16 Week Pregnancy Update | How I feel About Gender Reveal, High Risk Factors | IVF PREGNANCY

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024


  • @mirandaflourishingthroughlife
    @mirandaflourishingthroughlife  8 місяців тому +13

    Until this video I have never mentioned we had boy/girl twins. Just sharing that feels huge to me because it wasn't something I personally was ever planning on sharing publicly. Just a reminder--- every pregnancy is different. I'm sharing because I LOVE watching others pregnancy updates, it makes me feel less alone during the days that are really hard!

  • @MooseLeon812
    @MooseLeon812 8 місяців тому +3

    I really applaud you for sharing your journey and setting boundaries. So thoughtful…you’re an amazing mom!

  • @mostlywholenicole
    @mostlywholenicole 8 місяців тому +2

    I’ve never clicked so fast! 😂🦋🌸
    After watching, I want to say… It’s so important to follow your instincts. You’re entering a new and exciting chapter of your life, and some of your boundaries will be changing; that’s ok. Heck, that’s essential!!
    I do hope to learn a few little details about baby…whenever YOU are comfortable. Even if that never happens, it’s so exciting to follow along and watch your journey into motherhood.
    You’re doing such an amazing job of taking care of yourself and your family. ❤❤❤

    • @mirandaflourishingthroughlife
      @mirandaflourishingthroughlife  8 місяців тому +1

      Thank you ❤️❤️❤️ I think after awhile my protective nature may change, but I think what I’m feeling now is part of the grieving process. Just feeling like I’m on high alert moving into this new stage of life, it’s feels like all new territory and I’m learning day by day!

  • @robinswan5831
    @robinswan5831 8 місяців тому +1

    Baby flourishing is so so lucky to have you and your hubby as their parents! No matter what you decide to share we are so glad to share in your joy and love for baby!

  • @Indigoeldermoon
    @Indigoeldermoon 8 місяців тому +1

    I feel like I blinked and suddenly you're so far along. I'm glad you are feeling better being in your second trimester. I know some people seem to have really easy pregnancies but I think lots of people go through awful things during that time too. And the reward of course is great because it's your baby but I'm amazed when I think of all the work that goes into a pregnancy. My mum experienced high blood pressure when she expected my little brother and was told to stay in bed for the better part of her pregnancy. Thankfully I was a calm two year old she always says.
    It sounds like you have a great team around you and that you are doing everything you can to have a healthy pregnancy. It's totally up to you what you share online, you are already being so open. I understand that people are curious about the gender but I think everyone just wants it to be a healthy and happy little baby more than anything. I wish you all the luck for the remainder of your pregnancy!

    • @mirandaflourishingthroughlife
      @mirandaflourishingthroughlife  8 місяців тому +1

      You’re such a kind sweet person and I bet you were the same as a 2 yo to your mom! I can’t imagine having a toddler and being on bed rest, I bet that was so hard for her!!

    • @Indigoeldermoon
      @Indigoeldermoon 8 місяців тому

      @@mirandaflourishingthroughlife Aaw that's so sweet of you to say 🥰 Apparently we had a stack of books and a stack of jigsaw puzzles and that would keep me entertained for hours she says. But yes, she's a strong woman ❤️

  • @BettyHorn
    @BettyHorn 8 місяців тому +3

    I was high risk at age 21. It will all work out. As for identifying your baby, good for you! I follow several moms whose children are never on their channels. I tend to wince a little at those whose kids are plastered all over. You're a good, protective mommy!

    • @mirandaflourishingthroughlife
      @mirandaflourishingthroughlife  8 місяців тому +1

      I’m so sorry for you! But I think I’m realizing it’s way more common than I thought as I’m talking and sharing with other women, it seems many are high risk! It’s just not a fun place to be but you’re right it’ll all work out!
      There are a lot of people who unfortunately expose their children for money, and I try really hard not to judge but some of the family channel vloggers I think we’ll see huge court cases in later years with how they expose their children!

    • @BettyHorn
      @BettyHorn 8 місяців тому

      @@mirandaflourishingthroughlife I agree. I think you're smart.

  • @pacempire5046
    @pacempire5046 8 місяців тому +1

    That must be so hard to balance the joy and grief like you said but I think it’s awesome you are doing what you think is best to protect the privacy of your child! I hope you continue to feel better and better! ❤

    • @mirandaflourishingthroughlife
      @mirandaflourishingthroughlife  8 місяців тому

      It is hard, because grief really takes over once it settles but it’s almost like you can’t let it because you want to remain positive and thankful for the life you’re still growing. Learning during this time there doesn’t have to be a “right way” is what I keep telling myself!

  • @TheUltimateThrill89
    @TheUltimateThrill89 8 місяців тому +1

    Currently 25w pregnant and I think you are such a strong woman! Have been following you since the beginning of your other UA-cam channel, 😅 big fan of you! I totally 100% agree with you on the fact that we should protect our children. My girl didn't see the internet until she was 6 years old, and she could really understand that internet sticks forever and that's only my private facebook account. She would like to be on youtube but she's not allowed to until she's at least 12 years old, because the idea of youtube and everybody who can watch her kinda scares me. And she's not really yet to that point of really understanding the consequences of putting yourself on youtube :)
    My baby won't even be on my facebook account until he can agree to be online there and who knows, I might even not have a facebook anymore then.. :)
    I also asked my family and friends to not put any pictures online because I really don't like that. It went along with some commentary but yeah, it's my baby so respect or leave 😅.
    Regarding my pregnancy, I have lost the first trimester a few kilos due to the fact that I could only - literally - stomach fruit. And now I am only down to 6 kilos of weight gain. My gynaecologist wasn't worried at all. He told me "as long as baby is growing good and is active, you should not worry" 25 pounds by 25 weeks is like 11 kilos if I'm not mistaken and here in Belgium that's like the average weight gain for a whole 9 months pregnancy!
    So funny to see all these different standards throughout the world.
    I wish you the most succes, also with your high risk pregnancy. I'm also concidered high risk, due to my starting weight and having had 3 miscarriages in the past, after my daughter. The fact that I lost 50 kilos just by changing lifestyle and am actually not overweight anymore if you don't take BMI into account but general fat mass, is not something they can be bothered with or will ever apply 🤷🏼‍♀️.
    I hope you will have a nice 2nd half of your 2nd trimester and a wonderfully 3rd one with a lot of sweet kicks and movement and an active and healthy growing baby ^^. And also a good labour and birth!
    For me, second trimester is okay, not a lot of complainrs. I have severe fibromyalgie and postcovid symptoms that aren't as present now as before pregnancy, which is also stated as "normal" by my specialists so, well, I just hope they will stay away a bit after but I don't have my hopes up high because after giving birth to my girl, 8y ago, they all came back in a flash 😂. Might as well enjoy this while it lasts haha.
    Strange right, how different bodies respond to pregnancies.
    Best of luck with the rest of your pregnancy, and one more thing, the song,
    The song "glitter" from Patrick Droney is such a beautiful song about grief. It has helped me tremendously...
    Lots of hugs from Belgium 💕

    • @mirandaflourishingthroughlife
      @mirandaflourishingthroughlife  8 місяців тому

      Navigating the internet with a child is going to get so much more difficult in the years to come, and many just don’t understand because as a society we’ve become numb to over sharing. I think it’s often thought “what’s the harm?” But “over sharing” can be harmful if not mentally prepared or mature enough for the outcome. I appreciate your thoughtful comment! I feel like you really understand me ❤️
      And for maternity weight in the US, I think the average weight gain is 35lbs. This is my first baby so I don’t know that much about guidelines but my OB believes that for recovery post birth and for milk supply, that is a healthy weight to gain. But like I mentioned, not every woman is the same and every pregnancy is unique. I think had I gotten pregnant naturally at my set weight pre egg retrieval and pre transfer meds, my body was very very different and my weight would have been different

  • @robinswan5831
    @robinswan5831 8 місяців тому +1

    I had no idea that you were 36! You have such a youthful aura to you!

  • @cherieoraivej
    @cherieoraivej 8 місяців тому

    I have learned so much about IVF from watching your videos that I never knew. Thanks for graciously sharing!

  • @angelaaubergine999
    @angelaaubergine999 8 місяців тому

    Thank you for protecting your little one. The internet is a scary place and a lot of people do not have the best intentions with media posted of individuals under 18.

  • @jerrieanderson2245
    @jerrieanderson2245 8 місяців тому

    So glad you are feeling better! That’s a lot to keep up with so just keep on doing what you are doing. Healthy 🤗

  • @antoamber7712
    @antoamber7712 8 місяців тому

    I'm so happy for you both!! God bless ❤

  • @MessyPaperCrafter
    @MessyPaperCrafter 8 місяців тому

    Hopefully you’ll continue to have more good days, than rough. Looking forward to the next update and hope you & baby continue to do well 💜

    • @mirandaflourishingthroughlife
      @mirandaflourishingthroughlife  8 місяців тому +1

      I hope so too! Saturday this weekend was rough, but it seems much more manageable when it’s not every day it definitely was getting to me mentally in the beginning and I felt so defeated!

    • @MessyPaperCrafter
      @MessyPaperCrafter 8 місяців тому

      @@mirandaflourishingthroughlifeI can only imagine how you felt. That’s a lot to handle and lots of different thoughts to manage. Happy to see you’re winning 😉 Small victories for the win! Keep going Momma! 💜

  • @pamb3936
    @pamb3936 8 місяців тому

    Congratulations & glad you’re feeling better❤❤❤❤

  • @jillautismhomeschoolmama6994
    @jillautismhomeschoolmama6994 8 місяців тому

    I had a baby at 35 and ended up with gd at 20 weeks. Loved the high risk doc.
    I gained 13 pounds first trimester and struggled to keep it on through the end. Never gained more than that. I was sooooo sick of eating.

    • @mirandaflourishingthroughlife
      @mirandaflourishingthroughlife  8 місяців тому

      Interesting they don’t test for GD until around 28 weeks for me did you show signs prior?

    • @jillautismhomeschoolmama6994
      @jillautismhomeschoolmama6994 8 місяців тому

      I was having heart palpitations at 19 weeks and went to the ER. They did routine urine screening and found sugar. So they sent me for the glucose challenge that week and I was all test stripped up and measuring food by 20 weeks. 😅
      When I started eating for balanced blood sugar, I had sooo much trouble keeping on weight. Part of it was walking often to keep my blood sugar down. I was eating close to 3,000 calories day to just maintain my weight. 😅

    • @mirandaflourishingthroughlife
      @mirandaflourishingthroughlife  8 місяців тому +1

      Oh I’m so sorry but glad they caught it early! GD is really scary but I have seen how people manage it really well by eating what they’re body needs and testing! I’ve had a lot of issues since day 1 with low blood sugar, something I’ve never had an issue with pre pregnancy since I followed a high carb low fat low protein diet for 3+ years before adding in a lot more balance this year. It’s hard to manage when you can’t eat anything and are always throwing up, but it’s easier now since I can eat a bit more wider variety! The body really does some crazy stuff while pregnant!

    • @jillautismhomeschoolmama6994
      @jillautismhomeschoolmama6994 8 місяців тому

      @@mirandaflourishingthroughlifeit really is crazy. Lows are hard. That was one of the things I didn’t realize was happening before I was diagnosed. I’d get high highs followed by blood sugar crashes. So glad nothing bad ever happened. ❤

  • @smartin5888
    @smartin5888 8 місяців тому

    You are allowed to keep things private. Especially your child. Praying for a smoother pregnancy and an easy delivery 🎉
    eta my pregnancy was hell and I weighed the same pre-pregnancy as the day I was discharged. I had preeclampsia, gd, and a rare complication (peripartum cardiomyopathy). So one and done here.

    • @mirandaflourishingthroughlife
      @mirandaflourishingthroughlife  8 місяців тому +1

      Oh man, you had it rough too!! I think GD might be the only thing I won’t get at this point because I’ve actually been having the opposite reaction instead of my sugars raising my sugars dip, most likely from all the throwing up. I will say, before I was pregnant I really had my heart set on a large family but that first trimester took it out of me so now I feel more scared than anything to get pregnant again so I understand the one and done ❤️❤️❤️

    • @pacempire5046
      @pacempire5046 8 місяців тому +1

      Also one and done due to a rare postpartum issue. But she is my entire world and I’m so thankful for her everyday. Thanks for sharing, I’m the only person in my friend group with only one kid and that can feel hard sometimes.

    • @smartin5888
      @smartin5888 8 місяців тому

      @@pacempire5046yeah it still gets me in my feelings sometimes but I have a healthy 5 year old blessing

  • @EmilyEmilyEmily01
    @EmilyEmilyEmily01 8 місяців тому

    That is so interesting about the stomach because my mom has the opposite issue (I wonder if it bothered her in pregnancy?). That valve often won't open easily. She was constantly chocking on water and test showed that valve was locking up. So now she takes medication and also uses small amounts of juice with water to help push it open. And also was advised not to drink at all while eating. Anyway you didn't ask for all that but she had terrible stomach issues in last pregnancies and understanding the differences is fascinating to me. I am so happy for y'all and glad seems your medical team is on it!

    • @mirandaflourishingthroughlife
      @mirandaflourishingthroughlife  8 місяців тому

      I’m so sorry for your mom but I’m glad you shared because others who might be having the same reaction can see someone else’s experience ❤️

    • @EmilyEmilyEmily01
      @EmilyEmilyEmily01 8 місяців тому

      @@mirandaflourishingthroughlife yes she only gained 15lbs with me and younger sibling - bless her and all moms!

  • @patriciaspigner5949
    @patriciaspigner5949 8 місяців тому

    Very wise decision

  • @jillautismhomeschoolmama6994
    @jillautismhomeschoolmama6994 8 місяців тому

    Major respect for your decision. I closed down my own blog for the same reasons.

  • @BallroomJenni
    @BallroomJenni 8 місяців тому

    I was high risk with my first because my baby only had 2blood vessel cords instead of 3, and had ultra sounds every appointment to check her growth. With my second I was not high risk and missed seeing my baby so often in those ultra sounds 😂 I hope the best for you and baby and that your HG will subside.

    • @mirandaflourishingthroughlife
      @mirandaflourishingthroughlife  8 місяців тому +1

      someone else told me something similar the other day, that they missed with their second pregnancy seeing baby as often as the first because with high risk they got so many more ultrasounds! I guess there is always a silver lining!

  • @BreeSB
    @BreeSB 8 місяців тому

    I think the weight gain is so subjective! Mine was very shocking to me (and most people! Haha!) I am naturally underweight. It's just my genes (my whole family is the same) and metabolism and it is what it is. So at 5'8 I weigh 111lbs. I have been this weight and height since I was 17 I miraculously got pregnant at 38 and gained a whipping 59lbs! It was totally unbelievable. I eat/ate very healthy and I fact the only thing I could really tolerate most of my pregnancy was fruit and veggies (and some eggs) so I was mostly eating naturally low calorie food.
    I just gained so much! But I was back down to 112lbs 3.5 months after giving birth. So pretty much back to normal.
    I got pregnant again this past July and in weeks I had already gained 19lbs. I miscarried at 11 weeks. It's been almost 4 months and I have only lost 9 of those pounds. It's all very strange to me! 😂
    Btw I am not and was not actively trying to lose the weight. I was fine either way. My food preferences lean towards healthy as it is so that's just how I am. But I just say that to describe how crazy the weight gain/loss can be for different people. It doesn't seem to match up exactly with lifestyle or body size all the time

    • @mirandaflourishingthroughlife
      @mirandaflourishingthroughlife  8 місяців тому

      I agree. I think it’s a bad representation of a healthy pregnancy or any pregnancy really because everyone’s body is so unique ❤️ the US has some weird health standards, and it seems like many of them are not something built on the uniqueness of every individual just something they threw up based on a “study”

    • @BreeSB
      @BreeSB 8 місяців тому

      @@mirandaflourishingthroughlife ya for sure. It does seem to be very generalized.
      On a side note my boy (turned 2 last week) prefers fruit and veggies over anything else 99% of the time. No idea if it's because of what I ate pregnant or just coincidence but I do find it funny that he will pick green beans for a snack over anything else offered except berries. It will be interesting to see how your sweetie leans when you start introducing food!

    • @mirandaflourishingthroughlife
      @mirandaflourishingthroughlife  8 місяців тому

      My mom lived on tomatoes with me, she said she was so happy it was summer she’d just go pick them from the garden and eat them like an apple and they are my FAVORITE food! I do think there is some tie to what you eat during pregnancy and what foods your baby loves!

    • @BreeSB
      @BreeSB 8 місяців тому

      @@mirandaflourishingthroughlife oh so fun! Are you playing music?
      I played the same classical music playlist throughout my whole pregnancy (out of an experiment mostly) and sure enough when baby was 2 days old he was going through the "day 2 crying cycle apparently never heard about" I was still in the hospital and the nurses warned me day 2 tended to have excess crying anyhow .. i played that same playlist and immediately he stopped crying and started looking around wide eyed. I have a video of it that still blows me away. We used that playlist for most of his first year anytime he needed settling. It was unbelievable. I suggest you try and see! I don't think it matters what you play ... Just frequent so it's recognizable 🥰

  • @jillautismhomeschoolmama6994
    @jillautismhomeschoolmama6994 8 місяців тому

    Out of curiosity, since all your results were normal, are the meds in the beginning just to an assurance, since the ivf process is so long/hard/expensive?

    • @jillautismhomeschoolmama6994
      @jillautismhomeschoolmama6994 8 місяців тому

      Oh! 😅 You just answered it in the video.

    • @mirandaflourishingthroughlife
      @mirandaflourishingthroughlife  8 місяців тому +1

      No it’s for implantation + growing of the placenta. A lot of people actually asked why I was on meds if I had implantation happen but the body doesn’t naturally release the hormones necessarily unless you get pregnant naturally even when implantation happens. It’s really interesting it’s like a whole science experiment where not every women takes the same meds or even dosage. That’s all dependent usually on the doctor, the woman and all your blood work

    • @jillautismhomeschoolmama6994
      @jillautismhomeschoolmama6994 8 місяців тому

      @@mirandaflourishingthroughlife wow that’s amazing! Never would have guessed. Cool to learn something new!

  • @paulabailey9791
    @paulabailey9791 8 місяців тому

    Protect your child. I worry about kids being shown too much.