Yes, I know that I used the old Mario chromatic and yes, I know that the poll shows that more people like the new Mario chromatic, BUT I ultimately decided that the old one was perfectly fine and decided to stick with it. The old one is just too iconic at this point and is associated with me. Sorry if you preferred the new one, it's still in the Google Drive if you want to use it though! Hope you still enjoy these covers!
Atrocity but it's Master chief and Doom slayer Master chief: I can take this guy down Doom slayer: shut up green man Master chief: really Doom slayer: yeah you heard me shut up Then Master chief and Doom slayer rap battle each other
@2fast 4u He sounds like a robot not Sonic and chromatic’s like TGT, Sonic.exe without the pitch changes, and prey sound more like Sonic than this robot
I hate how the Sonic chromatic is inconsistent with the voice clip at the beginning. Like, Sonic went from Jason to Roger in a matter of seconds and it's disgusting, good cover though
@@Cobalt_Blue3005 Does Tails have red or blue shoes? Appearance. Tails, through the series, as maintained a constant design throughout the series. His design consists of a fox with Orange and white fur, blue eyes, big ears, and his famous two bushy tails. He also have a re-memorable 3 tuffs of hair on his head, and white and red shoes. he has red shoes. don't question me as i am the bigger sonic fan
Yes, I know that I used the old Mario chromatic and yes, I know that the poll shows that more people like the new Mario chromatic, BUT I ultimately decided that the old one was perfectly fine and decided to stick with it. The old one is just too iconic at this point and is associated with me. Sorry if you preferred the new one, it's still in the Google Drive if you want to use it though! Hope you still enjoy these covers!
oh thank god
It’s alright dude we’re cool with it
@@thedraftingax5963 HOW DO I ALWAYS MANAGE TO FIND YOU
Don't worry I like the old Mario chromatic
@@vincentgaming1234 yeah me too
Why do I feel like Peach needs her own sprites so she can also sing and not be in the background? Also the cover is great
trevorkraft made one for peach i think
The most iconic video game company rivalry is here
This is amazing, Two of my favorite video game characters. Great cover man
0:24 and what does your hedgehog do?
He becomes a synth machine
He what?
I love the opening, it makes wish Mario could talk in the games instead of either being inaudible or talking in Gibberish
Mama mia!
As much as I preferred the new Mario chromatics, the old one is still great and will remain a fan favorite
Coming back to this… HURTS.
oh don't you remind me....
@@p1000-ratti what happened?
@@p1000-rattihey im wondering what happend
I know...
At Least He Used The Old Chromatic Of Mario
My Favourite Characters are Back in Another Cover Good Job Quickestfire!
Dang this is another great cover! I remember when I first saw the two together! Great times indeed
Rest in peace to this person... Although I don't think he actually died. He just never uploaded in years... 😞
Bro vanished
Where did you go :(
Holy Moly Roly-poly Eating Guacamole! This is AWESOME!! Mario And Sonic At The Olympic Games was great, but this is next level! 10/10 for sure.
Basically what you did was turn atrocity into cross console clash but its still great
This is an awesome cover! Also, can I make a stop motion of the Mario & Luigi Monochrome cover please?
Yes you can, just credit me!
@@quickestfire1590 Thanks so much 🙏🏻
I love how their personality’s swapped in the begining
Nada mal chico, espectacular sin duda pusiste todo tu esfuerzo en esta canción
how do you manage to replicate cherribun's style so well?
I forgot that this channel exist
Now im Playing Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games As Mario, Shadow, Waluigi and Eggman.
dude are you ever coming back
I figured one day you'd cover Mario vs Sonic. Good Cover. 👍
I kinda missed how they were still kinda rivals in the original Olympic Games commercials
It's so... Perfect
These are so good. I hope one day the new mario and Luigi become a download able
Sonic hitting those high notes tho.
his voice isnt deepr than mario loaol
this is........AMAZING!
Dope Cover
nice cover keep up👍
How did I miss this this is awesome!
Peach and Amy are probably grabbing a coffee
and daisy and cream getting some popcorn with knuckles and donkey con getting a salad
Stuff like this all comes up to preference
When are you making a new video?
Never played of the Olympic games but I do remember playing 2020 one but it was the demo
yoo epic
and ofc my favorite character sonic!
Nice reference to Sonic anda Mario they Olympic Games this cover si very cool this cover deserves yo hace likes Nice cover 👍
Have you seen The Super Mario Bros Movie?
Tails and Luigi be spittin!
Dope teamwork
I love this! 💚❤️💙💛
Good artwork
Mario And Sonic at rio in 2016 be like:
I see Mario and Sonic as best friends
They are actually friends after being rival for so long
Nicely did cover good job!
This is great 👍
D side version would probably be Lilac vs Shantae
Atrocity but it's Master chief and Doom slayer
Master chief: I can take this guy down
Doom slayer: shut up green man
Master chief: really
Doom slayer: yeah you heard me shut up
Then Master chief and Doom slayer rap battle each other
I can’t wait until the new VS mario is released
Top de mais😍😍😍😍 pac man vs kirby
What happened to you bro? You haven't posted in 2 years!
Hmmmmm This Makes Me Wonder Do Bf And Gf Like The Same Video Game Company Or Different?
Every time something like this someone starts burning someone down for having an opinion on who is better
Could you make an Abuse cover if you haven't already?
Reminds me of Mario & Sonic at the Olympics
That’s what it’s based off of/referencing
holy shit the channel is actually alive
Who do you guys think is going to win
This is the only time this Sonic chromatic sounds good
@2fast 4u He sounds like a robot not Sonic and chromatic’s like TGT, Sonic.exe without the pitch changes, and prey sound more like Sonic than this robot
Can i use your Mario and convert reverse Mario vs gummybear?
look like mario and sonic olympic
When are you making a new video
hey quickest fire, is it cool if I use your mario voice in a cover?
Yes, just don't forget to credit me!
@@quickestfire1590 ok!
@@quickestfire1590Hey, can you give me the link to Mario's voice?
Can You Make Devil Gambit but Mario Sings it (Indie Cross Cover)
Know which team is winning this battle
I hate how the Sonic chromatic is inconsistent with the voice clip at the beginning. Like, Sonic went from Jason to Roger in a matter of seconds and it's disgusting, good cover though
Sonic: your too slow!
Mario: I’m literally at the finish line while your were monologing..
Sonic: …
is it okay if i use this cover for a mod?
Can you do a god eater Mario cover?
When the new playable Mario and luigi is going to release @QuickestFire
You Can Make Download Link of Mario Playable With Voice Please for Friday Night Funkin
Mario the music box arc revamped sane ok Marchionne Luciano
mario have to win
but what ft tails and luigi ?
Can I make lyrics?
You used deep fake to make mario and sonic voice at 0:01?
who thinks the reason he hasn't uploaded since 2022 is cause he's dead or he just quit fnf?
Mario fans and Sonic fans be like:
why does tails have blue shoes
Because that's Rythm rush Tails
Qua: make music cal omnipresent
make a mod
Mayro vs sanic
why not using guitar mario
Console War 2022
Why’d did they’re personalize swap in the behining
Why tails got blue running shoes???
Vídeo now
why dose everyone use the EXACT SAME tails sprite. its doesn't even RIGHT COLOUR on his shoes .
who ever made the tails sprite. fix the dam shoes.
there red not blue.
They were supposed to be blue but changed into red after a color error
@@Cobalt_Blue3005 they where always red
@@jumpygamer123 search it up
@@Cobalt_Blue3005 Does Tails have red or blue shoes?
Appearance. Tails, through the series, as maintained a constant design throughout the series. His design consists of a fox with Orange and white fur, blue eyes, big ears, and his famous two bushy tails. He also have a re-memorable 3 tuffs of hair on his head, and white and red shoes.
he has red shoes. don't question me as i am the bigger sonic fan
Nice artwork and music and all but you kind of mess up the tails and Luigi part