That was good thanks. Looks a bit complicated for me but I'll book it in somewhere. My transmission is not working well and now we've also got a transmission low message. it's intermittent. Only done 55000 miles but it's an 11 year old car. It's become undriveable.
It’s not too bad to do but understand it may look complicated if you haven’t done this sort of work before. I hope you manage to get yours sorted! Cheers, Phil
You only got about half the fluid out as it’s like 8.5 L for the transmission and torque converter. So to have it mostly all new fluid you should repeat the same process again. Then most of the fluid will be new. You should do it that way if you want to go longer intervals but it’s probably ok to just do 4 to 4.5L every 30,000 miles and if you choose to do the additional drain method you could just go 60,000 miles with that method.
@@ReviveMyRide it may actually be better to only do the one dump and fill. I have heard of people having transmission problems after doing complete changes. Not sure if that’s an issue on these but if you just do one dump you end up with fluid that is in decent condition overall. I might just start doing 1 dump and fill each spring.
@@ReviveMyRideI think I will use a fluid transfer pump and just add the fluid through the level check port. Then drive it and recheck it again at that port. I think it’s easier than removing the air box. I saw a video from a Ford tech who does it that way instead. I will check the fluid level before draining it too just so I know it was full before I drain any fluid out.
What you can do is measure from the floor to the door plastic cladding top and get that measurement with a tape (with all 4 wheels on the ground). Say it’s 16 inches. Then jack up the front wheel only and remove it. Then lower the jack down to the same measurement you had. Then you know the car is level and you can access that check port from the side. It’s easier doing it that way than having to lift it completely off the ground.
Good video mate. Recently purchased a full log book serviced LZ Focus Sport with the 1.5 GDTI Ecoboost and 6F35 with 105,000Klm (65,000mls). I noticed a longer, almost rougher gear change sometimes. Hopefully fresh oil will help with smoother changes. Going to do this when i do the 105k service in a couple of weeks. I'll be doing it every couple of years also (which will only be ~10-15k klm intervals).
Thank you! Sounds like a good plan! Apart from keeping the tranny running well, it's all about keeping fresh (ish) oil in there to make the internal, non-serviceable filter last longer. Cheers, Phil
Hi see wen u feel the gearbox oil from the top are u suppose to see the oil from the filling hole before u put the cap or not as i couldnt see the oil at the top trought the small hole
Hi, @parmindersidhu9690 when you are refilling the transmission up from the top, you put 4.25L (or 3.75 quarts) in ad put the plug back in the top (you can see that at about 03:30 in the video). Then you take the car for a drive and when you get back, you remove the level plug on the side of the transmission and let the excess fluid flow out, (06:19 in the video) then you put the level plug back in and you are done. If for some reason, nothing flowed out of the level plug, you top up at the top until fluid starts to flow out of the level plug. Hope this helps! Cheers, Phil
@ReviveMyRide thanks yea as I had a leak which I fixed but now I order extra fluid to add to my gearbox jus for whatever was lost I wanted to ask when I fill it up do I need to see the fluid at the top before I put the plug back in at the top of the engine as im not sure how much fluid I have in the gearbox am how much was lost. All I know is after I removed the filling hole I couldn't see any fluid near the top trough the little filling hole
@@parmindersidhu9690ok, good that you have found the leak! No, if you can see fluid through the filling hole at the top, you will have way too much in it. It’s really important that you take the wheel off, remove the level plug in the side of the transmission and then top up until it just start to flow out a little. Thanks, Phil
This video is a godsend, took me forever to find one with clear instructions on how to replace the fluid, thank you!
Thanks! No probs at all, glad you found the video useful 👍
That was good thanks. Looks a bit complicated for me but I'll book it in somewhere. My transmission is not working well and now we've also got a transmission low message. it's intermittent. Only done 55000 miles but it's an 11 year old car. It's become undriveable.
It’s not too bad to do but understand it may look complicated if you haven’t done this sort of work before. I hope you manage to get yours sorted! Cheers, Phil
This is a brilliant video, thank you
Thanks so much! Glad you found it helpful 👍 cheers, Phil
Why do they design the cars to make it so difficult to maintain?
Agree, it does seem that way sometimes! You should see how tricky it is to service a Mercedes transmission! Cheers, Phil
You only got about half the fluid out as it’s like 8.5 L for the transmission and torque converter. So to have it mostly all new fluid you should repeat the same process again. Then most of the fluid will be new. You should do it that way if you want to go longer intervals but it’s probably ok to just do 4 to 4.5L every 30,000 miles and if you choose to do the additional drain method you could just go 60,000 miles with that method.
Agree with all of your points! It’s my Dad’s car and he decided to change less of the fluid more frequently 👍 cheers, Phil
@@ReviveMyRide it may actually be better to only do the one dump and fill. I have heard of people having transmission problems after doing complete changes. Not sure if that’s an issue on these but if you just do one dump you end up with fluid that is in decent condition overall. I might just start doing 1 dump and fill each spring.
Yeah, these Trannys are pretty sensitive! Sounds like a good plan 👍
@@ReviveMyRideI think I will use a fluid transfer pump and just add the fluid through the level check port. Then drive it and recheck it again at that port. I think it’s easier than removing the air box. I saw a video from a Ford tech who does it that way instead. I will check the fluid level before draining it too just so I know it was full before I drain any fluid out.
What you can do is measure from the floor to the door plastic cladding top and get that measurement with a tape (with all 4 wheels on the ground). Say it’s 16 inches. Then jack up the front wheel only and remove it. Then lower the jack down to the same measurement you had. Then you know the car is level and you can access that check port from the side. It’s easier doing it that way than having to lift it completely off the ground.
Good video mate. Recently purchased a full log book serviced LZ Focus Sport with the 1.5 GDTI Ecoboost and 6F35 with 105,000Klm (65,000mls).
I noticed a longer, almost rougher gear change sometimes. Hopefully fresh oil will help with smoother changes.
Going to do this when i do the 105k service in a couple of weeks. I'll be doing it every couple of years also (which will only be ~10-15k klm intervals).
Thank you! Sounds like a good plan! Apart from keeping the tranny running well, it's all about keeping fresh (ish) oil in there to make the internal, non-serviceable filter last longer. Cheers, Phil
Hi see wen u feel the gearbox oil from the top are u suppose to see the oil from the filling hole before u put the cap or not as i couldnt see the oil at the top trought the small hole
Hi, @parmindersidhu9690 when you are refilling the transmission up from the top, you put 4.25L (or 3.75 quarts) in ad put the plug back in the top (you can see that at about 03:30 in the video). Then you take the car for a drive and when you get back, you remove the level plug on the side of the transmission and let the excess fluid flow out, (06:19 in the video) then you put the level plug back in and you are done. If for some reason, nothing flowed out of the level plug, you top up at the top until fluid starts to flow out of the level plug. Hope this helps! Cheers, Phil
@ReviveMyRide thanks yea as I had a leak which I fixed but now I order extra fluid to add to my gearbox jus for whatever was lost I wanted to ask when I fill it up do I need to see the fluid at the top before I put the plug back in at the top of the engine as im not sure how much fluid I have in the gearbox am how much was lost. All I know is after I removed the filling hole I couldn't see any fluid near the top trough the little filling hole
@@parmindersidhu9690ok, good that you have found the leak! No, if you can see fluid through the filling hole at the top, you will have way too much in it. It’s really important that you take the wheel off, remove the level plug in the side of the transmission and then top up until it just start to flow out a little. Thanks, Phil
Really useful 👌🏽
Great to hear! Thanks for the comment 👍 cheers, Phil