Steve Berkoff, throughout this series from beginning to end, arguably gives us the most fiery depiction of Hilter ever. While people say that this wasn't how Hitler always behaved, it is still believable.
I don't know. Bruno Ganz, IMHO is the standard by which if an actor is going to play such a mad man, no one can outdo Bruno Ganz's performance. He out performs any other actor who's ever played the role of Adolf Hitler..
4:27-4:37 Moscow was not Hitler's first priority. His priorities were the Ukrainian agricultural lands and the Caucasus oil. as Berkoff stated in this clip.
+suspicious35 He wanted to capture all the Ukrainian breadbasket of the USSR. At this point of the war, Hitler was more interested in defeating the enemy forces in the field first than to capture cities or conquer territories according to the documentary the WORLD AT WAR part 5: Barbarossa. Moscow was just a symbol in Hitler's eyes at the beginning of the Russian campaign and would be dealt with later. But in September or October 1941 for some reason Hitler agreed to gave in to his generals' eagerness to capture Moscow. Since when would Adolf Hitler, a ruthless, demonic totalitarian, dictator listen and capitulate to the advise of his generals or anybody else for that matter? Contrary to this scene, from this mini-series, Field Marshal von Brauchitsch and General Halder were not the decent, innocent and rabid anti-Nazis. They did participate in war crimes. Halder was more ant-Nazi than Brauchitsch and took part in a number of conspiracies to overthrow and assassinate Hitler but mainly because he saw him leading Germany to disaster. However, both generals were not Nazis and had little sympathy for Nazi policy.
+suspicious35 He was right in 1940 about what? The French campaign? What do you mean by the Ukrainan black earth? Explain. As previously said, General Halder and was far more anti-Nazi than Brauchitsh. He was less compliant to Hitler's orders than Brauchitsch. Halder was involved in a plot to overthrow the Hitler regime during the Czechoslovakian crisis in 1938 until the British and the French appeased the Fuehrer at Munich and gave up the plot. In late 1939, shortly the Polish victory, Halder took part in the Zossen conspiracy to overthrow Hitler which also fizzled. Halder even gave thought a number of times of going into Hilter's office and shooting him as portrayed in THE WINDS OF WAR part time. But he feared that chaos would result in Germany in the wake of Hitler's assassination. Better chaos than still having Hitler in power. But Halder did participate in war crimes He gave approval to have Soviet POWs, especially political commisars to be executed on the spot without trial and as far as far as I know did nothing to save the Jews from annihilation. Hitler did not listen to his generals when it came to attacking France in 1939-40. He listened to himself; he used his own judgement about attacking in the West. He had the invasion postponed 19 times. As for Field Marshal von Brauchitsch, in the book Hitler's Secret Conversations by Hugh Trevor-Roper, Hitler referred to him and I quote: "Brauchitsch is not a soldier, he is a man of straw." This conversation I believe took place on December 25, 1941 in one of his table talks.
brian sedlock Correct, but the oil was gonna be used to go to Moscow which was the main objective. The German army needed to go for the oil fields they had no oil that was an absolute must. The big problem was Hitler was an idiot and he wanted to hit Stalingrad as well with the ONLY reason being the city was named after Stalin. If the German army went to the oil fields and then proceeded to Moscow without going to Stalingrad they would have probably been fine, but all because hitler wanted to invade some random shit hole city ONLY because of the name it bears caused the German downfall including but not limited to 250,000 Germans being captured, massive casualties, mass starvation/cannibalism, civilians being murdered, war crimes, and the Germans freezing to death due to their lack of ability to get in supplies and their lack of proper clothing, the list goes on and on. Stalin never allowed any citizen to leave which caused massive problems to the soviet population and all that happened because the cities name the city coulda been named anything else and none of this would of happened, but because the city had stalins name in it hitler went after it and a made a fatal mistake. Also keep in mind 90% of all German casualties happened in the last 11 months of the war. It was a fatal mistake with Stalingrad.
@@johnnicolaou554 Yeah, about that. Hitler spent most of his time throughout the war in regimental headquarters, thus earning the title of a "rear area pig."
Steven Berkoff made a funny looking Adolf Hitler, especially with some of his facial expressions. But, he definitely had the character down pat, especially the freak outs that Hitler was prone to doing!
2:46 my science teacher said those very words when he saw that someone wrote him a note making fun of him on his desk, with the same face while looking at the class, scary...
Fun fact: Hitler actually didn't interfere in every minute detail at the start of Barbarossa. He allowed his top brass a lot of space for tactical manoeuvre, which gave both Brauchitsch and Halder relatively much more freedom of exercise in troop placement and moves. He gradually tightened his grip later when the offensive lost its momentum and the Soviets began to seek out loopholes in the German advance. However, his biggest mistake was thinking that he could somehow do better than the chiefs of staff who actually outstood him in terms of both formal education and military staff training. As his actions later proved, intuition and spirit are no substitutes for real skill.
The portrayal of Holocaust and the realism of words uttered were the best selling point of W&R. The Hitler portrayal goes to the late Bruno Ganz, though.
War & Remembrance, it was an 80’s miniseries and the sequel to an earlier film called The Winds of War, Both were very long, but very good. With lots of star cameos
Cybertronian Sniper Yeah, great film. I remember it got criticized for its length but it’s now regarded as one of the best of the 80’s miniseries. Great to watch if you’ve got a day to kill watching it. And oh yeah, Jane Seymour was always easy on the eyes going back her days as a Bond girl
Hitler's tactical decision making rightfully gets ridiculed, mostly due to his refusal to let doomed armies retreat or breakout of obvious encirclements. In retrospect though, strategically he often comes out looking better than his generals. It's doubtful the Soviets would've crumbled from the loss of Moscow, but if they had lost the Caucas oil it seems not certain, but much more likely the lack of fuel would've caused a Red Army collapse.
The High Command knew that when the German Army didn't take Moscow to declare war against the United States was suicide. They would now be facing the largest Army in the world (Soviet Union) and the nation which at that time had 50% of the world's industrial production (USA) with a base 20 miles from France (Great Britain)
Hitler himself ordered most of the planes providing air cover for the army moving toward the Caucasus to return northward to the Stalingrad area. He also kept transferring the tanks back and forth behind German lines, headed north, then south, wasting fuel and creating wear and tear. When the tanks finally reached Sixth Army, they were useless or nearly so in the urban warfare at the outskirts and in the streets of Stalingrad.
But people still realize the seriousness and intenseness of the original. If anything the fact that it's used over and over again is a testament to it's greatness.
We know today that in 1941, Moscow was Hitler's objective (at least after Kiev had been encircled). The reason was the Japanese were getting cold feet in the fall of 1941 to attack the British and Americans in Asia, and Hitler and Mussolini desperately wanted them to do that so they would have access to Japan's fleet and flanking positions against the USSR and India (neither of which Japan did much with later). So Hitler was pushing his generals in the fall of 1941 to go hard toward Moscow and not fall back much in the counterattacks so the Japanese would still think the war in the East was winnable. The Caucus oil became a major objective in the sprinand summerof 1942. Gerhard Weinberg's excellent volume on the Second World War and his book on WW2 leaders' objectives provide a good explanation of this.
That's not accurate. Moscow was made the general staff's primary objective for Barbarossa b/c they were very tradition bound. Hitler was never on board with Moscow as the primary objective since he viewed modern war in economic terms and believed the best way to defeat the USSR was to deprive it of its resources in the Ukraine and Caucasus. Gen Halder was the primary proponent of Moscow and he dissuaded Hitler from a southern strategy. After the war of course Halder blamed all the failures in the East on Hitler. He was also the principal advisor to the US Army after WW2 on writing the history of the war in the East so his narrative took hold.
Exactly, many have bought into the view that Halder pushed after the war, distancing himself from placing priority in army group north. Stalin thought Hitler would go for the caucuses but by the time the invasion happened deployments were complete. Hitler wanted to take the oil first because Germany was on the brink of economic collapse because of the lack of oil. To be frank for all his evil and faults Hitler was more strategically minded than much of of his generals were. Going for Moscow was almost useless and wouldn't have accomplished an end to the war but cutting off The Southern Don and taking the caucuses would have actually brought the Soviet Union to its knees. The oil shortage in Germany was so severe that the German army actually had to demobilize some of its mobile units which made fighting in their usual war manner very difficult. Halder helped the US army write the official history after the war so his narrative stuck for decades.
Gunter Meisner, who played Hitler in The Winds of War (the prequel to this series) was vastly superior to Steven Berkoff here. Bruno Ganz was better but Meisner was fantastic in his own right. I wish they had got him again for this, but perhaps he was too old or didn't want to play the role again (in which case I don't blame him).
Though I found this actor to be badly miscast as Hitler the dialogue is excellent because it's historically accurate. Hitler's generals went into the blame game after the war, especially Halder and Guderian, and placed the failure on the Eastern front on Hitler. But this exchange is accurate. Hitler's generals were excellent tactitians but they were traditionalists who didn't understand from a strategic level modern warfare and its industrial dependence. Hitler did, he viewed war in economic terms and knew the best chance to defeat the USSR was to deprive it of its resources in the south in the Ukraine and Caucasus, but his generals thought Moscow should be the objective. Taking a capital against a western or central European nation might be significant but not against the USSR. Stalin would have kept fighting if Moscow fell and was fully prepared to move the govt to Kazan. Barbarossa should have had its main axis of attack in the south, Hitler had insisted on this in the planning but Halder thwarted him. It still probably would have failed since Stalin was willing to trade space and any number of Red Army dead for time, but it would have had a better chance of success.
Excellent post. In the West we were taught Hitler was a strategic military clown. He was right here though. Without oil Germany was doomed. Stalin would have moved his government to the moon if he had to and it was under control- his iron control. Moscow meant nothing. Deep dives into this topic really expose how absurd Bararossa was.
Operation Barbarossa had several miscues which were not apparent at first, but they had debilitating effects later: 1. Hitler and the rest of the higher-ups misread the string of early Soviet battlefield defeats. They thought in terms of "the Red Army is doing so poorly ... the Reds are just an inch away from collapse." However, at the start of the campaign, the Soviet Union had 14 million mobilizable reservists, resulting in the Red Army actually fielding more divisions by the time the Moscow counteroffensive got started compared to the 22nd of June, despite losing close to 230 division-equivalents in the summer and the fall of 1941. 2. Eduard Wagner, the quartermaster, told Halder that the Wehrmacht will run low on ammo and fuel by the time it advanced 700km from the pre-Barbarossa border (which turns out be roughly the distance between Warsaw and Smolensk). However, Halder did not take Wagner's words seriously. Wagner's prediction turned out to be correct. To put it simply, the Wehrmacht did not have the logistical capacity to make a lunge from Warsaw to Moscow in one go. 3. Georg Thomas, the war economist, warned Halder that Germany will run low on its oil stockpile after only about 2 months of campaign. Thomas, similar to Wagner, was not far off the mark. To make matters worse, the Wehrmacht consumed far more lubricants than anticipated. (Spoiler alert: The vast majority of roads in the Soviet Union consisted of dirt roads and tracks, meaning they took heavy toll on vehicles. The air filters used by the tanks belonging to most belligerents, including Germany, were not designed for this kind of an environment.) 4. The Red Army launched several seemingly suicidal counterattacks throughout the summer of 1941. While they seem rather futile and even absurd, each one of them delayed German advances. 5. You can say the same about large pockets of surrounded Red units. While each one of them would capitulate in the end with massive influx of POWs under the German custody, forcing the Germans to reduce these pockets further spoiled German timetable. 6. The Kiev encirclement tends to be portrayed as one of the finest operational achievement by the Wehrmacht, but this success was made possible by Stalin's steadfast refusal to abandon Kiev and fresh units committed to Zhukov's Yelnia (a town situated southeast of Smolensk) counterattack instead of being committed to reinforce the sector sandwiched between Smolensk and Kiev.
@@Waterflux Excellent summation. Wagner and Thomas were indeed ignored by Hitler and his senior planners. Bottom line though is that Barbarossa was far too ambitious a campaign for the resources of the Germany army. A key weakness illustrating that was the insufficient panzer force size to support more than one primary axis of advance at a time. This is what forced Hitler to make his famous decision halting the advance on Moscow in August and diverting Guderian's Panzers to assist Army group South in taking Kiev. But Hitler was willing to ignore resource and logistics warnings since he had convinced himself the Soviet Union was weak and would collapse fairly quickly under his massive blitzkrieg. Hitler was somewhat misled by the woefully inadequate German intelligence estimate of the fighting strength of the Red Army as well as the productive capacity of Soviet industry provided to him. As you point out there were already warning signs in the first weeks of Barbarossa that Red Army resistance was not evaporating despite huge losses and was already upsetting Barbarossa's aggressive timetable.
Why do older movies depict Hitler as a cartoony villain? It feels like an unintentional comedy. If you hear audio of him in a private setting it was pretty normal and not animated like his public speeches.
4:00 Steven Berkoff seems way over the top in this scene. I've read reviews stating Günter Meisner who portrayed Hitler as more composed in Winds of War was more accurate.
To his good fortune Halder did not last much longer than Brauchitsch in Hitler's good graces. Amazingly, Halder survived to cooperate with and hoodwink the US Army which looked the other way on the subject of German atrocities on the Eastern Front. Halder was never prosecuted for anything although he indeed had "blood on his hands". He was the creator of the widely successful myth of the "clean Wehrmacht" which made the German Wehrmacht officers appear to be generally honorable, even on the Eastern Front where many atrocities were covered up by US Army Sponsored historians under Halder's supervision. Halder should be given credit for the number of "Wehraboos" we have with us today that work very hard to separate the Wehrmacht, Kriegsmarine, and Luftwaffe from the Nazis and consider the Wehrmacht "cool, stylish, and honorable". After his sacking by Hitler Brauchitsch, in retirement, also survived the war but due to his earlier complicity in aggressive war he was considered a War Criminal but died of his ongoing medical condition before he could be tried in 1948.
If Hitler listened to his generals throughout the war the Nazis flag would probably be flying over Washington and we would all be speaking German, good thing he didn't!
Very true Hitler's cocaine meth and vitamins had him cracked out eventually the generals of his army tried to kill him. To save the war . He blew a sure victory by not listening to his generals
Aha drhtali pred Engleskim ubacenim spijunom da za Engleze Nemci obave prljav posao. Naivna budalo. Lik je radio sve na stetu Nemacke i uz kurac , sta mislis da je to slucajno? Sve je to zavera Engleza i Francuza da preko Nemaca osvoje Rusiju. Samo Rusi su ih na vreme provalili. Cistka generala 1937-e bio je samo mamac da rosavi i ruzni Anglo Saksonci, misle da su ovi truli pa da napadnu. Trik se isplatio naravno uz mnoge zrtve.
I have to agree with you Andy murday. Instead of talking to historians, I think too many war movie directors relied too much on newsreels and documentaries where Hitler was yelling in his speeches like at the Nurenberg rallies and that caused Hitler to look too cartoonish, a buffoon, and a caricature of himself. The real Hitler was very complex. He was smart and devious, that is why he was able to brainwash a whole nation, yet at the same time, he was very insecure about himself.
Hitler,thank God doomed himself when he attacked Russia before England was defeated and then compounded it by the ultimate mistake that assured his ultimate defeat,by declaring war on the USA,before defeating Russia,when he didn't have to,at the precise moments his forces were bring beaten for the first time. Had he after the defeated of France gone to the middle East completely with Rommnel,instead of as a side understaffed side venture,he could have had Arabs as allies and siezed all the oil he would ever need,to beat England and Russia later and then take on the USA,when she stood alone. Total power which led him to believe he was invincible and that Providence was leading him to victory,his egomaniac personality,drugs being given to him by his quack doctor,his master race balony that turned would be allies for him in the Baltic states and Ukraine,,into fighting for Russia for their own survival, as other factors,led him to snatch total defeat from almost certain victory. Humanity,as I have said many times barely escaped the end that time.
It's funny when people criticize the acting of guys portraying Hitler as totally fake and a caricature. You can watch footage of the real guy, he was that way. So an actor portraying him is gonna seem fake to you if you don't know how he really was. Watch his speeches. That is how he really was, so criticizing actors who play him just shows ignorance of the real guy. Actors have to play people who, if they weren't real, no one would believe them. This is one of those cases.
Mistakes, miscalculations, disaster. At the beginning of 1941 Hitler's greatest desire was a accomination with the 'Peace Party' inside England's government. Had they concentrated on Moscow there was a significant chance that Stalin would have sued for an armistice OR.. been overthrown. This would have rattled the coalition Churchill had with Labor and very possibly brought down the Allied 'Germany First' strategy. POLITICS, not oil was the difference maker. AH was clueless of course..
Hitler actually understood modern war better than most of his tradition bound generals, at least at a strategic level. Hitler viewed war in economic terms and realized a colossal mechanized war against the USSR would be won by depriving Stalin of his resources in the south. His generals selected Moscow as the primary objective due to their traditional view of war which dictated that you capture your enemy's capital. Capturing a capital against a western or central European foe might make sense but it wouldn't have forced Stalin sue for peace. He was prepared to move the govt to Kazan 400 miles to the east. Stalin knew time was never on the side of Germany and he was willing to trade any amount of space and Red Army soldiers for time. Barbarossa should have had its main axis of attack to the south not toward Moscow. It probably still fails due to Stalin willing to take any amount of losses but it would have had a better chance of success.
Tony Cruciani Your comment is appropriate from a atypical 'historical' approach. But as you point out, "... wouldn't force Stalin to sue for peace" makes my own viewpoint standout. Put oneself into the shoes of a English or American citizen in the summer of 1941. TERRIFIED!! Especially in England. The German General Staff had told AH that there was only enough fuel for ONE campaign! Then the whole issue over TWO 'fronts'. Hess was locked up in The Tower begging to speak to The King. AH had the West right in his palms! Force Stalin 'out on his ass' and the Peace "Party" throws Churchill out TOO. Roosevelt gets cold feet over re-election. Game, Set, Match. AH RULES Europe...
HA! Neither Hitler or Trump were elected. Hitler was NOMINATED Chancellor, he didn't win the office. Trump STOLE the election with Russian assistance. Both were morons have an will lead to the downfalls of their countries.
Nonsense. If there were any collusion, it was Hillary and the DNC which colluded with Russia, not Trump. After two years of the witch hunt, not one shred of credible evidence has been uncovered to implicate Trump. MAGA...
The voice may not be realistic, but the attitude, the falling in to a screaming temper tantrum and claiming any facts he didn't like were only the result of disloyalty, is spot on.
this simple cartoon is more true to life than ganz. First of all the mustache is right and the psycho mafia don beats ganz's imitation 'realistic' borderline nut.o
Fun fact:If the generals would listen to Hitler in 1941 they would really won the war.If they would capture Stalingrad and the Caucasus they would win the entire campaign, this is based on books, not on some sci-fi film.Hitler was not a moron.
Christ, who made these subtitles? "But the Japanese attacked the United States!" turned to "But is there Japanese attacking the United States?" (this also makes no sense, given the context), "Führer" turned to "bureau", and so on, lol.
I would have as general looked for generals whit same vision and disobeat Hitler and shortened the line and killed all of ss and himler and arested Hitler for crimes agenst fatherland and tryed to make peace whit allies
Except G.W.Bush, despite the Generals, despite the Democrats, surged more men to iraq, and won his war. So decisive was it that Obama and Biden claimed credit for the victory.
To knock England out of the war !!!! what about Scotland ,Wales & Northern Ireland.And of course the rest of the English or eh British empire, Australia ,New Zealand,Canada,India,South Africa etc etc etc.
So you think that Australia,Canada,India etc etc would have fallen.I don't think so.The USA would not have stood by if Canada was in danger.India wanted out anyway.South Africa were split as to helping the UK (England).The British empire was in a state of collapse before WW2.If the UK had collapsed none of them would have followed.WW2 only accelerated the demise of the empire.It's what Roosevelt wanted,that's why he screwed the UK financially.
The British actor who portrayed Hitler was terrible in this show. The producers would have been better off trying to get Anthony Hopkins to reprise his role of Hitler (from "The Bunker).
Hitler: quem é responsável por essa porcaria toda? Halder: Conforme pedido, meu Führer, a estratégia da Frente Oriental para eliminar a Inglaterra da guerra. Hitler: O que a Inglaterra tem a ver com essa baboseira? Retirada geral no leste das tuas posições... a frente se endireitou e encurtou. Nova linha de frente escolhida meticulosamente para fácil aquartelamento e facilidade com problemas de abastecimentos Hitler (depois de arremessar a pasta na mesa): Ah sim, cavalheiros do núcleo de oficiais, com seus "Von" antes dos seus sobrenomes. Vocês nunca sujaram as suas botas lustradas numa trincheira, o tipo de trincheira onde servi à pátria por quatro anos. Vocês sempre procurando por uma guerrinha fácil, sem nenhuma dificuldade, enquanto vocês riem por trás de mim, do Cabo da Baviera, que sabe por experiência própria o que é ficar asfixiado numa cama de hospital de campanha, a guerra é dura! Inútil, frouxo, pobre coitado, asqueroso!
von Brauchitsch: Eu repito o meu pedido de renuncia. Hitler: Sim, pra já! Agora que você ferrou minha campanha no Leste. Eu projetei ela com clara convicção e estava prestes a seguir com vitória se você tivesse feito o que te foi dito e ido em direção aos poços de petróleo do Cáucaso. Mas não, você sabia melhor... você e seus generais tinham que se dirigir a Moscou. Vocês queriam notoriedade! Burro, fraco, pateta! Não haverá retiradas na Frente Leste, nem mesmo um centímetro. Cada soldado alemão deve manter suas posições ou morrer nelas. Meu exército não vai dar as costas para os russos e cair em pedaços igual ao exército de Napoleão. von Brauchitsch: Eu te imploro, me deixe renunciar. Hitler: Renunciar? Você está é demitido, senhor von Brauchitsch. Do seu cargo atual, das minhas Forças Armadas e dos futuros serviços à patria, por tentar iludir com essa trairagem imunda.
Hitler: você... você fica! Esse assunto de comando operacional é algo que ninguém consegue fazer. A tarefa do comandante supremo das forças armadas é educar o exército no Nacional Socialismo. Eu não conheço sequer um general que possa fazer, como eu quero que seja feito. Por isso, eu mesmo irei assumir o comando das forças armadas. Halder: Sim, meu Führer Hitler: Eu irei precisar de um chefe de Estado Maior obviamente. Se você desejar renunciar, eu irei permitir. Se quiser ficar no seu posto, você pode. Por agora é só isso.
Shame, Berkoff is a good actor but takes it way over the top here. Although Hitler had his hissy fits, it wasn't how he conducted himself all the time.
Steve Berkoff, throughout this series from beginning to end, arguably gives us the most fiery depiction of Hilter ever. While people say that this wasn't how Hitler always behaved, it is still believable.
Yes. Mr Berkoff concentrated on the public speaker style ranting of hitler,, accurate,,, but not a complete portrayal of the tyrant. Great actor!
From 1942 onwards Hitlers rants against his generals became more frequent and he struggled to control the evil inside him!!
That was until Bruno Ganz in Downfall. He has completely out done any other actor that has ever played the role.
Bruno Ganz is the standard.
Adolf Evil Sadistic Monster Hitler
I've seen Hitlers come and go, but Steven Berkoff tops my list. He turns lunatic so believably! He is after all, a trained stage actor.
I don't know.
Bruno Ganz, IMHO is the standard by which if an actor is going to play such a mad man, no one can outdo Bruno Ganz's performance. He out performs any other actor who's ever played the role of Adolf Hitler..
@@Lee-DarinSteven Berkoff is probably the second best Hitler after Ganz
@@spenser6353 I will have to agree. But I would have to give Anthony Hopkins third place 😔
@@Lee-Darin I didnt know anthony hopkins played Hitler
@spenser6353 Yeah, I believe it was in 1981. It's called The Bunker.
I love how Berkoff used a German accent for this film in the English language. It makes it more realistic.
4:27-4:37 Moscow was not Hitler's first priority. His priorities were the Ukrainian agricultural lands and the Caucasus oil. as Berkoff stated in this clip.
+brian sedlock In the short term his goal was the destruction of enemy armies. That's why he wheeled south and put off the attack on Moscow.
+suspicious35 He wanted to capture all the Ukrainian breadbasket of the USSR. At this point of the war, Hitler was more interested in defeating the enemy forces in the field first than to capture cities or conquer territories according to the documentary the WORLD AT WAR part 5: Barbarossa. Moscow was just a symbol in Hitler's eyes at the beginning of the Russian campaign and would be dealt with later. But in September or October 1941 for some reason Hitler agreed to gave in to his generals' eagerness to capture Moscow. Since when would Adolf Hitler, a ruthless, demonic totalitarian, dictator listen and capitulate to the advise of his generals or anybody else for that matter?
Contrary to this scene, from this mini-series, Field Marshal von Brauchitsch and General Halder were not the decent, innocent and rabid anti-Nazis. They did participate in war crimes. Halder was more ant-Nazi than Brauchitsch and took part in a number of conspiracies to overthrow and assassinate Hitler but mainly because he saw him leading Germany to disaster. However, both generals were not Nazis and had little sympathy for Nazi policy.
+suspicious35 He was right in 1940 about what? The French campaign? What do you mean by the Ukrainan black earth? Explain. As previously said, General Halder and was far more anti-Nazi than Brauchitsh. He was less compliant to Hitler's orders than Brauchitsch. Halder was involved in a plot to overthrow the Hitler regime during the Czechoslovakian crisis in 1938 until the British and the French appeased the Fuehrer at Munich and gave up the plot. In late 1939, shortly the Polish victory, Halder took part in the Zossen conspiracy to overthrow Hitler which also fizzled. Halder even gave thought a number of times of going into Hilter's office and shooting him as portrayed in THE WINDS OF WAR part time. But he feared that chaos would result in Germany in the wake of Hitler's assassination. Better chaos than still having Hitler in power.
But Halder did participate in war crimes He gave approval to have Soviet POWs, especially political commisars to be executed on the spot without trial and as far as far as I know did nothing to save the Jews from annihilation. Hitler did not listen to his generals when it came to attacking France in 1939-40. He listened to himself; he used his own judgement about attacking in the West. He had the invasion postponed 19 times.
As for Field Marshal von Brauchitsch, in the book Hitler's Secret Conversations by Hugh Trevor-Roper, Hitler referred to him and I quote: "Brauchitsch is not a soldier, he is a man of straw." This conversation I believe took place on December 25, 1941 in one of his table talks.
he always hated russia
brian sedlock Correct, but the oil was gonna be used to go to Moscow which was the main objective. The German army needed to go for the oil fields they had no oil that was an absolute must. The big problem was Hitler was an idiot and he wanted to hit Stalingrad as well with the ONLY reason being the city was named after Stalin. If the German army went to the oil fields and then proceeded to Moscow without going to Stalingrad they would have probably been fine, but all because hitler wanted to invade some random shit hole city ONLY because of the name it bears caused the German downfall including but not limited to 250,000 Germans being captured, massive casualties, mass starvation/cannibalism, civilians being murdered, war crimes, and the Germans freezing to death due to their lack of ability to get in supplies and their lack of proper clothing, the list goes on and on. Stalin never allowed any citizen to leave which caused massive problems to the soviet population and all that happened because the cities name the city coulda been named anything else and none of this would of happened, but because the city had stalins name in it hitler went after it and a made a fatal mistake. Also keep in mind 90% of all German casualties happened in the last 11 months of the war. It was a fatal mistake with Stalingrad.
I would like to have seen Hitler go to the Eastern front and tell that to the troops in person and see what kind of response he gets
RobTheNotary He would be crucified 😂😂
No kidding.
Nice comment 👍
hitler was at the front in ww1 mate
@@johnnicolaou554 Yeah, about that. Hitler spent most of his time throughout the war in regimental headquarters, thus earning the title of a "rear area pig."
Steven Berkoff made a funny looking Adolf Hitler, especially with some of his facial expressions. But, he definitely had the character down pat, especially the freak outs that Hitler was prone to doing!
He played George cornel in "the krays" brilliant actor, he's a traditional old school stage actor.
2:46 my science teacher said those very words when he saw that someone wrote him a note making fun of him on his desk, with the same face while looking at the class, scary...
These series were part of my childhood. (and Winds of Wars) I have them on DVD and I watch them from time to time always. So awesome.
Fun fact: Hitler actually didn't interfere in every minute detail at the start of Barbarossa. He allowed his top brass a lot of space for tactical manoeuvre, which gave both Brauchitsch and Halder relatively much more freedom of exercise in troop placement and moves. He gradually tightened his grip later when the offensive lost its momentum and the Soviets began to seek out loopholes in the German advance. However, his biggest mistake was thinking that he could somehow do better than the chiefs of staff who actually outstood him in terms of both formal education and military staff training. As his actions later proved, intuition and spirit are no substitutes for real skill.
The portrayal of Holocaust and the realism of words uttered were the best selling point of W&R. The Hitler portrayal goes to the late Bruno Ganz, though.
My god I remember this.. Peter graves and Robert Mitchum were still alive... Jane Seymour was gorgeous (she still is). It was like just yesterday 😔
Anyone plzzz tell me tfe film name
War & Remembrance, it was an 80’s miniseries and the sequel to an earlier film called The Winds of War, Both were very long, but very good. With lots of star cameos
Cybertronian Sniper Yeah, great film. I remember it got criticized for its length but it’s now regarded as one of the best of the 80’s miniseries. Great to watch if you’ve got a day to kill watching it. And oh yeah, Jane Seymour was always easy on the eyes going back her days as a Bond girl
He regretted throwing that folder at the general,,his face..
Hitler's tactical decision making rightfully gets ridiculed, mostly due to his refusal to let doomed armies retreat or breakout of obvious encirclements. In retrospect though, strategically he often comes out looking better than his generals. It's doubtful the Soviets would've crumbled from the loss of Moscow, but if they had lost the Caucas oil it seems not certain, but much more likely the lack of fuel would've caused a Red Army collapse.
The High Command knew that when the German Army didn't take Moscow to declare war against the United States was suicide. They would now be facing the largest Army in the world (Soviet Union) and the nation which at that time had 50% of the world's industrial production (USA) with a base 20 miles from France (Great Britain)
Japan: We'll pretend we didn't hear that
Hitler himself ordered most of the planes providing air cover for the army moving toward the Caucasus to return northward to the Stalingrad area. He also kept transferring the tanks back and forth behind German lines, headed north, then south, wasting fuel and creating wear and tear. When the tanks finally reached Sixth Army, they were useless or nearly so in the urban warfare at the outskirts and in the streets of Stalingrad.
They were moving machinery all along the front to stave off the multiple and senseless soviet assaults. So tes you are correct
Barry Morse was a fine choice for Halder. If you look at Halder's pics, Morse was the spitting image of him. (Maybe they didn't spit enough.)
@Ivan Ivan bruh why are u watching this then?
You all saying this is comical and the one with Bruno Grantz is the real performents. Yet ironically the Bruno one is the most used material for meme.
But people still realize the seriousness and intenseness of the original. If anything the fact that it's used over and over again is a testament to it's greatness.
Downfall is used as a meme because it’s not in English so people make “fake” subtitles
Because his is the best preformed.
We know today that in 1941, Moscow was Hitler's objective (at least after Kiev had been encircled). The reason was the Japanese were getting cold feet in the fall of 1941 to attack the British and Americans in Asia, and Hitler and Mussolini desperately wanted them to do that so they would have access to Japan's fleet and flanking positions against the USSR and India (neither of which Japan did much with later). So Hitler was pushing his generals in the fall of 1941 to go hard toward Moscow and not fall back much in the counterattacks so the Japanese would still think the war in the East was winnable. The Caucus oil became a major objective in the sprinand summerof 1942. Gerhard Weinberg's excellent volume on the Second World War and his book on WW2 leaders' objectives provide a good explanation of this.
That's not accurate. Moscow was made the general staff's primary objective for Barbarossa b/c they were very tradition bound. Hitler was never on board with Moscow as the primary objective since he viewed modern war in economic terms and believed the best way to defeat the USSR was to deprive it of its resources in the Ukraine and Caucasus. Gen Halder was the primary proponent of Moscow and he dissuaded Hitler from a southern strategy. After the war of course Halder blamed all the failures in the East on Hitler. He was also the principal advisor to the US Army after WW2 on writing the history of the war in the East so his narrative took hold.
Exactly, many have bought into the view that Halder pushed after the war, distancing himself from placing priority in army group north.
Stalin thought Hitler would go for the caucuses but by the time the invasion happened deployments were complete. Hitler wanted to take the oil first because Germany was on the brink of economic collapse because of the lack of oil. To be frank for all his evil and faults Hitler was more strategically minded than much of of his generals were. Going for Moscow was almost useless and wouldn't have accomplished an end to the war but cutting off The Southern Don and taking the caucuses would have actually brought the Soviet Union to its knees. The oil shortage in Germany was so severe that the German army actually had to demobilize some of its mobile units which made fighting in their usual war manner very difficult. Halder helped the US army write the official history after the war so his narrative stuck for decades.
Love the classy but slightly desperate tone of the narrator and music,,, sets the atmosphere for the subject matter!!!!
I think Sir Anthony Hopkins and Bruno Ganz played the best Hitler roles..
Gunter Meisner, who played Hitler in The Winds of War (the prequel to this series) was vastly superior to Steven Berkoff here. Bruno Ganz was better but Meisner was fantastic in his own right. I wish they had got him again for this, but perhaps he was too old or didn't want to play the role again (in which case I don't blame him).
@@caomhan84 yes the One in winds of War was much better. This is just parody
lol ever see alec guiness as hitler? still fun to watch
anthony evans
I don’t agree with you in that, what about Bush, Blair or my favourite......
Bruno Ganz
There is a short but impressive list of actors who have played one or more of The Big Five: God, Jesus, Satan, Dracula, and Hitler.
Though I found this actor to be badly miscast as Hitler the dialogue is excellent because it's historically accurate. Hitler's generals went into the blame game after the war, especially Halder and Guderian, and placed the failure on the Eastern front on Hitler. But this exchange is accurate. Hitler's generals were excellent tactitians but they were traditionalists who didn't understand from a strategic level modern warfare and its industrial dependence. Hitler did, he viewed war in economic terms and knew the best chance to defeat the USSR was to deprive it of its resources in the south in the Ukraine and Caucasus, but his generals thought Moscow should be the objective. Taking a capital against a western or central European nation might be significant but not against the USSR. Stalin would have kept fighting if Moscow fell and was fully prepared to move the govt to Kazan. Barbarossa should have had its main axis of attack in the south, Hitler had insisted on this in the planning but Halder thwarted him. It still probably would have failed since Stalin was willing to trade space and any number of Red Army dead for time, but it would have had a better chance of success.
Excellent post. In the West we were taught Hitler was a strategic military clown. He was right here though. Without oil Germany was doomed. Stalin would have moved his government to the moon if he had to and it was under control- his iron control.
Moscow meant nothing.
Deep dives into this topic really expose how absurd Bararossa was.
Operation Barbarossa had several miscues which were not apparent at first, but they had debilitating effects later:
1. Hitler and the rest of the higher-ups misread the string of early Soviet battlefield defeats. They thought in terms of "the Red Army is doing so poorly ... the Reds are just an inch away from collapse." However, at the start of the campaign, the Soviet Union had 14 million mobilizable reservists, resulting in the Red Army actually fielding more divisions by the time the Moscow counteroffensive got started compared to the 22nd of June, despite losing close to 230 division-equivalents in the summer and the fall of 1941.
2. Eduard Wagner, the quartermaster, told Halder that the Wehrmacht will run low on ammo and fuel by the time it advanced 700km from the pre-Barbarossa border (which turns out be roughly the distance between Warsaw and Smolensk). However, Halder did not take Wagner's words seriously. Wagner's prediction turned out to be correct. To put it simply, the Wehrmacht did not have the logistical capacity to make a lunge from Warsaw to Moscow in one go.
3. Georg Thomas, the war economist, warned Halder that Germany will run low on its oil stockpile after only about 2 months of campaign. Thomas, similar to Wagner, was not far off the mark. To make matters worse, the Wehrmacht consumed far more lubricants than anticipated. (Spoiler alert: The vast majority of roads in the Soviet Union consisted of dirt roads and tracks, meaning they took heavy toll on vehicles. The air filters used by the tanks belonging to most belligerents, including Germany, were not designed for this kind of an environment.)
4. The Red Army launched several seemingly suicidal counterattacks throughout the summer of 1941. While they seem rather futile and even absurd, each one of them delayed German advances.
5. You can say the same about large pockets of surrounded Red units. While each one of them would capitulate in the end with massive influx of POWs under the German custody, forcing the Germans to reduce these pockets further spoiled German timetable.
6. The Kiev encirclement tends to be portrayed as one of the finest operational achievement by the Wehrmacht, but this success was made possible by Stalin's steadfast refusal to abandon Kiev and fresh units committed to Zhukov's Yelnia (a town situated southeast of Smolensk) counterattack instead of being committed to reinforce the sector sandwiched between Smolensk and Kiev.
@@Waterflux Excellent summation. Wagner and Thomas were indeed ignored by Hitler and his senior planners. Bottom line though is that Barbarossa was far too ambitious a campaign for the resources of the Germany army. A key weakness illustrating that was the insufficient panzer force size to support more than one primary axis of advance at a time. This is what forced Hitler to make his famous decision halting the advance on Moscow in August and diverting Guderian's Panzers to assist Army group South in taking Kiev. But Hitler was willing to ignore resource and logistics warnings since he had convinced himself the Soviet Union was weak and would collapse fairly quickly under his massive blitzkrieg. Hitler was somewhat misled by the woefully inadequate German intelligence estimate of the fighting strength of the Red Army as well as the productive capacity of Soviet industry provided to him. As you point out there were already warning signs in the first weeks of Barbarossa that Red Army resistance was not evaporating despite huge losses and was already upsetting Barbarossa's aggressive timetable.
Why do older movies depict Hitler as a cartoony villain? It feels like an unintentional comedy. If you hear audio of him in a private setting it was pretty normal and not animated like his public speeches.
4:00 Steven Berkoff seems way over the top in this scene. I've read reviews stating Günter Meisner who portrayed Hitler as more composed in Winds of War was more accurate.
To his good fortune Halder did not last much longer than Brauchitsch in Hitler's good graces. Amazingly, Halder survived to cooperate with and hoodwink the US Army which looked the other way on the subject of German atrocities on the Eastern Front. Halder was never prosecuted for anything although he indeed had "blood on his hands". He was the creator of the widely successful myth of the "clean Wehrmacht" which made the German Wehrmacht officers appear to be generally honorable, even on the Eastern Front where many atrocities were covered up by US Army Sponsored historians under Halder's supervision. Halder should be given credit for the number of "Wehraboos" we have with us today that work very hard to separate the Wehrmacht, Kriegsmarine, and Luftwaffe from the Nazis and consider the Wehrmacht "cool, stylish, and honorable". After his sacking by Hitler Brauchitsch, in retirement, also survived the war but due to his earlier complicity in aggressive war he was considered a War Criminal but died of his ongoing medical condition before he could be tried in 1948.
If Hitler listened to his generals throughout the war the Nazis flag would probably be flying over Washington and we would all be speaking German, good thing he didn't!
rugerdog77able why
That's a misconception.
Very true Hitler's cocaine meth and vitamins had him cracked out eventually the generals of his army tried to kill him. To save the war .
He blew a sure victory by not listening to his generals
Najbolja serija ikada o drugom svetskon ratu , a ova scena je fenomenalna , kako su generali drhtali kao misevi pred firerom!
Aha drhtali pred Engleskim ubacenim spijunom da za Engleze Nemci obave prljav posao. Naivna budalo. Lik je radio sve na stetu Nemacke i uz kurac , sta mislis da je to slucajno? Sve je to zavera Engleza i Francuza da preko Nemaca osvoje Rusiju. Samo Rusi su ih na vreme provalili. Cistka generala 1937-e bio je samo mamac da rosavi i ruzni Anglo Saksonci, misle da su ovi truli pa da napadnu. Trik se isplatio naravno uz mnoge zrtve.
The Hitler of Downfall is far more grounded and realistic compared to this.
I have to agree with you Andy murday. Instead of talking to historians, I think too many war movie directors relied too much on newsreels and documentaries where Hitler was yelling in his speeches like at the Nurenberg rallies and that caused Hitler to look too cartoonish, a buffoon, and a caricature of himself. The real Hitler was very complex. He was smart and devious, that is why he was able to brainwash a whole nation, yet at the same time, he was very insecure about himself.
Was thinking the same
Von Brauchitsch was my great uncle.
Wow, cool!
Eric von brauch are u serious
Eric von brauch no he wasn’t. No one listen to him he’s just trying to get attention
I feel bad for you're Great Uncle when Hitler yell at him and throw that book at him like that. That was not cool
where's the itsch in your name?
Wow this is actually true, the generals did fuck up the Eastern Campaign. But everyone ate up Halder's BS. There is the real revisionism
The car should have swastika flags instead of the German cross flags?
Mark the German army flew different flags than the Nazi political party. From 1867-1945 the German Armed Forces used the Reichskriegsflagge...
That's the standard of the supreme military commander
Halder received US Meritorious Civilian Service Award, in 1961.
You're beautiful xx
I am proud of my great uncckels
What a waste of talent.
fantastic acting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hitler looks like the Soviet guy who tortured Rambo in First Blood 2 after the Vietnamese hand him over 🤔
Also, he was that renegade soviet general in Octopussy
It started with "Die große Liebe" and ended with "War and remembrance" for Wolfgang Preiss? From Oberleutnant to Generalfeldmarschall . Not bad. :))
Did you know he played von Rundstedt at "A Bridge too far"?
Hitler,thank God doomed himself when he attacked Russia before England was defeated and then compounded it by the ultimate mistake that assured his ultimate defeat,by declaring war on the USA,before defeating Russia,when he didn't have to,at the precise moments his forces were bring beaten for the first time.
Had he after the defeated of France gone to the middle East completely with Rommnel,instead of as a side understaffed side venture,he could have had Arabs as allies and siezed all the oil he would ever need,to beat England and Russia later and then take on the USA,when she stood alone.
Total power which led him to believe he was invincible and that Providence was leading him to victory,his egomaniac personality,drugs being given to him by his quack doctor,his master race balony that turned would be allies for him in the Baltic states and Ukraine,,into fighting for Russia for their own survival, as other factors,led him to snatch total defeat from almost certain victory.
Humanity,as I have said many times barely escaped the end that time.
Fred Bilak he would have never touched America.
U wish
the second general i think is barry morse from the fugitive tv show
and Wolfgang Preiss got thrown off a dam in Boys From Brazil.
After July 20th, Adolf went on record as saying he regretted not following Stalins' example in purging his Officer Corps.
@array s I agree
It's funny when people criticize the acting of guys portraying Hitler as totally fake and a caricature. You can watch footage of the real guy, he was that way. So an actor portraying him is gonna seem fake to you if you don't know how he really was. Watch his speeches. That is how he really was, so criticizing actors who play him just shows ignorance of the real guy. Actors have to play people who, if they weren't real, no one would believe them. This is one of those cases.
Mistakes, miscalculations, disaster. At the beginning of 1941 Hitler's greatest desire was a accomination with the 'Peace Party' inside England's government. Had they concentrated on Moscow there was a significant chance that Stalin would have sued for an armistice OR.. been overthrown. This would have rattled the coalition Churchill had with Labor and very possibly brought down the Allied 'Germany First' strategy. POLITICS, not oil was the difference maker. AH was clueless of course..
Hitler actually understood modern war better than most of his tradition bound generals, at least at a strategic level. Hitler viewed war in economic terms and realized a colossal mechanized war against the USSR would be won by depriving Stalin of his resources in the south. His generals selected Moscow as the primary objective due to their traditional view of war which dictated that you capture your enemy's capital. Capturing a capital against a western or central European foe might make sense but it wouldn't have forced Stalin sue for peace. He was prepared to move the govt to Kazan 400 miles to the east. Stalin knew time was never on the side of Germany and he was willing to trade any amount of space and Red Army soldiers for time. Barbarossa should have had its main axis of attack to the south not toward Moscow. It probably still fails due to Stalin willing to take any amount of losses but it would have had a better chance of success.
Tony Cruciani Your comment is appropriate from a atypical 'historical' approach. But as you point out, "... wouldn't force Stalin to sue for peace" makes my own viewpoint standout. Put oneself into the shoes of a English or American citizen in the summer of 1941. TERRIFIED!! Especially in England. The German General Staff had told AH that there was only enough fuel for ONE campaign! Then the whole issue over TWO 'fronts'. Hess was locked up in The Tower begging to speak to The King. AH had the West right in his palms! Force Stalin 'out on his ass' and the Peace "Party" throws Churchill out TOO. Roosevelt gets cold feet over re-election. Game, Set, Match. AH RULES Europe...
This hitler caricature sounds just like a dalek from Dr Who, its pretty sad
HA! Neither Hitler or Trump were elected. Hitler was NOMINATED Chancellor, he didn't win the office. Trump STOLE the election with Russian assistance. Both were morons have an will lead to the downfalls of their countries.
Nonsense. If there were any collusion, it was Hillary and the DNC which colluded with Russia, not Trump. After two years of the witch hunt, not one shred of credible evidence has been uncovered to implicate Trump. MAGA...
What i thought
The voice may not be realistic, but the attitude, the falling in to a screaming temper tantrum and claiming any facts he didn't like were only the result of disloyalty, is spot on.
Two great actors playing german generals..
this simple cartoon is more true to life than
ganz. First of all the
mustache is right and
the psycho mafia don
beats ganz's imitation
'realistic' borderline nut.o
Fun fact:If the generals would listen to Hitler in 1941 they would really won the war.If they would capture Stalingrad and the Caucasus they would win the entire campaign, this is based on books, not on some sci-fi film.Hitler was not a moron.
Steven Berkoff played a good part as Adolf Hitler
Christ, who made these subtitles? "But the Japanese attacked the United States!" turned to "But is there Japanese attacking the United States?" (this also makes no sense, given the context), "Führer" turned to "bureau", and so on, lol.
Can't stop looking at pimple on forehead lol.
Where's James Bond and Rambo?
the generals have the option to 'resign'..not so for those facing the bullets...
I would have as general looked for generals whit same vision and disobeat Hitler and shortened the line and killed all of ss and himler and arested Hitler for crimes agenst fatherland and tryed to make peace whit allies
Berkoff what an actor
Not up there with Bruno's portrayal, but still funny to watch.
4:28 But no... jew knew better...
I felt bad for Herr Von Brachitsch.
Two things wrong here:
1. Steven Berkoff's awful, caricature-like portrayal of Hitler
2. Captions are full of typos and grammatical errors.
Steven Berkoff is a jew go figure.
Let's solve the problem together or the problems as a team. We can work together
At 04:24 George W. Bush ! 😂
Except G.W.Bush, despite the Generals, despite the Democrats, surged more men to iraq, and won his war. So decisive was it that Obama and Biden claimed credit for the victory.
To knock England out of the war !!!! what about Scotland ,Wales & Northern Ireland.And of course the rest of the English or eh British empire, Australia ,New Zealand,Canada,India,South Africa etc etc etc.
ffotograffydd gohebwyr you knock England out the rest will fall
So you think that Australia,Canada,India etc etc would have fallen.I don't think so.The USA would not have stood by if Canada was in danger.India wanted out anyway.South Africa were split as to helping the UK (England).The British empire was in a state of collapse before WW2.If the UK had collapsed none of them would have followed.WW2 only accelerated the demise of the empire.It's what Roosevelt wanted,that's why he screwed the UK financially.
3:26 5:35 Even being as document is painful..
There’s no way germany woulda won anyway because they were fighting too many fronts
Was the rude behavior of Hitler towards his general lead to fall of his empire...?
THAT.. is how President Trump BETTER treat his 'generals'!
the fuck why would a man with no military experience berate his generals and military advisors
Nincompoop, that told him Adolf.
Got the facts wrong? Chief of staff wass Fieldmarschall Keitel. Chief of planning was Jodl
so Aragorn got divorced left minas tirith to live in a bunker
English language is i sound little harsher than the original German. But perhaps it's because i am already familiar with the former.
Great portrayal. Much better than downfall!
The British actor who portrayed Hitler was terrible in this show. The producers would have been better off trying to get Anthony Hopkins to reprise his role of Hitler (from "The Bunker).
Is it my imagination or does Hitler sound like a Dalek ?
No you're right. He does. Davros especially.
ok the mustache is almost right. It could be 1/8 inch longer and bushier but....
They got those period uniforms wrong.
If that janrals follows hitler, s orders so garman was can win ww2
Bruno Ganz wins the prize though
Since when was Hitler a Bohemian?
@Rommel the Cat Oh I see now. I thought he meant *Bohemian* as in that region in the Czech Republic. Thanks for correcting me.
Bohemia is a region in the Czech republic,very near the German border,FYI
Riveting scene as Hitler destroys Von B.
Podia ser legendado em Português
Hitler: quem é responsável por essa porcaria toda?
Halder: Conforme pedido, meu Führer, a estratégia da Frente Oriental para eliminar a Inglaterra da guerra.
Hitler: O que a Inglaterra tem a ver com essa baboseira? Retirada geral no leste das tuas posições... a frente se endireitou e encurtou. Nova linha de frente escolhida meticulosamente para fácil aquartelamento e facilidade com problemas de abastecimentos
Hitler (depois de arremessar a pasta na mesa): Ah sim, cavalheiros do núcleo de oficiais, com seus "Von" antes dos seus sobrenomes. Vocês nunca sujaram as suas botas lustradas numa trincheira, o tipo de trincheira onde servi à pátria por quatro anos. Vocês sempre procurando por uma guerrinha fácil, sem nenhuma dificuldade, enquanto vocês riem por trás de mim, do Cabo da Baviera, que sabe por experiência própria o que é ficar asfixiado numa cama de hospital de campanha, a guerra é dura! Inútil, frouxo, pobre coitado, asqueroso!
von Brauchitsch: Eu repito o meu pedido de renuncia.
Hitler: Sim, pra já! Agora que você ferrou minha campanha no Leste. Eu projetei ela com clara convicção e estava prestes a seguir com vitória se você tivesse feito o que te foi dito e ido em direção aos poços de petróleo do Cáucaso. Mas não, você sabia melhor... você e seus generais tinham que se dirigir a Moscou. Vocês queriam notoriedade! Burro, fraco, pateta! Não haverá retiradas na Frente Leste, nem mesmo um centímetro. Cada soldado alemão deve manter suas posições ou morrer nelas. Meu exército não vai dar as costas para os russos e cair em pedaços igual ao exército de Napoleão.
von Brauchitsch: Eu te imploro, me deixe renunciar.
Hitler: Renunciar? Você está é demitido, senhor von Brauchitsch. Do seu cargo atual, das minhas Forças Armadas e dos futuros serviços à patria, por tentar iludir com essa trairagem imunda.
Hitler: você... você fica! Esse assunto de comando operacional é algo que ninguém consegue fazer.
A tarefa do comandante supremo das forças armadas é educar o exército no Nacional Socialismo.
Eu não conheço sequer um general que possa fazer, como eu quero que seja feito.
Por isso, eu mesmo irei assumir o comando das forças armadas.
Halder: Sim, meu Führer
Hitler: Eu irei precisar de um chefe de Estado Maior obviamente. Se você desejar renunciar, eu irei permitir.
Se quiser ficar no seu posto, você pode. Por agora é só isso.
Shoutout to simpleflips
he looks a little strange though with blue eyes
He had blue eyes
ya right!
En francais S.V.P, nous sommes en France.
Your generals have ruined his Bohemian campaign
You’ve ruined my eastern campaign!
One thing I'm left wondering: "WHERE IST FEGELEIN!!!"
grandfather's brother.
Shame, Berkoff is a good actor but takes it way over the top here. Although Hitler had his hissy fits, it wasn't how he conducted himself all the time.
I wonder how Berkhoff would have potrayed Kaiser Wilhelm II.
"curtail his excesses..." Are they talking about Trump? 😂
Hitler and trump are both insane
Wot iz dis?!
Hitler old 🥔 in grey suit😎
I now know one more movie not to watch.
"Fine People "on both sides.
David Carrero shut up
Nincompoop 4:40
I was only 11 at the time, but even at that tender age I clearly remember how bad the acting was.
Vile, despicable people.
Nope, Bruno Ganz was the best.
"Adolf "