I've been using the Tyrannofex + Maleceptor + Walkrant group as mid-field group with great success. Walkrant gets the Adaptive Physiology for native 5+++ (4+++ even), and my CP goes into Acid Overwatch (terrifying on Tyrannofex, it deletes entire squads) and 1 or 2 FNPs for the Maleceptor and T-fex, depending on the threat. Exocrine either blasts some hapless fools or provides guidance to warp lances thrown by Zoanthropes. Life is good.
his big issue is that he has no weapon traits and has a nerfed sweep profile for some reason S6 -1 AP 1D i have yet to see another faction have a sweep profile that gives you half strength -1 only 1 damage down from a d6+1 and AP-1 on a monster a named one on top of that that is a Carnifax but gets no carnifax wargear i know the wargear was not a thing when he was first implemented but for the love of the hobby update him
Yo auspex, I'm fairly new to the hobby and I've been enjoying your vids for a little while now. Thanks for all the content. Would you mind doing a video about secondary objectives? maybe, something like, "what is easiest for each faction to achieve in 10th edition"?
I'm glad I picked up Leviathan. I've had Tyranids since 3rd edition, back then everything was smaller. I have the original biovores, but now I use them as barbgaunts. I have an original hive tyrant, but now its a tyranid prime. Now finally I have some big boys with the screamer-killer, psyhophage and neurotyrant. Edit: Seems I have 60 termagants now.
@@Bear_Andersen You may! My local independent store manager suggested the same to me at the weekend and showed me the model. I did find the little termagent squooging out of the tervigon's tummy quiet endearing.
I really want the flying hive Tyrant to lead gargoyles! I can see why they might avoid it for balance reasons.. but you could kinda do it in 7th and it was awesome. Plus the flying hive Tyrant needs a buff bad
@@MrLambLips he would be shoot into pieces. remember if there are still gargoyles your Toughness is that of the gargoyles. but it would give him a unit to be in.
Thanks, Auspex! Great review. It's nice to see the Haruspex and Maleceptor find their groove! I love the models and lore, so maybe this is their time in the sun without being broken! Shout- out the the Heirdules, too! I thought FW models were garbage rules- wise. I'm glad to be wrong!!
I've been running Old One Eye, his carnifexs, a hive tyrant, tyranofex with venomthropes for cover all as one group. It takes some heat against oath of the moment but the combo of cover snd feel no pain is powerful. I just got malacepters I'm excited to try.
I'm surprised no Barbed Heirodules made it to competitive lists - they have 80% of the melee of the Scythed, and 2D6+6, 48",WS3+, S9, AP2, D2 biocannon attacks that debuff their target with -1 to their hit rolls. I'm finding the one I run really good.
Same here, mine tanks incredible amounts of damage because people focus it, and I just pop rapid regen on it to keep it alive. Haven't lost it yet. The guns are solid, the melee is amazing, and the debuff is huge into an enemy deathstar unit.
@@devinbrown9375 I completely agree. Firing one of these and some Barbgaunts at an expensive deathstar and screwing over their attacks AND movement is such a powerful ability to have. Nids have some very nice control abilities this edition.
Played ksons v bugs last night. For the points cost the haruspex was a tough nut to crack. Took a 5 squad of rubrics, Magnus and a vortex beast shooting into it to bring the thing down
It's kind of shame that the Neurotyrant and Neuroguants are lacking. I really wanted to make a big brain bug central army, especially with the reveal of the neurolictor.
everything in leviathan is pretty lacking for tyranids except for maybe barbgaunts. the point costs on just about every tyranids unit in leviathan is massively inflated to make it look more favorably balanced against the marine half than it actually is.
Well, in the Votann codex the Tyranids were one of the first (if only as no others are mentioned) factions to actually destroy a Votann Core and wipe out the League attached. Since then, the Tyranids are the only threat they take seriously.
Surprised that there was no mention of the swarmlord. He gives you extra cp in your command phase, and can make an enemy strategem cost more. Plus he has a decent psychic attack and strong melee for only 30 points more. Sure, he doesn't have the same abilities as the walkrant, nor any ranged weapons. But i feel like swarmlord is stronger atm, especially since they got rid of relic weapons from 9th
So Swarmlord being able to vect is really nice. However, it doesn't really compensate for the fact that: A) Hs melee isn't too much better than the Tyrants for the cost of your shooting. B) +1 CP isn't as good as free strats each turn, especially when Adrenal Surge costs 2 CP and HT helps if op goes first C) Giving everything in range assault just really helps push your army up the board. D) HT has access to enhancements, including the FNP which is 33% damage decrease, going up to 50% if your opponent damages it. Swarmlord is still definitely fun, but runs into the issue where his strategic utility to be able to vect a strat is outweighed by everything going for Hive Tyrants.
@@vaettra1589 the swarmlord is at least 50 points overcosted. its not good. its worse than a haruspex in melee and less survivable and a haruspex is only 125 points... so even if were generous and say +1 cp is worth 50 points and making an opponents strat cost 1 more is worth 50 points at most the swarmlord should be 200 points.
I'm hoping the Codex buffs Swarmy, his stats are too similar to the normal HT. Make him 300 points give him 10 movement 3+ invul save Feel No Pain 11 toughness and wounds Add Tail Attack Then he would be an Auto Include
@@avinashtyagi2 All the hive tyrants need a buff not just the swarmlord. T10 and W10 is not really sufficient for a hive tyrant in 10th edition. That is far too easy to kill. And offensively none of them are great. I also agree the swarmlord should be differentiated more from the normal hive tyrant, hes supposed to be the tyranids ace in the hole, and he just doesnt feel like it at all; he just feels like an overcosted worse hive tyrant.
I think the Tervigon should be on this list, REALLY scary melee and can heal and revive termagants in 6” with W16 and T11 can be really quite potent, certainly enough to easily destroy a ballisticus dreadnaught
@@Caesium_I nah it definitely is. whats it really do for 200 points? basically nothing. it cant create new termagant units anymore which makes it horrible for 200 points. adding termagants to existing units is very weak because its laughably easy to wipe out entire units of termagants. giving termagants lethal hits is also pretty pointless because they wont survive long enough for that ability to pay off. so youre basically just left with an overcosted melee monster that buffs a unit that wont survive long enough for the buffs to ever matter.
@@vaettra1589 its not even fun to use in casual lists. its abilities are 100% pointless. The tervigon shouldve kept its ability to create entirely new units of termagants. Without that theres no point to it.
It Is probably way to overcosted at 810 points, but I loved to field the Hierophant in my last two games. In your turn shooting it is practically two Exocrines and one spray Tyrannofex, but in the opponents phase it has all this as overwatch plus towering keyword. Especially against any smaller infantry units with sustained hits it can kill up to four units in every turn cycle. And it is a reason to Shadow in the Warp at the start of your turn: It can shoot anything that is battleshocked at 2+ to hit. It certainly had its issues though with positioning... better talk to your opponent before the game where it can stand and where not.
Could you do a strategic explanation of the rapid Ingress stratagem? I want to use Old One Eye with it but keep trying to understand how best to use it. Do they need to hide behind buildings immediately when they enter and then move and charge next turn?
hive tyrants not one of the strongest tyranid monsters... Its more of a tax to play tyranids. because you dont take it because you want to, you take it because you have to. Its points cost is absurdly high for what it is but theres nothing else in the entire index that gives you free stratagems.
@@duerf5826 yep. all the hive tyrants are 50 points overcosted. but you have to pay it to get free stratagems because there isnt a cheaper option like other factions get (a space marine captain for example is only like 100 points not 220). Its basically a tax to play tyranids...
@@veiddimaddur8354 i mean the only reason hive tyrants are overcosted now is because GW knows every tyranid player already owns at least one and wants to sell norn emissaries
I think army composition based on faction would be interesting- like guard can take 1 vehicle unit per unit of infantry (and 1 transport) Marines 1 vehicle per 2 infantry units Nids 1 large monster per 2 infantry units Ect. This way each army has a feel for how it's fielded, instead of the low IQ move of "I big tanks lots have, infantrys? No do that here!"
or why not let people play the way they like? And guard being called out for 1 vehicle per infantry and everyone else two shows some... interesting bias. So many memories of Fecking guard sitting on the edge of the table with nothing but tanks.
@jaysalmon3259 it's just an example, guard are more mechanized than most factions. I'm saying there should be some kind of structure to your list. 9th did okay with it, but 10th is just a cluster fuck for army construction
Unfortunately, ALL the new models from Leviathan are garbage at the moment rules wise. There's a UK tournament this weekend. 91 players. 2 Tyranid players. Out of 4,000 points of Tyranids, there's only 125 points of new models. (1x Psychophage).
Hey auspex can you clarify the deep strike rule? I’ve been reading that the strategic reserves and the deep strike reinforcements are different in writing and I’m just a little confused
Doesn't really need a whole vid. Deep strike and strategic reserves are two different methods to place units into the broader category of **Reserves**. All units placed into reserves don't start the game on the battlefield and instead must be deployed during the reinforcements step of your movement phase (or the enemy's with rapid ingress). You can put up to 25% of the pts limit of an army into reserves via strategic reserves. You can do this with any unit except for fortifications. However, these units have the most restrictions for deployment: cannot be deployed during the first battle round; cannot be within 9" horizontally of an enemy model; must be within 6" of a battlefield edge; and models can't be deployed inside the enemy deployment zone until the third battle round. Deep strike, on the other hand, is only available for a unit if every model in the unit has the ability (relevant for attached units). Deep strike has no limits on the points or number of units. It's also far less restrictive, it only cares about being 9 inches away from enemy models. Some sidenotes: - there are other ways to place units in reserves such as the aircraft rule/keyword and drop pod style dedicated transport. -Deploying from reserves happens after the movement step but all units deployed count as having performed a normal move. relevant for embarking, the heavy ability, etc - if a unit is put back into reserves, it can deploy using any reserve deployment ability it has at the players' choice.
hive tyrant isnt an autoinclude because of how good it is its just that you dont really have a choice wings is just asking to lose and warriors are sad... even sadder then the tyrant
I have at least 2 of everything here since starting my army pool, except Maleceptor. I can not for the life of me find one for under 300 us dollars on ebay and none at all anywhere else
the strangest this about Monster is why are they T9 and T11 when they should be T10 and T12 that is what hurts all of the monsters really especially the Carnifaxes
because they want you to buy more haruspexs. GW balance is based on what they want to sell more of and not anyway indicative of the actual power level of units. how else do you explain a haruspex being 125 points or a gladiator lancer being 145 points? units that were considered bad in 9th are now criminally undercosted in 10th.... because they wanted to boost sales.
I m still not 100% sure how precision works When you use the precision adaptation, stratagem or some snipers. Does the charakter use his own stat line to block off the hits? What if there are multiple leaders inside that unit? And what happens to left over dmg after the leader has been destroyed? Would be cool if someone could explain that.
1 - With the Precision Hyper Adaptation you score Precision hits on critical hits only (so 6's unless you're in melee range and have activated 2CP worth of Adrenaline Surge Stratagem) 2 - Yes, the character uses his own statline (his save, for instance) but you still wound vs the bodyguard, because Precision is on the wound roll, not the Hit roll. 3 - You - the attacker - get to pick which character to allocate the hits to. 4 - Same as anything else. The damage doesn't carry over but if you score 4 precision hits and only need 3 to kill a character then the 4th gets allocated somewhere else. Either to a character (if there is another one, in which case you decide so), or the unit. Remember that it's always your choice as the attacker with Precision to decide if you want to allocate to a character or not. You can always opt to go into the unit.
Need to pick up a couple more Exocrines. Wasn't sure how they'd end up, so only bought one of them to go with Leviathan, and then got two T'fex instead. I think the Haruspex is from the same kit as the Exocrine as well, right? I probably need at least 4 x more of those kits then so I can have 2 x haru's and 3 x Exo's. Also, has the stock for the Maleceptors been sorted yet? Was difficult to find one leading up to Leviathan.
Man, with how bad a lot of launches are lately, let From take their time upgrading. Having cutting edge visuals for AC6 would be great, but I like having a solid playing experience when I pay for a game more than a crashing buggy mess
Free 2cp strats or doubling up on the 5-+++ is amazing. Don't leave home without one. Definitely hits less hard, but also easier to keep out of LoS of enemies.
Tyrant is for those who want to play with command points more and have a versatile commander. OOE is just like Skarbrand where you yeet him to the enemy and leave him there to cause chaos for like the whole game
The walkrant synergy is simply great. A free stratagem every turn (and an option to double tap) and the ASSAULT bubble allows all our short-ranged bugs advance into position and still fire. And he is still durable and decent in melee, only the cannons are crap. Also many commander abilities grant a free stratagem once per round, HT gives it once per turn.
These monsters are just stupid. Having to put 20+ lascannons into a single ~200 point model is insanity. How are you even supposed to counter a list with 5-6 of these guys?
I've been using the Tyrannofex + Maleceptor + Walkrant group as mid-field group with great success. Walkrant gets the Adaptive Physiology for native 5+++ (4+++ even), and my CP goes into Acid Overwatch (terrifying on Tyrannofex, it deletes entire squads) and 1 or 2 FNPs for the Maleceptor and T-fex, depending on the threat. Exocrine either blasts some hapless fools or provides guidance to warp lances thrown by Zoanthropes.
Life is good.
Old one eye is a scary monster for 140 points , he heals wounds in both command phases and has scary melee plus scary buffs what a nasty bug
The issue is getting him there, against any list with any anti tank shooting youll lose both carnifexes and old one eye by turn 3
@@TheLofren agreed I like to outflank him with one other carnifex and then pray to the dice gods I make a 9…
Cp re roll helps of course
@@TheLofrennuisance charge with hormagaunts
@@TheLofren rapid ingress old one eye with a blob of carnifexes to do a little trolling
his big issue is that he has no weapon traits and has a nerfed sweep profile for some reason S6 -1 AP 1D i have yet to see another faction have a sweep profile that gives you half strength -1 only 1 damage down from a d6+1 and AP-1 on a monster a named one on top of that that is a Carnifax but gets no carnifax wargear i know the wargear was not a thing when he was first implemented but for the love of the hobby update him
Yo auspex, I'm fairly new to the hobby and I've been enjoying your vids for a little while now. Thanks for all the content. Would you mind doing a video about secondary objectives? maybe, something like, "what is easiest for each faction to achieve in 10th edition"?
Someone grab the lascannon, we got a Bug Hunt on our hands this edition
I’m doing my part
I love lascannons
be wery wery qwiet, it's buwg season
I don’t have a lascannon but would a rail gun work
I stig wiff me big knoife
I'm glad I picked up Leviathan. I've had Tyranids since 3rd edition, back then everything was smaller. I have the original biovores, but now I use them as barbgaunts. I have an original hive tyrant, but now its a tyranid prime. Now finally I have some big boys with the screamer-killer, psyhophage and neurotyrant. Edit: Seems I have 60 termagants now.
Now my _Epic_ army has a Dominatrix, 2 Heirodules and a Harpy....
With that many termagants, may I be so bold as to recommend you take a look at the Tervigon to synergise with them?
@@Bear_Andersen You may! My local independent store manager suggested the same to me at the weekend and showed me the model. I did find the little termagent squooging out of the tervigon's tummy quiet endearing.
After grabbing Leviathan and never having owned a single tyranid miniature, I really want old one eye.
Same! First tyranids myself
same, i like nids so much now i got the old combat patrol off ebay.
@@cabellism how much was it?
@@m33ddyhv $100 with free shipping.
Get a Carnifex box(they come in twos). Build one as old one eye, proxy your screamer killer as a Carnifex and you are good to go
Holding this spot for the Norn Emissary.
That Norn reveal other week did look epic!!..
Both flavours of the model..
I can't wait to see datasheets
Just got into nids with leviathan after a few years of necrons. Thanks for the good info!
tbh i hope we will get to put the Neurotyrant into a unit of Zoanthropes when we get our codex.
it just fits in that unit :)
Keep a venomthrope nearby to add dense cover to them and yeah honestly that's a good setup
I really want the flying hive Tyrant to lead gargoyles! I can see why they might avoid it for balance reasons.. but you could kinda do it in 7th and it was awesome. Plus the flying hive Tyrant needs a buff bad
@@MrLambLips he would be shoot into pieces.
remember if there are still gargoyles your Toughness is that of the gargoyles.
but it would give him a unit to be in.
@NecroGoblin-yl2fx it's true, but that's only really relevant if you're getting got with Precision. I think it would be worth. Good even
@@MrLambLips yes true, but this forces people to slow roll.
Thanks, Auspex!
Great review. It's nice to see the Haruspex and Maleceptor find their groove! I love the models and lore, so maybe this is their time in the sun without being broken!
Shout- out the the Heirdules, too! I thought FW models were garbage rules- wise. I'm glad to be wrong!!
I'm pretty happy the Tyrannofex is finally powerful, such a cool bug
I've been running Old One Eye, his carnifexs, a hive tyrant, tyranofex with venomthropes for cover all as one group. It takes some heat against oath of the moment but the combo of cover snd feel no pain is powerful. I just got malacepters I'm excited to try.
I'm surprised no Barbed Heirodules made it to competitive lists - they have 80% of the melee of the Scythed, and 2D6+6, 48",WS3+, S9, AP2, D2 biocannon attacks that debuff their target with -1 to their hit rolls.
I'm finding the one I run really good.
i have two of these guys, i mostly got them because i thought they were cool though, like an overgrown termagant.
Same here, mine tanks incredible amounts of damage because people focus it, and I just pop rapid regen on it to keep it alive. Haven't lost it yet. The guns are solid, the melee is amazing, and the debuff is huge into an enemy deathstar unit.
@@devinbrown9375 I completely agree. Firing one of these and some Barbgaunts at an expensive deathstar and screwing over their attacks AND movement is such a powerful ability to have. Nids have some very nice control abilities this edition.
Theyre surprisingly good. Especially in teams when you can run alot of t11+ and make some very skewed matchups.
Played ksons v bugs last night. For the points cost the haruspex was a tough nut to crack. Took a 5 squad of rubrics, Magnus and a vortex beast shooting into it to bring the thing down
It's kind of shame that the Neurotyrant and Neuroguants are lacking. I really wanted to make a big brain bug central army, especially with the reveal of the neurolictor.
everything in leviathan is pretty lacking for tyranids except for maybe barbgaunts. the point costs on just about every tyranids unit in leviathan is massively inflated to make it look more favorably balanced against the marine half than it actually is.
I'm definitely planning to pick up an exocrine or two to help the shooting with my army from Leviathan
Need votunn vs tyranids lore ASAP. For Rock and Stone
Well, in the Votann codex the Tyranids were one of the first (if only as no others are mentioned) factions to actually destroy a Votann Core and wipe out the League attached. Since then, the Tyranids are the only threat they take seriously.
If you dont rock and stone, you aint coming home!
Surprised that there was no mention of the swarmlord. He gives you extra cp in your command phase, and can make an enemy strategem cost more. Plus he has a decent psychic attack and strong melee for only 30 points more.
Sure, he doesn't have the same abilities as the walkrant, nor any ranged weapons. But i feel like swarmlord is stronger atm, especially since they got rid of relic weapons from 9th
So Swarmlord being able to vect is really nice. However, it doesn't really compensate for the fact that:
A) Hs melee isn't too much better than the Tyrants for the cost of your shooting.
B) +1 CP isn't as good as free strats each turn, especially when Adrenal Surge costs 2 CP and HT helps if op goes first
C) Giving everything in range assault just really helps push your army up the board.
D) HT has access to enhancements, including the FNP which is 33% damage decrease, going up to 50% if your opponent damages it.
Swarmlord is still definitely fun, but runs into the issue where his strategic utility to be able to vect a strat is outweighed by everything going for Hive Tyrants.
'no mention' is because Swarmlord wasn't used by any of the competitive lists. He's kind of sub par.
@@vaettra1589 the swarmlord is at least 50 points overcosted. its not good. its worse than a haruspex in melee and less survivable and a haruspex is only 125 points... so even if were generous and say +1 cp is worth 50 points and making an opponents strat cost 1 more is worth 50 points at most the swarmlord should be 200 points.
I'm hoping the Codex buffs Swarmy, his stats are too similar to the normal HT.
Make him 300 points
give him 10 movement
3+ invul save
Feel No Pain
11 toughness and wounds
Add Tail Attack
Then he would be an Auto Include
@@avinashtyagi2 All the hive tyrants need a buff not just the swarmlord. T10 and W10 is not really sufficient for a hive tyrant in 10th edition. That is far too easy to kill. And offensively none of them are great. I also agree the swarmlord should be differentiated more from the normal hive tyrant, hes supposed to be the tyranids ace in the hole, and he just doesnt feel like it at all; he just feels like an overcosted worse hive tyrant.
Great video as always!!
Currently in a tyranic war crusade. Screamer killer is doing his job of eliminating brave elite units and having real world intimidation.
I think the Tervigon should be on this list, REALLY scary melee and can heal and revive termagants in 6” with W16 and T11 can be really quite potent, certainly enough to easily destroy a ballisticus dreadnaught
tervigon is way too overcosted.
@@Caesium_I nah it definitely is. whats it really do for 200 points? basically nothing. it cant create new termagant units anymore which makes it horrible for 200 points. adding termagants to existing units is very weak because its laughably easy to wipe out entire units of termagants. giving termagants lethal hits is also pretty pointless because they wont survive long enough for that ability to pay off. so youre basically just left with an overcosted melee monster that buffs a unit that wont survive long enough for the buffs to ever matter.
Yeah Tervigon is arse, and no of the competitive lists used it, hence it's not in there.
@@vaettra1589 its not even fun to use in casual lists. its abilities are 100% pointless. The tervigon shouldve kept its ability to create entirely new units of termagants. Without that theres no point to it.
It Is probably way to overcosted at 810 points, but I loved to field the Hierophant in my last two games. In your turn shooting it is practically two Exocrines and one spray Tyrannofex, but in the opponents phase it has all this as overwatch plus towering keyword. Especially against any smaller infantry units with sustained hits it can kill up to four units in every turn cycle. And it is a reason to Shadow in the Warp at the start of your turn: It can shoot anything that is battleshocked at 2+ to hit. It certainly had its issues though with positioning... better talk to your opponent before the game where it can stand and where not.
I used a Maleceptor in a game against astartes the other day. It dominated, and I have to admit I completely forgot the Diffusion rule.
Great video thanks
Just add to the death guard detachment - 'all death guard models in this detachment have feel no pain 5+' simple.
I have to ask if you could do a list o tier of the best synergys for tyranids
I would love any of these....If any were in stock....
Could you do a strategic explanation of the rapid Ingress stratagem? I want to use Old One Eye with it but keep trying to understand how best to use it. Do they need to hide behind buildings immediately when they enter and then move and charge next turn?
Content king
hive tyrants not one of the strongest tyranid monsters... Its more of a tax to play tyranids. because you dont take it because you want to, you take it because you have to. Its points cost is absurdly high for what it is but theres nothing else in the entire index that gives you free stratagems.
GW: “so you’re saying that this bad boy needs a 50pt hike?”
@@duerf5826 yep. all the hive tyrants are 50 points overcosted. but you have to pay it to get free stratagems because there isnt a cheaper option like other factions get (a space marine captain for example is only like 100 points not 220). Its basically a tax to play tyranids...
@@KhobaiI think he's saying that GW would hear what you're saying and then increase his points cost
@@veiddimaddur8354 i mean the only reason hive tyrants are overcosted now is because GW knows every tyranid player already owns at least one and wants to sell norn emissaries
My last opponent was fielding the foot tyrant, the maleceptor and 2 exocrines - and 15 zoanthropes.
I think army composition based on faction would be interesting- like guard can take 1 vehicle unit per unit of infantry (and 1 transport)
Marines 1 vehicle per 2 infantry units
Nids 1 large monster per 2 infantry units
This way each army has a feel for how it's fielded, instead of the low IQ move of "I big tanks lots have, infantrys? No do that here!"
or why not let people play the way they like? And guard being called out for 1 vehicle per infantry and everyone else two shows some... interesting bias. So many memories of Fecking guard sitting on the edge of the table with nothing but tanks.
@jaysalmon3259 it's just an example, guard are more mechanized than most factions. I'm saying there should be some kind of structure to your list. 9th did okay with it, but 10th is just a cluster fuck for army construction
nids would be in the bottom tier if it wasn't for bio I am hoping for some good data sheets with book because what we have now is terrible
Are ther point cosz for the hierodule i couldnt find any:( He is saying 305pt but where is the original file for it?
Unfortunately, ALL the new models from Leviathan are garbage at the moment rules wise.
There's a UK tournament this weekend.
91 players.
2 Tyranid players.
Out of 4,000 points of Tyranids, there's only 125 points of new models. (1x Psychophage).
the tyrant being so easy to kill is just wrong. and the lack of carnifexes is very sad.
I was starting to get worried.
Hey auspex can you clarify the deep strike rule? I’ve been reading that the strategic reserves and the deep strike reinforcements are different in writing and I’m just a little confused
Doesn't really need a whole vid.
Deep strike and strategic reserves are two different methods to place units into the broader category of **Reserves**. All units placed into reserves don't start the game on the battlefield and instead must be deployed during the reinforcements step of your movement phase (or the enemy's with rapid ingress).
You can put up to 25% of the pts limit of an army into reserves via strategic reserves. You can do this with any unit except for fortifications. However, these units have the most restrictions for deployment:
cannot be deployed during the first battle round; cannot be within 9" horizontally of an enemy model; must be within 6" of a battlefield edge; and models can't be deployed inside the enemy deployment zone until the third battle round.
Deep strike, on the other hand, is only available for a unit if every model in the unit has the ability (relevant for attached units). Deep strike has no limits on the points or number of units. It's also far less restrictive, it only cares about being 9 inches away from enemy models.
Some sidenotes:
- there are other ways to place units in reserves such as the aircraft rule/keyword and drop pod style dedicated transport.
-Deploying from reserves happens after the movement step but all units deployed count as having performed a normal move. relevant for embarking, the heavy ability, etc
- if a unit is put back into reserves, it can deploy using any reserve deployment ability it has at the players' choice.
hive tyrant isnt an autoinclude because of how good it is
its just that you dont really have a choice
wings is just asking to lose
and warriors are sad... even sadder then the tyrant
I feel clickbaited by the trygon
I have at least 2 of everything here since starting my army pool, except Maleceptor. I can not for the life of me find one for under 300 us dollars on ebay and none at all anywhere else
How good is the Parasite of Mortex?
It's really not great. If you take it, it's only for cheap Alien Cunning and you keep it hidden all game.
@@vaettra1589 Oh, pity it looks really cool.
the strangest this about Monster is why are they T9 and T11 when they should be T10 and T12 that is what hurts all of the monsters really especially the Carnifaxes
because they want you to buy more haruspexs. GW balance is based on what they want to sell more of and not anyway indicative of the actual power level of units. how else do you explain a haruspex being 125 points or a gladiator lancer being 145 points? units that were considered bad in 9th are now criminally undercosted in 10th.... because they wanted to boost sales.
I m still not 100% sure how precision works When you use the precision adaptation, stratagem or some snipers. Does the charakter use his own stat line to block off the hits? What if there are multiple leaders inside that unit? And what happens to left over dmg after the leader has been destroyed?
Would be cool if someone could explain that.
1 - With the Precision Hyper Adaptation you score Precision hits on critical hits only (so 6's unless you're in melee range and have activated 2CP worth of Adrenaline Surge Stratagem)
2 - Yes, the character uses his own statline (his save, for instance) but you still wound vs the bodyguard, because Precision is on the wound roll, not the Hit roll.
3 - You - the attacker - get to pick which character to allocate the hits to.
4 - Same as anything else. The damage doesn't carry over but if you score 4 precision hits and only need 3 to kill a character then the 4th gets allocated somewhere else. Either to a character (if there is another one, in which case you decide so), or the unit.
Remember that it's always your choice as the attacker with Precision to decide if you want to allocate to a character or not. You can always opt to go into the unit.
@@calimahr2725 Interesting and confusing but i think i got it now. Thanks for the explenation, have a nice day.
I want to play a tyranid gun line. Exocrines and tyrannofexs, barbgaunts, biovores and pyrovores or my…
3 flyrants and 120 hormagaunts. Trust me fellas.
As a space marine player who is regularly losing to tyranids I find the datasheets & points costs for these bugs highly offensive
Not the emissary? I Havnt seen the emissary rules but I assumed it’s the new tyrant thing
It's not out yet
Won't have rules til the Codex, probably around September
Looking at my helbrute with 1-2 heavy weapon shots for 155 points. LMFAO
I'm so sad the Screamer Killer sits as his high pricetag when you compare it to the Haruspex.
Haruspex isnt even busted, it just feels like a good value but dies before doing anything often. SK should be like 40+ points cheaper
You can't give the Tyrannofex the 4 up feel no pain because he's not a character
Need to pick up a couple more Exocrines. Wasn't sure how they'd end up, so only bought one of them to go with Leviathan, and then got two T'fex instead. I think the Haruspex is from the same kit as the Exocrine as well, right? I probably need at least 4 x more of those kits then so I can have 2 x haru's and 3 x Exo's.
Also, has the stock for the Maleceptors been sorted yet? Was difficult to find one leading up to Leviathan.
Scythed hierodule is just a worse Barbed hierodule
Ork mek gunz target practice lmao
Man, with how bad a lot of launches are lately, let From take their time upgrading. Having cutting edge visuals for AC6 would be great, but I like having a solid playing experience when I pay for a game more than a crashing buggy mess
Love me gribs. Simple as
These may be the best monsters in the Tyranid index, but on the whole they are no more than mediocre.
No Parasite of Mortrex?
Explain to me how the tyrant is better than OOE? I gotta disagree with you here AT
Free cp is massive
Hive tyrant has ranged. Gives CP. Can be taken with guard.
Free 2cp strats or doubling up on the 5-+++ is amazing. Don't leave home without one. Definitely hits less hard, but also easier to keep out of LoS of enemies.
Tyrant is for those who want to play with command points more and have a versatile commander. OOE is just like Skarbrand where you yeet him to the enemy and leave him there to cause chaos for like the whole game
The walkrant synergy is simply great. A free stratagem every turn (and an option to double tap) and the ASSAULT bubble allows all our short-ranged bugs advance into position and still fire. And he is still durable and decent in melee, only the cannons are crap.
Also many commander abilities grant a free stratagem once per round, HT gives it once per turn.
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These monsters are just stupid. Having to put 20+ lascannons into a single ~200 point model is insanity. How are you even supposed to counter a list with 5-6 of these guys?
Old One Eye and Carnifex Brood is the single strongest unit in Tyranids right now. Anyone who tells you otherwise is mistaken
Biovores is the strongest tyranid unit. And ooe isnt even really isnt close to the top 5 and I obviously love carnifexes
@@Wicked_Carnifex I meant strongest monster unit, but regardless, there is no way Malaceptor is a better pick that OOE