Year 2 of natural beekeeping, 2 changes

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @longarmsupplies
    @longarmsupplies Рік тому +2

    I'm really enjoying watching your videos. I'm in my first year now with a successful overwintered colony in my insulated Dr Leo hive. I'm so excited! I'm in Alberta so waaay behind you weather wise...we're late this year...the bees are out, their hives are empty so I have to feed them. I got nucs from a "local" beekeeper...Four hour drive, bu LOL, at least he's Albertan and overwintering bees outside. I'm a bit shocked and amazed at the size of the colonies that came through the winter. I usually just have a little ball of bees to start out but yikes are my hives full of bees already. I'm a Grandma and I really enjoy seeing you beekeeping with your kids. I keep taking videos to show my 3 year old grand and the curiosity about the bees is amazing.. I'm going to have to invest in a kids suit, hopefully! I'm dreaming up so creative swarm catchers since my builder is too busy to build me any layens swarm traps. I have lots of langstroth equipment kicking around so at least I have a chance of keeping them...

    • @curly-hairedcountrygal1275
      @curly-hairedcountrygal1275  Рік тому

      Hi, Wild Nature Farm! Thank you for the kind words- I appreciate them and am glad you enjoy the videos!
      Way to go with your beekeeping!! Congratulations on your colony overwintering!! Such a relief, isn't it?
      I'm glad you enjoy seeing our kiddos with the bees! I'm so thankful that they are curious and so glad to give them the chance to experience something I never knew anything about as a kid! I also need to invest in some more suits, I'm hoping to collect enough over the years that groups of kids (or adults) can come visit the bees!
      Thanks for saying hi!

  • @AHomesteadingHustle
    @AHomesteadingHustle Рік тому +2

    I listened to your episode with Homestead Happenings on this and learned soooo much!! I plan to do this next year!

    • @curly-hairedcountrygal1275
      @curly-hairedcountrygal1275  Рік тому +1

      WHAT NO WAY!! I'm stoked that you're starting natural beekeeping next year!! Go natural, go natural! lol

  • @tlcross9620
    @tlcross9620 Рік тому +2

    I would definately warm up those collapsed wax sheets and get them back to straight. I also use only 1" or so wax for my frames.

    • @curly-hairedcountrygal1275
      @curly-hairedcountrygal1275  Рік тому +1

      That's a great idea, why didn't I think of that?! Glad I'm not alone with using minimal foundation.

  • @amandaliberty08
    @amandaliberty08 Рік тому

    Very nice! bee excitement!

    • @curly-hairedcountrygal1275
      @curly-hairedcountrygal1275  Рік тому

      Hi, Amanda! Thanks for stopping by again. Yes, so much bee excitement! Although right this second it's bee frustration over these splits! Trickier than I thought!

  • @hillbilly-homestead
    @hillbilly-homestead Рік тому +2

    Great job Elizabeth! Just wanted to share that I got completely hozed with 4" of foundation last year in my Layes trap. The bees croscombed the ENTIRE thing. So I had 7 full layens frames stuck together and into the walls. So this I decided to use year old full frame of wax or a full sheet of foundation. I also elected to use a 12v car battery and wires to melt the foundation in where as before. If you're gonna do strips, I'd recommend checkering them with some full frame or old comb that kinda forced the existing pattern.
    What are you gonna do with all your swarms you catch? Do you have that many hives? I was thinking about catching some in Langatroth and selling them.
    Also, I directly baited my horizontal hives and setup 7 frames just like a swarm catcher. So far I've cought 3 hives directly in the hive so I didn't need to transfer. The idea came from the bees themselves from my first year! bees broke all the rules of course: 1) swarmed in early March. 2) moved into a hive 2' from the ground. 3) west facing entrance. 4) old bait. 5) wasn't trying to catch them, just getting hives ready for next year.
    Good luck with the split! They're super fun!

    • @curly-hairedcountrygal1275
      @curly-hairedcountrygal1275  Рік тому +1

      Hey there, Hillbilly Homestead! You going to be at the Ozarks Homesteading Expo this year? I can't wait to meet you in person sometime!
      Oh man! It's funny that you're moving toward a full sheet of foundation while I'm moving to like 2". I'm guessing your hives were level?
      Well last year I put up 6 swarm traps and caught 3. It's looking like one is going to have a swarm pretty soon and another has some bees interested. I currently have 6 20-frame hives and 3 others, so I'll start by filling those. IF I have too many, I'll either build more 20-frame hives (which I plan to do eventually anyway) or try and sell some nucs to other natural beekeepers! Thankfully MO is a bomb place to be when you have horizontal hives thanks to Dr. Leo being here.
      It's so awesome that you caught 3 swarms in your hives and even with conditions that weren't 'ideal'!! I have 5 hives baited now but no interest so far except the random scout.

    • @hillbilly-homestead
      @hillbilly-homestead Рік тому

      @@curly-hairedcountrygal1275 If i'm in town I will for sure! So far it seems like my schedule is clear! I actually just shot my "All about swarm catching" video. We could also meet beforehand if you wanted to do a collab! I'm only a 3 year beekeeper so don't have much experience. And anyone I ask here does modern so Its good to learn mingle with natrual beekeepers!

  • @SylantBill
    @SylantBill Рік тому

    Caught 4 out of 8 swarms with boxes near water.

    • @curly-hairedcountrygal1275
      @curly-hairedcountrygal1275  Рік тому

      That is fantastic!! Way to go! I've only caught one swarm so far this year out of 6 traps... but I did get a late swarm last year! And splits have still helped expand the apiary.