Sounding gd, when I had my 390 back in the car, the starter made a strange noise n stuck on and the car had a vibration afterwards, took awhile to work out but the flexplate got out by 2mm, would vibrate round the 40/50 mph, had to replace flexplate.
Are you going to run the EFI on the test stand? I was surprised to see you put the carb on it for the run in I guess that is one less thing to worry about for the first fire up.
Nice 😊😊😊😊
Hello Matt. So happy for you. Sounded like it ran well.
George B.
Thanks George. It sounded even better in person.
Getting closer, good job
Thanks. It's getting exciting
Awesome sounds good 😊 merry Christmas to you all
Thanks and merry Christmas to you and your family
Yeah it sounded real good.
Thanks. I always look forward to the next time I start it. I love to hear it run.. it's like engine crack.. lol
Sounding gd, when I had my 390 back in the car, the starter made a strange noise n stuck on and the car had a vibration afterwards, took awhile to work out but the flexplate got out by 2mm, would vibrate round the 40/50 mph, had to replace flexplate.
I bet that wasn't fun to fix. I ended up replacing the starter with a push type instead of a pull type and all good now
Are you going to run the EFI on the test stand? I was surprised to see you put the carb on it for the run in I guess that is one less thing to worry about for the first fire up.
No it will be put on in the car. Too many things to try and get installed on the stand for me