Republicans have been saying that since Reagan. It's probably not going to happen until the federal government financially implodes. Then they'll try to hold on to their biggest needs to maintain authority like military and police. As a result, education and a lot of other things they can all surrender to the states.
@@sPGgwUxYrSd7Cf5H Yeah that'll all be happening 😂😂 Get that done first day with a couple executive orders🙄 Will you low iq-anons never learn? These conmen don't give a solitary sh#t about you. Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. In 4 years he built a few 100m and Mexico paid not one peso. It's all just bull#it.
@@Bunnahabhain18He seems and acts more Christian than most Christians ... Plus he's not running to be a Pastor.. He'll be wonderful as our Prez.... And PS, I'm a Christian
@@donkaavrova2017 Yeah, that's great stuff! He uses a lot of my favorite Fox News talking points and catch phrases, which really pleases and comforts me. I absolutely love that he uses the word "woke". I'm not sure what it means, but it sure makes me mad! That alone assures that I'll vote for him, without hesitation!
Well..I hope you are not Gay a Woman. Ramaswamy likes the sound of of his voice he won't listen to you or anyone for that matter. Actually he's full of it😅
Best guy for the election. I am indian American who always voted democrat. I am impressed by Vivek’s hard work and clarity. I am changing my vote and going to register for GOP primary
I also thought Clinton’s and Obama were cool and sexy and Republicans bunch of evil guys. By the time Trump came along, my eyes were opened and I suddenly realized what was in the back of my mind all along. The system is rigged and we need an outsider
This is what democrat media wants to do, talk about Trump and keep Biden in the basement. Vitek should of said Biden had tons of confidential documents from when he was a VP and senator and the Biden DOJ did not go after him. Two justice system!
@@Bryan-yf5yq There is a difference between mentioning and pressing on a subject for an extended time. A significant portion of this interview is trying to get Vivek to either sound crazy by not condemning trump or to lose voters by condemning trump. It's entirely unnecessary for him to analyse Trump in detail during this interview in order to present his case for presidency. He re-iterated several times he would have made different judgements, the reporter never even cared to ask "What would you have done differently", instead pivoted to several different ways of trying to get the required answer.
Vivek is brilliant. His deep understanding of the constitution, law and history will set him apart from other candidates. America needs significant changes to its education system, immigration system, and governance. As Vivek argues correctly incremental reforms will not take us to where we need to be to survive as as a nation. We need a revolution. This is indeed a 1776 moment.
Vivek does not have a "deep understanding of the constitution." He copied his talking points from The Federalist Society, which twists the facts to justify a warped conservative agenda. The basic problem is, over 200 years have passed since "First Principles." Our society has changed. There were no hospitals. Women gave birth at home, attended by midwives, not doctors. They lived in colonies, which didn't become a nation until 1800. Today, women are more than half the students in grad school, also medical school. Ramaswamy wants to go back to a legal system that denies women a right to make decisions. I've met lots of women who are much smarter than Ramaswamy. I see no reason to let a person still trapped two centuries in the past to write Executive Orders so his Fantasies can play out?
@@000m43 Well, I don't depend on a single country, I have 3 citizenships, I don't think it would matter to me, you only see what he talks about immigration and not how good it would be for the country and business, a young person who wants to eliminate agencies like the IRS, DID YOU KNOW THAT?
@@000m43 Why does everything have to do with immigration? Don't you realize that this is about politics? They say it to win votes, we have a constitution that supports us all, but as always people allow themselves to be carried away by manipulation, I will leave you as an example the president of El Salvador: they said the same thing about him and look, he has a safe country and the people live better and quite happy. But well, your answer is going to be the same one that they are going to send me to Mexico, I know they can't because I didn't break any laws, but if you like hearing it, I hope they do it since my country, Mexico, is improving a lot economically. 000m43 is lying to you, he wants to remove all people that are only citizens from birth-right. You'd be safe, just ignore him. I'm Canadian but I would vote Nikki Haley.
Vivek is brilliant. We need fresh ideas and fresh policies. Tired of all the nursing home old fogeys currently in Washington. Vivek for president 2024.
No, seriously, haven't you seen his plan for the FBI? Let's think about a murder. Who does the autopsy? Who runs tests on bullets taken out of the corpses? Support. The FBI employes 20,000 support Ramaswamy's plan is to fire all 20,000. How is the world's premier law enforcement agency supposed to work without support? Ramaswamy is possibly the worst candidate on the Republican ticket. No matter how many tell Ramaswamy his plan won't work, he responds by repeating his memorized stump speech, over and over. When this started, I agreed that the Department of Education had gone too far. Is there a need to educate children about gay issues? Gay people think so. But there is also a line where children are too young to be indoctrinated. Then, Ramaswamy said, "I'm not running for President on my own, but God is acting through me." I've run into so many religious nuts, I know Ramaswamy spent too much time talking to Evangelicals at Faith & Freedom conferences. He drank the Kool-Aid.
Not all. Many are going to be fresh ones according to changing times. If one thing is certain it is change. The increasing wokism, breaking up of family units etc. need to be dealt with. America has been a great place. Currently spiralling downwards. Value systems have to be restored. So, there are a lot of new issues.
@peacek6909 I'd have to agree with the last commenter. Like or dislike Vivek, I'm struggling to find much fresh or new about him. He is polished, and sometimes that can present as fresh or different, but on a policy level I'm not seeing it. The two issues you mentioned, the family unit & woke, are well trodden topics within the GOP. Can you name a fresh or novel policy he has?
One good thing so far about Vivek. He can go on any show, against any opposition and not get caught in any of their "gotcha" questions. That's because he stands on truth and principle. You simply can't be gotten if you stand on those two things. Very admirable.
I think you need to watch the video again. This is PBS. Margaret Hoover reads whole paragraphs from Ramaswamy stump speech and asks, "Can you explain?" and lets Ramaswamy talk for five minutes uninterrupted. A "gotcha' question means interrupting him to bring him back to the original question.
@@VivekSmith "He can go on any show, against any opposition and not get caught in any of their "gotcha" questions." - He wasn't talking about this show in particular, rather the sum total of the shows he has been on.
@@alby7186 Let's think about those "gotcha" questions: (1) Why should we risk shutting down the FBI? IN the news this morning, two FBI agents shot shutting down a pedophile ring. Is Ramaswamy against real law enforcement going after pedophiles? He got caught in that one. (2) How will Ramaswamy make Putin back out of his treaty with China? Ramaswamy lost big money donors over that one, (3) Why is defending Taiwan more in our national Interest than helping Ukraine? Ramaswamy got caught in that one, has limited knowledge of World War II and why America learned an important lesson from Hitler's plans to conquer Europe. (4) "Anti-woke" means corporations should not spend shareholder money on social issues Ramaswamy lost big on that one. Want to save the rainforests? Any hope of reversing climate change? We have to stop window airconditioners in India from polluting our atmosphere. Government won't do that alone. Corporations need to be in the fight, too.
@@Continental123-i2n We're so familiar with American culture (for me, that means TV culture) that when we meet those from cultures more backward than ours, we have to explain. the rules of PBS Public Broadcasting Conservative candidates will be questioned by liberal (feminist) Liberals and hippies will be questioned by Colonel Jessup from "A Few Good Men"
Vivek is one of the point men FOR TDS by defending the former POTUS. Anyone who thinks he was ever cut from President timber before , after and during his administration, is one very delusional sick phuck. It is written
@googlenazicompany5935 Yea a Harvard / Yale educated entrepreneur and proven builder of wealth with dangerous debunked economic theories. LOL And your qualifications apart from reading Socialist Weekly are ???? I’ll wait.
I have seen 7 past Presidential runs, and not witnessed as straight forward and dynamic personality like Vivek for the ticket. He needs no tele-prompter, speaks from heart and deep convictions, and is just pure authentic and brilliant. I am an independent and switched my vote for GOP this year, when I heard how he quit his billions dollar CEO position to hold on to his own liberty and ideas against the board pressure. He is that 'pure' on his convictions. You don't see such candidates every five years. I at least haven't seen in 35. He is the real deal which America needs.
Yes. He is neutral triggers both right and left but also takes the best of right and left and uses it. He is northern a new party above both. He lacks skin in the game though. Also decent picks is desantis done a great job with Florida a tougher state and active skin in game current. Lawyer background makes for great leadership material. Kennedy family skin in game but his ideologies can bit over the top but maybe America could use that he seems to not be afraid blaze his own trail I like that. I don't want to see Biden 80 again. Nor trump we all sick of trump and even though I was for some time a trump fan it's clear towards end he is missing a few marbles maybe it was his lawyers around him misguided him but I don't want see trump again in president.
@@ceecee6679. Interesting thought about leaving a board rather than pushing for change. Boards, as with Congress, are majority rules situations The power of the executive branch seems to be where most of Vivek plans would be implemented. Does the next president simply reverse any executive action? Been there - done that. There needs to be persuasion leading to legislation to secure true change.
@@ceecee6679 well who is your pick then. desantis has legal background, and more likely to stand up to bully central america(they are bullies trust me) especially here in california. legal background more likely clean up the biased news outlets who reported biasedly he would make a fortune off of the news stations sueing them and helping clean up the news industry, unlike trump who let all kinds of nonsense run rampant. etc. trump consults with stupid lawyers, desantis the lawyer, its a big difference shady lawyers may not even care about trump, but desantis can clean up the nation coming from the heart. biden is 80 he will be 84. that's just insane. absolutely insane. no buieno.
@@ceecee6679 You quit with a proper succession plan, and then go out to write few books and expose the bigger problem ie how these boards work and function. In due process you form an asset management firm - Strive - to challenge the very establishment which is pushing down an agenda which against the shareholder value props. Wait - seems like that is exactly what VR did. So what he not fixing? Please elaborate?
Just curious to where libertarians fall on the government using its power and bureaucracy to prevent people from voting. I've never heard of such governmental overreach in my entire life
He made all his money investing in big pharma ripping off Americans with life changing medications. He funded pharma boy martin shkreli. He's conning all of you
You are truly wrong. Vivek and his parents and a few friends in the right places started a company called Roivan in the Bahamas. They bought a known failed drug then used it to steal billions of investment cash. Then after a few years of milking the fake stock they admitted the drug had "failed." By that time the corrupt Family was long gone with the cash. Now he is using that to run for President. You need to rethink your entire thought process on this guy./
He said "We've spent 30 minutes talking about Donald Trump, I would prefer to talk about our vision for the nation" and I totally agree! This interview should concern Vivek and his vision for the presidency. It is not about what Vivek thinks about Donald Trump.
@@CC-ox9uc Yes. He's right on this because once you start prosecuting your political opponents you're not far away from Marius and Sulla and end of another republic I know.
Vivek is just brilliant. This is the type of the candidate we should all get behind. I am a moderate Democrat. And thinking about changing party affiliation to vote for him
👏🏼 for you from 🇦🇺. It is critical thinkers like you who will cut through the propaganda and support what is best for America and indeed the world. TRUTH….& a UNITED AMERICA FIRST - vote Ramaswamy ❣️
I'm 72 yr old retired LEO sickened and nauseated by the state of our country. VR gives me a glimmer of hope for the future for our kids and grandchildren.
@@tristandamonster8478 Yes Obama was a good orator as well. He has to be able to fire everyone when under the pressure. I think Trump still has the edge on him here.
@googlenazicompany5935 Wait a minute, who is allowing you speak if the orange man "almost" dismantled DOJ, FBI, ACLU, dissolved congress, raped the Treasury and oh! did I mention he pushed the red button and blew up few countries as everyone feared? All the screaming Karen's predictions came true. Common man (Biden speak)
Remember how everyone was tickled with Obama???? Let’s pick and dig deep everything about this man before we get all tickled with him … my opinion just my opinion is he could be the Antichrist ????
I feel like Vivek is an genuine person who cares about people and could sit down and have an engaging convo with anyone no matter their age economic status or gender or whatever. Tbh the more I listen to him the more I feel better about the future of the country
He is a criminal that bought a known failed drug then repackaged it and leveraged it for billions. When he says he wants to shut down the FBI its not because of TRUMP, lol. You sure?
future of America, i dont blame you for thinking along party lines, but i think its high time we stop dividing ourselves left and right. Hes here for everyone, hes the future of our country
He's a dumbass. He called the government profession "tainted." Does he understand the presidency is also a government profession? If he desires to become "tainted", fine. But this indicates his lack of respect for government (ironic isn't it?). He has claimed in the past he is a scientist (apparently you only need to graduate with a science major and do nothing else directly science-related in order to qualify as a scientist) and yet he says the interpreted results from climate change research is "anecdotal evidence." If it doesn't fit his agenda, it is "anecdotal," apparently. He won't get elected this coming time, but when he finally does, maybe the waters will take over the land (we know the reason why), rendering his aspiration for a run to office effectively meaningless.
Vivek is what we need. If elected he will be the smartest guy in DC. We keep electing idiots. Vivek is the right future of the Republican Party and the country. My daughter is no longer a democrat and now a registerd Republican voter because of Vivek. She finally sees the manipulation and lies from the dem party.
Those idiot democrats who voted for Biden…they never learn…I don’t want to hear any complaints from them…and they have no common sense…they live in fantasy land…they don’t know Freedom is not free…you have to earn it…
He is manipulative, but you cannot see that. Take the entrapment thing he talked about. He said he would Pardon Trump because he thinks the DOJ targeted Trump and then looked for a crime to bring him down. That did not happen. But, he supports the whole Hunter BS, and that is EXACTLY what the Repugs did. They looked for the person (Hunter to untimatly try to bring Joe down)..Found he made a lot of money (which they think looks suspicious). And then they LOOK for a crime committed. Vivek is a hypocrite to claim Trumps case was entrapment, but Hunter's is not.
One thing I like about Vivek is that even if you disagree with him he is still civil and looking to find common ground. We need someone who can bridge this deep divide we have in this country. I believe Vivek is the only player in the field that can do that.
Boy, Firing Line has really changed since Bill Buckley's day. It's a leftist gotcha media outlet sympatico with tabloid journalism while masquerading as intellectual, and Margaret's integrity is depicted nicely by her last name, it sucks.
@@davidmaltais2912his policies are America First. Every decision will be taken on the basis of this principle. Free speech, Meritocracy, ending pointless wars and instead focus those resources on American Prosperity, Family values, Ending Militart Industrial Complex and Bureaucracy etc. What don’t you like in his policies. (Keep Trump aside of this discussion)
He is young, has a direction for our country, has spirit, is educated, smart, eloquent, articulate, successful in business, charismatic, a good debater, answers every question, takes no super pac money, is family and faith first, and not tainted by the swamp. It would be a travesty if he is not the nominee.
I doubt if just a civility is enough to bring civility back to the current American politics. It is too dirty and you cannot clean the toilet with a violin bow.
Finally a candidate with intellect that understands the issues and problems we face as a nation, and most important, offer solutions and vision to achieve those goals! I will support his run to become the next President and pray other Americans will listen to what he has to offer.
@@redshift8302 Intelligent, tech libertarian. Their primary goals are to unite the country, which includes not jailing/ pardoning previous presidents. Yang literally used to use the exact same line about "this is not a banana republic".
What are his solutions for our dead economy and his stance on foreign policy? Crickets! Vivek talks a good game and repetitive, but he hasn't addressed any real issues that we Americans face every day!
He’s actually spoke a fair bit on both, just find some of his longer interviews. Here’s a quick summary: on foreign policy, he says no more world police, but be transparent about protecting our own interests when necessary. This means defending Taiwan if we have to, because they make our micro chips. It was startling to hear him say this out loud, but refreshingly honest. On the economy, quit relying on China to make all our stuff, which implies some of it should be made here. Also, reduce ESG’s influence corporations, freeing them to focus on what matters, being productive.
GIANT mistake. He is a globalist who wanted to participate with WHO in data mining and creating a global data base with the "health score card" for every person, which would be used to keep people from traveling freely. Look up Datavant. Then you'll know one of the reasons why Ramaswamy wanted to scrub his relationship with WEF and Governor Dewine from the internet.
This is one of the things Id say Vivek has over trump. Nothing against trump. JS Vivek comes off as way more respectful, responsible, and compassionate.
As an environmental scientist, Vivek is correct on focusing on human prosperity. The more prosperous a society, the more they are able to focus on environmental protection.
America already has this. And if there is a lack of, there are municipal officials you should be contacting. Not the federal government. Blame your state.
@@energysourcelove disagree. The more prosperous a nation the cleaner air and water in general. Low income communities in the US still have way cleaner situations than let's say poor areas in India.
It’s hilarious how you make it sounds like 1. This is somehow difficult to understand 2. Being an environmental scientists means you understand more than non-environment scientists on this point. This isn’t hard. Stop acting like this is hard
Pfft Vivek the snake has you all hoodwinked. He made money from a failed alzheimer's drug where his mum fudged the trial data, then he sold his stocks making $50m then the company tanked and the shareholders lost all their money......he is a liar and a cheat. Not your saviour . Vote Dr. SHIVA for President at least his actions match his words. Not like RamaSWAMPY
All I have to tell you God is telling you that you guys are all blind. He gave you wisdom. He gave you everything you don't even see it. You don't even hear it. So you better break your own decision and you're going to separate with it. and your going to cry a baby when it happens
@@capgun56 I don't like anything because I'm not American rather I'm Indian but it's funny to see how you get enraged without understanding the context of the comments...Btw Obama is the Butcher of middle East & Ramaswamy is one of us
That makes it even more suspect. Marshall McLuhan said, "The medium IS the message" -- meaning, the fact he is allowed on all these platforms shows he is not being gate-kept. Compare this to a presidental candidate like Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the man who invented email at the age of 14 --- the MSM is terrified of letting his message get out and giving him any platform. The man was married to Fran Drescher, and had hobnobbed with many famous people and elites, yet they never allow him to be on their platforms. Vivek appears to be the "not so obvious establishment." I've been watching him very closely, I watch everything he puts out, and he just isn't as raw and real as Dr. Shiva
@@GrandAbbot you have an assumption but the basis for that assumption is imagination, feelings & group thinking. Similar arguments are made by so-called gender activists. Lazy and disingenuous. Try again. Shiva is trying to put across his ideas and policy positions since when? I have seen him run for president from 2015. Either people are not buying what ever he is selling or he just bad at building a political base of some value. He needs to keep moving convincing people be on the campaign trail. He can't do that from his cosy home in Boston. He may a good inventor, but a good leader, Na. Even after so many years no one knows what his platform is about he is not resonating with people. I'd call him a flop leader.
@@GrandAbbot ?? Dr. Shiva's shtick was Harvard is a hedge-fund masquerading as a university. What policy positions did he put forth like Vivek is doing here? I agree Dr. Shiva is incredibly smart etc., but intelligence alone is not the only factor required to be president. Vivek is firing on all cylinders and will wipe the floor with any of his competitors on the debate stage. He does seem to be more corporate-friendly than I like but compared to everyone else (including Trump), Vivek outshines them all by a mile.
Instead of knee jerk reactions to her questions he provides a reframing to focus on the main point with an intelligent message. This guy constantly impresses me. He's possibly the most articulate and intelligent person I've ever seen run for elected office. He makes even Obama look inarticulate!
He's the most exciting person I've ever seen, heard, heard about, read about, etc. There's never been anyone like him. He talks like greased lightning! Really teaches the liberals a lesson. He's the one. It's Vivek time! Isn't it time you had a Vivek?
Vivek - you speak not just for America but all western civilization. I stand squarely at your shoulder. As a brother, a father, a son, a husband. Thank you for screaming out loud. 👊
I don't think he has much of a shot, he's on my "short list" for the time being. I could definitely see myself voting for him but not 100% convinced yet. I will say this, if I were looking to hire a motivational speaker, Vivek is #1 on my speed dial.
I’ll be watching him closely over the next year and a half, to include his inauguration in Jan 2025. He wants a Reagan-esque 1980/1984 landslide election. And he can deliver it. Definitely has this independent’s vote.
I'm 54, never took part in a voting circus simply because career politicians and both parties smelled like dead fish. What a breath of fresh air from Vivek. I might just change my habits and vote for the first time in my life. You Republicans better wake up, drop Trump, and make this guy your centerpiece... if you truly care about any changes at all.
This guy is running laps around every politician and they are ignoring him but he's coming in hot. No one stands a chance with this guy! He's got my vote hands down. There's something that happens in my soul and spirit every time this man speaks
@@adruvitpandit5816 hahaha 🤣 it’s funny how you degraded yourself the very minute you mentioned wiki like it’s some credible source when we all wanted to use wiki during high school and college but the teacher never took it as a credible source no matter how bad we wanted to us it because everyone is opinionated and it’s not special. We all got one
Yep, 25 should be the minimum unless you are in the military. We also need a work requirement in order to vote. No job, no vote. In addition, we need to do away with early, mail in, and online voting. Our founders believed we should vote in person on election day. Not 30 days prior and still not have the votes counted for days or weeks post election. If you could get to the poll via horse and buggy then with all of today's transportation methods you can drag yourself to the poll in person on election day.
He is only raising the minimum age to 25 if you can’t pass a simple test that immigrants have to take to be citizens in this country; if you can pass the test at 18 then you can vote at 18. This makes perfect sense.
He is the only candidate at this time that I trust to represent an alternative to the dominant ideology and to pull us back from the poverty-training policies we see in the progressive cities. Margaret asked some good questions too, as far as challenging him on things Democrats are especially occupied with.
The fact that he refers to the Constituonal Republic is a clear understanding of how much he better understands the premise on which the founding fathers were in their creating of this Republic that is the United States. It is unfortunate that many forget that very important fact.
At the same time he says they should not go after Trump cause he is a person running for office. We are a law and order country period. He saying any man that is the front runner should be not convicted or even go to TRAIL? Just let him do what he wants and let the public choose in voting. WHATTTT????
@@brendabackes6017 Yeah a crime was not committed cause everyone that he wanted to commit a crime turned him down. Georgia Gov. Mike Pence - VP. When it come to the classified documents he actually did do shit. He got VIDEO FOOTAGE DELTED. That is ILLEGAL if the footage is needed to show a crime.
@@AChillin01RYes. If Trump is convicted (found guilty) of a federal crime, Ramaswami will pardon him (forgive his offense). His rational for issuing a pardon is that it would not be in America's best interest for an incoming President to punish or imprison a political opponent (as this is a common practice in most authoritarian governments around the globe). It is important to note that: a) in order for a pardon to be issued, a crime must be committed, and b) the incoming president can not pardon any State crimes Trump may be convicted for (only the federal crimes). I do not know what the 'right' answer is, but I suspect most of, if not all, the candidates would do the same.
The current political landscape is just so toxic that both political parties risk ending becoming a government of the Hatfields and McCoys. Care must be exercised to ensure that it all does not end up falling off the rails and that could very well be a plausible outcome and then where would one be.
Trump’s the elephant in the room. In any case, I prefer tough adversarial questions posed at candidates. Vivek demonstrates the intellectual capacity to respond with reason and understanding.
Vivek is like a perfect blend of Reagan and Obama, both an amazing uniting intellect and outstanding communicator, the country needs a leader like Vivek. #Vivek2024
Vivek isn't even in the same stratosphere as Obama and Regan. Vivek's entire platform is the exact opposite direction of what the majority of young people want the country to head. He is not a unifier. Not even close.
@@vagabondwastrel2361 Obama, in terms of leadership is pretty flawless. Well spoken, took responsibility, inspired people. You can disagree with every one of his policies and still respect the man as a leader.
@@jackpowers5707 *for example he deflected blame for the org wide corruption in the acorn office he was a manager for. He created the obama birther "conspiracy" because he refused to submit a document every president is required to submit. His targeted bombing of American citizens wasn't exactly inspiring. I have zero respect for obama the man. He would show up on military bases and have that base put on lockdown so he wouldn't have to talk to the enlisted outside of his photo shoots. How abotu how he intentionally destroyed the health insurance system by not properly funding obamacare ad installing the dumbest judge in robes to push it through scotus.(judge brown is almost worse in some of the areas)
Why do news anchors talk to Vivek as if he is Trump's lawyer? Vivek said he would pardon Trump but at the same time he is running to defeat Trump in the Republican Primary. Even people who have lost the ability to read between the lines can understand his reasons and logic. But somehow news anchors can't.
Vivek actually answered hard questions, made clear decisive comments and still very much treated everyone on his side of the road as a comrade. Inviting for debate and conversation.
When he starts saying he wants to take away birthright citizenship from *everybody* and raise the voting age (because he knows younger voters are less likely to vote for him), he can take off. My grandkids deserve to be full citizens, and my kids deserve to exercise their voting rights at 18. Imagine a guy who couldn’t be bothered to vote threatening the voting rights of others…what an absolute joke.
@@robynnordstrom7799mam, I've listened to many hour long podcast interviews with Vivek. He's not taking anything away from anyone. He's said it's a conversation starter about how to get people talking about voting. He wouldn't follow through with it unless there's a consensus on support of it and he's open to ideas about getting people within that age group to vote. Additionally,from an interview with Politico The founding fathers didn’t get it “quite right” when they tied the right to vote to land ownership, Ramaswamy said. Similarly, it was wrong to have denied a vote to women and African Americans, he said. But after floating at a few recent campaign stops, particularly colleges, the idea of requiring service or civic knowledge for young adults to vote - a version of which Ramaswamy had explored in his two books - he got his best crowd response to date on Sunday, at an event largely attended by Asian Americans in Novi, Mich. Members of the audience, which included a number of immigrants, came up to Ramaswamy afterward to praise the suggestion, which appeared to “seal the deal” for Ramaswamy, according to the campaign adviser. “My response to that is, the objective is not to stop people from voting,” he said. “It’s to value voting itself and everybody’s equal and on the same foot at the age of 25 and onward.” Also, I've seen quite a few people that age group saying they're for Vivek. I hope you're grandkids get as much information as they can regarding Vivek's full stance about it so they can decide for themselves.
True about her being the get Trump crowd. Interesting body language too, she will give a smile whenever she knows she is getting nowhere with her question. At least for the answer she wanted Vivek to give.
He may be intelligent and a very good communicator, however how strong will he be in dealing with our enemies or the kiss ass politicians of Washington D.C ? Will they eat him alive?
And a total liar equivalent to Gavin Newsome if not far worse. At least Newsome is simply a Nepotist when he began in politics. Vivek is a CONMAN that stole billions from investors.
Perfect. Excellent. Fantastic. Vivek is like a key unlocking the paradigm of truth by shattering the shackles of corruption and propaganda. He’s like a political Jesus who rose to save us, even though he is Hindu.
Hinduism has a lot of similar values as Christianity and fun fact is that Indians are very used to Christianity since it is big in India even though Hinduism is the biggest religion.
If you think deep enough you will realize that Church corrupted Jesus' message after his death, while Jesus may be trying to convert Jews to dharmic ideas Hinduism may be Christianity v5.0
Mr. Ramaswamy is brilliant and brave and he has such a great ability to recall and speak to specific and relevant facts when answering questions. Just impressive! Vivek 2024!
You'll never ever see another presidential candidate putting their ideas against Jordan peterson. This guy has a conviction to change the US for the better.
Vivek will be our next president. He’s an exceptional overachiever, is respectful and has the intellect to lead in the way that is sorely needed. Won’t that be nice 😊 Vivek 2024.. It’s happening!! 🇺🇸💃🏻🕺🏻
Echoes of JFK and Teddy Roosevelt here. Vivek & Apoorva will be the best choice this generation has provided for next First Family. He's certainly the best candidate I've seen run in my lifetime.
Teddy Roosevelt Yes. JFK, on the other hand, was nothing but a Cold War shill for the Military Industrial Complex who got the US mired in the Vietnam war and brought the world to the brink of nuclear war with the Soviet Union. Vivek is a refreshing and much needed altenative to JFK and his war mongering corporate puppets successors who have done so much damage to our country since the esteemed 35th POTUS "left" office..
Every time I watch Vivek, I agree more and more with everything he's saying. There's rot in our government, and he means to cut it clean out instead of trying to put a bandage on it.
Wow, I read a lot of comments here and never saw one negative comment about Vivek. I just love how he never stoops to attack any of the other candidates. He tells you what he is running for, not what he is running against. Such a breath of fresh air.
@@RobertMJohnson You are very correct, his lack of political experience is his weakness, but ironically also his strength, as he is still untainted and his past life of 37 years has been remarkably clean, that his political opponents will find it so hard to attack him. Once he gets into politics, the political contagion is likely to infect him, and then it would be easier to attack him. Hopefully he is a political virgin if/when he becomes President.
Yes,he came out of nowhere,just like Obama.Thatv s a huge red flag!No experience in actual service to the american people.He made all his money from Big Pharma.What does that tell you?We can't afford another mistake in office.Go with a candidate who has a history of serving the american people like RFK or DeSantis or Trump
I have said Trump 2024 for a while now. But this man has changed my mind with his policy and energy. Vivek 2024, thank you for being a refreshing voice for Millennial conservatives
Seen Vivek for the very first time watching the presidential debate and my first impression was 😲 OMG, he blew me away by his intelligence, professionalism, energy. My first response was Yes, he has my VOTE! Then reality set in. 🤔 The filthy rich behind closed doors who is really running this country will never let him win. 😢
I support Vivek's policies - I fully support his ideology - Vivek is my leader - He inspires me - He is an inspiration - He is putting power back into the hands of people - He is pro crypto / pro Bitcoin - I just lovv it - His ideas / policies are good for America.
@@glenndevries9893 If he doesn't win - I prefer Trump then there will be celebrations but it will be slightly muted.. If Vivek doesn't win then that shows there is no meritocracy - that means people are not voting 🗳️ based on merit
When I first heard those sound bytes, you made him sound like a radical. But when you actually listen to his purpose & plans , HE GETS IT. He has rooted out the problems & he also has a very insightful and perfectly thought out plan in which to fix these problems. His intellect is far above anyone Ive heard on the campaign stage for decades.
He did it so smoothly and without being rude and disrespect. Others may also shout this out, but in a ruder manner. Trump will definitely use other blunt words to the same effect.
I'm in my mid-60's and really like Vivek. But I do agree he has appeal among younger people. He's the first candidate I've been donating to in decades.
Finally, a candidate I’m proud to vote for! He is resonating with US! I have yet to see any other candidates working as hard to get their message out. You have to respect his willingness to have an open dialogue with those who agree, and more importantly, with those who challenge and disagree with him. He knows what is at stake if we continue on this current trajectory. He has a clear vision to restore and move US forward! Ramaswamy🇺🇸2024!
Solid interview.. Margaret did great. Interrupted him a couple times as he started answering a question with a thoughtful response, but she mostly seemed engaged. Just the right amount of contention, imo. Bravo. Vivek is the man.
Wow, you can see the tension in her face and voice as she tries to convict Trump in her questioning. Vivek knows his mind and won't be led off topic. He is definitely given much thought to his platform and decisions. He verbally hits right back to direct conversation back to his campaign. His ability to control the narrative is a powerful skill.
Here is an 83 year old who is planning to vote for Vivek!!!!!!!
sure, if you say so
Well done
better watch out Hillery gonna take you out and vote dem with yo dead body
@@michaelanthony679That seems to have hurt you deeply.😅😅😅
Did he say he would destroy the Dept of Education? First time i've heard an interview with this guy, won me over in the first 3 minutes.
Republicans have been saying that since Reagan. It's probably not going to happen until the federal government financially implodes. Then they'll try to hold on to their biggest needs to maintain authority like military and police. As a result, education and a lot of other things they can all surrender to the states.
He did but if he becomes President he won’t. Just like all the Republican candidates say they will shut down federal agencies
Yeah I think that will be very popular with the uneducated.
And Betsy Devoss is pretty much the opposite of a "good person"
Yup and the FBI, IRS, etc...
@@sPGgwUxYrSd7Cf5H Yeah that'll all be happening 😂😂 Get that done first day with a couple executive orders🙄
Will you low iq-anons never learn? These conmen don't give a solitary sh#t about you.
Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. In 4 years he built a few 100m and Mexico paid not one peso. It's all just bull#it.
Vivek is the smartest guy running for office. He has my vote for President in 2024!
No he's just the slickest. He's pandering to the extremists in the GOP
He seems smart to Republicans because he’s in a clown car with idiots. Outside of the primary field his ideas are easily gutted and filleted.
@@Bunnahabhain18As if Trump is a real Christian
@@Bunnahabhain18He seems and acts more Christian than most Christians ... Plus he's not running to be a Pastor..
He'll be wonderful as our Prez....
And PS, I'm a Christian
@@Continental123-i2ntrump is more Christian than most Christians? I want what you’re smoking.
I get chills and goosebumps, both, at the same time, just thinking about Vivek! He's so amazing!!
@@donkaavrova2017 Yeah, that's great stuff! He uses a lot of my favorite Fox News talking points and catch phrases, which really pleases and comforts me. I absolutely love that he uses the word "woke". I'm not sure what it means, but it sure makes me mad! That alone assures that I'll vote for him, without hesitation!
Well..I hope you are not Gay a Woman. Ramaswamy likes the sound of of his voice he won't listen to you or anyone for that matter. Actually he's full of it😅
Best guy for the election. I am indian American who always voted democrat. I am impressed by Vivek’s hard work and clarity. I am changing my vote and going to register for GOP primary
I also thought Clinton’s and Obama were cool and sexy and Republicans bunch of evil guys. By the time Trump came along, my eyes were opened and I suddenly realized what was in the back of my mind all along. The system is rigged and we need an outsider
That democrat party that you voted for earlier does not exist today. GEt a life pal.
Yes, it's true that the Democrat party is not what it once was, so why the insult?
You’re a Traitor for voting Democrat. We don’t want you.
@@ramkumar-kd3rp I did :) eventually
She spent most of the time talking about Trump. Once again, the media continues to give Trump free publicity even when he isn't around.
Re read your comment. Deleted my previous one. You're correct. They just can't get enough
I mean literally how can you not mention Trump if you're trying to directly race against him
This is what democrat media wants to do, talk about Trump and keep Biden in the basement. Vitek should of said Biden had tons of confidential documents from when he was a VP and senator and the Biden DOJ did not go after him. Two justice system!
@@Bryan-yf5yq mention but not talk about him for more than half the interview lol
@@Bryan-yf5yq There is a difference between mentioning and pressing on a subject for an extended time. A significant portion of this interview is trying to get Vivek to either sound crazy by not condemning trump or to lose voters by condemning trump. It's entirely unnecessary for him to analyse Trump in detail during this interview in order to present his case for presidency. He re-iterated several times he would have made different judgements, the reporter never even cared to ask "What would you have done differently", instead pivoted to several different ways of trying to get the required answer.
Vivek is brilliant. His deep understanding of the constitution, law and history will set him apart from other candidates. America needs significant changes to its education system, immigration system, and governance. As Vivek argues correctly incremental reforms will not take us to where we need to be to survive as as a nation. We need a revolution. This is indeed a 1776 moment.
I agree with you 100%, an this comes from a 81 year old Trumper, period.
Vivek does not have a "deep understanding of the constitution." He copied his talking points from The Federalist Society, which twists the facts to justify a warped conservative agenda.
The basic problem is, over 200 years have passed since "First Principles."
Our society has changed. There were no hospitals. Women gave birth at home, attended by midwives, not doctors. They lived in colonies, which didn't become a nation until 1800.
Today, women are more than half the students in grad school, also medical school.
Ramaswamy wants to go back to a legal system that denies women a right to make decisions.
I've met lots of women who are much smarter than Ramaswamy. I see no reason to let a person still trapped two centuries in the past to write Executive Orders so his Fantasies can play out?
@@VivekSmithshut up bot
@@VivekSmith Gosh was wondering where is rice bag Pakistani troll was. Welcome back.
@@VivekSmithdo you realize Vivek is a Constitutional Lawyer?
I was born in Mexico and now I am an American citizen and I will vote for the first time and it will be for Vivek.
Okay but he is still sending you back to Mexico
@@000m43 Well, I don't depend on a single country, I have 3 citizenships, I don't think it would matter to me, you only see what he talks about immigration and not how good it would be for the country and business, a young person who wants to eliminate agencies like the IRS, DID YOU KNOW THAT?
@@000m43 Why does everything have to do with immigration? Don't you realize that this is about politics? They say it to win votes, we have a constitution that supports us all, but as always people allow themselves to be carried away by manipulation, I will leave you as an example the president of El Salvador: they said the same thing about him and look, he has a safe country and the people live better and quite happy. But well, your answer is going to be the same one that they are going to send me to Mexico, I know they can't because I didn't break any laws, but if you like hearing it, I hope they do it since my country, Mexico, is improving a lot economically. 000m43 is lying to you, he wants to remove all people that are only citizens from birth-right. You'd be safe, just ignore him. I'm Canadian but I would vote Nikki Haley.
3 citizenships ...So who do you give your loyalty and allegiance to ?
Vivek is brilliant. We need fresh ideas and fresh policies. Tired of all the nursing home old fogeys currently in Washington. Vivek for president 2024.
No, seriously, haven't you seen his plan for the FBI?
Let's think about a murder. Who does the autopsy? Who runs tests on bullets taken out of the corpses? Support. The FBI employes 20,000 support
Ramaswamy's plan is to fire all 20,000. How is the world's premier law enforcement agency supposed to work without support?
Ramaswamy is possibly the worst candidate on the Republican ticket. No matter how many tell Ramaswamy his plan won't work, he responds by repeating his memorized stump speech, over and over.
When this started, I agreed that the Department of Education had gone too far. Is there a need to educate children about gay issues? Gay people think so. But there is also a line where children are too young to be indoctrinated.
Then, Ramaswamy said, "I'm not running for President on my own, but God is acting through me." I've run into so many religious nuts, I know Ramaswamy spent too much time talking to Evangelicals at Faith & Freedom conferences. He drank the Kool-Aid.
Fresh policies? lol - even Vivek plainly says he’s using basically all of Trump policies but just taking them further
Not all. Many are going to be fresh ones according to changing times. If one thing is certain it is change. The increasing wokism, breaking up of family units etc. need to be dealt with. America has been a great place. Currently spiralling downwards. Value systems have to be restored. So, there are a lot of new issues.
@peacek6909 I'd have to agree with the last commenter. Like or dislike Vivek, I'm struggling to find much fresh or new about him. He is polished, and sometimes that can present as fresh or different, but on a policy level I'm not seeing it. The two issues you mentioned, the family unit & woke, are well trodden topics within the GOP. Can you name a fresh or novel policy he has?
read his 2022 book about the 2020 election and Jan 6 before u say that.....he sounds very different than last year
One good thing so far about Vivek. He can go on any show, against any opposition and not get caught in any of their "gotcha" questions. That's because he stands on truth and principle. You simply can't be gotten if you stand on those two things. Very admirable.
I think you need to watch the video again. This is PBS. Margaret Hoover reads whole paragraphs from Ramaswamy stump speech and asks, "Can you explain?" and lets Ramaswamy talk for five minutes uninterrupted. A "gotcha' question means interrupting him to bring him back to the original question.
@@VivekSmith "He can go on any show, against any opposition and not get caught in any of their "gotcha" questions." - He wasn't talking about this show in particular, rather the sum total of the shows he has been on.
@@alby7186 Let's think about those "gotcha" questions:
(1) Why should we risk shutting down the FBI? IN the news this morning, two FBI agents shot shutting down a pedophile ring. Is Ramaswamy against real law enforcement going after pedophiles? He got caught in that one.
(2) How will Ramaswamy make Putin back out of his treaty with China? Ramaswamy lost big money donors over that one,
(3) Why is defending Taiwan more in our national Interest than helping Ukraine? Ramaswamy got caught in that one, has limited knowledge of World War II and why America learned an important lesson from Hitler's plans to conquer Europe.
(4) "Anti-woke" means corporations should not spend shareholder money on social issues Ramaswamy lost big on that one. Want to save the rainforests? Any hope of reversing climate change? We have to stop window airconditioners in India from polluting our atmosphere.
Government won't do that alone. Corporations need to be in the fight, too.
@@VivekSmithShe clearly had an agenda - a woke one
@@Continental123-i2n We're so familiar with American culture (for me, that means TV culture) that when we meet those from cultures more backward than ours, we have to explain.
the rules of PBS Public Broadcasting
Conservative candidates will be questioned by liberal (feminist)
Liberals and hippies will be questioned by Colonel Jessup from "A Few Good Men"
The Trump Derangement Syndrome is on point with these people. Vivek is such a brilliant speaker.
He is a brilliant speaker with terrible ideas.
@@codyquakenbush4964I guess you love the ideas of the corrupt liberals.
@codyquakenbush4964 She manhandled him. He couldn't dig himself deeper.
@@codyquakenbush4964His ideas sound great from this side of the room 😂
Vivek is one of the point men FOR TDS by defending the former POTUS. Anyone who thinks he was ever cut from President timber before , after and during his administration, is one very delusional sick phuck. It is written
I can’t believe more people aren’t jumping on this Ramaswamy train. People need to hear this guy.
Fewer than half of the US can read above a sixth grade level. How do you think democrats pull 80% voting rates from people they constantly harm?
Vivek 2024
Love listening to Vivek speak! I believe he has, not just what it takes to be President , but has what America needs in a President.
YES, YES, AND DITTO. 'NEEDS TO BE THE NEXT POTUS! Can't wait for the Debate Aug 23 to showcase his Genuis.
@googlenazicompany5935lol found the delusional Keynesian...
Yea a Harvard / Yale educated entrepreneur and proven builder of wealth with dangerous debunked economic theories. LOL
And your qualifications apart from reading Socialist Weekly are ????
I’ll wait.
Trump 2024! Vivek would make a good vice!!
@googlenazicompany5935I think you are
I have seen 7 past Presidential runs, and not witnessed as straight forward and dynamic personality like Vivek for the ticket. He needs no tele-prompter, speaks from heart and deep convictions, and is just pure authentic and brilliant. I am an independent and switched my vote for GOP this year, when I heard how he quit his billions dollar CEO position to hold on to his own liberty and ideas against the board pressure. He is that 'pure' on his convictions. You don't see such candidates every five years. I at least haven't seen in 35. He is the real deal which America needs.
Yes. He is neutral triggers both right and left but also takes the best of right and left and uses it. He is northern a new party above both. He lacks skin in the game though. Also decent picks is desantis done a great job with Florida a tougher state and active skin in game current. Lawyer background makes for great leadership material.
Kennedy family skin in game but his ideologies can bit over the top but maybe America could use that he seems to not be afraid blaze his own trail I like that.
I don't want to see Biden 80 again. Nor trump we all sick of trump and even though I was for some time a trump fan it's clear towards end he is missing a few marbles maybe it was his lawyers around him misguided him but I don't want see trump again in president.
I like him too, but I see one tiny issue...Quitting the CEO position without fixing the problem does not speak well for his ability to fix the nation.
Interesting thought about leaving a board rather than pushing for change. Boards, as with Congress, are majority rules situations The power of the executive branch seems to be where most of Vivek plans would be implemented. Does the next president simply reverse any executive action? Been there - done that. There needs to be persuasion leading to legislation to secure true change.
@@ceecee6679 well who is your pick then. desantis has legal background, and more likely to stand up to bully central america(they are bullies trust me) especially here in california.
legal background more likely clean up the biased news outlets who reported biasedly he would make a fortune off of the news stations sueing them and helping clean up the news industry, unlike trump who let all kinds of nonsense run rampant. etc.
trump consults with stupid lawyers, desantis the lawyer, its a big difference shady lawyers may not even care about trump, but desantis can clean up the nation coming from the heart.
biden is 80 he will be 84. that's just insane. absolutely insane. no buieno.
@@ceecee6679 You quit with a proper succession plan, and then go out to write few books and expose the bigger problem ie how these boards work and function. In due process you form an asset management firm - Strive - to challenge the very establishment which is pushing down an agenda which against the shareholder value props. Wait - seems like that is exactly what VR did. So what he not fixing? Please elaborate?
Vivek gets my vote in the primary at least. I'm a libertarian and he's speaking my language in a lot of important areas
Indeed. He's the best us centrists have had in a long... maybe ever sans Dr Paul and Mr Perot.
Just curious to where libertarians fall on the government using its power and bureaucracy to prevent people from voting. I've never heard of such governmental overreach in my entire life
@@jackpowers5707 prevent people who are otherwise misinformed in the voting process they partake in, seems perfectly reasonable to me
@@danielm173 that is how you get a government that isn't representative of its people, and that's the opposite of the great America experiment
@@jackpowers5707 I don't see a problem with adding a testing requirement of citizens.
The more you listen to a person, you get to know more about him and from there make your personal judgment. He is a leader.
If Vivek was president, the whole country would change for the better. I truly believe that.
He made all his money investing in big pharma ripping off Americans with life changing medications. He funded pharma boy martin shkreli. He's conning all of you
Jesus could be president and it still won't be better because the world is not of the Lord. He created it but he let the wicked get too many freedom.
That’s not saying much when Biden and Harris are in office
@@adamsamuel8593 it would matter we just need to bury the trump and biden era already. too much hate tied behind them to move on.
You are truly wrong. Vivek and his parents and a few friends in the right places started a company called Roivan in the Bahamas. They bought a known failed drug then used it to steal billions of investment cash. Then after a few years of milking the fake stock they admitted the drug had "failed." By that time the corrupt Family was long gone with the cash. Now he is using that to run for President. You need to rethink your entire thought process on this guy./
He said "We've spent 30 minutes talking about Donald Trump, I would prefer to talk about our vision for the nation" and I totally agree! This interview should concern Vivek and his vision for the presidency. It is not about what Vivek thinks about Donald Trump.
But he said he would pardon him really
@@CC-ox9uc Yes. He's right on this because once you start prosecuting your political opponents you're not far away from Marius and Sulla and end of another republic I know.
Because she’s a paid puppet.
@@CC-ox9ucof course. There’s no crime. We know who committed the crimes.
TDS rules her peabrain..
Vivek is just brilliant. This is the type of the candidate we should all get behind. I am a moderate Democrat. And thinking about changing party affiliation to vote for him
I hope you do. ex-Democrat Vivek 2024!
👏🏼 for you from 🇦🇺. It is critical thinkers like you who will cut through the propaganda and support what is best for America and indeed the world. TRUTH….& a UNITED AMERICA FIRST - vote Ramaswamy ❣️
I support Andrew Yang last time around but this time Vivek Ramaswamy is the real deal. We need authenticity and fresh ideas in leadership so bad
I also hope you do, after the primary you can always re-register with your original party. Would love to see him get the nomination.
Do it! I did just because of this man and his morals.
I'm 72 yr old retired LEO sickened and nauseated by the state of our country. VR gives me a glimmer of hope for the future for our kids and grandchildren.
He just nailed this interview. Vivek for president 2024.
He nails every interview! I've never been this excited about a presidential candidate--not even close.
@@tristandamonster8478 Yes Obama was a good orator as well. He has to be able to fire everyone when under the pressure. I think Trump still has the edge on him here.
I am addicted. I can't stop watching his interviews with other networks.
@@sirellynhave you seen vivek nail reporters? He's savage but less petty
Best candidate in my lifetime. Voting for him!!!
Best thing Vivek said was we need an outsider to be president.
@googlenazicompany5935 Bull
@googlenazicompany5935 Wait a minute, who is allowing you speak if the orange man "almost" dismantled DOJ, FBI, ACLU, dissolved congress, raped the Treasury and oh! did I mention he pushed the red button and blew up few countries as everyone feared? All the screaming Karen's predictions came true. Common man (Biden speak)
Remember how everyone was tickled with Obama???? Let’s pick and dig deep everything about this man before we get all tickled with him … my opinion just my opinion is he could be the Antichrist ????
Even the interviewer is impressed with him!
That's how PBS works. Public Broadcast. She looks happy that all of her guests show up.
They always are. You can tell, even the ones that disagree with him come away respecting his intelligence and sincerity.
Watched this show as far back as WM Buckley when he hosted it. Not enough of this on TV.
Yes! It's obvious, even with her "hard hitting" questions.
I feel like Vivek is an genuine person who cares about people and could sit down and have an engaging convo with anyone no matter their age economic status or gender or whatever. Tbh the more I listen to him the more I feel better about the future of the country
He gives me the Obama vibes 😂
He gives me hope for America 🇺🇸.
How Obama-esque of him.
She manhandled him. When did he look good?
@@kyleconnors7464he answered every question well
@@kyleconnors7464 😂😂 where, he answered every questions and she was even impressed at the end
He’s a joke
Vivek feels like the future of the party.
What a smart guy, this is what we need for a president
He is a criminal that bought a known failed drug then repackaged it and leveraged it for billions. When he says he wants to shut down the FBI its not because of TRUMP, lol.
You sure?
future of America, i dont blame you for thinking along party lines, but i think its high time we stop dividing ourselves left and right. Hes here for everyone, hes the future of our country
that s so true... myself, personally, don't care about "party", its about the outcome of our lives.
@@charliep4680 yes he is
He's a dumbass. He called the government profession "tainted." Does he understand the presidency is also a government profession? If he desires to become "tainted", fine. But this indicates his lack of respect for government (ironic isn't it?). He has claimed in the past he is a scientist (apparently you only need to graduate with a science major and do nothing else directly science-related in order to qualify as a scientist) and yet he says the interpreted results from climate change research is "anecdotal evidence." If it doesn't fit his agenda, it is "anecdotal," apparently. He won't get elected this coming time, but when he finally does, maybe the waters will take over the land (we know the reason why), rendering his aspiration for a run to office effectively meaningless.
Vivek is what we need. If elected he will be the smartest guy in DC. We keep electing idiots. Vivek is the right future of the Republican Party and the country. My daughter is no longer a democrat and now a registerd Republican voter because of Vivek. She finally sees the manipulation and lies from the dem party.
Those idiot democrats who voted for Biden…they never learn…I don’t want to hear any complaints from them…and they have no common sense…they live in fantasy land…they don’t know Freedom is not free…you have to earn it…
My son is still a Democrat as I used to be. Ughhh. My fault, in part.
Theyre not idiots, they are corrupt, theres a difference.
He is manipulative, but you cannot see that. Take the entrapment thing he talked about. He said he would Pardon Trump because he thinks the DOJ targeted Trump and then looked for a crime to bring him down. That did not happen. But, he supports the whole Hunter BS, and that is EXACTLY what the Repugs did. They looked for the person (Hunter to untimatly try to bring Joe down)..Found he made a lot of money (which they think looks suspicious). And then they LOOK for a crime committed. Vivek is a hypocrite to claim Trumps case was entrapment, but Hunter's is not.
We get idiots in office because that's who the establishment wants. Candidates they can control.
One thing I like about Vivek is that even if you disagree with him he is still civil and looking to find common ground. We need someone who can bridge this deep divide we have in this country. I believe Vivek is the only player in the field that can do that.
She is agreeing with almost everything he has said. She isn't saying it, but her facial expressions are!
Yeah I think she seems thoroughly impressed with him, too.
Listen to all of em beck to cumo they all like him but dont wanna say it out loud 😂
She’s impressed and enamored by his intellect
She actually said "Amen" when he said young people should pass the same test immigrants have to pass.
She’s got TDS. Big time.
I like he called her out for just talking about Trump 😂
Boy, Firing Line has really changed since Bill Buckley's day. It's a leftist gotcha media outlet sympatico with tabloid journalism while masquerading as intellectual, and Margaret's integrity is depicted nicely by her last name, it sucks.
The only candidate from either party who stands a chance of turning this country around.
The only? Really? He has the exact same policies as trump and even most of rfk jr
@@davidmaltais2912his policies are America First. Every decision will be taken on the basis of this principle.
Free speech, Meritocracy, ending pointless wars and instead focus those resources on American Prosperity, Family values, Ending Militart Industrial Complex and Bureaucracy etc.
What don’t you like in his policies. (Keep Trump aside of this discussion)
@@ke9548 ??? I think you need to re read my comment because you basicly just agreed with me but didn't even realize it XD
@@davidmaltais2912yes his policies mirror those of the two you just mentioned but he is taking it one step further than they would.
@@davidmaltais2912 I think your just getting a high of your own comment 🤣 the reply is is warranted and you just couldn’t accept it 🙊
I am very glad that a young man with a business mindset and a big heart is trying to get into power in order to save the country ✌🏻🇺🇸#VivekRamaswamy
He is young, has a direction for our country, has spirit, is educated, smart, eloquent, articulate, successful in business, charismatic, a good debater, answers every question, takes no super pac money, is family and faith first, and not tainted by the swamp. It would be a travesty if he is not the nominee.
He has my vote + support all the way
honesty is difficult when you got sponsors ,vivek seems to rely on public joe and only will be answerable to them
He is a cheat just like Trump.
I agree. He absolutely has my vote. I pray he IS the nominee. Like Trump, he is an outsider, but he is more articulate.
Republicans still are 20 times less likely to vote for someone of colour. Facts
Vivek is bringing civility back to politics and I love it! #Vivek2024🇺🇸
I doubt if just a civility is enough to bring civility back to the current American politics. It is too dirty and you cannot clean the toilet with a violin bow.
The fact CNN is interviewing Vivek tells us they are not scared of him
they're scared of Trump
Vivek is the son we all want!!! So proud to call him a fellow American and POTUS 2024.
He's full of crap 😂
Its shocking how easily some lowiq people are conned.
“” The son we all want..””””nailed it
@@thejohngalt399 If my Son were a CONMAN like Vivek is Id shoot myself.
Vivek 2024!@@JJ-iq5cv
Finally a candidate with intellect that understands the issues and problems we face as a nation, and most important, offer solutions and vision to achieve those goals! I will support his run to become the next President and pray other Americans will listen to what he has to offer.
Smartest candidate in 40 years.
Reagan was a moron compared to Vivek.
He took a lot of cues from Andrew Yang.
@@alibabaschultz352 He is a billionaire, lawyer, biologist does he need to take cues from anyone?
Who are you thinking of forty years ago?
@@redshift8302 Intelligent, tech libertarian. Their primary goals are to unite the country, which includes not jailing/ pardoning previous presidents. Yang literally used to use the exact same line about "this is not a banana republic".
Honest, articulate, concise. He can unite the country. Vivek has my vote.
What are his solutions for our dead economy and his stance on foreign policy? Crickets! Vivek talks a good game and repetitive, but he hasn't addressed any real issues that we Americans face every day!
He’s actually spoke a fair bit on both, just find some of his longer interviews.
Here’s a quick summary: on foreign policy, he says no more world police, but be transparent about protecting our own interests when necessary. This means defending Taiwan if we have to, because they make our micro chips. It was startling to hear him say this out loud, but refreshingly honest.
On the economy, quit relying on China to make all our stuff, which implies some of it should be made here. Also, reduce ESG’s influence corporations, freeing them to focus on what matters, being productive.
How do you know he's honest ? Because he says so ? Don't be too naïve m'y friend
@@tularockstar by what metric is the economy dead?
How can he "unite the country" when the MAJORITY of the country votes Democrat and they hate lying freedom-hating Republicans? 🙄
I am voting for him, he is our best hope
GIANT mistake. He is a globalist who wanted to participate with WHO in data mining and creating a global data base with the "health score card" for every person, which would be used to keep people from traveling freely. Look up Datavant. Then you'll know one of the reasons why Ramaswamy wanted to scrub his relationship with WEF and Governor Dewine from the internet.
Thank you Vivek for not dumbing down your message and instead, treat us citizens as intelligent beings.
This is one of the things Id say Vivek has over trump. Nothing against trump. JS Vivek comes off as way more respectful, responsible, and compassionate.
I love that he uses a lot of the Fox News catch phrases and talking-points that I'm familiar with. That comforts me.
I am from Europe,this Vivek is a Diamond for US.
As an environmental scientist, Vivek is correct on focusing on human prosperity. The more prosperous a society, the more they are able to focus on environmental protection.
How about clean air and clean water? Focus on prosperity of late seems to benefit the 1% not the people.
America already has this. And if there is a lack of, there are municipal officials you should be contacting. Not the federal government. Blame your state.
@@energysourcelove disagree. The more prosperous a nation the cleaner air and water in general. Low income communities in the US still have way cleaner situations than let's say poor areas in India.
It’s hilarious how you make it sounds like
1. This is somehow difficult to understand
2. Being an environmental scientists means you understand more than non-environment scientists on this point.
This isn’t hard. Stop acting like this is hard
@@RobertMJohnson he didnt do any of what youre saying lol. arent you being a lil too reachy here? take a step back bud
Vivek is absolutely brilliant. PBS earned a point for having him on.
Vivek is 🗑️
he is not afraid to go on far leftisit news networks. I cant see biden going on fox and getting interviewed
Sadly PBD promoted a fraudster, just like he did with Tate
The man is clearly a grifter, come the fuck on people
*Vivek is not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need.*
Pfft Vivek the snake has you all hoodwinked.
He made money from a failed alzheimer's drug where his mum fudged the trial data, then he sold his stocks making $50m then the company tanked and the shareholders lost all their money......he is a liar and a cheat.
Not your saviour . Vote Dr. SHIVA for President at least his actions match his words.
Not like RamaSWAMPY
Does he come with a cape? 😅
All I have to tell you God is telling you that you guys are all blind. He gave you wisdom. He gave you everything you don't even see it. You don't even hear it. So you better break your own decision and you're going to separate with it. and your going to cry a baby when it happens
@@capgun56 I don't like anything because I'm not American rather I'm Indian but it's funny to see how you get enraged without understanding the context of the comments...Btw Obama is the Butcher of middle East & Ramaswamy is one of us
@@capgun56 yes
Vivek is everywhere. Pleasantly surprised that he is getting even this much platforming from the US MSM.
That makes it even more suspect. Marshall McLuhan said, "The medium IS the message" -- meaning, the fact he is allowed on all these platforms shows he is not being gate-kept. Compare this to a presidental candidate like Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the man who invented email at the age of 14 --- the MSM is terrified of letting his message get out and giving him any platform. The man was married to Fran Drescher, and had hobnobbed with many famous people and elites, yet they never allow him to be on their platforms. Vivek appears to be the "not so obvious establishment." I've been watching him very closely, I watch everything he puts out, and he just isn't as raw and real as Dr. Shiva
@@GrandAbbot you have an assumption but the basis for that assumption is imagination, feelings & group thinking. Similar arguments are made by so-called gender activists. Lazy and disingenuous. Try again.
Shiva is trying to put across his ideas and policy positions since when? I have seen him run for president from 2015. Either people are not buying what ever he is selling or he just bad at building a political base of some value. He needs to keep moving convincing people be on the campaign trail. He can't do that from his cosy home in Boston. He may a good inventor, but a good leader, Na. Even after so many years no one knows what his platform is about he is not resonating with people. I'd call him a flop leader.
Deep state using him to tell conservative that they have different option than trump
@@GrandAbbot ?? Dr. Shiva's shtick was Harvard is a hedge-fund masquerading as a university. What policy positions did he put forth like Vivek is doing here? I agree Dr. Shiva is incredibly smart etc., but intelligence alone is not the only factor required to be president. Vivek is firing on all cylinders and will wipe the floor with any of his competitors on the debate stage.
He does seem to be more corporate-friendly than I like but compared to everyone else (including Trump), Vivek outshines them all by a mile.
@@GrandAbbotI think that is just about too cynical by half. No one else speaks as he. That could be the reason for the attention.
Instead of knee jerk reactions to her questions he provides a reframing to focus on the main point with an intelligent message. This guy constantly impresses me. He's possibly the most articulate and intelligent person I've ever seen run for elected office. He makes even Obama look inarticulate!
Well said!
No teleprompters; he speaks on the fly.......and I like the pace of his speech.
He's the most exciting person I've ever seen, heard, heard about, read about, etc. There's never been anyone like him. He talks like greased lightning! Really teaches the liberals a lesson. He's the one. It's Vivek time! Isn't it time you had a Vivek?
I'm voting for Vivek Ramaswamy 🇺🇲
They are playing you! You are falling right into there hands
You are voting away national support for education, insane
Me too! Can't wait!
Vivek - you speak not just for America but all western civilization. I stand squarely at your shoulder. As a brother, a father, a son, a husband. Thank you for screaming out loud. 👊
Russians are out in force tonight.
@@artby1285, you are right. But do you think that the Career Politicians are better at job?
This guy is turning a lot of heads for a good reason. Keep your eyes on Mr Ramaswamy over the next handful of years.
I don't think he has much of a shot, he's on my "short list" for the time being. I could definitely see myself voting for him but not 100% convinced yet. I will say this, if I were looking to hire a motivational speaker, Vivek is #1 on my speed dial.
@@tomservo75who s better than him?
@@thejohngalt399 Da Santis
I’ll be watching him closely over the next year and a half, to include his inauguration in Jan 2025.
He wants a Reagan-esque 1980/1984 landslide election. And he can deliver it.
Definitely has this independent’s vote.
I'm 54, never took part in a voting circus simply because career politicians and both parties smelled like dead fish. What a breath of fresh air from Vivek. I might just change my habits and vote for the first time in my life. You Republicans better wake up, drop Trump, and make this guy your centerpiece... if you truly care about any changes at all.
This guy is running laps around every politician and they are ignoring him but he's coming in hot. No one stands a chance with this guy! He's got my vote hands down. There's something that happens in my soul and spirit every time this man speaks
He has definitely awakened something in me as well.. hope!
I agree! Vivek 2024!
Agree 100%!
@@adruvitpandit5816 hahaha 🤣 it’s funny how you degraded yourself the very minute you mentioned wiki like it’s some credible source when we all wanted to use wiki during high school and college but the teacher never took it as a credible source no matter how bad we wanted to us it because everyone is opinionated and it’s not special. We all got one
Agree. He has a magic about him.
Vivek hit it out of the park, as usual.
Yeah… Obama was not a self-made millionaire nor had any real world experience.
@googlenazicompany5935 he spoke with our giving ral answers. All feelings no facts. Unlike Vivek.
This is THE GUY to get us out of this spiral down fall
Vote for him!!
I agree with you 100%, an this comes from a 81 year old Trumper, period.
let's not waste any more time.
I'm not a Republican, but I'd be willing to vote for Vivek!
100% voting for Vivek. His stance on raising the voting age is so spot on.
Bots lol
Yep, 25 should be the minimum unless you are in the military. We also need a work requirement in order to vote. No job, no vote. In addition, we need to do away with early, mail in, and online voting. Our founders believed we should vote in person on election day. Not 30 days prior and still not have the votes counted for days or weeks post election. If you could get to the poll via horse and buggy then with all of today's transportation methods you can drag yourself to the poll in person on election day.
Then raise the age where people are taxed too.
No vote no taxes.
We should also raise the age for joining the military. If you're too young to vote, you're too young to serve.
He is only raising the minimum age to 25 if you can’t pass a simple test that immigrants have to take to be citizens in this country; if you can pass the test at 18 then you can vote at 18. This makes perfect sense.
He is the only candidate at this time that I trust to represent an alternative to the dominant ideology and to pull us back from the poverty-training policies we see in the progressive cities. Margaret asked some good questions too, as far as challenging him on things Democrats are especially occupied with.
Whether you like it or not, this is the guy we need!
She started off with curiosity , then was aggressive and finally in love!!! He argued her into admiration!
Bless this man. He must be protected at all costs.
protected from what?
@@goodpainlive1 opposing interests
The fact that he refers to the Constituonal Republic is a clear understanding of how much he better understands the premise on which the founding fathers were in their creating of this Republic that is the United States. It is unfortunate that many forget that very important fact.
At the same time he says they should not go after Trump cause he is a person running for office. We are a law and order country period. He saying any man that is the front runner should be not convicted or even go to TRAIL? Just let him do what he wants and let the public choose in voting. WHATTTT????
What he said was he didn't believe a crime was committed. He didn't agree with Trump's actions and that as well. #Vivek2024
@@brendabackes6017 Yeah a crime was not committed cause everyone that he wanted to commit a crime turned him down. Georgia Gov. Mike Pence - VP. When it come to the classified documents he actually did do shit. He got VIDEO FOOTAGE DELTED. That is ILLEGAL if the footage is needed to show a crime.
@@AChillin01RYes. If Trump is convicted (found guilty) of a federal crime, Ramaswami will pardon him (forgive his offense).
His rational for issuing a pardon is that it would not be in America's best interest for an incoming President to punish or imprison a political opponent (as this is a common practice in most authoritarian governments around the globe).
It is important to note that: a) in order for a pardon to be issued, a crime must be committed, and b) the incoming president can not pardon any State crimes Trump may be convicted for (only the federal crimes).
I do not know what the 'right' answer is, but I suspect most of, if not all, the candidates would do the same.
The current political landscape is just so toxic that both political parties risk ending becoming a government of the Hatfields and McCoys. Care must be exercised to ensure that it all does not end up falling off the rails and that could very well be a plausible outcome and then where would one be.
Vivek is my guy he speaks truth ✌️🫡🇺🇸
Let's pull Ramaswamy out of his studio and ask whether he speaks "truth"
I’m going to support this candidate. ❤️🥰❤️
Margaret was very good, and I am a staunch conservative. Vivek is a star
Margaret was good? More than half of this interview was about trump. Get real.
Trump’s the elephant in the room. In any case, I prefer tough adversarial questions posed at candidates. Vivek demonstrates the intellectual capacity to respond with reason and understanding.
boomer succubus
She kept smiling at Vivek like she wasn't wearing panties and noticed him notice . . .
@@valleybreaksshe’s more like an elder Millennial or possibly a Gen Xer, not a Boomer.
Vivek is like a perfect blend of Reagan and Obama, both an amazing uniting intellect and outstanding communicator, the country needs a leader like Vivek. #Vivek2024
Vivek isn't even in the same stratosphere as Obama and Regan. Vivek's entire platform is the exact opposite direction of what the majority of young people want the country to head. He is not a unifier. Not even close.
please, never compare obama with an ethical president, or candidate.
@@vagabondwastrel2361 Obama, in terms of leadership is pretty flawless. Well spoken, took responsibility, inspired people. You can disagree with every one of his policies and still respect the man as a leader.
@@jackpowers5707 Thats the thing. Obama did everything he could to not take responsibility. He was a very good carpet bagger with diction.
@@jackpowers5707 *for example he deflected blame for the org wide corruption in the acorn office he was a manager for. He created the obama birther "conspiracy" because he refused to submit a document every president is required to submit. His targeted bombing of American citizens wasn't exactly inspiring.
I have zero respect for obama the man. He would show up on military bases and have that base put on lockdown so he wouldn't have to talk to the enlisted outside of his photo shoots.
How abotu how he intentionally destroyed the health insurance system by not properly funding obamacare ad installing the dumbest judge in robes to push it through scotus.(judge brown is almost worse in some of the areas)
Why do news anchors talk to Vivek as if he is Trump's lawyer? Vivek said he would pardon Trump but at the same time he is running to defeat Trump in the Republican Primary. Even people who have lost the ability to read between the lines can understand his reasons and logic. But somehow news anchors can't.
Vivek actually answered hard questions, made clear decisive comments and still very much treated everyone on his side of the road as a comrade. Inviting for debate and conversation.
Vivendi is a Trump on steroids
When he starts saying he wants to take away birthright citizenship from *everybody* and raise the voting age (because he knows younger voters are less likely to vote for him), he can take off.
My grandkids deserve to be full citizens, and my kids deserve to exercise their voting rights at 18.
Imagine a guy who couldn’t be bothered to vote threatening the voting rights of others…what an absolute joke.
@@robynnordstrom7799mam, I've listened to many hour long podcast interviews with Vivek. He's not taking anything away from anyone. He's said it's a conversation starter about how to get people talking about voting. He wouldn't follow through with it unless there's a consensus on support of it and he's open to ideas about getting people within that age group to vote.
Additionally,from an interview with Politico
The founding fathers didn’t get it “quite right” when they tied the right to vote to land ownership, Ramaswamy said. Similarly, it was wrong to have denied a vote to women and African Americans, he said.
But after floating at a few recent campaign stops, particularly colleges, the idea of requiring service or civic knowledge for young adults to vote - a version of which Ramaswamy had explored in his two books - he got his best crowd response to date on Sunday, at an event largely attended by Asian Americans in Novi, Mich. Members of the audience, which included a number of immigrants, came up to Ramaswamy afterward to praise the suggestion, which appeared to “seal the deal” for Ramaswamy, according to the campaign adviser.
“My response to that is, the objective is not to stop people from voting,” he said. “It’s to value voting itself and everybody’s equal and on the same foot at the age of 25 and onward.”
Also, I've seen quite a few people that age group saying they're for Vivek. I hope you're grandkids get as much information as they can regarding Vivek's full stance about it so they can decide for themselves.
@@robynnordstrom7799Are your grandkids legally here and are American citizens?
I love watching how her face shows her unhappiness with his straight forward answers. She is clearly a part of the Get Trump crowd....
True about her being the get Trump crowd. Interesting body language too, she will give a smile whenever she knows she is getting nowhere with her question. At least for the answer she wanted Vivek to give.
Can't expect anything else from someone who is in marriage with a CNN hack.
She's an embarrassment. Defund PBS.
He may be intelligent and a very good communicator, however how strong will he be in dealing with our enemies or the kiss ass politicians of Washington D.C ? Will they eat him alive?
Our Country does not need any more hate that’s for sure !!! I like this man ; very well spoken; even tempered very impressive !!!
And a total liar equivalent to Gavin Newsome if not far worse. At least Newsome is simply a Nepotist when he began in politics. Vivek is a CONMAN that stole billions from investors.
"No more hate,"? Believe me, the Leftist Democrats will come up with something else. Vivek has to much common sense going on for them.
Yup..just like Obama and look at that disaster.
just like Obama what?@@blissfulbaboon
@@artby1285america not even they supposed to be. It,s mass murdered red indian,s land.
Perfect. Excellent. Fantastic. Vivek is like a key unlocking the paradigm of truth by shattering the shackles of corruption and propaganda. He’s like a political Jesus who rose to save us, even though he is Hindu.
Hindus understand jesus lot more that other indo European tribes. Coz jesus is spiritually east
Hinduism has a lot of similar values as Christianity and fun fact is that Indians are very used to Christianity since it is big in India even though Hinduism is the biggest religion.
If you think deep enough you will realize that Church corrupted Jesus' message after his death, while Jesus may be trying to convert Jews to dharmic ideas
Hinduism may be Christianity v5.0
Nice description! He’s analogous to these iconic people…nice metaphor
@@codegeek-il5fmno. Stop it. Don’t make this about religion.
People can see truth. Our souls identify truth. Vivek is speaking truth.
Mr. Ramaswamy is brilliant and brave and he has such a great ability to recall and speak to specific and relevant facts when answering questions. Just impressive! Vivek 2024!
All I need to hear is "I'm not a super pac puppet" and I trust him more than 90 percent of the other candidates.
Himself and grassroots small donors
He's just a smarter Trump. Remember Trump saying the same thing.
Yeah trump said he was a billionaire too but an Indian screaming “revolution” the gop is so screwed
@googlenazicompany5935 himself and regular people
You'll never ever see another presidential candidate putting their ideas against Jordan peterson. This guy has a conviction to change the US for the better.
He’s the Indian jc
Jordan Peterson is not some intellectual heavyweight. He is a dumb persons view on what an educated person should sound and look like.
He is a sociopath saying anything to get himself elected .
@@Matt-el5iv american*
I THINK THIS MAN IS AMAZING. I’ve been watching hours of interviews. What a AMERICAN GIFT. GOD BLESS NORTH AMERICA!!
Indian gift tbh.
Vivek will be our next president. He’s an exceptional overachiever, is respectful and has the intellect to lead in the way that is sorely needed. Won’t that be nice 😊
Vivek 2024.. It’s happening!!
No he won't. The MAGA crowd won't allow it.
We shall see..
Echoes of JFK and Teddy Roosevelt here. Vivek & Apoorva will be the best choice this generation has provided for next First Family. He's certainly the best candidate I've seen run in my lifetime.
Teddy Roosevelt Yes. JFK, on the other hand, was nothing but a Cold War shill for the Military Industrial Complex who got the US mired in the Vietnam war and brought the world to the brink of nuclear war with the Soviet Union. Vivek is a refreshing and much needed altenative to JFK and his war mongering corporate puppets successors who have done so much damage to our country since the esteemed 35th POTUS "left" office..
Great to see Milton freedman Clip. he was so right then and now... 😊😊😊
Every time I watch Vivek, I agree more and more with everything he's saying. There's rot in our government, and he means to cut it clean out instead of trying to put a bandage on it.
If I was an American, I would definitely vote for him! Not only a guy for the U.S.A. but for our whole world!
That's what was said about Obama and look where that went.
Vivek has said so much that I agree with
Wow, I read a lot of comments here and never saw one negative comment about Vivek. I just love how he never stoops to attack any of the other candidates. He tells you what he is running for, not what he is running against. Such a breath of fresh air.
It’s not a negative comment but he’s too young and too inexperienced and too “new”. He should run for governor if he’s serious
@@RobertMJohnson You are very correct, his lack of political experience is his weakness, but ironically also his strength, as he is still untainted and his past life of 37 years has been remarkably clean, that his political opponents will find it so hard to attack him. Once he gets into politics, the political contagion is likely to infect him, and then it would be easier to attack him. Hopefully he is a political virgin if/when he becomes President.
You should be suspect of no critical comments because THEY censor them because they are pushing this candidate for their agenda
Yes,he came out of nowhere,just like Obama.Thatv s a huge red flag!No experience in actual service to the american people.He made all his money from Big Pharma.What does that tell you?We can't afford another mistake in office.Go with a candidate who has a history of serving the american people like RFK or DeSantis or Trump
Margaret you are good in questioning Vevek . But Vevek responses are Excellent ❤
Im watching the show at 2am. Wow this guy is the leader we have been waiting for decades who deserves to be in WH
Remind them Vivek that you are a product of what the United States of America is able to help create. Keep success in the family. America
I have said Trump 2024 for a while now. But this man has changed my mind with his policy and energy. Vivek 2024, thank you for being a refreshing voice for Millennial conservatives
me too. i love trump but too many ppl hate him for us to move on as a nation in unity
I've asked many Trump supporters why they wouldn't support Vivek but have yet to get an objective answer.
@@yiaxiong7864 I understand the value of loyalty but Vivek is so much more electable. We gotta make sure Biden doesn’t get to stay there.
@@yiaxiong7864 cause they too far right. we must not treat elections like crips and bloods . n thats were we at today
Seen Vivek for the very first time watching the presidential debate and my first impression was 😲 OMG, he blew me away by his intelligence, professionalism, energy. My first response was Yes, he has my VOTE! Then reality set in. 🤔 The filthy rich behind closed doors who is really running this country will never let him win. 😢
Then isn't it our duty that we do something too? We cant just watch. What do we do? I like him. I'm going to contact campaign and volunteer.
Vivek is a brilliant candidate. I hope he maintains this energy as the election is exactly 15 months from now!
I support Vivek's policies - I fully support his ideology - Vivek is my leader - He inspires me - He is an inspiration - He is putting power back into the hands of people - He is pro crypto / pro Bitcoin - I just lovv it - His ideas / policies are good for America.
@@glenndevries9893 If he doesn't win - I prefer Trump then there will be celebrations but it will be slightly muted.. If Vivek doesn't win then that shows there is no meritocracy - that means people are not voting 🗳️ based on merit
When I first heard those sound bytes, you made him sound like a radical. But when you actually listen to his purpose & plans , HE GETS IT. He has rooted out the problems & he also has a very insightful and perfectly thought out plan in which to fix these problems. His intellect is far above anyone Ive heard on the campaign stage for decades.
So much talent must not go to waste. Vivek is the #1 Candidate for the job.
Vivek R. 2024!
“You’ve spent 30 minutes talking about Donald Trump”
Vivek doesn’t hold back at all 😂
Blatant truth.
He did it so smoothly and without being rude and disrespect. Others may also shout this out, but in a ruder manner. Trump will definitely use other blunt words to the same effect.
I'm in my mid-60's and really like Vivek. But I do agree he has appeal among younger people. He's the first candidate I've been donating to in decades.
Vivek is one of the most eloquent speakers I’ve had the honor to listen too
Wow Vivek seems amazing. Though I would worry for his safety as some of his ideas would see those in power lose their power.
Finally, a candidate I’m proud to vote for! He is resonating with US! I have yet to see any other candidates working as hard to get their message out. You have to respect his willingness to have an open dialogue with those who agree, and more importantly, with those who challenge and disagree with him. He knows what is at stake if we continue on this current trajectory. He has a clear vision to restore and move US forward!
Vivek would wipe the floor w/ Joe Biden in a debate
it will be embarrassing
Ol' Joe couldn't win a debate against a bean-bag
@@justifiably_stupid4998 he will lose against me, and english is my 4th language on a good day.
Vivek has said if he wins the primaries, he expects the Dems to put someone else up besides Joe.
A debate between Vivek and Biden would be like a boxing match between Muhammad Ali and Dylan Mulvaney, Biden can barely mumble out a 6x4 cheat card.
Solid interview.. Margaret did great. Interrupted him a couple times as he started answering a question with a thoughtful response, but she mostly seemed engaged. Just the right amount of contention, imo. Bravo. Vivek is the man.
Thank god/allah/yaweh for Vivek.
And thank you for platforming him. 🙏🩷
Wow, you can see the tension in her face and voice as she tries to convict Trump in her questioning. Vivek knows his mind and won't be led off topic. He is definitely given much thought to his platform and decisions. He verbally hits right back to direct conversation back to his campaign. His ability to control the narrative is a powerful skill.