Driving climate awareness and literacy on social media

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Driving climate awareness and literacy on social media: exploring the role of digital content creators to address the climate crisis
    As part of the World Press Freedom Day Conference, UNESCO’s Media and Information Literacy and Digital Competencies Unit is bringing together digital content creators and climate activists to discuss their role on social media to raise sustainability awareness and provide a space for informed climate discussions.
    Moderator: Adeline Hulin, Head of Unit for Media and Information Literacy, UNESCO
    Francisco Vera (Colombia): Human rights and children's rights advocate. He founded Guardianes por la Vida in 2019 to encourage new leadership and children’s citizenship. He is the first UNICEF Climate Action Advocate for Latin America and the Caribbean. On his social media, Francisco amplifies his fight for climate action, children’s and human rights.
    Paulo Galvão (Brazil): indigenous, climate and socio-environmental activist from Brazil. He works in the area of children and nature at Alana Institute and is the coordinator of the working group on climate change at the youth organization Engajamundo.
    Selinä Nera (Finland): environmental, equality and disability activist from Finland. She is the Chairperson of the Youth Organization of the Finnish Green Party and a social media influencer advocating for a planet where everyone can live.
    Kassy Cho (UK): award-winning journalist and audience strategist pioneering a social-media first approach to growing young audiences. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of Almost, an independent media outlet delivering global news stories for young people worldwide.
    Charlotte Brum Bezié (Mexico): publicist who combines zero waste living and behavioral economics to create fun and effective communication campaigns. Since 2019 she is curating a blog and social media accounts under the name “No Seas Waste” to promote a sustainable lifestyle.