@ravendarksky Totally hate it when people talk during shows too, man. I was excited to just now find this video because I was at this exact show! I remember the whole show being very chill and the talking wasn't too bad. People were pretty respectful. It was a nice hang out mood (he took requests during the show!) instead of doing the normal stoic stand eyes glued to the stage. It was also a treat to have Joanna Newsom there too.
Better singer?!?! Bill's voice is just one of the sexiest things on this planet! Just thinking about it makes me cream. (...dreaming..."oh lower, Bill, lower...")
SHeesh, could've at least smiled at Joanna and thanked 'The Goddess' for playing with him! But, no..."you guys embarassed you wore the same shirts?" doosh.
Bah, I might agree if they were still together. But, we all know they're not Lord Lemonhead. Anyway, this is a beautiful musical moment and I appreciate that and...
omg. never knew they coolaborated /played together live on stage. GREAT. thanks utube
This is excellent. He has such a fab, understated voice. Reminds me of Kurt Wagner from Lambchop.
Nice...Quite good quallity...More please...Thanks...
I always hear Lou Reed when he sings.
Very Nice !!! ;-)
@ravendarksky Totally hate it when people talk during shows too, man. I was excited to just now find this video because I was at this exact show! I remember the whole show being very chill and the talking wasn't too bad. People were pretty respectful. It was a nice hang out mood (he took requests during the show!) instead of doing the normal stoic stand eyes glued to the stage. It was also a treat to have Joanna Newsom there too.
reminds me of kurt wagner from x men
Better singer?!?! Bill's voice is just one of the sexiest things on this planet! Just thinking about it makes me cream. (...dreaming..."oh lower, Bill, lower...")
You should sing this song dresikodorinike, I'm pretty sure you have a dreamy voice.
Mr. Sarcastic Milkshake
SHeesh, could've at least smiled at Joanna and thanked 'The Goddess' for playing with him! But, no..."you guys embarassed you wore the same shirts?" doosh.
Dude they were dating at the time, I'm pretty sure they were fine with the way they acted with each other...
Bah, I might agree if they were still together. But, we all know they're not Lord Lemonhead. Anyway, this is a beautiful musical moment and I appreciate that and...
I agree and I'm a guy...
Mr. Wet Milkshake
@Jimisafe2 How's AA working for you?
the parish in austin texas?
@Amhlair TAKE IT BACK!!!!
When was this?
Is Joanna kind of popping out of that top?