What Country Would You NEVER Travel To? Travelling Abroad as the LGBTQ+ Community | S4 E6

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024


  • @Ameroff1982
    @Ameroff1982 5 місяців тому +28

    Unfortunately, I don't have that luxury as I live in the Middle East.
    But that doesn't stop me from being out and proud here. Luckily I have a supportive family and friends.

    • @AlfariziZakaria
      @AlfariziZakaria 5 місяців тому

      In general, Muslim countries are anti towards the LGBT community.

    • @Pk-wu9tl
      @Pk-wu9tl 4 місяці тому +1

      Where are you based if you don’t mind me asking?

    • @Ameroff1982
      @Ameroff1982 4 місяці тому +1

      Lebanon. Middle East.

    • @Pk-wu9tl
      @Pk-wu9tl 4 місяці тому +1

      @@Ameroff1982 just wondering how that could be safe for you.

    • @Ameroff1982
      @Ameroff1982 4 місяці тому +1

      Like I said I have a supportive family and friends. And no problems from the law.
      There is an antigay law but it's not really implemented or pursued.

  • @kev2020
    @kev2020 5 місяців тому +14

    I'm Black and gay so I'm often screwed anywhere I go. My BF and I went to Portugal and were safe as a gay couple but I wasn't treated well otherwise.
    We went to Dubai (I've been 3 times) and booked 2 double beds. The concierge was gay and offered an upgrade and apologized because it was to a single King suite and winked at us. A sweet gay guy from Saudi Arabia spotted us and felt safe asking where to go or what to do. There were gay people everywhere and I enjoyed being able to interact with the gay people who don't have the ability to leave that country. They loved asking questions etc.
    Qatar was very "don't ask don't tell" with everything. Men and women aren't supposed to touch one another in public, etc but gays in the wild will definitely spot others and I loved speaking with them.
    Ghana was great but just passed anti-gay law which is so disappointing because I met some really sweet gay people there.
    I've been to Tel Aviv(suffered extreme racism there but not any homophobia), Sitges and Puerto Vallarta which were just drinking and drugs in the gay areas so I'd find myself wandering away from the gayborhoods.
    I just enjoy connecting with the people who are "stuck". So far none have said that they felt that we were rubbing it in their faces but often felt seen or expressed feeling thankful that they could actually talk about it out loud.

    • @jeffhampton2767
      @jeffhampton2767 5 місяців тому

      I'm gay and I really don't understand why you want to go to those kinds of countries. There are many areas in the United States and Canada and Europe and Australia that are gay friendly with large gay populations. White risk going to the third world countries we're probably most people can't stand you. 😢

    • @RevealedFilms
      @RevealedFilms 5 місяців тому +1

      What happened in Tel Aviv? I’ve got to go there next month for work.

    • @Muhluri
      @Muhluri 5 місяців тому

      Your Dubai experience is definitely not what I expected

  • @jaciboughter6762
    @jaciboughter6762 5 місяців тому +4

    I found Joel back in Joel and Lia days. Didn’t follow when personal channels happened, but then found Joel show up again after he announced he is gay! I’ve fallen in love with Keagan too after he joined Joel and I enjoy watching this couple podcast! I’m not gay or bisexual but I find most of your stuff both talks about gay things AND things that affect anyone! We’re all people and we all do life. I don’t think happy healthy homo is for only one persuasion or the other! THIS IS A GREAT PODCAST and everyone else should also watch it!

  • @calvind2054
    @calvind2054 5 місяців тому +6

    Keegan gets gay cruises. Joel gets stuck in the icky stuff. But most gay cruises are 90-95% single or open relationships. They literally go specifically for the sex.

  • @tblizzi1369
    @tblizzi1369 5 місяців тому +13

    I get where you're coming from on the gay cruises thing, but I disagree on the part about needing to look respectable to straight people/it making us look bad. The straight people who have a problem with it would just look for a different reason to have a problem with us anyway.

  • @dawnevans157
    @dawnevans157 5 місяців тому +8

    Gay, bi, trans, women rights etc are human rights that need to be fought against all over the world and educate people that love is love. Good point from Joel that every LGBTQ person shouldn't leave Florida and let the haters win.

    • @playstationgrenade2281
      @playstationgrenade2281 2 місяці тому

      In the uae homosexuality is a possibility to be legal in the future but trans will never ever be allowed in Dubai

  • @rorynolan4426
    @rorynolan4426 3 місяці тому

    you two are both so lovely and expressive and charming! love the conversations, i just found your channel yesterday so im hooked obviously. I have a particular interest in not changing my behaviour when out in public with or without a date or other gay/queer friends of mine. there is a lot of awkwardness that is placed on gay peoples bodies and being able to negate or ignore that awkwardness and remain free and expressive and not take on other peoples judgements in your own body or mannerisms is really satisfying and an important skill for any gay man.

  • @RichNDNGuy
    @RichNDNGuy 5 місяців тому +7

    I love to hear you both talk! Voices!!! Kegan those jeans are fitting you nicely

  • @robertrawley1115
    @robertrawley1115 5 місяців тому +2

    Even if it feels uncomfortable, it's important that every incident is reported when traveling to a foreign country.
    *Let your Consulate or Ambassador know what happened.* They really do have the ability to make change over time, but only if they know what their citizens are facing in that country.

  • @hubertl75
    @hubertl75 5 місяців тому +5

    Joel...just imagine that all gay people would leave Florida. Some parts of that state would be empty and the economy would fall to pieces in those areas. The tourist industry would get an 18% hit AT LEAST. Desantis would then really take notice as in the US, politicians are mostly rated through the economy. It might be a utopian wish, but money is the universal power of the LGBTQ community. Just imagine what could be done when the LGBTQ community would actually and REALLY organize. This is especially true in areas and countries where "money talks" like the US and Europe...less so in "religion-heavy" societies. One last thing. The Floridian "Don't say gay bill" is not just a law but it goes to the core of what we have fought for over many years: to be recognized, to be accepted, and not to be prosecuted. That law kills these 3 goals in just one stroke. You go on a wonderful holiday to Orlando (as I have done many times) but the gay community there has really taken a hit. Just imagine that in 2024 you get an ultra-right government in the UK and one of their first acts in Parliament would be to erase some of your gay rights. I will go back to Florida. But not now though because it is practically impossible to fight against extreme right-wing religious nuts. Oh and I am ancient in homo years. I am 60. I prefer to enjoy and cherish my homo rights that we all have fought for in the last 40 years instead of getting upset about not having some. Thanks for your podcast/vlog. You guys' content is just perfect, funny, and to the point and you both are soooooooooo deliciously handsome 🙂.

  • @JohnDillonsdstarz
    @JohnDillonsdstarz 5 місяців тому +2

    Joel & Keegan, First, several gay travel groups are not like the Atlantis cruise, and you might want to try one of those trips. I want to provide you a different view of a gay cruise. Let me share with you my first gay cruise. It was an Atlantis cruise, and there were certainly lots of parties and sex, but there were a lot of people not partaking in those activities. I will say it was an amazing experience and the first time I was in an exclusively gay environment where I could relax, and the straight people were there to serve us, LOL. When I was packing in my cabin the last night, I remember crying because I had made so many new friends from around the country and the world, and I was going to miss the safety I felt for the first time in my life.

  • @rocktatnine
    @rocktatnine 5 місяців тому +2

    I completely agree with your viewpoint on culture and their take on homosexuality. I live in India & recently at a house party some of my queer friends were having the same debate about traveling as a gay man. I would not travel to Dubai for the same reason.

  • @mikiewifnoe360
    @mikiewifnoe360 5 місяців тому +4

    Of course, you do not think supporting a state whose majority votes for a party that wants you to not exist is improper. Your family owns property there. People are upset about not just Desantis but the symptom of the state's whole mindset. So when you go, just try to spend your money with the companies and people who actually support your existence. That is about the best one can do.

  • @321dmeza
    @321dmeza 5 місяців тому +4

    Great subject to discuss. As a gay man from NYC, I will be traveling to Dubai this summer. I understand how society and religion view the LGBTQ community but I’ve done extensive research on the do’s and don’t in Dubai. But I am going with an open mind and with respect to their culture and customs. Which is something every traveler should be doing when traveling to another country. I’ll give you guys a lil run down of my trip to Dubai once I return. Joel maybe I can have you consider thinking of go…. Maybe?????

    • @hopeintruth5119
      @hopeintruth5119 5 місяців тому +1

      Tbh, sometimes people just want to go where they don't have to feel walking on eggshells or weird cultural twists. Like many people, people's could maneuvered well without legal or social repercussions in most (not all) most of the western hemisphere. Most of Europe. Some African countries, some South Asian countries, most East Asian countries, and of course all of Oceania and almost all of Polynesia. There are multiple choices to choose from. West Asia or the Middle East isn't friendly besides Israel. Sometimes people want to go where they are most comfortable and explore culture without feeling like they have walk back into the closet

    • @shalonsmith3653
      @shalonsmith3653 4 місяці тому +1

      There’s alot of gays in Dubai and Just don’t do any intimate acts in public like kissing or holding hands and you will be fine. There’s gay parties in Dubai as well and you will need VPN to access the internet there which will allow you to get on the apps as well.
      Also straight couples aren’t allowed to show public affection as well

  • @lee9650
    @lee9650 5 місяців тому +3

    Well to be honest, being gay is not my whole personality. I like to think that there is more to me than just my sexuality. I'm not my sexuality, it's a part of me but not all of me.
    The thing is with dubai and arab/muslim countries, I think they see homosexuality as more of an action as oppose to it being a part of someones identity. They are not much worried about sexuality/ proclivities. They are, however, more concerned about sexual behaviours. As for not being able to be myself, well, if i'm totally honest i'm not even sure what "being myself" actually looks like. Personally, I don't see the need for me to advetise my sexuality, I mean even here at home, I don't think people would know I was gay unless they were to ask me and perhaps i'm not the best person to have an opinion on this as I suppose I don't really have a "gay life" as I don't have the confidence to chat with other gay guys or go on dates etc.. 😂 . So for me I guess, as long as i'm safe and enjoying myself that's the main thing. I guess for people who are actively in a same sex relationship it might be different.

  • @orielwiggins2225
    @orielwiggins2225 5 місяців тому

    Great topic. I love the different kind of segments you've got in this episode. Can't wait to read all the comments about each bit. Would love to hear other people's experiences preferences and favorite places to travel and why. I've been a bit landlocked here in the US, and it is as you've mentioned, depends on how rural/ Urban. Laws are state by state, but as in Dubai etc, sometimes they are overlooked, and sometimes the laws can be very open and free, but the people are not.
    Appreciate you both for all your work and opening these topics in a safe and considerate space.

  • @neerg63
    @neerg63 5 місяців тому +5

    One of the biggest -- but least commonly realized -- tenets of any capitalist society is that each person who participates in that model "votes" with their wallet. Where and how each individual chooses to spend their money is indeed a tacit endorsement. While it's not always possible to always have the choices you want avaliable, be sure to give full consideration to the choices you make when possible.

    • @pppmanly
      @pppmanly 5 місяців тому +2

      That's really good! 👍 I'll have to borrow that.

  • @janmichaels8550
    @janmichaels8550 5 місяців тому

    Love you guys thank you very much for sharing so much of your life with us Jan Michaels

  • @frederics7086
    @frederics7086 Місяць тому

    You are so right about the hotel situation in "modern" "western" countries. So many times (actually every single time) my boyfriend and I have booked hotels with a double bed to find that we were provided with two single beds. Spain, Ireland , the UK, Germany, Austria, France. Not a safety issue, we never really felt threatened for being gay, but a very awkward situation. We would move the single beds together of course but to find that the cleaning staff would split the beds apart again. Now, the cleaning staff separating the beds may just have been what they had to do as part of their job (put the room back the way it was). But why did we book a double room and got two single beds? And it's a very awkward conversation for us to be had with the hotel staff. Because we honestly do not want to discuss our bedroom situation with anyone. So we have never brought it up but it made us feel very uncomfortable and disrespected. Again, not a safety issue and would move definitely recommend those countries I have listed.

  • @chrisk5651
    @chrisk5651 5 місяців тому +3

    When I saw the title of this video about what country would you never travel to - & I automatically thought that for me it would be Florida!

  • @VikingJack-il4hw
    @VikingJack-il4hw 5 місяців тому +7

    If you guys want to go to some nice places in the United States on the East Coast that's great for gay people, you can start with Fire Island which is on Long Island New York, and New Hope Pennsylvania, and Fort Lauderdale Florida, and Key West and also up and down the entire East Coast United States there are some really great Gay Campgrounds and resorts.❤

  • @robertgough5640
    @robertgough5640 5 місяців тому +4

    I went on a Gay Cruise on the largest cruise ship in the world in 2019 the Oasis of the Seas, 5,000 Gay Guys around the Med. It was so underwhelming - firstly the price of the drinks were astronomical . A beer was £13 each, a bottle of wine £50 even cola was £5 and you were not allowed to bring any drink onto the ship even from the Med Ports that you stop off on. There were 4500 Americans on the ship about 180 Brits, 200 Australians, The Americans came ready to party with the themed nights but most of them had saved up for a decade to come as they dont usually get paid holiday over there. Plus the ship emptied every day as the Americans wanted to see the European sights, where as a Brit, I was like Meh can see them anytime. They converted one floor of the ship each evening as a "dark room areas / sex area" but it was the top floor of the ship and you had to do the walk of shame up a metal staircase pretty much infront of everyone else on the boat to get to that floor (not that I gave a toss to be honest and I went up anyway, but it was badly done). In summary I am pleased to say I went on a Gay Cruise for the hell of it, but it ended up costing me £1000 on drinks from the bar for the 1 week. I wouldnt mind but it felt like I only had a couple of beers by the pool in the daytime and a few drinks each evening,. - I wouldnt do it again! Ironically they were also having an auction on the ship at the time, selling off Picasso art so there was def a feeling that they assumed every Gay person was very rich. Plus I was flabbergasted that some of the Americans were tipping £20 every time they went to the bar to get their own drinks .- the only fun bit was I got to ride the zip wire across the entire ship and the crew member who was managing the zip wire was from Birmingham and he said he bloody loved the Gay cruises as its quieter and watching Gay men go down the zip wire was way better than constantly having to send the same badly behaved children over and over again on a non gay week, drove him insane.

    • @passingthroughtime6841
      @passingthroughtime6841 5 місяців тому +1

      Almost every American gets paid holidays and vacations. Every single person I know gets two weeks to 6 weeks paid vacations period on average around 4 weeks

    • @passingthroughtime6841
      @passingthroughtime6841 5 місяців тому +1

      I worked my entire life in the United States and got many paid vacations. I've been to six countries went to many Caribbean islands, traveled all over the United States and spend a lot of time in Florida stayed at many gay resorts. You are completely delusional if you think that Americans have to save for 10 years to go on vacation when I would save just for maybe 3 months to go on vacation. 😂

    • @shalonsmith3653
      @shalonsmith3653 4 місяці тому

      @@passingthroughtime6841 the average vacation time is about two weeks for Americans.

  • @alcloud4265
    @alcloud4265 5 місяців тому +3

    To say that Ron DeSantas is not a nice guy is an understatement!

  • @kennixox262
    @kennixox262 5 місяців тому +4

    For those wanting a totally wonderful gay destination: Palm Springs. Just beware about the summer heat. Winter is high season. Palm Springs is about as gay as it gets. Sadly about a decade ago, two elderly gay men were beaten after leaving a gay bar by two active duty Marines from nearby 29 Palms. One died and the other was severely injured so much so, he had to spend the rest of his days in a nursing home. As for gay cruises and the "grossness", good point. Let's talk about big summer Las Vegas resort pool parties to where literally thousands of people mostly straight are in the pool(s) at one time. No difference and it is pretty awful from what I have seen. Gays can't be blamed only for being over sexualized, the straights are just as bad.

  • @richardorchard8554
    @richardorchard8554 5 місяців тому +1

    I like the living room set lads. My only feedback- closed postures. Leg and arm barriers. It could be the chairs, cold, or a bit of discomfort, but yep- open postures will get more engagement with viewers

  • @davidcarr9168
    @davidcarr9168 5 місяців тому +4

    Ironically, i just saw a reel by Jonathan Bailey who was wearing Equality blue cap in US coffee shop and had it knocked off by Homophobe who said where he was from they killed people like him. Man said he was from Pennsylvania. Not some place i would have guessed as an American. Homophobic attitudes can haopen any where. Florida is one of 16 states that has reactionary politicians chipping away at not just LGBT rights but anything that doesn't abide by their Christian values. I would not plan a trip to those states except to support a gay event or resort, but would definitely find an alternative if i could as why do you want to go a place where you can't relax. International travel would be the same for me. I wouldn't go anywhere with religion or laws that just my breathing would be offensive....Cheers!🎉

  • @joemalick
    @joemalick 5 місяців тому

    Great podcast, I do agree with you that a holiday is supposed to make you feel relaxed, so that’s what I would use as the criteria of where I would go. Keep up the good topics! ❤

  • @michaeljamesstewart1000
    @michaeljamesstewart1000 5 місяців тому +6

    Having lived in the USA for six years and continued to visit family there over the last fifty-plus years, we decided about eight years ago to never go back. There are areas, even in Florida, that are somewhat safe; but, there are also areas that can be deadly for LGBT2I+. Attitudes that vote for anti-gay politicians are obviously in the majority in Florida and many other states. If the presence of LGBT2I+ in large numbers positively swayed minds, Florida would be moving forward instead of backwards. As for Joel's statement regarding all gays leaving Florida, if all gays left Florida, the entire economy would crash and business would come to a standstill. The LGBT2I+ community has to stop equivocating and realise the power of our spending. If a business was openly homophobic, gays would automatically boycott that business. What is the difference with a country and/or a state? Spend your money where you are really welcome. Chimo

    • @passingthroughtime6841
      @passingthroughtime6841 5 місяців тому +2

      Don't make me laugh 😂

    • @michaeljamesstewart1000
      @michaeljamesstewart1000 5 місяців тому

      @@passingthroughtime6841 I can assure you, the lives, safety and rights of the LGBT2I+ are not a laughing matter. Chimo

  • @jeffwatkins352
    @jeffwatkins352 5 місяців тому +1

    Great show as always and sensibly useful thoughts and tips about travel. If I ever manage another international trip, it'll be to Bristol where a good friend lives. He's written three books about the city's lesser-known attractions/features. They're called Weird Bristol and have me fascinated to see the city. According to him it's very gay-friendly so no worries (I assume) on that front. Probably safer there than it is in America now.

  • @dennis-qu7bs
    @dennis-qu7bs 2 місяці тому

    My partner and I went to Japan and we found the whole experience amazing. The Japanese were very gay-friendly.

  • @stephenhawkins1913
    @stephenhawkins1913 5 місяців тому +1

    You are very good at talking I just love you both
    And your down to earth,

  • @johnstevens3598
    @johnstevens3598 5 місяців тому

    My two foreign locations: Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Saba (South of St Martin. YEAH! SCUBA!)

  • @simongoodwin5253
    @simongoodwin5253 5 місяців тому +1

    In Sri Lanka and The Maldives, men are the cleaners for one's bungalow. The women tend to sweep up leaves and garden.
    The male cleaners were more than friendly to my ex and myself, to the extent that everytime we sent clothes to be laundered a pair of my Calvin Kleins would disappear!
    Malaysia was a great country also.

  • @LondonGuy92
    @LondonGuy92 5 місяців тому

    This was something I was probably unconsciously considering when I was single, however me and my boyfriend definitely are more considerate of what places we want to travel to as a couple. I think single, its easier to an extent to not have to worry as discretion can come into play. As a couple, I want to be able to able to hold hands in public etc

  • @MyLoganTreks
    @MyLoganTreks 5 місяців тому +1

    Highly recommend Gays in Puerto Rico... I'm a Florida Gay against Ron Disantis he is so racist and awful. He needs to be voted out, I rather go to Puerto Rico a US territory, it's very gay friendly safe and has a fantastic Guy Days in June. Very inclusive and 25 yrs going there I feel more welcomed there than my native home of Key West FL. Better value, better people better beaches & booty etc. only because I love you guys.. recommend Mar Chiquita beach..when are you coming to visit!

  • @VikingJack-il4hw
    @VikingJack-il4hw 5 місяців тому +4

    Listen guys I'm in my 60s and every country has gay haters. Remember that

  • @dubon9999
    @dubon9999 5 місяців тому +2

    Be careful with homophobes, transphobes and bad people my dear Gay mates 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

  • @pattisonpattison3639
    @pattisonpattison3639 5 місяців тому

    As a homosexual in a 34 SSR, we don’t travel as a Rainbow Person.

  • @pjw1980
    @pjw1980 5 місяців тому +1

    Travelled extensively as a gay couple and never had a problem. We don’t “look gay” but we still are. Istanbul in a couple weeks so maybe I’ll update with a review 😅

    • @passingthroughtime6841
      @passingthroughtime6841 5 місяців тому

      Yes as long as a gay man is not flamboyant or making out with another guy in public then everything will be cool

  • @christophergallagher2919
    @christophergallagher2919 5 місяців тому

    Thoroughly enjoyed this podcast guys, although I was distracted admiring Keegan's fab aqua socks (my fave colour). Being Australian it’s mandatory for us to travel extensively. I’ve never had any problems with being gay even in Dubai, but then I have never been to Africa or any other hardline anti-gay destination. Even then, there seem to be pockets of safety for gays. I’ve been to a Pride week in Tel Aviv (couldn’t get much more Middle East) which was a fantastic experience. My most recent travel was with my friend to Cambodia. Not a hint of a problem with our sharing a bed there. However, I wouldn’t care to try my luck in (mainland) China or Russia as you say. Those destinations will not get my money. Please keep up the good work with your HHH podcast. As the bloke said in the review Keegan read out, I wish I had access to such wise counsel when I was much younger than my now 71 years. And I hope to be in the UK again sometime next year, since I still have 30 quid on an Oyster card and I need to use it😂. I dare say I’ll see a lot of post-Brexit changes since I was last there in 2017.

  • @robertrawley1115
    @robertrawley1115 5 місяців тому +1

    When traveling, I just want to be able to do the same things with my partner that I see a heterosexual couple do in public. Isn't that what's called equal rights?

  • @mrjayy3907
    @mrjayy3907 5 місяців тому

    Hi guys, where can i leave a review

  • @philipfill2266
    @philipfill2266 5 місяців тому

    I am really interested to know what has particularly being unpleasant for you as tourists in Corfu. I am a gay man and I was born and raised there. I believe that things nowadays are better but I remember myself having it not easy living in Greece until I left in early 20s. I mean I can imagine it being not the best for some tourists but there are these places on earth that despite being discriminating to some extent, the society welcomes you anyway if you are willing to spend your money there.

  • @shaneryan7476
    @shaneryan7476 3 місяці тому

    spend your money where you want, go on holiday where you want, you don’t need to justify where you spend your money. But you can’t say that gay people in Florida have the same rights that straight people do. The question is do you go and enjoy yourself on holiday while the gay kid in the school down the road won’t be free until they can escape the state.

  • @philipfill2266
    @philipfill2266 5 місяців тому

    before i check the video... To any country whose people and state are racist, discriminating and deeply obscured. If I am spending money, then I 'd rather offer it where I believe it matters. Plenty of places to visit and plenty of nice people to make a nice acquaintance of. If increasing the wealth of a side by contributing financially to them is my absolute political activism then I am not selecting any sense of obscurity.

  • @wendypoole7041
    @wendypoole7041 5 місяців тому

    Could you visit the "gay" areas of British cities, as a travelogue? Canal Street, Manchester?

  • @daniellerichard1385
    @daniellerichard1385 5 місяців тому +1

    Come to Australia!

  • @VikingJack-il4hw
    @VikingJack-il4hw 5 місяців тому +2

    When I used to go to Orlando back in the 1990s and early 2000s there were tons of gay bars and we used to stay at a gay resort called the Parliament House and we used to absolutely love going there. They had a great pool and they had a disco club and they had a restaurant and it used to get packed with gay people. But you can go to Fort Lauderdale is loaded with gays and so is Key West

  • @VikingJack-il4hw
    @VikingJack-il4hw 5 місяців тому +3

    I've been to many Caribbean islands and beaches and not all Caribbean Island beaches are created equal. Actually Fort Lauderdale and Miami is a Caribbean Beach and the keys in Key West is part of the Caribbean

    • @kennixox262
      @kennixox262 5 місяців тому +3

      Technically, no. The Caribbean Sea is basically south of Cuba. Everything north is either the Gulf of Mexico or the Atlantic Ocean. Are the places that you point out "Caribbean" in lifestyle? Yes and maybe. Miami/Ft. Lauderdale is most definitely on the Atlantic and Key West is in the Gulf of Mexico in the Florida Straits.

    • @passingthroughtime6841
      @passingthroughtime6841 5 місяців тому +1

      ​@@kennixox262South Florida and the keys are on the edge of the Caribbean and very Caribbean like. I just watched the documentary I know the keys are in the Gulf of Mexico but they considered the keys as part of the Caribbean.

    • @kennixox262
      @kennixox262 5 місяців тому

      @@passingthroughtime6841" Caribbean like" is different than a geographical reference point. It is understood that the Caribbean Sea is south of Cuba, the Yucatan Penisiula, the north coast of South America and western of the Leeward Islands. To say that South Florica is "Caribbean" in lifestyle/culture - that we can agree. No part of Florida, including the keys, dry Tortuga's touch the Caribbean Sea. Florida is on the North Atlantic coast, the Florida Straits and the Gulf of Mexico. I am a native of Florida and know my way around a map in that part of the World.

  • @VikingJack-il4hw
    @VikingJack-il4hw 5 місяців тому +4

    Disney World has tons of gay people working there. I believe they even have gay day. Fort Lauderdale has an absolutely beautiful gay beach.

    • @kev2020
      @kev2020 5 місяців тому

      Orlando, Fort Lauderdale(Wilton Manors etc) and South Beach have many different gay friendly areas.

  • @Splash-nr8ot
    @Splash-nr8ot 5 місяців тому +1

    There is an audio issue. Keegan's voice keeps fading in and out.

  • @luminiferous1960
    @luminiferous1960 5 місяців тому +2

    I vehemently disagree with what you said at 11:36 about rights being given or taken away.
    What distinguishes human rights from privileges is that human rights are innate to being a human being, whereas privileges are optional. The U.S. Declaration of Independence uses the terms unalienable which means not capable of being taken away or denied.
    The French Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789) states: "believing that the ignorance, neglect, or contempt of the rights of man are the sole cause of public calamities and of the corruption of governments, have determined to set forth in a solemn declaration the natural, unalienable, and sacred rights of man, in order that this declaration, being constantly before all the members of the Social body, shall remind them continually of their rights and duties; in order that the acts of the legislative power, as well as those of the executive power, may be compared at any moment with the objects and purposes of all political institutions and may thus be more respected, and, lastly, in order that the grievances of the citizens, based hereafter upon simple and incontestable principles, shall tend to the maintenance of the constitution and redound to the happiness of all."
    This amplifies the Declaration of Independence description of human rights as unalienable by adding that the rights are natural and sacred, and based on incontestable principles.
    Human rights are rights that people have simply by virtue of being human, meaning they are not dependent on any social status or condition.
    According the United Nations: "Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status... Everyone is entitled to these rights, without discrimination."
    In 1948, the United Nations adopted The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which sets out fundamental human rights to be universally protected. The preamble states in part:
    "Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,
    Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people..."
    Governments either do or do not acknowledge or uphold one's rights, but a government's disregard of an individual's human rights does not remove that right, which makes it always wrong for a government to disregard a human right, or especially, to try to thwart any human right. Regardless of government laws, regulations, declarations, and/or actions, human beings are entitled to the exercise of their human rights.
    It would be extremely dangerous to individuals' ability to exercise their human rights for any individual or government organization to think that a government has the right to give or take away any human rights. The government does not have that right.
    In democratic nations, the opposite is true - the government only has those rights which are given to government by the people and which may be taken away from the government by the people.
    Rather than being vigilant as to whether a government gives or takes away a human right, which is impossible for a government to do, we need to be vigilant as to whether a government upholds or disregards a human right, and to do all that is within our power to expose and stop a government when it disregards a human right.

  • @danielintheantipodes6741
    @danielintheantipodes6741 5 місяців тому

    I would go to a country that had a nominal illegality which was not enforced. An example being Singapore prior to their fairly recent law change. However, I would not consider going to a country that persecutes us. Even if I knew that as a foreigner I was safe, I would factor in the impact my presence would have upon local homosexual people. Would they experience de facto abuses because of me being there? Maybe I would disgust the locals who would then take it out where they could? The world is so big, with so many places to go that I will always favour the places that really are okay about me. This applies not just to sexuality. Thank you for the video. I would not enjoy any sort of cruise but I must admit I would find a gay cruise very entertaining - for all the wrong reasons!

  • @calvind2054
    @calvind2054 5 місяців тому +2

    No Dubai but yes Florida sounds like a double standard even if some think it’s not. But, despite all that, loads of gays are flocking to Florida. Especially for Disney with their two dads and kids families. UA-cam is like gay news, because I follow so many gays here, UK and US, most of you go to Florida. You’ll never find me there however. I lived in Key West for two years and got different bitter taste of Florida. I like living in Washington DC where I feel more comfortable than most US States.
    18:00 If Trump wins this election in November, things are very much likely to change for the worse.

  • @pjw1980
    @pjw1980 5 місяців тому +1

    Why was corfu hell?! 😂😂😂

  • @VikingJack-il4hw
    @VikingJack-il4hw 5 місяців тому +2

    When we used to go to Orlando Florida years ago there were bars and clubs were the guys would play around and there were a lot of Brits in their coming on to the Americans it was very common😂

  • @VikingJack-il4hw
    @VikingJack-il4hw 5 місяців тому +2

    I just did a little research and there are almost 900 gay bars in the United States and 60 gay bars in Florida. There are only 51 gay bars in London and only 17 gay bars in Scotland

    • @kennixox262
      @kennixox262 5 місяців тому +2

      The United States is both geographically larger and has a larger population than the UK. Gay bars that I have been to with the exception of two in Manhattan are run down, smoke filled meat markets. The several gay bars here in Las Vegas are disgusting, are in disgusting neighborhoods and allow smoking. Went to a few when I first moved here and never went back. Same for Charleston, SC and a few in Atlanta. Gay bars are a dying breed. After what happened in Orlando several years, that sort of venue is off my list.

    • @JWebb-jp2vh
      @JWebb-jp2vh 5 місяців тому

      @@kennixox262 I agree. Las Vegs gay bars are horrible. All the cig smoke...be prepared to throw your clothes away because they will forever hold the stench of smoke, over priced booze and regret...

  • @jeffhampton2767
    @jeffhampton2767 5 місяців тому +9

    I would never travel to anywhere in Africa or the Middle East or Asia or India or Central or South America or mexico. I would only travel to the United States and Canada and Europe and New Zealand and australia. But I'm mostly interested in just the United States and Europe.

    • @simongoodwin5253
      @simongoodwin5253 5 місяців тому +4

      South Africa, especially Cape Town, is very Gay friendly. (Well it was when I last visited).

    • @Imetwurld_
      @Imetwurld_ 5 місяців тому +10

      Lmao I guess you don't travel anywhere then. .. it's literally legal to be gay in most South America country,same as south Africa and mexico

    • @sirvirgo1705
      @sirvirgo1705 5 місяців тому

      So only white/colonizer countries? 😂 like the Vatican (the major source of the spread of homophobia) isn't in Rome

    • @tblizzi1369
      @tblizzi1369 5 місяців тому

      Taiwan, Thailand, and Japan are pretty chill about it

    • @jeffhampton2767
      @jeffhampton2767 5 місяців тому

      ​@@Imetwurld_I have traveled all over the United States and Canada and Europe which means I have traveled quite a bit and probably far more than you. 🤔

  • @kev2020
    @kev2020 5 місяців тому

    My BF and I love Egypt! That's upsetting. Tons of gay people flock to Zanzibar. That's interesting. Some of their government officials are gay.

  • @kennixox262
    @kennixox262 5 місяців тому +3

    Florida is a large state, both in population, the third most populated state in the country but also in geography. A drive from say Key West, very gay, to Pensacola very anti-gay is over 800 miles. Miami - Orlando- the Tampa Bay area of which I am a native is very gay friendly. Closer to your Florida holiday home; nearby Polk County is notorious for being anti-gay. DeSantis is term limited and will leave office in January 2027. Florida is both fairly liberal and the further north you go, almost anything north of the I-4 corridor is extremely Christo-fascist. Moving further west, Arizona's Supreme Court just banned abortion. The state AG however claims that he won't enforce it. Doctors won't take the chance of being jailed. Lastly, there is a very good chance that Trump will be reelected this November. Should that come to pass, all bets are off. My husband and I have made plans to get out should Trump return.

    • @monk3yboy69
      @monk3yboy69 5 місяців тому +1

      I sense a bit of TDS on your part…
      I take it you’re quite happy with what’s happening on the Texas border then?
      More cheap Labour for you and your husband.
      Democrats hey….

    • @passingthroughtime6841
      @passingthroughtime6841 5 місяців тому

      ​​@@monk3yboy69I agree with what you say. Some of these people need a vaccination for their TDS. 😂

  • @BrianAlt
    @BrianAlt 5 місяців тому +3

    As a straight Jewish man, yes, I need to check where I'm visiting in this world. Even though I always say I can hide in plain site.

  • @calvind2054
    @calvind2054 5 місяців тому

    Most all Asian countries are safe for gay travel except China. Taiwan has gay marriage. Japan courts just ruled that the Constitution does not state same sex marriage is illegal and may become law someday soon. They even changed rules that landlords cannot discriminate because gay couples wanted to live together. This same law passed in South Korea. Bangkok is like the gay Mecca in Asia. I can’t think of an Asian country that’s unsafe other than the scams that are rampant, so beware.
    UA-cam gay subscriber news again.

  • @VikingJack-il4hw
    @VikingJack-il4hw 5 місяців тому +1

    I went to Florida for decades and never had a problem if anything I had many guys come on to me because when I was younger in my twenties and thirties and forties I was super hot. Now that I am in my 60s I'm not hot anymore and that's what happens when you get old 🤔😆😆

  • @mikiewifnoe360
    @mikiewifnoe360 5 місяців тому

    How would you change how you act "Joel " show us an example. Keegan, why do you wear gay-specific clothing?

  • @alfredsantella6477
    @alfredsantella6477 5 місяців тому

    Keegan and Joel, Life is a cakewalk compared to yesteryear! Be happy and go where you want. Just avoid the countries where you can be killed for being 🌈. Florida is fantastic read the don't say gay bill. Living here 20 years from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 🇺🇲🛫🏖️💪🌴🏖️🌊. I just don't travel as a gay I travel as an American. ❤ Our Governor. Everyone 's different. I just want equality for all not be treated different and expect the rainbow to be treated no different than the rest. Marriage is legal here there is no reason to act differently in Florida. Democrats aren't all cool either. ❤️✌️✊🙏🏙️ Al

  • @VikingJack-il4hw
    @VikingJack-il4hw 5 місяців тому +7

    SeaWorld is not barbaric. Sea life actually has a great quality of life and they are fed well and have a longer life span because they are protected. If you were against SeaWorld then you must be against people who have fish tanks or keep pet birds in bird cages

  • @VikingJack-il4hw
    @VikingJack-il4hw 5 місяців тому +9

    Ron DeSantis is an excellent governor. He is very supportive of gay people. The don't say gay bill is for kindergarten through 3rd grade. Children don't need to be thinking about gays or sex they should be having fun as kids. I didn't start thinking about gay sex until I was around 13 or 14 years old so why should a 6-year-old or 7 year old be taught about gays. They can wait until they are a teenager.

    • @howardmarren3199
      @howardmarren3199 5 місяців тому +1

      Ron DeSantis is a terrible governor and is NOT supportive of gay people. the "Don't Say Gay Law" was expanded to go through high school. Luckily, the courts have overturned part of it. The book banning includes books abbout gay people. I know a first grade teacher who said she had a student who asked her if he could tell the class where he went with his daddies. She said if she let him tell that story, she would be fired. That family moved to Vermont. DeSantis is dispicable.

    • @VikingJack-il4hw
      @VikingJack-il4hw 5 місяців тому +4

      ​@@howardmarren3199FALSE Tinkerbell 😂😂😂

    • @VikingJack-il4hw
      @VikingJack-il4hw 5 місяців тому +1

      ​@@howardmarren3199There are plenty of rednecks in Vermont that don't approve of gay people believe me.

    • @howardmarren3199
      @howardmarren3199 5 місяців тому +1

      Along with Rick Scott, Marco Rubio and his other cronies, DeSantis is slowly and steadily ruining Florida.

    • @kennixox262
      @kennixox262 5 місяців тому +3

      Sadly, Ron DeSantis is a closeted self loathing homosexual.

  • @VikingJack-il4hw
    @VikingJack-il4hw 5 місяців тому +2

    I have a half brother and sister in England who are in their 70s and they insult gay people all the time. They mock Boy George and Elton John and just make fun of gay people.

  • @natalscar
    @natalscar 5 місяців тому +7

    Had to stop listening when you started giving incorrect information about what Florida is doing, and the governor. I'm disappointed but just can't anymore.

    • @monk3yboy69
      @monk3yboy69 5 місяців тому +2

      @natalscar I’m with you. It’s very disappointing when you hear people discuss an issue they clearly have no understanding of.

    • @happyhealthyhomo
      @happyhealthyhomo  5 місяців тому +8

      We do have a full understanding of it. Sadly it seems all you’re listening to is Fox News who are trying to sow division and turn even gay people against your own community. Don’t fall for their lies.

    • @passingthroughtime6841
      @passingthroughtime6841 5 місяців тому +1

      ​@@happyhealthyhomoJoel that is hilarious. If anybody is trying to sow division in the country it's fake news CNN and MSNBC. It's the far left that is trying to start fights between gays and straights. I watch the news 24/7 I know exactly what's going on. It's the far left that spews the most hatred.

    • @stephanied.k.3589
      @stephanied.k.3589 5 місяців тому


    • @happyhealthyhomo
      @happyhealthyhomo  5 місяців тому

      Not Joel 🩵

  • @VikingJack-il4hw
    @VikingJack-il4hw 5 місяців тому +2

    There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to flaunt your gayness when you are on vacation in heterosexual areas. I would never do it. There are plenty of gay towns and resorts for that. When we would go to Fort Lauderdale or Key West and stay at a gay resort yes we would be ourselves and hug and kiss and do whatever but once we were walking around in public or sitting in a restaurant we're not going to kiss and hug and make out and create a scene. 🤔😆😆

  • @SuperExtrovert
    @SuperExtrovert 5 місяців тому

    I would love to write for your Blog in your community post. I’ll email you later :)