François Couperin: Rondeau Les Bergeries | Masako Ohta
- Опубліковано 8 лют 2025
- Rondeau: Les Bergeries
Nicht alles, was in Anna Magdalenas Notenbüchlein steht, stammt aus der Feder von ihrem Mann Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach hat dieses Rondeau von François Couperin, dem heute berühmtesten Vertreter der Couperin-Familie, für Anna Magdalena ausgewählt und in ihr Übungsheft kopiert. Dieses Clavier-Büchlein, bestehend aus zwei Notenheften, offenbart eine Sammlung von Werken für Tasteninstrumente, die Bach für seine Frau und Sängerin geschaffen hat. es ist nur fragmentarisch erhalten und wird in der Staatsbi- bliothek Berlin aufbewahrt.
Text: Stefan Winter
Die CD "Poetry Album" ist erschienen bei Winter&Winter
Petites bergères et bergers japonais pieds dans la Terre
tête au Ciel
La tendresse la douceur la force féminine le souffle
la Magie de l’interprétation de
Madame Masako Ohta vous animent
et donne la Foi en une humanité nouvelle …
Merci 🙏
Magnifique et toujours poétique...le tout dans une parfaitement connaissance du style. Merci infiniment. ❤
Dear Masako! Your performance of Couperin is truly a gem! Thank you very very much for this lovely rendition!
I think this is perfect in all aspects. Thank you so much for bringing this masterpiece to all of us. For several years I come to listen to this precise and heartfull performance of Les Bergeries. I always have tears in my eyes feeling the fragility of the world and ticking time, all of that is in this beautyfull playing.
What a pure sound. Crystal clear ornaments. Truly addicting )
De allermooiste uitvoering die ik ooit hoorde . Schitterend, levendig en toch gedragen . Hier een prachtig gebruik van inegaliteit van de zestiende noten wat bijdraagt tot het dartel bucolisch karakter van het werkje . De versieringen zijn eerder persoonlijk , maar zó natuurlijk en creëren een soort van extase waaruit men niet graag terugkeert ... Hier vinden we het absoluut bewijs dat zelfs in relatief eenvoudige muziek een uitzonderlijk meesterschap kan herkend worden . " Zoek de schoonheid niet in het ingewikkelde, maar vind haar in de eenvoud . " - Zoltán Kodaly .
I played this at my daughters wedding. Perfect piece to celebrate a perfect daughter !
Beautiful! Suteki! Thanks.
One of the most beautiful pieces I've ever heard.
I've also the impression that you are actually singing other than playing and that's (in my opinion) the highest form of music.
Wonderful playing for one of the most beautiful piece from Couperin
Touching ❤🌷
so beautiful
Great interpretation of this timeless music. The ornamentation, dynamics and tempo are perfect and natural. Thank you !
I'm trying to study this rondeau right now!! Your interpretation is beautiful! Inspiring!!!
Me too
Very much enjoyed your adaptation to Couperin’s music. Fantastic!!!
I am confused to the sheet music for Couperin in why there are so many variations. Maybe he wanted everybody to play his tune differently? I really like the changes you made to this piece. It is stunning!
So very beautiful!
simply beautiful…
Thank you Masakosan! For playing with such singing quality, a piece which is considered student level, and also for attributing to its real composer Francois Couperin; not to J.S. Bach as we usually think because of the compilation for Anna Magdalena Bach.
Beautiful 👏👏👏
Love love it!
Linda Interpretation 🌹🌹
Liebe Masako, hast du etwas von Mozart oder von Debussy? Das würde ich gerne von dir hören. Dein Anschlag ist sehr schön. Danke fürs Uploaden dieses Stücks.
A fine performance.
Exquisite ! :)
Love you
Me encanta
Superba interpretazione del brano di Couperin
Incredibly beautiful :) I also admire your recording/audio engineering skills, as the audio quality of this video is very impressive. Do you set up your own microphones? If so, do you mind if I ask which ones do you use? Thank you regardless of whether you answer, the music is really beautiful.
Thank you very much for your lovely message. I am sorry for being late for answer. I remember we recorded simply with a ZOOM recorder.
very byoutifoul
at 1.45, is I think the first 'couplet': i keep telling myself that it could easily sound like a Japanese lullaby, like those written in the early 20th century when an effort to assimilate all things Western were passed on to music composers.
Que horror ese sonido metálico. Un espanto yamaha. Aguante Steinway!!!!
Orrore , musica nata sul clavicembalo sul piano è orribile...
not true