I found some graphs where it's a slight decline since last year. But it was my impression that there were a lot less viewers on big events like worlds. Might not be that bad though.
wow you should make a seperate video tonandrew tate. I tell you many people just see a few shorts of him speaking and than think he is an amazing man with good principles.
The worst scammers are at the same time the best scammers since they were successful
@@Nathan-lp2iz 🫡
The absence of Mr.Beast is palpalatble, this feels like a top 10 mojo list without him.
Yeah missed him. He ran some raffle scams, no? Faked some of his vids?
Wieder mal ein tolles Video, Brofessor Stein!
@@eliaselias5610 freut mich, dass es dir gefällt Elias! Danke für deine fleißigen Kommentare Meister!
Great vid! But the censorship beeps are too loud
@@Az_It_Isnt sorry for the loud beeps, I agree
hi brofessor stein, i hope you're well!! happy holidays
Thanks my friend, hope you're well too. Happy holidays!
i don’t get the lol reference. Player numbers are up?
I found some graphs where it's a slight decline since last year. But it was my impression that there were a lot less viewers on big events like worlds. Might not be that bad though.
at least those former conartist had some charm :/
Mr. Beast 😐
@@DGAFWYT true, forgot about him tbh. He also ran some weird stuff...
wow you should make a seperate video tonandrew tate. I tell you many people just see a few shorts of him speaking and than think he is an amazing man with good principles.
Can you make video about porn stars (kendra sundarland) and dani daniels, mia malkova .
@@BikeRacingGames-fever bro what? 😂😂😂😂
Ad heyley welsh
Anne frank's father