Pendulums are alright but it broke the game. However the people who enjoyed pendulums struggle with the link format as it changed too quickly for pendulum dualists to adapt to the format.
@@tobrayatlas4210 i meant to say i'm tired of dm era getting all the attention instead of the spin offs, and frankly genwunner cunts just make it worse every time they fucking gush about dm era
Yeah I never got this argument. I love playing a Mine and watching people scoop. Also the argument of "breaking a board of negates feels good", yeah sure keep telling yourself that
I can handtrap combo with 9-15 handtraps, I cannot handtrap Mystic Mine Field barrier then happen to see my 1 of maybe 2 or 3 outs in my opening hand :) You either play handtraps and lose to mine or you play msts and lose to combo. Lose lose lol
The counter point is to the way combo have evolved so much that at this point, the top ones can get handtraped and still play through, or decks that just handrip you to the point of being unable to play, neither of which is fun either. I'm not saying 'don't play meta' or anything like that, just pointing out that at this point it's kinda moot.
Honestly, there's a lot to be upset about. Such as short prints or even reprints killing your card's value, when actually the solution would be to simply limit the card first before reprinting it. If staples like Imperm were limited, people would use other cards and decks would look more and more different, plus games would be played much differently every time, reducing the staleness of the game; then people would use less powerful staples like Veiler until it got limited, which is fine; In Goat Format there was a bunch of the same staples in everyone's deck, but because they were limited games always felt fresh. Also, If staples got limited before reprinted, people could trade them away at a decent value, and still have enough copies to use, rather than hording them because whatever deck they make needs 3, and this would encourage people to trade because that's what's generally in demand: non-reprinted to be insanely cheap staples and new product. There are also a lot of generic OP boss monsters, like Apoloussa that shouldn't exist. People with 7+ negate boards tend to always include this one card, if it were simply banned, boards would become like 4 negates, then you ban (or actually Errata) other generic cards like Savage, and if fewer generic negaters that every single deck could summon exist, boards will simply end more vanilla-like and the game would be a lot more fun since people can actually use their cards. I don't think all reprints are bad though, some for non-generic cards like Magician's Souls are essential, since only 3 decks use it and rogue Dark Magician players it's made for will never be able to afford it. Short-printing is also generally bad for the consumer. The only cards that should be short printed are higher rarities, like Collector's, Ghost, or Starlight Rare, much like the OCG has been doing for awhile. Again, if Magician's Souls was not short-printed in normal version, but only as a Ghost Rare, it would be fine for everyone. Not having cash prizes is probably bad too. Winners of major events tend to not need generic product they already have, though, if it's Championship prize cards, that's decent imo. Of course making championship prize cards that decks actually need, like Minerva in Lightsworn, is also a problem, unless an easier-to-obtain version exists. Making support for decks is good, but if 99% of it is unusable, it becomes horrible, which is why people are complaining about Legacy support, because they haven't actually made playable direct Blue-Eyes support since 2016's Alternative/Spirit and 2008's White Stone, literally every other Blue-Eyes card sucks, and there's still no Blue-Eyes Fusion spell, so retraining Ultimate is pointless until they make one, and it seems they are just filling sets with worthless Legacy support. Same with Red-Eyes, all it's support is trash outside of Red-Eyes Fusion (only now because Dragoon) and Black Metal Dragon/Red-Eyes Fang. DM recently got about 50% good/50% bad support, so it's fair. But what about other Legacy support? How am I supposed to make a Bandit Keith deck with only 1 card: Desperado Barrel Dragon? See, there needs to be much more Legacy Support, and it needs to be good.
@@Goblin_Hands would you rather have a cash prize for 1-8 players or give people mats dice and packs and the man who created yugioh said that he didnt want people to get money from his game
7:20 I understand where she is coming from it isn't just about touching and all that but how the male opponent will duel. For example: going easy on them or scooping without reason.
In that case, her demand is unreasonable, ignorant and hypocritical. She's right in that what they're doing is not the "right" attitude to have, sure, but their opponent's actions are more often than not not a choice they're in control of but a product of awkwardness and social anxiety. You can't just tell a shy person to stop being shy. It's like telling a depressed person to stop being depressed. I've seen kids do that when I was younger and it's just bafflingly stupid. The reason I called it "hypocritical" is because it's not like she seems to be doing anything herself to improve the situation. The way she worded that tweet, as a demand and putting all the blame on men, is both irresponsible and entitled as hell. If anything, she's making the situation even worse.
@@motherofgeese1845 Sure. As much as she isn't obligated to do anything, those awkward nerds she's talking about also aren't, though. In an ideal world that wouldn't be the case and everyone would be perfectly socially adjusted, but if that's not the case, isn't demanding everyone change without putting forward any work yourself a bit unreasonable? I wouldn't have said anything if she had just complained. It's a bad situation, I agree. The way she said "men need to learn" is just really entitled, though.
@@Maxim0M1 she's not the one that needs to put in the work it takes time to become not socially awkward and its not demanding she's saying that she would like to feel as if there wasn't any problems so she's not the one that has to fix that social awkwardness she had a tiny bit to do with it you're acting like she's some sort of phycologist it takes time to change I know but its not her problem to fix.
@@motherofgeese1845 By "putting in work herself" I mean to try to reason with them to play seriously with her like they would with anyone else, and not just blindly shit on everyone on Twitter. She doesn't have to be their psychologist. You might be surprised to read this, but the awkward nerds she's complaining about are also people who have their own interests and motivations. They might not care to put in the work to improve their social skills if they feel there's nothing in it for them. They _might_ care, though, if they find the interactions to be pleasant, don't you think? Relationships are not a one-way street. There's a give and take you have to engage in in order to reasonably expect any change. But hey, I'm not saying she can't complain and shit on them. She can do that all she wants, I'm all for freedom of speech. I'm just saying that's not exactly an effective method to accomplish that. "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar"
For me personally, what I really like in YugiTubing is educated, in-depth content. The best at this is Cimooo. I also really like Dzeeff's videos. I really enjoy how knowledgable he is about the history of the game and how certain aspects of the game change. For me, as a player who likes to play competitively (but casually) and as someone who has played since the inception of the game, I love watching longer videos discussing the history of one card or why certain cards work or don't work. As a viewer, instead of copy-paste market watch, deck profiles, or meta analysis; I would rather prefer a 13min video discussing Metal Raiders or Jinzos history. Second most important factor to me would be video quality. The second I say poor video quality I get immediately turned off. THis is why the top yugitubers shine to me. Lastly, I simply enjot Team APS because yall seem like a genuine group of dudes that I would hang out with even outside yugioh. And you guys are hilarious too with the skits. Keep it up.
I know right nothing better than having with the boys, I have a youtube channel too, with tons of yugioh deck profiles, come check it out I am trying to beat my old high school buddy in subscribers he has 130 I have 104 but he does music and I do yugioh maybe you guys can help me win
@@greenrick41RE you might like my channel too then, I use alternate artwork of cards to make them fit into my archtype specific deck, so for example I have blue eyes shining dragons picture on borrelsword dragon card for an awsome link 4 blue eyes shining, it's in my newest deck profile
I remember I was at a regional and one of the judges was an attractive female. I felt bad because she was being hit on and harassed by so many people there
That last one is so true, I can't remember the last time I actually traded a card, I either buy, sell or just give a card away/get a card from my friends if it's cheap and they have extras they're not using. I think the term TCG is now a misnomer, there's not a lot of T going on, so maybe a more appropriate term is in order.
Just wanted to add another "strong card, that is a staple and works" is Pot of Greed, and the reason for why that's banned is kinda a case for why those other staples should be at least toned down
My biggest critique of modern YuGiOh is that there needs to be more of a variety in win conditions/strategies than just "build an infinite negate board." Perhaps an archetype that gets effects when a negate is activated could help with this.
They should have legacy support for other archetypes that aren't black magicans or blue eyes. The fact that new jinzo support recently came out encourages older players to come back and play. I dont know if cards during 5D's is consider legacy , but they definitely need more support in the archetypes.
I feel like og yugioh and gx have the biggest old school following. 5ds technically is legacy but I feel like it just not as big of a following. The gx and og stuff in magical heroes seem to be more popular. Konami kinda knew it a short printed some of it.
5d's era players are in a weird spot. we got needlefiber as new support but turns out, we need to be really careful what we wish for because now all our favorite tuners are getting banned to make it slightly less broken
I think all Dm decks shouldn’t get legacy support for the next 3-5 years. Sick of DM!! I’ll be great for them to actually give a decent amount of legecy support to GX like Neo-spacians, cyber dragons, hero. Like make Roids actually playable 😂.
14:09 No, we need more legacy support. It's true we get a lot of DM/Red-Eyes/Blue-Eyes support, but the problem is it's 99% trash, not even the decks end up using it, even on the most casual basis, so it's literally filler/waste of paper AND talented artwork. We do need less Blue-Eyes/Red-Eyes/DM support, and also for it to be useful, but we need WAAAY more Legacy support that focuses on archtypes like Gate Guardian, Castle of Dark Illusions, Toons (actually good support, not just another legacy monster in Toon form that doesn't help), Insects (Great Moth ffs), Dinos (Two-Headed King Rex retrain...that's busted; Rex Raptor support that doesn't help modern dinos much because they don't need it), Bandit Keith major overhaul (1 Desperado isn't enough to build a deck, sorry), and you get the idea.
So for example, imagine this: Labyrinth Duel Field Spell When this card is activated, you can Special Summon 1 "Labyrinth Wall" from your hand, deck, or GY, then add 1 "Labyrinth" card from your deck to your hand. Each time a monster(s) is summoned (including in the Extra Monster Zone), place them in the next available Monster Zone(s) closest to their user's Field Spell Zone; also, once per turn, the turn player can move any number of their monsters on their side of the field to the closest (horizontal) available Monster Card Zones. Monsters cannot target other monsters for attacks, unless they are in the same columns. Once per turn, if your opponent activates a card or effect, you can add 1 "Kazejin", "Suijin", or "Sanga of the Thunder" from your deck or GY to your hand. Once per turn, if this card is targeted by a card effect, you can discard 1 level 5 or higher monster; negate that effect. The Labyrinth's Power Continuous Spell Level 5 or higher Normal Monsters do not require tributes to normal summon/set. You can only activate one of the effects of "The Labyrith's Power", based on the number of other "Labyrinth" cards you control with different names, once per turn: 1+: You can target any number of monsters on your field, GY, or banished, except effect monsters (minimum 1); shuffle them into the deck, then add 1 "Labyrinth" card from your deck or GY to your hand. 2+: Special Summon 1 "Labyrinth Tank" from your Extra Deck or GY, then you can target 1 Spell/Trap card on the field; banish it. 3+: Special Summon 1 "Monster Tamer" from your hand, deck, or GY and if you do, take control of one of your opponent's monsters they control, but you cannot Special Summon for the rest of this turn. 4+: Add 1 "Riryoku" from your deck or GY to your hand, then flip all face-down monsters and/or change all effect monsters on the field to ATK position, and if you do, draw 1 card. 5+: You can apply all of the previous effects, in any order. A Trap in the Labyrinth!? Trap Activate one of these effects: Send 1 "Jirai Gumo" from your field, hand or deck to the GY, or banish it from the GY; destroy 1 monster in this card's column and inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the original ATK of that monster. Banish 1 "Dungeon Worm" from your field, hand or deck; banish all other cards in this card's column. If your opponent moves a monster(s) to adjacent monster zone(s) while you control a "Labyrinth" card, you can send 1 other "Labyrinth" card you control to the GY; shuffle 1 "Jirai Gumo" from your GY into you deck, then, set this card from your GY, also, this card can be activated this turn. You can only use each effect of "A Trap in the Labyrinth!?" once per turn. The Labyrinth's Guardian Continuous Trap You can only control 1 "Gate Guardian", also, "Gate Guardian" can attack 3 monsters during each Battle Phase. Once per turn, you can reveal 1 "Kazejin", "Suijin", and "Sanga of the Thunder" from your hand, field, or GY; Special Summon 1 "Gate Guardian" from your hand, deck, GY, or is Banished ignoring summoning conditions. When an opponent targets a card you control with a monster effect or for an attack, you can banish from your hand or GY, 1 "Kazejin", "Suijin", or "Sanga of the Thunder"; negate that attack or effect. If this card, or "Gate Guardian" leaves the field because of an opponent's card (by battle or effect), return all other monsters on the field to their controller's hands except "Gate Guardian", also, you can Special Summon 1 "Kazejin", "Suijin", and/or "Sanga of the Thunder" from your Banished zone, and if you do, you cannot summon from the extra deck until your opponent's next turn. If you control "Labyrinth Wall", this card can be activated the turn it was set. The Shadow Inside the Labyrinth Quick-Play Spell Equip 1 "Magical Labyrinth" from you hand, deck, or GY to 1 monster you control, and/or, and move any of your opponent's face-up monsters to their other Main Monster Mones, then if you do either of these, Special Summon "Wall Shadow" from your hand, deck, GY, or is Banished, ignoring it's summoning conditions, and equip this card to it with this effect: Once per turn (Quick Effect), you can move "Wall Shadow" to any available Main Monster Zone. If "Wall Shadow" attacks an opponent's monster, during the Damage Step, that monster's ATK becomes half of it's original attack, also, negate it's effects (if any), and if it is destroyed by battle, banish it, and if you do, add 1 "Kazejin", "Suijin", or "Sanga of the Thunder" from your deck and/or any "Labyrinth" card from your GY to your hand. You can only activate each effect of "The Shadow Inside the Labyrinth" once per turn. So, Labyrinth's Guardian is powerful, but has outs/downsides. First of all, Gate Guardian get's slowed down too, since it can only attack monsters in the same column under the field spell. Second, if you use non-targeting monster removal, you can get rid of it, without having the pieces respawn since they wouldn't be banished yet, your monsters will get bounced, but from there you'd only have to worry about a vanilla 3750. Third, a simple S/T removal will bypass it entirely, though it's not entirely over for the user if they flip up another copy, which all don't have HOPT effects, but are regulated since the user can only control 1 Gate Guardian. Fourth, you could remove the trap, allow the user to summon the pieces, then banish them, and then get rid of Gate Guardian; the pieces would be banished and unable to be used to resummon Gate Guardian, unless you end up removing another Labyrinth's Guardian or Gate Guardian while another copy is active. Fifth, it's only negation, not destruction and sixth, it's only 3 pieces so you can just target stuff 3x and then steal Gate Guardian with Borreload, etc instead of removing it. All the other cards are decent and boost consistency and provide plays, but require many recyclable bricks and also aren't really spamable in other decks (unless you think bringing out a lv 5 vanilla for free breaks the game). It is worth noting that obtaining Labyrinth Duel, Shadow Inside the Labyrinth, and Labyrinth's Guardian will allow you 5 other Labyrinth cards, aside from Layrinth's Power, because Duel will SS Wall (2), and Shadow equips Wall with Magical Labyrinth (3), and keeps itself equiped to Wall Shadow (4), and then if you control Wall, you can set and immediately flip Guardian (5), then activate the Power you searched from Duel (or if you opened Power, you search Shadow or Guardian), then apply all it's effects: you can add Riyoku and draw, SS Tank and banish a S/T, SS Tamer and steal a monster, reshuffle Tamer and add Trap to your hand, and if your opponent activates something you get a piece, if you destroy a monster with Shadow you get another, so if you opened 1 piece already (a 4 card combo) you SS Gate Guardian, so that is a pretty crazy set-up! Interesting cards that interact are Ground Collapse (adding a sort of attack block with "Labyrinth Duel"), Wattkinetic Puppeteer might be used as a sort of interruption during the BP, or allow Gate Guardian to fully attack 3x monsters under Labyrinth Duel (when paired with "Shadow"), Senet Switch might speed things up, Indigo Eclipse would probably benefit too. And of course BEWD would be a pretty strong Normal Summon, though this time I guess it would be allowed to move as long as it didn't use flight, lol. "Guardian" can have players finally experience the indivual pieces power, but all at once. The field spell slows the game down, but should it be removed, Gate Guardian can show off it's true power...
Or imagine this: Levitation Ring of Dark Illusions Field Spell When this card is activated, you can banish 1 "Swords of Revealing Light" from your hand, deck, or GY; Special Summon 1 "Castle of Dark Illusions" from your hand, deck, or GY, then add 1 "Dark Illusions" card from your deck to your hand. Other "Dark Illusions" cards cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects. Once per turn (Quick effect), if you control "Castle of Dark Illusions", You can flip all Attack Position monsters you control into face-down Attack Position, then, rearrange all face-down monsters you control. (Battle positions are not changed. Face-down attack position monsters can attack, but are flipped at the start of the damage step.) At the end of your 3rd End Phase after this card was activated, your opponent can add 1 card from your Banished Zone to their hand. While "Swords of Revealing Light" is face-up, all "Dark Illusion" card effects on the field are negated. The Dark Illusions Continuous Spell If a monster you control that was previously face-down this turn battles, during damage calculation, increase it's ATK/DEF by 1000, until the End Phase. Once per turn, you can apply these effects based on the number of other "Dark Illusions" cards you control with different names: 1+: Special Summon 1 "Barox" from your Extra Deck, then you can add 1 "Dark Illusions" card from your deck to your hand. 2+: Special Summon 1 "Dark Chimera" from your hand, deck, or GY, then send 1 "Darkness Approaches" from your hand or deck to the GY and apply its effect, or add it to your hand. 3+: Special Summon 1 "King of Yamakai" from your hand, deck or GY, then flip any number of monsters on the field face-down ATK position and send face-up cards on the field to the GY equal to the number of cards flipped by this effect (Face-down attack position monsters can attack, but are flipped at the start of the damage step.) The Reaper of Dark Illusions Counter Trap If you control "Castle of Dark Illusions": Special Summon 1 "Reaper of the Cards" from your hand or deck face-down, then send 1 monster your opponent controls to the GY, and if you do, inflict damage to your opponent equal to its original ATK. You can banish this card from the GY; Special Summon 1 "Reaper of the Cards" from your GY face-down, then target 1 Spell your opponent controls; send it to the GY. (If the target is Set, reveal it, and destroy it if it is a Spell Card. Otherwise, return it to its original position.) You can only use each effect of "Reaper of Dark Illusions " once per turn. Guardian of Dark Illusions Continuous Spell If you control "Castle of Dark Illusions", you can special Summon 1 "Metal Guardian" from your hand, deck, or GY, then you can activate 1 "Yellow Luster Shield" from your deck. While you control both "Metal Guardian" and "Yellow Luster Shield", your opponent cannot target "Dark Illusions" cards, or Face-down cards you control with effects. If a "Dark Illusions" card on the field would be targeted by a card effect, you can banish this card from your GY; negate that effect. You can only use each effect of "Guardian of Dark Illusions " once per turn.
Only OGs will remember when the title was called “Yugioh players are upset” Edit: And now only mid-OGs will remember when it was called reacting to ygo hot takes 😂😂
My thing with frequent releases: Why are there constantly new archetypes and such? Plus most of those are half baked or way underpowered. Like, there is nothing stopping Konami from making a card for all the archetypes that were in the Create A Card Tournament thing in the place of making another new archetype.
RusMosquito good thing I play HEROs on of the most popular Rogue archetypes when it comes to competitive plus a legacy archetype used by a main character so I get support every now and then lol
Coming from MTG and just looking into what kind of game yu-gi-oh has turned into. The segment about ash blossom blows my mind. The only card off the top of my head that would be compared to Ash would be Gitaxian Probe. It was a card you could shove into legit any and every deck and it was amazing. It also got banned after people figured that out because Wizards values diversity in deck building. As an outsider looking in I can't believe this card is put into literally every deck and somehow isn't on your banned list.
I understand that, but if you don't play it, what would you play instead? The only option to remove handtraps would be to make them not needed, because they are an extremely important part of the game now.
@@rusmosquito9835 That's still no reason to Limit the much better Called by the Grave, which doesn't require you play the Hand Traps yourself in order to negate them. It's clear they only did that just to force sales for Crossout rather than because Called was too powerful to be at 2 or 3. If that were the case, they would've also hit the things that caused Called to be so heavily played, name Ash Blossom.
23:50 I agree Staples at 3 are a problem, that's why the banlist exists. Everyone should have unique decks, so cards run in everyone's deck at 3 is bad imo. Impermanence, Ash, and Nibiru going to 1 is good because it encourages variety and increases fun. Then people will main Sphere Mode at 3, Veiler at 3, and Dark Ruler at 3, then you limit those. In the early days, things got stale when you had triple Dark Hole/Pot of Greed/Raigeki/Reborn/Change of Heart/La Jinn/Summoned Skull, everyone had the same deck, but then by Goat Format, even though people did have similar decks, everything was limited so duels still felt fresh and unique. Right now it's like Needfiber combo? Ash/Nibiru/Imperm? No? Ok, 7 negates. Now, Needlefiber and 7 negates is a problem (ban Apoloussa so it's only 3 negates), but seeing the same counter is also extremely boring and stale.
Trading would be more common if staples were limited. People always need staples until they don't, which happens when cards get limited rather than reprinted. If Imperm stays at 3, even if someone has 15 extra copies, they are still going to keep them; if they get limited, they're like "ok, I'll trade it." Collectables, however, are harder to trade for since they are usually an investment that increases over time rather than a playable staple that's bound to decrease over time, unless the collector plays and desperately needs it. But cards reprinted at dirt cheap kills trading for sure, since people needing those cards could just spend way less rather than trying to trade for the higher rarity version that they don't necessarily need, and that just lost value. So reprints are bad for the game in this sense, but I still think certain cards should be, like Magician's Souls, since it's made for a rogue deck, not necessarily just abused in Tier 1 decks especially being short-printed. I don't think Souls should be limited because it's a crucial card for like 3 decks, but if Evenly was, people would trade it, and use something else as well, if Evenly was simply reprinted dirt cheap, people would buy it, Konami knows this, and reprints everything except product that is still new so it sells, then reprints it, then limits it, people MIGHT trade for it, but by then its too late generally people no longer need it so Konami is intentially killing trading because they are greedy and want people buying out of shallow practices like short-prints/reprints rather than simply good product (like sets with good cards, not necessarily reprints, and multiple rarities). See the OCG, where cards come affordable, but also in higher rarity. There's been a few good recent sets, like Toon Chaos (Collector's Rare), and Dragons of Armageddon (Ten Thousand Dragon), plus everything with Starlight and the new Ghost in the Ra set, but they're also still short printing cards people need, rather than simply not and having rarer versions like the OCG.
I sort of agree with the legacy support take, I just wish they gave more support to other old archetypes. Like I played gladiator beasts back in the day, and when they released the link support and new fusions that actually got me back in the game cause I could play my favourite archetype again. I just think it would be a smart business move to do that to some of the other old archetypes, since most of them are only a handful of new cards away from being playable. Maybe only at rouge status, but still, gives a bit more life to the game
Legacy support shouldn’t just be Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes and Red-Eyes. There are other “Legacy” archetypes and decks that people would be way more hyped over at this point like HERO, NEOS, NEO-SPACIAN, CYBER DRAGON, CRYSTAL BEAST. And that’s just a few from GX there’s loads and even more including 5D and Zexal. DM era needs to give it a rest seriously And I completely agree they should explore forgotten types like reptile, pyro.
Yeah i agree but also give hero's a rest. They've gotten just as much support. Its time to give crystal beasts, utopia, stardust and cyber dragons some more love
Here's my hot take: Pendulum Monsters are where the game got overcomplicated. With Fusions, you take 2+ monsters, Polymerization, boom! new monster. Synchros, take a tuner, take a non-tuner, add their levels together. Xyz, you just need monsters with the same level. Sure, it did get a little bit more complicated with overlay units and detaching, but its still relatively easy to understand once you've played the formal for a while. But Pendulums? You have to factor in 2 new zones, you have to keep track of what levels are between their two markers, every monster pendulum summoned is counted as being special summoned all at once, they have 2 different effects that depend on if they're a monster or a spell card, etc. But for the record, I don't think it was a bad era, but I feel like this is where you start getting the "This is too much for one person to keep track of" arguments.
The argument about the "creativity in yugioh" I kinda find it interesing considering that to make certain strategy work involves a lot of thinking and creating lines of play that it's not like everyone can do it. Even certain combo decks have certain lines of play that you need to think considering you have to play arround certain cards that just simply destroy your BnB combo. Creativity in yugioh exists and a lot, people just don't know how to do most of that because they tend to have a wrong vision of how Yugioh is played.
Hot Take: There are too many powerful generic cards in the game. I wish there were a few good generic cards to support engines (i.e. Called by the Grave/ hand traps/ Triple Tactics Talent) rather than engines that just end with generic cards on the board rather than any of the archetype cards. Basically stuff like Apolousa, Buster lock, Borreload Dragon etc shouldn't be so generic.
Generally agree. Boss monsters should be more specific to archetypes. This is why Dragoon isn't that busted because it's not that convenient to play in a specific deck. Verte is problematic because it makes him generic, but in a pure Red Eyes or DM deck he's perfectly reasonable and hard to bring out
If you can build a multiple negate board and can’t out a mystic mine then you need to deck build better. Im sorry but as someone who hated the card for the longest time, the card is fair when you consider the format that we’re in.
I totally agree with you. If you know hand traps are a thing and mystic mine is a thing your choosing not to side or main anything to respond to it. Yet complain when you lose to it Sad
13:53 Oh hey, dat me (on a different account I use for art cause I can't settle on one consistent name) The lads hit the nail on the head with my opinions on legacy support too. Plus I would love if Pokemon didn't nostalgia bait for a year (but that MV "Gotcha!" was SO GOOD and Masters has my walle-I mean heart)
Mystic Mine should either go to 1 and we get a light version (a good field floodgate), or we get better S/T removal. Something that isn't just S/T removal in S/T form (because against Mine it has to be), but it also has to do something else, like give you a draw or something really good. S/T removal hurts rogue decks with their combos, even moreso than hand traps, which are usually multi-purpose. Mystic Mine decks tend to have triple Solemn ready anyways.
Maybe like a Kaiju for S/T that lands on your side of the field, like Trap Eater, but called Spell Eater...but it should be good so either a quick effect or a draw effect.
I personally find it very funny how people react to women being at Yu-Gi-Oh events. I don't care, I'll otk you with Cyber Dragon regardless of what's in between your legs.
As far as the dumbest hot take I've ever personally seen, it was someone who thought that you should only be able to special summon 5 times per turn. Not 5 times from the extra deck, 5 times from the gy, just a blanket all you get is 5 special summons a turn. Coincidentally, said person was also playing a mystic mine deck with judgement dark bribe and cursed seal of the forbidden spell, and when people asked why she played MM she just responded "just play s/t removal idiot"
@@WhoStoleMyNachos I personally dislike that idea as well under the simple fact that if it was implemented it would make some cards literally useless. Any card that is mean't to stop a certain number of special summons would become useless overnight and I don't like that idea.
I think the problem is quite often that a lot of gamers in general have never really interacted with women/girls before, so they're really nervous and it upsets them. But the answer to that isn't being a dick, it's to learn more empathy and social skills. Things which you need for the rest of your life, so it's a good thing for everyone.
I totally agree with y'alls assessment of dude who was complaining about having to run staples and killing creativity. Playing the game competitively means you don't get to be as creative as you want. You try to make the best plays using the best cards. That's the competitive game. If you wanna be creative, great. More power to you. Don't go to major tournaments lol. To me it's like saying "ugh I don't wanna play spades because everyone just tries to make books".
I feel like mystic mine missed an effect like the controler/owner needs to have at least 1 monster so they cant abuse the shit out of it. Getting down to no monsters is honestly almost impossible but 1 monster is doable by tributes or extra deck
Absolutely agree. Another thing they could have done to prevent it being abused is preventing the opponent from taking burn damage. Mystic Mine would be fine imo if it weren't for burn strategies (or Final countdown to a lesser extent) being able to abuse the card.
So about the creativity in Yu-Gi-Oh part. Back in the glory days of Yu-Gi-Oh I built a water removal deck using Leviathan to destroy the field. Activate the dimensional card to bring back my removed from play monsters and attack for game. This is back when bazoo decks were rampant. You could take a mechanic that others used, but make something truly unique that worked these cards. I didn't agree with this comment about them going hand in hand and felt like adding my two pennies. I am old school old school Yu-Gi-Oh player and followed since was a website. Where Pojo was where you'd ask about your deck. I've been yata locked, time sealed lock, last turned, cyber steined, and magical scientist.
On the deck profiles being popular, I think you guys have the right of it. Like, I haven't been into yigioh for like 3 years and now I'm making my way through your backlog, because your entertaining and the videos are evergreen, as opposed to deck profiles which are almost dead on arrival.
The biggest problem I have with Mystic Mine is the fact that it costs 1 card to stun your opponent. It takes an "amount" of resources to make a card like True King of all Calamities. Whereas with Mystic mine you just have to draw into it. Both cards I feel are unhealthy for the game. But Mystic mine is far easier to use.
*SUPER HOT TAKE* Realistically, society has taught us that men are horrible people by default. BUT Guys being weird to girls in this environment is actually normal when said/done to other guys. The bombardment of card talk, the cringe jokes...all normal and many women I know through ygo does this and participates as if it's normal. Guys letting girls win or something, I can't speak on. It's something I'll never do. 😅 It's like what I say about the gaming community, some people just can't grow/adapt in different environments. But I do agree (to an extent) that guys should not be trying to get that girl in an environment where the object is to send your opponent to the shadow realm.
So, I am a relatively new/returning player who got back into the game last summer. Hadnt played since I was a freshman (GX era), even then I never played competitively. My only experience with "real" Yugioh was through the video games, and I gotta say, it is REAL intimidating comming back. New summoning mechanics aside, it feels like new players need to learn over a decade's worth of cards all at once. Now, I played MtG for awhile, and I liked playing control decks. For somebody like me who is still having to catch up, Mystic Mine is a godsend. I love that it slows the game down to a crawl because otherwise the speed is break neck and incredibly difficult to keep up with for a new player like me. So imma keep playing my Mystic Mine Exodia Stall, at least until I can learn every combo deck being used in the meta inside and out.
The real problem with legacy support is that dark magician and blue-eyes deck are just useless in the meta, it would be better if they do less support, but better support, that make a blue-eyes deck or a dark magician deck competitive
Would you guys be interested in playing the old gameboy/DS yugioh games. It'd be fun to see how you'd build your deck in World Championship 2004 or something like that
Legacy support comment lol I agree it’s a little out of hand now like chill lol and it’s funny he mentioned Reptile Deck support and I just got a bunch of Ancient Guardian packs and they have Reptile support in it, Ogdoadic they seem interesting not gonna lie lol
@@JaeQuSmooth2010 the Earth is flat. Or something a bit less clear: Economic system X is better than economic system Y. Both of those you can make very objective cases for/against, but they are still opinions. Actually we can do this example with Yugioh: "Dark Magician is more fun to play than Blue Eyes" is entirely subjective. But "Dark Magician is more consistent than Blue Eyes" is pretty objective becase you can measure things like times a specific combo works or times you win with a deck.
I think market watches are a needed tool in the game, especially for someone that buys and sales cards as a job or buys the deck they want to play for that format and sales the rest of their cards. I personally don't sale my cards when a deck can't be played so Market Watch doesn't really help me.
24:20 What about a Reliant Robin? For those unaware, a Reliant Robin is a car with only 3 wheels, and is oft only mentioned as the butt of a few British car jokes. To quote a driver of one such vehicle, "Owning a Reliant Robin is like having a family pet. Yes, it’s a nuisance sometimes, and, yes, it can be stubborn and unreliable, but it scampers when you go out together, and if you play with its differential, it will even roll over so you can tickle its tummy." If I'm not lying, that sounds like a description for a casual/gimmick deck. It doesn't work the best, but it's a helluva lot of fun when it does work. Just don't change the ratios or you'll never win a game with it.
To be honest, there are too many handtraps now. Like okay, we had veiler early on, and we had psy frames which were cool because their whole deck was based on handtraps. But now we have droll&lock, nibiru, and not to mention all of the ghost loli handtraps, and the uniqueness of handtraps faded away and made them boring.
17:44 I want unique videos, are you kidding me?? But unique is such a vague term. Do I want skits unrelated to the meta? Sure. Do I want deck profiles on literally every deck? No, I wouldn't care about every unique Hero build because I don't like HERO in general, but it is still interesting to see what they might run. Do I only want to see deck profiles ONLY on Tier 0-1-2 (65-15-5% or more tops). Hell no, because I'm rogue, but again it is important to know what they run and how to win.
Sam smashing the like button with karate chops and elbows is unique and his audience loves it and his enthusiasm plus his intros. People like Simply Unlucky's intros, and enthusiasm, people love APS skits, and Unique Yugioh memes, but appealing and consisteny is crucial of course.
@Mr Mimikyu I with you on that. We get too many Elemental Hero or just too many "Hero" based support or reprints for something that lasted an entire generation.
Fam on the left with the "with what they said to us??" Is right as hell. Folks can be expected to not be stinky or weird to women, not asking much at all lol
@@akmalfakhruddin7285 Actually that is the game I am playing. I like it but all the cards are playable. I just like having fun with it and learning the new mechanics.
I ran stardust/assault as soon as that boy came out, it was a lot of fun and worked despite everyone's advice. I made a Pyramid of Light deck going up against Dark Armed decks. Soul absorbing inferno mill as soon as zombie world came out. Creativity has always existed in yugioh, but sadly, it's never made its way to anything above LGS tourneys.
I can throw a few cents into even though i play magic the gathering. When it came to running staples in a meta deck to counter a deck, i get where he/she is coming from: recently we had a card named Omnath locus of creation this card was so good and was seen in 60% of the decks it was banned because it was everywhere; other decks from Blue spells or splash in that color JUST to deal with that card and even then? by the time you get to that control aspect you need the games done or you get baited and hey theres that card you just cancelled/counter spelled/ or ash blossomed and you wasted a card(when going on omnath for example) me using cancel/counter spell on the first one sure makes him spend 8 mana but when omnath's effect alone? gives him...a +2 and a half? i sorta see the point and I get where they are coming from because it stifles other decks or mechanics the company(ies) want you to use or in YGO's case its an auto include to the decks meaning you have to now work around with even smaller slots if out of your 40 (i dont play so bare with me) that you need 3 to 12 or 15 cards automatically before you start building it? I can sorta get that
they should slow legacy support for decks such as blue eyes dm red eyes and bring out more legacy support for other older decks like psy frame lightsworn cloudians ice barrier etc EDIT: watched further and see you adressed it EDIT2: love the persona ost in the bg
I want more legacy support. But I just want it to be more varied, too much Blue Eyes and Dark Magician, aside from Dragoon even Red-Eyes feels left out sometimes. Luckily they do seem to be trying to do that right now though. Chazz it up.
These people talk about creativity, I'm an animator as well, working on my 3rd graphic novel and for them to have to create a new card, monster, trap or spell, the artwork alone shows a level of creativity that those commenting don't come close to. Criticism is only helpful if it's geared in the direction of growth. Writing attributes, tying them to several other cards as counters, tokens, power ups, trsps, spells, ect. it all requires creativity.
On the topic of Legacy support the problem isn’t the amount of Legacy support it’s the lack of diverse Legacy support. There’s like 3 decks from old school Yugioh that consistently get new support and then like 1,000 Konami doesn’t even remember the name of. My thought is that while they shouldn’t stop supporting Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes or Heroes because obviously people want them to remain at least somewhat meta relevant, but instead maybe direct some of that excess support to Arcana Force or Volcanics or any of the other thousand GX or 5Ds archetypes that haven’t seen play in like a decade.
I agree about the skill aspect of staple cards like Ash. I personally don't usually include it in my decks because I suck at knowing when to use it, so if I'm ever playing against someone running a meta deck, I'm going to lose regardless of whether I have Ash or not. Obviously, I don't go to tournaments or anything.
So, the reason I believe that people are more okay with 7-8 negate boards than Mystic Mine is because Mystic Mine is one single card. If we take Dragon Link for example, yes, it has one card combos that set up these domain lock + 2 negates and half a macro cosmos along with 2 cards out of your hand, but they have to combo off and go through the motions to set up those boards. However, with Mine, it's literally one card and a field barrier and if you don't main deck any outs then you're done for. Finally, people should realize that there is always a game 2 and 3. Side deck cyclones and twin twister/MST. So, as a combo player that locks out my opponent I can't get mad at Mystic Mine. It's not good for the game but it's also not bad. It's just pretty meh.
As a Dark Magician collector and player, I - ya hate to see it - love having a Dark Magician / Blue-Eyes White Dragon / Red-Eyes Black Dragon version x / y / z every so often for collector, lore and nostalgia's sake; however, I can't stand seeing the new support being $100 or more PER CARD when a box of the set that card comes in is the same price. Even I have to admit it's time for cards like Celtic Guardian to get some love. I recommend viewing between 5 and 10 deck profiles for the Deck you’re interested in and going from there...
I disagree with the guy that commented that market watches are boring. House of Champs is an example of a good market watch channel. In my opinion, it’s entertaining, and I get some information on some of the cards I have around.
I’m fine with the amount of legacy support, I just wish it was better. How often do legacy decks get a new card that all variants of the deck actually use? Most legacy support is too situational, does nothing for the deck, is too slow, or has too many restrictions on it Yeah I don’t like the state of staple cards right now. Basically half your deck has to be hand traps if you want even a chance of winning
I agree with this. As a red eyes player, Dragoon doesn't really help me out. It's a big flex that people can eventually take out, REDMD can't bring it back, as its not a dragon. I'd prefer a contact fusion red eyes card, or a spell or trap that help deal with fron or back rows, blue eyes, da, and dmg all have pretty good offensive cards for that, we have red eyes burn, that burns us too......
@@greenrick41RE red eyes could probably also do with their own version of Melody of Awakening Dragon so they could actually use their red eyes alternative
The part where you talk about the meta analysis video, I would only watch them if I were to do competitive duels. I look for fun yugioh videos like TeamAPS.
Guys need to understand that most (all?) girls playing Yugioh are taken. The ratios are not in their favor. At a club, it's like 10 to 1 guys are trying to get at a pretty girl (probably way higher), at a tournament, it's like 1000 to 1 (also, probably waaaay higher), and she's already flooded with followers. Most players are not attractive either, or that rich, or that tall, or that funny, or that sociable, but it's ok because women are over-rated. Play your game to have fun, not to fail at hunting a wolf in sheep's clothing. You either play Yugioh, or play another game: dating.
Hot take: Why doesn't Konami create a non-standard format? Ok, yeah, YuGiOh is eternal, any card from anywhen can be played, but that does not mean Konami could not create another format where the banlist is different. It could add value to singles and entertain duelists all around. Dunno, just common cards? Just cards from X sets? Just look at Magic the Gathering.
I don't even understand the product release hot take. If you thought a product was useless then you don't even have to buy them therefore negating the thought that you need to keep up with it.
I feel like a better argument would be for them to stop selling product with little to no value. Like the fist of the gadgets set I don’t think anyone was excited for that since it didn’t really have anything for competitive players or nostalgia legacy collector/players
If you literally can't play the game, it's not really fun. If you're playing a 40 card normal monster deck fine but even the best decks can get locked out of playing when they go 2nd
Mystic Mine is sort of a more modern version of say The Dark Door or Vengeful Bog Spirit. Slowing down would allow more people to get what they would like from that current set. It's like the card game version of Apple Versions with how close between releases Konami does it. I believe there's enough of those three to make maybe 3 different decks made from each of the unique cards, with only using the base card in each of them. I would like to see some Legacy support for stuff like Junk archetype(unless they did get a fair amount) or say basic dino cards(Stated basic as overall dino is about to get a whole ass new set: DinoRuffia).
One last thing to note Trade binders aren't as obsolete as Shadowhaunt stated, it's mainly on the person that wants to trade for something that someone else has.
as far as legacy support goes i wanna se more variety of older archtypes to support everyone like how the new ojama card just came out in the ocg thats cool
Let us know some more of your unpopular opinions about the game, anime, or community here in the comments!
I love you all
Pendulum is not best deck
Don't let pendulums die : (
Links and pendulum caused alot of players to leave yugioh or play casual with friends without link and pendulum cards.
Pendulums are alright but it broke the game. However the people who enjoyed pendulums struggle with the link format as it changed too quickly for pendulum dualists to adapt to the format.
Hot take : all we want is Hungry Burger support, Konami.
Crab Turtle all day for me, thanks.
how bout no, don't need more genwunner trash getting supported
unironically yes.
They could print that instead of cards that are intentionally bad
@@EBlade3529 trash...? Did Thunder Dragons not dominate an entire format or did I miss something?
@@tobrayatlas4210 i meant to say i'm tired of dm era getting all the attention instead of the spin offs, and frankly genwunner cunts just make it worse every time they fucking gush about dm era
Hot Take: Normal monsters are cooler because they have text dedicated to tell us what that monster is about.
To be fair as far as 'Mystic Mine is boring', so it watching your opponent combo for 8 minutes and set up 7 negates/disruptions
Yeah I never got this argument. I love playing a Mine and watching people scoop. Also the argument of "breaking a board of negates feels good", yeah sure keep telling yourself that
Clayton Harring how the hell is watching nothing happen fun?
I can handtrap combo with 9-15 handtraps, I cannot handtrap Mystic Mine Field barrier then happen to see my 1 of maybe 2 or 3 outs in my opening hand :)
You either play handtraps and lose to mine or you play msts and lose to combo. Lose lose lol
The counter point is to the way combo have evolved so much that at this point, the top ones can get handtraped and still play through, or decks that just handrip you to the point of being unable to play, neither of which is fun either. I'm not saying 'don't play meta' or anything like that, just pointing out that at this point it's kinda moot.
@@soup2504 how the hell is watching someone combo off for 15 minutes fun?
Ayyy I hear that Kaneshiro palace theme in the background. Good taste
If it wasn't copyrighted I swear they would have used life will change/wake up get up get out there
People complain about card prices while price from persona 5 is playing. Brilliant
I was gonna say the same thing lol, P5/P5R sound track is so good
Is it called Price?
@@truegem4322 yes indeed it is
Yugioh players are/will pretty much always be upset
Honestly, there's a lot to be upset about.
Such as short prints or even reprints killing your card's value, when actually the solution would be to simply limit the card first before reprinting it. If staples like Imperm were limited, people would use other cards and decks would look more and more different, plus games would be played much differently every time, reducing the staleness of the game; then people would use less powerful staples like Veiler until it got limited, which is fine; In Goat Format there was a bunch of the same staples in everyone's deck, but because they were limited games always felt fresh.
Also, If staples got limited before reprinted, people could trade them away at a decent value, and still have enough copies to use, rather than hording them because whatever deck they make needs 3, and this would encourage people to trade because that's what's generally in demand: non-reprinted to be insanely cheap staples and new product. There are also a lot of generic OP boss monsters, like Apoloussa that shouldn't exist. People with 7+ negate boards tend to always include this one card, if it were simply banned, boards would become like 4 negates, then you ban (or actually Errata) other generic cards like Savage, and if fewer generic negaters that every single deck could summon exist, boards will simply end more vanilla-like and the game would be a lot more fun since people can actually use their cards. I don't think all reprints are bad though, some for non-generic cards like Magician's Souls are essential, since only 3 decks use it and rogue Dark Magician players it's made for will never be able to afford it.
Short-printing is also generally bad for the consumer. The only cards that should be short printed are higher rarities, like Collector's, Ghost, or Starlight Rare, much like the OCG has been doing for awhile. Again, if Magician's Souls was not short-printed in normal version, but only as a Ghost Rare, it would be fine for everyone.
Not having cash prizes is probably bad too. Winners of major events tend to not need generic product they already have, though, if it's Championship prize cards, that's decent imo. Of course making championship prize cards that decks actually need, like Minerva in Lightsworn, is also a problem, unless an easier-to-obtain version exists.
Making support for decks is good, but if 99% of it is unusable, it becomes horrible, which is why people are complaining about Legacy support, because they haven't actually made playable direct Blue-Eyes support since 2016's Alternative/Spirit and 2008's White Stone, literally every other Blue-Eyes card sucks, and there's still no Blue-Eyes Fusion spell, so retraining Ultimate is pointless until they make one, and it seems they are just filling sets with worthless Legacy support. Same with Red-Eyes, all it's support is trash outside of Red-Eyes Fusion (only now because Dragoon) and Black Metal Dragon/Red-Eyes Fang. DM recently got about 50% good/50% bad support, so it's fair. But what about other Legacy support? How am I supposed to make a Bandit Keith deck with only 1 card: Desperado Barrel Dragon? See, there needs to be much more Legacy Support, and it needs to be good.
@@Goblin_Hands Facts
@@Goblin_Hands would you rather have a cash prize for 1-8 players or give people mats dice and packs and the man who created yugioh said that he didnt want people to get money from his game
7:20 I understand where she is coming from it isn't just about touching and all that but how the male opponent will duel. For example: going easy on them or scooping without reason.
In that case, her demand is unreasonable, ignorant and hypocritical. She's right in that what they're doing is not the "right" attitude to have, sure, but their opponent's actions are more often than not not a choice they're in control of but a product of awkwardness and social anxiety. You can't just tell a shy person to stop being shy. It's like telling a depressed person to stop being depressed. I've seen kids do that when I was younger and it's just bafflingly stupid.
The reason I called it "hypocritical" is because it's not like she seems to be doing anything herself to improve the situation. The way she worded that tweet, as a demand and putting all the blame on men, is both irresponsible and entitled as hell. If anything, she's making the situation even worse.
@@Maxim0M1 she shouldn’t have to change the situation all she wants to do is play yugioh without issues that’s all
@@motherofgeese1845 Sure. As much as she isn't obligated to do anything, those awkward nerds she's talking about also aren't, though. In an ideal world that wouldn't be the case and everyone would be perfectly socially adjusted, but if that's not the case, isn't demanding everyone change without putting forward any work yourself a bit unreasonable? I wouldn't have said anything if she had just complained. It's a bad situation, I agree. The way she said "men need to learn" is just really entitled, though.
@@Maxim0M1 she's not the one that needs to put in the work it takes time to become not socially awkward and its not demanding she's saying that she would like to feel as if there wasn't any problems so she's not the one that has to fix that social awkwardness she had a tiny bit to do with it you're acting like she's some sort of phycologist it takes time to change I know but its not her problem to fix.
@@motherofgeese1845 By "putting in work herself" I mean to try to reason with them to play seriously with her like they would with anyone else, and not just blindly shit on everyone on Twitter. She doesn't have to be their psychologist.
You might be surprised to read this, but the awkward nerds she's complaining about are also people who have their own interests and motivations. They might not care to put in the work to improve their social skills if they feel there's nothing in it for them. They _might_ care, though, if they find the interactions to be pleasant, don't you think? Relationships are not a one-way street. There's a give and take you have to engage in in order to reasonably expect any change.
But hey, I'm not saying she can't complain and shit on them. She can do that all she wants, I'm all for freedom of speech. I'm just saying that's not exactly an effective method to accomplish that. "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar"
For me personally, what I really like in YugiTubing is educated, in-depth content. The best at this is Cimooo. I also really like Dzeeff's videos. I really enjoy how knowledgable he is about the history of the game and how certain aspects of the game change. For me, as a player who likes to play competitively (but casually) and as someone who has played since the inception of the game, I love watching longer videos discussing the history of one card or why certain cards work or don't work. As a viewer, instead of copy-paste market watch, deck profiles, or meta analysis; I would rather prefer a 13min video discussing Metal Raiders or Jinzos history.
Second most important factor to me would be video quality. The second I say poor video quality I get immediately turned off. THis is why the top yugitubers shine to me.
Lastly, I simply enjot Team APS because yall seem like a genuine group of dudes that I would hang out with even outside yugioh. And you guys are hilarious too with the skits. Keep it up.
I’m a new player and I’ve learned so much from you guys. Thank you 😊
Same. I played hardcore back in 2002-2005 though... I have gotten back up speed with these guys. Kinda. Still SO much out there in know NOTHING about.
This is literally the best yugioh channel hands down. It just shows how yugioh is. Just hanging out with the boys
I know right nothing better than having with the boys,
I have a youtube channel too, with tons of yugioh deck profiles, come check it out
I am trying to beat my old high school buddy in subscribers he has 130 I have 104 but he does music and I do yugioh maybe you guys can help me win
That's why I like this channel too. Other channels are just too over the top for me
@@greenrick41RE you might like my channel too then, I use alternate artwork of cards to make them fit into my archtype specific deck, so for example I have blue eyes shining dragons picture on borrelsword dragon card for an awsome link 4 blue eyes shining, it's in my newest deck profile
Now that's a hot take
@@650slayer bro you a anime channel
I remember I was at a regional and one of the judges was an attractive female. I felt bad because she was being hit on and harassed by so many people there
That last one is so true, I can't remember the last time I actually traded a card, I either buy, sell or just give a card away/get a card from my friends if it's cheap and they have extras they're not using. I think the term TCG is now a misnomer, there's not a lot of T going on, so maybe a more appropriate term is in order.
Negates Card Game
Just wanted to add another "strong card, that is a staple and works" is Pot of Greed, and the reason for why that's banned is kinda a case for why those other staples should be at least toned down
Hard agree
My biggest critique of modern YuGiOh is that there needs to be more of a variety in win conditions/strategies than just "build an infinite negate board." Perhaps an archetype that gets effects when a negate is activated could help with this.
They should have legacy support for other archetypes that aren't black magicans or blue eyes. The fact that new jinzo support recently came out encourages older players to come back and play. I dont know if cards during 5D's is consider legacy , but they definitely need more support in the archetypes.
I feel like og yugioh and gx have the biggest old school following. 5ds technically is legacy but I feel like it just not as big of a following. The gx and og stuff in magical heroes seem to be more popular. Konami kinda knew it a short printed some of it.
5d's era players are in a weird spot. we got needlefiber as new support but turns out, we need to be really careful what we wish for because now all our favorite tuners are getting banned to make it slightly less broken
i guess junk speeder was meant to be the actual legacy support here, and it's good, but the crystron halqifibrax splash damage is real
Black magician lol
I think all Dm decks shouldn’t get legacy support for the next 3-5 years. Sick of DM!! I’ll be great for them to actually give a decent amount of legecy support to GX like Neo-spacians, cyber dragons, hero. Like make Roids actually playable 😂.
14:09 No, we need more legacy support. It's true we get a lot of DM/Red-Eyes/Blue-Eyes support, but the problem is it's 99% trash, not even the decks end up using it, even on the most casual basis, so it's literally filler/waste of paper AND talented artwork.
We do need less Blue-Eyes/Red-Eyes/DM support, and also for it to be useful, but we need WAAAY more Legacy support that focuses on archtypes like Gate Guardian, Castle of Dark Illusions, Toons (actually good support, not just another legacy monster in Toon form that doesn't help), Insects (Great Moth ffs), Dinos (Two-Headed King Rex retrain...that's busted; Rex Raptor support that doesn't help modern dinos much because they don't need it), Bandit Keith major overhaul (1 Desperado isn't enough to build a deck, sorry), and you get the idea.
So for example, imagine this:
Labyrinth Duel
Field Spell
When this card is activated, you can Special Summon 1 "Labyrinth Wall" from your hand, deck, or GY, then add 1 "Labyrinth" card from your deck to your hand. Each time a monster(s) is summoned (including in the Extra Monster Zone), place them in the next available Monster Zone(s) closest to their user's Field Spell Zone; also, once per turn, the turn player can move any number of their monsters on their side of the field to the closest (horizontal) available Monster Card Zones. Monsters cannot target other monsters for attacks, unless they are in the same columns. Once per turn, if your opponent activates a card or effect, you can add 1 "Kazejin", "Suijin", or "Sanga of the Thunder" from your deck or GY to your hand. Once per turn, if this card is targeted by a card effect, you can discard 1 level 5 or higher monster; negate that effect.
The Labyrinth's Power
Continuous Spell
Level 5 or higher Normal Monsters do not require tributes to normal summon/set. You can only activate one of the effects of "The Labyrith's Power", based on the number of other "Labyrinth" cards you control with different names, once per turn:
1+: You can target any number of monsters on your field, GY, or banished, except effect monsters (minimum 1); shuffle them into the deck, then add 1 "Labyrinth" card from your deck or GY to your hand.
2+: Special Summon 1 "Labyrinth Tank" from your Extra Deck or GY, then you can target 1 Spell/Trap card on the field; banish it.
3+: Special Summon 1 "Monster Tamer" from your hand, deck, or GY and if you do, take control of one of your opponent's monsters they control, but you cannot Special Summon for the rest of this turn.
4+: Add 1 "Riryoku" from your deck or GY to your hand, then flip all face-down monsters and/or change all effect monsters on the field to ATK position, and if you do, draw 1 card.
5+: You can apply all of the previous effects, in any order.
A Trap in the Labyrinth!?
Activate one of these effects:
Send 1 "Jirai Gumo" from your field, hand or deck to the GY, or banish it from the GY; destroy 1 monster in this card's column and inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the original ATK of that monster.
Banish 1 "Dungeon Worm" from your field, hand or deck; banish all other cards in this card's column.
If your opponent moves a monster(s) to adjacent monster zone(s) while you control a "Labyrinth" card, you can send 1 other "Labyrinth" card you control to the GY; shuffle 1 "Jirai Gumo" from your GY into you deck, then, set this card from your GY, also, this card can be activated this turn. You can only use each effect of "A Trap in the Labyrinth!?" once per turn.
The Labyrinth's Guardian
Continuous Trap
You can only control 1 "Gate Guardian", also, "Gate Guardian" can attack 3 monsters during each Battle Phase. Once per turn, you can reveal 1 "Kazejin", "Suijin", and "Sanga of the Thunder" from your hand, field, or GY; Special Summon 1 "Gate Guardian" from your hand, deck, GY, or is Banished ignoring summoning conditions. When an opponent targets a card you control with a monster effect or for an attack, you can banish from your hand or GY, 1 "Kazejin", "Suijin", or "Sanga of the Thunder"; negate that attack or effect. If this card, or "Gate Guardian" leaves the field because of an opponent's card (by battle or effect), return all other monsters on the field to their controller's hands except "Gate Guardian", also, you can Special Summon 1 "Kazejin", "Suijin", and/or "Sanga of the Thunder" from your Banished zone, and if you do, you cannot summon from the extra deck until your opponent's next turn. If you control "Labyrinth Wall", this card can be activated the turn it was set.
The Shadow Inside the Labyrinth
Quick-Play Spell
Equip 1 "Magical Labyrinth" from you hand, deck, or GY to 1 monster you control, and/or, and move any of your opponent's face-up monsters to their other Main Monster Mones, then if you do either of these, Special Summon "Wall Shadow" from your hand, deck, GY, or is Banished, ignoring it's summoning conditions, and equip this card to it with this effect: Once per turn (Quick Effect), you can move "Wall Shadow" to any available Main Monster Zone. If "Wall Shadow" attacks an opponent's monster, during the Damage Step, that monster's ATK becomes half of it's original attack, also, negate it's effects (if any), and if it is destroyed by battle, banish it, and if you do, add 1 "Kazejin", "Suijin", or "Sanga of the Thunder" from your deck and/or any "Labyrinth" card from your GY to your hand. You can only activate each effect of "The Shadow Inside the Labyrinth" once per turn.
So, Labyrinth's Guardian is powerful, but has outs/downsides. First of all, Gate Guardian get's slowed down too, since it can only attack monsters in the same column under the field spell. Second, if you use non-targeting monster removal, you can get rid of it, without having the pieces respawn since they wouldn't be banished yet, your monsters will get bounced, but from there you'd only have to worry about a vanilla 3750. Third, a simple S/T removal will bypass it entirely, though it's not entirely over for the user if they flip up another copy, which all don't have HOPT effects, but are regulated since the user can only control 1 Gate Guardian. Fourth, you could remove the trap, allow the user to summon the pieces, then banish them, and then get rid of Gate Guardian; the pieces would be banished and unable to be used to resummon Gate Guardian, unless you end up removing another Labyrinth's Guardian or Gate Guardian while another copy is active. Fifth, it's only negation, not destruction and sixth, it's only 3 pieces so you can just target stuff 3x and then steal Gate Guardian with Borreload, etc instead of removing it.
All the other cards are decent and boost consistency and provide plays, but require many recyclable bricks and also aren't really spamable in other decks (unless you think bringing out a lv 5 vanilla for free breaks the game). It is worth noting that obtaining Labyrinth Duel, Shadow Inside the Labyrinth, and Labyrinth's Guardian will allow you 5 other Labyrinth cards, aside from Layrinth's Power, because Duel will SS Wall (2), and Shadow equips Wall with Magical Labyrinth (3), and keeps itself equiped to Wall Shadow (4), and then if you control Wall, you can set and immediately flip Guardian (5), then activate the Power you searched from Duel (or if you opened Power, you search Shadow or Guardian), then apply all it's effects: you can add Riyoku and draw, SS Tank and banish a S/T, SS Tamer and steal a monster, reshuffle Tamer and add Trap to your hand, and if your opponent activates something you get a piece, if you destroy a monster with Shadow you get another, so if you opened 1 piece already (a 4 card combo) you SS Gate Guardian, so that is a pretty crazy set-up!
Interesting cards that interact are Ground Collapse (adding a sort of attack block with "Labyrinth Duel"), Wattkinetic Puppeteer might be used as a sort of interruption during the BP, or allow Gate Guardian to fully attack 3x monsters under Labyrinth Duel (when paired with "Shadow"), Senet Switch might speed things up, Indigo Eclipse would probably benefit too. And of course BEWD would be a pretty strong Normal Summon, though this time I guess it would be allowed to move as long as it didn't use flight, lol. "Guardian" can have players finally experience the indivual pieces power, but all at once. The field spell slows the game down, but should it be removed, Gate Guardian can show off it's true power...
Or imagine this:
Levitation Ring of Dark Illusions
Field Spell
When this card is activated, you can banish 1 "Swords of Revealing Light" from your hand, deck, or GY; Special Summon 1 "Castle of Dark Illusions" from your hand, deck, or GY, then add 1 "Dark Illusions" card from your deck to your hand. Other "Dark Illusions" cards cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects. Once per turn (Quick effect), if you control "Castle of Dark Illusions", You can flip all Attack Position monsters you control into face-down Attack Position, then, rearrange all face-down monsters you control. (Battle positions are not changed. Face-down attack position monsters can attack, but are flipped at the start of the damage step.) At the end of your 3rd End Phase after this card was activated, your opponent can add 1 card from your Banished Zone to their hand. While "Swords of Revealing Light" is face-up, all "Dark Illusion" card effects on the field are negated.
The Dark Illusions
Continuous Spell
If a monster you control that was previously face-down this turn battles, during damage calculation, increase it's ATK/DEF by 1000, until the End Phase. Once per turn, you can apply these effects based on the number of other "Dark Illusions" cards you control with different names:
1+: Special Summon 1 "Barox" from your Extra Deck, then you can add 1 "Dark Illusions" card from your deck to your hand.
2+: Special Summon 1 "Dark Chimera" from your hand, deck, or GY, then send 1 "Darkness Approaches" from your hand or deck to the GY and apply its effect, or add it to your hand.
3+: Special Summon 1 "King of Yamakai" from your hand, deck or GY, then flip any number of monsters on the field face-down ATK position and send face-up cards on the field to the GY equal to the number of cards flipped by this effect (Face-down attack position monsters can attack, but are flipped at the start of the damage step.)
The Reaper of Dark Illusions
Counter Trap
If you control "Castle of Dark Illusions": Special Summon 1 "Reaper of the Cards" from your hand or deck face-down, then send 1 monster your opponent controls to the GY, and if you do, inflict damage to your opponent equal to its original ATK. You can banish this card from the GY; Special Summon 1 "Reaper of the Cards" from your GY face-down, then target 1 Spell your opponent controls; send it to the GY. (If the target is Set, reveal it, and destroy it if it is a Spell Card. Otherwise, return it to its original position.) You can only use each effect of "Reaper of Dark Illusions
" once per turn.
Guardian of Dark Illusions
Continuous Spell
If you control "Castle of Dark Illusions", you can special Summon 1 "Metal Guardian" from your hand, deck, or GY, then you can activate 1 "Yellow Luster Shield" from your deck. While you control both "Metal Guardian" and "Yellow Luster Shield", your opponent cannot target "Dark Illusions" cards, or Face-down cards you control with effects. If a "Dark Illusions" card on the field would be targeted by a card effect, you can banish this card from your GY; negate that effect. You can only use each effect of "Guardian of Dark Illusions
" once per turn.
Only OGs will remember when the title was called “Yugioh players are upset”
Edit: And now only mid-OGs will remember when it was called reacting to ygo hot takes 😂😂
In my notifications, it has that name.
Kenzo from the Yu-Gi-Squad it still reads that in my notifications
@@TR0VEX. Nice Notification Squad!
Nice pfp bro. Code Talkers is a good deck
@@pyrosaincolswaifu7999 It sure is
My thing with frequent releases: Why are there constantly new archetypes and such? Plus most of those are half baked or way underpowered. Like, there is nothing stopping Konami from making a card for all the archetypes that were in the Create A Card Tournament thing in the place of making another new archetype.
God this one hits hard lmao, would much rather have support for the rogue decks than a new deck that will never make it to rogue
RusMosquito good thing I play HEROs on of the most popular Rogue archetypes when it comes to competitive plus a legacy archetype used by a main character so I get support every now and then lol
I agree. I would LOVE more Graydle support, but I guess we can't have nice things...
@@DonovanCarterArtandDesign I feel you there brother
As long as combo decks can take 15 minute turns and play through 2-3 hand traps and still have a good board then mystic mine doesn’t deserve a ban.
Ironic I was watching Larry in the Hole until I saw a notification pop up from you.
"why have different cars when everything is just four wheels and an engine"
that's why we have motorcycles
Coming from MTG and just looking into what kind of game yu-gi-oh has turned into. The segment about ash blossom blows my mind. The only card off the top of my head that would be compared to Ash would be Gitaxian Probe. It was a card you could shove into legit any and every deck and it was amazing. It also got banned after people figured that out because Wizards values diversity in deck building. As an outsider looking in I can't believe this card is put into literally every deck and somehow isn't on your banned list.
I understand that, but if you don't play it, what would you play instead? The only option to remove handtraps would be to make them not needed, because they are an extremely important part of the game now.
Konami ould at least make more Anti-Hand-Trap cards and not linit the ones that already exist coughcoughCALLEDcoughcough.
@@espurrseyes42 yeah, that's fair, but as many assumed were probably going to get crossout designator. Hopefully soon we will get it
That's still no reason to Limit the much better Called by the Grave, which doesn't require you play the Hand Traps yourself in order to negate them. It's clear they only did that just to force sales for Crossout rather than because Called was too powerful to be at 2 or 3. If that were the case, they would've also hit the things that caused Called to be so heavily played, name Ash Blossom.
@@espurrseyes42 agreed
23:50 I agree Staples at 3 are a problem, that's why the banlist exists. Everyone should have unique decks, so cards run in everyone's deck at 3 is bad imo. Impermanence, Ash, and
Nibiru going to 1 is good because it encourages variety and increases fun. Then people will main Sphere Mode at 3, Veiler at 3, and Dark Ruler at 3, then you limit those. In the early days, things got stale when you had triple Dark Hole/Pot of Greed/Raigeki/Reborn/Change of Heart/La Jinn/Summoned Skull, everyone had the same deck, but then by Goat Format, even though people did have similar decks, everything was limited so duels still felt fresh and unique.
Right now it's like Needfiber combo? Ash/Nibiru/Imperm? No? Ok, 7 negates. Now, Needlefiber and 7 negates is a problem (ban Apoloussa so it's only 3 negates), but seeing the same counter is also extremely boring and stale.
Trading would be more common if staples were limited. People always need staples until they don't, which happens when cards get limited rather than reprinted. If Imperm stays at 3, even if someone has 15 extra copies, they are still going to keep them; if they get limited, they're like "ok, I'll trade it."
Collectables, however, are harder to trade for since they are usually an investment that increases over time rather than a playable staple that's bound to decrease over time, unless the collector plays and desperately needs it.
But cards reprinted at dirt cheap kills trading for sure, since people needing those cards could just spend way less rather than trying to trade for the higher rarity version that they don't necessarily need, and that just lost value. So reprints are bad for the game in this sense, but I still think certain cards should be, like Magician's Souls, since it's made for a rogue deck, not necessarily just abused in Tier 1 decks especially being short-printed. I don't think Souls should be limited because it's a crucial card for like 3 decks, but if Evenly was, people would trade it, and use something else as well, if Evenly was simply reprinted dirt cheap, people would buy it, Konami knows this, and reprints everything except product that is still new so it sells, then reprints it, then limits it, people MIGHT trade for it, but by then its too late generally people no longer need it so Konami is intentially killing trading because they are greedy and want people buying out of shallow practices like short-prints/reprints rather than simply good product (like sets with good cards, not necessarily reprints, and multiple rarities). See the OCG, where cards come affordable, but also in higher rarity. There's been a few good recent sets, like Toon Chaos (Collector's Rare), and Dragons of Armageddon (Ten Thousand Dragon), plus everything with Starlight and the new Ghost in the Ra set, but they're also still short printing cards people need, rather than simply not and having rarer versions like the OCG.
I sort of agree with the legacy support take, I just wish they gave more support to other old archetypes. Like I played gladiator beasts back in the day, and when they released the link support and new fusions that actually got me back in the game cause I could play my favourite archetype again. I just think it would be a smart business move to do that to some of the other old archetypes, since most of them are only a handful of new cards away from being playable. Maybe only at rouge status, but still, gives a bit more life to the game
This is why I love Team APS
Hot take: broken cards are the best part about Yu-Gi-Oh
Why yes, I don't actually play the game. How could you tell?
Why yes, I did like and reply to my own comment so people would notice it, how could you tell?
Hi, DMG's Bathwater here, and I approve of this video ✌🏻
Legacy support shouldn’t just be Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes and Red-Eyes. There are other “Legacy” archetypes and decks that people would be way more hyped over at this point like HERO, NEOS, NEO-SPACIAN, CYBER DRAGON, CRYSTAL BEAST. And that’s just a few from GX there’s loads and even more including 5D and Zexal. DM era needs to give it a rest seriously
And I completely agree they should explore forgotten types like reptile, pyro.
Yeah i agree but also give hero's a rest. They've gotten just as much support. Its time to give crystal beasts, utopia, stardust and cyber dragons some more love
@@phantomnite I agree with Hero as in Elemental Hero but Neo-Spacian and Evil HERO could use the help too ☺️😁
@@phantomnite but anything not DM would honestly be great
Yeah I guess so
@frostbite0995 but its still mostly dark magician and blue-eyes
Here's my hot take: Pendulum Monsters are where the game got overcomplicated.
With Fusions, you take 2+ monsters, Polymerization, boom! new monster. Synchros, take a tuner, take a non-tuner, add their levels together. Xyz, you just need monsters with the same level. Sure, it did get a little bit more complicated with overlay units and detaching, but its still relatively easy to understand once you've played the formal for a while. But Pendulums? You have to factor in 2 new zones, you have to keep track of what levels are between their two markers, every monster pendulum summoned is counted as being special summoned all at once, they have 2 different effects that depend on if they're a monster or a spell card, etc. But for the record, I don't think it was a bad era, but I feel like this is where you start getting the "This is too much for one person to keep track of" arguments.
Answer to every opinion.
”Everyone is different”
”Again, now that's subjective”
We live in a world where people need to hear this. And it's true.
The argument about the "creativity in yugioh" I kinda find it interesing considering that to make certain strategy work involves a lot of thinking and creating lines of play that it's not like everyone can do it.
Even certain combo decks have certain lines of play that you need to think considering you have to play arround certain cards that just simply destroy your BnB combo. Creativity in yugioh exists and a lot, people just don't know how to do most of that because they tend to have a wrong vision of how Yugioh is played.
Hot Take: There are too many powerful generic cards in the game. I wish there were a few good generic cards to support engines (i.e. Called by the Grave/ hand traps/ Triple Tactics Talent) rather than engines that just end with generic cards on the board rather than any of the archetype cards. Basically stuff like Apolousa, Buster lock, Borreload Dragon etc shouldn't be so generic.
we had that last year. Sky Striker, Salad, Orcust and also hybrids Like Thunder Crusadia Guardragon and Orcust Striker
@@darklightmotion5534 exactly I was ok with that. But this year I've been seeing the same end boards over and over and over again.
Generally agree. Boss monsters should be more specific to archetypes. This is why Dragoon isn't that busted because it's not that convenient to play in a specific deck. Verte is problematic because it makes him generic, but in a pure Red Eyes or DM deck he's perfectly reasonable and hard to bring out
@@Boristien405 exactly. People play 3 bricks to play Dragoon. I'm not a fan of this type of deck building.
i hate to break it to you but borreload savage belongs to an archetype
If you can build a multiple negate board and can’t out a mystic mine then you need to deck build better. Im sorry but as someone who hated the card for the longest time, the card is fair when you consider the format that we’re in.
I totally agree with you. If you know hand traps are a thing and mystic mine is a thing your choosing not to side or main anything to respond to it. Yet complain when you lose to it Sad
Let's turn this around. If you can't out a combo board, then you need to deck build better.
It's legit a one card board negate. But I can see why people cry about combo decks.
just play outs for both, done.
Counter point to you "Mystic Mine" isn't fun argument, watching someone play half their deck for 5 mins is much less fun.
representation for mystic mine i love my slow rogue decks getting to actually play
Oh hey, dat me (on a different account I use for art cause I can't settle on one consistent name)
The lads hit the nail on the head with my opinions on legacy support too. Plus I would love if Pokemon didn't nostalgia bait for a year (but that MV "Gotcha!" was SO GOOD and Masters has my walle-I mean heart)
Mystic Mine should either go to 1 and we get a light version (a good field floodgate), or we get better S/T removal. Something that isn't just S/T removal in S/T form (because against Mine it has to be), but it also has to do something else, like give you a draw or something really good. S/T removal hurts rogue decks with their combos, even moreso than hand traps, which are usually multi-purpose.
Mystic Mine decks tend to have triple Solemn ready anyways.
Maybe like a Kaiju for S/T that lands on your side of the field, like Trap Eater, but called Spell Eater...but it should be good so either a quick effect or a draw effect.
I just think decks like Exodia, burn shouldn't 100% die out, but should get more interactive support.
I personally find it very funny how people react to women being at Yu-Gi-Oh events. I don't care, I'll otk you with Cyber Dragon regardless of what's in between your legs.
As far as the dumbest hot take I've ever personally seen, it was someone who thought that you should only be able to special summon 5 times per turn. Not 5 times from the extra deck, 5 times from the gy, just a blanket all you get is 5 special summons a turn. Coincidentally, said person was also playing a mystic mine deck with judgement dark bribe and cursed seal of the forbidden spell, and when people asked why she played MM she just responded "just play s/t removal idiot"
I think APS got that Special Summon take before.
@@espurrseyes42 They did.
@@WhoStoleMyNachos I personally dislike that idea as well under the simple fact that if it was implemented it would make some cards literally useless. Any card that is mean't to stop a certain number of special summons would become useless overnight and I don't like that idea.
I think the problem is quite often that a lot of gamers in general have never really interacted with women/girls before, so they're really nervous and it upsets them.
But the answer to that isn't being a dick, it's to learn more empathy and social skills. Things which you need for the rest of your life, so it's a good thing for everyone.
The real Team APS was the friends we made along the way…💕❤️
I totally agree with y'alls assessment of dude who was complaining about having to run staples and killing creativity. Playing the game competitively means you don't get to be as creative as you want. You try to make the best plays using the best cards. That's the competitive game. If you wanna be creative, great. More power to you. Don't go to major tournaments lol. To me it's like saying "ugh I don't wanna play spades because everyone just tries to make books".
I feel like mystic mine missed an effect like the controler/owner needs to have at least 1 monster so they cant abuse the shit out of it. Getting down to no monsters is honestly almost impossible but 1 monster is doable by tributes or extra deck
Absolutely agree. Another thing they could have done to prevent it being abused is preventing the opponent from taking burn damage. Mystic Mine would be fine imo if it weren't for burn strategies (or Final countdown to a lesser extent) being able to abuse the card.
That first tweet can be related to Magic the Gathering, wow. Love you guy's videos
Old ygo deck building never promoted creative deck building either, its just bunch of staple cards packed in a deck.
Totally agreed with DMG's comment, placed #3 place with fluffals in remote duels and #3 with D/D/D & dinos in duel links lol
So about the creativity in Yu-Gi-Oh part. Back in the glory days of Yu-Gi-Oh I built a water removal deck using Leviathan to destroy the field. Activate the dimensional card to bring back my removed from play monsters and attack for game. This is back when bazoo decks were rampant. You could take a mechanic that others used, but make something truly unique that worked these cards. I didn't agree with this comment about them going hand in hand and felt like adding my two pennies. I am old school old school Yu-Gi-Oh player and followed since was a website. Where Pojo was where you'd ask about your deck. I've been yata locked, time sealed lock, last turned, cyber steined, and magical scientist.
On the deck profiles being popular, I think you guys have the right of it. Like, I haven't been into yigioh for like 3 years and now I'm making my way through your backlog, because your entertaining and the videos are evergreen, as opposed to deck profiles which are almost dead on arrival.
The "WHATSUP YOU GUYS" scared my cat lol.
I've got unpopular opinions. Nordic monsters are underated and card games on motorcycles IS the future
In what way are those unpopular opinions? I'm pretty sure those are facts.
The biggest problem I have with Mystic Mine is the fact that it costs 1 card to stun your opponent. It takes an "amount" of resources to make a card like True King of all Calamities. Whereas with Mystic mine you just have to draw into it. Both cards I feel are unhealthy for the game. But Mystic mine is far easier to use.
Very nice video. Keep up with the good work!!! 💙
Thank you so much!
*SUPER HOT TAKE* Realistically, society has taught us that men are horrible people by default. BUT Guys being weird to girls in this environment is actually normal when said/done to other guys. The bombardment of card talk, the cringe jokes...all normal and many women I know through ygo does this and participates as if it's normal. Guys letting girls win or something, I can't speak on. It's something I'll never do. 😅 It's like what I say about the gaming community, some people just can't grow/adapt in different environments. But I do agree (to an extent) that guys should not be trying to get that girl in an environment where the object is to send your opponent to the shadow realm.
So, I am a relatively new/returning player who got back into the game last summer. Hadnt played since I was a freshman (GX era), even then I never played competitively. My only experience with "real" Yugioh was through the video games, and I gotta say, it is REAL intimidating comming back. New summoning mechanics aside, it feels like new players need to learn over a decade's worth of cards all at once.
Now, I played MtG for awhile, and I liked playing control decks. For somebody like me who is still having to catch up, Mystic Mine is a godsend. I love that it slows the game down to a crawl because otherwise the speed is break neck and incredibly difficult to keep up with for a new player like me.
So imma keep playing my Mystic Mine Exodia Stall, at least until I can learn every combo deck being used in the meta inside and out.
The real problem with legacy support is that dark magician and blue-eyes deck are just useless in the meta, it would be better if they do less support, but better support, that make a blue-eyes deck or a dark magician deck competitive
Would you guys be interested in playing the old gameboy/DS yugioh games. It'd be fun to see how you'd build your deck in World Championship 2004 or something like that
Legacy support comment lol I agree it’s a little out of hand now like chill lol and it’s funny he mentioned Reptile Deck support and I just got a bunch of Ancient Guardian packs and they have Reptile support in it, Ogdoadic they seem interesting not gonna lie lol
I feel like calling opinions "subjective" is redundant.
not really, a lot of opinions are backed by science and you can show you're correct.
@@Nerobyrne hmmm. Mind giving an example?
@@JaeQuSmooth2010 the Earth is flat.
Or something a bit less clear:
Economic system X is better than economic system Y.
Both of those you can make very objective cases for/against, but they are still opinions.
Actually we can do this example with Yugioh:
"Dark Magician is more fun to play than Blue Eyes" is entirely subjective.
But "Dark Magician is more consistent than Blue Eyes" is pretty objective becase you can measure things like times a specific combo works or times you win with a deck.
@@Nerobyrne wait, are you saying that flat-earth is backed by science? Or am I just misinterpreting your comment?
I think market watches are a needed tool in the game, especially for someone that buys and sales cards as a job or buys the deck they want to play for that format and sales the rest of their cards. I personally don't sale my cards when a deck can't be played so Market Watch doesn't really help me.
Straight facts. My girl love yugioh and whoops my a** at it 😂👌
Serg Gaming Damn then you should watch my video on how to be better at ygo to beat her lol 😆
Lucky you found a keeper; hard enough out there as it is let alone covid and the fact that hot nerdy chicks are hard to find, especially loyal ones.
If my opponent can set up 7 negates. Then I should be able to floodgate them
What about a Reliant Robin?
For those unaware, a Reliant Robin is a car with only 3 wheels, and is oft only mentioned as the butt of a few British car jokes. To quote a driver of one such vehicle, "Owning a Reliant Robin is like having a family pet. Yes, it’s a nuisance sometimes, and, yes, it can be stubborn and unreliable, but it scampers when you go out together, and if you play with its differential, it will even roll over so you can tickle its tummy."
If I'm not lying, that sounds like a description for a casual/gimmick deck. It doesn't work the best, but it's a helluva lot of fun when it does work. Just don't change the ratios or you'll never win a game with it.
Reminds me of mr bean.
So happy to see my tweet get used! I feel like I could've been clearer, but Larry did pick up on what I was trying to say.
Which one was yours?
@@thebigandlazyguy246 the one about the Extra Deck card types being cool, but not used well.
@@WarriorofChaos20 gotcha
To be honest, there are too many handtraps now. Like okay, we had veiler early on, and we had psy frames which were cool because their whole deck was based on handtraps. But now we have droll&lock, nibiru, and not to mention all of the ghost loli handtraps, and the uniqueness of handtraps faded away and made them boring.
17:44 I want unique videos, are you kidding me??
But unique is such a vague term. Do I want skits unrelated to the meta? Sure. Do I want deck profiles on literally every deck? No, I wouldn't care about every unique Hero build because I don't like HERO in general, but it is still interesting to see what they might run. Do I only want to see deck profiles ONLY on Tier 0-1-2 (65-15-5% or more tops). Hell no, because I'm rogue, but again it is important to know what they run and how to win.
Sam smashing the like button with karate chops and elbows is unique and his audience loves it and his enthusiasm plus his intros. People like Simply Unlucky's intros, and enthusiasm, people love APS skits, and Unique Yugioh memes, but appealing and consisteny is crucial of course.
I like watching you guys for your charisma and your theme duels :)
And the guy whose on about legacy monsters has a huge point Im sick of seeing them too give us more gx card support
@Mr Mimikyu I with you on that. We get too many Elemental Hero or just too many "Hero" based support or reprints for something that lasted an entire generation.
@@Blue_Kitsune_Z Exactly
Fam on the left with the "with what they said to us??" Is right as hell. Folks can be expected to not be stinky or weird to women, not asking much at all lol
I jus got back into Yugioh thanks to duel links on Nintendo switch and Covid. I havent played in so long, so many rules and hot takes now.
Why not play legacy of duelist link evolution? Its also on switch
@@akmalfakhruddin7285 Actually that is the game I am playing. I like it but all the cards are playable. I just like having fun with it and learning the new mechanics.
I ran stardust/assault as soon as that boy came out, it was a lot of fun and worked despite everyone's advice. I made a Pyramid of Light deck going up against Dark Armed decks. Soul absorbing inferno mill as soon as zombie world came out. Creativity has always existed in yugioh, but sadly, it's never made its way to anything above LGS tourneys.
I enjoy the skits but this is my favorite type of APS video
I can throw a few cents into even though i play magic the gathering. When it came to running staples in a meta deck to counter a deck, i get where he/she is coming from: recently we had a card named Omnath locus of creation this card was so good and was seen in 60% of the decks it was banned because it was everywhere; other decks from Blue spells or splash in that color JUST to deal with that card and even then? by the time you get to that control aspect you need the games done or you get baited and hey theres that card you just cancelled/counter spelled/ or ash blossomed and you wasted a card(when going on omnath for example) me using cancel/counter spell on the first one sure makes him spend 8 mana but when omnath's effect alone? gives him...a +2 and a half? i sorta see the point and I get where they are coming from because it stifles other decks or mechanics the company(ies) want you to use or in YGO's case its an auto include to the decks meaning you have to now work around with even smaller slots if out of your 40 (i dont play so bare with me) that you need 3 to 12 or 15 cards automatically before you start building it? I can sorta get that
Nice to see you guys together.
But i feel like where missing 2 others,
all 5 of you guys next episode? :D
5? Alec, Alex, Paul, Larry, Trell, Chris and that one other dude. Forgot his name. That’s 7
they should slow legacy support for decks such as blue eyes dm red eyes and bring out more legacy support for other older decks like psy frame lightsworn cloudians ice barrier etc
EDIT: watched further and see you adressed it
EDIT2: love the persona ost in the bg
I feel like they shouldn't have made more ways to summon past Xyz, instead of pendulum they should've tried to improve ritual
Last comment I promise! Brilliant use of the word "hubris!". Never heard a Yugi channel use it. Love you guys.
I want more legacy support. But I just want it to be more varied, too much Blue Eyes and Dark Magician, aside from Dragoon even Red-Eyes feels left out sometimes. Luckily they do seem to be trying to do that right now though. Chazz it up.
I like how everybody commenting didn't finish the video yet
These people talk about creativity, I'm an animator as well, working on my 3rd graphic novel and for them to have to create a new card, monster, trap or spell, the artwork alone shows a level of creativity that those commenting don't come close to. Criticism is only helpful if it's geared in the direction of growth. Writing attributes, tying them to several other cards as counters, tokens, power ups, trsps, spells, ect. it all requires creativity.
On the topic of Legacy support the problem isn’t the amount of Legacy support it’s the lack of diverse Legacy support. There’s like 3 decks from old school Yugioh that consistently get new support and then like 1,000 Konami doesn’t even remember the name of. My thought is that while they shouldn’t stop supporting Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes or Heroes because obviously people want them to remain at least somewhat meta relevant, but instead maybe direct some of that excess support to Arcana Force or Volcanics or any of the other thousand GX or 5Ds archetypes that haven’t seen play in like a decade.
nah they flat out need to stop giving dm era trash the spotlight
If you guys like this channel make sure you buy some merch! Their T-shirts fit extremely well and are so comfy! 🙌🏾
Great discussion and video, got me through my morning at work
I agree about the skill aspect of staple cards like Ash. I personally don't usually include it in my decks because I suck at knowing when to use it, so if I'm ever playing against someone running a meta deck, I'm going to lose regardless of whether I have Ash or not.
Obviously, I don't go to tournaments or anything.
I had a hard time paying attention I just kept boppin to the p5 music in the background
So, the reason I believe that people are more okay with 7-8 negate boards than Mystic Mine is because Mystic Mine is one single card. If we take Dragon Link for example, yes, it has one card combos that set up these domain lock + 2 negates and half a macro cosmos along with 2 cards out of your hand, but they have to combo off and go through the motions to set up those boards. However, with Mine, it's literally one card and a field barrier and if you don't main deck any outs then you're done for. Finally, people should realize that there is always a game 2 and 3. Side deck cyclones and twin twister/MST. So, as a combo player that locks out my opponent I can't get mad at Mystic Mine. It's not good for the game but it's also not bad. It's just pretty meh.
jamming with that persona track in the background!
As a Dark Magician collector and player, I - ya hate to see it - love having a Dark Magician / Blue-Eyes White Dragon / Red-Eyes Black Dragon version x / y / z every so often for collector, lore and nostalgia's sake; however, I can't stand seeing the new support being $100 or more PER CARD when a box of the set that card comes in is the same price. Even I have to admit it's time for cards like Celtic Guardian to get some love.
I recommend viewing between 5 and 10 deck profiles for the Deck you’re interested in and going from there...
I really enjoyed this video and this kind of diverse content is why i watch you guys so thank you
LARRY!!! 😡 Where do I have to put my money in order to get the next episode of Larry’s in the Hole?!?! 😤
I disagree with the guy that commented that market watches are boring. House of Champs is an example of a good market watch channel. In my opinion, it’s entertaining, and I get some information on some of the cards I have around.
House of Champs is also a huge snitch as well.
I’m fine with the amount of legacy support, I just wish it was better. How often do legacy decks get a new card that all variants of the deck actually use? Most legacy support is too situational, does nothing for the deck, is too slow, or has too many restrictions on it
Yeah I don’t like the state of staple cards right now. Basically half your deck has to be hand traps if you want even a chance of winning
I agree with this. As a red eyes player, Dragoon doesn't really help me out. It's a big flex that people can eventually take out, REDMD can't bring it back, as its not a dragon. I'd prefer a contact fusion red eyes card, or a spell or trap that help deal with fron or back rows, blue eyes, da, and dmg all have pretty good offensive cards for that, we have red eyes burn, that burns us too......
@@greenrick41RE red eyes could probably also do with their own version of Melody of Awakening Dragon so they could actually use their red eyes alternative
The part where you talk about the meta analysis video, I would only watch them if I were to do competitive duels. I look for fun yugioh videos like TeamAPS.
Guys need to understand that most (all?) girls playing Yugioh are taken. The ratios are not in their favor. At a club, it's like 10 to 1 guys are trying to get at a pretty girl (probably way higher), at a tournament, it's like 1000 to 1 (also, probably waaaay higher), and she's already flooded with followers. Most players are not attractive either, or that rich, or that tall, or that funny, or that sociable, but it's ok because women are over-rated. Play your game to have fun, not to fail at hunting a wolf in sheep's clothing. You either play Yugioh, or play another game: dating.
Hot take: Why doesn't Konami create a non-standard format? Ok, yeah, YuGiOh is eternal, any card from anywhen can be played, but that does not mean Konami could not create another format where the banlist is different. It could add value to singles and entertain duelists all around. Dunno, just common cards? Just cards from X sets? Just look at Magic the Gathering.
0:25 Magic the Gathering started doing this the last couple years.
those who stay love it, but many simply left
I don't even understand the product release hot take. If you thought a product was useless then you don't even have to buy them therefore negating the thought that you need to keep up with it.
I feel like a better argument would be for them to stop selling product with little to no value. Like the fist of the gadgets set I don’t think anyone was excited for that since it didn’t really have anything for competitive players or nostalgia legacy collector/players
I’m a personal fan of legacy support the dark magician archetype is my favorite
When you have to wait 10 minutes for your opponent to set 7 layers of negates, then yugioh isn't fun.
If you literally can't play the game, it's not really fun. If you're playing a 40 card normal monster deck fine but even the best decks can get locked out of playing when they go 2nd
Mystic Mine is sort of a more modern version of say The Dark Door or Vengeful Bog Spirit.
Slowing down would allow more people to get what they would like from that current set. It's like the card game version of Apple Versions with how close between releases Konami does it.
I believe there's enough of those three to make maybe 3 different decks made from each of the unique cards, with only using the base card in each of them.
I would like to see some Legacy support for stuff like Junk archetype(unless they did get a fair amount) or say basic dino cards(Stated basic as overall dino is about to get a whole ass new set: DinoRuffia).
One last thing to note
Trade binders aren't as obsolete as Shadowhaunt stated, it's mainly on the person that wants to trade for something that someone else has.
yall are tight
as far as legacy support goes i wanna se more variety of older archtypes to support everyone like how the new ojama card just came out in the ocg thats cool
Larry said it best "they gonna keep printing off that cardboard money"