In short terms: Don't buy techwear just for the branding but rather for the functionality. It's almost like some gamers going for "gaming" products without exploring better options on the market
To me techwear is just the futuristic, street ninja look, so aesthetics only. Quite happy with my Uniqlo parka and black cargp pants and an Axel Arigatp tee.
@Shdjdjaskdj Ajdjdjsjdieoq exactly just express yourself and wear what you want. My friend got the cops called on him once for wearing clothes with a lot of pouches, they said he looked suspicious, he was eating french fries at a skate park... idk man people just try too hard to make you feel some way about how you dress when it shouldn't matter.
I think the "is this techwear" council likes cyberpunk a lot, where crimes and exotic weathers are happening at any time. And the futuristic waterproof hardshell and goretex shoes can save their lives.
yeah, like i think some of the techninja fits look great but nobody can pretend that they really need to be 100% waterproof all day everyday in some giant ass shell. that just sounds annoying as hell to me.
I would go for techwear if I'm not being cooked in the urban tropics of my country, the everyday weather is either you'll get heat stroke in 30 min, or you'll get a cold in 30 min. Its either being cooked by the sun or bombarded by the rain there is no in between.
Just watch the video-- he's just giving bringing up a different way of approaching tech-wear rather than JUST aesthetics. Both are fine and it isn't deep.
He’s just saying how most people who get into techwear do it because they like the aesthetic, but because they are also so shit at fashion, they they end up looking like clowns, even after sinking thousands of dollars into it.
This is definitely one of your most necessary video because if it's techwear or any other fashion choice what's really important is how each item fits with your wardrobe. The techwear genre is largely misunderstood and generally approached in a meme like fashion where if it isn't overly LARPy or cosplay it gets overlooked. Coming from a military/law enforcement background I can say alot of our gear fit what techwear is so our approach has always focused on performance, wear/breathability etc and I just assumed others chose clothing in accordance with what works for them personally. Anyway, that's my two cents, thanks again for a great video!
Living in Canada, means most of your closet is technically techwear by default, im jealous of you poeple who can choose to buy jackets that aren't waterproof
@@arko9151 that sub is hell, if it's not some super pricey or techninja type shit with obvious GORTEX ACG slapped in big white writing. I've learnt that personally the whole techninja aesthetic, although cool is very much not worth the payoff vs minimalist techwear products. I'm more into technical military clothing/smart techwear because it let's me mesh my own style in a way that's transformative or just in general nicer.
the term "functional clothing" is way more broad and fitting than "techwear". I get why ERLSN and others dont like to use the term, and I also prefer just looking for specific functionality. And this includes form, material, fit, looks, social messaging, whatnot. And this is all stuff "techwear" can cater to. While most people live in very different situations and use cases, there is no "techwear" style fpr everyone; its way more divers. Also: I much prefer DIYing stuff to buying expensive functional clothing, and with a good bit of practice you can get not as good results as acrnm but you can come very close. With the right materials and some design practice this is a great thing to do!
I definitely love techwear and I gave it a lot of thought before I decided to get into it.. but I’m getting into it slowly and patiently. Making sure that the pieces I love also adapt to my own style and how it can go with my own wardrobe. I want techwear to work for me and not the way around because it’s so easy to fall into a cheesy trendy looking outfit. It’s important to not loose your self in the style but to rock it but with your own flavor and personality. That’s where I feel creative and innovative techwear is born. Just my opinion thanks!
Easiest way to weed out the bad apples: Stay away from the brands who claim to be 'techwear'. Unfortunately, it's normally the more expensive brands whom don't make this claim :P
Huh - never knew there was a word for it... thank you. Practical clothing with good material, comfort, loads of pockets, and a dark plain colour with no branding is my favourite type of clothing.
I live in the southeast US, so during the summer my "techwear" outfit includes chubbies, a light blue columbia fishing shirt, a bucket hat and a pair of sperrys
I have literally just discovered the term techwear minutes ago, and I'm absolutely in love. I've always liked that vibe but I had no idea what it was called! I'm resonating with the message a lot tho. I'm drawn to the aesthetic largely because of how it looks, but strickly with respect to how the outfit flows together. I also realize that there are other areas of fashion that I wanna draw from to combine with techwear, so glad to hear I'm on the right path as far as the mindset goes. One day I'll be able to afford the aesthetic that I want haha. Great video, you've got another follower!
I don't even know what techwear is, I was just looking up a boot in my closet that I haven't seen in years to see if it's any good or not. And all I have to say is; Bravo
Seems like some useful clothing though hey. I wanna get some good pants. Think about good quality work pants and the types of pocket arrangements they have. All they need is special fabric so I don't rip the damn crotch area of the pants when kneeling on the ground to do work.
Yeah I agree with this 100 percent. Your advice can be put into use for buying any type of clothing , doesn't matter if it's techwear or any other sub genre in fashion. There were countless amount of times I bought clothes that doesn't suit my style or environment just because I think that it will gain me more points from other people that's into fashion. This video will really save a lot of money for people who just started caring about clothing .
I never felt compelled to any aesthetic because it always seemed so limiting. Now, the secret agent/techwear aesthetic feels completely different to me. It's nothing you do for attention, you have to put effort into it because it's quite rare compared to soft boy aesthetic or something. Less people will tell me that I don't fit the aesthetic because they simply don't know it, and I can comfortably stay with my own choices without commitment.
Great vid man. Your viewpoint is exactly how I view techwear. My style is more military, gritty, cyberpunk, etc. So when I search for technical clothing I don't just make blind purchases just because they are grail brands. I love Guerilla Group bc they fit my aesthetic but they also have some fits that I am not interested in achieving. Best advice is to do your research and be aware of who is at the forefront of techwear but to also buy items that fit your look not just items that check a box. I'm about to purchase my first Stony jacket but my reasoning is that it fits my aesthetic and is practical for my lifestyle. With that mindset you wind up with a more sensible wardrobe that is curated by you personally and you may wind up developing a more unique look.
Yes, as someone relatively new to techwear, I've realized the utilitarianism and simplistic style at the core of techwear. I tend to choose items that are appropriate for my area's climate and actually within my budget. A number of items in my collection aren't made as techwear, or even from top brands, but serve a purpose, both aesthetically and practically.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Techwear. The style is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the functionality will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also ACRONYM's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into their clothing - their personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these clothes, to realize that they're not just cool- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Techwear truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in ACRONYM's existencial catchphrase "Waterproof fabric," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Errolson Hugh's genius unfolds itself on their bodies. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Techwear tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
you have a weird knack for taking these discussions in directions I never anticipate when clicking, lol. I got into techwear because I needed winter coats and stuff, but ended up in a weird place where my everyday wear (Elhaus and Riot Division mostly) is "aesthetic techwear" and the stuff I wear when I wanna go out on the town and flex on people is completely different. never really thought about that before.
I've been wearing this style for years in the right way you described not even realizing it and it's literally all SO handy. Not over the top. I don't pay a ton either. I don't post or talk about it. The egirls love it too.
great point! fashion becomes more and more competitive, especially in "techwear" fashion. it's like the basic women's fashion mindset. everyone thinks like "ok, how do the most influencial people wear their outfits? i'm gonna copy that so i can be validated as fashionable by everyone else" (in our case erollson hugh or the guy with the most likes with #techwear for example) rather than finding out what your own aesthtic is and how to deliver it in the best way possible.
Oml I flipped when I saw that starter pack cause I do have the Uniqlo womens blocktech parka, the reindee lusion steven cargos and an orbit gear R202 SP-BK. . That aside, this video was a real eye-opener for someone who just recently got into the genre of technical wear. Thought it was a great point that one shouldn't merely subscribe to the typical uniform and instead consider the functionality of the items and how one can make a cohesive wardrobe to develop their own style. Good stuff
I dont know how i even found that video but here is my take on the subject: I personally believe the term Tech-wear just derived from some poeple first starting to integrate outdoor, hiking or travel gear with other styles of street or sports fashion thus creating the subgenre. I agree with the fact that a certain amount of functionality is to be considered before buying because of he outdoor aspect. Even though when i went to buy some clothes for an Iceland trip in 2014 and later a Philippines trip in 2018 i noticed the marketing in the Outdoor market is somewhat even crazier than in the fashion market using terms like water resistance and durability of items as selling points. I think it comes down to what you just concluded: Think before you buy and more than anything, think if you will be happy wearing these clothes in the long run. Not just buying and enjoying the rush of spending money. That applies to all styles of fashion and life in general. Especially the fashion world is highly psychologic and built to make us buy certain items just becaus they are fashionable right now and an entire aparatus of advertisements and social media influence is built around that to make us spend our money. In the end the one thing that makes any outfit look great is the person wearing it nd the confidence he/she carries. And if you stay dry while doing so it´s a plus...but rain can be nice aswell.
I would like to go outside more if I could wear clothes that fit my sort of esthetic, but also function as a utilitarian piece of clothing that fits my needs. That is your key
This just popped in my recommended after looking at a review of these cool pants I found. I didnt even know there was a “techwear” culture. I just like the way and style of these types of clothes and it makes me feel good wearing it. I cant believe there is a rating system for peoples outfits. What are we in the military? just wear what you like
Those are some very good points, seriously. Personally, I dearly love the cyberninja aesthetic and find a lot of inspiration in techwear, but naturally gravitate towards minimal athleisure (cozy boi forever) with a bit of a futuristic/avantgarde edge rather than dressing up for the war against the machines. Knowing what you like and not wearing it for imaginary style points-and that includes hype-is the most conscious way to consume and build a wardrobe that'll outlast trends. I have 40€ Adidas sneakers I wear with shirts from A Cold Wall, because I love both equally and they work together. If the stuff you own doesn't have intrinsic value for you and you alone, why do you even own it in the first place? Your fits will never be good enough in the eyes of gatekeeping elitists, and most of the other people around you probably don't have the same perception of the brands/aesthetic you like, or they simply don't care about fashion in the first place, which is also perfectly viable. It just clothing, after all. Have fun with it.
This is mostly pretty spot on. To me it was always a goal of primarily finding what you need for clothing in general and then trying to find a version of it that fit the futuristic/industrial/cyberpunk look and feel
I just want to look like I can carry everything with me. I have my spaghetti, my microwave, my cat tower,my phone, headphones,and the whole series of Shrek
Hi Antwon, this video is deep. Nicely put to emphasize the true timelessness of so called "techwear" clothing, because this IS clothing. CoVid19 crisis seems to be impacting our perceptions to deconstruct the ordinary reality to find the common divine within. Again, great video!
Super Cargo wear: -Cargo Pants -Cargo Shirt -Cargo Jacket -Freight Backpack -Alot of Carabiner -One hella strong Buckle for your pants, because its gonna be heavy -Steel toe Shoes Pros: -you can travel anywhere with your stuff -you can bring everything you need and not to worry of running out of pockets -no need to worry for your toe getting hurt -Basically a weight training -you can bring infinite amount of EDC items Cons: -Easy to rob -Weight like a small island -Slow you down like a snail -not easy to stand balanced -Hot like your grandma's oven -everyone gonna thinks youre a traveler
I'm also into J-fashion and this philosophy can 100% be applied to that too. Right now I'm not really interested in going all-techwear all the time, but a utility jacket and cyberpunky trainers would be nice purchases.
This is a great video; by considering your own likes and comforts, how it will look on your body (and if your ok with that) then that piece of clothing will be worth to buy because you will use it a lot. Now before watching this video I already knew that I should buy clothing I think I’ll wear often in the future, but this video made me think now to look for the “how and why” that this clothing piece would make me comfortable to wear it for the longevity of the future. This was an eye opening video, thank you for helping me make smart purchases.
I've been wearing techwear since I was a kid in the 90's I've always loved Japanese brands . And I've been wearing black most of my life so I've been way ahead of the curve . Even before it had a name
Oh boy, I always thought it's just me, with these clothes... actually I think I accidentally made a subgenre of techwear, I call it "The Jedi from Mirkwood" Anyway, thanks for making me not feel strange
Just discovered your channel and I'm glad I took time to listen. Honestly I like some of the aesthetics of this style of fashion, honestly I want things that look cool but also won't fall apart in 2-3 wash cycles. Also skeptical of some sites selling the stuff. I'm constantly checking BBB and review threads to see if they're trustworthy.
generally just buy/wear clothes that you like. of course, you can get inspirations from your idols or celebrities, but do not exactly wear the same outfit if it doesnt fit your style, or physical appearances. do not follow trends! cuz sometimes you'll end up dressing the same with other people in public 😆
I really love these styles and at first I was like "dayuuummm, these clothes are cool~" but each time I've seen it a lot, I then realized there's a reason why there are so many pockets on it and I was like "man, I really do need a lot of pockets so I won't need to bring my bag very often.". I really love wearing something simple (which means that I don't need to feel too tricky bringing my bag outside) but it looks pretty darn cool
I think techwear is just an umbrella term for anything dystopian, futurist or cyberpunk. Ofcourse it's a shame that the performance element is disregarded in most "techwear" labelled clothing. But for example MXDVS, they label themselves as punk and make some great "techwear" pieces. It's all in the eye of the beholder honestly.
*me, someone highly interested in Golden Age menswear and natural fiber, because those early 1920s silhouettes suit me quite well* clicks on this video *also me* 'Interesting'
I've just recently started getting into this "cyber futuristic streetwear" type of clothing, I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a techwear sub-genre of some sort but it genuinely looks super cyberpunk influenced. I'm talking about brands like Machine56 and Fabric of the Universe. I really love the aesthetic of those brands, not worried about performance or functionality, I just absolutely love the looks.
I love the aesthetic of it but I’m a big boy and a lot of the tech wear clothing runs very small. Also I live in SoCal we don’t get much rain and it’s usually warm for all the layers
I came upon this video while watching Cyberpunk mask vids. This sounds like what I do. I look for clothing that is useful and that fits my style. My main priority is always "Is this practical?" Gonna watch more of your vids and look more into this type of fashion.
Basically in short if you are too lazy to hear the 11:37 minute of what Antwon is talking about Heres a summary: Do not purchase items that are listed as ‘techwear’ as this items are more directed to the aesthetic of techwear rather than the functionality and quality so this items tend to tear or wear off much faster than items that techwear users wear but not listed as techwear clothing ; Brands to start off with could be Nike Acronym or MXDVS to name a few good quality items
i want to wear techwear, alternative, kidcore, weirdcore, basic ass shit, warwear, tactical fashion, and literally everything. also, techwear is easy to get cheap- a magical place called *shein* . i fucking love it.
It’s interesting to see this style develop. I subconsciously had built up clothing like this for the last decade. Black, hooded, and lots of y-3. Since then, I’m thrilled with the direction it’s gone. Big fan of machine56, dsptch, fuga (out of tokyo) stutterheim and a lot of the gortek addidas stuff.
This was really useful especially considering that often I watch your videos and assume that I have to cop the pieces that you talk about in your video because you have deemed them as techwear
Found this when I sporadically pondered how to make permanent drawing markings of clothing. Stayed because you remind me of Methos from Highlander :D Never thought I'd start following a fashion channel but, here we are! I tend to just get stuff with lots of pockets, so you know. Hobo -style mostly. I'm not really that wealthy. Big trench coat, or baggy vest with 10+ pockets, camo-cargo pants with even more pockets ( _but tbh I'd prefer a different set of pants that are soft, baggy and wide but good luck finding THAT, or we clothes in general that's baggy I prefer, with wide arms.. I miss my "Technomancer Hoodie", as the zipper broke and elbows shredded.._ ), tabi shoes because other shoes have broken down and I get blisters from EVERY SHOE I EVER GET. Goddamn I hate shoes.
Never heard of techwear in my life but I just realized that the custom tailored pants I get for work are techwear. I got extra zip pockets added to these really good quality work pants.
OMG! I'm glad I found this video first! The truth is, I didn't know that "Techwear" was something until I saw some random video on FB. I really like the style, just didn't know it had a name. That video made me want to look more into it, and here I am! But I'm a newbee in the fashion world... All my life I've been wearing clothes gifted to me or passed on me... my family's situation didn't allowed my parents to take me to buy an actual wardrobe of my own. I'm lost as to what is MY style, I kinda hate half (or more) of the clothing I have right now, but when I'm thinking about adopting a style, I also don't want to "stick" to one, since I have a wide range of "styles" I like, I loved how you explained it! I want to create my own wardrobe in terms of how it fits, how it works toghether and how functional it is for me and my lifestyle. Loved your video! Thank you so much for being honest!!
@@ledrghshkkddj well in the picture it looks like the Orbit Gear OG Sling, The Reindee Lusion Stephen Cargos, And the Condor Aegis jacket. I have all 3 except the Nike Acg Kmtr
I see your point , like the clothes are really comfortable and some are water resistant, it’s just the shoes that i bought in large and aren’t comfortable because I didn’t get them in XL lmao.
At the end of the day just wear what you want. Don't let anyone influence your style. Also just because something cost more it doesn't automatically means it's better. Also just do your research and read reviews.
As a mountaineer, I've been wearing "techwear" every day for years and years. That means merino baselayers; highly breathable and with a huge range of temperatures I can use it in. Adding many well thought-out layers (inspired by mountain-climbing, where you need to stay warm and be able to break a sweat!) really helps. Making it all look good isn't easy, but it sure is fun. People underestimate how good a decent Burton hoodie can look, while being ultra-comfortable, cool, decently weather/windproof, affordable and easy to layer. Great video! Surprised to see it. I recommend Icebreaker/Smartwool merino undergarments, and no, you're not gonna have much look just look at "North Face", although their footwear and gloves are great. Lightweight OR jackets are nice. Want a 6.5-ounce down jacket for winter? Grab a Ghost Whisperer jacket from Mountain Hardwear. You can fit it in your pocket when you're not wearing it. Forget about maxing our your "score" unless you're going to summit Everest. You want comfort, versatility, affordability, and most importantly: long-lasting clothing that's durable enough to make it worth it. Being able to wear your clothing in many different situations is a big deal. Without proper layering, you'll need 4x as many outfits, or more. If you just buy maxed-out "techwear", you'll end up with a bunch of stuff isn't meant to be worn together. But maybe I've got a different defintion of "techwear", where it has some utility or design elements made for active/outdoor use, or otherwise is made to conform to the needs of a real human body that changes temperature, gets sweaty, gets cold, and doesn't want to look (or smell) badly for any of it.
For socks, Darn Tough merino socks. Gloves, I like OR and North Face! They aren't the best, but they often go on deep sale on Amazon, and ended up being the most bang-for-the-buck. Hard to justify La Sportiva shoes/boots/approach gear for 10x the cost.
When I discovered the sensation of wearing my favorite red midi skirt with white Huarache sneakers running to catch my bus... That was the best. I think techwear is like tequila in a cocktail, too much and you'll make a mess. It depends on each person tho.
I started watching this video opened to get some ideas on an outfit I was putting together. And everything you said made me realize I was thinking about it the right way already so, Cheers mate!
nah, i just wanna look like a modern assassin creed characters
Hell yeah😂
Y e s
Been striving towards this for years looolll
mhhm yeah thats pretty much my reason as well
I just love clothes with lots of pockets
Me 2
they have to be deep
Don't forget buckles and zippers.. essential
When people listen to drill
facts I like my jeans. I want cargo jeans
If we all wear tech wear we will wind up looking like CyberPunk
Hell yeah 😎
your fvking right 💖
the national gdp of most countries would have to increase by a factor of 10
With a big dong
Yo i dont look so buged
In short terms: Don't buy techwear just for the branding but rather for the functionality. It's almost like some gamers going for "gaming" products without exploring better options on the market
O boy I've seen some 'gaming' products which are hot garbage
Gamer compressed air
Gamer girls
then there is people like me who knows there are better options on the market but still buy the most expensive stuff cause it looks cool and why not
@@nikoopperman931 It really is a waste of money. You can literally use your house pressure washer to clean your stuff.
To me techwear is just the futuristic, street ninja look, so aesthetics only. Quite happy with my Uniqlo parka and black cargp pants and an Axel Arigatp tee.
Nothing wrong with that!
@@starskey7 there are a crap ton of cargo pants and you don't need to go for specific brands
Fully agree I like the aesthetic too and not all of my trousers are waterproof
what pants u got
any basic clothing store will have cargo pants
Title: why you shouldn't buy techwear.
Me after spending 400 dollars on it:
*Heavy breathing*
I was going to give you a like but then I saw that you have 69 likes and it would be shame if I broke it.
@@PyZuch same 😂 can’t break it unless I’m sure we can get it to 420
@@kyerafling8177 well we have officially crossed that line next comes 666
@@justend9760 i was gonna add a like on this comment but saw it was a 6
@@PyZuch we’ll just get your reply to 69 likes
As someone who’s trying to get into this kind of fashion, this was really eye opening
I found it really eye-rolling 🤷
@@shinobi-no-bueno you rollin a lot are ya?
Techwear has become such a meme that I kinda shy away from the subculture, I just want to wear functional clothing that also looks aesthetic.
Become a meme?
#techwear and r/techwear have been Memes since their early days
Don't we all mate?... Don't we all?
Physika you can’t even use the word aesthetic correctly in a sentence never mind wear clothing that’s functional 😂 FOH
Fuck everyone else you do you
I swear Techwar community is the most gatekeeping fashion community out there.
what's gatekeeping ?
Just Some Guy With A Smug Face I think you mean gapeassing
K ok. It’s like when ppl don’t share where they get stuff and it’s focused on exclusivity
Lol im just here cuz im customising jeans for my bf 😂 i didnt think it went that deep tf
@Shdjdjaskdj Ajdjdjsjdieoq exactly just express yourself and wear what you want. My friend got the cops called on him once for wearing clothes with a lot of pouches, they said he looked suspicious, he was eating french fries at a skate park... idk man people just try too hard to make you feel some way about how you dress when it shouldn't matter.
I think the "is this techwear" council likes cyberpunk a lot, where crimes and exotic weathers are happening at any time. And the futuristic waterproof hardshell and goretex shoes can save their lives.
yeah, like i think some of the techninja fits look great but nobody can pretend that they really need to be 100% waterproof all day everyday in some giant ass shell. that just sounds annoying as hell to me.
Also if you ever get a light dusting of nuclear fallout, you can shower down with Decon90 before doffing your contaminated clothes and not get wet.
Cyberpunk left such a bad taste in my mouth and I hate associated stuff with it
@@andrewbay8891 Go play the original RPG (the tabletop one) or watch Blade Runner. Cyberpunk the genre remains cool af
Ive been wearing this type of "style" even before knowing it was called "techwear" i just love the pockets, straps and the functionality
Me too
I've been with the style since the 90's
I would go for techwear if I'm not being cooked in the urban tropics of my country, the everyday weather is either you'll get heat stroke in 30 min, or you'll get a cold in 30 min. Its either being cooked by the sun or bombarded by the rain there is no in between.
I just love the aesthetics... I didn’t think it was this deep lmao
Just watch the video-- he's just giving bringing up a different way of approaching tech-wear rather than JUST aesthetics. Both are fine and it isn't deep.
Welcome to techware XD
yea it originally was like sustainable and utility
Can someone tell me what is that about,why is it "deep" I dont have time to watch this rn,sorry
He’s just saying how most people who get into techwear do it because they like the aesthetic, but because they are also so shit at fashion, they they end up looking like clowns, even after sinking thousands of dollars into it.
This is definitely one of your most necessary video because if it's techwear or any other fashion choice what's really important is how each item fits with your wardrobe. The techwear genre is largely misunderstood and generally approached in a meme like fashion where if it isn't overly LARPy or cosplay it gets overlooked. Coming from a military/law enforcement background I can say alot of our gear fit what techwear is so our approach has always focused on performance, wear/breathability etc and I just assumed others chose clothing in accordance with what works for them personally. Anyway, that's my two cents, thanks again for a great video!
Living in Canada, means most of your closet is technically techwear by default, im jealous of you poeple who can choose to buy jackets that aren't waterproof
And here I am from the tropics trying to move to Canada so I can justify purchasing waterproof clothes
Exactly I was just looking for a backpack to survive Canadian winters now I’m on techwear YT by accident lol
Wait. This stuffed got is "tech wear"? Damn we In do futurer
“Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead.” -Rick Owens
Working out is modern couture
Go outdoors you soft spoon fed clean boots 😂😂
@@JoeZUGOOLA peen breath
I workout 6 days a week and love the look of techwear (true hard gainers like baggy clothing)
really coming after r/techwearclothing with this one.
That sub is gatekeeped like hell
@@arko9151 that sub is hell, if it's not some super pricey or techninja type shit with obvious GORTEX ACG slapped in big white writing. I've learnt that personally the whole techninja aesthetic, although cool is very much not worth the payoff vs minimalist techwear products. I'm more into technical military clothing/smart techwear because it let's me mesh my own style in a way that's transformative or just in general nicer.
that sub is so clown lmao. they're so hype on listing their pieces of clothing but the outfits look like shit 95% of the time
the term "functional clothing" is way more broad and fitting than "techwear". I get why ERLSN and others dont like to use the term, and I also prefer just looking for specific functionality. And this includes form, material, fit, looks, social messaging, whatnot. And this is all stuff "techwear" can cater to. While most people live in very different situations and use cases, there is no "techwear" style fpr everyone; its way more divers.
Also: I much prefer DIYing stuff to buying expensive functional clothing, and with a good bit of practice you can get not as good results as acrnm but you can come very close. With the right materials and some design practice this is a great thing to do!
Agree, I think "techwear" refers to something a sci-fi engineer would wear.
@@therandomscout6590 it also implies electrical technology which does not neccesarily have to be used in functional clothing for everyday life.
3:41 my mans skipping leg day smh
@@StreetTrainedWarriors nobody cares..
@@StreetTrainedWarriors i feel like youre the type to say "sounds gay" to a guy just speaking about a man... no matter the context
@@StreetTrainedWarriors clearly you live in a bubble cause there are plenty men that use "my mans" as a version of "bro" or "dude"
When I'm searching for pieces, I just use the term, tactical, waterproof or military. That's just me. Also, keep up the good work Antenna👍🏼
Lots of good tactical stuff out there that definitely fits the "techwear" criteria
I definitely love techwear and I gave it a lot of thought before I decided to get into it.. but I’m getting into it slowly and patiently. Making sure that the pieces I love also adapt to my own style and how it can go with my own wardrobe. I want techwear to work for me and not the way around because it’s so easy to fall into a cheesy trendy looking outfit. It’s important to not loose your self in the style but to rock it but with your own flavor and personality. That’s where I feel creative and innovative techwear is born. Just my opinion thanks!
Sounds like you've got the right idea!
What I get from this is: “Pick your own style and choose quality utilitarian clothing that fits that style. Techwear achieved.”
I exploded into laughter when you said “techwear exodia”
4:33 you got me man
Lol, the first thing I thought was the heart of the cards.
Best part of the vid! 😩
Easiest way to weed out the bad apples: Stay away from the brands who claim to be 'techwear'. Unfortunately, it's normally the more expensive brands whom don't make this claim :P
Huh - never knew there was a word for it... thank you. Practical clothing with good material, comfort, loads of pockets, and a dark plain colour with no branding is my favourite type of clothing.
I live in the southeast US, so during the summer my "techwear" outfit includes chubbies, a light blue columbia fishing shirt, a bucket hat and a pair of sperrys
I have literally just discovered the term techwear minutes ago, and I'm absolutely in love. I've always liked that vibe but I had no idea what it was called!
I'm resonating with the message a lot tho. I'm drawn to the aesthetic largely because of how it looks, but strickly with respect to how the outfit flows together. I also realize that there are other areas of fashion that I wanna draw from to combine with techwear, so glad to hear I'm on the right path as far as the mindset goes.
One day I'll be able to afford the aesthetic that I want haha. Great video, you've got another follower!
I don't even know what techwear is, I was just looking up a boot in my closet that I haven't seen in years to see if it's any good or not.
And all I have to say is; Bravo
I'm confused. Can't you wear the boots to tell?
This is my first time ever even hearing the words "tech wear"
Me too, trying to keep up with tribes but is hard
me too honestly
Seems like some useful clothing though hey. I wanna get some good pants. Think about good quality work pants and the types of pocket arrangements they have. All they need is special fabric so I don't rip the damn crotch area of the pants when kneeling on the ground to do work.
Antwon: don’t impulse buy tech wear
Me: haha goretex shell goes brrrr
Omg 😂😂
Yeah I agree with this 100 percent. Your advice can be put into use for buying any type of clothing , doesn't matter if it's techwear or any other sub genre in fashion. There were countless amount of times I bought clothes that doesn't suit my style or environment just because I think that it will gain me more points from other people that's into fashion. This video will really save a lot of money for people who just started caring about clothing .
I never felt compelled to any aesthetic because it always seemed so limiting. Now, the secret agent/techwear aesthetic feels completely different to me. It's nothing you do for attention, you have to put effort into it because it's quite rare compared to soft boy aesthetic or something. Less people will tell me that I don't fit the aesthetic because they simply don't know it, and I can comfortably stay with my own choices without commitment.
Great vid man. Your viewpoint is exactly how I view techwear. My style is more military, gritty, cyberpunk, etc. So when I search for technical clothing I don't just make blind purchases just because they are grail brands. I love Guerilla Group bc they fit my aesthetic but they also have some fits that I am not interested in achieving. Best advice is to do your research and be aware of who is at the forefront of techwear but to also buy items that fit your look not just items that check a box. I'm about to purchase my first Stony jacket but my reasoning is that it fits my aesthetic and is practical for my lifestyle. With that mindset you wind up with a more sensible wardrobe that is curated by you personally and you may wind up developing a more unique look.
Yes, as someone relatively new to techwear, I've realized the utilitarianism and simplistic style at the core of techwear. I tend to choose items that are appropriate for my area's climate and actually within my budget. A number of items in my collection aren't made as techwear, or even from top brands, but serve a purpose, both aesthetically and practically.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Techwear. The style is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the functionality will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also ACRONYM's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into their clothing - their personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these clothes, to realize that they're not just cool- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Techwear truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in ACRONYM's existencial catchphrase "Waterproof fabric," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Errolson Hugh's genius unfolds itself on their bodies. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Techwear tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
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I agree
Pickle Rick Owens.
This is definitely copypasta lmao +1
Quality shitpost
Same paradigm with searching for streetwear - you’re going to get anything but the forward thinking fashion from the streets. Great work Animorphs
Yeah Southern California tech wear dudes seriously don’t realize that it literally rains here like 3 times a year
It’s windy and cold where I live in so cal
I’m so tired of sun and heat! We goths are NOT okay out here! 😭
you have a weird knack for taking these discussions in directions I never anticipate when clicking, lol. I got into techwear because I needed winter coats and stuff, but ended up in a weird place where my everyday wear (Elhaus and Riot Division mostly) is "aesthetic techwear" and the stuff I wear when I wanna go out on the town and flex on people is completely different. never really thought about that before.
hold on i didnt finish the video before posting this. you have a girlfriend? unfollowed
Man, I just wanna wear whatever I find nice, idc what others think or whatever fits w what 😔
I've been wearing this style for years in the right way you described not even realizing it and it's literally all SO handy. Not over the top. I don't pay a ton either. I don't post or talk about it. The egirls love it too.
great point! fashion becomes more and more competitive, especially in "techwear" fashion. it's like the basic women's fashion mindset. everyone thinks like "ok, how do the most influencial people wear their outfits? i'm gonna copy that so i can be validated as fashionable by everyone else" (in our case erollson hugh or the guy with the most likes with #techwear for example) rather than finding out what your own aesthtic is and how to deliver it in the best way possible.
Oml I flipped when I saw that starter pack cause I do have the Uniqlo womens blocktech parka, the reindee lusion steven cargos and an orbit gear R202 SP-BK. .
That aside, this video was a real eye-opener for someone who just recently got into the genre of technical wear. Thought it was a great point that one shouldn't merely subscribe to the typical uniform and instead consider the functionality of the items and how one can make a cohesive wardrobe to develop their own style. Good stuff
Girls: we have two pockets and can't fit anything
Meanwhile boy: Pockets belongs to us
This sounds like what someone who lives in Night City in the Cyberpunk games would say.
NeoMilitarism for sure
I dont know how i even found that video but here is my take on the subject:
I personally believe the term Tech-wear just derived from some poeple first starting to integrate outdoor, hiking or travel gear with other styles of street or sports fashion thus creating the subgenre.
I agree with the fact that a certain amount of functionality is to be considered before buying because of he outdoor aspect. Even though when i went to buy some clothes for an Iceland trip in 2014 and later a Philippines trip in 2018 i noticed the marketing in the Outdoor market is somewhat even crazier than in the fashion market using terms like water resistance and durability of items as selling points.
I think it comes down to what you just concluded: Think before you buy and more than anything, think if you will be happy wearing these clothes in the long run. Not just buying and enjoying the rush of spending money. That applies to all styles of fashion and life in general. Especially the fashion world is highly psychologic and built to make us buy certain items just becaus they are fashionable right now and an entire aparatus of advertisements and social media influence is built around that to make us spend our money.
In the end the one thing that makes any outfit look great is the person wearing it nd the confidence he/she carries. And if you stay dry while doing so it´s a plus...but rain can be nice aswell.
I would like to go outside more if I could wear clothes that fit my sort of esthetic, but also function as a utilitarian piece of clothing that fits my needs. That is your key
This just popped in my recommended after looking at a review of these cool pants I found. I didnt even know there was a “techwear” culture. I just like the way and style of these types of clothes and it makes me feel good wearing it. I cant believe there is a rating system for peoples outfits. What are we in the military? just wear what you like
You know what else is techwear? A comfortable carhartt shirt or merino wool socks
Everybody is saying. "Is this tech wear" but nobody ask
How is Antwon?
Cause that’s not what I came for
Those are some very good points, seriously. Personally, I dearly love the cyberninja aesthetic and find a lot of inspiration in techwear, but naturally gravitate towards minimal athleisure (cozy boi forever) with a bit of a futuristic/avantgarde edge rather than dressing up for the war against the machines. Knowing what you like and not wearing it for imaginary style points-and that includes hype-is the most conscious way to consume and build a wardrobe that'll outlast trends. I have 40€ Adidas sneakers I wear with shirts from A Cold Wall, because I love both equally and they work together.
If the stuff you own doesn't have intrinsic value for you and you alone, why do you even own it in the first place? Your fits will never be good enough in the eyes of gatekeeping elitists, and most of the other people around you probably don't have the same perception of the brands/aesthetic you like, or they simply don't care about fashion in the first place, which is also perfectly viable.
It just clothing, after all. Have fun with it.
Nice point, it's just a thing, have fun! lol
"is it gonna come in a size that fits me"? No. No it isn't 😭 cries in short and fat *
Nothing like a waking up to an antwon vid on a nice fresh morning
People are too serious about that.
Just wear what you like
If you think it looks amazing, wear it
the way he casually slips in some memes is kinda smooth
watch frugal aesthetic
This is mostly pretty spot on. To me it was always a goal of primarily finding what you need for clothing in general and then trying to find a version of it that fit the futuristic/industrial/cyberpunk look and feel
I related to the style before "techwear" was even a thing!
Ahead of the game 😎
same here, only just found out in the last year it has a name
This was me with Dark Academia at the start of the year lol 😂
@@sapphivvs4197 same
I just want to look like I can carry everything with me. I have my spaghetti, my microwave, my cat tower,my phone, headphones,and the whole series of Shrek
Hi Antwon, this video is deep. Nicely put to emphasize the true timelessness of so called "techwear" clothing, because this IS clothing. CoVid19 crisis seems to be impacting our perceptions to deconstruct the ordinary reality to find the common divine within. Again, great video!
Super Cargo wear:
-Cargo Pants
-Cargo Shirt
-Cargo Jacket
-Freight Backpack
-Alot of Carabiner
-One hella strong Buckle for your pants, because its gonna be heavy
-Steel toe Shoes
-you can travel anywhere with your stuff
-you can bring everything you need and not to worry of running out of pockets
-no need to worry for your toe getting hurt
-Basically a weight training
-you can bring infinite amount of EDC items
-Easy to rob
-Weight like a small island
-Slow you down like a snail
-not easy to stand balanced
-Hot like your grandma's oven
-everyone gonna thinks youre a traveler
I'm also into J-fashion and this philosophy can 100% be applied to that too. Right now I'm not really interested in going all-techwear all the time, but a utility jacket and cyberpunky trainers would be nice purchases.
Those are great questions to ask yourself. Just because you love a style or trend doesn’t mean that it suits you.
"Me asking myself why I need another jacket."
Boy if that ain't the truth
This is a great video; by considering your own likes and comforts, how it will look on your body (and if your ok with that) then that piece of clothing will be worth to buy because you will use it a lot.
Now before watching this video I already knew that I should buy clothing I think I’ll wear often in the future, but this video made me think now to look for the “how and why” that this clothing piece would make me comfortable to wear it for the longevity of the future.
This was an eye opening video, thank you for helping me make smart purchases.
I always wore Gothic style type of clothing so I’m kind of mad it’s a thing now. 🤣
I've been wearing techwear since I was a kid in the 90's I've always loved Japanese brands . And I've been wearing black most of my life so I've been way ahead of the curve . Even before it had a name
This video is just one massive personal attack please leave me alone 🥺
The side comments and photos were too good 😂😂 where do I find that duck poncho the little kid had, peak tech wear
Oh boy, I always thought it's just me, with these clothes... actually I think I accidentally made a subgenre of techwear, I call it "The Jedi from Mirkwood"
Anyway, thanks for making me not feel strange
Just discovered your channel and I'm glad I took time to listen. Honestly I like some of the aesthetics of this style of fashion, honestly I want things that look cool but also won't fall apart in 2-3 wash cycles. Also skeptical of some sites selling the stuff. I'm constantly checking BBB and review threads to see if they're trustworthy.
generally just buy/wear clothes that you like. of course, you can get inspirations from your idols or celebrities, but do not exactly wear the same outfit if it doesnt fit your style, or physical appearances. do not follow trends! cuz sometimes you'll end up dressing the same with other people in public 😆
I really love these styles and at first I was like "dayuuummm, these clothes are cool~" but each time I've seen it a lot, I then realized there's a reason why there are so many pockets on it and I was like "man, I really do need a lot of pockets so I won't need to bring my bag very often.". I really love wearing something simple (which means that I don't need to feel too tricky bringing my bag outside) but it looks pretty darn cool
I think techwear is just an umbrella term for anything dystopian, futurist or cyberpunk. Ofcourse it's a shame that the performance element is disregarded in most "techwear" labelled clothing.
But for example MXDVS, they label themselves as punk and make some great "techwear" pieces. It's all in the eye of the beholder honestly.
anyways, my futuristic assassin era is coming
*me, someone highly interested in Golden Age menswear and natural fiber, because those early 1920s silhouettes suit me quite well* clicks on this video
*also me* 'Interesting'
same lol 1920s had the best suits
@@DemetriosLevi Hi friend
This is me with Victorian and Edwardian clothing with my dark academia and vaporwave tastes constantly fighting over my wardrobe.
I've just recently started getting into this "cyber futuristic streetwear" type of clothing, I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a techwear sub-genre of some sort but it genuinely looks super cyberpunk influenced. I'm talking about brands like Machine56 and Fabric of the Universe. I really love the aesthetic of those brands, not worried about performance or functionality, I just absolutely love the looks.
I love the aesthetic of it but I’m a big boy and a lot of the tech wear clothing runs very small. Also I live in SoCal we don’t get much rain and it’s usually warm for all the layers
I came upon this video while watching Cyberpunk mask vids. This sounds like what I do. I look for clothing that is useful and that fits my style. My main priority is always "Is this practical?" Gonna watch more of your vids and look more into this type of fashion.
My fav pastime now is experimenting on outfits at home.
Basically in short if you are too lazy to hear the 11:37 minute of what Antwon is talking about
Heres a summary:
Do not purchase items that are listed as ‘techwear’ as this items are more directed to the aesthetic of techwear rather than the functionality and quality so this items tend to tear or wear off much faster than items that techwear users wear but not listed as techwear clothing ; Brands to start off with could be Nike Acronym or MXDVS to name a few good quality items
Thank you
Can you make a “tactical” boots video?
Love your channel, keep up the great work!
Hiking boots good for humps
i want to wear techwear, alternative, kidcore, weirdcore, basic ass shit, warwear, tactical fashion, and literally everything.
also, techwear is easy to get cheap- a magical place called *shein* . i fucking love it.
Glad this is the first video I found when I searched tech wear
It’s interesting to see this style develop. I subconsciously had built up clothing like this for the last decade. Black, hooded, and lots of y-3. Since then, I’m thrilled with the direction it’s gone. Big fan of machine56, dsptch, fuga (out of tokyo) stutterheim and a lot of the gortek addidas stuff.
This was really useful especially considering that often I watch your videos and assume that I have to cop the pieces that you talk about in your video because you have deemed them as techwear
Found this when I sporadically pondered how to make permanent drawing markings of clothing.
Stayed because you remind me of Methos from Highlander :D
Never thought I'd start following a fashion channel but, here we are!
I tend to just get stuff with lots of pockets, so you know. Hobo -style mostly. I'm not really that wealthy. Big trench coat, or baggy vest with 10+ pockets, camo-cargo pants with even more pockets ( _but tbh I'd prefer a different set of pants that are soft, baggy and wide but good luck finding THAT, or we clothes in general that's baggy I prefer, with wide arms.. I miss my "Technomancer Hoodie", as the zipper broke and elbows shredded.._ ), tabi shoes because other shoes have broken down and I get blisters from EVERY SHOE I EVER GET.
Goddamn I hate shoes.
This guy trying to get kicked from r/techwearclothing subreddit!
*Totally agree with your vid.
Never heard of techwear in my life but I just realized that the custom tailored pants I get for work are techwear. I got extra zip pockets added to these really good quality work pants.
How tf did the algorithm know I'd want this? It's all about the pockets man.
This seems like a natural thing that would mesh well with EDC culture.
More vids during isolation season please, Ant.
OMG! I'm glad I found this video first! The truth is, I didn't know that "Techwear" was something until I saw some random video on FB. I really like the style, just didn't know it had a name. That video made me want to look more into it, and here I am! But I'm a newbee in the fashion world... All my life I've been wearing clothes gifted to me or passed on me... my family's situation didn't allowed my parents to take me to buy an actual wardrobe of my own. I'm lost as to what is MY style, I kinda hate half (or more) of the clothing I have right now, but when I'm thinking about adopting a style, I also don't want to "stick" to one, since I have a wide range of "styles" I like, I loved how you explained it! I want to create my own wardrobe in terms of how it fits, how it works toghether and how functional it is for me and my lifestyle. Loved your video! Thank you so much for being honest!!
I own 3/4 of the techwear starter pack😂
It wouldn't be a starter pack if it wasn't popular!
can you name them please?
@@ledrghshkkddj well in the picture it looks like the Orbit Gear OG Sling, The Reindee Lusion Stephen Cargos, And the Condor Aegis jacket. I have all 3 except the Nike Acg Kmtr
@@aidanwhunter Thank you. Appreciate your answer
@@ledrghshkkddj I'd recommend the jacket and the sling bag, but not the pants. The sizing is off and they trap heat
Bruhhhhh the ad before this was literally an ad for techwear💀💀😂😂😂
save money to buy tp instead of techwear
sadinesu techwear Egyptian
I see your point , like the clothes are really comfortable and some are water resistant, it’s just the shoes that i bought in large and aren’t comfortable because I didn’t get them in XL lmao.
Just do you tech boo boo...
Hype beasts are off it now. So, let's bring back the personal touch
At the end of the day just wear what you want. Don't let anyone influence your style. Also just because something cost more it doesn't automatically means it's better. Also just do your research and read reviews.
Tbh I don’t care. I’m buying it!
Lol if you like it go for it
@@clank2269 Exactly!
As a mountaineer, I've been wearing "techwear" every day for years and years. That means merino baselayers; highly breathable and with a huge range of temperatures I can use it in. Adding many well thought-out layers (inspired by mountain-climbing, where you need to stay warm and be able to break a sweat!) really helps. Making it all look good isn't easy, but it sure is fun. People underestimate how good a decent Burton hoodie can look, while being ultra-comfortable, cool, decently weather/windproof, affordable and easy to layer. Great video! Surprised to see it. I recommend Icebreaker/Smartwool merino undergarments, and no, you're not gonna have much look just look at "North Face", although their footwear and gloves are great. Lightweight OR jackets are nice. Want a 6.5-ounce down jacket for winter? Grab a Ghost Whisperer jacket from Mountain Hardwear. You can fit it in your pocket when you're not wearing it. Forget about maxing our your "score" unless you're going to summit Everest. You want comfort, versatility, affordability, and most importantly: long-lasting clothing that's durable enough to make it worth it.
Being able to wear your clothing in many different situations is a big deal. Without proper layering, you'll need 4x as many outfits, or more. If you just buy maxed-out "techwear", you'll end up with a bunch of stuff isn't meant to be worn together.
But maybe I've got a different defintion of "techwear", where it has some utility or design elements made for active/outdoor use, or otherwise is made to conform to the needs of a real human body that changes temperature, gets sweaty, gets cold, and doesn't want to look (or smell) badly for any of it.
For socks, Darn Tough merino socks. Gloves, I like OR and North Face! They aren't the best, but they often go on deep sale on Amazon, and ended up being the most bang-for-the-buck. Hard to justify La Sportiva shoes/boots/approach gear for 10x the cost.
When I discovered the sensation of wearing my favorite red midi skirt with white Huarache sneakers running to catch my bus... That was the best.
I think techwear is like tequila in a cocktail, too much and you'll make a mess. It depends on each person tho.
he's not saying don't wear it, he's saying don't wear techwear just because it's techwear and only wear a techwear item if it's one you like
Go outdoors you soft, spoon fed, clean boots 😂😂
I started watching this video opened to get some ideas on an outfit I was putting together. And everything you said made me realize I was thinking about it the right way already so, Cheers mate!