Stephen Jimenez The Book of Matt

  • Опубліковано 20 сер 2020


  • @reneer-mg51timebender17
    @reneer-mg51timebender17 9 місяців тому +5

    Today I believe , this room would be much fuller. Thank you Mr. Jimenez. I would of loved to of had a seat for this.

  • @spammy1982
    @spammy1982 Рік тому +17

    In the fall of 2000, I heard the truth in my English 102 class. I did a report of Matthew Shepard, and a student from Wyoming promptly raised his hand and basically gave Jiminez' book summary and said that drugs were left out of the story. I, who had hugged Judy Shepard after a speech she made at my University months before, had an absolute conniption and branded the other student as a homophobe. Wow, I was wrong. Too bad I approached his words with a closed mind, I could have written this book a decade earlier ;-) Thank you for your honesty.

    • @patricklosi3358
      @patricklosi3358 11 місяців тому +1

      Did you ever think that because you said those actual things to a human being which were untrue but has REAL world consequences, that maybe YOU should be in jail? Or maybe lose some form of convenience from polite society for being a bigot?

    • @marguerilla
      @marguerilla 10 місяців тому +6

      @@patricklosi3358bro what

  • @bradentripp8141
    @bradentripp8141 9 місяців тому +5

    Fascinating read.
    It is interesting to think how this information may have possibly changed the outcome of the meth epidemic...which transformed into the current opioid epidemic if the truth wasnt pushed aside in favor of narrative.

  • @mtmt88
    @mtmt88 3 місяці тому

    Doc O'Connor of Laramie. What a wild west villain

  • @stephenrafter1980
    @stephenrafter1980 4 місяці тому +1

    Mistrial. They should be another trial.

    • @ATIARImusic
      @ATIARImusic 2 місяці тому

      Is it tho? They still committed murder and left him out there to die

  • @patricklosi3358
    @patricklosi3358 11 місяців тому +2

    So. Let me get this straight: After reading this man's truthful work (as far as I have been able to research) all one can do to comment here is to preface some incoherent anecdote and say- "I'm gay" or "I'm not homophobic" as a way to virtue signal your moral authority on an objectively true account regarding a measurable lie that was not only important to the outcome of those involved but shoved in the faces of a much larger group of people as a form of blood libel with the necessary atonement theatrics?
    Does anyone here have ANY semblance of self awareness or impartiality to truth, honesty and that which is good?

    • @hamilton7798
      @hamilton7798 11 місяців тому +1

      Why would he lie? What's in it for him? You want to know how gay guys get hiv? They take meth and sleep around...who had HIV? MS
      He lied about being sexually assaulted by a boy in the states, he was a sketchy character. He was basically left all by himself and given all the money he needed, he fell into the wrong crowd, it happens. But lying about him being an angel and some fiction about hate crime is just ANOTHER lie society believes in. It's a f^ing religion at this point.

    • @sameash3153
      @sameash3153 10 місяців тому +1

      I am not gay, and am upset that I was lied to about this case for over two decades. Fuck 'em. I can't stand this 2+2=5 world any longer

    • @SpaceTrashCrash
      @SpaceTrashCrash 10 місяців тому +3

      As a lesbian who has been a victim of hate, I agree prefacing a statement with virtue signals or identity qualifiers in order to have permission to objectively question a narrative shows cult mentality at play.

    • @hamilton7798
      @hamilton7798 9 місяців тому

      @@SpaceTrashCrash As a gay man who has seen many friends in the same situation as Matthew Shepard; lonely, attention seeking, and lost. They get into the wrong crowd with no supervision, they go to sex parties with meth and get hiv. It's a simple as that cupcake.

  • @kylieminou7775
    @kylieminou7775 3 роки тому +4

    The book seems quite researched and with a lot of work put into it, but I don't see what is the purpose of it, Yes, so Matthew Shepard had a life before being murdered, duh, he wasn't living inside a box until that day. He was living in a small town, where everyone knew each other, so yes, maybe he crossed paths with his killers, so what. Maybe he tried drugs, so what. I know it was the late 90's, but still it was not easy to come out, especially if you would have to be seeing and interacting with the same people who might not be supportive. This book changes nothing, it just interviews a lot of people who say, "no, I'm not homophobic, etc, etc, etc" and the author talks a lot about himself, which in an investigative work, looks silly and self-promoting

    • @michellecartwright1120
      @michellecartwright1120 2 роки тому +11

      I’m not homophobic in any way, but what interests me a lot is not to ever disregard that a man was brutally beaten/murdered no matter his sexuality, but more how our Media/Main Stream Media Spins Everything to fit Narratives for Agendas, especially Politically,,,Essentially not out right lying, but purposely leaving out relevant important information that leads it’s watchers/listeners to question the things that don’t add up. That’s what got me interested from day 1, because it was my state Colorado’s local news that really pushed it and used it for it’s political purposes and leaving out the back story that really could of also helped the broken family agenda/the meth/heroine/prescription pill addiction problems. Nope, they only made him the poster person for gay rights, nothing about his involvement of the prostitution drug gay scene in Denver and running drugs from Denver to Laramie and the facts that Aaron McKinney and Matthew Shepard knew each other and partied together. The MSM chose not to investigate it and if they did and knew about those truths they chose not to report about it. So I’m glad Stephen Jimenez took the time to meet with everyone interview them to find out the things that didn’t add up to him also.

    • @hamilton7798
      @hamilton7798 Рік тому +16

      I completely agree.
      I am a gay man, and I talk quite often about this book because I think people should read it.
      But I get push back. Why do you want to change all the good work that was done? Why do you want to erase this milestone? Why not let it be?
      That makes me realize that everyone plays a part in the theatre. They know, deep down that its not right, but they'd rather live with the lie. That really scares me about human beings.
      We need the truth! No matter what.

    • @gianfranco_maldetto_92
      @gianfranco_maldetto_92 Рік тому +7

      Human beings do not like the truth.
      Basic Human Nature 101

    • @hamilton7798
      @hamilton7798 Рік тому +1

      @@gianfranco_maldetto_92 I don't like that! I refuse to believe that!

    • @gianfranco_maldetto_92
      @gianfranco_maldetto_92 Рік тому

      Oh, babe, that's human nature.
      People cannot accept the truth especially if its not black or white.