HEAVENLY FATHER REJOICES IN “WORKS SALVATION"! Pt 1: A New Creation &Faith that Works by Love, PLUS!

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • OUR HEAVENLY FATHER REJOICES IN “WORKS SALVATION"! Part 1: A New Creation, Faith that Worketh by Love, & the Keeping of the Commandments of God! Why I DELIGHT in what many non-Latter Day Saint "christians" accuse us of ....."Works Salvation"!
    Here are Scriptures and text!
    Thank God for "Works Salvation"! God LOVES "Works Salvation"!
    Part One
    George, Living in Guatamala, is Desperately Seeking Jesus, spends 12 hours a week researching and uncovering Scripture...
    My Friend says"you might search David Alexander...searched for decades". He has a UA-cam channel.
    George replies, "Thank you for the recommendation. I have added him to my list of people to pray for. He's lost and has fallen into a religion that believes in a works salvation".
    To truly receive Jesus, you have to receive All of Paul, plus Peter, James and John...AND Joseph Smith and his successors.
    I am so thankful to be in the True Church where we know we are Justified and Sanctified and ATTAIN to the fullness of salvation by Works done through the power of the Holy Ghost and the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and NOT by dead "faith only"! Where we know that God LOVES effort, He loves "faith that worketh by love and the keeping of the Commandments of God".
    I am SO GLAD To Be in the True Church where we "See then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." James 2:24,26 Is this scripture as true as Eph. 2:8-9? Of course it is.
    Those who deny that God loves our effort to attain to the fullness of salvation, love to accuse us of being cursed by God as having "another gospel"...imagining falsely that the "another Gospel " Paul anathematizes in Galatians 1:6...refers to imagining that there is ANYTHING at all that we need to do...other than believe in what Jesus did...to "attain" to the fullness of salvation. They think the "works of the law" referred to in Galatians...condemns any attempt to be worthy of Him, to be faithful...to hear those blessed words...to qualify as overcomers...to attain to the first resurrection...to attain to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ...or to add to our faith the virtue necessary for an "abundant entrance" into the Kingdom...or to "DO" the will of God that we may enter the Kingdom...or to attain to that holiness without which "no man will see the Lord"...any such thing, they claim is to disqualify one from salvation, for the high crime of trying to "add to the finished work of Christ". This is an erroneous fantasy and false accusation.
    "WORKS" refers to the "works" of keeping the 614 Mosaic Laws and Circumcision...not to "imagining there is anything we need to do" to attain to the fullness of salvation.
    Galatians 3:10 10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.
    Of COURSE...to attain to the fullness of salvation...Circumcision and the Law of Moses is of no value...but let's see what Paul teaches DOES have value in attaining....
    Galatians 6:15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.
    Galatians 5:6 For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.
    1 Corinthians 7:NASBCircumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but what matters is the keeping of the commandments of God.
    So the Law of Moses and Circumcision is no longer in effect...but through faith and by grace, we attain to the fullness of salvation...by the power of Christ's Atonement and the power of the Spirit that maketh holy...by becoming a New Creation, walking in Faith that Worketh by Love and the Keeping of the Commandments of God revealed in Jesus Christ.
    We have a Mark of the Upward call of God, in Christ Jesus, to attain to, as Paul plainly teaches in Philippians 3!
    Philippians 3: 9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:
    10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;
    11 If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.
    12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.
    13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
    14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
    15 Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.


  • @bumpercoach
    @bumpercoach 12 днів тому +18

    They doubt Christ
    when He said "if ye
    love me KEEP MY

    • @alexmunro2640
      @alexmunro2640 12 днів тому +4

      But wait wouldn't that be a work
      Even the sinners prayer to accept Christ if I use the logic they used and the definition of works used is a work.

    • @rconger24
      @rconger24 12 днів тому

      Strange how the ones trying to do what Jesus commanded are held up as "heretics."

    • @rconger24
      @rconger24 12 днів тому

      Strange how the ones trying to do as Jeseus commanded are held up as "heretics!"

    • @actuallywhatimeant2583
      @actuallywhatimeant2583 10 днів тому

      @@alexmunro2640 so all the scriptures about keeping commandments are made void by this grace vs works scripture?

    • @alexmunro2640
      @alexmunro2640 10 днів тому

      Though that is the conclusion that would come to bases on the logic of grace alone.
      You must as the scriptures say obey the commands and through the grace be saved as you repent and through the principles and organizations of the gospel.

  • @rayreed5947
    @rayreed5947 12 днів тому +18

    I love how David says don’t cherry pick a few of Paul’s words. Study all of his words and Peter, James and John’s also. Then he backed it up with the scriptures. Great job😅

  • @Meemer33
    @Meemer33 12 днів тому +13

    If you believe your sole purpose for eternity is to sit around the throne and worship, you don’t need works. If our purpose is to serve, then showing we are good at serving here is necessary.

  • @margynelson7945
    @margynelson7945 12 днів тому +10

    I just had an “aha”moment, listening to this video. If you think about it, you don’t get to have a college degree just by saying “ I accept a college degree into my heart!” NO! You actually have to work hard in school to gain and education! Unless you cheat, however, nobody can cheat their way into heaven, obviously. Why do people think that we don’t have to do anything except for saying that they accept Jesus into their heart?!

    • @actuallywhatimeant2583
      @actuallywhatimeant2583 10 днів тому +1

      Good analogy! And without the university we wouldn’t have had the opportunity to obtain that degree from that university. So thanks to the university, we are able to work within that organization to obtain the degree. After all that hard work he did, it’s actually the Harvard degree that got him that job. Haha.

  • @wendycarmany9216
    @wendycarmany9216 12 днів тому +19

    I'm no scripture master, but I can get to the nuts and bolts of something. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we in no way earn our Salvation by any acts we do, but with our acts, we are trying to in a small way to "live up to" and be thankful for the the gift that Jesus has given everyone, with the Atonement. And that is all *anyone* can do.

    • @davidmalvinalexander
      @davidmalvinalexander  12 днів тому +11

      Actually, Wendy...the things we do, by the grace and faith and power of Jesus Atonement...help us "learn" heaven...help us BECOME like Jesus...to BECOME one who can actually be at home...in the presence of our Holy Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus. Apart from our works of faith...we simply don't progress. Our works of faith are not just "thanks"...but also are our means of progression. Faith without such works...is dead, as James plainly states...and dead faith...can't save anyone, or give them the power to change and gradually...very gradually...help them become like Jesus..

    • @wendycarmany9216
      @wendycarmany9216 12 днів тому +2

      @@davidmalvinalexander Hi David. Wow, thanks for the reply. All of what you said is so. But, where does it all start? What is the one thing that I can give Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ as part of my faith, and on my path to becoming what, and who He wants me to become? My thanks, for all that they have done for me, and for my ability to show my faith. Keep up the good work, "Little Brother"

    • @lavitaebella9097
      @lavitaebella9097 11 днів тому +2

      ​@wendycarmany9216 Thanks is good, as Jesus taught with the 10 lepers. But nice as thanks are, I think He wants our love more, which is also ours alone to give. How do we give Him that love? Not by sitting around. "If ye love me, keep my commandments." He wants us to join Him, be yoked with Him and learn His ways so we can join Him where He is. We become so much more through practicing His gospel, living our lives with preparatory training wheels so that one day we can go mountain biking with Him.

    • @Icanonlyimagn7891
      @Icanonlyimagn7891 10 днів тому +1

      I call it “love signs” to our good Lord.
      Only Christ saves. We show Him we want and accept Him by doing the things He has asked of us. ❤️☀️

    • @trustGodsOnly
      @trustGodsOnly 9 днів тому +1

      All our ACTIONS is taking Us to where our actions belong dude, God gave us FREE AGENCY, we either choose to serve HIM or the evil, Salvation is already DONE ✅ JESUS ALREADY DONE HIS PARTS, now its our part to do OUR parts, DAILY REPENTANCE AND FULFILL ALL COVENANTS KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS AND ENDURE TO THE END, we are not going to just sleep and eat and then we go to Heaven, IT TAKES FAITH AND “WORK” , those WORKS are praying, fasting, keeping the commandments to the end of our time in this earth, they’re ACTION, they’re not nothing, and we do all these things to be closer to Gods and we cannot do anything to serve them without them, search for his Kingdom(reading scriptures/prophet talks) will give us more wisdom to know what to do, and the right path, for example, how would people know the COMMANDMENTS to Keep if they never actually READ the Scriptures to Know the Commandments? people always talk about going to Heaven, we work to gain and deserve things in this life, same thing about Heaven, we have to sacrifice our time to search His Kingdom and Obey His Commandments.

  • @lukedriscoll793
    @lukedriscoll793 12 днів тому +10

    What I’ve noticed is they use the same two scriptures. They always ignore the others. I love Ephesians 2 where we learn it is only through Christs merits can we be made clean and pure! Hurrah for Israel!!

  • @cinsains1957
    @cinsains1957 10 днів тому +2

    Yes yes! Faith without works (devotion, service, obedience, sacrifice…) is empty, dead! Our mortality, through the atoning grace of Christ, is that crucial step of being transformed and fitted in our alotted time for exaltation. It’s all about ‘doing!’

  • @trailbackhome
    @trailbackhome 12 днів тому +12

    Hello David! So happy to see you! Every video encourages my faith! - Trail

  • @henryponnefz1444
    @henryponnefz1444 12 днів тому +6

    Show the lord your faith through your works. Faith without work is DEAD.

  • @barbarajones4992
    @barbarajones4992 11 днів тому +1

    Hooray for Israel!! David I'm so thankful for you and the inspiring work you do. ❤

  • @justjamie6458
    @justjamie6458 10 днів тому +2

    Mathew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men that all may see your Good Works and Glorify your Father in Heaven .Seems straight forward enough to me.

  • @dcorem1
    @dcorem1 12 днів тому +6

    I love how those who espouse "no works" salvation fail to consider the very act of expressing belief in Christ ("The Sinners Prayer" or equivalent) a work. It turns out they really aren't no works advocates. Its a matter of how much work is required! If they truly believed in no works salvation they would be universalists! I don't see how they get around the Sermon on the Mount that is chock full of works and the savior's statement "if you love me keep my commandments"! Can we be saved without loving Jesus?! - Dennis

  • @HelamansArmy
    @HelamansArmy 12 днів тому +2

    We come closer to God by serving others and not by becoming a hermit. We come closer to God by practicing and living the gospel as opposed to sitting quietly and studying it. There's nothing easy about the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Things just get easier as our spiritual lives and our testimonies are strengthened.

  • @laloifilealofi9628
    @laloifilealofi9628 11 днів тому +3

    Very talented latter day Saint ,thank God for thy servant, David Alexander, your conversion, testimony of Jesus Christ and His Church ❤prayers

  • @Linda-ec3or
    @Linda-ec3or 11 днів тому +4

    Dear Brother David Alexander,
    This is only the second time I've commented. However, I've rejoiced and "amend" your great teachings from the time I first found you on you tube!
    Having come out of the same background of evangelistic religion as yourself, I can relate to the things you say. You have been saved for these latter days! Thank you for sharing your well found faith and wondrous enthusiasm with the world! With me! I've been a member of our church (THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS) since December 7, 1965. I so appreciate your ministry. I SO relate to everything you believe and say concerning evangelical religion!!! I thank Heavenly Father for this "breath of fresh air". The Restored Gospel is true.
    Love in Christ.

  • @PascalDupont561
    @PascalDupont561 12 днів тому +7

    My wife and I and four friends just spent two weeks in Portugal and Spain. Today we spent the morning in the Madrid temple. Amazing to see the endowment in Spanish ( subtitles) but listen in French. Great way to end our vacation. Hurray for Israel.

    • @germanslice
      @germanslice 12 днів тому +3

      God expects Good works done through his grace. He judges people by their Works. Not just by faith alone or grace alone.
      David has got it right.
      Paul did teach the same things James taught.

  • @irishknitter17
    @irishknitter17 12 днів тому +7

    This is the BEST video you ever made‼️❤️❤️❤️

  • @rconger24
    @rconger24 12 днів тому +5

    You've given us things that put me
    on the _front foot_ .
    Hosannah David!

  • @Jer-zp7zv
    @Jer-zp7zv 12 днів тому +4

    Another classic such a profound witness of the truth and denunciation of the heresy of Grace alone. Looking forward to part 2 where you expound on Hebrews 10: 26-31 where Paul obliterates the idea of grace alone. 26 "For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins." 29 "Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath
    trodden underfoot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace? 2nd Nephi 25:23 says it all and this is where the argument really ends "For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved after all we can do."
    As Latter Day Saints we believe as fully in grace salvation as any other faith.

  • @cathynielsen8543
    @cathynielsen8543 10 днів тому +1

    I just finished reading our Come Follow Me reading for this week--so have to comment on a powerful scripture in Helaman 12: 24-26. I'll capitalize for emphasis.
    v 24-And may God grant, in his great fullness, that men might be brought unto repentance and GOOD WORKS, that they might be restored unto grace fro garce, according to their WORKS
    v. 26- ---They that have DONE GOOD shall have everlasting life; and they that have DONE evil, shall have everlasting s damnation. (like their buddy Satan) And thus it is. Amen!
    Then there's Alma 34:32-33-
    v32-For behold, THIS LIFE is the time for men to PREPARE to meet God; yea, behold the day of THIS LIFE is the day for men to PERFORM their LABOURS.
    Amen to the Book of Mormon! We can truly REJOICE in WORKS SALVATION!

  • @darlayeates510
    @darlayeates510 12 днів тому +5

    Wonderful content!! Thank you

  • @Wasatch_Sasquatch
    @Wasatch_Sasquatch 11 днів тому +1

    David, you just do this again over and over. You take the basic powerful principles of the gospel and heap more knowledge and proof than I already knew about the truth, this one about faith w/o works is dead/saved by grace only. Your review of these topics from a perspective of a long searching Christian believer is wonderful and helps us and others spread the wonderful restored true gospel to a largely confused world.

  • @mikelawlor1533
    @mikelawlor1533 11 днів тому +1

    you say it soooooo well

  • @shelbyclonts3293
    @shelbyclonts3293 11 днів тому +2

    Always a great presentation with terrific insight

  • @actuallywhatimeant2583
    @actuallywhatimeant2583 10 днів тому +2

    It is one scripture in thousands of others telling us that we must obey God’s commandments, I feel it is saying that even after all we can do, we always need to remember that it is by Grace that we are saved, so don’t ever get proud or haughty about your righteousness, along the lines of the scripture about charity-we can be all the great things, but if we don’t have charity, those things don’t matter. So yes, obey the commandments like all the thousands of scriptures obviously giving us commandments, but keep in remembrance, it is bc of God’s grace that we have this whole chance at eternal life with him.

  • @sandrachapman6388
    @sandrachapman6388 12 днів тому +2

    Good to see you again , I wondered why we hadn't seen you in a few days. We stand up for what is right and for the Lord and for truth. If others have a problem with it well then they will just have to deal with it.

  • @ErC-oj6rc
    @ErC-oj6rc 11 днів тому +3

    I have an Evangelical friend who believes we have a Heavenly Mother, but refuses to read the book of Mormon,and believes that the book of James is not True Scripture. Even so he says he prayed to know all about this Mormonism stuff, and the answer he got was. A Little Leaven, Leavens the lump. From this he told me never to read it again, and only read the Bible, which he doesn't regard the Book of James as True Scripture...and yet all Apostasy is Leaven. The leaven expressly he was reffering too was the Leaven of the Pharisee, yet The Bible even says in "Mathew 13: 33 ¶ Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened." And we as latterday saints know there are Three Kingdoms. What a Beautiful plan the lord has prepared. And one day All Truth will be Circumscribed into one Great whole.

    • @FromAgonyToLight
      @FromAgonyToLight 6 днів тому +1

      Amen! I pray that it may be soon, and that all of our friends may know that the Lord presides in power and great glory over The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

    • @ErC-oj6rc
      @ErC-oj6rc 6 днів тому

      ​@@FromAgonyToLight A member of our Stake Presidency once likened The Church too the Scaffolding around the Gospel. A Poor Scaffolding will collapse, and must be reformed, and added upon, or changed to match the Growth of Revelation. My entry into The Restoration was quite Simple. My Only evidence that there is even a God after 36 Years as an Evangelical does not stem from Litigiously reading a Book like some Pharissee, and Clinging too it calling that book the Living Word, but rather Jesus Christ is the Living Word. And I realized that if the Spirit was Emphatically calling upon me to Join this Church, and that the Spirit moved upon me with Great Power and Glory when I said to my Wife when I asked her to read Lehi's Vision, and she got furious, and Cursed the Book of Mormon, and I said. "How do you know its True if you have Never read it?" and the Consistency thereafter of things that began to Move, and Happen, Impressions were Given, People from my Old Church, one had a Vision, another heard a Voice....7 Years after we first visited a Meetinghouse, and 7 years trying before that our First Miscarriage finally happened in the 7th Year, and then in the 7th Year after visiting that Meetinghouse, Our Daughter was Born. the 21st of the Month which also happened to coincide with another month that we were sealed on the 21st, and her birth was 7 days prior to our Marriage Anniversary, and thats just a Correlation of mere numbers, but it got weirder with the 33s...Three, and Seven.
      When she was in the NICU we were thirty three Minutes from the Temple, and one day on the 21st of another month. 3 years, and 3 Months later a young man was at the Temple for his endowment, and he was dating a Woman that played Mary in a local Production that was hosted at a Baptist Church, and my Wife played Elizabeth. And both of them were there at the Temple, and I watched them Enter into the Celestial Room. And I didn't know he was going to be there. This is not the most Miraculous of instances, but its very special too me this series of events because it shows too me how Patient God really is in building and Establishing Zion, and what we see with our Eyes that we call The Church is not so easily quantified in practice when the Greater Message, is The Marriage with Jesus Christ as we await his return like a Bride knowing that he has Faithfully gone to go and Prepare a Place for us, and that we ought to remember what he did for the Servant of the High Priest when they came to arrest Jesus.
      True Grace is taught in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. Sometimes we have to feel the spirit depart from us completely to the degree where we feel lost, and be impressed to act upon its Invitation. Afterall it was Patient with me, it was not Forceful, or Abusive, and it was Patient, and Kind, and all my Life it was dropping little Hints as I should go. And finally we have a Daughter that we sing too, and say. "I am a Child of God." and I don't know what prompted me to say this, I certainly wasn't expecting her to understand. but one day recently I asked her. "Why" and she looked at me quizzically, and then I said. "Why us?" and despite her lack of Motor skills she took her hand, and put her hand on my Heart in the same spot I felt the Holy Ghost when I asked my Wife to read Lehi's Vision, and felt the Burning of the Bosom like I did in Utah.
      So what is a Church? too my understanding a Church means Circle, but I have noted a greater Consistency that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints Encompasses as a Scaffolding The Gospel of which was given Anciently to His Disciples. If my Daughter in time chooses to disobey God, and forgets her path I refuse to choose Family over God like certain Members that have chosen Carnality over Righteousness, and Value Family above God. A Sword must Fall when Fire, Glass, and Gold have come too this Earth. Consequently Gold is made in the Fire of a destroyed Sun. Matter that is Unorganized indeed.
      Take Care my Friend.

  • @sandrachapman6388
    @sandrachapman6388 12 днів тому +1

    It would be nice if they would accept the truth, they are missing so much. Those leaving the church and truth are really missing out. One day they will be very sad. We pray for them but they are allowing the adversary to step in. Much Love David always wonderful to listen to you.

  • @NancyBrown-xw8hg
    @NancyBrown-xw8hg 9 днів тому

    Thank you for this, I share it.

  • @janeeyre8241
    @janeeyre8241 5 днів тому

    Helaman 12:24 “And may God grant, in his great fulness, that men might be brought unto repentance and good works, that they might be restored unto grace for grace, according to their works.”

  • @bumpercoach
    @bumpercoach 12 днів тому +4

    They claim Grace
    is omnipotent EXCEPT
    to save those who
    believe ALL the Bible

    • @rconger24
      @rconger24 12 днів тому

      Strange how the ones trying to do as Jeseus commanded are held up as "heretics!"

  • @kellymcdonald1895
    @kellymcdonald1895 10 днів тому +2

    When I hear them say that I can't help but wonder the very question That is begged-
    Well, what would you rather me do, go out and sin? Would that make you happy?

  • @anthonym2499
    @anthonym2499 11 днів тому +1

    "... we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name", Paul (Rom 1:5 KJV).

  • @bartonbagnes4605
    @bartonbagnes4605 12 днів тому +8

    If Jesus Christ finished all his work on the cross, why did he continue to work after his resurrection? Even the resurrection wasn't done on the cross, that was a work done after the cross. Not to mention the vision given to Peter to take the Gospel to the Gentiles, and the calling of Paul, who eventually became an Apostle. Not everyone is resurrected, nor has death and hell been cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, neither has the final judgement taken place and everyone been sent to their final destination. And what is Jesus Christ judging at the final judgement? Our works. Clearly works are important. Yet it is not works that save us, or what works even, but whether they are done out of love for God and our neighbors. Love fulfilleth the law and the prophets. Faith worketh by love.

  • @JaneHallstrom1
    @JaneHallstrom1 5 днів тому

    AND t’s impossible to walk as he walked without reliance on the gift of the Holy Ghost and the Church and the other supports He’s provided us - such as scriptures, prayers, families, neighbors, education, service, etc.

  • @lemjwp1756
    @lemjwp1756 11 днів тому +1

    Excellent words!

  • @brucelyon-bm8ty
    @brucelyon-bm8ty 12 днів тому +4

    Good morning, David. Have some "Fish and Chips" for Terry and I. Praying for your safe keeping Brother.-Bruce

  • @henryponnefz1444
    @henryponnefz1444 12 днів тому +1


  • @Icanonlyimagn7891
    @Icanonlyimagn7891 10 днів тому


  • @cathynielsen8543
    @cathynielsen8543 11 днів тому

    So thankful for your closing song David. Let there be light!

  • @dralvord
    @dralvord 12 днів тому +7

    David, is it possible you’re happier over there? Just seeing your body language. Maybe you have come to Utah to find a wife, which is understandable, but dang, your vibe seems really happy from your van. Maybe Australia needs an awesome missionary over there.
    Sorry, I don’t mean to create any confusion for you, just letting you know what I see.
    Your videos are wonderful either way, Utah is harder to be faithful in some ways because of the Saints taking it for granted and cultural norms still not near the glory of the restoration. I felt it when I came off a mission and saw my family watching TV, acting dull in comparison to the light of the restoration.
    Maybe it’s why John the Baptist didn’t dwell in Jerusalem- he didn’t want to get dragged down by the culture of the mainstream Jews. In the wilderness he could be more pure.

    • @iamurs5293
      @iamurs5293 12 днів тому +1

      Those are some awesome points for you to consider David...
      As you reach out to everyone on the internet with your messages, we may consider too that this also improves your possibilities of meeting an eternal friend.
      Follow your heart brother and remember the still small voice will not lead you astray...yes indeed

  • @alchemenergyacademy6231
    @alchemenergyacademy6231 10 днів тому +1

    Works is the overwhelming gratitude filled fruit of salvation but in no way can or will it ever earn salvation. It may earn other rewards but it cannot earn salvation. Christ loves works and keeping the commandments. Because it means we are living from gratitude rather than duty and fear!
    10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.
    11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith

  • @davidbenkert1062
    @davidbenkert1062 11 днів тому +2

    Ah, if the EV's only read the whole Bible....Mercifully, they will receive what they are willing to receive and they'll be perfectly happy. Jesus did everything necessary for all to receive eternal life. He extends His covenants to those who desire to receive it. He sets the terms and conditions of the covenants and they are non-negotiable. If we keep those terms and conditions, He covers us and our lives and our offerings with His perfect and complete blood and offerings and pleads to Heavenly Father to grant us eternal life. Yes, He is the One who saves, and there is no other who can, but we are required to live by the terms and conditions He has set if we want eternal life.

  • @lemjwp1756
    @lemjwp1756 11 днів тому

    David I hope that sometime you will do an episode on eternal hellfire. My Evangelical and Pentecostal friends cannot grasp the LDS view of hellfire as metaphorical, and insist our view is unbiblical.

  • @anthonym2499
    @anthonym2499 11 днів тому

    Book of Mormon: Mosiah ch2 - ch6

  • @lavitaebella9097
    @lavitaebella9097 11 днів тому +1

    When you get the chance, go to a used book store and get a set of Bruce R. McConkie's New Testament Commentary and James Talmage's Jesus the Christ. Both apostles writing about the life and teachings of Christ and His apostles. They don't always agree, but they help me understand the New Testament in ways I didn't consider. I think you already know a lot of their points but i think you would get a kick reading their inspired takes that mirror yours so much and can take you beyond.

  • @dalecash2236
    @dalecash2236 5 днів тому

    Amazing how many Sola Scriptura evangelicals reject the book of James as not being scripture. I guess they only believe the Bible when it fits their narrative...

  • @margynelson7945
    @margynelson7945 12 днів тому +1

    Will you please list these exact scriptures? I forget.

  • @lukedriscoll793
    @lukedriscoll793 12 днів тому

    David are you still in Pocatello? I think I recognize that Walmart parking lot.. maybe it’s not though. Hello from Rexburg!

    • @darlayeates510
      @darlayeates510 12 днів тому

      He is in Layton, Utah

    • @rconger24
      @rconger24 12 днів тому +3

      Isn't he still visiting Australia?

    • @juliemackenzie559
      @juliemackenzie559 11 днів тому

      Yes, he's still visiting Australia. He says so at the beginning of this video