I do wanna say: a zombie outbreak on an ice planet sounds like a cool idea, i just wish they commited to just that. And methastoplies may actually be one of the most interesting bosses in all of zombies, ive seen gameplay and i like how you have to pay attention to audio and visuals
If only we could've gotten a sequel to Extinction that properly continued on it...also big ups for saying "cryptid slayers" instead of "zombie slayers"
Your videos and streams inspired me to go back and fully dive into Vanguard (All EE's and Dark Aether Camo Unlocked), Black Ops 4 (All EE's quite a few times, ALMOST all gauntlets #unsinkableclassicsonlyisimpossible, and Dark Aether Camo Unlocked) and Infinite Warfare in their entirety (I still haven't beaten Beast From Beyond EE on Director's Cut or Meph yet but I will get to it) and I truly have to thank you for that. Seriously some of the most fun I've had gaming in my life let alone Zombies as a whole. Your dedication to the series keeps me coming back to these games time and time again. Incredible Video :)
I had just recently got REALLY into Extinction and it made me even more disappointed with how Beast turned out. They had the opportunity to continue directly where the Extinction story finished off; imagine if the map takes place on the Exodus station floating through space mere moments after the events of "Exodus" where you spawn in immediately confronting Samantha Cross who is about to unless a horde of scouts and hunters upon the player before the room is closed off by an airlock door just in time saving you. It is here when you're contacted by Godfather - whose status was unknown but is revealed to also be on the station - and he informs the player that while Earth may be destroyed, he will not allow the cryptid scourge that put an end to mankind remain - even if it costs him his life. From here, Godfather assists the player in navigating the station where everyone soon realizes that the cryptids aren't the only things that took the lives of the Exodus crew as the player fights through your normal waves of the undead. Upon following Godfather's instructions, the player arrives at an armory on the station which houses the Venom-X (no button, morse code, or puzzle step required) which insta kills low-level cryptids such as scouts and hunters and deals moderate damage to rhinos, phantoms, and zombies, taking a longer time to kill. From here Godfather clues players in on the easter egg steps that they have to complete in order to get closer to Cross and in one of the final steps we hear his demise over the comms that he was using to communicate with the player before we see his dead body as well as the new Venom variant, the Venom-ZX which is a storm cloud that insta kills every enemy caught in the it's vicinity. With the help of this new weapon, the player defeats Cross in a boss fight not too dissimilar to the ones on "Nightfall" or "Mayday". And you can still get your Mephistopheles boss fight after completing all the easter eggs in Director's Cut (and maybe you can even connect him to the Extinction universe by revealing the fact that he was the first ancestor who inhabitated Earth many millennia ago and that it was him who started the cryptid outbreak 🤷🏻♂️ I'm just spit balling). I get that this is a lot and it's more just fan service to Extinction as opposed to the IW zombies storyline, but I think it would probably be better than what we got. General changes I would make to the map are: improving the layout, removing every enemy type expect for the zombies and cryptids, removing the theater, and make cryptids their own max ammo round until round 10 or 15 where they spawn in alongside the zombies.
Fantastic video as always! I used to say Beast wasn’t as bad as others make it out to be. Like it was still a bad map but I could have fun on it just training in the main area. But it seems the game wanted to remind me how bad the map is because literally the last ten matches I’ve played on it have ended in either the ninja zombies one shotting me after I respawn, the cryptids swarming me or getting caught on some crate or piece of scenery. I like the idea behind the map but man does it fumble everything. Honestly I probably still like it a little but more than Tranzit but Beast has the be one of the worst maps in zombies. Anyways fantastic series, really looking forward to the Extinction series. Absolutely loved that mode
Directors Cut made this game for me. I’ve never been great at zombies but going on steam forums and meeting people with DC that were happy to help do the eggs was fantastic. Great replay ability and helps cultivate a small but awesome community willing to help others. Great video!
I got so excited because the thumbnail looks like a John Rizzo thumbnail and I thought he'd uploaded his re-review project finally, but I got just as excited because it was a new Stanley video!
Zombies and Spaceland is probably my favorite zombies map of all time. The theming, map design, 80's soundtrack, and unique features like the arcade, coaster, and interactions with neil and david hasselhoff make it so memorable.
usually I agree but my cold war review has 2 million views so once the compilation of these IW reviews goes up I think it'll find its audience. But thank you though!
great video! throughout this entire IW re-review, ive agreed with just about everything you've said. its a underrated gem of a game, despite its numerous flaws. i'd say its tied with cold war as my favorite zombies game overall, with shaolin being tied for my favorite map (my other 2 favorites are zetsubo and die machine) i know that the shaolin easter egg has objectivley awful game design, but i cant help but find it fun. i love using the sword, i love running aroynd the map, rat high 5-ing, and fighting the rat king. even for the awful steps like thr rooftop spelling step, i just pull out a cheetsheet and its not too bad great zombies game, and great video series, i love your content and im excited for more :3
Beast Was Never Going to Be an Exceptional Map Without an Overhaul. Same can be Said for a Lot of Maps. But Knowing that, It still Could've Benefited from a Few Changes To Its Current State and it Would've Transformed From Bad (God awful in Stanley557's Eyes) to Mediocre or Decent at Best: - It Needed Better Direction for Getting Power on In The No Power Rounds. This was and still is the Biggest Problem with The Rounds since Exploration is a No-Go with How Fast The Cryptids are and How Defensively you Must Play to Survive the Rounds More Easily. The Challenge of the Rounds could remain the Same, But Power needed to Be More Clear to Reach and Obtain. Jumping Down A Giant Hole with Fast Alien Dogs on you Is Counter Intuitive To Most Sane People. - The High Round Ninjas NEEDED To Be Calibrated Properly. They Should Have a Damage Cap (Which Some EE step Ninjas on Shaolin and Max Ammo Round Ninjas Do have Such Nerfs) so they CANNOT Insta kill No Jug Players, and They Also Need A Health Cap, Preferably so that If You are Quick, You can Put them Down With Quick Aim. (Their Max Ammo Round Health) But at the Very Least, It Needs to be made so they aren't unkillable without the Venom Y/Z, Entangler, or Traps. They Shouldn't Be Significantly Stronger Than The Zombies. That Is Exactly What Causes or Strengthens Most of the Bad Gameplay Problems on Beast. Another one Being Their Abillty to Arrive Very Early in The Horde After The Player Respawns From Afterlife. This Should NOT Be Possible, Especially when the Ninja Is Capable of ONE SHOTTING you without Jug and you Don't have a Good Weapon To Kill or Drive Them Off. It is Really Unfair and Objectively Bad Design in this Game's Case. Having to Complete Most of Beast's Sandbox Just to Properly Combat ONE Enemy Type is Not Fun. - The Venom Y Upgrade Quest Needed to Be Retuned. Say what you will about the Morse code stuff, but i think it was fine enough Since it was actually designed to be Shortcutted, moreso than a certain OTHER other puzzle in the game. (Looking at you Skull Hop word puzzle from Attack) But Venom Y only Allows you to Kill Cryptids with the Venom X, Other special enemies don't count at all Until you get to the Venom Z Upgrade Quest. So when the game tells you to Kill 25 Cryptids or *worse* 30 Cryptids, it REALLY Slows things down on Solo and gets Annoying when you don't have Enough ammo to get the Kills, OR get a Ninja Only Max ammo Round Instead of a Cryptid Only Max ammo Round or Mixed Max Ammo Round. (Which is an Absolute Insult to your Time) The Solution would be to Restrict the Possible Kills for Venom Y to 15, 18, or 20 Only, (which also limits possible morse code numbers for that so that should automatically make everyone happy) then unlock 25 and 30 as possible Numbers for Venom Z, which also gives the illusion of it getting a little harder, (only a little though) and on top of that: it will be fair because you can kill ANY special enemy with the Venom X/Y instead of just Cryptids exclusively. Oh, and i guess maybe don't use the Fucking Vigenère Cipher (or ANY Cipher) for a morse code puzzle in Call of Duty Zombies Quests? That's one thing not mentioned often, a cipher is part of this morse code puzzle, so just knowing morse code isn't enough. Fortunately, I have a Cheatsheet in Stanley557's Discord Server In easter egg help that Nullifies the Need to Learn the Vigenère Cipher since i did all the Work in the Sheet. Still, keep that in mind when using my sheet because that's why there are 2 lists of possible morse code combos in there. - The Special Zombie Spawner Needs To Be Calibrated. As It Stands, there are 3 Main Special Types That can Spawn In at Any Given Moment in the Higher Waves. Which on Paper is Pretty Standard Stuff and Shouldn't Be a Point of Discussion, But it can be Wildly Broken: It works as normal as you would expect, Spawning 1 or 2 specials, maybe 3. But Then it all of a Sudden Randomly it will stay on and Spawn like 7 or 8 Specials in the span of 15 seconds, sometimes Longer! And VERY RARELY, It could transform the Normal Round into an Unofficial Special Round on its own, which is ABSOLUTELY Unacceptable. Funny, But Unacceptable. Which is another reason why the Venom Z Becomes REQUIRED for High rounds, just to Combat the Unoptimized Chaos. Another thing that Adds to the Spawner are the Zombie Respawns. See, if a Zombie Respawns, they can choose to come back as a Zombie again or a Special Enemy, So if the Spawner is having "Special Frenzy" as i like to Call it, Respawns will most likely come back as more specials, doubling the special count and Making things MUCH MUCH Worse. Simple Solution: Don't have such a wild Special spawner. (The Boss enemies like Phantoms & Slashers don't really factor into this BTW since they only come on specific rounds Once) - The Afterlife Respawns Need to Be Restricted on Solo. Enough said. PaP is a Stupid Respawn Spot Especially when Ninjas can one shot you and Arrive early Before you reached Jug OR Lost and Found. Another Solution would be to Have a Tombstone like feature where going to the Afterlife is but a Press of a button and that's a choice, not a requirement. And Up and atoms will revive you automatically like Treyarch QR or The Reanimated Fortune Card If you don't press the Button to go to the Afterlife. Having To Complete Skull Breaker just to Stand a FAIR Chance at Recovering Due to Bad Respawn Mechanics is (Say it with me) Bad Game Design. Once again, i also have a Cheatsheet for the Skull Breaker Puzzle in Stanley557's Discord Too. (Technically Mennob0t's) The Puzzles in Skull Breaker are really not as bad as they seem. These Tweaks and a few more Would've gone a long way in making this a more bearable if not fun experience, but for some reason, they didn't. and these gameplay decisions erode the experience the most because despite having questionable decisions, if it was balanced right, (like mephistopheles was) it wouldn't be a candidate for worst map in existence. Because it is hard to explore the map in rounds that demand a more defensive play style, it is hard to find power on your own with no guide. Combined with the difficulty of the early no power rounds. Beast Already Managed to lose one of the most important things in a map: A good first Impression. This is where most people's experience with Beast Ends if they Don't have Director's Cut or don't plan to get it. Then there is The Ninjas: The Heart of Every Major Problem with the Map, Just Mocking you for not bothering to Do the Side Easter eggs to Be Better Prepared for their Unstoppable Chaos. On Top Of That, A Special Spawner that Forgets What Fair Enemy Balancing Is and Just Throws The Kitchen Sink at You, Along with The Dojo. I Get This Was Meant To Be a Challenge Map. Heck, That's Why I Still Like it Despite All It's Bad Choices. BUT Damn, It's No Wonder Why This Map Has the Reputation it Has.
I find it crazy that we had two different non-traarch games that tried to make the most out of the dualistic emotions you get from Call of Duty zombies, as in one side is super arcady and the other is focused on horror. It really goes to show that when you don't let your developers pressure you into making something solely for sucking money out of your players that you actually can make something interesting and fun. Just looking at all the Easter eggs and stuff after you basically kill the devil.
As someone who has only ever played Treyarch zombies, I enjoyed these reviews. In fact, it made me add IW to my Steam wishlist. I don’t know if I’ll ever buy it though since Activision STILL wants to charge ridiculous sums for old cod titles and their map packs
I love every IW zombies map except Beast, each map has a variety of stuff to do plus unique wonder weapons like the kung fu styles, can't recommend iw enough, i wish treyarch adds as much love to future games as iw did
I fucking hate this map, I can’t believe the most viable strat is buying the Stallion variant where when you reload, it makes you invisible to the cryptids during the boss fight for like 10 seconds and you can just keep resetting it each time you reload. Truly one of the zombie experiences of all time.
Given that this is probably the One map that contains Wallbuys with Ninja Varaints you can Abuse and a Boss fight with a Unique mechanic That ALLOWS you to Abuse said Variant, I would think that was an Intentional Decision by the Devs. It would make sense since this map lacks any Souvenirs. (Not counting the Entangler and Boss fight Exclusive Sentry guns)
man if the cryptids just did SLIGHTLY less damage the first few waves wouldn't be as bad but instead i just end up killing myself once i get neil's head since by the time i get it i'm outta ammo and 12 cryptids are on my ass
Infinite warfare 1000% should of featured extinction instead of zombies. Aliens and exploring space and other planets go hand in hand with each other, but no. Needed zombies for the brain dead fans and to make shareholders and investors feel safer.
The worst zombie map ever they should have really made the Cryptids dog rounds it would have been so much better and I know there's a lot of other problems but that's the main fix I've always thought of I haven't had any fun with this map until I use director's cut and the fact that you can't even play this after you're done with the Easter egg because the game breaks just shows how poorly it was put together
She beast on my beyond till my warfare is infinite
Mr beast on my beyond till my
I do wanna say: a zombie outbreak on an ice planet sounds like a cool idea, i just wish they commited to just that. And methastoplies may actually be one of the most interesting bosses in all of zombies, ive seen gameplay and i like how you have to pay attention to audio and visuals
If only we could've gotten a sequel to Extinction that properly continued on it...also big ups for saying "cryptid slayers" instead of "zombie slayers"
Your videos and streams inspired me to go back and fully dive into Vanguard (All EE's and Dark Aether Camo Unlocked), Black Ops 4 (All EE's quite a few times, ALMOST all gauntlets #unsinkableclassicsonlyisimpossible, and Dark Aether Camo Unlocked) and Infinite Warfare in their entirety (I still haven't beaten Beast From Beyond EE on Director's Cut or Meph yet but I will get to it) and I truly have to thank you for that. Seriously some of the most fun I've had gaming in my life let alone Zombies as a whole. Your dedication to the series keeps me coming back to these games time and time again. Incredible Video :)
Thank you! And hey I don't blame you for skipping unsinkable hard classics only. I did it classics only but used the free door glitch
@@Stanley557 i will defeat this damn boat i swear
Actual peak Stanley content.
In the words of Dennis Reynolds "I haven't begun to peak!"
Beast From Beyond is something Jr Rizzo would like
I had just recently got REALLY into Extinction and it made me even more disappointed with how Beast turned out. They had the opportunity to continue directly where the Extinction story finished off; imagine if the map takes place on the Exodus station floating through space mere moments after the events of "Exodus" where you spawn in immediately confronting Samantha Cross who is about to unless a horde of scouts and hunters upon the player before the room is closed off by an airlock door just in time saving you. It is here when you're contacted by Godfather - whose status was unknown but is revealed to also be on the station - and he informs the player that while Earth may be destroyed, he will not allow the cryptid scourge that put an end to mankind remain - even if it costs him his life. From here, Godfather assists the player in navigating the station where everyone soon realizes that the cryptids aren't the only things that took the lives of the Exodus crew as the player fights through your normal waves of the undead. Upon following Godfather's instructions, the player arrives at an armory on the station which houses the Venom-X (no button, morse code, or puzzle step required) which insta kills low-level cryptids such as scouts and hunters and deals moderate damage to rhinos, phantoms, and zombies, taking a longer time to kill. From here Godfather clues players in on the easter egg steps that they have to complete in order to get closer to Cross and in one of the final steps we hear his demise over the comms that he was using to communicate with the player before we see his dead body as well as the new Venom variant, the Venom-ZX which is a storm cloud that insta kills every enemy caught in the it's vicinity. With the help of this new weapon, the player defeats Cross in a boss fight not too dissimilar to the ones on "Nightfall" or "Mayday". And you can still get your Mephistopheles boss fight after completing all the easter eggs in Director's Cut (and maybe you can even connect him to the Extinction universe by revealing the fact that he was the first ancestor who inhabitated Earth many millennia ago and that it was him who started the cryptid outbreak 🤷🏻♂️ I'm just spit balling).
I get that this is a lot and it's more just fan service to Extinction as opposed to the IW zombies storyline, but I think it would probably be better than what we got. General changes I would make to the map are: improving the layout, removing every enemy type expect for the zombies and cryptids, removing the theater, and make cryptids their own max ammo round until round 10 or 15 where they spawn in alongside the zombies.
Fantastic video as always! I used to say Beast wasn’t as bad as others make it out to be. Like it was still a bad map but I could have fun on it just training in the main area. But it seems the game wanted to remind me how bad the map is because literally the last ten matches I’ve played on it have ended in either the ninja zombies one shotting me after I respawn, the cryptids swarming me or getting caught on some crate or piece of scenery.
I like the idea behind the map but man does it fumble everything. Honestly I probably still like it a little but more than Tranzit but Beast has the be one of the worst maps in zombies.
Anyways fantastic series, really looking forward to the Extinction series. Absolutely loved that mode
Directors Cut made this game for me. I’ve never been great at zombies but going on steam forums and meeting people with DC that were happy to help do the eggs was fantastic. Great replay ability and helps cultivate a small but awesome community willing to help others. Great video!
Your content is amazing, please keep up the hard work!
Thank you!
I got so excited because the thumbnail looks like a John Rizzo thumbnail and I thought he'd uploaded his re-review project finally, but I got just as excited because it was a new Stanley video!
Can’t wait for what’s next Stan keep the work up :)
Zombies and Spaceland is probably my favorite zombies map of all time. The theming, map design, 80's soundtrack, and unique features like the arcade, coaster, and interactions with neil and david hasselhoff make it so memorable.
Five minutes ago is actually Basil the Batlord lego minifigure from 1997
I feel like if Scott The Woz and Stanley557 had a baby, it'd be Marlton from the Victis crew.
What the
@@Stanley557 Listen, it may have been a little unhinged, but you can't say it isn't true.
@@Storm_Dev I posted that to Twitter I thought it was hilarious
@@Stanley557 Awesomesauce
lets gooo im hyped for this
This was such a good watch
It actually makes me mad that these don’t have more views. They are so well made man.
usually I agree but my cold war review has 2 million views so once the compilation of these IW reviews goes up I think it'll find its audience. But thank you though!
@@Stanley557 great to hear!
Beast from beyond? I'm a beast from beyond this universe
great video! throughout this entire IW re-review, ive agreed with just about everything you've said. its a underrated gem of a game, despite its numerous flaws. i'd say its tied with cold war as my favorite zombies game overall, with shaolin being tied for my favorite map (my other 2 favorites are zetsubo and die machine) i know that the shaolin easter egg has objectivley awful game design, but i cant help but find it fun. i love using the sword, i love running aroynd the map, rat high 5-ing, and fighting the rat king. even for the awful steps like thr rooftop spelling step, i just pull out a cheetsheet and its not too bad
great zombies game, and great video series, i love your content and im excited for more :3
Beast Was Never Going to Be an Exceptional Map Without an Overhaul. Same can be Said for a Lot of Maps. But Knowing that, It still Could've Benefited from a Few Changes To Its Current State and it Would've Transformed From Bad (God awful in Stanley557's Eyes) to Mediocre or Decent at Best:
- It Needed Better Direction for Getting Power on In The No Power Rounds. This was and still is the Biggest Problem with The Rounds since Exploration is a No-Go with How Fast The Cryptids are and How Defensively you Must Play to Survive the Rounds More Easily. The Challenge of the Rounds could remain the Same, But Power needed to Be More Clear to Reach and Obtain. Jumping Down A Giant Hole with Fast Alien Dogs on you Is Counter Intuitive To Most Sane People.
- The High Round Ninjas NEEDED To Be Calibrated Properly. They Should Have a Damage Cap (Which Some EE step Ninjas on Shaolin and Max Ammo Round Ninjas Do have Such Nerfs) so they CANNOT Insta kill No Jug Players, and They Also Need A Health Cap, Preferably so that If You are Quick, You can Put them Down With Quick Aim. (Their Max Ammo Round Health) But at the Very Least, It Needs to be made so they aren't unkillable without the Venom Y/Z, Entangler, or Traps. They Shouldn't Be Significantly Stronger Than The Zombies. That Is Exactly What Causes or Strengthens Most of the Bad Gameplay Problems on Beast.
Another one Being Their Abillty to Arrive Very Early in The Horde After The Player Respawns From Afterlife. This Should NOT Be Possible, Especially when the Ninja Is Capable of ONE SHOTTING you without Jug and you Don't have a Good Weapon To Kill or Drive Them Off. It is Really Unfair and Objectively Bad Design in this Game's Case.
Having to Complete Most of Beast's Sandbox Just to Properly Combat ONE Enemy Type is Not Fun.
- The Venom Y Upgrade Quest Needed to Be Retuned. Say what you will about the Morse code stuff, but i think it was fine enough Since it was actually designed to be Shortcutted, moreso than a certain OTHER other puzzle in the game. (Looking at you Skull Hop word puzzle from Attack) But Venom Y only Allows you to Kill Cryptids with the Venom X, Other special enemies don't count at all Until you get to the Venom Z Upgrade Quest. So when the game tells you to Kill 25 Cryptids or *worse* 30 Cryptids, it REALLY Slows things down on Solo and gets Annoying when you don't have Enough ammo to get the Kills, OR get a Ninja Only Max ammo Round Instead of a Cryptid Only Max ammo Round or Mixed Max Ammo Round. (Which is an Absolute Insult to your Time)
The Solution would be to Restrict the Possible Kills for Venom Y to 15, 18, or 20 Only, (which also limits possible morse code numbers for that so that should automatically make everyone happy) then unlock 25 and 30 as possible Numbers for Venom Z, which also gives the illusion of it getting a little harder, (only a little though) and on top of that: it will be fair because you can kill ANY special enemy with the Venom X/Y instead of just Cryptids exclusively.
Oh, and i guess maybe don't use the Fucking Vigenère Cipher (or ANY Cipher) for a morse code puzzle in Call of Duty Zombies Quests? That's one thing not mentioned often, a cipher is part of this morse code puzzle, so just knowing morse code isn't enough. Fortunately, I have a Cheatsheet in Stanley557's Discord Server In easter egg help that Nullifies the Need to Learn the Vigenère Cipher since i did all the Work in the Sheet. Still, keep that in mind when using my sheet because that's why there are 2 lists of possible morse code combos in there.
- The Special Zombie Spawner Needs To Be Calibrated. As It Stands, there are 3 Main Special Types That can Spawn In at Any Given Moment in the Higher Waves. Which on Paper is Pretty Standard Stuff and Shouldn't Be a Point of Discussion, But it can be Wildly Broken: It works as normal as you would expect, Spawning 1 or 2 specials, maybe 3. But Then it all of a Sudden Randomly it will stay on and Spawn like 7 or 8 Specials in the span of 15 seconds, sometimes Longer! And VERY RARELY, It could transform the Normal Round into an Unofficial Special Round on its own, which is ABSOLUTELY Unacceptable. Funny, But Unacceptable. Which is another reason why the Venom Z Becomes REQUIRED for High rounds, just to Combat the Unoptimized Chaos. Another thing that Adds to the Spawner are the Zombie Respawns. See, if a Zombie Respawns, they can choose to come back as a Zombie again or a Special Enemy, So if the Spawner is having "Special Frenzy" as i like to Call it, Respawns will most likely come back as more specials, doubling the special count and Making things MUCH MUCH Worse.
Simple Solution: Don't have such a wild Special spawner. (The Boss enemies like Phantoms & Slashers don't really factor into this BTW since they only come on specific rounds Once)
- The Afterlife Respawns Need to Be Restricted on Solo. Enough said. PaP is a Stupid Respawn Spot Especially when Ninjas can one shot you and Arrive early Before you reached Jug OR Lost and Found.
Another Solution would be to Have a Tombstone like feature where going to the Afterlife is but a Press of a button and that's a choice, not a requirement. And Up and atoms will revive you automatically like Treyarch QR or The Reanimated Fortune Card If you don't press the Button to go to the Afterlife.
Having To Complete Skull Breaker just to Stand a FAIR Chance at Recovering Due to Bad Respawn Mechanics is (Say it with me) Bad Game Design.
Once again, i also have a Cheatsheet for the Skull Breaker Puzzle in Stanley557's Discord Too. (Technically Mennob0t's) The Puzzles in Skull Breaker are really not as bad as they seem.
These Tweaks and a few more Would've gone a long way in making this a more bearable if not fun experience, but for some reason, they didn't. and these gameplay decisions erode the experience the most because despite having questionable decisions, if it was balanced right, (like mephistopheles was) it wouldn't be a candidate for worst map in existence.
Because it is hard to explore the map in rounds that demand a more defensive play style, it is hard to find power on your own with no guide. Combined with the difficulty of the early no power rounds. Beast Already Managed to lose one of the most important things in a map: A good first Impression. This is where most people's experience with Beast Ends if they Don't have Director's Cut or don't plan to get it.
Then there is The Ninjas: The Heart of Every Major Problem with the Map, Just Mocking you for not bothering to Do the Side Easter eggs to Be Better Prepared for their Unstoppable Chaos.
On Top Of That, A Special Spawner that Forgets What Fair Enemy Balancing Is and Just Throws The Kitchen Sink at You, Along with The Dojo.
I Get This Was Meant To Be a Challenge Map. Heck, That's Why I Still Like it Despite All It's Bad Choices. BUT Damn, It's No Wonder Why This Map Has the Reputation it Has.
I find it crazy that we had two different non-traarch games that tried to make the most out of the dualistic emotions you get from Call of Duty zombies, as in one side is super arcady and the other is focused on horror.
It really goes to show that when you don't let your developers pressure you into making something solely for sucking money out of your players that you actually can make something interesting and fun. Just looking at all the Easter eggs and stuff after you basically kill the devil.
As someone who has only ever played Treyarch zombies, I enjoyed these reviews. In fact, it made me add IW to my Steam wishlist. I don’t know if I’ll ever buy it though since Activision STILL wants to charge ridiculous sums for old cod titles and their map packs
36:26 I use thus everytime I do a meph attempt and ngl I'm pretty sure this was a leftover dev tool similar to the homonculus dev tool on voyage
and I'm so thankful it's still in the game
Bean from Beyond
Killer bean from beyond
Where's Teddy?
I love every IW zombies map except Beast, each map has a variety of stuff to do plus unique wonder weapons like the kung fu styles, can't recommend iw enough, i wish treyarch adds as much love to future games as iw did
who slayin they cryptids rn? (another great video stanley, love your work!)
My fav IW map is Rave, I know its imperfect and definitely not the best but its one of my fav zombies maps of all time
We need a Part 6 which is just all those these re-reviews put into one mega long video maybe it can be Stans Directors cut
You'll never guess what I just finished rendering last night >:)
«This is Interstellar»
(a) Christopher Nolan
Smh we need a full remaster of the ReReview that has the extra 8 hours of analysis #CompleteTheReReview
If this map were to have a celebrity guest I would’ve loved to seen sigorney weaver
According to Lee Ross that was exactly who he wanted too
you are among the upper echelon of zombies youtubers
Been waiting for this 👀
My reason I absolutely DESPISE beast from beyond: 27:08
Yes I’m a extinction fan how could you tell
Late watch after work, glad to see you are finally suffering in this map, now we are even ever sense the dry and boring sandwich…
"insert happy moist critical noises here"
Just bought this to play it for the first time and man i hate this. Im someone whos played zombies a lot and this is such a pain.
Any chance you can review ghost extinction? I wouldn't mind learning if that gamemode was any good since ghost was my first cod game
You should watch till the end ;)
I fucking hate this map, I can’t believe the most viable strat is buying the Stallion variant where when you reload, it makes you invisible to the cryptids during the boss fight for like 10 seconds and you can just keep resetting it each time you reload.
Truly one of the zombie experiences of all time.
Given that this is probably the One map that contains Wallbuys with Ninja Varaints you can Abuse and a Boss fight with a Unique mechanic That ALLOWS you to Abuse said Variant, I would think that was an Intentional Decision by the Devs. It would make sense since this map lacks any Souvenirs. (Not counting the Entangler and Boss fight Exclusive Sentry guns)
Ah. Director's Cut. My beloved.
Nice, you finished your rereview before old man John after all lmao.
man if the cryptids just did SLIGHTLY less damage the first few waves wouldn't be as bad
but instead i just end up killing myself once i get neil's head since by the time i get it i'm outta ammo and 12 cryptids are on my ass
Hi stanley‼️
W year
I really love how small the zombies community has become it's cozy
Naaa beast from beyond on top 🙌🙌
ah the expert is here
I thought I was the Expert?
@TIGERBATE I don't know bud, seems like "beast from beyond enjoyer" has got you beat
Infinite warfare 1000% should of featured extinction instead of zombies. Aliens and exploring space and other planets go hand in hand with each other, but no. Needed zombies for the brain dead fans and to make shareholders and investors feel safer.
The worst zombie map ever they should have really made the Cryptids dog rounds it would have been so much better and I know there's a lot of other problems but that's the main fix I've always thought of I haven't had any fun with this map until I use director's cut and the fact that you can't even play this after you're done with the Easter egg because the game breaks just shows how poorly it was put together
criticizing Beast from Beyond...its the right thing to do
Who was MrBeast from Beyond?
Maybe it was the friends we made along the way
ahh classic rizzo copium "no their good"