Love is more than pretty bodies and faces. John felt Yoko Ono was her own life. Yoko was not really ugly. Of course, she wasn't Miss Japan but she was intelligent, alert, smart, funny, with a beautiful smile. Sometimes, love is more than a very strange thing to feel and to carry on.
They were drug buddies, period. When everyone who actually loved John were trying to get him to cut down on LSD, Yoko introduced heroin and pushed him further into drugs. He was emaciated with the body of a much older man said the doctors after his death.
@@connynielson8686certainly does explain his appearance, interesting you point it out. He had written Borrowed Time and I heard on a podcast how he seemed in a resigned state. Of course that may be Bs but still. A possibility.
Some people nowadays try to defend Yoko, you saw it after the recent Get Back documentary where the edited photo of the sessions showed a quite passive Yoko. But remember this, Yoko was always passive aggressive. Some facts about Yoko: - Before Lennon she was married to Anthony Cox, a film producer. He was her first stepping stone. - She claims she didn´t know who Lennon or the Beatles were when they met her. But she actually searched out Paul first because she wanted an original script of lyrics for a friends birthday. Paul didn´t want to give his away, so she sent him to John. It´s inconceivable to me that she didn´t know who John and Paul were. So she probably lied about that. - She drove a wedge between John and his son Julian, Cynthia and The Beatles. There are multiple witnesses of this, for example John´s assistant said he was instructed by Yoko to inform her expecially if these people called John. I don´t think it´s coincidence that Lennon reunited with McCartney and Julian during "the lost weekend" (when Lennon in 73-75 spent 18 months separated from Yoko). - Shortly after John was assassinated, Sam Havadtoy, Yoko´s lover moved into the Dakota building (Lennon and Yoko´s apartment). He started wearing John´s clothes. Sam and Yoko were officially a couple between 1981 and 2001, but it´s quite obvious they had been lovers before that (with or without John´s consent is unclear). - After John passed away, Cynthia was not allowed to come to the memorial. - Julian´s letter correspondence with his dad was auctioned of ... he had to buy them at an auction! A normal person would obviously give the letters to the son. The list goes on and on. John obviously loved her and seemed addicted to her. Maybe she loved him at some point, but to me it´s obvious she exploited his fame and seems like an allround manipulative parasite.
@@lynnmeyers10 Toshi Ichiyanagi in 1961. Toshi Ichiyanagi was Ono's first husband, who she married in 1956. The musician, a pianist and one of Japan's leading avant-garde composers, moved from Japan to the United States in the 1950s to pursue a higher education in music.
Even now she is near her taking off point, she is less than sincere. She made a kindly reference toward Cynthia in speaking. All I could think was it was "too little, too late."
Seriously no one ever liked Yoko. After john past she stole everything from him and wouldn't even give their a dime. She was that greedy. Now that he is gone. It's his boys we all care about. And we still think she robbed those boys of fathers inheritance. I new she would from the beginning
Oh Yoko will hold it over Sean until she is gone but Julian won't see a cent. Well unless she surprises all of us. But she apparently sold John's relatives houses out from underneath them. Not sure how true that is but She'd go them in court if it wasn't so I believe it. She's a greedy greedy person but that is contemptable.
@@gloriagreenish3756 She was somewhat known (not famous) in the Avant-Garde art world which is very small even within the art world. Without her connection to John Lennon, 99.999999% of the world would have never heard of her. She's a has-been that never was.
Yoko is a wonderful woman who saved John’s life The horrible woman who wanted to ruin John‘s life was the disgusting Cynthia Powell Even after John went to heaven, she did many awful things such as trying to take control of all of John’s money She basically wanted to leave Yoko and Sean with nothing Also in 1991, the disgusting Cynthia sold many of John’s personal items on an auction These items included some of John‘s drawings and a letter that he wrote to her on the first Xmas together When asked why she was doing this she said that she was doing it because she wanted to get rid of all the deadwood and when asked what she was going to do with the money that she got in the auction, she said that it was going to give her back her security, which, in her words she lost when she was gobbled up by his legend What a bitch
Yoko was always in control. She did what she wanted and he did what she wanted. Both are guilty of straying. For John it was a temporary escape. For Yoko it was just another power trip.
Pang has said the last time she saw John was 1978, but he would still call her on the phone (he phoned her from South Africa when Yoko sent John there on holiday in the spring of 1980)
John had "mother issues" ever since his mom left him around age 7 and then again when she was killed by a car when he was 16. He needed strong women in his life to tell him what to do. He was a fool to let Yoko take over his life.
Strong or narcissistic, aggressive as well as bossy?. He was one messed up fella! I wished he had been adopted by someone who were good parents. Poor lad.
I guess you know from experience? Yoko obviously isn't your idea woman of course, it's so obvious. People don't get together with people to tell them what to do. They get together because of love, until or unless it goes sour. That was not the case with John and Yoko as they were together for 11 years before some deranged freak took his life. And most likely they would've still been together to this day. You need to know who Yoko Ono is. It's rare anyone tries to put Yoko into perspective and so I'll speak on her behalf for what it's worth. Yoko is the kind of artist who opens doors for those who aren't seen much of, who don't get a chance to express themselves in the mainstream. All-in-all she is one of the bravest women we have come to know. She is one of many products of two unforgivable bombs dropped on her country, the devastating effects that changed her at age 12 and others for life and if anything, she has been trying to warn us. It is what her being, her art is about. No one said it had to be what we think of as perfect or pretty, as there are no rules in art or expression despite what some will try to say. That is the way of the avant-garde after all. She is a voice, her only voice, that has been sent out to the populations, while still trying to be a person who is only trying to survive like the rest of us. And of course John saw this in her. He recognized her and loved her for it. Americans fail to see these things which should be no surprise at all since we are the one's who changed the world on that faithful tragic day. It changed us all and we must NEVER let that be lost to his-story, because to prevent such mistakes in the future? Memory has to keep moving.
@@hughdismuke4703 It's clear you have a deep idolization of Ono, but your rose-colored glasses are giving you tunnel-vision. First of all, the "two unforgivable bombs" were caused by the refusal of the Japanese to surrender - they were warned beforehand but told America that they would fight until every last Japanese man, woman, and child were dead. The two bombs SAVED countless American and Japanese lives and ended the war. Secondly, John & Yoko were each having affairs in 1978, 1979, and 1980 and Yoko told friends that she was getting a divorce from John. John knew this and wrote "I'm Losing You" about it. After John' death, Yoko refused to share any of the enormous wealth Yoko inherited with Cynthia or Julian. Her greed knows no bounds. In addition, immediately after John''s death, her boy-toy Sam Havadtoy moved into the Dakota and into Yoko's bedroom - and has been there to this day. The image/perception you have Yoko is false, but go ahead and continue your idolization if that floats your boat.
The dynamics of two adults in a relationship don’t concern me unless it was abusive. The reason I dislike Yoko is what she did to Julian, not giving him any personal belongings or money from John’s estate. She’s a 🐝 in my book
But later they amended and returned the remaining letters. Also Julian has forgiven her and they even collaborated in various projects after so why are u so upset?
*This is the truth about Yoko Ono.* Yoko Ono is a powerful witch. She used powerful occult energy, imperceptible to conventional people, to overpower and control John Lennon. The reason why her singing sounds like the wailing of a witch is because she is one. A normal person cannot make this sound, it is impossible. Yoko used to go to witches meetings in New York, driven there by her chauffeur. In Peter Jackson's 'Get Back' she appears to be just quietly sitting in the room, what she is actually doing is training powerful occult energy on John Lennon. A suitably gifted medium, psychic or shaman would be able to perceive this, conventional people would not. The reason why so many dislike her, some intensely, is because they are picking up on what she is. She is very, very with the dark side, or in biblical terms, the satanic side.
What an excellent observation! Did you read the book by Albert Goldman called “ The Lives of John Lennon” ? He writes about Yoko and her occultist practices with John. I believe she used MK Ultra mind control with help from the CIA or another entity. I don’t think she can be written off as a possible accessory to John’s Assassination.
She took his scouse humour away from him because she didn't understand our humour , English humour and scouse wit, he wasn't the same and although he still wrote good songs their was something missing and it was that side of him. I hate her for that, hates a string word so il take that back but I definitely dislike her, as for the wailing and screaming down the microphone it was awful. She also resented how close he was to Paul and the band and was even jealous. Weirdo.
She didn't even care when John was killed. In fact, she probably felt relief 😮💨 Yoko is a fraud. If she cared about and love, she would've have treated everyone but Sean so abysmally... Look into what she did to Julian ... It's absurd ... I'll never have anything for that witch
Yoko is not a nice person, I agree with you there and she did screw over Julian on the estate but she did care about John. When he was killed Ringo went to see her and said, " I understand how you feel." She came back with, "No you don't." She meant she and John were so close there is no way anyone could understand how she felt.
I think she wanted John dead. So she could have his money of course. John's plan was to get back with Paul and write music again with him. It's so tragic!
YOKO despised John and truly hated him but knew he was her meal Ticket. She had the audacity to say, Inam the real musician in this family NIT John. This was said when they separated and she was hitting on Spinoza, the musician in 1974. She controlled John with the occult and black magic, which she had been practicing since she was young in Japan. When John went to Bermuda she was having an affair with Sam Green her tarot card reader. She even went and stayed with him a few nights at his parents house. YOKo had all of John’s things moved into storage until he decided to make an album ( double fantasy) she had the audacity to tell him I will have half the album tracks you have the other and like a fool He agreed . She put Adam Green on hold and was also having secondary affair with her gay/bi-Sexual interior designer Sam Havadatoy. I truly believe YOKO was somehow involved with John’s death. Either working with the government or whatever. But, on the night that John was murdered, and after the leaving the Record Plant, John Wanted to go out and eat as he told some of the people at the plant he would meet them however, YOKo decided Not to go using the Excuse to see Sean. When they arrived at the front of the gates of the Dakota, how strange was it that YOKo exited the limo and was approx 20 feet ahead of John when he exited carrying the tapes of walking on thin ice. YOKo made her way inside and out of harms way when the shots rung out. YOKO ran out into the court yard while John Stumbled up the steps leading into the Dakota before collapsing. Later that night when John was dead and YOKo went home Sam Green was waiting for her and he moved in the same damn night as John laid in the hospital morgue. John was afraid and admitted that he would never be cremated but what did YOKo do ? She had John cremated. Why ? So, no Evidence could be found . John was not shot in the back but in and through the front left side of his chest you know close to where the heart and aorta arteries are. He was NOT shot with 5 hollow points bullets with one missing he was shot with two hollow point and two regular round bullets. Chapman must have thought he was shooting John but most likely had blanks the real shooter was hiding in the maintenance room directly across from the steps and large door of the Dakota. Kill shots group together by a professional. Chapman is just a pansy dumb ass. I do believe YOKo was involved and help Coordinate the murder.
It has been said many think she was behind his murder as she just went inside to her apartment with her boyfriend when John got shot. She was an evil witch.
I've heard interviews with John saying he hoped to live to a ripe old age but pass away before Yoko as he could not survive without her. We also know John would contradict himself time and time again. I have no idea what the state of their marriage was before he was so cruelly taken from us and there's no way Yoko will write a memoire but it wouldn't surprise me if they only stayed together for Sean's sake and to keep up the image that theirs was a great love story. He abandoned his first family and the Beatles for Yoko so perhaps he felt too proud to leave her.
Read The Last Days Of John Lennon A personal memoir by Fred Seaman. He was John’s personal assistant in 1979 and 1980. It explains what their marriage was like and what Yoko was doing during that time, affairs and all.
A true love story is Payl and Linda. John and Yoko didn't follow any concepts of faithfulness. When I was in army school in 2003 I spent a weekend at local Christian camp. The couple who ran it said recently had 48th aniversary and looking forward to 50th. That's real love. Mark
@@markfencke4348john and Yoko also had a true love story that only ended because of tragedy However, I believe that if John would have still been here on earth they would have still been happily together
I love to see clips of John Lennon B.Y.O (before Yoko) when was goofing for the cameras and just a great soul. A great singer songwriter. Takes me back to my childhood.
I could never understand what John seen in Yoko. She was nasty in the looks department and had absolutely no talent whatsoever. She wasn't the actual reason the Beatles broke up but she played a role in the breakup. Her vocals sound like a wounded banshee. John deserved much better. IORR.
@@OCTOBERBABY7901 Yoko was not John’s handler or pusher She was his wife and later she would become the mother of his son It is disgusting how you keep on making all these hateful comments about her
She couldn't even carry out John's request to be buried, instead having him cremated and no funeral. Pretty much tells you all you need to know about the woman!
Some people have the theory that Yoko Ono may be either a Narcissist or a psychopath, and after hearing "Mrs Lennon" I start to believe that theory. She wanted to point out that death comes to us all, but to describe a person you know is deeply in love with you with such disrespect is typical for Narcs, psychopaths, and sociopaths. Another thing is that she was a control freak, never letting John out of her sight. However, it could all be because she suffered from PTSD, something that is actually proven. This is a theory from me to you then, mostly based on the narc/psychopath theory: John Lennon and Paul McCartney both had high IQ, but the only one of them with a high EQ was Paul. Yoko knew John couldn't read her, why she could abuse him, she also knew Paul saw through her as if she were transparent and that was why she had to keep John and Paul separated. Julian was a link to Cynthia and Paul, who both saw through her, so of course it was of a high interest for her to keep Julian away as well. All McLennon-fans know Julian was their love child since Paul stepped in many times when John couldn't take care of Julian himself. John was to immature to be a father but it all happened so fast... Just sum it up by saying that Paul was one hell of a friend and that it's understandable that he felt lost without this person by his side.
Hate is a strong word. It is the word I use in case of Yoko Ono. Poor John had to be so confused that it had to make him feel restless and angry at times, I'm sure. She was in full control, but he may have been gaining and feeling more independent of her by the end of the eighties,and that she couldn't have. He wanted England and felt the pull to go back home across the sea more than Yoko's control over him.
Actually it was just the opposite. He loved living in America & especially NYC. He loved NYC because he said he could just go out and walk & people would recognize him but leave him alone for the most part. May Pang was Yoko’s secretary and Yoko wanted her to be with John for as long as Yoko wanted him out. It was Yoko who threw him out around ‘73-‘74. She said they needed time apart. He went west and boozed it up with Harry Nilsson for around a year. He later called that period his “Lost Weekend”. ( do a search for John Lennon Troubador Club) He would call Yoko and ask to come home and she would tell him he wasn’t ready. He must’ve been back by late ‘74 because Yoko gave birth to their son Sean on 10/9/75. (that was John’s bday too - 10/9/40.)
@@stellakowalski1 He talked of going back home to England, constantly,he missed his family and was tired of having to bring them to America all the times he visited with them.
@@patriciaeddy7629 I’m not sure where you’re getting your info from, but that is simply not true. Julian visited/stayed with J&Y here in the USA when he was growing up more than a few times. The only relative who would have nothing to do with coming to the US was Aunt Mimi. She was a very strong willed woman. John called her frequently, oftentimes twice a week. She raised him along with her husband George.
@@stellakowalski1 He was headed for England the next week before he was murdered. He was expecting there two weeks before he died, but had to finish the album and do the interview that was scheduled. Thought everyone knew that. John was heading back to England. All true!
Most comments I see in this theme about John and Yoko, is that the blame is on her. The blame actually lies on John for allowing this ? person into his aura and when she took over, he probably never realized how far in he'd allowed her in every aspect of his life, and could not yet figure a way out, gracefully. So he kept the ball and illusion rolling since he had inadvertantly given her the key to his castle, I am sure that in the 80s he would have dissolved the union, as he would have grown a pair, finally. But of course he never ever got the chance.
I think Lennon had an addictive personality, he was constantly on drugs from his teens all throughout his life. I think Yoko was like an addiction for him, the mother figure he so desperately needed. I have many friends with addictive personalities, and the only time they can stay clean is when they´re deeply in love. So although I agree that John as an adult man allowed this cloutchasing parasite into his life, I think she exploited his vulnerability. You shouldn´t getaway with being a manipulative parasite just because you´ve found an exploitable victim. I personally blame both of them, John for being naive and exploitable, and Yoko for taking full advantage.
She got control of him with drugs. He had regrets but his pride and ego wouldn’t allow him to get another divorce. He admitted he stilled cared for Cynthia. He was mad at her because she didn’t speak or contact him for the first 3 years after the divorce, which he wanted. 7 years after the divorce in an interview he started talking about Cyn and how he craved his name and Cyn in a church in Germany. He gave details saying go look for it, it’s there John & Cyn. He also has said if things didn’t happen so fast we’d still be together ( him and Cyn) I know we would of made it. He wrote beautiful love letters to Cyn yet no one has ever seen any he wrote to Yoko. Even after divorce when he started to communicate with her he signed Love always your famous ex husband or always sending his love. He knew the damage was done but he also said No matter what happens I know she’ll ( Cyn) always be there for me
No she kept threatening John with divorce. He was happy at first having a secret failed marriage. He’s pride and ego but he soon had enough and wanted to end the marriage. Yoko gave John some mystical BS story about the stars not being lined up and it wasn’t a good time to get divorced. That’s when Yoko arranged for May to be John’s paid mistress and shipped them off to California so her lover could move in to the apartments with her in NYC. Yoko was fine with this arrangement until she got wind of Cynthia contracting John to see Julian. John paid for two first class flights for Cyn and Julian to visit. Per May Yoko always feared John would go back to Cynthia. It was then Yoko demanded John return to NYC. He went back after a two week drunken binge was prostitutes. He continued to see May while living with Yoko. I just find it odd Yoko had John sign a knew will just about a year before his murder.
Yoko set that whole arrangement up. She knew John was getting restless, or she herself wanted a break, probably both. She would call Pang all the time to see if everything was going according to Yoko's dictates as far as things like public hand holding. All very weird.
When John Lennon sold his soul to the Devil for fame , fortune & BEATLEMANiA." He forgot to read the Devils Contract Fiineprint : YOKO ONO / M.D.Chapman R.I.P John Lennon 1940-1980 🎸🕊
Listen, idiot, John would never do such a thing, so you better stop making those stupid comments John is an angel that God send to earth for 40 years but he decided to take him back to heaven when he found out how evil this world is Once again, I ask you to stop posting comments like this because they are disrespectful and they are lies
@@angiethebeatlesgirl228 LOOK UP ( THE LENNON PROPHECY) iam a BEATLES FAN TOO" and you be surprised what people would do for FAME & FORTUNE , including The Beatles. 🍏
@@edwinhernandez6627 I have no doubt that some people might do that However, John would never do such a thing because he was born with talent, and if he had a lot of fortune in fame is because he earned it with hard work Both John and Yoko are angels The only difference is that John now has his wings. Once again, I ask you to stop your crap
Why was John 'Born Again'?as that is the only way to see the gates of heaven!Unless you think Jesus wasnt telling the truth when he said 'Unless ye be Born Again of water and spirit you shall NEVER see the gates of heaven' Matthew5:43 John did go through a period in his diaries(that where taken by Fred Seaman) where he was obsessed with Jesus and wrote a few songs one of them called 'Help me to help myself' allowed by yoko to be heard on youtube as the title itself has no Christian overtones untill you hear the lyrics of the song!yoko doesn't like Christianity very much and told John to stop talking about Jesus! as she was involved in tarot and other occultic witchcraft (which the bible tells us not to play with!) which often go hand in hand with heavy drugs like heroin and sadly not a happy ending for John! especially as yoko gave out in a magazine article Johns daily itinerary and times going to the studio and back to the Dakota!why endanger your own family like that?literally giving all the crazies a heads up! The head of security wanted to leave after she did this stupid act and said himself 'he didnt want Lennons death on his resume.'
Yoko arranged and paid May to be his mistress. Yoko was a drug addict too. John tried to get clean several times but he told his assistant he knew Yoko never stopped. Just before his murder John was planning to return to England to reconnect with family and old friends. The night before he was killer he talked on phone with his Aunt Mimi saying he was looking forward to coming home.
@@rodroller6634 according to May Pang Johns only real vice was cigarettes which she says was used by yoko to get John to go back to her by phoning John to go to the Dakota for a hypnotherapy session to stop smoking from which John never returned! Yoko however couldnt kick her heroin habit which almost killed the baby!which she had taken out early so as to be born on Johns birthday for occultic numerology reasons!They had to escape the hospital with the baby, as Sean seemed to be suffering from withdrawal symptoms and the doctors obviously where very concerned of further harm to the child!
You guys are out of your minds Don’t you guys understand that Yoko was the love of John’s life and that she made him really happy? Yoko and May Pang are good women but you guys need to respect that Yoko is the one that he chose I don’t see how someone could say that they wish that he would’ve stayed with Cynthia Cynthia was a bitch In 1991 the disgusting Cynthia chick sold a lot of John’s personal items on an auction These items included some of John’s guitars and also some of his drawings, and a letter that John wrote to her on there first Xmas together When she was asked why she was selling those items. She stated that she wanted to get rid of all of the dead wood She also stated that all the money that she got from that auction was going to give her back her security and she said that she lost her security when she was gobbled up by his legend What a bitch I despise the disgusting Cynthia chick because she treated John horribly and because of all the harm that she caused after John went to heaven I suggest you guys to research that auction that I am talking about It was in 1991 and it took place in London
@@angiethebeatlesgirl228.. I agree Yoko was the love of his life.. but she is not a good person and I don't think she necessarily made him happy.. the last five years for example, we're pretty depressing for John
@@imemine6494 the last five years of John’s life were the happiest for him because he had got back with Yoko and they had Sean who turned out to be a wonderful person just like his parents He was very depressed when he was married to the disgusting Cynthia chick and that is one of the reasons why he wrote the song Help Yoko is a wonderful person She helped John with his self-esteem, and she made sure that he was always happy She also made sure that he stayed away from drugs and bad people In fact, Julian also loved Yoko very much, but sadly the disgusting Cynthia chick put a lot of crap in his head John was a very nice man, but he was not stupid so if Yoko would have been so horrible, John would have never married her Please stop believing all the lies made up by the disgusting Cynthia chick and her racist supporters I recently unsubscribed from the channel that uploaded this video because I can tell that the owners are haters, and they are always trying to make John and Yoko look bad If they continue like that, I honestly hope that the channel gets terminated
@@angiethebeatlesgirl228.. No, your getting a wrong narrative of John's last years.. he was deeply unhappy (you know he was still seeing May).. his personal assistant has mentioned this, there is recordings of him to that effect, that have got onto UA-cam.. he looked really ill I thought.. and himself and Yoko, we(reportedly not intimate).. he began being himself again, when he went back into the recording studio in 1980
With Bob Dylan...😂🤣😂🤣 he was divorcing her...according to May Pangs book...John was living with her... Free love means I don't and won't commit to you! John too had many back to Cynthia...Yoko was an affair...groupie..
Yoko ŵas not very faithful to John once she had control of the cash - No one to blame but John - And Black Sorcery, of course. -John knew she was a witch, but he felt it was a positive thing- We all know how that ended up tho'
No, his name is Havadtőy Sámuel (Sam Havadtoy). You mix him up with another Hungarian, Hargitay Miklós (Mickey Hargitay), who was the 1950’s Hollywood legend and husband of Jane Mansfield. Yoko and Sam lived in Hungary too, they had an apartment in the Olimpia park in Budapest and a house in the picturesque town of Szentendre. Sam’s stepmother is my neighbor in Budapest.
She went to a Santeria witch in South America and paid her $60k for a spell and some potions (devil's breath?) to get John back from May ... and when it came time to sign the pact she tried to get her guide John Green to sign for her but he refused, so Yoko signed, but HIS name! Satan does not like to be fooled. Presumably she will have to pay her debt soon.
He had an affair because Yoko was having one so she told her assistant and John to live with each other so she could continue her red light visitations or affair
Yoko teve o troco pelo ogue ela fes para cintia foi o dia gue ela foi com jhon em uma festa gue ele etrou com uma muher em um comudo e ele fechou aporta e ela ficou esperando escutou ogemido dele ela ficou com tanto odio dele ele morar com may pang e ficaran un ano juntos e guando ele e yoko voutaran chamarao de fim semana perdido prA nao diseren chifrada perdido😊
Yoko era igual um carrapato caveira sempre grudado no corpo de John o dia guê ele tomou tiro o carrapato Sail antes para trabalhar a vida de julian mais mesmo assim ela não consegue porque tudo guê ele tem até hoje e do próprio talento erdado de seu pai John au contrário de seu irmão Sean guê para mim e igual a mãe dele Yoko ono eles não tem talento para música e só a Yoko guê tem talento para gritar se John não tivesse morrido em mil nove cento e oitenta ele iria morrer com os gritos da Yoko mais bem feito para ele porque ele foi largar de uma mulher linda como a Cíntia e pegar uma bruxa chamada Yoko guê se ele fosse um John ninguém ela não iria atrás dele nem agui e nem no Japão por ela querer dinheiro e ser Famosa mais ela e odiada por guase todas as pesoas
Eu ouvi falar gue joh nao gueria ser cremado mais entao porgue sera gue yoko mandou cremar ele sera gue e para ela ter serteza gue ele esta morto isso ja e um prova gue ela so tem enteresse so pelo dinheiro gue john deichou para ela e sean e kioko gue e filha do segundo marido dela para. Julian ela era muito esperta e ainda e
Ya'll need to grow up and quit hating Yoko Ono. This was so long ago, no pun intended. Their relationship(s) were their personal business. What good does it do to hold a grudge on Yoko your whole life? Get over it already. Hate on somebody who deserves it for christ sake.
Ёко, супер музыкант! Особенно два первых альбома! Талантливо! В первом альбоме70 года гитара Джона, зазвучала не традиционно. Альбом супер психоделический! Джон покойся с миром, Ёко здоровья, и творчества тебе! ❤❤❤💋
Yoko didn’t ruin John’s life. His life wasn’t ruined and if it was, he did it to himself. Yoko can’t just take or do anything to anyone without them letting her.
Every marriage has its ups and downs However, I don’t think that Yoko was having an affair with anyone Fred Semen was a jerk who was upset because he was fired and there, for he made up all this crap about Yoko bringing Sam to live with her right after John went to heaven I do believe that like every couple there are times when they didn’t get along because that does happen with any relationship whether it’s a married couple or a friend relationship or even a relationship with a parent or with a brother or sister However, it’s sad how Fred Semen took advantage of the fact that there were many racist people who hated Yoko only because she is Japanese and he decides to publish his stupid book Sean said it right when he told Fred that he was the closest to the family yet he betrayed them by saying all those lies that he published in his book Now before any hater or any gnu Beatles fan starts to speculate about why Fred was fired, the reason is that he tried to steal John’s diaries and give them to Julian Yoko had to send him to court in order to get them back and thankfully she was able to get them back and it wasn’t until 2017 or 2018 that the court also decided that Fred could no longer be near the Lennons I don’t know who decided to finally publish Fred’s book but I hope that it is no longer sold because it is full of lies
It was bad enough to read your long winded saga regarding your opinion on John and Ono's marriage once but did you have to upload the exact same comment twice? Are you deliberately trying to annoy people? Your comment was full of personal beliefs and very little based in fact. It's all just gossip and hearsay. The way your comment was written presents like you were in the room with the Lennon's and knew them personally, which I'm positive you didn't. No actual friend of theirs would speak about them the way you did. It's very sad that after all these years that there are still people like yourself who seem to believe they knew the in & outs of John's life just because you read a few books. You give me Chapman type vibes. Ugh.
I’ve never researched Seaman to come to my own conclusions but it was known that Ono did not encourage a relationship between Lennon & his first born Son where later on in the game she even put Lennon’s personal items in auction instead of just giving them to Julian. McCartney even purchased personal letters at auction that were written between Lennon & Julian & gave them to Julian. She also threw out Lennon’s relatives out of a house he had purchased for them after Lennon had died. Harrison’s Wife did pretty much the same thing in cutting off the elderly Sister-in-Law’s mere stipend mind you after Harrison died. That’s why people have no use for her & do not trust people that roll in that way as what does that say about their motives. All this fairy tale stuff about any musician or celebrity marriage is doing too much in trying to remain convincing.
@@sylviaelizabethclarecholic2073 because Julian and his mother were always bashing John and when John went to heaven, it was those 2 who wanted to leave Yoko and Sean with nothing The attitude of Julian and his mother shows that they didn’t care for John at all so perhaps Yoko thought that if Julian got the diaries he would basically throw them away or sell them What Yoko did would have been wrong if John would have asked her to give the diaries to Julian in case something happened to him However, I doubt that John was even thinking about that because he was very young and as I’m sure we all know, nobody expected that some disgusting bastard would shoot John Now we know that John loved Julian, and that it hurt him that he couldn’t be with him but honestly, we will never know if John would have liked Julian to have his diaries after all the harm that him and his mother caused I blame Julian’s mother for all the unjustified hate that crazy people have for John and Yoko Before you attack me, like other people have done I want you to know that I am a person who has suffered from bullying and I despise Julian’s mother because ever since she met John in art class she would bully him God bless Yoko and Sean and as I always say, even though John is already blessed because he is in heaven may God bless him more Because Julian is also a Lennon, may God, or whatever he believes in, bless him as well, and help him realize that he had an awesome father I hope that I wasn’t rude to you with my reply, but if I was I apologize It’s just that it’s stressful to know that there are many trolls and it’s sad as well but hopefully you are not one of them
@@p0llenp0ny you don't know what part of his book are quotes from the diaries and what are his words. so they are not necessarily johns words. did that creep ever go to jail for grand theft.
He did say that John asked him to return them to his son Julian if anything happened to him. Could be false but apparently John didn't trust Yoko by this stage 1980.
Never understood what he saw in her,and never could stand her.
Love is more than pretty bodies and faces. John felt Yoko Ono was her own life. Yoko was not really ugly. Of course, she wasn't Miss Japan but she was intelligent, alert, smart, funny, with a beautiful smile. Sometimes, love is more than a very strange thing to feel and to carry on.
They were drug buddies, period. When everyone who actually loved John were trying to get him to cut down on LSD, Yoko introduced heroin and pushed him further into drugs. He was emaciated with the body of a much older man said the doctors after his death.
Do you think he may have had HIV ??🤔
@@juliocesarfloresrodriguez5426hermosa sonrisa? Nunca sonreía, y cuando lo hacía, dejaba ver unos horrorosos dientes
@@connynielson8686certainly does explain his appearance, interesting you point it out. He had written Borrowed Time and I heard on a podcast how he seemed in a resigned state. Of course that may be Bs but still. A possibility.
Some people nowadays try to defend Yoko, you saw it after the recent Get Back documentary where the edited photo of the sessions showed a quite passive Yoko. But remember this, Yoko was always passive aggressive. Some facts about Yoko:
- Before Lennon she was married to Anthony Cox, a film producer. He was her first stepping stone.
- She claims she didn´t know who Lennon or the Beatles were when they met her. But she actually searched out Paul first because she wanted an original script of lyrics for a friends birthday. Paul didn´t want to give his away, so she sent him to John. It´s inconceivable to me that she didn´t know who John and Paul were. So she probably lied about that.
- She drove a wedge between John and his son Julian, Cynthia and The Beatles. There are multiple witnesses of this, for example John´s assistant said he was instructed by Yoko to inform her expecially if these people called John. I don´t think it´s coincidence that Lennon reunited with McCartney and Julian during "the lost weekend" (when Lennon in 73-75 spent 18 months separated from Yoko).
- Shortly after John was assassinated, Sam Havadtoy, Yoko´s lover moved into the Dakota building (Lennon and Yoko´s apartment). He started wearing John´s clothes. Sam and Yoko were officially a couple between 1981 and 2001, but it´s quite obvious they had been lovers before that (with or without John´s consent is unclear).
- After John passed away, Cynthia was not allowed to come to the memorial.
- Julian´s letter correspondence with his dad was auctioned of ... he had to buy them at an auction! A normal person would obviously give the letters to the son.
The list goes on and on. John obviously loved her and seemed addicted to her. Maybe she loved him at some point, but to me it´s obvious she exploited his fame and seems like an allround manipulative parasite.
Yoko is all about Money and celebrity and maybe even regret, but its much too late!
She was married BEFORE Anthony Cox.
@@miryamamar9471 to whom?
@@lynnmeyers10 Toshi Ichiyanagi in 1961. Toshi Ichiyanagi was Ono's first husband, who she married in 1956. The musician, a pianist and one of Japan's leading avant-garde composers, moved from Japan to the United States in the 1950s to pursue a higher education in music.
Even now she is near her taking off point, she is less than sincere. She made a kindly reference toward Cynthia in speaking. All I could think was it was "too little, too late."
Seriously no one ever liked Yoko. After john past she stole everything from him and wouldn't even give their a dime. She was that greedy. Now that he is gone. It's his boys we all care about. And we still think she robbed those boys of fathers inheritance. I new she would from the beginning
Oh Yoko will hold it over Sean until she is gone but Julian won't see a cent. Well unless she surprises all of us. But she apparently sold John's relatives houses out from underneath them. Not sure how true that is but She'd go them in court if it wasn't so I believe it. She's a greedy greedy person but that is contemptable.
Yoko has to be the most famous nobody that ever walked the earth. Did she have an affair? In Lennon's absence, who could possibly care.
Agree with you Phil.....
Toxic relationship. & screwed Julian over, end of story. Toxic woman, no matter what
Unlike nobody you, Yoko was a recognised artist before she met John! 🤐
@@gloriagreenish3756 She was somewhat known (not famous) in the Avant-Garde art world which is very small even within the art world. Without her connection to John Lennon, 99.999999% of the world would have never heard of her. She's a has-been that never was.
I don't understand how John could like Yoko's "music". It's horrible!
Love was blind n DEAF also 😊
That’s the power of drugs.
.. even Sean said.. he totally gets people not liking her music
Exactly my thought!
Yoko Ono was a screecher with an awful voice smh 🤦♀️
She is not a good woman at all he ruined John's life
And the unity of THE BEATLES
She looks like a witch, or maybe she really is.
It takes 2.
she put his blood stained glasses on her album cover season of glass what a horrable thing to do
Yoko is a wonderful woman who saved John’s life
The horrible woman who wanted to ruin John‘s life was the disgusting Cynthia Powell
Even after John went to heaven, she did many awful things such as trying to take control of all of John’s money
She basically wanted to leave Yoko and Sean with nothing
Also in 1991, the disgusting Cynthia sold many of John’s personal items on an auction
These items included some of John‘s drawings and a letter that he wrote to her on the first Xmas together
When asked why she was doing this she said that she was doing it because she wanted to get rid of all the deadwood and when asked what she was going to do with the money that she got in the auction, she said that it was going to give her back her security, which, in her words she lost when she was gobbled up by his legend
What a bitch
Yoko was always in control. She did what she wanted and he did what she wanted. Both are guilty of straying. For John it was a temporary escape. For Yoko it was just another power trip.
She and John were on their way to a divorce. May Pang was still in a relationship with John when he was assassinated. Yoko was still with her lover.
And I guess that she was walking way ahead of John when he was shot
Why did they make that album then? All lies?
@@DeathByDrone-ORmk84 She held back in their limo.
Pang has said the last time she saw John was 1978, but he would still call her on the phone (he phoned her from South Africa when Yoko sent John there on holiday in the spring of 1980)
Actually, I’ve never had any use for her.
Yoko was a scheming, conniving succubus and John was a weak cuck that needed to be controlled. Sad story. There are a lot of them.
I heard she had a fling with Hilary!
im sure the feeling is mutual dingbat.
John had "mother issues" ever since his mom left him around age 7 and then again when she was killed by a car when he was 16. He needed strong women in his life to tell him what to do. He was a fool to let Yoko take over his life.
Strong or narcissistic, aggressive as well as bossy?. He was one messed up fella! I wished he had been adopted by someone who were good parents. Poor lad.
I guess you know from experience? Yoko obviously isn't your idea woman of course, it's so obvious. People don't get together with people to tell them what to do. They get together because of love, until or unless it goes sour.
That was not the case with John and Yoko as they were together for 11 years before some deranged freak took his life. And most likely they would've still been together to this day. You need to know who Yoko Ono is. It's rare anyone tries to put Yoko into perspective and so I'll speak on her behalf for what it's worth.
Yoko is the kind of artist who opens doors for those who aren't seen much of, who don't get a chance to express themselves in the mainstream. All-in-all she is one of the bravest women we have come to know.
She is one of many products of two unforgivable bombs dropped on her country, the devastating effects that changed her at age 12 and others for life and if anything, she has been trying to warn us. It is what her being, her art is about. No one said it had to be what we think of as perfect or pretty, as there are no rules in art or expression despite what some will try to say. That is the way of the avant-garde after all.
She is a voice, her only voice, that has been sent out to the populations, while still trying to be a person who is only trying to survive like the rest of us. And of course John saw this in her. He recognized her and loved her for it. Americans fail to see these things which should be no surprise at all since we are the one's who changed the world on that faithful tragic day.
It changed us all and we must NEVER let that be lost to his-story, because to prevent such mistakes in the future? Memory has to keep moving.
People do get together to be told what to do. It is called "neurosis." Lord knows, John was one!
@@hughdismuke4703 It's clear you have a deep idolization of Ono, but your rose-colored glasses are giving you tunnel-vision. First of all, the "two unforgivable bombs" were caused by the refusal of the Japanese to surrender - they were warned beforehand but told America that they would fight until every last Japanese man, woman, and child were dead. The two bombs SAVED countless American and Japanese lives and ended the war.
Secondly, John & Yoko were each having affairs in 1978, 1979, and 1980 and Yoko told friends that she was getting a divorce from John. John knew this and wrote "I'm Losing You" about it.
After John' death, Yoko refused to share any of the enormous wealth Yoko inherited with Cynthia or Julian. Her greed knows no bounds.
In addition, immediately after John''s death, her boy-toy Sam Havadtoy moved into the Dakota and into Yoko's bedroom - and has been there to this day.
The image/perception you have Yoko is false, but go ahead and continue your idolization if that floats your boat.
@@lynnmeyers10 no it's called tRump minions.
The dynamics of two adults in a relationship don’t concern me unless it was abusive. The reason I dislike Yoko is what she did to Julian, not giving him any personal belongings or money from John’s estate. She’s a 🐝 in my book
But later they amended and returned the remaining letters. Also Julian has forgiven her and they even collaborated in various projects after so why are u so upset?
*This is the truth about Yoko Ono.* Yoko Ono is a powerful witch. She used powerful occult energy, imperceptible to conventional people, to overpower and control John Lennon. The reason why her singing sounds like the wailing of a witch is because she is one. A normal person cannot make this sound, it is impossible. Yoko used to go to witches meetings in New York, driven there by her chauffeur. In Peter Jackson's 'Get Back' she appears to be just quietly sitting in the room, what she is actually doing is training powerful occult energy on John Lennon. A suitably gifted medium, psychic or shaman would be able to perceive this, conventional people would not. The reason why so many dislike her, some intensely, is because they are picking up on what she is. She is very, very with the dark side, or in biblical terms, the satanic side.
What a load of old tosh !
@@tjcint Sam Green or John Swan. Psychic. He helped train into Satanism yoko. The most famous ugly jap woman to walk on earth.
I remember when I still believed in fairyrales too, when I was about 5 years old.
What an excellent observation! Did you read the book by Albert Goldman called “ The Lives of John Lennon” ? He writes about Yoko and her occultist practices with John. I believe she used MK Ultra mind control with help from the CIA or another entity. I don’t think she can be written off as a possible accessory to John’s Assassination.
@@vegetariansuniteworldwide8091didn’t she threaten to put a spell on Paul? According to men who work for John.
She took his scouse humour away from him because she didn't understand our humour , English humour and scouse wit, he wasn't the same and although he still wrote good songs their was something missing and it was that side of him. I hate her for that, hates a string word so il take that back but I definitely dislike her, as for the wailing and screaming down the microphone it was awful. She also resented how close he was to Paul and the band and was even jealous. Weirdo.
Who would want an affair with Yoko?
Agreed fully 👍👍
She didn't even care when John was killed.
In fact, she probably felt relief 😮💨
Yoko is a fraud.
If she cared about and love, she would've have treated everyone but Sean so abysmally...
Look into what she did to Julian ... It's absurd ...
I'll never have anything for that witch
Yoko is not a nice person, I agree with you there and she did screw over Julian on the estate but she did care about John. When he was killed Ringo went to see her and said, " I understand how you feel." She came back with, "No you don't." She meant she and John were so close there is no way anyone could understand how she felt.
Yoko ono wanted John's money that's it
@@63shakeandbake Ringo knew John better than Yoko. Deeper love.
I think she wanted John dead. So she could have his money of course. John's plan was to get back with Paul and write music again with him. It's so tragic!
It’s said John had two different types of bullets in him body per autopsy. She had him sign a new will just about a year prior to his murder.
Hopefully her connection comes out one day, probably after she has long since passed. She's been living a long and wealthy life. Very fascinating.
YOKO despised John and truly hated him but knew he was her meal
Ticket. She had the audacity to say, Inam the real musician in this family NIT John. This was said when they separated and she was hitting on Spinoza, the musician in 1974.
She controlled John with the occult and black magic, which she had been practicing since she was young in Japan. When John went to Bermuda she was having an affair with Sam Green her tarot card reader. She even went and stayed with him a few nights at his parents house. YOKo had all of John’s things moved into storage until he decided to make an album ( double fantasy) she had the audacity to tell him I will have half the album tracks you have the other and like a fool
He agreed . She put Adam Green on hold and was also having secondary affair with her gay/bi-Sexual interior designer Sam Havadatoy.
I truly believe YOKO was somehow involved with John’s death. Either working with the government or whatever. But, on the night that John was murdered, and after the leaving the Record Plant, John
Wanted to go out and eat as he told some of the people at the plant he would meet them however, YOKo decided Not to go using the
Excuse to see Sean. When they arrived at the front of the gates of the Dakota, how strange was it that YOKo exited the limo and was approx 20 feet ahead of John when he exited carrying the tapes of walking on thin ice. YOKo made her way inside and out of harms way when the shots rung out. YOKO ran out into the court yard while
Stumbled up the steps leading into the Dakota before collapsing. Later that night when John was dead and YOKo went home Sam Green was waiting for her and he moved in the same damn night as John laid in the hospital morgue.
John was afraid and admitted that he would never be cremated but what did YOKo do ? She had John cremated. Why ? So, no
Evidence could be found . John was not shot in the back but in and through the front left side of his chest you know close to where the heart and aorta arteries are. He was NOT shot with 5 hollow points bullets with one missing he was shot with two hollow point and two regular round bullets. Chapman must have thought he was shooting John but most likely had blanks the real shooter was hiding in the maintenance room directly across from the steps and large door of the Dakota. Kill shots group together by a professional. Chapman is just a pansy dumb ass.
I do believe YOKo was involved and help
Coordinate the murder.
It has been said many think she was behind his murder as she just went inside to her apartment with her boyfriend when John got shot. She was an evil witch.
I've heard interviews with John saying he hoped to live to a ripe old age but pass away before Yoko as he could not survive without her. We also know John would contradict himself time and time again. I have no idea what the state of their marriage was before he was so cruelly taken from us and there's no way Yoko will write a memoire but it wouldn't surprise me if they only stayed together for Sean's sake and to keep up the image that theirs was a great love story. He abandoned his first family and the Beatles for Yoko so perhaps he felt too proud to leave her.
Read The Last Days Of John Lennon A personal memoir by Fred Seaman. He was John’s personal assistant in 1979 and 1980. It explains what their marriage was like and what Yoko was doing during that time, affairs and all.
No, no no
If you want to know what was happening on the last days in which John was on earth then you should read John Lennon 1980 by Kenneth Womack
@@angiethebeatlesgirl228 Thanks. I’ll check that out.
A true love story is Payl and Linda. John and Yoko didn't follow any concepts of faithfulness. When I was in army school in 2003 I spent a weekend at local Christian camp. The couple who ran it said recently had 48th aniversary and looking forward to 50th. That's real love. Mark
@@markfencke4348john and Yoko also had a true love story that only ended because of tragedy
However, I believe that if John would have still been here on earth they would have still been happily together
Uh...yeah! All through her mirage, It was a facade. Ask the beautiful MAY PANG. FRED SEAMAN. SAM GREEN. Psst. But no one is supposed to know about it.
Yes, as it turned out, it was a "Double Fantasy" for Yoko in the end...
Yoko is a piece of crap but Lennon was no saint. I love many of his songs but am sickened by what he said about Jesus Christ.
I love to see clips of John Lennon B.Y.O (before Yoko) when was goofing for the cameras and just a great soul. A great singer songwriter. Takes me back to my childhood.
Lately I have been convinced that John was in a cult. It is possible that there is only one member in a cult and in the cult of Ono that was John.
I couldn’t stand him. He was a cruel ass.
Who knows but make no mistake about it Lennon was an ex Beatle could have dated almost any lady in the world if he wanted to... Is this Peyton place
I could never understand what John seen in Yoko. She was nasty in the looks department and had absolutely no talent whatsoever. She wasn't the actual reason the Beatles broke up but she played a role in the breakup. Her vocals sound like a wounded banshee. John deserved much better. IORR.
Yoko was John's Handler/Pusher.
@@OCTOBERBABY7901 Yoko was not John’s handler or pusher
She was his wife and later she would become the mother of his son
It is disgusting how you keep on making all these hateful comments about her
@@angiethebeatlesgirl228 yes she was.
Yes that’s why they broke up putting her bed in their recording studio TOO-SICK
Yoko would sing Sam to sleep at night.
That's hilarious !
ahahahahahaha, oh thats good 🤣😂🙃😋
Sam Green?
She couldn't even carry out John's request to be buried, instead having him cremated and no funeral. Pretty much tells you all you need to know about the woman!
John was much better off with Cynthia and May Pang. In fact the 2 women became close friends.
That book is on point.
Some people have the theory that Yoko Ono may be either a Narcissist or a psychopath, and after hearing "Mrs Lennon" I start to believe that theory. She wanted to point out that death comes to us all, but to describe a person you know is deeply in love with you with such disrespect is typical for Narcs, psychopaths, and sociopaths. Another thing is that she was a control freak, never letting John out of her sight. However, it could all be because she suffered from PTSD, something that is actually proven.
This is a theory from me to you then, mostly based on the narc/psychopath theory:
John Lennon and Paul McCartney both had high IQ, but the only one of them with a high EQ was Paul. Yoko knew John couldn't read her, why she could abuse him, she also knew Paul saw through her as if she were transparent and that was why she had to keep John and Paul separated. Julian was a link to Cynthia and Paul, who both saw through her, so of course it was of a high interest for her to keep Julian away as well. All McLennon-fans know Julian was their love child since Paul stepped in many times when John couldn't take care of Julian himself. John was to immature to be a father but it all happened so fast... Just sum it up by saying that Paul was one hell of a friend and that it's understandable that he felt lost without this person by his side.
1973 May Pang was with John for almost 2 yrs, please
Hate is a strong word.
It is the word I use in case of Yoko Ono.
Poor John had to be so confused that it had to make him feel restless and angry at times, I'm sure.
She was in full control, but he may have been gaining and feeling more independent of her by the end of the eighties,and that she couldn't have.
He wanted England and felt the pull to go back home across the sea more than Yoko's control over him.
Actually it was just the opposite. He loved living in America & especially NYC. He loved NYC because he said he could just go out and walk & people would recognize him but leave him alone for the most part. May Pang was Yoko’s secretary and Yoko wanted her to be with John for as long as Yoko wanted him out. It was Yoko who threw him out around ‘73-‘74. She said they needed time apart. He went west and boozed it up with Harry Nilsson for around a year. He later called that period his “Lost Weekend”. ( do a search for John Lennon Troubador Club) He would call Yoko and ask to come home and she would tell him he wasn’t ready. He must’ve been back by late ‘74 because Yoko gave birth to their son Sean on 10/9/75. (that was John’s bday too - 10/9/40.)
@@stellakowalski1 He talked of going back home to England, constantly,he missed his family and was tired of having to bring them to America all the times he visited with them.
@@patriciaeddy7629 I’m not sure where you’re getting your info from, but that is simply not true. Julian visited/stayed with J&Y here in the USA when he was growing up more than a few times. The only relative who would have nothing to do with coming to the US was Aunt Mimi. She was a very strong willed woman. John called her frequently, oftentimes twice a week. She raised him along with her husband George.
@@stellakowalski1 He was headed for England the next week before he was murdered.
He was expecting there two weeks before he died, but had to finish the album and do the interview that was scheduled.
Thought everyone knew that.
John was heading back to England. All true!
@@stellakowalski1 Mimi,his aunt, claimed that to be true,too.
She moved that Sam guy in straight away.
Well Yoko was cheating on her husband when she dated john
She was a narcissist and controlled poor John
She was nothing, but absolute trouble!
"Woman" I can hardly Express My mixed emotions and thy Unfaithfulness. And for showing me the meaning of Real Stress...
Yoko was one Cold B!
I believe she was an operative.
Most comments I see in this theme about John and Yoko, is that the blame is on her. The blame actually lies on John for allowing this ? person into his aura and when she took over, he probably never realized how far in he'd allowed her in every aspect of his life, and could not yet figure a way out, gracefully. So he kept the ball and illusion rolling since he had inadvertantly given her the key to his castle, I am sure that in the 80s he would have dissolved the union, as he would have grown a pair, finally. But of course he never ever got the chance.
I think Lennon had an addictive personality, he was constantly on drugs from his teens all throughout his life. I think Yoko was like an addiction for him, the mother figure he so desperately needed. I have many friends with addictive personalities, and the only time they can stay clean is when they´re deeply in love. So although I agree that John as an adult man allowed this cloutchasing parasite into his life, I think she exploited his vulnerability. You shouldn´t getaway with being a manipulative parasite just because you´ve found an exploitable victim. I personally blame both of them, John for being naive and exploitable, and Yoko for taking full advantage.
She got control of him with drugs. He had regrets but his pride and ego wouldn’t allow him to get another divorce. He admitted he stilled cared for Cynthia. He was mad at her because she didn’t speak or contact him for the first 3 years after the divorce, which he wanted. 7 years after the divorce in an interview he started talking about Cyn and how he craved his name and Cyn in a church in Germany. He gave details saying go look for it, it’s there John & Cyn. He also has said if things didn’t happen so fast we’d still be together ( him and Cyn) I know we would of made it. He wrote beautiful love letters to Cyn yet no one has ever seen any he wrote to Yoko. Even after divorce when he started to communicate with her he signed Love always your famous ex husband or always sending his love. He knew the damage was done but he also said No matter what happens I know she’ll ( Cyn) always be there for me
They were and are both odd eggs. That’s why they understood each other.
Of course...
But John was the one who wouldn't let her go.
No she kept threatening John with divorce. He was happy at first having a secret failed marriage. He’s pride and ego but he soon had enough and wanted to end the marriage. Yoko gave John some mystical BS story about the stars not being lined up and it wasn’t a good time to get divorced. That’s when Yoko arranged for May to be John’s paid mistress and shipped them off to California so her lover could move in to the apartments with her in NYC. Yoko was fine with this arrangement until she got wind of Cynthia contracting John to see Julian. John paid for two first class flights for Cyn and Julian to visit. Per May Yoko always feared John would go back to Cynthia. It was then Yoko demanded John return to NYC. He went back after a two week drunken binge was prostitutes. He continued to see May while living with Yoko. I just find it odd Yoko had John sign a knew will just about a year before his murder.
Whatever reason, he still there with her so...
John was seeing May pang..
Which we all know about and we all agree she was better than yoko
Yoko set that whole arrangement up. She knew John was getting restless, or she herself wanted a break, probably both. She would call Pang all the time to see if everything was going according to Yoko's dictates as far as things like public hand holding. All very weird.
@@stephenking3356 that’s true yoko did set them up! 🤷♂️ facts don’t lie
Yes, she was. Absolutely.
When John Lennon sold his soul to the Devil for fame , fortune & BEATLEMANiA." He forgot to read the Devils Contract Fiineprint : YOKO ONO / M.D.Chapman
R.I.P John Lennon 1940-1980
Listen, idiot, John would never do such a thing, so you better stop making those stupid comments
John is an angel that God send to earth for 40 years but he decided to take him back to heaven when he found out how evil this world is
Once again, I ask you to stop posting comments like this because they are disrespectful and they are lies
@@angiethebeatlesgirl228 LOOK UP ( THE LENNON PROPHECY) iam a BEATLES FAN TOO" and you be surprised what people would do for FAME & FORTUNE , including The Beatles. 🍏
@@edwinhernandez6627 I have no doubt that some people might do that
However, John would never do such a thing because he was born with talent, and if he had a lot of fortune in fame is because he earned it with hard work
Both John and Yoko are angels The only difference is that John now has his wings.
Once again, I ask you to stop your crap
Why was John 'Born Again'?as that is the only way to see the gates of heaven!Unless you think Jesus wasnt telling the truth when he said 'Unless ye be Born Again of water and spirit you shall NEVER see the gates of heaven' Matthew5:43 John did go through a period in his diaries(that where taken by Fred Seaman) where he was obsessed with Jesus and wrote a few songs one of them called 'Help me to help myself' allowed by yoko to be heard on youtube as the title itself has no Christian overtones untill you hear the lyrics of the song!yoko doesn't like Christianity very much and told John to stop talking about Jesus! as she was involved in tarot and other occultic witchcraft (which the bible tells us not to play with!) which often go hand in hand with heavy drugs like heroin and sadly not a happy ending for John! especially as yoko gave out in a magazine article Johns daily itinerary and times going to the studio and back to the Dakota!why endanger your own family like that?literally giving all the crazies a heads up! The head of security wanted to leave after she did this stupid act and said himself 'he didnt want Lennons death on his resume.'
Hopefully Yoko finds Jesus before she passes away! amen 🔥👑🕊
Wow....people sure dig up the dirt don't they??
It's the peak of their pitiful existence.
When Yoko got tired of john’s BS, drugs/alcohol, she sent her friend May Pang with John in his exile in LA. They were a couple for about a year.
Yoko arranged and paid May to be his mistress. Yoko was a drug addict too. John tried to get clean several times but he told his assistant he knew Yoko never stopped. Just before his murder John was planning to return to England to reconnect with family and old friends. The night before he was killer he talked on phone with his Aunt Mimi saying he was looking forward to coming home.
Did she get tired of Johns money?sausage!
@ cheating, lying, heavy drug use. Even after they had Sean.
@@rodroller6634 according to May Pang Johns only real vice was cigarettes which she says was used by yoko to get John to go back to her by phoning John to go to the Dakota for a hypnotherapy session to stop smoking from which John never returned! Yoko however couldnt kick her heroin habit which almost killed the baby!which she had taken out early so as to be born on Johns birthday for occultic numerology reasons!They had to escape the hospital with the baby, as Sean seemed to be suffering from withdrawal symptoms and the doctors obviously where very concerned of further harm to the child!
Incredibile 😱🤯 thanks for that Information I trying to writing a story about that I suppose Yoko knowing Mark David Chapman
I'd love to read this story. I am interested in finding out more about her connection.
In a perfect world, John,,marriage with mae Peng. Not yoko.
.. or just stayed with Cynthia
You guys are out of your minds
Don’t you guys understand that Yoko was the love of John’s life and that she made him really happy?
Yoko and May Pang are good women but you guys need to respect that Yoko is the one that he chose
I don’t see how someone could say that they wish that he would’ve stayed with Cynthia
Cynthia was a bitch
In 1991 the disgusting Cynthia chick sold a lot of John’s personal items on an auction
These items included some of John’s guitars and also some of his drawings, and a letter that John wrote to her on there first Xmas together
When she was asked why she was selling those items. She stated that she wanted to get rid of all of the dead wood
She also stated that all the money that she got from that auction was going to give her back her security and she said that she lost her security when she was gobbled up by his legend
What a bitch
I despise the disgusting Cynthia chick because she treated John horribly and because of all the harm that she caused after John went to heaven
I suggest you guys to research that auction that I am talking about
It was in 1991 and it took place in London
@@angiethebeatlesgirl228.. I agree Yoko was the love of his life.. but she is not a good person and I don't think she necessarily made him happy.. the last five years for example, we're pretty depressing for John
@@imemine6494 the last five years of John’s life were the happiest for him because he had got back with Yoko and they had Sean who turned out to be a wonderful person just like his parents
He was very depressed when he was married to the disgusting Cynthia chick and that is one of the reasons why he wrote the song Help
Yoko is a wonderful person
She helped John with his self-esteem, and she made sure that he was always happy
She also made sure that he stayed away from drugs and bad people
In fact, Julian also loved Yoko very much, but sadly the disgusting Cynthia chick put a lot of crap in his head
John was a very nice man, but he was not stupid so if Yoko would have been so horrible, John would have never married her
Please stop believing all the lies made up by the disgusting Cynthia chick and her racist supporters
I recently unsubscribed from the channel that uploaded this video because I can tell that the owners are haters, and they are always trying to make John and Yoko look bad
If they continue like that, I honestly hope that the channel gets terminated
@@angiethebeatlesgirl228.. No, your getting a wrong narrative of John's last years.. he was deeply unhappy (you know he was still seeing May).. his personal assistant has mentioned this, there is recordings of him to that effect, that have got onto UA-cam.. he looked really ill I thought.. and himself and Yoko, we(reportedly not intimate).. he began being himself again, when he went back into the recording studio in 1980
With Bob Dylan...😂🤣😂🤣 he was divorcing her...according to May Pangs book...John was living with her...
Free love means I don't and won't commit to you! John too had many back to Cynthia...Yoko was an affair...groupie..
Bob Dillon? Really?
His name was Sam. He moved in right after John died( reported to be next day) . Stayed 20 years.
She was married one year after another and always had back up supply thoughout her marriage to Lennon.
She had been seeing Sam H since 1975 simple as that
No one knows what went on in their private life’s they should be left alone it’s no one business but their own
@@anthonyholmes3095 I know tho.... 1975..... Sam was in and living in the Dakota. So....
who cares psycho.
@@LightningBoltzTV and John kept dating May Peng till 1976 so...
Out of John Lennon, there had only been one other man stupid enough. 2 do yoko. That's 2, too many
Yes agree with Alfredo Perez,, well said Mr. Perez
Didn’t know this
Yoko ŵas not very faithful to John once she had control of the cash - No one to blame but John - And Black Sorcery, of course. -John knew she was a witch, but he felt it was a positive thing- We all know how that ended up tho'
Yoko Ono is worth $700 million
That's john's money. Money that his other biological son Julian didn't get but had to fight for.
@@mJoN3s-w6l John never thought he was gonna die so young so he never wrote out a will , people usually do that in their 50-60s or ofc near death
@@Monkforilla cia murdered him.
@Monkhandle he knew he would die early but not by whom or how.
Its John's money, none from the "wealthy father banker" money!
I am not a Yoko fan, she is a horrible person. However, if Yoko had an affair she was just making up for the several affairs John had on her.
I disagree. She was cheating on her husbands long before John.
She purposely setup John with May!
The Name is Sam Hargitai or Hargitay from Hungary! This is new to me, i never wanted to dig deep into Yoko Ono's affairs!!
No, his name is Havadtőy Sámuel (Sam Havadtoy). You mix him up with another Hungarian, Hargitay Miklós (Mickey Hargitay), who was the 1950’s Hollywood legend and husband of Jane Mansfield.
Yoko and Sam lived in Hungary too, they had an apartment in the Olimpia park in Budapest and a house in the picturesque town of Szentendre.
Sam’s stepmother is my neighbor in Budapest.
@@gaborrab4785 Thanks for the corrections amazing story!!
Why not? Is she a saint? Everyone wants jiggy jiggy at some point
"Give peace a chance"...
I think they were both cheating on each other during this phase, so would not be shocked if it was the case
Al Stewart knew Yoko before Lennon.
If you can call it music!
Incase you don't know she won the case for defamation.
What’s wrong with the mumbling narrator? Afraid Yoko will sue him for lying and embellishing very old stories? 🤐
Jeez, between the horrible muffled EQ and the accent, I can barely understand a word of this content... WTF??
it is generally believed that Havadtoy is/was gay
Bisexual, those guys are pretty ruthless. If your girl hooks up with one, head for the hills.
They both were adultery at some point. Oh well.
They are both legendary and amazing.
.. She isn't
Did yoko practice santanism?
Yes, she did and do.
@@margaritarojas4748 my gut feeling told me that. She just comes across evil to me. Wonder if her son does too. Hope not.
She went to a Santeria witch in South America and paid her $60k for a spell and some potions (devil's breath?) to get John back from May ... and when it came time to sign the pact she tried to get her guide John Green to sign for her but he refused, so Yoko signed, but HIS name! Satan does not like to be fooled. Presumably she will have to pay her debt soon.
@@susanelmer1550 I don't know if Sean practice that, but I just see His love For Julian, his brother.
Don't forget, John had an affair first with that young Asian girl!
Who Yoko?
May Pang was the more beautiful one and she was second
He had an affair because Yoko was having one so she told her assistant and John to live with each other so she could continue her red light visitations or affair
Yoko teve o troco pelo ogue ela fes para cintia foi o dia gue ela foi com jhon em uma festa gue ele etrou com uma muher em um comudo e ele fechou aporta e ela ficou esperando escutou ogemido dele ela ficou com tanto odio dele ele morar com may pang e ficaran un ano juntos e guando ele e yoko voutaran chamarao de fim semana perdido prA nao diseren chifrada perdido😊
None of my business.
I read a biography of John Lennon and the author said Yoko was definitely having an affair with Mintz. She might still be.
Mintz is a homosexual. Her highly paid publicity machine. Magnificent liar.
Yes she was
Yoko era igual um carrapato caveira sempre grudado no corpo de John o dia guê ele tomou tiro o carrapato Sail antes para trabalhar a vida de julian mais mesmo assim ela não consegue porque tudo guê ele tem até hoje e do próprio talento erdado de seu pai John au contrário de seu irmão Sean guê para mim e igual a mãe dele Yoko ono eles não tem talento para música e só a Yoko guê tem talento para gritar se John não tivesse morrido em mil nove cento e oitenta ele iria morrer com os gritos da Yoko mais bem feito para ele porque ele foi largar de uma mulher linda como a Cíntia e pegar uma bruxa chamada Yoko guê se ele fosse um John ninguém ela não iria atrás dele nem agui e nem no Japão por ela querer dinheiro e ser
Famosa mais ela e odiada por guase todas as pesoas
Yeah right cat girl. Get back to your whiskas
Nonsense & who cares, peace & love
You're being too generous.
I'd give it 10 🥱💤
Traduzir em português.👍🇧🇷
In the year 2387, little friend.
Eu ouvi falar gue joh nao gueria ser cremado mais entao porgue sera gue yoko mandou cremar ele sera gue e para ela ter serteza gue ele esta morto isso ja e um prova gue ela so tem enteresse so pelo dinheiro gue john deichou para ela e sean e kioko gue e filha do segundo marido dela para. Julian ela era muito esperta e ainda e
Ya'll need to grow up and quit hating Yoko Ono. This was so long ago, no pun intended. Their relationship(s) were their personal business. What good does it do to hold a grudge on Yoko your whole life? Get over it already. Hate on somebody who deserves it for christ sake.
We grew up with that one and she split the BEATLES
sure she was
It's none of our business. Leave Yoko Ono alone.
Ёко, супер музыкант! Особенно два первых альбома! Талантливо! В первом альбоме70 года гитара Джона, зазвучала не традиционно. Альбом супер психоделический! Джон покойся с миром, Ёко здоровья, и творчества тебе! ❤❤❤💋
How about, who cares?
Yoko didn’t ruin John’s life. His life wasn’t ruined and if it was, he did it to himself. Yoko can’t just take or do anything to anyone without them letting her.
Blah blah blah
Definitely yes…..and John was well aware
Every marriage has its ups and downs
However, I don’t think that Yoko was having an affair with anyone
Fred Semen was a jerk who was upset because he was fired and there, for he made up all this crap about Yoko bringing Sam to live with her right after John went to heaven
I do believe that like every couple there are times when they didn’t get along because that does happen with any relationship whether it’s a married couple or a friend relationship or even a relationship with a parent or with a brother or sister
However, it’s sad how Fred Semen took advantage of the fact that there were many racist people who hated Yoko only because she is Japanese and he decides to publish his stupid book
Sean said it right when he told Fred that he was the closest to the family yet he betrayed them by saying all those lies that he published in his book
Now before any hater or any gnu Beatles fan starts to speculate about why Fred was fired, the reason is that he tried to steal John’s diaries and give them to Julian
Yoko had to send him to court in order to get them back and thankfully she was able to get them back and it wasn’t until 2017 or 2018 that the court also decided that Fred could no longer be near the Lennons
I don’t know who decided to finally publish Fred’s book but I hope that it is no longer sold because it is full of lies
It was bad enough to read your long winded saga regarding your opinion on John and Ono's marriage once but did you have to upload the exact same comment twice? Are you deliberately trying to annoy people?
Your comment was full of personal beliefs and very little based in fact. It's all just gossip and hearsay. The way your comment was written presents like you were in the room with the Lennon's and knew them personally, which I'm positive you didn't.
No actual friend of theirs would speak about them the way you did. It's very sad that after all these years that there are still people like yourself who seem to believe they knew the in & outs of John's life just because you read a few books.
You give me Chapman type vibes. Ugh.
I’ve never researched Seaman to come to my own conclusions but it was known that Ono did not encourage a relationship between Lennon & his first born Son where later on in the game she even put Lennon’s personal items in auction instead of just giving them to Julian. McCartney even purchased personal letters at auction that were written between Lennon & Julian & gave them to Julian. She also threw out Lennon’s relatives out of a house he had purchased for them after Lennon had died. Harrison’s Wife did pretty much the same thing in cutting off the elderly Sister-in-Law’s mere stipend mind you after Harrison died. That’s why people have no use for her & do not trust people that roll in that way as what does that say about their motives. All this fairy tale stuff about any musician or celebrity marriage is doing too much in trying to remain convincing.
Get over yourself.
Why didn't she just give the diaries......or anything else to Julian?
@@sylviaelizabethclarecholic2073 because Julian and his mother were always bashing John and when John went to heaven, it was those 2 who wanted to leave Yoko and Sean with nothing
The attitude of Julian and his mother shows that they didn’t care for John at all so perhaps Yoko thought that if Julian got the diaries he would basically throw them away or sell them
What Yoko did would have been wrong if John would have asked her to give the diaries to Julian in case something happened to him
However, I doubt that John was even thinking about that because he was very young and as I’m sure we all know, nobody expected that some disgusting bastard would shoot John
Now we know that John loved Julian, and that it hurt him that he couldn’t be with him but honestly, we will never know if John would have liked Julian to have his diaries after all the harm that him and his mother caused
I blame Julian’s mother for all the unjustified hate that crazy people have for John and Yoko
Before you attack me, like other people have done I want you to know that I am a person who has suffered from bullying and I despise Julian’s mother because ever since she met John in art class she would bully him
God bless Yoko and Sean and as I always say, even though John is already blessed because he is in heaven may God bless him more
Because Julian is also a Lennon, may God, or whatever he believes in, bless him as well, and help him realize that he had an awesome father
I hope that I wasn’t rude to you with my reply, but if I was I apologize
It’s just that it’s stressful to know that there are many trolls and it’s sad as well but hopefully you are not one of them
Seaman stole John's diaries after he died. So don't listen to the words of a thief!
But they're not the words of a thief, are they? They're John's words.
.. that's a very small minded way off looking at it
@@p0llenp0ny you don't know what part of his book are quotes from the diaries and what are his words. so they are not necessarily johns words. did that creep ever go to jail for grand theft.
He did say that John asked him to return them to his son Julian if anything happened to him. Could be false but apparently John didn't trust Yoko by this stage 1980.