to disagree it could be that I am not seeing something maybe she does, I am so anti thinking that debatings about wacking someone over the head theoretically speaking until they give up, it's wrong and is definitely part of the problem with some today, it's annoying really!
      Love her to bits and as long as she's happy that's all that matters :)

  • @maslover12
    @maslover12 9 років тому +31

    The first pop song I've heard was Why Not when I was around 7, and ever since then, I always looked up to Hilary and love everything that's she's done in life. when I found out she was coming back in music, I was more than ecstatic. Now 16, I can still say she's the artist that has made the most impact on me. (along with selena Gomez)

  • @SuelFadel
    @SuelFadel 8 років тому +53

    Hilary Diff was my biggest crush when I was a kid and she still is ! God how fuckin beautiful and down to earth person she is !

    • @americanpatriot646
      @americanpatriot646 7 років тому +1

      Sam I know right you how ppl ask you your crush been the same sence 2001 and the pilot for Lizzie and still the same odd thou in a group when we are talking I'm the only one to say Hilary Duff. oh well

    • @chrishall6617
      @chrishall6617 9 місяців тому

      That was frist bad breakup with Hilary duff she remember this

  • @moojohnson2977
    @moojohnson2977 9 років тому +67

    Ugh, Hilary Duff is just awesome. Love her!!!

  • @jordankbernard
    @jordankbernard 9 років тому +78

    is it just me, or does she look like Jennifer Lopez at some points?

    • @ameravdibegovic6868
      @ameravdibegovic6868 8 років тому +8

      Jordan Bernard that's what I'm always saying to 😁😁 they should do a movie where Hilary is Jennifers daughter hahha 😂

    • @ivrcitttt.
      @ivrcitttt. 7 років тому +9

      Yes she does. They have same features. Ever since my mom saw her in a Cinderella story she told me that girl looks like Jennifer Lopez

    • @lz9509
      @lz9509 7 років тому +6

      Jordan Bernard yeees!!! I've always said that, her Jennifer Lopez and Kate Hudson...if Kate Hudson and Jennifer Lopez had a baby together it would so be Hilary Duff lol ❤

    • @kimmyymmik
      @kimmyymmik 6 років тому +3

      Just you.

    • @Jdwg51887
      @Jdwg51887 5 років тому +2

      I always thought this..

  • @aneisa10
    @aneisa10 9 років тому +46

    Why is she so freaking prettyyyyyyy gahhhh!

  • @VoiceboxSoundbytes
    @VoiceboxSoundbytes 7 років тому +13

    How funny is it that she's speaking so well about Matthew Koma here and now they're dating? So cute!

  • @jessicaren9091
    @jessicaren9091 7 років тому +12

    She's one of the few Disney celebrities that didn't sell her soul to the devil and went insane

  • @danibarrantes8520
    @danibarrantes8520 8 років тому +28

    Man this is the FIRST video on UA-cam that I have seen ALL the comments be positive !! Hope the world would be like this someday, this is what someone so HUMBLE like Hilary Duff can make happen! ❤️ so cool...

    • @michaellove9547
      @michaellove9547 6 років тому +1

      Dani Barrantes The world is like this Dani Barrantes, It's Hillary Duff.

  • @milliepantaloons6801
    @milliepantaloons6801 9 років тому +21

    I wanted to be Hilary Duff when I was younger!! she seems like she grew into a great woman

  • @benitobrito8702
    @benitobrito8702 8 років тому +15

    She's absolutely amazing and stunning. How she has stayed humble & kind says so much of her character. It's what has made her so enjoyable! She's silly, relatable in so many ways. Her music definitely reflects her, and she's grown so much. Its great to see how far she's come. God bless, humongous fan since the beginning!!! She's inspired me so much and am so happy to see her influence still go on. 💫

  • @GavenGustavo
    @GavenGustavo 9 років тому +10

    Thanks for treat Hilary that good and highlight those important things about her life and her carreer, because her message is simple and clear. She's a simple, humble person and she reaches people being herself

  • @torytakken5177
    @torytakken5177 6 років тому +8

    23:39 the best part you can tell she wanted to cry Hilary except it you’re literally history no one can take that from you

  • @SuperSonicWarrior93
    @SuperSonicWarrior93 9 років тому +24

    Damn. I've always wanted to meet Hilary Duff in person, and I still do. She is one of the most talented and one of the most beautiful women in the cosmos. And I'd love to tell her that in person.

  • @msmusik2
    @msmusik2 9 років тому +39

    I love Hilary I looked up to her SO much as a kid, and its so cool to see her in so many different interviews. Near the end of her career youtube was first created along with so many other social media platforms and I'm seeing her in a new light now that I hadn't seen before and it's so cool to see her personal thoughts on fame and everything. It's awesome!

    • @jeremysmith54565
      @jeremysmith54565 6 років тому +1

      Forgot myself just how much I really do love her (or maybe think I love her haha) I mean saw this comment about her not being without any scandals but meh I'd not call this really per se a scandal at all when she wore a costume to some halloween, what I'd criticise is her apologising for wearing it, she didn't need to do that I don't see a problem with her wearing that myself at all!
      I mean maybe it's me not seeing something but meh I am not too bothered myself, can understand why she did apologise but meh.... or there was another I think she said about something but wouldn't criticise her negatively for it, I am so anti about debating thinking it's wacking someone over the head until they give up, so no still love her to bits she's just a different person than me of course :)
      I'd have that much respect for her I'd say that to her face, she's lovely :)

    • @tboss3276
      @tboss3276 2 роки тому

      Jesus loves you!😊❤

  • @user-ed4pp5io6f
    @user-ed4pp5io6f 7 років тому +17

    It seemed like Hilary thought the interviewer was being insincere with all his compliments about her work. also he just kept asking her about other celebrities. like ask her about herself, dude

  • @ishasavage1993
    @ishasavage1993 7 років тому +10

    I would die (in the best way) if Hilary Duff and Taylor swift worked together on some music.

  • @damiancervantes8521
    @damiancervantes8521 Рік тому +1

    I’m so happy I found this gem. Literally just watching Hilary Duff interviews on a Monday😅

  • @LaurenPaigeMagenta
    @LaurenPaigeMagenta 9 років тому +20

    I didn't even blink... best ever.

  • @samantarizzi248
    @samantarizzi248 9 років тому +25

    Hilary is awesome, I will always support her! When I was little I loved the Lizzie McGuire show and now I really respect the woman she became. Go Hilary Duff! :) (from Disney stars I really like also Vanessa Hudgens and I used to like Miley Cyrus, but now she kind of annoys me with the way she's acting)

    • @jeremysmith54565
      @jeremysmith54565 6 років тому +2

      It's all part of growing up really that's all it is :)

  • @amanietingle6379
    @amanietingle6379 6 років тому +6

    Hilary Duff was humble in this interview😄.

    • @amanietingle6379
      @amanietingle6379 5 років тому

      thankful that you guys and ladies liked my comment😄.

  • @aanchalkochhar
    @aanchalkochhar 7 років тому +4

    I love the interview. It was so honest and covered a lot of things.

  • @kyleighthomson2809
    @kyleighthomson2809 8 років тому +11

    This talk show host is a little obnoxious.....
    But I love Hilary so much :)

  • @saima5324
    @saima5324 4 роки тому +6

    Aww She talks about Matthew with so much respect. Little does she know that he was going to become her man in 2017. Love love.

  • @issyissy4626
    @issyissy4626 7 років тому +11

    Omgggg a Hilary Duff and Drake song would be LITTTT

  • @LovelyKaix3
    @LovelyKaix3 7 років тому +4

    Literally so grateful for her existence. She contributed a lot of joy to my childhood.

  • @MarciaPze
    @MarciaPze 7 років тому +2

    This was a very interesting interview! Thanks Zach!!!

  • @dougdoerr8188
    @dougdoerr8188 9 років тому +7

    More Proof that she is #1 Chick out there! Nobody (IN MY OPINION) can stand next to Hilary! Perfection 100%....................

  • @sweetanila26
    @sweetanila26 9 років тому +6

    How could you not love her? Glad that she's back!

  • @JudithReyna
    @JudithReyna 9 років тому +2

    I just love her so much 😍 And I love the interview, nice job!

  • @este_ban
    @este_ban Рік тому

    This is definitely one of my favorite interviews ever!

  • @Sam-yr7vl
    @Sam-yr7vl 9 років тому +2

    Amazing interview! Hilary is the best!

  • @Jdwg51887
    @Jdwg51887 5 років тому +3

    4 years later and she's engaged to Matthew Koma

  • @nicolestanford7296
    @nicolestanford7296 9 років тому +9

    Hilary is the best.

  • @rebeccaw5401
    @rebeccaw5401 9 років тому +8

    Hilary is sooo funny I love her! Im so glad shes back doing acting and music shes one of the few celebs who are just so down to earth.

  • @nessa007productions
    @nessa007productions 2 роки тому +1

    this is such a great interview! hilary has never changed. she’s still as lovely, sweet, humble and talented as she was when she first started. i’ve been a fan of hers since i was 8 years old and now i’m close to 30. everyone always says this but it really is amazing that she transition out of being a child/disney star to an adult and didn’t have a breakdown(at least not a public one). she definitely surrounded herself with the right people.

  • @cassidygard
    @cassidygard 7 років тому +2

    her makeup is so good in this.

  • @callumfletcher2684
    @callumfletcher2684 9 років тому +5

    Hilary, Miley & Demi are and always will be my fave Disney kids.

  • @lovetolaugh07
    @lovetolaugh07 9 років тому +2

    Shia and Hilary in the same interview!? YES!!!!!

  • @LBigJake14
    @LBigJake14 9 років тому +6

    Hilary Duff, pretty much the only Disney character i watched as a kid that hasn't went to shit

    • @marckid93
      @marckid93 9 років тому +6

      +LBigJake14 The Mowry Twins, Keke Palmer, Zendaya, and Selena Gomez say hi.

    • @ytuser0301
      @ytuser0301 9 років тому +1

      +Name "Keke Palmer"

  • @nomad9264
    @nomad9264 8 років тому +7

    She is so sweet and so beautiful, she is such a good person!!! ❤️😊🙌🏼

  • @albertomartinez1798
    @albertomartinez1798 9 років тому +2

    That was so funny! I enjoyed every minute ;)

  • @aidayte3102
    @aidayte3102 9 років тому +4

    Amazing host, very engaging! I love your voice!

  • @lars7282
    @lars7282 2 роки тому +3

    She’s a gem.

  • @Enchanteralle
    @Enchanteralle 2 роки тому

    Hilary has always been so kind and humble. I'm glad to see her being genuine and down to earth. She definitely has grown and matured. She's definitely had some ups and downs in her relationships, but I'm glad that she can still hold it all together, be a great mom, juggle with her career, and keep things cool. I hope to see her on TV again!

  • @mikeybehr
    @mikeybehr 8 років тому +14


  • @rentaco21
    @rentaco21 9 років тому +1

    this is an amazing interview

  • @ceuti
    @ceuti 7 років тому +2

    Hilary Duff (I think her Metamorphosis tour) was my first concert n.n

  • @rudolfostone6213
    @rudolfostone6213 9 років тому +5

    She's the best!

  •  9 років тому +3

    I love Hilary so much!!. Obsesion. xx good show Zach! ;)

  • @keviedowns
    @keviedowns 6 років тому

    Hilary Duff was my first concert aswell. Are you going to bring out another album Hilary?

  • @WaterLikeMisery
    @WaterLikeMisery 4 роки тому

    I love that she mentions working with Mathew Koma....fast forward to 2020 and they're engaged and have a kid together

  • @packleader1215
    @packleader1215 9 років тому +1

    Did Younger start back up again? Season 2?

  • @86themadhatter27
    @86themadhatter27 9 років тому +2

    lol i just thought of her earlier. Hadn't seen her in anything in years. She looks so different to how i remembered her. And she's a mom? crazy

  • @Emily-vp8dz
    @Emily-vp8dz 4 роки тому +2

    I feel like Hillary Duff could be my mom... she's literally like 3 days older than me

  • @stev6963
    @stev6963 5 років тому +2

    What a respectable woman. Holy cow.

  • @panayottaam1520
    @panayottaam1520 3 місяці тому

    Where can I watch younger

  • @ilonaukasiewicz4495
    @ilonaukasiewicz4495 9 років тому

    what is the name of the girl they talk about? the one she wrote songs with?

  • @BettyMareeHOHCountry
    @BettyMareeHOHCountry 3 роки тому +1

    Hilary needs to do a comeback tour she needs to realise more music!!! now that Hannah montana (miley) is planning a comeback Hilary should tour with her. imagine that concert

  • @johnmoss1444
    @johnmoss1444 9 років тому +3

    Id think of Hilary as a cool mom being so popular, so beautiful, so cute, so sweet. Hopefully, Hilary is prepared that her kid may be one of those kinds of kids that may try being clever enough to fake being sick if he really doesn't like school that much. I used to do that his age and above and things have gotten pretty ugly. So much I have figured out as I am a college student now.

  • @dancemariah13
    @dancemariah13 7 років тому +2

    Hilary is my favorite!!!

  • @Matthew-cv4on
    @Matthew-cv4on 13 днів тому +1


  • @mercebond723
    @mercebond723 7 років тому +1

    I hope you'll work with Charlie PUth

  • @leif1075
    @leif1075 3 роки тому

    Why do we never see the host's face?

  • @beshxo
    @beshxo 9 років тому +3

    why is she PERFECT!!!!!?!!! ugh!

  • @薔薇薫麻美
    @薔薇薫麻美 9 років тому +1

    i like her style,personality.she is amazing!

  • @jackie.2780
    @jackie.2780 3 роки тому

    Come Clean is my favorite song of hers

  • @justinboswell8876
    @justinboswell8876 3 роки тому

    I still love this interview

  • @Henryk6203
    @Henryk6203 9 місяців тому

    Interesting, I find it odd, how she came through with that 0:03.

  • @samsunglg6671
    @samsunglg6671 3 роки тому

    She's so authentic

  • @blaircanady
    @blaircanady 2 роки тому +1

    Haha she was clearly into Matthew even then.

  • @MubinNoor
    @MubinNoor 5 років тому

    Get her back PLEEEEEEEAASSSSEEEEEEE!!!!! **sobbing**

  • @CatChannelWithEntertainment
    @CatChannelWithEntertainment 3 роки тому

    Omg lizzie never gets old , I remember coming home from school and I would turn my TV on and just wait for Lizzie McGuire to start ❤️😻☺️

  • @StoneBluMusic
    @StoneBluMusic Рік тому

    I have always loved Hilary Duff and I think she is doing such a wonderful beautiful job with both of her children and as always she looks great keep up the good work Hillary❤

  • @packleader1215
    @packleader1215 9 років тому +1

    I have a feeling that she will live a long time because of the family that surrounds her.

  • @imakesushinotsushit
    @imakesushinotsushit 9 років тому +4

    I love you Hilary 😍

  • @TheIslandryder
    @TheIslandryder 7 років тому

    i really really miss her from the Disney channel as lizzy. i was so in love. sucks that she looks not as fresh and all so grown.

  • @CatChannelWithEntertainment
    @CatChannelWithEntertainment 3 роки тому

    Aww and Hilary duff is so pure ❤️

  • @TheVampireTwinz
    @TheVampireTwinz 7 років тому +1

    Uhhhhfff I want her lifeeee😭 she's everything and so lucky! She's so modest too tho, I really like her 💕

  • @toribellasongz
    @toribellasongz 6 років тому +1


  • @JasonMorgan1995
    @JasonMorgan1995 5 років тому

    All this years and Hilary Is still Beautiful to me she was and still is my 1st celebrity crush ❤️

  • @cynthiahl089
    @cynthiahl089 9 років тому +2

    I just love her

  • @Kell_M
    @Kell_M 3 роки тому +2

    Hilary has such a beautiful smile.. ;-)

    @RAVIWALIAA 9 років тому +13

    that host's voice.... so so so annyoing. hilar y though was amazing

    • @ToniCarrington
      @ToniCarrington 7 років тому

      Ravi Walia RIGHT!!!!! I'd rather heard Howard stern

    • @ItsNicckster
      @ItsNicckster 7 років тому

      ToniEmoji Howard is an old rag AND a perv. Zach is young and chill.

  • @Hiii_ItsTori
    @Hiii_ItsTori 8 місяців тому

    I love her and her music!!

  • @RiverMeowMeowz
    @RiverMeowMeowz 9 років тому +1

    Yaaaasssss best ever.

  • @randomboy9161
    @randomboy9161 7 років тому +4

    Hilary Duff + Britney Spears.

  • @morganbarfield108
    @morganbarfield108 3 роки тому

    Will ALWAYS be my favorite actress

  • @princecharming8125
    @princecharming8125 3 роки тому

    Luke is almost 7 years old now

  • @amandaverduzco9722
    @amandaverduzco9722 9 років тому +1

    she is gorgeous😘

    @NEHAFITNESSFREAKZZZ 8 років тому +2

    Hilary, I miss you so much, can we see u in movies, u r so gorgeous, die hard fan from childhood as we know as Lizzie Maguire 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  • @judyedingburg7298
    @judyedingburg7298 7 місяців тому +1

    I love you Hilary duff🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @ronburgundy5011
    @ronburgundy5011 9 років тому +1

    She looked so much like J.Lo.

  • @interzine1505
    @interzine1505 9 місяців тому


  • @emilydelbuonomusic
    @emilydelbuonomusic 3 роки тому

    She’s unbelievably gorgeous

  • @texanne88
    @texanne88 7 років тому +2

    Drake ft Hilary Duff....not bad. I would love to hear that! :)

  • @camara1194
    @camara1194 7 років тому +2

    yes Hilary yesssssssss