Aight so naturally I made a few mistakes, here are some clarifications! Interception Fighting style can only reduce damage from attack roll attacks, so a fireball is a no, but a fire bolt you can defend! Full plate armor without a shield is actually only an 18 AC, SO YOU ARE HARDER TO HIT THAN A FULL SUIT OF ARMOR Also I can't count, so The strength stat would only be an 18 BUT THATS STILL THICC THO THAT IS ALL GOOD DAY
The problem with this build is saving throws because any saving throws that hit his mental stats are going to ruin your day because you will fail them. Heck if I was the wizard of the party I would create a clone of this character then I would use the soul jar to port my soul into the ubermench body maintaining my mental stats while gaining the insane physical ones. I would then proceed to ditch my original frail wizard body to live my life as the peak of human physicality and intelligence.
@@IveBeenWithBruma i once played a wizard and they killed this barbarian gods mistake was beaten the shit to fucking death by a pissed off wizard. WITHOUT SPELLS
@@liamhayes4048 nah I tried that before but modify memory only affects the last 10 minutes so it would be hard to convince someone that their party is evil within the past 10 minutes
@@alexandreracine8348 yeah I was thinking that you just make it so the bbeg changes it so every bad thing he did, the character thinks the party did and that he saved the character so it’d just be turning him against the others
This man is the gods answer to the accident that is the Tarrasque. But also another mistake that needs to be corrected as he now commands them all as their emperor god.
@@michaelcarney4220 ya it's funny how people think caster classes are squish when they have the largest amount of defensive bonuses through their spells. Don't even get me started on stone skin...
"the only thing that can hurt this man is a tough algebra question!" and for those haters saying "be a real shame if he has to make a wisdom saving throw..." we got a character here designed to assist his team mates with damage, why would you expect there to be noone on his team to assist him with that?
Yeah it is why you have a party though and one counterspell or dispel magic at a high enough level you're scary burly boy is back in the fight - no build is without weaknesses. If that were possible - he'd have built it for sure - but more importantly it would be the only combat build any min-maxer would ever use again.
A way to increase ac since you are not wearing armor is ring of protection and bracers of defence and if you sacrifice an asi you can make it a burst 30 ac for those clutch moments
Heck if I was the wizard of the party I would create a clone of this character then I would use the soul jar spell to port my soul into the ubermench body maintaining my mental stats while gaining the insane physical ones of my new meat suit. I would then proceed to ditch my original frail wizard body to live my life as the peak of human physicality and intelligence.
Personally I'm just impressed this was all done without magic items, spells, or homebrew. The only thing you got wrong is that this guy, without a shield, is as tough as plate armor WITH a shield. Sacrifice the skilled feat for magic initiate and you can grab a 1/day Shield spell for when you run out of superiority die, as well as booming/green-flame blade, making him sturdy a bit longer and do that much extra damage
Personally, I'd switch out one of the magic blades for lightning lure. Sure, he'd have to have a hand free (unless Warcaster) but this boy punches like a monk, and can afford to lose an action drawing his rapier.
This, more than any character build I've seen, depicts one of the most beautiful things about D&D...there is ALWAYS a weakness to any build. Any character like this is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, an ENGINE of destruction on the battlefield. However At most you can use Indomitable twice to MAYBE save you from a charm or dominate spell. Once you fall under the enemies control, you're looking at a TPK with a character like this.
Leave out defensive duelist and skill expert go with resilient Dex and resilient Wis -1 in Str for +2 in Wis during pont buy and sbam Give him a Shield+3 for a 20 lv character You have base AC25, +10 Str +11 Dex Con +6 Wis throw Enjoy 😂 Not a lot of damage over the course of fight but 3*0,6*(d8+4+2) is going to stack up since you're basically immortal 😂
I can just picture this beast using a rapier and essentially shoving it through his opponent on each attack. Effectively just punching hilt-sized holes in his enemies.
I mean if you wanna be even more mean you could slap on them a ring of psychic resistance and a pair of boots of haste and not only are you now completely immune to basically get to do a lot more because of the boots 😂😂😂
IIRC isn't there a player race that also gives you psychic immunity, just sacrifice one of your ASI's put into strength and you can have the feat you wanted anyway. Plus, it's not like the strength is contributing to your damage properly or your AC. At most it's making you slightly less effective at getting out of grapples, but depending on the DM they'd allow you to contest the grapple check with it's dex counterpart.
With the advantage on Dex saves from Danger Sense, plus the Shield Master feat (add shield AC to dex save throw) you can take NO DAMAGE if you succeed instead of half.
As a dm, I’d allow it. But don’t be surprised if you’re facing off against a psychic sorceress lich that’s really an ancient gold dragon resurrected from the dead as the BBEG with an army of undead and tons of monsters all with homebrew feats or weapons.
I play a Rune knight fighter with the interception fighting style, it’s only within 5 ft and only for attacks made against that person. Fireball isn’t technically an attack roll made against that person so you couldn’t use interception against I do believe. Could be wrong but I’m fairly certain that’s how it works. Other than that great vid! Love bein a tanky badass
You could also take one less ASI in strength and get the shield master feat, which would allow you to take no damage on a successful Dexterity saving throw. It would bring your damage down a bit, but it would still be a useful ability.
i love these kind of videos but would love to see lower level builds like this. Most games dont ever get to level 20 so its hard to ever get use from these cool types.
As a DM I’d be like *Their are 8 Mind Flayers about to mind blast you*, The player, *Well I do a good chunk of damage so I’m gonna hit them with my rapier*. Me, *They’re all levitating out of your reach*.
(i still appreciated the video) 3 small notes: (1) most creature at a complete build how you describe, for clarity let's take on example CR20 creatures have on average +14 to hit (still rage is nice), considering the 22 flat the chance to be hit is 60%, with defensive duelist is goes down to 30% but for just an attack and moreover meele, with bait and switch it becomes more acceptable. (2) the average of a d10 is 5,5 (i know it's a little thing). (3) advantage cannot be summarised as +5 in your examples, advantage is a +5 if you need to roll a 10, cause the probability of two consecutive events (in this case it shows the mechanism in disadvantage) is the probability of the same events multiplied, so 1/2*1/2=1/4, inverse cause it's advantage. On a d20 is a +5 or a 25%. But in cases where the number needed on the dice is further away from 10 its more inaccurate. Let's take in example u play a character with a +5 to hit, if u wanna hit a monster with AC 21 u need to roll a 16, that's 1/5 chance to hit, if u have disadvantage on the roll tha chance to hit is 1/5*1/5=1/25 or 0,04 less than the chance to get a natural 20. I hope i didn't cast confusion on you with all this numbers :) (i'm playing a minotaur paladin in descent into avernus and I'm the only frontline, the closest is a ranger or a life cleric, so i'm working on being the absolute wall hoping to hoard enough money to get an adamantine plate and forget how to get critted (we have a bit more lethal crit system)
Why is anyone surprised that a level 20 character has insane abilities? If you play up to level 20 ... that's end game stuff. Your character should be near or at least adjacent to god like. I do love your enthusiasm. Keep it up. Your content makes me smile.
This is adorable AC and damage reduction... *Laughs in 10th level Warforge Artificer Battlesmith with Shield Master and Medium Armour Master* Warforge +1 AC Half-Plate: 15 + 2 (Infusion) + DEX (Max 3) Shield + 2 (Infusion) Cloak of protection (+1 AC, + 1 All Saves) Haste (+2 AC & Advantage on Dex Saves) Total AC: 26 then add Shield spell for AC 31. Does a 30 hit? No. This also has more rounded stat array options (honestly 16 Dex and whatever you want Int mostly) and can be done on your own with just class features. You don't need high health when the enemy cannot hit you with an attack roll or damage you with a saving throw (this is tried and tested in anger at a table). I leave the other 10 levels to you Offbeat.
Here’s a character I made as a thought experiment once: Lvl 20 barbarian, hill dwarf race (+1 hp per level) bear totem, berserker battle axe (+1 hp per level), tough feat, 26 con (from barbarians level 20 ability and book of gainful exercise). If you max rolled every level for hp you would end up with a total of 531 hp, which would be effectively doubled by raging, giving you more hp than the TARRASQUE.
Hue hue hue I an intellectual didn't max my strength, and instead got the ResilIant feet meaning I have a higher chance of breaking out of any spells wisdom based spells.
another combo to become almost invincible is barbarian+rogue. you get uncanny dodge as a reaction, and the resistance from barbarian meaning all damage is reduced by a factor of 4. you also get to always sneak-attack just by using reckless attack.
Would be extra cool if someone cast intellect fortress which gives resistance to psychic damage as well as adv. on intelligence wisdom and charisma saves
Perfection. Intellect Fortress would want to be prepared, and upcast by multiple members. Psychic damage will be utilized by the DM to attempt thwarting this tank. Could also go the new dragonborn for this resistance now, but that wasn't out yet; loses a feat. I was already thinking he should drop the 4th Barb level for Fighter 17. Still three rages which is another weakness of the build. If there's a 4th fight in the day then your current hp gets halved. This'll give him a 2nd Surge, and a 3rd Indomitable. Pretty important since the man will only care about saving throws. Even with advantage and rerolls, those -1 modifiers are going to make it tough. So really need to get Resilient Wis in there. Most common save. Then at least there's a fighting chance for most big saves. So, two ASIs to replace. Could probably function with less Str and Skill Expert. Does it matter if you get shoved/grappled once in a blue moon? Rather the opposition attempt on you. Now if you want to do more man handling...then, okay, yeah. That is handy dandy. Could cut Defensive Duelist and try to replace the hole it leaves with the Parry maneuver. Too many Reactions as is, and by all means, let the DM attack/hit you. You have one job and your hp is one of your best resources. Offbeat also listed Riposte twice on the sheet, so he's missing a maneuver. Would no longer be married to a rapier. Could start and end fights with 2 handers. Maybe equip em for the middle portion too. Attack recklessly. Bait the DM to come at you more. Alright, I'm getting further and further away from the theme/concept here. I actually misread Parry writing this up. Thought it read precisely the same as DDuelist with a potentially stronger value with the build. My hubris! Knew something was fishy with them reading too similarly. DR is not AC by a longshot. Lots of monsters tack on extra damage and saves to their hits. I think I'd definitely prefer to cut Str+Skill Expert for my alterations. We got Trip and Pushing attack...high str, advantage. Shoves and grapples weren't the focus, but it was a nice additional boon. Maneuver uses ain't free. Counter offer! Swap out Distracting Strike (pretty underwhelming) for...Evasive Footwork! Not often this one gets a chance to shine. So long as your DM's monsters attempt to OA anything that moves, you unlock a very spiffy way of tanking/control for the team. Put on your dancing shoes and run past every enemy on the battlefield. Now watch the entire opposition's reaction disappear. Your allies can move wherever they please. Maybe you even knock out some special reactions. You can combo this with Bait and Switch for 2d10 additional AC--offering a high five to anything foolish enough to fall for the age ole: "Too slow!"
Rage also grants resistance to magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage as well as that from silvered weapons, a valuable distinction between them and monsters.
Ah cool. Because I'm level 20 and built like a tank, I'm gonna use relentless endurance from being a half-orc, and of instead I would be killed outright I have the spell death ward currently active. Now because I'm a level 18 samurai I have the skill "strength before death" which allows me to interrupt initiative to take an extra turn Right now and I'm gonna second wind and hea- hey! Where are you going? Come back!!!
I’ve got a level 12 character with a base AC of 30 and a max of 37 (with the shield and shield of faith spells). Warforged, level 10 Armorer artificer, level 1 forge cleric, level 1 fighter. Plate mail+shield+ integrated protection (from warforged) for 21, plus enhanced armor (breastplate, boots, helmet, shield) for 29, plus the defense fighting style makes 30. And that’s when he’s just standing there.
So, Equipment for this dude, Attunements: Headband of Intellect, to make him a genius as well. Belt of Fire Giant Strength, to put his strength to 25, or 29 if you get the Legendary Storm Giant version, more is damage always good. This also lets him put points into wis, cha and int to make himself smarter and less vulnerable to mind control. Ioun Stone of Wisdom, to give him Wis 10 add in the extra points saved by having that belt, and he will have decent protection against MC effects too. For non-attunements: Boots of Elvenkind, Cap of Waterbreathing, caps are made of cloth and can fit over a headband easy peasy. Goggles of Night, yes this is also a head item, but you wear it on your face, so it makes sense you can use it. Periapt of Proof against Poison and Periapt of Health, yes, 2 necklaces, you can easily wear that. And as for clothing, the Robe of Useful things because that's always useful, it's also a robe and thus not armor.
meteor swarm so 40d6 which he will probably save from for half damage, then halve that again for resistance. Should do more than fireball tho, about 2x as much. Lets do some math :D Lowest possible rolls: Fail?: 20 Pass?: 10 Avg rolls: Fail?: 60 Pass?: 30 Max rolls: Fail?: 120 Pass?: 60 This is with 0 magic items of any kind too dont forget :D
So, there are simply better options now. Just play an artilerist artificer focusing on the protection cannon. The end result is a minimum of a +7 to a saving throw, 27 AC before spells, 1d8+5 temporary hit point at the start of every turn, over 200 hit points, and plenty of healing to remove the damage when you get hurt. Oh yeah and they have to kill you 6 times before you actually die. Also, did I mention you have access to evasion because you have evasion.
Just give him a Headband of Intellect for a solid int score aswell. Ioun stone for wisdom to make it a little easier to not just get hit with domination or cc effects
@@magma90 RAW you cannot. "A character can't normally wear more than one pair of footwear, one pair of gloves or gauntlets, one pair of bracers, one suit of armor, one item of headwear, and one cloak." Exceptions can be made by the DM but they are not normally allowed and not every DM will make such exceptions. From the effect text of Ioun Stones: "It is considered to be an object that is being worn while it orbits your head. To clarify: While certain DM's may let you it is not possible according to the rules.
I've ran a level.20 one shot. 2 of the 6 players ran builds very similar to this. They were the first to die leaving 2 warlocks, a monk and a sorcerer and they died before even making it to the boss. In the end the only 2 that survived was a warlock and a monk. While the build is good against normal monsters you have to remember level.20 goes up against things that are a lot tougher then normal monsters.
I did some probability myself on advantage/disadvantage. It's a lot more complicated then +/-5. Average difference is 3.325, but that's not really where it's advantages come from. With advantage on a roll, it your first roll is guaranteed 10 of less but your second isn't, advantage is worth 7.060606... times as much as guaranteed above 11. Half the time, it is ten of less, and that's the half where the benefits are really needed. The average chance of benefit from advantage of the first roll is 10 or less is 72.5%. That's why I'd say that advantage is kind of like a less reliable version of reliable talent.
And I was proud of my ranger who had a base 20 to decks at level 9 and can almost never miss an attack I've only been playing d&d for a few months and already love the community
I have a Death Domain Cleric/Way of the Long Death Monk who has a Defender Scimitar, +3 Shield, and Defensive Bracers, as well as Defensive Duelist and Shield Master Feat. Oh and she's a Goliath. Almost all spells prepared are healing and anything else is Toll the Dead and Inflict Wounds. Lastly, a god ol' Periapt of Wound Closure. She's terrific at killing and even better at not dying.
So in my group, we aren’t playing to min max or to make the best characters, we chose what we want to have fun with and now we’re making our characters as broken as possible for what they’re best at, for example: My rogue has a +10 stealth and advantage on all stealth rolls based on sight and sound, with plans to get eyes of the eagle to complete my ability to make the perfect scout routine (scout routine = go a little ahead of the party and look for bad things ahead while stealthed) Thump, our artificer doesn’t have a lot of hit points. What does he do? Get an AC of 21. Now this is broken, because we just had a boss fight and he was COMPLETELY surrounded, with an enemy in every direction, which meant ALL of them had advantage to hit, but only 1 or 2 would hit per round. This is broken because they were really dumb. Thump would cast Thunderwave, doing some damage to all of them, and then they’d all charge back in. Then, they’d allow him to do it TWICE MORE, giving us time to kill them all, while our Barbarian 1V1’D THE BOSS AMD WON.
Base AC Calculations + Requirements Full plate is 18 AC (15 str required 1500 gold) Medium armor is 18 AC with feat Medium Armor Master and 17 without feat (requires 16 dex or 14 dex + 750 Gold) Light Armor is 17 AC (requires 20 dex 45 Gold) Barb/monk = 20 with both stats maxed (requires 20 dex + 20 Con/ 20 Wis) Natural armors usually is 18 AC (Requires 20 dex (requires either dragon sorc, Lizard folk, Draconfolk + Dragonhide feat)) Tortole has a flat 17 AC Shield adds 2 more AC on top of all of these
That's all good, but when he gets charmed by the bad guy to switch sides (low CHA save) then the party has to fight hm, and since you have made it practically impossible to hit him causing damage to get him to make a save (which again is low CHA) will probably never recover from charm. Thanks Player for creating my next monster for the Party to fight. JOY!
If you wield a plus 3 shield, even if you get 1 below average, the tarrasque can not hit you, and an ioun stone of fortitude will make your AC 36 without the ability so you have to roll a 4 to get forty armor class and now if you get the belt of Dwarven kind and haste you have to roll a 1 to make it so the most power thing can't hit you with a natural 20 can make this fatter. Like waaaay fatter. By sacrificing some AC. In words of Dadjiro: "Allow me to explain!". Hill dwarves get a +1 bonus per level to their health. Barbarians at 20th level get +4 CON. You still can take the toughness feat. Meaning as a dwarf full bear totem barbarian you can have a total of 345 HP. Never underestimate full pure barbarian. Who even needs AC with fat like that? Enemies will have their axes stuck in your beard.
Also remember that all those attacks can have advantage as well because the barbarian's over level 2 feature reckless attack which is at the start of your turn before making your first attack you can decide to grants yourself advantage on all your str melee attacks and in exchange your enemies advantage to hit you back which does not matter that much with an ac of basically 28 and essentially 524 hp while in rage. So with your plus 11 to hit with advantage making on average a plus 16 to your str attacks you are almost always going to be landing your attacks with not that much set up needed as you just need to use your first bonus action to enter your rage and go on and get that XP
This is the ultimate support tank ... if you have this mennece with the SKYRIM ARCHER rogue times 2-4 and if you have a damage build melee buddy to constantly switch places in the front line ... the party is invincible.
5:41 - AC = 19 (not 20) you have 20 Con (2x ASI Fighter lvl 6) and 18 Dex (1x ASI Barb lvl 4) AC = 21 (with shield) Only once you bump DEX to 20 does AC = 22
As a dm I would use mind flayers and beholders, he will fail saves against mind blast, and wis saves for charm person, the monsters could then puppet him around as they wish. Vampires would likely also work for this. Litch would make short work. Basically anything that has high level magic wins because of bad mental stats.
Some races for this character V human (start with tough + +2 CON +1 DEX) Kalashtar (resistant to psychic damage + advantage on wisdom throws + telepathy) Wildhunt shifter (no one can have advantage on you + perception + Darkvision) Orc / half-orc (Darkvision + menacing + once per day I chose not to die button) Warforged ( +1 AC + poison resistance -immunity while raging + construct) Hill dwarf (poison resistance - immunity while raging + Darkvision + +1 hp per level)
Here's what I'd made with this idea, "Bronty Rockfinder" my ultimate damage sponge and everyday honest salt-of-the-earth folk dwarf. Won't find shoulders the width of anvils here, just an ordinary guy and unsuccessful merchant looking for straightforward stable work. Class/subclass: Rogue 8 / Fighter 8 / Barbarian 2 / Monk 2... (Arcane Trickster / Rune Knight). Arms: Dual weilding Berserker Pickaxes (rare magic, dedicated weapons, reflavoured handaxes). Never actually attacks using dual weild, but always weilding both regardless. Quested for during levelling (not expecting to begin with them). They give each other disadvantage on attacks IF you can see or hear the foe. Bronty has blindsight, and closes his eyes to attack. Wears earplugs and traveller's clothes (no armor). Stats: STR 13 / DEX 20 / CON 20 / INT 8 / WIS 13 / CHA 8. ini +5 / Walk 35ft Durability suite: 315 HP / 20 AC / poison resistant. Evasion, Uncanny Dodge Rage (2/long), Invoke Hill Rune (1/short), Runic Shield (6/long). Patient Defense (ki - 2/short), Mirror Image (spell - 2/long), Shield (spell - 3/long). Strongest abilities: +17 Acrobatics, +13 Athletics & Perception, +11 Investigation. Tool: Cobbler's, Glassblower's, Jeweler's, Leatherworker's, Mason's, Potter's, Smith's, Thieves' (all expertise level thanks to fire rune). Language: Common, Giant, Halfling, Orc, Thieves' Cant. Sensory: Darkvision 60ft, Blindsight 10ft.
I know, for the feat and stats and the weird of it, but playing this beast of a tank as kalashtar instead of a human will effectivly nullified the psychic clause. Just a thought
Wizard, bladesinger (assume 20 in dex and int) +3 studded leather, defender, ring of protection for good measure and shield spell as mastery..... AC 29 without using shield. 34 with... (using the defender to its' fullest) It's insane.
Currently playing Warforge Paladin(2)/Forge Cleric(6) build, level 8, taking the defensive fighting style one ring of protection, one plus one shield, and a basic plate mail, I am sitting at a 26 base armor class, plus can use shield of faith for an additional 2. It is literally untouched in except by criticals the whole campaign.
Aight so naturally I made a few mistakes, here are some clarifications!
Interception Fighting style can only reduce damage from attack roll attacks, so a fireball is a no, but a fire bolt you can defend!
Full plate armor without a shield is actually only an 18 AC, SO YOU ARE HARDER TO HIT THAN A FULL SUIT OF ARMOR
Also I can't count, so The strength stat would only be an 18 BUT THATS STILL THICC THO
The problem with this build is saving throws because any saving throws that hit his mental stats are going to ruin your day because you will fail them. Heck if I was the wizard of the party I would create a clone of this character then I would use the soul jar to port my soul into the ubermench body maintaining my mental stats while gaining the insane physical ones. I would then proceed to ditch my original frail wizard body to live my life as the peak of human physicality and intelligence.
I have a build for high ac
Im confused, maybe i missed it, why did you take the skill expert feat?
Then you get poly morph power word killed
Gg, not very invincible
Cleric: Why do I have to heal you after every fight?
This Indestructible Lad: I paid for 524 hp, I’m gonna use 524 hp.
Pray to your cleric's God, that you don't come across an Intelect Devourer.
Or anything that drains intelligence 2 turns is usually instant death under 10
I mean theirs a decent chance anyone's fucked by them
@@IveBeenWithBruma i once played a wizard and they killed this barbarian
gods mistake was beaten the shit to fucking death by a pissed off wizard. WITHOUT SPELLS
What’s the intellect devourer going to do, devour my intellect? I’m sorry but THERES NOTHING THERE BUSTER
that’s the wizards job
Kill them fast
Be a real shame if an enemy spell caster had dominate person prepared.
Or if they cast a 9th level modify memory to make you think your party is evil. Would that actually work?
@@liamhayes4048 nah I tried that before but modify memory only affects the last 10 minutes so it would be hard to convince someone that their party is evil within the past 10 minutes
@@nickmendes6593 could convince them that they’re planning to kill them and they need to escape.
@@nickmendes6593 that's for the normal spell, the 9th level as a upcast modification allowing you to re wright the poor thing's life if you so desire.
@@alexandreracine8348 yeah I was thinking that you just make it so the bbeg changes it so every bad thing he did, the character thinks the party did and that he saved the character so it’d just be turning him against the others
28 AC isn't just harder to hit than a dragon... A
TARRASQUE only has a 25 ac. AND YOU HAVE NO ARMOR ON??!?!?!?
This man is the gods answer to the accident that is the Tarrasque.
But also another mistake that needs to be corrected as he now commands them all as their emperor god.
Bards/sorcerers can get a good deal higher ac at 20 just saying.
Me and my 45 ac wizard:👀
@@michaelcarney4220 ya it's funny how people think caster classes are squish when they have the largest amount of defensive bonuses through their spells. Don't even get me started on stone skin...
@@IveBeenWithBruma bruh I made a 39 ac no multiclassing wizard so when peeps start bragging about plate armor I just smile and wave.
"the only thing that can hurt this man is a tough algebra question!" and for those haters saying "be a real shame if he has to make a wisdom saving throw..." we got a character here designed to assist his team mates with damage, why would you expect there to be noone on his team to assist him with that?
Every Wisdom Saving Throw from an enemy spellcaster: " It's free real estate."
Maze v this character
Enemy spellcaster: Go away child
This Invincible character: WHERE AM I
Yeah it is why you have a party though and one counterspell or dispel magic at a high enough level you're scary burly boy is back in the fight - no build is without weaknesses. If that were possible - he'd have built it for sure - but more importantly it would be the only combat build any min-maxer would ever use again.
Hey thats what the casters for hes here to tank and boy do he tank
Level 20 Moon Druid laughs with 138 hit points of Mammoth that can refresh every turn.
Even the classic bear totem barbarian/moon druid combo could beat the hp earlier than 20th level
@@NRush1100 choose Kalashtar totem barb, become resistant to all damage when raging
I just realized this combo recently myself, definitely gonna play one eventually
How would they have seen a mammoth?
@@ChristianBawden *the chosen one*
100 Push-Ups,
100 Sit-Ups,
100 Squats,
and 10km Running
And you too can play this D&D character...
Underrated comment
Can it one punch the world born dead?
Platemail without a shield is actually 18 AC, so this character has better ac than wearing platemail
Thanks for the correction! 😁
A way to increase ac since you are not wearing armor is ring of protection and bracers of defence and if you sacrifice an asi you can make it a burst 30 ac for those clutch moments
@@OffbeatOutlaw also ya cant rage in heavy armor fam ha ha
@@KSLCross it’s a good thing he isn’t wearing heavy armor, hence the unarmored defense
@@OffbeatOutlaw why was it ever brought up in the video? I was half listening as it popped up on auto-play and i got confused ha ha XD
Wow, the wizard has 5 HP? They must have put an ASI in Constitution
Heck if I was the wizard of the party I would create a clone of this character then I would use the soul jar spell to port my soul into the ubermench body maintaining my mental stats while gaining the insane physical ones of my new meat suit. I would then proceed to ditch my original frail wizard body to live my life as the peak of human physicality and intelligence.
This is the type of wizard that becomes a Lich and will destroy the world.
@@fablesguykol3025 only if they gets bored enough
But using soul jar, you can't use the fighter/barb class features or am I missing something?
@@ColgateMcajax that’s true.
@@ColgateMcajax +5 STR, DEX, & CON is great for said Wizard though.
this character is invincible until the first level wizard cast cause fear or charm person and completely incapacitates him
Use indomitable then move up and delete the squishy
Always have bard/paladin with ya
Or eldritch knight, have him bond with barbarians weapon. If he gets uppity EK takes back the weapon.
Enemy casters: "aaannnddd Hold Person"
Let’s hope this team has a paladin
My Death Domain Cleric: Combo polymorph the warrior into a chicken, then Planeshift the chicken to the Elemental Plane of Water.
@@shadek144 i believe they would survive the minute of drowning with a 20 con
Brilliant, Outlaw!! Power Building is getting close to eclipsing Forever DM in terms of my favorite series here.
Personally I'm just impressed this was all done without magic items, spells, or homebrew. The only thing you got wrong is that this guy, without a shield, is as tough as plate armor WITH a shield. Sacrifice the skilled feat for magic initiate and you can grab a 1/day Shield spell for when you run out of superiority die, as well as booming/green-flame blade, making him sturdy a bit longer and do that much extra damage
Personally, I'd switch out one of the magic blades for lightning lure. Sure, he'd have to have a hand free (unless Warcaster) but this boy punches like a monk, and can afford to lose an action drawing his rapier.
DM: The wizard casts dominate person and exclaimes. "Mr Tank... murder them..."
Miraculously rolls a nat 20
And the eldritch knight that bonded with barbarians weapon takes his toys away. Hooray for pre-planning
Charm him and the party is screwed
Nah, easy way to deal with him is eldritch knight. Habe the ek bond to barbarian weapon. If barb goes crazy just have EK take his weapon :)
"Do you hate dying?" Ballad boi: "It's not that bad, I mean it could be worse"
This, more than any character build I've seen, depicts one of the most beautiful things about D&D...there is ALWAYS a weakness to any build. Any character like this is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, an ENGINE of destruction on the battlefield. However At most you can use Indomitable twice to MAYBE save you from a charm or dominate spell. Once you fall under the enemies control, you're looking at a TPK with a character like this.
Leave out defensive duelist and skill expert go with resilient Dex and resilient Wis
-1 in Str for +2 in Wis during pont buy and sbam
Give him a Shield+3 for a 20 lv character
You have base AC25, +10 Str +11 Dex Con +6 Wis throw
Enjoy 😂
Not a lot of damage over the course of fight but 3*0,6*(d8+4+2) is going to stack up since you're basically immortal 😂
I can just picture this beast using a rapier and essentially shoving it through his opponent on each attack. Effectively just punching hilt-sized holes in his enemies.
I mean if you wanna be even more mean you could slap on them a ring of psychic resistance and a pair of boots of haste and not only are you now completely immune to basically get to do a lot more because of the boots 😂😂😂
IIRC isn't there a player race that also gives you psychic immunity, just sacrifice one of your ASI's put into strength and you can have the feat you wanted anyway. Plus, it's not like the strength is contributing to your damage properly or your AC. At most it's making you slightly less effective at getting out of grapples, but depending on the DM they'd allow you to contest the grapple check with it's dex counterpart.
He can't die. So feeble mind and enemies abound.
Now your enemy can't be stopped by anyone, including your other enemies
I love this build. Im stealing it for moments when a dm refuses homebrew material.
With the advantage on Dex saves from Danger Sense, plus the Shield Master feat (add shield AC to dex save throw) you can take NO DAMAGE if you succeed instead of half.
These builds are nutty. I dig these goofy videos. Keep them coming you wacky nerd.
At this point your teaching everyone to piss off every DM
As a dm, I’d allow it. But don’t be surprised if you’re facing off against a psychic sorceress lich that’s really an ancient gold dragon resurrected from the dead as the BBEG with an army of undead and tons of monsters all with homebrew feats or weapons.
@@pianoanime3462 now that scares me 😭
@@santiagoestevon540 as it should
1:13 yeah I hate dying it is easily my second or third least favorite things to do
It is outranked by living, however.
@@macenanoro826 yes the order goes like this 1.Living 2.not killing birds 3.dying
I play a Rune knight fighter with the interception fighting style, it’s only within 5 ft and only for attacks made against that person. Fireball isn’t technically an attack roll made against that person so you couldn’t use interception against I do believe. Could be wrong but I’m fairly certain that’s how it works. Other than that great vid! Love bein a tanky badass
Oops you might be right. I meant fire bolt but looks like my brain said something else lol
@@OffbeatOutlaw the build is still amazing and pretty much what I’m going for in my campaign just replace battle master with rune knight. Love it!
@@maxwaters1948 glad you enjoyed homie 😁
I think that the fact that the shield is just a base shield makes this build even scarier.
You could also take one less ASI in strength and get the shield master feat, which would allow you to take no damage on a successful Dexterity saving throw. It would bring your damage down a bit, but it would still be a useful ability.
This man doesnt wear armor
He has done so much weight lifting that his muscles became harder then steel itself!!!
DM: You mean MY character?
Player: Wha-
DM: *Dominate Person*
I thought 24 AC on my lvl 10 warfoged artificer was a lot....
It is if that's at level 5 or below
I had that on my lvl 3 warforged forge cleric :3
Probably is, IDK. I got 23 with my gnome artificer (pretty sure same methods, just the +1 AC for Warforged.)
i love these kind of videos but would love to see lower level builds like this. Most games dont ever get to level 20 so its hard to ever get use from these cool types.
As a DM I’d be like *Their are 8 Mind Flayers about to mind blast you*, The player, *Well I do a good chunk of damage so I’m gonna hit them with my rapier*. Me, *They’re all levitating out of your reach*.
(i still appreciated the video) 3 small notes: (1) most creature at a complete build how you describe, for clarity let's take on example CR20 creatures have on average +14 to hit (still rage is nice), considering the 22 flat the chance to be hit is 60%, with defensive duelist is goes down to 30% but for just an attack and moreover meele, with bait and switch it becomes more acceptable. (2) the average of a d10 is 5,5 (i know it's a little thing). (3) advantage cannot be summarised as +5 in your examples, advantage is a +5 if you need to roll a 10, cause the probability of two consecutive events (in this case it shows the mechanism in disadvantage) is the probability of the same events multiplied, so 1/2*1/2=1/4, inverse cause it's advantage. On a d20 is a +5 or a 25%. But in cases where the number needed on the dice is further away from 10 its more inaccurate. Let's take in example u play a character with a +5 to hit, if u wanna hit a monster with AC 21 u need to roll a 16, that's 1/5 chance to hit, if u have disadvantage on the roll tha chance to hit is 1/5*1/5=1/25 or 0,04 less than the chance to get a natural 20. I hope i didn't cast confusion on you with all this numbers :) (i'm playing a minotaur paladin in descent into avernus and I'm the only frontline, the closest is a ranger or a life cleric, so i'm working on being the absolute wall hoping to hoard enough money to get an adamantine plate and forget how to get critted (we have a bit more lethal crit system)
Why is anyone surprised that a level 20 character has insane abilities? If you play up to level 20 ... that's end game stuff. Your character should be near or at least adjacent to god like. I do love your enthusiasm. Keep it up. Your content makes me smile.
DM: Wow thats one impressive character. Let's see, the Lich is gonna have Banishment, Dominate Person and Imprisonment loaded up today.
DM: “so anyways you guys are fighting a mindflayer and I’ll need intelligence saving throws from everyone here.”
This is adorable AC and damage reduction...
*Laughs in 10th level Warforge Artificer Battlesmith with Shield Master and Medium Armour Master*
Warforge +1 AC
Half-Plate: 15 + 2 (Infusion) + DEX (Max 3)
Shield + 2 (Infusion)
Cloak of protection (+1 AC, + 1 All Saves)
Haste (+2 AC & Advantage on Dex Saves)
Total AC: 26 then add Shield spell for AC 31.
Does a 30 hit? No.
This also has more rounded stat array options (honestly 16 Dex and whatever you want Int mostly) and can be done on your own with just class features. You don't need high health when the enemy cannot hit you with an attack roll or damage you with a saving throw (this is tried and tested in anger at a table). I leave the other 10 levels to you Offbeat.
"Cool, the monster attacks the rest of your party instead, saving you for last."
“A Nat 20 so it hits? Who decided that?”
Here’s a character I made as a thought experiment once:
Lvl 20 barbarian, hill dwarf race (+1 hp per level) bear totem, berserker battle axe (+1 hp per level), tough feat, 26 con (from barbarians level 20 ability and book of gainful exercise).
If you max rolled every level for hp you would end up with a total of 531 hp, which would be effectively doubled by raging, giving you more hp than the TARRASQUE.
Hold Person: -"I'm about to ruin this man entire adventuring career!"
Hue hue hue I an intellectual didn't max my strength, and instead got the ResilIant feet meaning I have a higher chance of breaking out of any spells wisdom based spells.
The wizard casting invulnerability:
"Am I a joke to you?"
The "outside of game building joke" had me dying for some reason 🤣
another combo to become almost invincible is barbarian+rogue. you get uncanny dodge as a reaction, and the resistance from barbarian meaning all damage is reduced by a factor of 4. you also get to always sneak-attack just by using reckless attack.
Would be extra cool if someone cast intellect fortress which gives resistance to psychic damage as well as adv. on intelligence wisdom and charisma saves
Perfection. Intellect Fortress would want to be prepared, and upcast by multiple members. Psychic damage will be utilized by the DM to attempt thwarting this tank. Could also go the new dragonborn for this resistance now, but that wasn't out yet; loses a feat. I was already thinking he should drop the 4th Barb level for Fighter 17. Still three rages which is another weakness of the build. If there's a 4th fight in the day then your current hp gets halved. This'll give him a 2nd Surge, and a 3rd Indomitable. Pretty important since the man will only care about saving throws. Even with advantage and rerolls, those -1 modifiers are going to make it tough. So really need to get Resilient Wis in there. Most common save. Then at least there's a fighting chance for most big saves.
So, two ASIs to replace. Could probably function with less Str and Skill Expert. Does it matter if you get shoved/grappled once in a blue moon? Rather the opposition attempt on you. Now if you want to do more man handling...then, okay, yeah. That is handy dandy. Could cut Defensive Duelist and try to replace the hole it leaves with the Parry maneuver. Too many Reactions as is, and by all means, let the DM attack/hit you. You have one job and your hp is one of your best resources. Offbeat also listed Riposte twice on the sheet, so he's missing a maneuver. Would no longer be married to a rapier. Could start and end fights with 2 handers. Maybe equip em for the middle portion too. Attack recklessly. Bait the DM to come at you more. Alright, I'm getting further and further away from the theme/concept here. I actually misread Parry writing this up. Thought it read precisely the same as DDuelist with a potentially stronger value with the build. My hubris! Knew something was fishy with them reading too similarly. DR is not AC by a longshot. Lots of monsters tack on extra damage and saves to their hits. I think I'd definitely prefer to cut Str+Skill Expert for my alterations. We got Trip and Pushing attack...high str, advantage. Shoves and grapples weren't the focus, but it was a nice additional boon. Maneuver uses ain't free. Counter offer! Swap out Distracting Strike (pretty underwhelming) for...Evasive Footwork! Not often this one gets a chance to shine. So long as your DM's monsters attempt to OA anything that moves, you unlock a very spiffy way of tanking/control for the team. Put on your dancing shoes and run past every enemy on the battlefield. Now watch the entire opposition's reaction disappear. Your allies can move wherever they please. Maybe you even knock out some special reactions. You can combo this with Bait and Switch for 2d10 additional AC--offering a high five to anything foolish enough to fall for the age ole: "Too slow!"
Rage also grants resistance to magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage as well as that from silvered weapons, a valuable distinction between them and monsters.
This dude is a shulk bro. (If you get the origins smp/mod reference pog on you)
Shulks have nothing on this
Tubbo is JACKED!
Just give him a Pally best friend to help with those saving throws, and they’ll be unstoppable!!
Intellect Devourer.
Now the party has to deal with Mr Invincible with higher WIS, INT, and CHA.
Ah cool. Because I'm level 20 and built like a tank, I'm gonna use relentless endurance from being a half-orc, and of instead I would be killed outright I have the spell death ward currently active. Now because I'm a level 18 samurai I have the skill "strength before death" which allows me to interrupt initiative to take an extra turn Right now and I'm gonna second wind and hea- hey! Where are you going? Come back!!!
Watching this at two times speed is a pleasure and a joy
I’ve got a level 12 character with a base AC of 30 and a max of 37 (with the shield and shield of faith spells). Warforged, level 10 Armorer artificer, level 1 forge cleric, level 1 fighter. Plate mail+shield+ integrated protection (from warforged) for 21, plus enhanced armor (breastplate, boots, helmet, shield) for 29, plus the defense fighting style makes 30. And that’s when he’s just standing there.
*sees an offbeat outlaw power build without paladin*
"What the hell is going on here?"
So, Equipment for this dude, Attunements: Headband of Intellect, to make him a genius as well. Belt of Fire Giant Strength, to put his strength to 25, or 29 if you get the Legendary Storm Giant version, more is damage always good. This also lets him put points into wis, cha and int to make himself smarter and less vulnerable to mind control. Ioun Stone of Wisdom, to give him Wis 10 add in the extra points saved by having that belt, and he will have decent protection against MC effects too. For non-attunements: Boots of Elvenkind, Cap of Waterbreathing, caps are made of cloth and can fit over a headband easy peasy. Goggles of Night, yes this is also a head item, but you wear it on your face, so it makes sense you can use it. Periapt of Proof against Poison and Periapt of Health, yes, 2 necklaces, you can easily wear that. And as for clothing, the Robe of Useful things because that's always useful, it's also a robe and thus not armor.
This episode actually made me spit out my tea, good job :D
While watching this, all I thought about was the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail shouting "I'm invincible!"
Shut this beefy boy down completely with an intellect devourer.
Also, don't use a 9th level fireball. Meteor swarm all the way.
meteor swarm so 40d6 which he will probably save from for half damage, then halve that again for resistance. Should do more than fireball tho, about 2x as much. Lets do some math :D
Lowest possible rolls:
Fail?: 20
Pass?: 10
Avg rolls:
Fail?: 60
Pass?: 30
Max rolls:
Fail?: 120
Pass?: 60
This is with 0 magic items of any kind too dont forget :D
... Well, guess we got to target that Intelligence save. Time for the Mind Flayers to shine.
So, there are simply better options now. Just play an artilerist artificer focusing on the protection cannon. The end result is a minimum of a +7 to a saving throw, 27 AC before spells, 1d8+5 temporary hit point at the start of every turn, over 200 hit points, and plenty of healing to remove the damage when you get hurt. Oh yeah and they have to kill you 6 times before you actually die. Also, did I mention you have access to evasion because you have evasion.
So you’re saying that I’d be the greased up naked deaf guy? I’m here for it
I ran like 13 tests of one of these vs a tarrasque, and he won 11 of them solo. One of these and a small child of any class, can decimate anything
When you see it's called God's Mistake XD
Picturing Arnold (T2) standing there with his Conan the barbarian sword lol
Just give him a Headband of Intellect for a solid int score aswell. Ioun stone for wisdom to make it a little easier to not just get hit with domination or cc effects
You can't wear a headband and an Ioun stone at the same time. They both take up the "head slot".
@@LeonJagerWulf there are no head slots in D&D
@@LeonJagerWulf Technically you could wear a cloak of invisibility and a different cloak.
@@magma90 RAW you cannot.
"A character can't normally wear more than one pair of footwear, one pair of gloves or gauntlets, one pair of bracers, one suit of armor, one item of headwear, and one cloak." Exceptions can be made by the DM but they are not normally allowed and not every DM will make such exceptions.
From the effect text of Ioun Stones: "It is considered to be an object that is being worn while it orbits your head.
To clarify: While certain DM's may let you it is not possible according to the rules.
@@LeonJagerWulf oh thanks I did not know
I've ran a level.20 one shot. 2 of the 6 players ran builds very similar to this. They were the first to die leaving 2 warlocks, a monk and a sorcerer and they died before even making it to the boss. In the end the only 2 that survived was a warlock and a monk. While the build is good against normal monsters you have to remember level.20 goes up against things that are a lot tougher then normal monsters.
The only thing that can hurt this man is trying to pronounce 3 syllable words
I did some probability myself on advantage/disadvantage. It's a lot more complicated then +/-5. Average difference is 3.325, but that's not really where it's advantages come from.
With advantage on a roll, it your first roll is guaranteed 10 of less but your second isn't, advantage is worth 7.060606... times as much as guaranteed above 11. Half the time, it is ten of less, and that's the half where the benefits are really needed.
The average chance of benefit from advantage of the first roll is 10 or less is 72.5%.
That's why I'd say that advantage is kind of like a less reliable version of reliable talent.
And I was proud of my ranger who had a base 20 to decks at level 9 and can almost never miss an attack I've only been playing d&d for a few months and already love the community
I have a Death Domain Cleric/Way of the Long Death Monk who has a Defender Scimitar, +3 Shield, and Defensive Bracers, as well as Defensive Duelist and Shield Master Feat. Oh and she's a Goliath. Almost all spells prepared are healing and anything else is Toll the Dead and Inflict Wounds. Lastly, a god ol' Periapt of Wound Closure. She's terrific at killing and even better at not dying.
So in my group, we aren’t playing to min max or to make the best characters, we chose what we want to have fun with and now we’re making our characters as broken as possible for what they’re best at, for example:
My rogue has a +10 stealth and advantage on all stealth rolls based on sight and sound, with plans to get eyes of the eagle to complete my ability to make the perfect scout routine (scout routine = go a little ahead of the party and look for bad things ahead while stealthed)
Thump, our artificer doesn’t have a lot of hit points. What does he do? Get an AC of 21. Now this is broken, because we just had a boss fight and he was COMPLETELY surrounded, with an enemy in every direction, which meant ALL of them had advantage to hit, but only 1 or 2 would hit per round. This is broken because they were really dumb. Thump would cast Thunderwave, doing some damage to all of them, and then they’d all charge back in. Then, they’d allow him to do it TWICE MORE, giving us time to kill them all, while our Barbarian 1V1’D THE BOSS AMD WON.
I was looking at rogue’s Evasion the other day with the mindset that you use your reaction to use it’s effects.
No. It’s ALWAYS active.
Base AC Calculations + Requirements
Full plate is 18 AC (15 str required 1500 gold)
Medium armor is 18 AC with feat Medium Armor Master and 17 without feat (requires 16 dex or 14 dex + 750 Gold)
Light Armor is 17 AC (requires 20 dex 45 Gold)
Barb/monk = 20 with both stats maxed (requires 20 dex + 20 Con/ 20 Wis)
Natural armors usually is 18 AC (Requires 20 dex (requires either dragon sorc, Lizard folk, Draconfolk + Dragonhide feat))
Tortole has a flat 17 AC
Shield adds 2 more AC on top of all of these
Throw in some circle of the moon druid,and you have the worlds tankiest auto healing warbarian. I'd do it just to watch the world burn.
With magic items allowed it's possible for this guy to have 30s in all stats if he reads enough manuals so he can be effectively invincible
That's all good, but when he gets charmed by the bad guy to switch sides (low CHA save) then the party has to fight hm, and since you have made it practically impossible to hit him causing damage to get him to make a save (which again is low CHA) will probably never recover from charm. Thanks Player for creating my next monster for the Party to fight. JOY!
If you wield a plus 3 shield, even if you get 1 below average, the tarrasque can not hit you, and an ioun stone of fortitude will make your AC 36 without the ability so you have to roll a 4 to get forty armor class and now if you get the belt of Dwarven kind and haste you have to roll a 1 to make it so the most power thing can't hit you with a natural 20 can make this fatter. Like waaaay fatter. By sacrificing some AC. In words of Dadjiro: "Allow me to explain!". Hill dwarves get a +1 bonus per level to their health. Barbarians at 20th level get +4 CON. You still can take the toughness feat. Meaning as a dwarf full bear totem barbarian you can have a total of 345 HP. Never underestimate full pure barbarian. Who even needs AC with fat like that? Enemies will have their axes stuck in your beard.
I cast wish, "I wish to summon 10 shadows and 4 intellect devours that stay and attack him until he dies then vanish."
So you've built something that can take 4 Meteor Swarms to the face, but would be taken out by a CR 2 Intellect Devourer.
Mind flayers would be the bane of this characters existence or balors.
This guy makes the Olympics look like an beginning training routine
You’ll notice bigger naturally armored creatures don’t have a great AC, but will make up for it in hit points. But that’s just what I noticed.
Slap on a Ring of Psychic Resistance. Truly invincible.
Also remember that all those attacks can have advantage as well because the barbarian's over level 2 feature reckless attack which is at the start of your turn before making your first attack you can decide to grants yourself advantage on all your str melee attacks and in exchange your enemies advantage to hit you back which does not matter that much with an ac of basically 28 and essentially 524 hp while in rage. So with your plus 11 to hit with advantage making on average a plus 16 to your str attacks you are almost always going to be landing your attacks with not that much set up needed as you just need to use your first bonus action to enter your rage and go on and get that XP
This is the ultimate support tank ... if you have this mennece with the SKYRIM ARCHER rogue times 2-4 and if you have a damage build melee buddy to constantly switch places in the front line ... the party is invincible.
This video is literally the reason I subscribed.
5:41 - AC = 19 (not 20) you have 20 Con (2x ASI Fighter lvl 6) and 18 Dex (1x ASI Barb lvl 4)
AC = 21 (with shield)
Only once you bump DEX to 20 does AC = 22
Perfect use of bonetrousle for the skit
Villain: imma gonna die!...... Charm! Wis check ..... Ahh..... Attack your team...... (Silently walk away)
As a dm I would use mind flayers and beholders, he will fail saves against mind blast, and wis saves for charm person, the monsters could then puppet him around as they wish. Vampires would likely also work for this. Litch would make short work. Basically anything that has high level magic wins because of bad mental stats.
Some races for this character
V human (start with tough + +2 CON +1 DEX)
Kalashtar (resistant to psychic damage + advantage on wisdom throws + telepathy)
Wildhunt shifter (no one can have advantage on you + perception + Darkvision)
Orc / half-orc (Darkvision + menacing + once per day I chose not to die button)
Warforged ( +1 AC + poison resistance -immunity while raging + construct)
Hill dwarf (poison resistance - immunity while raging + Darkvision + +1 hp per level)
And then he added magical items...
Here's what I'd made with this idea, "Bronty Rockfinder" my ultimate damage sponge and everyday honest salt-of-the-earth folk dwarf. Won't find shoulders the width of anvils here, just an ordinary guy and unsuccessful merchant looking for straightforward stable work.
Rogue 8 / Fighter 8 / Barbarian 2 / Monk 2... (Arcane Trickster / Rune Knight).
Dual weilding Berserker Pickaxes (rare magic, dedicated weapons, reflavoured handaxes).
Never actually attacks using dual weild, but always weilding both regardless.
Quested for during levelling (not expecting to begin with them).
They give each other disadvantage on attacks IF you can see or hear the foe. Bronty has blindsight, and closes his eyes to attack.
Wears earplugs and traveller's clothes (no armor).
STR 13 / DEX 20 / CON 20 / INT 8 / WIS 13 / CHA 8.
ini +5 / Walk 35ft
Durability suite:
315 HP / 20 AC / poison resistant.
Evasion, Uncanny Dodge
Rage (2/long), Invoke Hill Rune (1/short), Runic Shield (6/long).
Patient Defense (ki - 2/short), Mirror Image (spell - 2/long), Shield (spell - 3/long).
Strongest abilities:
+17 Acrobatics, +13 Athletics & Perception, +11 Investigation.
Cobbler's, Glassblower's, Jeweler's, Leatherworker's, Mason's, Potter's, Smith's, Thieves' (all expertise level thanks to fire rune).
Common, Giant, Halfling, Orc, Thieves' Cant.
Darkvision 60ft, Blindsight 10ft.
I know, for the feat and stats and the weird of it, but playing this beast of a tank as kalashtar instead of a human will effectivly nullified the psychic clause. Just a thought
not so much for stats if using the flexible asi rule but yeah
Defensive duelist only adds you ac to one attack, not until your next turn
Wizard, bladesinger (assume 20 in dex and int) +3 studded leather, defender, ring of protection for good measure and shield spell as mastery.....
AC 29 without using shield. 34 with... (using the defender to its' fullest)
It's insane.
Currently playing Warforge Paladin(2)/Forge Cleric(6) build, level 8, taking the defensive fighting style one ring of protection, one plus one shield, and a basic plate mail, I am sitting at a 26 base armor class, plus can use shield of faith for an additional 2. It is literally untouched in except by criticals the whole campaign.