I will say, as insulted as I was by the death of Stein, out of ALL the deaths in the DCTVU, it was the best written. Like GENUINELY his death was so fucking beautiful the way he went out so full of love for Jax.
14:29 - this was my favorite part of the whole crossover, giving a nod to Christopher Reeve and Superman !! - As a 50 year old, I"m glad they made this crossover with the Nazis because it scares me that anyone under 30-35 don't know their history and don't realize how evil the Nazis actually were. This show helped show that a little bit.
To be fair, Superman 2 was 37 years ago. If you're like, 25 or whatever it's not necessarily going to be a reference you know. I liked the reference to Kamala Khan, Ms. Marvel, with Ray's "Embiggen" with the big hand.
Michael Clark I loved the Superman 2 reference. As a person with really strong German ancestry, I have always known how evil the nazis are. Hitler was truly the embodiment of Satan!
Michael Clark Uhm... where did you get that nonsense from? I'm almost 22, and me, as well as everyone I know, are very aware of who and what the Nazis were.
yeah everyone knows it .... that's why trump is the president ... he can call all a community rapist like hitler did and you are all clapping .... nothing change .... people stay the way they were back in the days ...
4:07 is my favorite part because, this whole Nazi thing is already hard with me being Jewish. But the fact that they address this and show what it means to fight against someone whose morales are that wrong, and show what I and others would do for the people I care about to protect them, that is amazing. So thank you for that.
What is better than getting married in a park right next to a puddle of vomit, only to be interrupted and having your moment stolen by your "friends" ^^ ?
james jordan ??? I never said that they would be mad. They certainly should be though. And yes I watch the Flash enough to know about the writers' lack of logic and lazy writing. Why are you even pissed at me ?
When Nate caught and then held Supergirl in his arms, it was a second nod to Crisis on Infinite Earth where Superman holds the dead body of Supergirl. The first nod took place in second episode of season 2 where Superman did the same to Kara when she got hurt by Metallo.
General, care to step outside is a line from Superman II. Clark says it to Zod with his arms folded across his chest... Many many many nods to the movies and comics... Cisco would be so proud...
As I watched part 4, I imagined all of your reactions to key scenes and you DID NOT FREAKING DISAPPOINT. Quality content. This four-part gig was magic.
Barry DOES remember that he has a building full of prison cells built specially for neutralizing Super Powers right? The bad guys certainly remembered last episode. I know he'd escape etc but FFS Barry there are options between killing him and letting him LITERALLY run free
I am not going to lie. As I was watching this crossover for the first time I could not help but think, " omgosh I can't wait to see her reactions to this crazy shit" haha. Thanks so much for the upload.
I'd really like to see you react to the next "Legends of Tomorrow" episode. I'll just say that I've seen the preview, and I would like to see you screaming.
It's been a year since the crossover aired and your wonderful reactions reminded me that I need to re-watch these episodes! Best crossover ever! Still angry that they let a Jewish character, played by a gay man, getting killed by Nazis. 💔😡 On the other hand, I LOVE that two gay actors (Wentworth Miller and Russell Tovey) get to play a gay couple fighting Nazis and kiss several times!!! 💖 (especially since I wanted Earth 1 Leonard to be pan, but at least I got a ColdFlash hug in this ep!) Sara and Alex are badass queens and I love them together! Being bi, Sara is my love and number one queen, and Alex has been a favorite since the first time I saw her. 😍 The representation in these episodes and on the shows are a blessing and I love the diversity! 💖💖💖
The "general, care to step outside?" is a reference to Superman II where Superman says that to General Zod. The "up... up... and away" is also a Superman reference.
Barry cant kill reverse flash. Eobard has created many of himself (time wraiths) so even killing him wont help. Plus if Barry kills the wrong reverse flash he might accidentally kill the reverse flash that created the reverse flashpoint the shows timeline is in and might leave the world without a flash to protect it from reverse flash.
Also Barry doesn't kill (at least not intentionally... he's actually left a pretty sizable body count of dead metas...), especially not his Lex Luthor/Joker. Barry went to prison the last time he "killed" Thawne in the comics...
It can't be the case because once the speedster dies all his time remnants are gone as well ( remember Legends season 2 finale). Probably even the CW can't explain yet how he is back again but it doesn't even matter. Because this goddamn Eobard is the fucking genius!
He created time remnants of himself. Time Wraiths are what should be after the remnants constantly but are not for story purposes. Or maybe too many and not enough wraiths lol. Makes you wonder if Zoom made more then one remnant of himself...
Steeeeeeiiiiiinnn 😢😢😢 The crossover was so much better than the previous one hands down. They integrated everyone in everything and it felt like one movie rather than stand-alone 4 parts. They should do this more aften. I also loved Alex and Sara, regardless of the BTS drama with Andrew the creep. Ready for both ladies to move forward and watch it all happen - although I must admit, I'm still hung up on Nyssara. Man it's been a while but I still can't let go ugh 💔 Enjoyed the reactions, you make me smile usually after a shitty day and for that, I thank you!
Felicity: Well I stole the thunder at the party and they killed the priest before I had a chance to make the ceremony all anout me too so I might as well change my mind about marriage again now. It's not like we'qre awkwardly tacking something on to a plot line thats taken over a Season to build ypto this moment and look, we'll block the scene so the audience can barely see Iris and Barry now.
The stuff with Professor Stein messed me up; the funeral had me sobbing. 💔 The uniting of ALL the heroes at the end was amazing, each fight sequence was on point. Loved how Caitlin pulled a “Frozone” using her ice sled. This crossover was hands down better than the musical crossover and the very first crossover. Best four hours of TV of my life.
Great emotional reaction can't wait for more from you. in case you didn't know the actor that plays Stein is going back to Broadway but it's still sad.
About the Sara / Alex hookup: I'm so glad that the CW shows (though usually this is confined to Supergirl) aren't afraid to break from TV norms when it comes to relationships. Breakups can be messy and linger long after the event, sometimes things don't work out and it's no-one's fault, people can react badly to someone they know suddenly spending time with someone else.... Everything that happens with Alex and Sara is in character and makes complete sense for Alex to be a teensy bit freaked the day after. She says herself in Supergirl S2 she didn't date much, then straight into a long term relationship with Maggie that's barely weeks since it ended... If she'd been really happy about sleeping with Sara (which, totally understandable) it'd have felt a bit, I dunno, cheap somehow. Much better to have it be awkward and make her think about what she really wants when it comes to romance. Oh, and I love that they've kept the unspoken rule from the Supergirl comics: "If Kara Zor-El crosses her arms and glares at you it's best to surrender, ideally while apologising profusely." Or I guess in this case while offering ice cream.
So question... Where was Gypsy??? Like I know the crossover was busy enough but she's a big enough part of Flash now. Especially in an episode where their fighting people crossing over from other Earth's (literally her job) and Cisco aka Barry's best man, is there on his lonesome while everyone's talking about plus 1's. What happened to 1 + 1 = 1 am I right?
Just so you know, reverse flash always comes back, not just cause he won't kill him, he's actually known as a living paradox so you can't kill him by erasing him from existence and locking him up wouldn't be easy at all so he basically made the best decision
16:35 FATALITY!!! GREEN ARROW WINS! FATALITY!!! 2:45-17:03: Kara was saved first by Atom, interpreted by the same actor who was Superman in "Returns", and then by "The Man of steel" LOL RIP Professor Stein :'(
So no-one is going to mention the parallels between westallen and supercorp with Iris's vows? She said "the flash may be the city's hero but Barry Allen, you are my hero." but they're telling us that supercorp is platonic even though lena said the same fucking thing to kara: "Supergirl may have saved me, but Kara Danvers, you are my hero." Like wtf
Free Bicycle Tours Also the building behind the "superspeed I don't have it" scene is Claydon industries, the industry of The leader of Doom patrol. The team x men is based up off
i cant wait for the next crossover cus it gonna be so awesome with barry being Green arrow and ollie as the flash along side superman and lois and supergirl (and the Kent Farm from smallville show) and Batwoman and The Monitor it a shame that legends wont be in it though
Flash is a wimp. If you do NOT kill the bad guy, he comes back and hurts AND kills INNOCENT people. I much prefer Arrow's tactics. It is self-defense and protection for the innocents.
Perhaps it is a matter of respecting Time line. I think that these events took place before the Spear of Destiny (Eobard against the Legends), i think Barry does'nt want to create another Flashpoint killing Eobard.
Barry Allen is the saint of DC comics - he's not the one to ever willingly take a life. Batman is similar but nowhere near as moral, for Barry to kill is the furthest thing from his character that he would do. We got Savatar to see what Barry would be like if he walked that path so I'm glad he didn't, this is our Barry who even after all the shit still is incapable of being evil.
Hi., nice reaction 😊😊 Awesome episode Part 4 .. I was crying 😭😭😭 so hard... RIP prof Stein 😥😥😥 I was so sad 😞 Reverse Flash ( eobard Wells) will be back ⚡⚡⚡⚡
loved the reaction! well worth the citizen cold snart is so awesome camp :) RIP Stein even days after the emotional significance of it still gets me. If they were gonna kill a character off they executed it perfectly. It had a real feel and was really respectful too. I also love how legends and CW continue to commentate on social issues through the comic book medium. Now more than ever nazis need to portrayed as the evil fucks they are. 11/10 punches to nazi faces phenomenal cross over!!
16:01 I think last season scared the shit out of Barry when it comes to the idea of "sacrificing his morality." Savitar really drilled the point home that if Barry lets go once.. it gets so much easier to do it again and again..
He'll come back if Barry kills him anyways. Why break your code just for it to have no effect? I definitely wanted to see the snapping of the neck moment, but I guess they're saving that for if he ever kills Iris (not happening).
I honestly think it would have been better for kara to fall on the grass than to 2 steel bars that are Nates arms :D Also, why kara didn't throw overgirl to space..?
You know what Supergirl says between 14:28-14:32 was a reference to Superman II. Also at 14:45-14:50 all three charecters are straight. Okay Z in this world I am not 100% sure of but the other two I am. Yes Stein is Jewish. In fact the actor who played him is in real life Jewish and Gay.
Superb writing and a masterful piecing together the greatest elements of each show and of each character! My only gripe is that they didn't include Ralph Dibny. :\ Maybe because he's invulnerable to Nazi bullets, the writers probably thought he'd be too OP to include in the 4-way crossover........... (this time around).
I loved the crossover nothing will ever top it! The good, the bad, and.... you know. And you were right Sara should or maybe Alex should kiss her on the cheek. If Supergirl and Legends do a crossover, just these two I would be a happy customer. You would like that too
I cried the most for caitly. To any other, they lost a fatherfigure and hero. But caitlyn? Stein used to be firestorm with ronny first. So She lost the last part of ronny. The last memory of her first true love.
She did not interrupt any wedding. The wedding was interrupted by nazis. This was an impromptu last minute decision after surviving nazis. They are great friends and love each other. They were happy. You should watch Arrow. It's an amazing show. Alex will find someone that is a perfect fit for her and wants to have children with her.
It kinda bothers me when I see people say "Sacrifice your moralities" Bruh if he does that he will become Savitar, That what Savitar told him and he is The Flash and Baryy should never ever not even once should kill a single villain. You guys say just do it once but it's a loop, You kill once eventually your gonna kill again and again. Barry does not want to give his Villains what they want him to become. So no way just no never I will never forgive Barry if he kills because that ruins his humanity the whole purpose he became The Flash in the first place.
So Legends have lost Stein & Snart, The Flash Ronnie & Both Barry's parents and Arrow Tommy and Laurel, Supergirl needs to loose a main character now....not just Villians
If they can seperate Sam from Reign I vote for Sam. Ronnie and Barrys parents however was not main characters Flash only main character to die is actually Eddie. So yeah Supergirl still falls short because the saddest death was Kenny from the midvale episode. They are trying to make Supergirl a bit darker this season but we see I don't think the show has that bit of bravery to kill one of the main characters or any non villian characters that appeared for at least 5 episodes..
Monique Jahel it’s a reaction video! That’s what the video is supposed to be. It’s assumed that you have already watched the episode and the small video is there to let you know which part I’m making comments about
Not sure how I️ feel about How they wrote Stein off the show...on one hand did he really have to die? On the other it was pretty well done. I️ respect it.
Oliver was such a dick to Kara last crossover and now he’s flat out calling Kara his friend and saying that he would never abandon her even if it was to avoid a world war. As for Barry if he kills Thawne then the timeline may be messed up Thawne is the one who manipulated Barry’s life in order for Barry to become the Flash in the first place and Thawne’s own origin is connected to the Flash so there’s that. Happy as I am Snart is back ‘Leo’ is too much of a goody goody old Snart had a dark edge to him.
I cry too ...and I like evil version of the heroes....but how did reverse flash fight Superman when he told Kara he fought him once in the future I know there's a version of both Clark and Kara in this earth even evil green arrow was surprised when Kara say of her cousin.
I personally didn't like Stein's death for multiple reasons. I know for a fact that the actor playing him was going to leave the show but i always thought they would let him return to his family. His death was probably done because most of these shows have been criticized for not having any real stakes and people not staying dead etc. So you can bet your ass that his death was done for those reasons. Now i would have been more alright with that if it made sense storywise but it really didn't. We've seen before that Gideon is pretty much able to fix anything. In Season 1 Snart got a whole new hand and the season after that Sara was dying from a gunshot wound and on top of that Rip even crushed her windpipe. But somehow Stein can't be saved because he's a old man? Don't get me wrong i thoroughly enjoyed the crossover but they threw logic out the window a bit to much in order to make the story work. P.S fun little fact. The voice of Earth-X Gideon is done by Susanna Thompson who played Moira Queen on Arrow.
I will say, as insulted as I was by the death of Stein, out of ALL the deaths in the DCTVU, it was the best written. Like GENUINELY his death was so fucking beautiful the way he went out so full of love for Jax.
one of the only TV show moments that got me to cry
@@ethab1 Everyone cried
gay marriage is legal in central city, Barry and Joe's police chief had a fiancee and was planning a wedding back in season 1
Victor Garber, this better be frickin worth it. You better have the best Broadway tour ever, otherwise we’re going to have to talk. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
14:29 - this was my favorite part of the whole crossover, giving a nod to Christopher Reeve and Superman !!
- As a 50 year old, I"m glad they made this crossover with the Nazis because it scares me that anyone under 30-35 don't know their history and don't realize how evil the Nazis actually were. This show helped show that a little bit.
To be fair, Superman 2 was 37 years ago. If you're like, 25 or whatever it's not necessarily going to be a reference you know. I liked the reference to Kamala Khan, Ms. Marvel, with Ray's "Embiggen" with the big hand.
Michael Clark I loved the Superman 2 reference. As a person with really strong German ancestry, I have always known how evil the nazis are. Hitler was truly the embodiment of Satan!
Michael Clark Uhm... where did you get that nonsense from? I'm almost 22, and me, as well as everyone I know, are very aware of who and what the Nazis were.
yeah everyone knows it .... that's why trump is the president ... he can call all a community rapist like hitler did and you are all clapping .... nothing change .... people stay the way they were back in the days ...
Michael Clark I'm 20 and I know a lot about those nazi bastards......... I'm a science and history buff the only two things I acceled in school
4:07 is my favorite part because, this whole Nazi thing is already hard with me being Jewish. But the fact that they address this and show what it means to fight against someone whose morales are that wrong, and show what I and others would do for the people I care about to protect them, that is amazing. So thank you for that.
What is better than getting married in a park right next to a puddle of vomit, only to be interrupted and having your moment stolen by your "friends" ^^ ?
james jordan ???
I never said that they would be mad. They certainly should be though. And yes I watch the Flash enough to know about the writers' lack of logic and lazy writing.
Why are you even pissed at me ?
james jordan I was joking about the horrible conditions of their marriage, not attacking you in any way...
that was such a dumb and cheesy ending. felicity was bullied into getting married
Yeah, I hate the message it gives
So...Iris ended up being mad ! And Barry and Iris returned their bad gift !
When Nate caught and then held Supergirl in his arms, it was a second nod to Crisis on Infinite Earth where Superman holds the dead body of Supergirl. The first nod took place in second episode of season 2 where Superman did the same to Kara when she got hurt by Metallo.
General, care to step outside is a line from Superman II. Clark says it to Zod with his arms folded across his chest... Many many many nods to the movies and comics... Cisco would be so proud...
havok6280 I cheered
As I watched part 4, I imagined all of your reactions to key scenes and you DID NOT FREAKING DISAPPOINT. Quality content. This four-part gig was magic.
Barry DOES remember that he has a building full of prison cells built specially for neutralizing Super Powers right? The bad guys certainly remembered last episode. I know he'd escape etc but FFS Barry there are options between killing him and letting him LITERALLY run free
He explicitly can't "stop" him because of the timeline. remember Flashpoint
I am not going to lie. As I was watching this crossover for the first time I could not help but think, " omgosh I can't wait to see her reactions to this crazy shit" haha. Thanks so much for the upload.
It’s been 3 years since this came out and I still cry when Martin dies.
Yes. I've been waiting for this. It's so hard seeing you cry.
Your reaction made me cry too, so thanks for that.
I'd really like to see you react to the next "Legends of Tomorrow" episode. I'll just say that I've seen the preview, and I would like to see you screaming.
Kris Smith yeeeess please do it
You made me cry all over again😭😭😭
I should've recorded myself reacting to your reaction, I freaking LOVED it!
Thanks for making me cry again 😁. I would really love to see your reaction to more legend episode. 😊😊
it is a joy to see someone enjoy these shows so much
It's been a year since the crossover aired and your wonderful reactions reminded me that I need to re-watch these episodes! Best crossover ever!
Still angry that they let a Jewish character, played by a gay man, getting killed by Nazis. 💔😡 On the other hand, I LOVE that two gay actors (Wentworth Miller and Russell Tovey) get to play a gay couple fighting Nazis and kiss several times!!! 💖 (especially since I wanted Earth 1 Leonard to be pan, but at least I got a ColdFlash hug in this ep!)
Sara and Alex are badass queens and I love them together! Being bi, Sara is my love and number one queen, and Alex has been a favorite since the first time I saw her. 😍
The representation in these episodes and on the shows are a blessing and I love the diversity! 💖💖💖
The "general, care to step outside?" is a reference to Superman II where Superman says that to General Zod. The "up... up... and away" is also a Superman reference.
"Thank you, Jefferson. For the adventure... of a lifetime."
Barry cant kill reverse flash. Eobard has created many of himself (time wraiths) so even killing him wont help. Plus if Barry kills the wrong reverse flash he might accidentally kill the reverse flash that created the reverse flashpoint the shows timeline is in and might leave the world without a flash to protect it from reverse flash.
Also Barry doesn't kill (at least not intentionally... he's actually left a pretty sizable body count of dead metas...), especially not his Lex Luthor/Joker. Barry went to prison the last time he "killed" Thawne in the comics...
Damn. That is complicated. Thanks for the insight!
It can't be the case because once the speedster dies all his time remnants are gone as well ( remember Legends season 2 finale). Probably even the CW can't explain yet how he is back again but it doesn't even matter. Because this goddamn Eobard is the fucking genius!
Free Bicycle Tours yup it could also open up another black hole in central city
He created time remnants of himself. Time Wraiths are what should be after the remnants constantly but are not for story purposes. Or maybe too many and not enough wraiths lol. Makes you wonder if Zoom made more then one remnant of himself...
Steeeeeeiiiiiinnn 😢😢😢
The crossover was so much better than the previous one hands down. They integrated everyone in everything and it felt like one movie rather than stand-alone 4 parts. They should do this more aften.
I also loved Alex and Sara, regardless of the BTS drama with Andrew the creep. Ready for both ladies to move forward and watch it all happen - although I must admit, I'm still hung up on Nyssara. Man it's been a while but I still can't let go ugh 💔 Enjoyed the reactions, you make me smile usually after a shitty day and for that, I thank you!
It Okay Girl Let It Out You Could Cry When I Saw That Scene In My Tv I Cry As Well
Just subbed haha love your reactions you be killing me haha.
Felicity: Well I stole the thunder at the party and they killed the priest before I had a chance to make the ceremony all anout me too so I might as well change my mind about marriage again now. It's not like we'qre awkwardly tacking something on to a plot line thats taken over a Season to build ypto this moment and look, we'll block the scene so the audience can barely see Iris and Barry now.
Callum Armour,
The stuff with Professor Stein messed me up; the funeral had me sobbing. 💔
The uniting of ALL the heroes at the end was amazing, each fight sequence was on point. Loved how Caitlin pulled a “Frozone” using her ice sled.
This crossover was hands down better than the musical crossover and the very first crossover. Best four hours of TV of my life.
Miranda Miller There is only one Arrowverse crossover that can be better than Crisis on Earth-X:
Crisis on Infinite Earths
@@dvader518 Even that doesn't measure up to this.
Great emotional reaction can't wait for more from you. in case you didn't know the actor that plays Stein is going back to Broadway but it's still sad.
14:29 - Scene tribute from Superman II, right down to Supergirl's line.
No matter how many time i watch this episode.I can't help to tear up..
Stein will be miss so hard.We won't get to hear him singing again :(
I love your reaction, lol I cry all over again when I saw you cried too :(
Thank you for the 4 parts reaction video's and the time efford.
I just watched your reaction for the crossover. can't believe you missed the beautiful comment from Sara:) LOL
About the Sara / Alex hookup: I'm so glad that the CW shows (though usually this is confined to Supergirl) aren't afraid to break from TV norms when it comes to relationships. Breakups can be messy and linger long after the event, sometimes things don't work out and it's no-one's fault, people can react badly to someone they know suddenly spending time with someone else.... Everything that happens with Alex and Sara is in character and makes complete sense for Alex to be a teensy bit freaked the day after. She says herself in Supergirl S2 she didn't date much, then straight into a long term relationship with Maggie that's barely weeks since it ended... If she'd been really happy about sleeping with Sara (which, totally understandable) it'd have felt a bit, I dunno, cheap somehow. Much better to have it be awkward and make her think about what she really wants when it comes to romance.
Oh, and I love that they've kept the unspoken rule from the Supergirl comics: "If Kara Zor-El crosses her arms and glares at you it's best to surrender, ideally while apologising profusely." Or I guess in this case while offering ice cream.
So question... Where was Gypsy??? Like I know the crossover was busy enough but she's a big enough part of Flash now. Especially in an episode where their fighting people crossing over from other Earth's (literally her job) and Cisco aka Barry's best man, is there on his lonesome while everyone's talking about plus 1's. What happened to 1 + 1 = 1 am I right?
Just so you know, reverse flash always comes back, not just cause he won't kill him, he's actually known as a living paradox so you can't kill him by erasing him from existence and locking him up wouldn't be easy at all so he basically made the best decision
When they first aired this episode, I really thought they were going to have Lily take on the Matrix somehow.
2:45-17:03: Kara was saved first by Atom, interpreted by the same actor who was Superman in "Returns", and then by "The Man of steel" LOL
RIP Professor Stein :'(
So no-one is going to mention the parallels between westallen and supercorp with Iris's vows? She said "the flash may be the city's hero but Barry Allen, you are my hero." but they're telling us that supercorp is platonic even though lena said the same fucking thing to kara: "Supergirl may have saved me, but Kara Danvers, you are my hero." Like wtf
Remember when in the first part Prometheus said one wedding two funerals? Well the reverse happened. One funeral two weddings
Oh my goddddddd
Free Bicycle Tours Also the building behind the "superspeed I don't have it" scene is Claydon industries, the industry of The leader of Doom patrol. The team x men is based up off
You aint the only one that shed a tear 😭😭😭
i cant wait for the next crossover cus it gonna be so awesome with barry being Green arrow and ollie as the flash along side superman and lois and supergirl (and the Kent Farm from smallville show) and Batwoman and The Monitor it a shame that legends wont be in it though
Flash is a wimp. If you do NOT kill the bad guy, he comes back and hurts AND kills INNOCENT people. I much prefer Arrow's tactics. It is self-defense and protection for the innocents.
Perhaps it is a matter of respecting Time line. I think that these events took place before the Spear of Destiny (Eobard against the Legends), i think Barry does'nt want to create another Flashpoint killing Eobard.
Okay, I am not aware of all that. Thank you.
Barry Allen is the saint of DC comics - he's not the one to ever willingly take a life. Batman is similar but nowhere near as moral, for Barry to kill is the furthest thing from his character that he would do. We got Savatar to see what Barry would be like if he walked that path so I'm glad he didn't, this is our Barry who even after all the shit still is incapable of being evil.
ugh why did felicity interrupt their wedding- why couldn’t they wait till they had wed first
Thank God there was no camera on me during this episode, I feel like I’m an ugly crier hahha
Hi., nice reaction 😊😊
Awesome episode Part 4 ..
I was crying 😭😭😭 so hard...
RIP prof Stein 😥😥😥
I was so sad 😞
Reverse Flash ( eobard Wells) will be back ⚡⚡⚡⚡
I think Iris is cool being poly with Oliver... also Ollie's middle name is Jonas... That makes him OJ Queen...
loved the reaction! well worth the citizen cold snart is so awesome camp :) RIP Stein even days after the emotional significance of it still gets me. If they were gonna kill a character off they executed it perfectly. It had a real feel and was really respectful too. I also love how legends and CW continue to commentate on social issues through the comic book medium. Now more than ever nazis need to portrayed as the evil fucks they are. 11/10 punches to nazi faces phenomenal cross over!!
16:01 I think last season scared the shit out of Barry when it comes to the idea of "sacrificing his morality." Savitar really drilled the point home that if Barry lets go once.. it gets so much easier to do it again and again..
I'm a hundred percent with you on this one. To hell with the CW for what they did to Stein.
Professor Stein has one of the saddest deaths in the Arrowverse
Great reaction. I’m sorry they killed Stein off. Always glad to see Sara.
4:40 - Terminator reference, nice.
Out of all the deaths in the DC, this is the saddest one i cried the most :(
I’m the same with you, I drifted away from arrow and the flash and focused on supergirl and lot.
He'll come back if Barry kills him anyways. Why break your code just for it to have no effect? I definitely wanted to see the snapping of the neck moment, but I guess they're saving that for if he ever kills Iris (not happening).
I honestly think it would have been better for kara to fall on the grass than to 2 steel bars that are Nates arms :D Also, why kara didn't throw overgirl to space..?
It would be so amazing to see reactions for Legends as well each week, but I know what you mean about volume, only so many hours in a day.
You know what Supergirl says between 14:28-14:32 was a reference to Superman II. Also at 14:45-14:50 all three charecters are straight. Okay Z in this world I am not 100% sure of but the other two I am. Yes Stein is Jewish. In fact the actor who played him is in real life Jewish and Gay.
i was saving my tears for the doctor who Christmas special cause the main actor is leaving the show but this hit me hard xc
Superb writing and a masterful piecing together the greatest elements of each show and of each character! My only gripe is that they didn't include Ralph Dibny. :\ Maybe because he's invulnerable to Nazi bullets, the writers probably thought he'd be too OP to include in the 4-way crossover........... (this time around).
Seven stages of grief over Stein starting with denial...;)
"Seems like just yesterday..." 😂😂
LOL I'LL NEVER LET GO - he is from Titanic XD
Is there still Free Bicycle tours?
I have loved your crossover videos. It seems like you watch Legends, is there any chance you’d start doing reaction videos to it?
Notification squad!!
I loved the crossover nothing will ever top it! The good, the bad, and.... you know. And you were right Sara should or maybe Alex should kiss her on the cheek. If Supergirl and Legends do a crossover, just these two I would be a happy customer. You would like that too
I cried the most for caitly.
To any other, they lost a fatherfigure and hero.
But caitlyn?
Stein used to be firestorm with ronny first. So She lost the last part of ronny. The last memory of her first true love.
15:51 They know. They're counting on it. It's called 'Plot armor'.
Barry cant kill Thawne as it could have changed time in some manner and create a paradox.
She did not interrupt any wedding. The wedding was interrupted by nazis. This was an impromptu last minute decision after surviving nazis. They are great friends and love each other. They were happy. You should watch Arrow. It's an amazing show. Alex will find someone that is a perfect fit for her and wants to have children with her.
Love the song at 16:36 😂😭😂😂
The Ray has to go back to help Winn fight the rest of the Nazis... also he has his own show to star in...
Flash: "I can't kill you." *let's the bad guy run away*
Alex: *shoots Nazis in the face* "DIE, BITCHES!"
15:18 A sweet girl is right, that isn't a streetfight! Because they are above the city over the streets - it is a *OVER-STREET-FIGHT*
17:13 And there a man was 100% sure a girl would bring the rhyme .. _"Everyone's fine, except for Stein."_
You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life.
junaid zahid beg to differ
Loving your reaction,accidentally found your channel...only one question though,why free bicycle tours? XD
Love your reaction never fell to make me laugh
It kinda bothers me when I see people say "Sacrifice your moralities" Bruh if he does that he will become Savitar, That what Savitar told him and he is The Flash and Baryy should never ever not even once should kill a single villain. You guys say just do it once but it's a loop, You kill once eventually your gonna kill again and again. Barry does not want to give his Villains what they want him to become. So no way just no never I will never forgive Barry if he kills because that ruins his humanity the whole purpose he became The Flash in the first place.
I honestly just came here to watch this episode because I missed it
So Legends have lost Stein & Snart, The Flash Ronnie & Both Barry's parents and Arrow Tommy and Laurel, Supergirl needs to loose a main character now....not just Villians
Kajsa Svensson I vote Mon-El or James
If they can seperate Sam from Reign I vote for Sam. Ronnie and Barrys parents however was not main characters Flash only main character to die is actually Eddie. So yeah Supergirl still falls short because the saddest death was Kenny from the midvale episode. They are trying to make Supergirl a bit darker this season but we see I don't think the show has that bit of bravery to kill one of the main characters or any non villian characters that appeared for at least 5 episodes..
I vote for james
I'd like to see Supergirl add a few more racially diverse castmembers, but I agree, James needs to go. I just don't care what happens to him anymore.
Legends never die
how are we supposed to watch this with all the comments and the small screen???
Monique Jahel it’s a reaction video! That’s what the video is supposed to be. It’s assumed that you have already watched the episode and the small video is there to let you know which part I’m making comments about
Not sure how I️ feel about How they wrote Stein off the show...on one hand did he really have to die? On the other it was pretty well done. I️ respect it.
Yes Martin stop dying because you can help it
But you must remember “LEGENDS NEVER DIE”
FBT, Even if Flash had kill Reverse Flash, he would come back eventually. He was burned to a crisp by a God, and still came back.
Have you ever thought about maybe rewatching Arrow and Flash? just a thought lol
Why did you skip the part of flash vs reverse flash that was my favourite part.dammit.
Oliver was such a dick to Kara last crossover and now he’s flat out calling Kara his friend and saying that he would never abandon her even if it was to avoid a world war.
As for Barry if he kills Thawne then the timeline may be messed up Thawne is the one who manipulated Barry’s life in order for Barry to become the Flash in the first place and Thawne’s own origin is connected to the Flash so there’s that.
Happy as I am Snart is back ‘Leo’ is too much of a goody goody old Snart had a dark edge to him.
I cry too ...and I like evil version of the heroes....but how did reverse flash fight Superman when he told Kara he fought him once in the future I know there's a version of both Clark and Kara in this earth even evil green arrow was surprised when Kara say of her cousin.
They had to do this to welcome in Constantine!
It would be cool if Zari, killerfrost,and FIRESTORM and some one with earth powers join togother
I personally didn't like Stein's death for multiple reasons. I know for a fact that the actor playing him was going to leave the show but i always thought they would let him return to his family. His death was probably done because most of these shows have been criticized for not having any real stakes and people not staying dead etc. So you can bet your ass that his death was done for those reasons.
Now i would have been more alright with that if it made sense storywise but it really didn't. We've seen before that Gideon is pretty much able to fix anything. In Season 1 Snart got a whole new hand and the season after that Sara was dying from a gunshot wound and on top of that Rip even crushed her windpipe. But somehow Stein can't be saved because he's a old man?
Don't get me wrong i thoroughly enjoyed the crossover but they threw logic out the window a bit to much in order to make the story work.
P.S fun little fact. The voice of Earth-X Gideon is done by Susanna Thompson who played Moira Queen on Arrow.
Yo you mad late...been waiting up in here. Yo what your Twitter at?
15:40 Thawne will come back even he be killed, you should realize that after how many times he's dead xD
I cried too